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Final Report
Upgrader Utility RAM Analysis

Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA)

Toyo Engineering Corporation (Toyo)

Project No.:/DNV Reg No.: PP011021_Toyo/001

Rev. 2, 21 / 04 / 2011
Report for PDVSA/Toyo
Final Report for Upgrader Utility RAM Analysis

Report for Upgrader Utility RAM Analysis Project DET NORSKE VERITAS LTD, UK
Palace House
For: 3 Cathedral Street
London, SE1 9DE
PDVSA/Toyo Engineering Corporation United Kingdom
Tel: +44 207 357 6080
Fax: +44 207 357 6048
Account Ref.:
Org. No: GB 440 6013 95

Date of First Issue: 15 / 04 / 2011 Project No. EP011021

Report No.: EP011021/Toyo/001 Organisation Unit: Energy Solutions - London
Revision No.: 2 Subject Group:
Summary: First Issue

Prepared by: Christina Keilert Signature

Senior Consultant
Verified by: Carlo Buccisano Signature
Principal Consultant
Approved by: Carlo Buccisano Signature
Principle Consultant

No distribution without permission from the client or responsible

organisational unit (however, free distribution for internal use within Indexing Terms
DNV after 3 years)
No distribution without permission from the client or responsible Key
organisational unit Words
✘ Strictly confidential Area
Unrestricted distribution Segment

Rev. No.: / Date: Reason for Issue: Prepared by: Verified by: Quality Check: Approved by:
1 / 15 / 04 / 2011 Draft Christina Keilert Carlo Carlo Buccisano Carlo
Buccisano Buccisano
2 / 21 / 04 / 2011 Client Comments Christina Keilert Carlo Carlo Buccisano Carlo
incorporated Buccisano Buccisano

© 2011 Det Norske Veritas Ltd, UK

All rights reserved. This publication or parts thereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
including photocopying or recording, without the prior written consent of Det Norske Veritas AS.

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Report for PDVSA/Toyo
Final Report for Upgrader Utility RAM Analysis

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................1

2 OVERALL SYSTEM MODELLING ASSUMPTIONS.................................................2

2.1 Design Capacity..........................................................................................................2
2.2 Utility and Offsites Systems Overall Process Description..........................................3

3 SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENT MODELLING ASSUMPTIONS..................................4

3.1 Natural Gas System (Unit 101)...................................................................................4
3.2 Steam System..............................................................................................................5
3.3 Industrial and Potable Water System..........................................................................7
3.4 Boiler Feed Water System..........................................................................................8
3.5 Cooling Water System..............................................................................................13
3.6 Nitrogen Generation System.....................................................................................15
3.7 Plant and Instrument Air System..............................................................................17

4 RELIABILITY DATA.....................................................................................................19
4.1 General......................................................................................................................19
4.2 Failure Data and Repair Data....................................................................................21
4.2.1 Natural Gas System (Unit 101)..........................................................................21
4.2.2 Steam System.....................................................................................................21
4.2.3 Industrial and Potable Water System.................................................................22
4.2.4 Boiler Feed Water System..................................................................................23
4.2.5 Cooling Water System........................................................................................25
4.2.6 Nitrogen Generation System..............................................................................26
4.2.7 Plant and Instrument Air System........................................................................27

5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ASSUMPTIONS.............................................28

5.1 Plant Crew Mobilisation...........................................................................................28
5.2 Impact of equipment spares availability on repair delays.........................................28
5.3 Preparation and Restart Delays.................................................................................28
5.4 Scheduled Maintenance Assumptions......................................................................28

6 RESULTS..........................................................................................................................29
6.1 Definitions.................................................................................................................29
6.2 Natural Gas System...................................................................................................30

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6.3 Steam System............................................................................................................31

6.4 Industrial and Potable Water System........................................................................33
6.5 Boiler Feed Water System........................................................................................34
6.6 Cooling Water System..............................................................................................36
6.7 Nitrogen Generation System.....................................................................................38
6.8 Plant and Instrument Air System..............................................................................39
6.9 Hydrogen Unit Data Analysis...................................................................................41

7 APPENDIXES....................................................................................................................44

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Final Report for Upgrader Utility RAM Analysis

Toyo Engineering Corporation is performing a conceptual design assessment for the Utility and
Offsite Facilities for Extra Heavy Oil Upgraders. These are located in the Orinoco/Carabobo
field in Venezuela and are operated by PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A.) as the ultimate
Toyo Engineering Group has, during its review of the Facilities, proposed an alternative to for
some of the Offsite and Utility Systems, and has contracted DNV to perform a RAM Analysis
on their propositions. DNV will use the simulator TARO to model the various systems.
This report document details the basic data and assumptions from which the RAM model of the
Offsite and Utility Facilities have been constructed plus all the results of the analysis, and
consists of the following sections:

 Section 2 contains the overall system modelling assumptions

 Section 3 contains the systems and equipment modelling assumptions
 Section 4 contains the reliability data
 Section 5 contains the operation and maintenance assumptions
 Section 6 contains the results of the study
 Section 7 contains the referenced documents as appendixes

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2.1 Design Capacity

The design capacities of the various systems covered in this study are given in the table below.
System Units Comment
Natural Gas 396 tonnes/hr Note 1,5
Steam 531 tonnes/hr Note 1,5
Industrial and Potable Water 4259 / 38 tonnes/hr Note 1,5
Boiler Feed Water 2367 tonnes/hr Note 1,5
Cooling Water 252 / 10691 tonnes/hr Note 1,3,5
Nitrogen 30 tonnes/hr Note 1,2,5
Plant and Instrument Air 8 / 15 tonnes/hr Note 4,5
Figure 2-1 Utility and Offsite System Design Capacities

Note 1: the given design capacities include a 15% design margin. It is assumed that the
facilities will be running continuously at the normal capacities (design capacities minus 15%)
throughout the analysis period.
Note2: the nitrogen system design capacity also includes an additional 2% of flow capacity to
ensure requirements can be satisfied during peak demand of upgrader start-up for a limited time
Note 3: the design capacities given are for the utility cooling system and the individual
upgrader utility systems respectively.
Note 4: the design capacities given are for plant and instrument air respectively.
Note 5: the tables in the following sections list the equipment included in the model for the
relevant systems, along with configuration, tag number and criticality information.
Additionally, a column labelled ‘Rate during Equipment Outage’ is added. This refers to the
reduced flow rate at which the system will operate during failures of each individual piece of
equipment in the configuration. For fully spared or non-critical equipment (2*100%, 3*50%
etc) there is no rate reduction so the system can keep operating at 100% while for overdesigned
or partially spared systems the total rate has to be reduced upon failure (e.g. steam boilers are
3*46%, if one fails the system can operate at capacity of 2*46% = 92%)

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Final Report for Upgrader Utility RAM Analysis

2.2 Utility and Offsites Systems Overall Process Description

The facilities consist of the systems mentioned above:

 The natural gas system receives gas from the national gas transportation system and
distributes it to the various users. As the gas is required at differing pressure levels, the
pressure is gradually let down and the gas is spread to the end users while resulting
condensate is collected and disposed off via truck collection.
 The steam system supplements the main steam generation from the hydrogen unit to
enable production flexibility. It receives boiler feed water from the deaerator and
produces steam to compliment the primary steam generation from the reformers in the
hydrogen unit. The steam is then distributed to the high pressure steam end users, and low
pressure steam requirements are met via let down stations, a steam turbine generator and
turbines driving the air compressors.
 The industrial and potable water system receives its feed form the Orinoco Socialist
Project and will distribute water requirements for human consumption, sulphur and coke
storage, cooling water and boiler feed water accordingly.
 The boiler feed water system provides demineralised and degassed water to the steam and
hydrogen producing units by treating industrial water in various packed beds to remove
salts, CO2 and other impurities.
 Cooling water
 Nitrogen is produced to supply the upgrader process units and relevant storage tanks. The
nitrogen package compresses air which is subsequently cooled, dried and distilled to
separate nitrogen from an oxygen rich gas.
 Plant and Instrument Air uses ambient air and compresses it to feed the various process
units and their instruments. It is assumed that instrument air has priority over plant air.
Further drying is required for the instrument air to comply with specifications. Hold-up
capacity is also provided as a supply security measure.

