Berger Et Al-2001-Journal of Comparative Neurology

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Differential Distribution of the

Glutamate Transporters GLT-1 and
GLAST in Tanycytes of the
Third Ventricle
Membrane Biology Program, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
Boston, Massachusetts 02115

The ventral one-third of the ventricular lining in the hypothalamus is formed by specialized
ependymal cells called the tanycytes. These cells may serve a neuroendocrine transport function
because of their structural specializations, which include apical microvili on the ventricular
surface and long basal processes that terminate on blood vessels or on the glia limitans. Here, we
describe the expression of mRNA and protein for the glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST
in unique tanycyte populations of the third ventricle in rat brain. Using nonisotopic in situ
hybridization, we demonstrate GLAST mRNA labeling in tanycytes of the ventral floor and
lateral walls in the tuberal and mammillary recess portions of the third ventricle. This GLAST
mRNA labeling had a higher intensity than the labeling intensity observed in regular ependymal
cells throughout the ventricular system. Furthermore, we have identified strong GLT-1 mRNA
labeling in a population of tanycytes situated in the dorsolateral walls of caudal tuberal and
mammillary recess portions. Immunocytochemical staining indicates that both GLT-1 and
GLAST protein are expressed in the tanycyte populations as well. These data corroborate
previous findings that third ventricle tanycytes are functionally heterogeneous. Furthermore, the
GLT-1-expressing tanycytes represent a population of tanycytes that, to date, has not been
recognized as functionally distinct. The strong GLAST expression by the ventral tanycytes in the
hypophysiotropic area suggests a role of tanycyte-mediated glutamate transport in neuroendo-
crine activity. The functional role of GLT-1 in dorsal wall tanycytes remains to be explored. J.
Comp. Neurol. 433:101–114, 2001. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Indexing terms: EAAT1; EAAT2; in situ hybridization

The surfaces of the cerebral ventricles are covered by ther on fenestrated capillaries in the median eminence or
ependymal cells, a glial cell type of astrocytic origin. Form- on the external glial limitans, which abuts the perivascu-
ing mostly a single-cell layer between the ventricular lar space surrounding the hypophysial portal vessels. Be-
spaces and the interstitial areas, the ependymal cells are cause of their unique morphology and their position in the
primarily cuboid or columnar in form, and they possess hypophysiotropic area, these tanycytes in the third ven-
cilia. In the ventrocaudal part of the third ventricle and tricle are thought to provide a link between the cerebro-
also on the surface of the circumventricular organs, the spinal fluid (CSF) and the portal vasculature.
ependymal cells are replaced by an additional ependymal The tanycytes of the median eminence are joined by
cell type, the tanycytes (Flament-Durand and Brion, 1985; tight junctions that restrict free intracellular movement of
Del Bigio, 1995; Bruni, 1998). Tanycytes are characterized
by their elongated nuclei, apical microvili, lack of cilia,
and single elongated basal process that extends far into
the underlying neuropil. The basal processes enwrap Grant sponsor: National Institutes of Health; Grant number: NS 32001.
blood vessels and terminate on neurons or glia. In the *Correspondence to: Urs V. Berger, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Cen-
ter, 330 Brookline Ave., RW861, Boston, MA 02115.
tuberal portion of the third ventricle, encompassing the E-mail:
infundibular recess and the median eminence, the basal Received 14 July 2000; Revised 1 December 2000; Accepted 18 January
processes of tanycytes arch downward and terminate ei- 2001


