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Unit (12): Omar and Rania's visit to Qalqilya

Word Meaning Word Meaning

any ‫ من‬, ‫أي‬ out ‫فً الخارج‬
then ‫ثم‬ them ‫لهم‬
some ‫بعض‬ move ‫ٌتحرك‬
us ‫لنا‬ fruit ‫فواكــه‬
last ‫األخٌر‬ vegetables ‫خضروات‬
those ‫ اسم إشارة للبعٌد‬/ ‫أولئك‬ plant ‫نبات‬
‫حافظ على‬
these ‫ اسم إشارة للقرٌب‬/ ‫هؤالء‬ keep calm
a restaurant ‫مطعم‬ of course ‫بالطبع‬

1- Listening
A) listen and choose the answer :
1- The family visited ( Nablus , Jennie , Qalqilya )
2- Omar liked the ( giraffe , rabbit , lion )
3- Rania liked the ( giraffe , rabbit , cow )
4- Olives are ( vegetables , fruit , plant )
5- The family sat in the ( restaurant , home , park )
A) Match (A) with (B);
1- Where did the family go? ( ) yes, I did.
2- Why did dad get angry? ( ) Some songs.
3- Did you visit Qalqilya? ( ) To Qalqilya.
4- What did Omar and Rania sang? ( ) Because there were lots of cars.

3- Reading
The family visited Wadi al Badan. There were lots of small pools. Omar
and Rania liked to play in the water. It was very cold. Then the family went to
a restaurant for dinner. Rania and Omar liked the fruit and vegetables. The
parents sat in the restaurant.

A) Answer the following :
1- What did Omar and Rania like?
2- Where did the parents sit?

B) Choose the correct answer :

1- There were lots of small (gardens, pools, houses)
2- The family went to the restaurant for ( dinner , sing , play )
3- The water was very ( hot , cold , nice )

C) Get from the passage :

1- The opposite of big × ………….. hot × ……..
2- The past of go ……………….. visit ………………………
3- Two names ………………., ………………..
4- Two places ………………… , ………………
5- A preposition …………….
6-The pronoun it refers to ………………………

4- Vocabulary
A) Complete the spaces with words from the list:
those – move – then - out – last
1- The family visited Qalqilya ……………… week end.
2- I don’t like these apples, I want ………………….
3- There are lots of cars . When can we ………………?
4- Mum said " Get ……….. of the water !".
5- We went to the cinema and …………… to a restaurant to eat.

5- Language.
A) Choose the correct answer :-
1- Could I have ( some , any , us ) figs, please ?
2- Ali ( play , played , playing ) on the computer yesterday.
3- I ( visited , visit , visiting ) my uncle every week .
4- She ( go , goes , going ) to school every day .
5- Children ( were , is , was ) cold and wore sweaters.

B) Correct the mistake :-
1- The family go to a restaurant yesterday . ( )
2- There was lots of plants on the farm . ( )
3- The family drive to Qalqilya . ( )
4- Let's go in a walk . ( )
5- We don't want them of these bags . ( )
6- Get in of the water . ( )

C) Look and answer:

1. Did you do your homework yesterday ? (  )
2. Did they drink milk in the morning ? ( x )
3. Did he go to the mosque last Friday ? (  )
4.Did she help her mum yesterday ? ( x )

6- Writing
A) Write correctly :
1- dad gave the children their sweaters
2- can i have some grapes please
3- the family visited qalqilya

B) Copy;
Omar and Rania sang some songs .


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