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3.1 Natural Gas System (Unit 101)

Natural gas is received from the national gas transportation system, a gas source that is
assumed to be available at all times. In order to deliver the gas to the various end users it is
depressurised in 3 stages from its delivery pressure of 62.1 barg. These stages include initial
separation in the natural gas separator which fulfils the requirements of the hydrogen supply
unit at 51.2 barg. A pressure drop to 18.3 barg is achieved in the high pressure fuel gas
separator from which fuel gas is fed to the upgraders during start-up requirements. Please note
that since this demand is not continuous this scenario will not be modelled. The final
depressurisation stage takes place in the low pressure fuel gas separator. This vessel delivers
4.1 barg fuel gas to the steam boilers in the steam system and the hydrogen supply unit.
The separated liquid condensate streams from these drums are collected in the oily condensate
drum via level controls, from which gases are flared and the condensate is pumped to collection
trucks for disposal.
Since no bypass operations exist for this system, it is assumed that all of the vessels are critical
for all subsequent gas users; hence the various separators will be modelled in series to represent
the full impact of outages on downstream receiving units.
Although the flow into and out of the oily condensate drum is NNF, the vessel is considered
critical to operations as it is assumed that the drum cannot be isolated. The associated
condensate pump is not considered critical as usage is intermittent and is NNF.
Note that it is assumed that all control valves have full size bypasses.
The following equipment will be included in the model (100% refer to the total natural gas
processed in this system):
Configuratio Criticality Rate During
Equipment Tag No
n / Comment Equipment Outage
Natural Gas Separator 1*100% V-0101 critical 0%
High Pressure Fuel Gas
1*100% V-0102 critical 0%
Low Pressure Fuel Gas
1*100% V-0103 critical 0%
Oily Condensate Drum 1*100% V-0104 critical 0%
Table 3-1, Natural Gas System Equipment and Criticality

The study will quantify the availability for natural gas. This will be a single number for both
the feed to the Hydrogen unit and the use of natural gas as fuel gas.

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3.2 Steam System

The steam system receives demineralised water from the boiler feed water system which is
treated by chemical injection to maintain a desired phosphate level in the water. Three boilersof
watertube type are used to generate high pressure steam that is added to the steam header. They
normally operate in a 3*43.5% configuration (including the 15% overdesign) although each
boiler is designed for 77% of the total normal steam requirement which is needed for normal
upgrader operation and steam supply to the air compressor turbine. It also enables power
generation via a steam turbine generator which in turn provides low pressure steam for the
boiler feed water deaerator.
The spare capacity enables sufficient steam production during upgrader start-ups and when the
main steam producing unit, the hydrogen production unit, is out of service. Each boiler has its
own burner, pressure vessels (steam and mud drum) and control system.
For the purpose of this study it is assumed that the natural gas required for the burners is
available at all times, as is the demineralised water from the boiler feed water system. The
study will calculated the ability of the plant of meeting the normal steam demand (e.g. outages
of the hydrogen units will not be taken into account).
It is also assumed that the phosphate injection package is not critical as the system can operate
without it for short periods of time and the pump is fully spared. It is also assumed that the
steam turbine generator (11MW production) is not critical as let-down stations are provided to
generate low pressure steam and power can be supplied from the grid.

Included in the model will be the following equipment (100% refers to the total steam produced
by the system):
Equipment Configuration Tag No y/
t Outage
Phosphate Injection Package 3*77% A-0201 100%
Steam Boilers 3*77% critical 100%
Steam Turbine Generator 1*100% A-0210 100%
High Pressure Let-down non-
1*100% A-0202 100%
Station critical
Low Pressure Let-down non-
1*100% A-0203 100%
Station critical
Table 3-2, Steam System Equipment and Criticality
For the purpose of this study it will be assumed that:
 Preliminary steam supply priority is first to the upgrader, secondly to the instrument air
steam turbine driver and thirdly to the steam turbine generator.

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Final Report for Upgrader Utility RAM Analysis

 The study will quantify the availability of steam supply to these 3 destinations (3
different values).
 The study will also quantify the estimated power production from the steam turbine
taking into account the failure of the steam turbine and of the generator.
 The Phosphate Injection Package consists of one vessel and 2*100% pumps.

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3.3 Industrial and Potable Water System

Although the industrial and potable systems receive their continuous feeds from the same
source, the Orinoco Socialist Projects, they are independent, with the former providing water to
the downstream boiler feed and cooling water systems as well as the various process units
while the latter is required for human consumption and the utilities associated with the process
The industrial water is received in 3 storage tanks that together provide a storage capacity of 1
day of maximum water requirements, and distributed to the various end users via a single,
spared pump. The potable water is received in 1 storage tank, providing 3 days’ worth of
storage capacity for maximum potable water demand. Again a single spared pump is employed
to distribute the water into the header system and downstream users.
The water supply is assumed to be available at all times, hence no inventory changes in any of
the tanks will be modelled over the system’s life cycle.
The following equipment will be included in the model (100% refers to the total industrial
water for the Industrial water tanks and pumps and to the total Potable water for the Potable
Water tank and pumps):
Configuratio Criticality / Rate during
Equipment Tag No
n Comment Equipment Outage
Industrial Water Tanks 3*100% not critical 100%
Industrial Water Pump 2*100% P-0301 A/S 100%
Potable Water Tank 1*100% T-0302 critical 0%
Potable Water Pump 2*100% P-0302A/S 100%
Table 3-3, Industrial and Potable Water Systems Equipment and Criticality

The following assumptions will be used:

 Pumps are centrifugal and electric motor driven.
 Spare pumps are assumed to be passive with automatic auto start.
 Failure of one of the Industrial Water Tanks will not results in reduction in industrial
water supply as it is assumed that the tank can be isolated and repaired and that the
system can operate with 2 tanks.
 Failure in the Potable water tank is assumed to be critical as potable water will have to be

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3.4 Boiler Feed Water System

The boiler feed water system receives industrial water from the industrial water storage tank
and consequently demineralises and degasses the water in 3 demineralised water packages.
These consist of 4 cationic and 4 anionic exchange units, with the former removing calcium,
magnesium and sodium before being fed to a common packed bed to remove dissolved CO2.
This is achieved by contacting the water with air from an air blower over a packed bed. The
anionic exchangers then remove sulphate ions, chloride, nitrate and silica before a final mixed
resin bed stage ensures the water is cleaned to specifications. The water from the 3
demineralisation trains is then collected in two storage tanks that provide a 2 day supply of
boiler feed water.
The storage tanks supply water to both the hydrogen production unit as well as to the steam and
condensate system and the upgraders.
Some of the demineralised water is also pumped back into the demineralisation packages to
regenerate the resin beds. Regeneration of the cationic, anionic and mixed resin beds is required
every 20 hours of operation. The water is used to dilute hydrochloric acid for the cationic bed
regeneration while a sodium hydroxide solution regenerates the anionic resin. All chemical
injection packages have plenty of storage capacity and pump sparing availability to assume
they are non-critical to operations. This regeneration water is finally sent to a pit from which it
is disposed and treated.
The following equipment will be modelled (100% refers to the total Demi water produced,
unless otherwise specified in the notes below):

Criticality / Rate during

Equipment Configuration Tag No
Comment Equipment Outage
Demineralised 76% (overall water
3*38% A-0401 A/B/C critical, non-spared
Water Package rate)
critical, spared –
Cationic Exchange V-0401/11/21 38% (no impact for
4*12.7% One unit per
Units A/B/C/D the package)
critical, non-
0% (stop production
Decarboniser Bed 1*38% V-0402/12/22 spared, One bed from the affected
per package package)
38% (no impact for
the package if one
Decarbonised critical, spared, two pump is down, stop
2*38% P-0401 A/S
Water Pump pumps per package production from the
package if 2 pumps
are down)
Air Blower 2*38% K-0401 A/S critical, spared – 2 38% (no impact for
blowers per the package if one
package blower is down, stop
production from the
package if 2 blowers