Figure 1

molecules, in contrast to regular ependymal cells, which mg/kg) and then killed by decapitation, using procedures
are joined by gap junctions (Brightman and Reese, 1969). approved by the Harvard Medical School Animal Welfare
Thus, the passage from CSF to interstitial space in the Committee. Brains were dissected and snap-frozen in iso-
ventral hypothalamus is restricted. This feature and the pentane at ⫺30°C and then either were processed imme-
morphological specializations of the tanycytes (see above) diately or stored at ⫺80°C. All chemicals, unless noted
have prompted the hypothesis that the tanycytes and the otherwise, were obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, MO).
CSF are involved in a transport system that serves some
neuroendocrine function (Flament-Durand and Brion, In situ hybridization
1985; Bruni, 1998). Investigators speculate that hormones The cRNA probes were identical to those used previ-
are secreted into the CSF and then are transported to the ously (Berger and Hediger, 1998). The GLT-1 probe con-
hypophysial-portal vasculature by the tanycytes, in es- tained the whole GLT-1 sequence (1.8 kb; Pines et al.,
sence paralleling the conventional mode of direct axonal 1992), whereas the GLAST probe contained nucleotides
delivery of hormones. Even though a number of studies 58 –2,259 of the GLAST sequence (Storck et al., 1992). The
have demonstrated that the median eminence can take up GLT-1 and GLAST cRNAs were digoxigenin labeled by
substances from the CSF (Silverman et al., 1972; Bjelke transcription from a linearized Bluescript plasmid
and Fuxe, 1993), very little evidence for a tanycyte-
(GLT-1) or from a polymerase chain reaction-generated
mediated directed transport from CSF to the portal vas-
cDNA fragment with flanking SP6 and T7 polymerase
culature has emerged so far, and the strength of this
sites (GLAST). After transcription, all probes were alkali
hypothesis has been discussed extensively (Pilgrim, 1978;
hydrolyzed to an average length of 250 –500 base pairs
Flament-Durand and Brion, 1985; Bruni, 1998). Other
(Schaeren-Wiemers and Gerfin-Moser, 1993). On North-
postulated functions of tanycytes include the transport of
ern blots of brain total RNA, the GLT-1 and GLAST
substances in the reverse direction from the portal vascu-
probes recognized single bands at approximately 11 kb
lature to the CSF (Wittkowsky, 1998) and the modulation
and 4.5 kb, respectively (data not shown).
of hormone secretion into perivascular spaces (Flament-
The in situ hybridization procedure was performed es-
Durand and Brion, 1985; Bruni, 1998).
During our studies of the expression patterns for the sentially as described previously (Berger and Hediger,
glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST in rat brain 1998). Briefly, serial frozen sections (16 ␮m) from approx-
(Berger and Hediger, 1998, 2000), we have noticed unusu- imate levels of Bregma ⫹1.0 mm to ⫺4.6 mm according to
ally high expression levels of GLT-1 and GLAST mRNA in the atlas of Paxinos and Watson (1998) were cut on a
what appear to be tanycytes of the third ventricle. Be- cryostat and picked up on Superfrost plus microscope
cause GLT-1 expression in tanycytes has not been re- slides (Fisher Scientific, Fair Lawn, NJ). In addition, sets
ported so far, we have performed a detailed mapping of 2-␮m frozen sections were also collected. Slide-mounted
study to determine the extent of the glutamate trans- sections were either processed immediately or first stored
porter expression in third ventricle tanycytes. The results at ⫺80°C. After fixation with 4% freshly depolymerized,
show distinct expression patterns for GLT-1 and GLAST ice-cold paraformaldehyde, the slides were rinsed in
in tanycytes, providing evidence for functional heteroge- phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.4 (PBS); acetylated;
neity of these ependymal cells. rinsed in PBS; and submerged in hybridization buffer
[50% formamide (Life Technologies, Gaithersburg, MD);
5⫻ standard saline citrate (SSC); 2% blocking reagent
MATERIALS AND METHODS (Roche Molecular Biochemicals); 0.1% sodium dodecyl sul-
Animals and chemicals fate; and 0.02% N-laurylsarcosine, pH 7] in slide mailers
(Berger and Hediger, 1998). After the addition of probe
Male Sprague-Dawley rats (200 –300 g; Taconic Farms,
(100 ng/ml for GLAST; 10 ng/ml for GLT-1), slides were
Germantown, NY) were used. They were kept in a
hybridized overnight or over the weekend at 68°C. Slides
temperature- and light-controlled room (7 AM to 5 PM light)
subsequently were removed from the mailers and placed
with free access to rat chow and water before they were
in coplin jars in 2⫻ SSC for three quick rinses and then in
killed. Rats were anesthetized with pentobarbital (75
0.2⫻ SSC for two 30-minute rinses, all at 68°C. Sections
were then blocked in 0.1 M maleate buffer, pH 7.0, con-
taining 1 % blocking reagent for 1 hour at room tempera-
ture and then incubated in sheep antidigoxigenin-Fab
Fig. 1. Photomicrographs of serial coronal sections through the fragments conjugated to alkaline phosphatase (0.15 U/ml;
ependyma of rostral third ventricle labeled for the glutamate trans-
porters GLT-1 (A–D) or GLAST (E–H) mRNA using nonisotopic in
Roche Molecular Biochemicals) in maleate/blocking buffer
situ hybridization. The approximate Bregma levels for the sections for 1 hour. After several rinses over 1 hour in maleate and
are ⫺2.0 mm (A,E), ⫺2.1 mm (B,F), ⫺2.3 mm (C,G), and ⫺2.6 mm one quick rinse in 0.1 M Tris-HCl and 0.15 M NaCl, pH
(D,H). For each photomicrograph, the stretch of ependymal lining 9.5, slides were developed in the dark overnight in a
indicated by the arrows is magnified in the inset in the upper right ready-made substrate solution containing 5-bromo-4
corner. A, no GLT-1 mRNA labeling; B, weak GLT-1 mRNA labeling
in the ventral wall (arrows; notice different shape of the cells shown in
chloro-indolylphosphate and nitroblue tetrazolium chlo-
the inset compared with the cell shapes shown in the inset in A); C, ride (Kierkegard and Perry, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD), to
GLT-1 mRNA labeling farther dorsal in the wall; D, GLT-1 mRNA which 150 mM NaCl had been added. The development
labeling extending from the top of the roof of the infundibular recess was stopped by incubation in 0.1 M Tris, 0.15 M NaCl, and
(arrowhead) to the area indicated by arrows; E, moderate GLAST 25 mM ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, pH 9.5. Slides
mRNA labeling in cuboidal ependymal cells; F, G, stronger GLAST were mounted with glycerol gelatin (Sigma). All of the
mRNA labeling in the ventricle floor and walls; H, strong GLAST
mRNA labeling in the lining of the infundibular recess and moderate sections from the different hypothalamic regions were in-
labeling in the central portion of the ventricle floor. Note that the cubated in identical probe concentrations and were pro-
lining is damaged at the upper end in C. Scale bar ⫽ 100 ␮m. cessed together to allow direct comparison of labeling in-
Figure 2

