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Krystina Speller April 13, 2011 Persuasive Essay

Connect Through Similarity

As a nineteen-year-old college student, fresh out of high school and just beginning a

true walk with God, identifying with the older generation and sometimes my peers is not the

easiest feat. The older generation finds me sweet, but still naïve and my peers feel that my

Christian walk eliminates any sense of connection. So what do I do to achieve communication?

I use the biblical principle of Connecting through Similarity. To connect through similarity

simply means finding anything common with the audience in order to not only relate to them,

but make them feel more comfortable and receptive. Human nature dictates that people are

more easily persuaded by someone that is similar to them. A great example of someone in the

Bible that connected with people through similarities is Paul. In his first letter to the

Corinthians he discussed how he “[became] all things to all people so that by all possible means

[he] might save some” (1 Corinthians 9:22, New International Version). Paul did whatever was

necessary to relate to people in order to be effective in his ministry and he was very successful.

I strive to be just as successful.

I currently implement the biblical principle of connecting through similarity with the

young people I mentor at my church. I was appointed president of Joshua Generation, a youth

group that includes young people from ages 13-21, in 2006. At the time I was fourteen years

old. The very first thing I did was talk to every member of the group individually. I wanted to

find out their likes, dislikes, and hobbies. But I also needed to be able to find a connection with

every member of the group. The common thought between all the members of the group

concerning me was the assumption that I never did any wrong, that I never got in trouble, and
Krystina Speller April 13, 2011 Persuasive Essay

that I was “too saved.” Before finding that out, it was extremely difficult to get anyone to not

only listen and take my advice, but to be willing to share their problems. They shunned me

because I was truly an outsider. So I adjusted myself. I started being more transparent and

showing them that I go through the exact same trials and tribulations and that I handle them

and move on. For example, after finding out from my pastor that a young lady in my group was

pregnant and feeling extremely guilty; I was lost as to how to approach her. I felt that I had

nothing in common since I was a virgin. After praying to God for an answer, I found that like

her, I had felt guilty about something I had done before, even if it had nothing to do with sex. I

connected with her on her feelings rather than on the exact situation, which allowed me to

successfully reach and mentor her. She now feels more than comfortable discussing any and

everything with me.

Unfortunately, success cannot be reached without some type of challenge/failures.

There are times that I am a total failure at connecting with them. Usually because some of their

problems I never even considered doing at that age! So I find it hard to relate and connect, and

they find it difficult to listen and appreciate the advice. All in all, applying this biblical principle

of connecting through similarity is a process. A process that includes good and bad days, but

the ending result is well worth it.

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