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Criticality / Rate during

Equipment Configuration Tag No
Comment Equipment Outage
are down)
critical, spared -
Anionic Exchange V-0403/13/23 38% (no impact for
4*12.7% One unit per
Unit A/B/C/D the package)
critical, spared -
Mixed Exchanger V-0404/14/24 38% (no impact for
4*12.7% One unit per
Bed Unit A/B/C/D the package)
0% (if there is no
Hydrochloric Acid
regeneration cannot
Hydrochloric Acid Critical. One per
3*38% A-0402 A/B/C take place and the
Package package.
production from the
affected Demi Water
Package will stop)
0% (if there is no
Sodium Hydroxide
regeneration cannot
Sodium Hydroxide Critical. One per
3*38% A-0403 A/B/C take place and the
Package package.
production from the
affected Demi Water
Package will stop)
2*100% T-0401 A/B Critical, spared 100%
Water Tank
2*100% P-0404 A/S critical, spared 100%
100% (one pump out
of service has no
Demineralised impact, two pumps
See note below P-0403 A/S critical, spared
Water Pump out of service will
stop the water feed
to the deaerator)
100% (one pump out
of service has no
Demineralised P-0430 impact, two pumps
See note below critical, spared
Water Pump A/B/C/S out of service will
reduce the water
feed to the deaerator)
1x100% (only
critical for When this is out of
BFW service there will be
Deaerator Package production to A-0404 critical, non-spared no water supply to
the upgraders the upgraders and
and steam the steam system

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Criticality / Rate during

Equipment Configuration Tag No
Comment Equipment Outage
100% (one pump out
of service has no
impact, two pumps
BFW Pump See note below P-0431 A/B/S critical, spared out of service will
reduce the water
feed to the steam
100% (one pump out
of service has no
P-0432 impact, two pumps
BFW Pump See note below critical, spared
A/B/C/S out of service will
reduce the water
feed to the upgrader)
Neutralisation Pit 1*100% A-0408 critical, non-spared 0%
Neutralised Waste
2*100% P-0405 A/S critical, spared 100%
Table 3-4, Boiler Feed Water System Equipment and Criticality

The following assumptions will be used:

 Please note that for the purpose of this study it is assumed that the supply of water to the
hydrogen unit is prioritised over the supply to steam and condensate unit and to the
 The 3 Demineralised Water Packages have a 15% overdesign, therefore are 3x38%
 Each Demineralised Water Package consists of a
o Cationic Exchange Unit
o Decarboniser Bed
o Decarbonised Water Pump
o Anionic Exchange Unit
o Air Blower
o Mixed Exchanger Bed Unit
 There are 4 beds in the Cationic Exchange Unit. Normally 3 are operating and one is
being regenerated. Due to the short nature of the regeneration cycle it is assumed that
the outage of one bed will not have a significant impact on operations as shortages
occurring during regeneration can be made up via the overcapacity, therefore it is
possible to maintain full capacity for the package with only 3 beds in operation. Hence
it is assumed that the beds are 4 x 12.7%

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 Hydrochloric Acid Package is used to regenerate the Cationic Exchange Unit and the
Mixed Exchanger Bed Unit. There is one package for each Cationic Exchange Unit and
it is assumed that the Hydrochloric Acid Package is made up of one vessel and 2x100%
 The Decarbonised Water Pump is assumed to be centrifugal and electric motor driven.
 The Air Blower is assumed to be centrifugal and electric motor driven.
 There are 4 beds in the Anionic Exchange Unit. Normally 3 are operating and one is
being regenerated. Due to the short nature of the regeneration cycle it is assumed that
the outage of one bed will not have a significant impact on operations as shortages
occurring during regeneration can be made up via the overcapacity, therefore it is
possible to maintain full capacity for the package with only 3 beds in operation. Hence
it is assumed that the beds are 4 x 12.7%
 There are 4 beds in the Mixed Exchanger Bed Unit. Normally 3 are operating and one is
being regenerated. Due to the short nature of the regeneration cycle it is assumed that
the outage of one bed will not have a significant impact on operations as shortages
occurring during regeneration can be made up via the overcapacity, therefore it is
possible to maintain full capacity for the package with only 3 beds in operation.
Therefore it is assumed that the beds are 4 x 12.7%
 Sodium Hydroxide Package is used to regenerate the Anionic Exchange Unit and the
Mixed Exchanger Bed Unit. There is one package for each set of Anionic and Mixed
Bed Exchange Units, and it is assumed that the Sodium Hydroxide Package is made up
of one vessel and 2x100% pumps.
 It is assumed that if one Demineralised Water Tank is out of service, the system can
continue to operate with reduced storage.
 The nominal capacity of each Demineralised Water Tank is 72400 m3 (per tank). The
working capacity is assumed to be 85% of the nominal capacity.
 The capacity of each demineralized water package is 885 m3/hr, therefore the total
capacity is 2655 m3/h; this value includes a 15% overdesign. Approximately 230 m3/hr
are used for the regeneration of the bed. The normal demineralised water flow pumped
from the tank is 2061 t/hr.
 A simultaneous outage of both the regeneration pumps will cause a shutdown of the
water demineralisation packages after 20 hours due to the inability to regenerate the
resin beds.
 Demineralised Water Pumps P-0403 A/S are providing water to the deaerator (for the
upgrader and the steam system). Each pump is capable of pumping 643 m3/hr. The
normal flow is 559 t/hr.
 Demineralised Water Pumps P-0430 A/B/C/S are providing water to the deaerator in the
hydrogen unit. Each pump is capable of pumping 576 m3/hr. The normal flow is 1502
 BFW Pumps P-0431 A/B/S are providing water to the steam system. Each pump is
capable of pumping 204 m3/hr. The normal flow is 236 t/hr.

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 BFW Pumps P-0432 A/B/C/S are providing water to the Upgraders. Each pump is
capable of pumping 213 m3/hr. The normal flow is 555 t/hr.

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3.5 Cooling Water System

The cooling water system is a closed system that provides the compressed air utility systems
and the upgraders with their associated hydrogen units with industrial water for process
cooling. As some of the water is lost due to evaporation the circuits have to be re-filled with
make-up water. This is provided from the industrial water system, and for the purpose of this
study it is assumed that make-up water for the closed circuit cooling water systems is always
available. Please also note that the unavailability for this system will hence not take into
account the effect of make-up water shortages to these systems.
The utilities and each upgrader have their own closed systems, each consisting of a cooling
tower and associated recirculation pump. Warm return water from the units is pumped to the
top of the towers where counter-current heat exchange with the air flow cools. Make-up water
is added to account for evaporation losses in the collection pit at the bottom of the tower,
together with a variety of chemicals being added via injection packages to prevent fouling,
corrosion, scaling etc. The cooling water pumps then distribute the water back to the processing
units. The cooling towers are of mechanical induced draft type, each set off cells or fans being
located at the top of the tower. For the purpose of this study, it is assumed that each upgrader
cooling tower consists of 4 cells and the utility cooling tower consists of 2 cells. Each cell will
be modelled with its own motor and fan. Furthermore, each cell can be isolated for
maintenance while the other(s) are still in operation. It is also assumed that the injection
packages are not critical to operations as each has its own spare pump provided and short-term
outages do not have an immediate effect on operations.
The following equipment will be included in this system (100% refers to the total cooling water
requirements for the cooling tower):
Criticality / during
Equipment Configuration Tag No
Comment Equipment
Cooling Tower for Compressed
2*57.5% cells CT-0504 critical 58%
Air Cooling Water
Pump for Compressed Air P-0504 critical,
2*100% 100%
Cooling Water System A/S spared
Chemical Injection Package for A-0501-
1*100% non-critical 100%
Compressed Air Cooling Water 07
Cooling Tower for
Upgrader1&H2Unit1 Cooling 4*28.75% cells CT-0501 critical 86%
Pump for Upgrader1&H2Unit1 P-0501 critical,
3*57.5% 100%
Cooling Water System A/B/S spared
Chemical Injection Package for
Upgrader1&H2Unit1 Cooling 1*100% non-critical 100%
Cooling Tower for 4*28.75% cells CT-0502 critical 86%
Upgrader2&H2Unit2 Cooling

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Pump for Upgrader2&H2Unit2 P-0502 critical,
3*57.5% 100%
Cooling Water System A/B/S spared
Chemical Injection Package for
Upgrader2&H2Unit2 Cooling 1*100% non-critical 100%
Cooling Tower for
Upgrader1&H2Unit Cooling 4*28.75% cells CT-0503 critical 86%
Pump for Upgrader1&H2Unit P-0503 critical,
3*57.5% 100%
Cooling Water System A/B/S spared
Chemical Injection Package for
Upgrader1&H2Unit Cooling 1*100% non-critical 100%
Table 3-5, Cooling Water System Equipment and Criticality

Pumps are assumed to be centrifugal and motor driven.