tensities. Control incubations used either sense cRNA Anterior hypothalamic to tuberal portions
probes or no probe at all. of third ventricle
Immunocytochemistry Figure 1 shows the GLT-1 mRNA labeling patterns (Fig.
1A–D) and the GLAST mRNA labeling patterns (Fig.
Sections adjacent to those used for in situ hybridization 1E–H) in the caudal end of the anterior hypothalamic
as well as 2-␮m frozen sections were stained with an portion and in the rostral tuberal portion of the third
antisera against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP; ventricle. In the anterior hypothalamic portion, extending
Dako, Carpinteria, CA), which is a marker for astrocytes from Bregma ⫺0.3 mm to ⫺2.1 mm, the ependymal lining
and tanycytes (Flament-Durand and Brion, 1985), GLT-1 contains primarily regular, cuboidal, ependymal cells that
(B12-26; Lehre et al., 1995), and GLAST (A522-42; Lehre express no GLT-1 mRNA. Figure 1A shows the lack of
et al., 1995). Slide-mounted sections were fixed in 4% GLT-1 mRNA labeling in this anterior portion at Bregma
paraformaldehyde, incubated in blocking solution (2% ⫺2.0. Starting at around Bregma ⫺2.1 mm and extending
normal goat serum and 0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS) for 30 caudally, weak GLT-1 mRNA labeling appears along the
minutes at room temperature, and then incubated over- ventral ventricular walls (Fig. 1B). The GLT-1 mRNA-
night at 4°C in primary antiserum (1:300 dilution) in positive cells have a more elongated cell body, suggesting
blocking solution. Bound antibodies were detected with that they are tanycytes. At Bregma level ⫺2.3, the
indocarbocyanine (Cy3)-conjugated secondary antibodies
ependymal GLT-1 mRNA labeling is located more dorsally
(Jackson Immunoresearch, West Grove, PA) or with bio-
in the ventricular wall, and it has gained in intensity (Fig.
tinylated secondary antibodies and streptavidin-Cy3 (Vec-
1C, arrows). At the rostral end of the infundibular recess
tor Laboratories, Burlingame, CA). Control sections were
(Fig. 1D; Bregma level ⫺2.6), the GLT-1 mRNA labeling in
incubated without primary antibodies.
the ependyma extends from the area indicated by the
All photomicrographs were taken with a SPOT digital
arrows to the roof of the recess. The labeling intensity has
camera (Diagnostic Instruments) attached to a Nikon
intensified further. The inset in Figure 1D shows the
E-600 microscope (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) using brightfield
transition zone between the dorsal cuboid ependymal cells
illumination with Nomarski optics or epifluorescence illu-
and the ventral tanycytes. Here, two layers can be dis-
mination with a rhodamine filter cube. Pictures were com-
cerned: an outer layer of unlabeled cuboidal cells and a
bined and processed with Adobe Photoshop software (Ado-
subjacent layer of GLT-1 mRNA-positive tanycytes. Some
be Systems, Mountain View, CA).
of the labeled cells extend processes through the cuboidal
cell layer to the ventricular space. This double layer of
ependymal cells has also been described by Mitro and
RESULTS Palkovits (1981) and is shown more clearly in Figure 3.
General The ependymal cells of the floor and the lateral walls of
the infundibular recess are not labeled for GLT-1 mRNA.
The specificity of our in situ labeling technique and In contrast to GLT-1 and as shown previously (Schmitt
probes has been established in previous studies (Berger et al., 1997; Berger and Hediger, 1998, 2000), GLAST
and Hediger, 1998, 2000). Sense controls produced no mRNA is expressed at moderate levels in ependymal cells
labeling. To increase the sensitivity of labeling for GLT-1 of all ventricles. In the third ventricle, this moderate la-
in the ependyma, alkaline phosphatase development pro- beling for GLAST mRNA is found in all sections rostral to
ceeded overnight. This led to a saturation of signal devel- Bregma ⫺2.1 mm (Fig. 1E). At around Bregma ⫺2.1 mm,
opment for GLT-1 in gray matter regions of the hypothal- a more intense labeling appears that is restricted initially
amus. The coordinates given below are approximations of to the most ventral ependymal cells near the ventricle
the levels shown in the rat atlas of Paxinos and Watson floor but is then seen more and more along the ventral
(1998). The coronal sections were labeled for GLT-1 and walls (Fig. 1F,G), until it stretches to about one-third of
GLAST mRNA in intervals of approximately 72 ␮m. The the dorsoventral extension of the ventricle at the begin-
description of the findings is separated into anterior, mid- ning of the infundibular recess (Fig. 1H). The ependymal
dle, and posterior portions of the third ventricle. cells that are situated dorsal to this increased GLAST
mRNA labeling continue to express moderate GLAST
mRNA levels.

