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How to spot a liar

In our time finding a liar became a very difficult task. In society where lie is
commonplace, liars are experts of telling stories. I talking not about a little girl whose
blushing cheeks are telling that she is the one who broke the window, but about
professional liars, that ones who cannot be defined by most common traits. You already
know that a liar can be spotted by crossed hands, strange looks, long pauses or rushed
speak. Now I will tell you some other patterns that can give you warning.

a step back
If while answering the question the person who you talked to are making a step back
they are probably lying. A step back can be a sign that talker is feeling stress caused by
your words. They are afraid that if their lie will be exposed, you will punish them.

a turn away
Motives of this gesture are similar to previous. But in this example liar is trying to create
a movement that in the long run will lead away from you.

hands in the pockets

If when answering a question the talker begins to hide his hands in pockets or puts
them behind his back, this indicates his insincerity. Hands play a huge role in the
communication of people with each other.

“I don’t know” gesture

We often make this gesture when we are not sure. Hands are spread apart, shoulders
are raised, head is pulled into shoulders, lips are pressed and eyebrows are raised like in
surprise. Any part of this gesture reproduced in the conversation indicates the
insecurity of person in their words.

So, I hope that this newly-acquired knowledge would help you spot a liar around you
colleague or those who close to you. Or will you use it to sharpen your skill in lying?

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