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3.6 Nitrogen Generation System

The nitrogen generation system provides nitrogen to the upgraders to serve as both blanketing
gas in the storage tanks and in the process units themselves. While the latter is continuously
required during normal operations, the former maximum usage is essential only intermittently
during upgrader start-up operations.
Nitrogen generation is achieved via compression and cryogenic separation in the nitrogen
package. Air is compressed and fed to a cryogenic unit where it is refrigerated, dried and
distilled to produce nitrogen and an oxygen-rich waste stream that is vented. From the
liquefaction unit nitrogen is routed straight to the upgraders during normal operation, and is
also connected to cryogenic storage tanks to enable maximum supply during upgrader start-up.
In such instances, liquid nitrogen from the storage tanks is fed through a vaporiser that gasifies
the nitrogen and distributes it to the end users.
Also, should the nitrogen supply unit fail, i.e. no liquefied nitrogen is produced, the tanks will
vaporise the stored nitrogen intermittently to ensure continuous supply during normal and peak
operations until the package is back online and can refill the tanks.
Hence the storage capacity of the tanks is such that they can satisfy a peak demand of 8 hours,
or a normal demand of nearly 8 days. In summary, the assumptions are:
 The analysis will assume normal nitrogen requirements of 1,050 Nm3/hr
 The capacity of the compressors and cryogenic package is 5000 Nm3/hr of gas with 500
Nm3/hr of liquid production
 Nitrogen Storage is 350 m3 in two tanks (calculated as 8 hours at peak nitrogen demand
of 24,405 Nm3/hr, or 7.75 days of normal nitrogen demand of 1,050 Nm3/hr). During
outage of one of the tanks, available nitrogen supply duration from the tanks is halved.
 Vaporizer capacity is 24,405 Nm3/hr
 It is assumed that the compressor is centrifugal type and electric motor driven
 It is assumed that maximum nitrogen demand is required once a month for
approximately 2 hours
The study will quantify the availability of the system with respect to the normal nitrogen
demand, taking into account the liquid storage.
The following equipment will be included in this analysis (100% refers to the total nitrogen
Criticality Rate during
Equipment Tag No / Equipment
Comment Outage
Air Compressor 1*100% K-0701 Critical 0%
After Cooler Exchanger
1*100% - critical 0%
Liquefaction Unit 1*100% A-0702 critical 0%

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Nitrogen Storage Tank 2*50% critical 50%
Nitrogen Vaporiser 1*100% E-0701 critical 0%
Table 3-6, Nitrogen Generation System Equipment and Criticality

Note that the possibility of purchasing liquid nitrogen during unexpected outage of the nitrogen
generation package has not been included in this study, If purchasing liquid nitrogen is a
reliable option this would make this system not critical (as availability of liquid nitrogen would
be guaranteed by external supply).

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3.7 Plant and Instrument Air System

This system produces Instrument Air and Plant Air. Instrument air is dried to specification
while plant air is extracted upstream of the drier.

The following equipment will be modelled in this system:

Criticality / Rate during
Equipment Configuration Tag No
Comment Equipment Outage
See assumptions
Air Compressor 2*50% K-0801 A/B Critical, spared.
Compressor first Part of K- Critical, spared. One See assumptions
Intercooler (S&T) 0801 A/B for each compressor. below
Compressor Second Part of K- Critical, spared. One See assumptions
Intercooler (S&T) 0801 A/B for each compressor. below
Compressor Final Part of K- Critical, spared. One See assumptions
Cooler (S&T) 0801 A/B for each compressor. below
See assumptions
Air Compressor 2*50% K-0802 A/B Critical, spared.
Compressor first Part of K- Critical, spared. One See assumptions
Intercooler (S&T) 0802 A/B for each compressor. below
Compressor Second Part of K- Critical, spared. One See assumptions
Intercooler (S&T) 0802 A/B for each compressor. below
Compressor Final Part of K- Critical, spared. One See assumptions
Cooler (S&T) 0803 A/B for each compressor. below
Compressed Air
1*100% V-0801 Critical 0%
Air Dryer Package 2*100% D-0801 A/B Critical, spared. 100%
Instrument Air
2*50% V-0802 A/B Critical. 50% of instrument air
Table 3-7, Plant and Instrument Air System Equipment and Criticality

The following assumptions will be used:

 Instrument Air is prioritized over Plant Air. If there is a shortage of compressed air, the
available flow will go first to satisfy the instrument air demand and secondly to satisfy
the plant air demand.
 Instrument air demand is assumed constant at 9,850 Nm3/hr
 Plant Air demand is assumed constant at 5,456 Nm3/hr
 Air compressors are multi stage centrifugal compressors. 2 motor driven (K-0801 A/B)
and 2 steam turbine driven (K-0802 A/B).
 Each compressor has a capacity of 9,650 Nm3/hr

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 Each compressor includes inlet air filter, silencers, 3 compression stages with interstage
coolers (2), aftercooler and outlet air filter
 Normally 1 motor driven and one steam turbine driven compressor are operated and the
other two compressors are in stand by. It is possible to operate two motor driven
compressors or two turbine driven compressors if needed.
 Steam supply to the steam turbines is assumed to be always available for calculating the
availability of the instrument and plant air.
 There are two drier packages. Each package has two drier, one operating and one being
regenerated. Each package is able to process 100% of the instrument air demand. It is
assumed that the spare package is kept in standby and available for use when needed.
Note that 15% of dry air flow is used for dryer bed regeneration.
 The 2 driers (the one operating and the one being regenerated) are considered in series
from a reliability point of view.
 There are 2 instrument air receivers, each sized for 10 minutes of instrument air
consumption. Note that it is assumed that in case one of the receivers fails it is possible
to isolate the receiver and continue to operate at 50% of the instrument air production.

The study will estimate the availability of instrument air supply and the availability of plant air
supply (two separate values).

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4.1 General
Mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) and mean-time-to-repair (MTTR) are two of the parameters that
contribute to an equipment item’s ability or inability to fulfil its role in the production process.
Below is a very brief explanation of the terms used in the failure data tables:

Failure Data Mean Time To Failure (MTTF); years

Measure of the average time between consecutive failures.

Failure Distribution;
Characterisation of the likelihood of equipment failure over time. This
could, for example, be exponential or rectangular (see below).

Exponential Failure distribution;

Indicates that the probability of failure is constant throughout the

Rectangular Failure Distribution;

Indicates that the piece of equipment or the system will fail in a
certain period in the lifecycle

Repair Data Mean Time To Repair (MTTR); hours

Measure of the average time taken to diagnose and restore failed
equipment to an operational state.

Repair Distribution;
Characterisation of the repair duration following a failure. Examples
include constant and rectangular distributions (see below).

Constant Repair Distribution;

Indicates that the repair time following a failure is constant
throughout the lifecycle, i.e. not age dependent.