Tuberal portion of third ventricle

Fig. 2. Coronal sections through the tuberal portion of the third
ventricle labeled for GLT-1 (A–C), or GLAST (D–F) mRNA at approx- The tuberal portion of the third ventricle extends from
imate Bregma levels of ⫺3.2 (A,D), ⫺3.5 (B,E), and ⫺3.8 mm (C,F). Bregma ⫺2.1 to ⫺3.6 (Mitro and Palkovits, 1981). GLT-1
For each photomicrograph, the stretch of ependymal lining indicated mRNA labeling is present in the ventricular walls
by the arrows is magnified in the inset in the upper right corner. A–C: throughout this region (Fig. 2A–C). It extends for the most
Throughout the tuberal portion, GLT-1 mRNA labeling is detectable part from the medial end of the roof of the infundibular
in the lining from the infundibular recess (A, arrowhead) to the
transition zone with the cuboidal cells. The labeling intensity grows recess (Fig. 2A, arrowhead) to the transition area with the
stronger toward the caudal end. Astrocytes in the internal layer of the cuboidal cells (see also Fig. 3). The ventricular floor, the
median eminence show strong GLT-1 mRNA labeling, but no GLT-1 sides of the roof, and the cuboidal cells are not labeled. The
labeling is seen in the lining in the pituitary stalk (C, arrowhead). inset in Figure 2C demonstrates how the labeling inten-
D–F: The strong GLAST mRNA labeling is present in the ventral sity tapers off dorsoventrally in the ventricular wall. The
one-third of the ventricle wall. The central portions of the lining over
the median eminence (D, arrowhead) and the lining of the pituitary GLT-1 mRNA labeling in the walls intensifies further in
stalk (F, arrowhead) show moderate labeling intensity. Scale bar ⫽ the rostrocaudal direction, particularly in the tanycytes
100 ␮m. situated at the dorsal end near the transition zone with