Rectangular Repair Distribution;

Indicates that the repair following a failure can take any time
within a fixed time period; this variation can be necessary to
account for longer repair times when the system is aged

Impact Describes the influence a failure has on the system’s continued

performance. A 100% impact indicates that the system is not able to
continue to perform.

Failure Duration As a combination of MTTR and MTTF, it indicates the number of hours
Per Annum (hrs) / in an operating year during which the system is failed. An MTTF of 5

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Annual Downtime years with an MTTR of 10 hours will have a failure duration of 2 hours
per annum.

Equivalent Lost Equivalent lost hours incorporate the impact of a failure into the failure
Hours per Annum duration. If an outage has a 50% impact and a failure duration of 10
hours per annum, the equivalent lost hours per annum will be 5 hours as
the system is still able to operate at 50% during the outage.

(Absolute) Losses Percentage of equivalent lost hours per annum in an operating year (here
taken to be 8760 hours).

Number of Outages The number of times a system or equipment fails in an operating year.
Per Annum

Availability Indication of the proportion of time during which an equipment or

system is in a state to perform a required function, under stated
conditions at a given instant of time or over a given time interval.

When reviewing the performance data the following should be noted:

 The failure rates reflect critical failures only, i.e. those requiring immediate shutdown of the
unit to allow repair, prior to resuming normal production. In addition to these critical
failures, equipment can also incur incipient failures, which do not require immediate repair
of the equipment (for example small leakages). For modelling purposes, it is assumed that
these incipient failures can be accommodated until the next plant turnaround at which time
they are repaired. These failures have therefore not been included in the simulation models.
 The failure modes listed in the following section reflect the average number of times a
piece of equipment causes total or partial production loss. In order to achieve these
‘expected’ equipment failure rates, it is assumed that industry standard inspection and
maintenance activities are carried out during plant turnarounds.
 Please note that all the given repair durations include restart durations and preparation time
but exclude mobilisation delays.

The equipment failure data in the following sections will be used for this analysis. Please note
that all this failure data has been taken from the internal DNV databases. This is a collection of
data derived from over 15 years of experience in performing RAM analysis. The data is
specific for downstream applications (refineries and upgraders). Note that the data is often the
average of several individual sources and that these individual sources cannot be disclosed for
confidentiality reasons.

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4.2 Failure Data and Repair Data

4.2.1 Natural Gas System (Unit 101)
The following failure data will be used for the vessels in this section.
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Equipmen Failure Mode Most Impac
(years Downtim ability
t Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical 98.00 144.0     100% 1.5 %
Total 98.00         1.5 %

4.2.2 Steam System

The following failure data will be used for the steam boilers:
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Equipmen Failure Mode Most Impac
(years Downtim ability
t Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Air 12.70 17.3     100% 1.4 99.98%
Electrical 38.10 4.0     100% 0.1 %
Fan 4.20 92.2     100% 22.0 99.75%
Human 12.70 14.7     100% 1.2 99.99%
Instrument 6.30 20.0     100% 3.2 99.96%
Leak 2.40 9     100% 75.8 99.13%
RV 38.10 96.0     100% 2.5 99.97%
Other 38.10 57.0     100% 1.5 99.98%
Total 0.95         107.6 98.77%

The following failure data will be used for the steam turbine and the power generator:
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Equipmen Failure Mode Most Impac
(years Downtim ability
t Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Short Critical Failures 10.00 12.0 48.0   100% 3.0 %
Medium Critical 168. 99.91
Failures 13.00 48.0 0   100% 8.3 %
Steam 240. 99.95
Turbine Long Critical Failures 50.00 168.0 0   100% 4.1 %
4380. 99.90
Rotor Failures 500.00 0     100% 8.8 %
Total 5.03         24.1 %
Steam Critical 5.90 32.7     100% 5.5 99.94

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Turbine %
Power 99.94
Total 5.90         5.5
Generator %

4.2.3 Industrial and Potable Water System

The following failure data will be used for the Industrial Water Pumps and Potable Water
Pumps (including the motor).
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Equipmen Failure Mode Most Impac
(years Downtim ability
t Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical 3.40 72.0 96.0   100% 24.7 %
Water 99.94
Pumps Motor Failure 14.10 69.3     100% 4.9 %
Total 2.74         29.6 %

The following failure data will be used for the Industrial Water Tanks and Potable Water Tank:
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Equipmen Failure Mode Most Impac
(years Downtim ability
t Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Water Critical 200.00 72.0 144.0   100% 0.5 %
Tanks 99.99
Total 200.00         0.5 %

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4.2.4 Boiler Feed Water System

The following failure data will be used for the BFW Pumps:
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical 2.00 48.0 72.0   100% 30.0
HP BFW Pumps %
(motor driven) 99.66
Total 2.00         30.0
Critical 14.10 69.3     100% 4.9
Motor Driver for %
HP BFW Pumps 99.94
Total 14.10         4.9

The following failure data will be used for all other centrifugal pumps in this section:
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical 3.40 48.0 72.0   100% 17.6
Centrifugal 99.94
Motor Failure 14.10 69.3     100% 4.9
Pumps (<100HP) %
Total 2.74         22.6
Critical 3.40 72.0 96.0   100% 24.7
Centrifugal 99.94
Motor Failure 14.10 69.3     100% 4.9
Pumps (>100HP) %
Total 2.74         29.6

The following failure data will be used for the Deaerators:

MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Equipmen Failure Mode Most Impac
(years Downtim ability
t Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical Mechanical 200.00 48.0 72.0   100% 0.3
Critical Trip 40.00 2.0 4.0   100% 0.1
Deaerators %
Process Upset - 100.00
4.50 2.0 4.0   30% 0.2
Partial Loss %
Total 3.96         0.6 99.99%

The following failure data will be used for the air blowers.

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MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical 3.00 44.0     100% 14.7
Air Blowers Motor Failure 15.00 28.0     100% 1.9
Total 2.50         16.5

The following failure data will be used for the Demineralised Water Tank:
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
144. 99.99
Critical 0.5
Demineralised 200.00 72.0 0   100% %
Water Tank 99.99
200.00         0.5 %

The following failure data will be used for the reciprocating pumps in the Hydrochloric Acid
Package and in the Sodium Hydroxide Package.
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical 99.82
1.60 25.0     100% 15.6
Reciprocating (including motor) %
Pumps 99.82
Total 1.60         15.6

The following data will be used for the switching valves associated with the vessels in the
Demineralised Water Package.
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical 2.6
7.00 12.0 24.0   100% %
DWP Vessels
7.00         2.6 %

The following data will be used for the vessels in the Demineralised Water Package.

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MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
144. 99.98
Critical 98.00     100% 1.5
Demineralised 0 %
Water Package 99.98
Total 98.00         1.5

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4.2.5 Cooling Water System

The following failure data will be used for motor driven cooling water pumps (including driver
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical 1.88 24.0 48.0   100% 19.1
CW Pumps %
(motor driven) 99.78
Total 1.88         19.1

The following failure data will be used for individual fans/cells in the cooling towers.
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Equipmen Failure Mode Most Impac
(years Downtim ability
t Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Fan 1.00 48.0 120.0   100% 84.0
Tower Fan Electrical 1.50 24.0 48.0   100% 24.0
Total 0.60         108.0

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4.2.6 Nitrogen Generation System

The following failure data will be used for motor driven centrifugal air compressors.
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical 1.50 12.0 36.0   100% 16.0
Air Compressor Motor Failure 14.10 69.3     100% 4.9
Total 1.36         20.9

The following failure data will be used for the aftercooler.

MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical 100.00 72.0     100% 0.7
Air Compressor 99.99
Fouling 100.00 62.0     100% 0.6
After Cooler %
Total 50.00         1.3

The following failure data will be used for the nitrogen cryogenic package.
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Cryogenic General Critical 50.00 240.0 360.0   100% 6.0
Package Total 50.00         6.0

Note that no specific data is available for Nitrogen Vaporizers. For the purpose of this study the
failure data for a low fouling S&T heat exchanger will be used for this equipment.
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical 25.00 144.0     100% 5.8
Nitrogen %
Vaporizer 99.93
Total 25.00         5.8

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The following failure data will be used for the Nitrogen Storage tank.
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical 98.00 144.0     100% 1.5
Nitrogen %
Storage Tank 99.98
Total 98.00         1.47

4.2.7 Plant and Instrument Air System

The following failure data will be used for motor driven centrifugal air compressors.
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Critical 1.50 12.0 36.0   100% 16.0
Air 99.94
Motor Failure 14.10 69.3     100% 4.9
Compressor %
Total 1.36         20.9

The following failure data will be used for steam turbine drivers.
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Control Valve 99.96
17.70 55.2     100% 3.1
Sealing Problem %
Other Critical
168. 99.93
Steam Turbine 17.70 48.0   100% 6.1
0 %
Steam Failures
Turbine RPM Control 99.98
Driver 13.40 24.0     100% 1.8
System Failure %
Axial Bearing 99.95
17.70 72.0     100% 4.1
Failure %
Total 4.10         15.1

The following failure data will be used for intercoolers and aftercoolers.
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
Air 99.99
Critical 100.00 72.0     100% 0.7
Compressor %
Inter- and Fouling 100.00 62.0     100% 0.6 99.99

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Aftercoolers Total 50.00         1.3

The following failure data will be used for receivers and driers.
MTTR (Hours)
MTTF Annual Avail-
Failure Mode Most Impac
Equipment (years Downtim ability
Description Min Max Likel t (%)
) e (hours) (%)
144. 99.99
Critical 80.00 48.0   100% 1.2
Receivers 0 %
and Dryers 99.99
Total 80.00         1.2

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5.1 Plant Crew Mobilisation

The following general maintenance assumptions have been made to reflect the expected
mobilisation delays associated with equipment repairs:

 There will be sufficient resources to satisfy normal maintenance and operational demands.
 The maintenance team provides cover 24 hours/day, 7 days per week. A mobilisation
period of 2 hours is assumed should any maintenance be required. This mobilisation delay
is assumed to account for mobilisation of personnel, equipment and spares.
 Maintenance of the plant is carried out only on items that have failed critically or have a
degraded mode of operation. It is assumed that all incipient and unknown failures will be
addressed on an opportunity basis.

5.2 Impact of equipment spares availability on repair delays

At this stage of the design, DNV does normally not include specific issues with availability of
major spares. The assumption would be that CAPEX/Operational spares will be purchased as
per vendor recommendations and no optimization would be carried out at this stage.

5.3 Preparation and Restart Delays

The repair duration included in section 4 include the following:
 Preparation delays specific to the relevant process system to allow for cool-down or warm-
 Restart delays: this is the delay associated with getting the process systems back on line.

5.4 Scheduled Maintenance Assumptions

The study will assess the availability of the systems excluding the impact of scheduled
maintenance as it is assumed that scheduled maintenance of utility systems will coincide with
scheduled maintenance of the main consumers.

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6.1 Definitions
Availability is defined as:

"The ability of an item to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions at
a given instant of time, or an average over a given time interval, assuming that the required
external resources are provided"

In particular for this study availability for a system is defined as:

Availability = Achieved Production by the standalone system / Planned Production


The predicted Plant Availability is a ratio of the actual product produced against the planned
production over the system life. Note that availability does not include upstream or downstream
losses or the effect of recovery operations through buffers.

Supply Efficiency = Average Achieved Supply / Planned Supply x 100%

Utilization = Average Achieved Throughput / Design Capacity

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6.2 Natural Gas System

The Natural Gas System availability is 99.935%. This system has no rotating equipment,
therefore the availability is expected to be high and the frequency of the losses expected to be
very low (0.04 outages per annum).
Key Parameter Value Unit of measurement
Natural Gas System Availability 99.935% %
Standard Deviation 0.063% %
Availability Losses 0.066% %
Equivalent Total Down Days per Annum 0.2 days
Number of Outages per Annum 0.04 #
Table 6-8 - Key Results for the Natural Gas System

Note that the availability of this system assumes that the supply of natural gas from the national
gas transportation system is 100% available.

The breakdown of the losses is reported below:

Criticality Breakdown Tag Absolute Losses
Oily Condensate Drum V-0104 0.016%
Low Pressure Fuel Gas Separator V-0103 0.016%
High Pressure Fuel Gas Separator V-0102 0.017%
Separator Drum V-0101 0.017%
Total   0.066%
Table 6-9 - Natural Gas System Losses Breakdown

The losses in the natural gas system of 0.066% are caused by the in-series arrangement of the
separators, resulting in an outage of the system if any one of the vessels fails.
If these vessels could be isolated and bypassed during failure, allowing the rest of the system to
continue operating, the system availability would be greatly enhanced.

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6.3 Steam System

The availability of the steam boilers (with respect to the normal steam demand) is 99.99%.
Because of the redundancy available in the boilers losses will only occur when 2 or more
boilers are out of service simultaneously. This only happens 0.07 times per year (every 14
years). When 2 boilers are out of service the model assumes that steam supply to the steam
turbine generator will be curtailed. Because of this the supply efficiency to the steam turbine
generator is 99.631% and the potential power production from the steam turbine is therefore
10.96 MW.
Unit of
Key Parameter Value
Steam Boiler System Availability 99.990% %
Standard Deviation 0.011% %
Availability Losses 0.010% %
Equivalent Total Down Days per Annum 0.04 days
Number of Outages per Annum (simultaneous outage of two
0.07 #
Steam Supply Efficiency    
To the Upgrader 100.000% %
To the Air System 100.000% %
To the Steam Turbine Generator 99.631% %
Availability of the Steam Turbine plus Generator 99.652% %
Utilization of the Steam Turbine generator 99.631% %
Potential Power Production from the Steam Turbine Generator 10.96 MW
Table 6-10 - Key Results for the Steam System

The results above assume that the demineralised water and fuel gas supplies are 100%
available. It also assumes that inspection of the boilers is taking place in periods of low

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DNV has also evaluated the impact of assuming boiler inspection with a 2 year frequency and
an overall duration of 14 days (each boiler).

The impact of this assessment is shown in the following table. The Availability of the boilers
decreases to 99.96% and the frequency of two boilers being down simultaneously increases to
0.22 per annum (every 4.5 years).
Unit of
Key Parameter Value
Steam Boiler System Availability 99.959% %
Standard Deviation 0.025% %
Availability Losses 0.041% %
Equivalent Total Down Days per Annum 0.15 days
Number of Outages per Annum (simultaneous outage of two
0.22 #
Steam Supply Efficiency    
To the Upgrader 99.999% %
To the Air System 99.999% %
To the Steam Turbine Generator 99.565% %
Availability of the Steam Turbine Generator 99.652% %
Utilization of the Steam Turbine generator 99.565% %
Potential Power Production from the Steam Turbine generator 10.95 MW
Table 6-11 - Key Results for the Steam System – Sensitivity with Boilers Inspection

Improvements of the steam boiler system availability are very difficult to achieve as the
availability of 99.99% is very high.
In order to increase the steam supply efficiency to the steam turbine generator an increase in
steam boiler capacity could be considered.

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Final Report for Upgrader Utility RAM Analysis

6.4 Industrial and Potable Water System

The availability of the Potable Water System is 99.993%. The losses are mostly caused by
potential outages in the single tank (see also breakdown in Table 6 -13). The availability of the
Industrial Water System is ~100% (as single outages of the tanks are not critical and
simultaneous outages of the two pumps are very rare).
Unit of
Key Parameter Value
Potable Water System Availability 99.993% %
Standard Deviation 0.020% %
Availability Losses 0.007% %
Equivalent Total Down Days per Annum 0.03 days
Number of Outages per Annum 0.007 #
Industrial Water System Availability 100.000% %
Standard Deviation 0.003% %
Availability Losses 0.000% %
Equivalent Total Down Days per Annum 0.00 days
Number of Outages per Annum 0.001 #
Table 6-12 - Key Results for the Potable Water and Industrial Water Systems

Criticality Breakdown
Tag Losses
Potable Water Tank T-0302 0.007%
Pump P-0302 S 0.000%
Pump P-0302 A 0.000%
Total 0.007%
Table 6-13 – Potable Water System Losses Breakdown

Note that for both these systems the criticality lies in the power supply to the pumps. Should
the power supply be interrupted both pumps will fail and therefore the industrial water and
potable water supply would be interrupted. A detailed analysis of the power supply
configuration to these pumps could be performed in the next phase of the design to ensure the
necessary redundancy.