Figure 3

the cuboidal cells. No GLT-1 mRNA labeling is present in shows the highest labeling intensity for GLT-1 mRNA in
the ependyma lining the pituitary stalk (Fig. 2C). the ventricular walls (Fig. 4A–C,G–I). The strongest la-
The strong GLAST mRNA labeling in the tuberal por- beling is observed in the tanycytes in the lateral sulci of
tion of the third ventricle is seen primarily in the lateral the recess and the dorsal walls. The ventral walls show
sulci, in the roof of the pituitary recess, and along the moderate-to-weak labeling, and the floor appears unla-
ventral walls (Fig. 2D–F). The strong GLAST labeling beled. The roof of the mammillary recess, which consists
extends dorsally also to approximately the transition zone entirely of regular cuboidal cells, also is unlabeled. A
with the regular cuboidal cells. Only moderate GLAST sharp transition is seen between the strongly labeled dor-
mRNA labeling is present in the central portion of the sal tanycytes and the unlabeled cuboidal cells of the roof
ventricle floor, where the tanycytes form a monolayer of (Fig. 4C, arrows and inset). The strong tanycytic labeling
relatively flat tanycytes (Mitro and Palkovits, 1981). The in the lateral sulci extends into the caudal end of the
ependymal GLAST labeling extends into the pituitary recess (Fig. 4G–I). The strong GLAST mRNA labeling
stalk (Fig. 2F). continues in the floor and ventral walls of the mammillary
Figure 3 shows a higher magnification view of the recess (Fig. 4D–F) and then gets weaker toward its caudal
GLT-1 and GLAST ependymal cell mRNA labeling in the end (Fig. 4J–L). The roof and the dorsal walls exhibit the
caudal tuberal portion of the third ventricle (approximate regular, moderate labeling intensity of cuboidal cells.
level, Bregma ⫺3.4 mm). The whole dorsoventral exten-
sion is shown and separated into two sections that show
Colocalization of GLT-1 mRNA and GFAP
dorsal and ventral labeling for GLT-1 (Fig. 3A,C) and immunostaining
dorsal and ventral GLAST mRNA labeling in an adjacent The tanycytic nature of the cells that express either
section (Fig. 3B,D). The ependymal cell area a (Fig. 3A,B) GLT-1 mRNA or the stronger GLAST mRNA labeling is
represents the cuboidal ependymal cells, which are la- indicated by their elongated cell bodies. Furthermore, pre-
beled only for GLAST mRNA and not for GLT-1 mRNA. vious studies using scanning electron microscopy have
Area b denotes the transition zone between the outer shown that the ependyma situated in the areas where we
GLAST mRNA-positive cuboidal cells and the subjacent observe GLT-1 and GLAST mRNA labeling, i.e., the ven-
tanycytes, which are labeled strongly for GLT-1 mRNA. tral parts of the third ventricle walls and the ventricle
Some of these tanycytes extend processes through the floor in tuberal and mammillary recess portions, consist
cuboidal cell layer to the ventricular lumen (Fig. 3A, ar- entirely of tanycytes. A sharp demarcation can be found
rows). The subjacent tanycyte cell layer, which comes to between the cilia-carrying cuboidal ependymal cells in the
the ventricular surface in area c, is indicated by the ar- dorsal walls and the microvili-carrying tanycytes in the
rows in Figure 3B. These subjacent cells do not appear to ventral walls (Scott et al., 1974). An additional identifying
be labeled for GLAST mRNA. Based on the serial adjacent characteristic of tanycytes is that they continue to express
sections, the subjacent cell layer does not reflect a fold in GFAP protein into adulthood, whereas the cuboidal