The availability of the industrial water system is 100% hence no improvement suggestions are
required. The potable water system availability is 99.99% so again improvements on this would
be very difficult to achieve. Furthermore, the system as such is not plant critical hence no
improvements are considered relevant.

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6.5 Boiler Feed Water System

This system is more complex and contains two tanks that can act as buffer and therefore can
protect the system against unavailability of the Demineralised Water Packages. The results
provided are broken down into subsystems, and differentiation between subsystem availability
and the supply efficiency of BFW to the various users needs is required.

Demineralised Water Packages

The availability of the Demineralised Water Packages is ~99.73%. This is based on the
maximum production of demineralised water (including the 15% overcapacity). The model
includes this 15% overcapacity as it is needed to refill the tank after the level was drained
because of an outage.
Unit of
Key Parameter Value
Demineralised Water Packages Availability (based on
99.728% %
maximum production capacity)
Standard Deviation 0.033% %
Availability Losses 0.272% %
Equivalent Total Down Days per Annum 0.99 days
Table 6-14 - Key Results for Demineralised Water Packages

The table below reports the breakdown of the losses in the Demineralised Water System.
Equipment Absolute Losses %
Mixed Exchanger Switching Valves 0.087%
Cationic Exchange Unit Switching Valves 0.048%
Anionic Exchange Unit Switching Valves 0.048%
Hydrochloric Acid Vessel 0.017%
Sodium Hydroxide Vessel 0.016%
Decarboniser Bed 0.014%
Anionic Exchange Unit 0.012%
Mixed Exchanger Bed 1 0.012%
Cationic Exchange Unit 0.012%
Stop Demi system when Reg pumps down 0.001%
Hydrochloric Acid Pump 0.000%
Air Blower 0.000%
Sodium Hydroxide Pump 0.000%
Decarboniser Water Pump 0.000%
Total 0.272%
Table 6-15 – Demineralised Water System Losses Breakdown

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Of course the availability of the system to produce the normal water demand will be higher.

The availability of the pumping systems downstream the tanks is reported in the following table
and Table 6 -17 reports the Water supply efficiency to the 3 customers. This supply efficiency
is very high and the small losses are driven by unavailability of the pumps and deaerators. The
Demineralised Water tanks seem to be correctly sized as these tanks will always have inventory
to cover for outages in the Demineralised Water Packages.
Unit of
Key Parameter Value
Availability of the Regeneration System 99.999% %
Availability of the pumping system to the Hydrogen unit 99.999% %
Availability of the Demin Water Pumps and deareators 99.991% %
Availability of the BFW Pumps to the Upgrader 99.998% %
Availability of the BFW Pumps to the Steam System 100.000% %
Table 6-16 - Key Results for BFW Pumping Systems

Normal Achieved
Water Supply Efficiency Efficiency
tonnes/hr tonnes/hrs
To the Hydrogen Unit 1502.10 1502.09 99.999%
To the Upgrader 555.00 554.97 99.995%
To the Steam System 236.10 236.07 99.986%
Table 6-17 – Water Supply Efficiency

Note that, as for the previous systems, the criticality for the pumping systems lies in the power
supply to the pumps. Should the power supply be interrupted all pumps in the same service will
fail and therefore the BFW supply to a particular destination would be interrupted. A detailed
analysis of the power supply configuration to these pumps could be performed in the next
phase of the design to ensure the necessary redundancy.

Although the Demineralised Water Package availability is significantly lower than other
systems, the water supply efficiency to the various downstream users is nearly 100% so no
significant improvements can be achieved. In order to increase the demineralised water
package availability, more redundancy or overcapacity could be incorporated in the packages.

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Final Report for Upgrader Utility RAM Analysis

6.6 Cooling Water System

Results are provided for the two typical configurations:
 Cooling water Tower and Pumps for One Upgrader and associated H2 unit
 Cooling water Tower and Pumps for the Compressed Air System

The availability of cooling water to the compressed air system is ~98.93%, the availability of
cooling water to the Upgrader is 99.29%.
Unit of
Key Parameter Value
Cooling Water System Availability - to Compressed Air System 98.929% %
Standard Deviation 0.129% %
Availability Losses 1.071% %
Equivalent Total Down Days per Annum 3.91 days
Cooling Water System Availability - to the Upgrader 99.295% %
Standard Deviation 0.059% %
Availability Losses 0.705% %
Equivalent Total Down Days per Annum 2.57 days
Table 6-18 - Key Results for Cooling Water Systems

Note that all losses are incurred because of outages of the fans (mechanical or electrical), as
indicated in the breakdown in the following tables.
Criticality Breakdown Tag
Losses %
Cooling Water Circulation Pump 2 P-0504S 0.000%
Cooling Water Circulation Pump 1 P-0504A 0.000%
CW Tower CT-0504 0.537%
CW Tower CT-0504 0.534%
Total   1.071%
Table 6-19 – Cooling Water System Availability - to Compressed Air System -Losses

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Criticality Breakdown Tag
Losses %
Cooling Water Circulation Pump 3 P-0501S 0.000%
Cooling Water Circulation Pump 2 P-0501B 0.000%
Cooling Water Circulation Pump 1 P-0501A 0.000%
CW Tower CT-0501 0.177%
CW Tower CT-0501 0.176%
CW Tower CT-0501 0.176%
CW Tower CT-0501 0.175%
Total   0.705%
Table 6-20 – Cooling Water System Availability - to Upgrader - Losses Breakdown

Note that the model has assumed that if one fan is down the cooling water supply will be
reduced (according to the redundancy stated in section 3.5). Of course in real life it might be
that the cooling water temperature can be adjusted to ensure that the flow is not affected.
Also please note that the results do not consider the natural draft cooling that would occur
during outage of one fan. If data is provided on the natural draft cooling it might be possible to
incorporate it in the model and to evaluate the benefit of natural draft on cooling water

The main losses in the cooling water system arise from the outages of the cooling tower cells;
hence increasing the overcapacity of the individual cells will increase availability. If the
upgrader cooling tower cell arrangement would be changed from 4*28.75% to 4*33.3%
(effectively one cell in each cooling tower is spare) the availability of the system would
increase to 99.969%.
For the air compressor cooling tower cells, an effective cell sparing in a 2*100% arrangement
would increase the availability o the system to 99.984%.

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6.7 Nitrogen Generation System

The availability of the nitrogen production is 99.66%, while the availability of the vaporizer is
99.94%. These availabilities in combination with the storage capacity determine a nitrogen
supply efficiency to the upgraders of 99.97%. The efficiency of nitrogen supply to the tank
blanketing (peak demand only for 2 hours every month) is 99.90%
Unit of
Key Parameter Value
Nitrogen Production Availability 99.663% %
Standard Deviation 0.121% %
Availability Losses 0.337% %
Equivalent Total Down Days per Annum 1.23 days
Vaporizer Availability 99.938% %
Supply Efficiency to Upgrader 99.970% %
Supply Efficiency to Blanketing 99.898% %
Table 6-21 - Key Results for Nitrogen Generation System

The supply inefficiency to the upgrader is caused by long outages in the Nitrogen production
system (mainly related to the cryogenic package) that cannot be handled by the storage. Air
compressor losses will generally not cause interruption of the supply because the nitrogen tank
can provide the necessary inventory. The nitrogen storage tanks will bottom out on average
every 50 years.
Criticality Breakdown - Nitrogen Production Absolute
Availability Losses %
Air Compressor K-0701 0.252%
Cryogenic Package A-0702 0.070%
Aftercooler   0.015%
Total   0.337%
Table 6-22 – Nitrogen Generation System - Losses Breakdown

It can be seen that the air compressor is the main cause for losses. Sparing this compressor
would increase the system's availability, as would the possibility of buying liquid nitrogen
during system outages.