the ventricle wall. The GLT-1 mRNA labeling continues ependymal cells lack GFAP expression (Hajos and Basco,
ventrally in the superficial layer through area d and then 1984; Bruni, 1998). Thus, to further confirm the tanycytic
stops in area f (Fig. 3C). In contrast, the GLAST labeling cell type, we labeled sections adjacent to those used for in
becomes more intense in area d and then continues in the situ hybridization for GFAP protein throughout the ros-
superficial layers into area f, the roof of the infundibular trocaudal extent of the third ventricle. In addition, to
recess (Fig. 3D, arrow in area g), the lateral sulcus (not examine the cells more closely, serial thin sections mea-
shown), and the superficial layer of the median eminence suring 2 ␮m were labeled for GLAST and GLT-1 mRNA
(ventricle floor; Fig. 3D, arrowhead in area g). GLT-1 and for GFAP protein in the tuberal and mammillary
mRNA labeling is absent from the roof, lateral sulcus. and portions of the third ventricle. The results show that the
ventricle floor. GLT-1 mRNA-expressing cells in the lateral walls, as well
as the GLAST mRNA-expressing cells in the ventral walls
Mammillary recess of third ventricle and floor, all express relatively high levels of GFAP pro-
The caudal part of the third ventricle, encompassing the tein (Fig. 5), confirming their tanycytic nature. The com-
mammillary recess extending from Bregma ⫺3.9 to ⫺4.6, mon cuboidal ependymal cells situated dorsal to the
GLT-1 mRNA-expressing cells and in the roof of the mam-
millary recess do not express GFAP (Fig. 5A,D,G). Figure
6 shows that an identical result is found farther caudal, at
Fig. 3. A–D: Higher magnification photomicrographs of ependy-
the beginning of the mammillary recess. The cuboidal cells
mal GLT-1 and GLAST mRNA labeling in adjacent sections through of the roof and dorsal walls lack GFAP expression,
the caudal tuberal portion of the third ventricle (Bregma ⫺3.4 mm). whereas the ependymal cells in the walls and infundibular
A,C, GLT-1; B,D, GLAST. In area a, regular cuboidal cells are labeled recess show GFAP staining (Fig. 6C,F).
for GLAST mRNA but not for GLT-1 mRNA. Area b is the transition
zone between cuboidal cells and subjacent GLT-1-positive tanycytes. Correlation of mRNA and protein
Some GLT-1-positive processes can be discerned that reach the ven- expression
tricular lumen through the cuboidal cell layer (A, arrows). In area c,
the cuboidal cells stop, and the tanycytes come to the surface. The To determine whether the GLT-1 and GLAST mRNAs
arrows in B denote the subjacent tanycyte layer that is unlabeled for are translated into protein, we stained frozen sections
GLAST but labeled for GLT-1. In area d, the GLAST labeling becomes through caudal infundibular recess with specific GLT-1
stronger. In area f, the GLT-1 mRNA labeling stops. The GLAST and GLAST antibodies. The results indicate that ta-
labeling continues into the roof of the infundibular recess (arrow in
area g), the lateral sulcus (not shown), and the superficial layer of the
nycytes in the dorsal walls also express GLT-1 protein,
median eminence (ventricle floor; arrowhead in area g). GLT-1 mRNA whereas tanycytes in ventral walls and floor or cuboidal
labeling is absent from the roof, lateral sulcus, and ventricle floor. cells of the roof do not (Fig. 7A,C,E,G). GLAST immuno-
Scale bar ⫽ 25 ␮m. staining, on the other hand, was present in all ependymal
Figure 4

cells of floor, walls, and roof (Fig. 7B,D,F,H). The intensity third to almost half of the third ventricle lining. This
of the GLAST staining in tanycytes of the lateral walls distribution correlates well with the distribution of ta-
appeared to be greater compared with the intensity of nycytes identified in the third ventricle by scanning elec-
staining in cuboidal cells in the roof, although no attempts tron microscopy, electron microscopy, Golgi staining, nu-
of quantification of signal intensity were made. clear staining, or GFAP staining (Scott et al., 1974; Mitro
and Palkovits, 1981; Bruni et al., 1983; Flament-Durand
and Brion, 1985; Wittkowski, 1998). Furthermore, the
DISCUSSION strong tanycytic GLAST mRNA labeling correlates with
The main findings of this study are that the glutamate the hypophysiotropic area, which is lined by the arcuate
transporters GLT-1 and GLAST both are expressed by nuclear complex on both sides of the ventricle.
tanycytes in the walls of the infundibular and mammillary GLT-1 is expressed neither by the regular cuboidal
recess of the third ventricle and that they show unique, ependymal cells nor by the ventralmost tanycytes. In-
sequential distribution patterns in these cells (Fig. 8). stead, GLT-1 mRNA and protein are found in tanycytes
GLT-1 is expressed primarily dorsally in tanycytes of the primarily in dorsal areas near the transition zone to the
ventricular wall at the caudal end of the tuberal portion regular cuboidal ependymal cells. The highest expression
and throughout the mammillary recess. In contrast, levels are observed in the dorsal walls and lateral sulcus of
GLAST is expressed more prominently in tanycytes in the the mammillary recess, and more moderate levels are
floor and ventral walls of the tuberal portion and at the observed anterior to that in the tuberal portion. The ex-
rostral end of the mammillary recess. The tanycytes were pression levels become successively lower toward rostral
identified based on their positive GFAP immunostaining areas of the infundibular recess. In the transition zone to
and their elongated cell bodies. The expression of GLT-1 the cuboidal cells, GLT-1-labeled tanycytes form a subja-
mRNA and protein in ependymal cells has not been re- cent layer that extends dorsally below the cuboidal cells.
ported so far, probably because it is restricted to a rela- This subjacent layer of tanycytes has also been described
tively small area in caudal portions of the third ventricle. by Mitro and Palkovits (1981). Ventral to this zone and
The expression of GLAST mRNA and protein in these cells also in the mammillary recess, GLT-1 is expressed in all
has been reported in an earlier study (Schmitt et al., tanycyte layers. In contrast, GLAST mRNA appears to be
1997), although no detailed distribution pattern along the expressed only in the superficial tanycyte layers in dorsal
anterior-posterior axis was provided. These data corrobo- areas. A schematic view of the localization of GLT-1 and
rate previous findings that the expression patterns for GLAST mRNA labeling in the third ventricle is shown in
GLT-1 and GLAST are distinct, even though both trans- Figure 8. To date, the population of GLT-1 mRNA-positive
porters are expressed mainly in astrocytic glial cells (Torp tanycytes has not been recognized as functionally distinct.
et al., 1994; Chaudhry et al., 1995; Lehre et al., 1995; It is not known whether the expression patterns seen in
Schmitt et al., 1996, 1997; Sutherland et al., 1996; Berger this study for GLT-1 and GLAST are also seen with other
and Hediger, 1998, 2000). ependymal transporters. To our knowledge, the present
GLAST mRNA is expressed at moderate levels in all study is the first to describe the distribution patterns of a
regular cuboidal ependymal cells in all brain ventricles neurotransmitter transporter in the third ventricle
(Schmitt et al., 1997; Berger and Hediger, 1998, 2000). In ependyma in such detail. Previous studies have described
addition, as shown in the present study, higher GLAST the presence of various transporters in the ependymal
mRNA levels are found in tanycytes in the ventral walls lining, including the ␥-aminobutyric acid transporter
and floor of the tuberal and mammillary recess portion of GAT-2, the glucose transporters GLUT-1, the peptide
the third ventricle. The higher mRNA expression in these transporter PEPT2, the monocarboxylate transporter
tanycytes is correlated with a higher level of protein ex- MCT1, and the urea transporter UT3 (Harik et al., 1993;
pression; both Schmitt et al. (1997) and we have found Berger et al., 1998; Koehler-Stec et al., 1998; Berger and
more intense immunostaining for GLAST protein in the Hediger, 1999; Conti et al., 1999; Peruzzo et al., 2000).
tanycytes compared with the cuboidal cells. The higher However, none of these studies has provided a similar
mRNA expression starts at approximately Bregma ⫺2.1 description of the transporter expression pattern through-
mm in floor tanycytes and then appears more and more in out the whole rostrocaudal axis. Earlier anatomical stud-
tanycytes of the ventricle walls, including the roof and the ies using Golgi impregnation and enzyme histochemical
floor of the infundibular recess. At its most dorsal exten- stains described differences between tanycytes in differ-
sion, this strong GLAST mRNA labeling covers about one- ent areas of the ventricle lining (Luppa and Geustel, 1971;
Akmayev et al., 1973; Akmayev and Popov, 1977; Card
and Rafols, 1978; Seress, 1980). The most conspicuous of
these differences in relation to our data is that tanycytes
in dorsal walls extend their basal processes more or less
Fig. 4. A–L: Coronal sections through the mammillary recess por- perpendicularly into the underlying parenchyma, whereas
tion of the third ventricle labeled for GLT-1 (A–C,G–I) or GLAST the processes of ventral tanycytes curve downward and
(D–F,J–L) mRNA at approximate Bregma levels of ⫺3.9 mm (A,D),
⫺4.1 mm (B,E), ⫺4.2 mm (C,F), ⫺4.3 mm (G,J), ⫺4.4 mm (H,K), and end on the pial surface (Millhouse, 1971; Zoli et al., 1995;
⫺4.5 mm (I,L). In C and F, the stretch of ependymal lining indicated Chauvet et al., 1998). It is possible that these straight
by the arrows is magnified in the insets above. The GLT-1 mRNA basal processes bearing tanycytes correlate with the
labeling is present in the walls and the dorsolateral sulci of the GLT-1 expressing tanycytes.
mammillary recess but not in the cuboidal cells of the roof or the The different distribution patterns of GLT-1 and
tanycytes of the ventricle floor. The intensity of the GLT-1 mRNA
GLAST mRNA in the tanycytes add to the already consid-
labeling is greatest in the sulci next to the transition zone with the
roof. The GLAST mRNA labeling in tanycytes is strong in the floor erable amount of evidence that the expression of these two
and lateral walls in D–F and J but is reduced in intensity at the transporters is regulated by distinct mechanisms. GLT-1
caudal end of the ventricle (K,L). Scale bar ⫽ 100 ␮m. and GLAST have different developmental expression pat-
Figure 5