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6.8 Plant and Instrument Air System

The instrument air is prioritized over the plant air. The following table reports the availability
of the compressed air system upstream of the plant air supply and the availability of the part of
the system dedicated to the instrument air (driers and instrument air receiver). Table 6 -24 and
Table 6 -25 report the breakdown of the losses for these two subsystems.
Note that the supply efficiency of plant air is slightly higher than the supply efficiency of
instrument air (even though the instrument air is prioritized over the plant air) because the main
sources of unavailability are the receivers, while the redundancy on the compressors ensures no
losses from the rotating equipment.
Unit of
Key Parameter Value
Availability of the Compression System and Air Receiver 99.986% %
Availability of the Driers and Instrument Air Receivers 99.985% %
Supply Efficiency of Instrument Air 99.971% %
Supply Efficiency of Plant Air 99.986% %
Table 6-23 - Key Results for Plant and Instrument Air System

Criticality Breakdown - Compression System and Air Absolute

Receiver Losses %
Compressed Air Receiver V-0801 0.014%
ST Driven Compressor System 1 K-0802B 0.000%
ST Driven Compressor System 1 K-0802A 0.000%
EM Driven Compressor System 1 K-0801B 0.000%
EM Driven Compressor System 1 K-0801A 0.000%
Associated Coolers 0.000%
Associated Coolers 0.000%
Associated Coolers 0.000%
Associated Coolers 0.000%
Total   0.014%
Table 6-24 – Compression System and Air Receiver - Losses Breakdown

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Criticality Breakdown - Driers and Instrument Air Absolute

Receivers Losses %
Instrument Air Receiver V-0802B 0.007%
Instrument Air Receiver V-0802A 0.008%
Dryer 1 D-0801B 0.000%
Dryer 2 D-0801B 0.000%
Dryer 1 D-0801A 0.000%
Dryer 2 D-0801A 0.000%
Total   0.015%
Table 6-25 – Driers and Instrument Air Receivers - Losses Breakdown

The air system’s losses are caused by vessel outages only. Similarly to the natural gas system,
the ability to isolate and bypass any one of the 2 instrument air receivers during outage would
enable continued operation at 100% throughput as significant hold-up volume is provided
rather than having to reduce throughput to 50%, and would hence increase the availability of
the system.

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Final Report for Upgrader Utility RAM Analysis

6.9 Hydrogen Unit Data Analysis

Part of the scope of this study was the analysis of the data collated over the years by DNV on
Hydrogen Unit performances. The scope of this analysis is to understand the availability of
hydrogen units in order for Toyo to assess the risk involved in having a single hydrogen supply

The table below summarises the research conducted.

Unit of
Description Value
Number of Hydrogen Generation Units included in the sample 30 #
US and Canada 25 #
Europe 3 #
South America 2 #
Total Number of observation years 76 years
Average unit Availability Losses (not weighted for observation
1.8% %
Equivalent down days per annum 6.5 days
Average unit Availability Losses (weighted for observation
2.2% %
Equivalent down days per annum 8.2 days
Unavailability of best 80% Units 1.12% %
Unavailability of best 50% Units 0.42% %
Unavailability of best 20% Units 0.05% %
Table 6-26 – Historical Data on Hydrogen Units
The following conclusions can be drawn:
 Data was available for 30 units for a total of 76 years of data.
 The average age of the units is approximately 20 years. The sample does not show a
clear trend with relation to the age of the units (newer units are not more reliable than
older units).
 The majority of the units are located in US and Canada, the sample of units in South
America is too small to be statistical representative on its own.
 The average availability losses for all units are 1.8%; if this average is calculated also
considering the observation years for each unit, the average availability losses are 2.2%.
Note that these availability losses only include mechanical downtime of the plant, but
exclude TA and all scheduled inspections.
 The best 80% of the units have an average unavailability of 1.1%, the best 20% of the
units have an average unavailability of 0.05%.

The figure below shows the data for all the units in the sample.

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Availability Losses (slowdowns and shutdowns) %







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Figure 6-2, Availability Losses for Hydrogen Units

The distribution of the losses is shown in the figure below.

Distribution of Unplanned losses


45.0% 43.3%



Probability %


15.0% 13.3% 13.3%

5.0% 3.3%

0% - 1% 1% - 2% 2% - 3% 3% - 4% 4% - 5% 5% - 6%
Unit Unplanned Losses %

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Final Report for Upgrader Utility RAM Analysis

This figure shows that 43% of the units in the sample have availability losses <1%, 16.7% of
the units in the sample have availability losses between 1 and 2% and so on.

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Date: 21 / 04 / 2011 Page 45
Report for PDVSA/Toyo
Final Report for Upgrader Utility RAM Analysis

The following is a list of reference documents as provided by Toyo on April 19th 2011 that have
been used for this study.
0008-101-IP106000 Process Description of NG Supply Unit Made by VEPICA
0008-101-IP147000 Design Basis of NG Supply Unit Made by VEPICA
0008-101-IP204000 PFD of NG Supply Unit Made by VEPICA


0008-102-IP106000 Process Description of Steam Supply and Condensate Recovery Unit Edited by TOYO
0008-102-IP147000 Design Basis of Steam Supply and Condensate Recovery Unit Edited by TOYO
0008-102-IP204000 PFD of Steam Supply and Condensate Recovery Unit Edited by TOYO


0008-103-IP106000 Process Description of Potable and Industrial Water Supply Unit Made by VEPICA
0008-103-IP147000 Design Basis of Potable and Industrial Water Supply Unit Made by VEPICA
0008-103-IP204000 PFD of Potable and Industrial Water Supply Unit Edited by TOYO
0008-104-IP106000 Process Description of Boiler Feed Water Supply Unit Edited by TOYO
0008-104-IP147000 Design Basis of Boiler Feed Water Supply Unit Edited by TOYO
0008-104-IP204000 PFD of Boiler Feed Water Supply Unit Made by VEPICA
0008-104-IP204001 PFD of Boiler Feed Water Supply Unit Edited by TOYO
0008-105-IP106000 Process Description of Cooling Water Supply Unit Edited by TOYO
0008-105-IP147000 Design Basis of Cooling Water Supply Unit Edited by TOYO
0008-105-IP204000 (a) PFD of Cooling Water Supply Unit for Upgrader 1 Edited by TOYO
0008-105-IP204000 (b) PFD of Cooling Water Supply Unit for Upgrader 2 Edited by TOYO
0008-105-IP204000 (c) PFD of Cooling Water Supply Unit for Upgrader 3 Edited by TOYO
0008-105-IP204000 (d) PFD of Cooling Water Supply Unit for Utility Edited by TOYO
0008-107-IP147000 Design Basis of Nitrogen Supply Unit Edited by TOYO
0008-107-IP153000 General Specification of Nitrogen Supply Unit Edited by TOYO
0008-107-IP204000 PFD of Nitrogen Supply Unit Edited by TOYO


0008-108-IP106000 Process Description of Plant and Instrument Air Supply Unit Edited by TOYO
0008-108-IP147000 Design Basis of Plant and Instrument Air Supply Unit Edited by TOYO
0008-108-IP204000 PFD of Plant and Instrument Air Supply Unit (1/3) Edited by TOYO
0008-108-IP204001 PFD of Plant and Instrument Air Supply Unit (2/3) Edited by TOYO
0008-108-IP204002 PFD of Plant and Instrument Air Supply Unit (3/3) Edited by TOYO
- Equipment Short Specification for Utility Systems Made by TOYO
- Updated Utility Block Flow Diagram Made by TOYO

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