Fig. 6. Labeling for GLT-1 mRNA, GLAST mRNA, and GFAP in cuboidal cells of the roof (F, arrows). D–F: Higher magnification
protein at the level of the infundibular recess in three adjacent 16-␮m photomicrographs of the cuboidal ependyma indicated by arrowheads
sections. A: GLT-1 mRNA is expressed in dorsal walls but not in the in A–C, respectively. In F, strongly stained subependymal astrocytes
cuboidal cells (D, arrows) of the roof. B: GLAST mRNA is expressed extend processes through the cuboidal cell layer to the lumen. Scale
throughout in walls, the lateral parts of the floor, and in cuboidal cells bar ⫽ 100 ␮m.
(E, arrows). C: GFAP staining is present in the walls and floor but not

terns (Shibata et al., 1996; Sutherland et al., 1996; Furuta sion in tanycytes of the hypophysiotropic area suggests
et al., 1997; Ullensvang et al., 1997) and different regional that glutamate transport mediated by GLAST in these
distributions (Torp et al., 1994; Lehre et al., 1995; Berger ventral tanycytes is related to the neuroendocrine activity
and Hediger, 1998, 2000; Lehre and Danbolt, 1998), and of this region. Glutamate is an important regulator of the
they are regulated differentially in cell culture (Kondo et release of hypothalamic releasing and inhibitory factors
al., 1995; Gegelashvili et al., 1996, 1997, 2000; Eng et al., (Brann and Mahesh, 1997), and, as such, the control of its
1997; Sonnewald et al., 1997; Swanson et al., 1997; Schlag levels in extracellular and CSF may be especially critical.
et al., 1998; Duan et al., 1999; Stanimirovic et al., 1999; Possibly, GLAST-mediated glutamate uptake by ta-
Zhou and Norenberg, 1999). At this point, we can only nycytes contributes to the regulation of these extracellular
speculate about the possible functional significance of the glutamate levels, a task that, otherwise, is performed by
differential glutamate transporter expression in the ta- astrocytes. Alternatively, the tuberal tanycytes may have
nycytes of the third ventricle. The strong GLAST expres- higher metabolic rates because of their involvement in
neuroendocrine activity, and they may need to take up
glutamate for metabolic purposes. It is interesting to note
that glutamate dehydrogenase, which is a metabolic en-
Fig. 5. A–M: Closely spaced, thin (2 ␮m) coronal sections through zyme of glutamate, has been detected in these tanycytes
the third ventricle at the level of anterior hypothalamus (rostral to as well (Schmitt and Kugler, 1999). A third possibility
infundibular recess) labeled for GLT-1 mRNA (A,D,H,K), GLAST that needs to be considered is that the ventral tanycytes
mRNA (B,F,I, L), and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) protein indeed fulfill a transport function between CSF and the
(C,G,J,M). For A–C, areas labeled by lowercase letters a– c are mag-
portal vessels. Possibly, glutamate is taken up at one end
nified in D–G, H–J, and K–M, respectively. Cuboidal cells in dorsal
walls (area a) express GLAST mRNA (F) but not GLT-1 mRNA (D) of the tanycyte and released at the other end.
and express very little GFAP protein (G, arrows; the arrowhead points The functional significance of GLT-1 expression in dor-
to an ependymal cell expressing a small amount of GFAP protein). sally situated tanycytes is less obvious. These dorsal ta-
Tanycytes in ventral walls (area b) express GLT-1 mRNA (H), GLAST nycytes are not connected as intimately to the hypophys-
mRNA (I), and GFAP protein (J). Tanycytes in the ventralmost walls iotropic region, and their processes extend for the most
and ventricle floor (area c) express little GLT-1 mRNA (K) and express
high amounts of GLAST mRNA (L) and GFAP protein (M). Scale part into the neuropil of arcuate nuclei. Also, there are no
bars ⫽ 25 ␮m in C (also applies to A,B); 10 ␮m in B (also applies to tight junctions between the tanycytes that would prevent
D,F,H–M). diffusion into the underlying tissue. Thus, a role of GLT-1

Figure 7

Fig. 8. Schematic presentation of the distribution of ependymal dorsolateral sulcus of the mammillary recess. GLAST mRNA labeling
GLT-1 and GLAST mRNA labeling in the third ventricle. The dark- is present at moderate intensity in all cuboidal cells. In addition,
ness of the shading reflects the intensity of the mRNA labeling. Weak GLAST mRNA labeling of stronger intensity is present in tanycytes of
GLT-1 mRNA labeling appears at the beginning of the tuberal portion lateral floor and walls throughout the tuberal portion and into the
in tanycytes of the ventral walls. It becomes more and more intense mammillary recess portion.
toward caudal levels, until it reaches its highest intensity in the

in a directed transport of glutamate is less likely. It is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

possible, however, that GLT-1 expressed by the tanycytes
plays an important role in the control of extracellular This study was supported by grant NS 32001 to M.A.H.
glutamate in both the ventricle and the arcuate nuclei. from the National Institutes of Health. We thank Dr. J.E.
Indeed, knockout studies have demonstrated that GLT-1 Bruni for helpful discussions and Niels C. Danbolt for
is more predominant in the removal of extracellular glu- providing us with the antibodies to GLT-1 and GLAST.
tamate than GLAST (Tanaka et al., 1997; Watanabe et al.,
1999). In any case, our data have identified a hitherto LITERATURE CITED
unknown tanycyte population that appears to have a spe-
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