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Predicting how the stock market will perform is perhaps the most troublesome activities. There
are such countless variables engaged with the prediction-physical factors verses psychological,
rational and irra tional behavior, and so on every one of these viewpoints consolidate to make
costs unstable and exceptionally hard to for see with a serious level of exactness. Traditionally,
two primary methodologies have been proposed for predicting the stock price of an
organization. Technical analysis method uses the historical price of stocks like close or opening
prices, volume traded, adjacent close values etc. And so on of the stock for predicting the
future cost of the stock. The second type of analysis is qualitative, which is performed on
the basis of external factors like company profile, market situation, political and economic
factors and social media and even blogs by financial analyst. In these days, we are using
techniques of advanced intelligent on the basis of either technical or fundamental analysis are
used in order to predict stock prices. Especially for stock market analysis, the data size is very
huge and also nonlinear. To manage this assortment of data efficient model is required that can
recognize the patterns and complex relations in this huge data set. Machine learning procedures
in this space have demonstrated to improve efficiencies by 60-86 percentage contrasted with
the past methods.


Stock market prediction is basically defined as trying to determine the stock value and offer
a robust idea for the people to know and predict the market and the stock prices. It is generally
presented using the quarterly financial ratio using the dataset. Thus, relying on a single dataset
may not be sufficient for the prediction and can give a result which is inaccurate. Hence, we are

contemplating towards the study of machine learning with various datasets integration to predict
the market and the stock trends. The problem with estimating the stock price will remain a
problem if a better stock market prediction algorithm is not proposed. Predicting how the stock
market will perform is quite difficult. The movement in the stock market is usually determined
by the sentiments of thousands of investors. Stock market prediction, calls for an ability to
predict the effect of recent events on the investors. These events can be political events like a
statement by a political leader, a piece of news on scam etc. It can also be an international event
like sharp movements in currencies and commodity etc. All these events affect the corporate
earnings, which in turn affects the sentiment of investors. It is beyond the scope of almost all
investors to correctly and consistently predict these hyperparameters. All these factors make
stock price prediction very difficult. Once the right data is collected, it then can be used to train
a machine and to generate a predictive result.


In this existing system the prediction of an stock is done with the help of two approaches,
they are technical analysis method and qualitative analysis method. In technical analysis
method, it uses some analysis like-closing price and opening price of previous stocks, adjacent
closes values and some other in-orders to predict the future stock price. In qualitative analysis,
the future stock price is predicted with the help of some factors like company profile, economic
factors. Simply we can say that most of the stocks or entrepreneur were used technical and
fundamental analysis for predicting the stock.


 Accuracy would decrease when setting more levels of stock market movement.


In this proposed system, we used to deal with stock by the means of machine learning and
some machine learning algorithms like LSTM or predicting the stock price. In this system, the
agent is generated to predict the prices. The data from past years of companies are used
predicting the stocks. From the past accessible knowledge then earn some knowledge, that
knowledge is utilized for getting the accurate prediction and LSTM gives the 60-80% accurate
results compared to existing system.


 The entrepreneur will be benefited because of accurate prediction of the future stock.
 Even a less knowledge person can easily understand the prediction of stock and can gain
more profits



1. .Survey of Stock Market Prediction Using Machine Learning Approach
AUTHOR: K. Hiba Sadia

The stock market prediction has become an increasingly important issue in the present time.
One of the methods employed is technical analysis, but such methods do not always yield
accurate results. So it is important to develop methods for a more accurate prediction. Generally,
investments are made using predictions that are obtained from the stock price after considering
all the factors that might affect it. The technique that was employed in this instance was a
regression. Since financial stock marks generate enormous amounts of data at any given time a
great volume of data needs to undergo analysis before a prediction can be made. Each of the
techniques listed under regression hasits own advantages and limitations over its other
counterparts. One of the noteworthy techniques that were mentioned was linear regression. The
way linear regression models work is that they are often fitted using the least squares approach,
but they may alternatively be also befitted in other ways, such as by diminishing the "lack of fit"
in some other norm, or by diminishing a handicapped version of the least squares loss function.
Conversely, the least squares approach can be utilized to fit nonlinear models.

2.Impact of Financial Ratios and Technical Analysis on Stock Price Prediction Using
Random Forests

AUTHOR: Aditya Sharma

The use of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to predict the prices of the
stock is an increasing trend. More and more researchers invest their time every day in coming up with
ways to arrive at techniques that can further improve the accuracy of the stock prediction model. Due
to the vast number of options available, there can be n number of ways on how to predict the price of
the stock, but all methods don‟t work the same way. The output varies for each technique even if the
same data set is being applied. In the cited paper the stock price prediction has been carried out by
using the random forest algorithm is being used to predict the price of the stock using financial ratios
form the previous quarter. This is just one wayof looking at the problem by approaching it using a
predictive model, using the random forest to predict the future price of the stock from historical data.
However, there are always other factors that influence the price of the stock, such as sentiments of the
investor, public opinion about the company, news from various outlets, and even events that cause the
entire stock market to fluctuate. By using the financial ratio along with a model that can effectively
analyze sentiments the accuracy of the stock price prediction model can be increased.

3. Stock Market Prediction via Multi-Source Multiple Instance Learning

AUTHOR : Adarsh Paul

Accurately predicting the stock market is a challenging task, but the modern web has proved to
be a very useful tool in making this task easier. Due to the interconnected format of data, it is
easy to extract certain sentiments thus making it easier to establish relationships between
various variable and roughly scope out a pattern of investment. Investment pattern from various
firms show sign of similarity, and the key to successfully predicting the stock market is to
exploit these same consistencies between the data sets. The way stock market information can
be predicted successfully is by using more than just technical historical data, and using other
methods like the use of sentiment analyzer to derive an important connection between people’s
emotions and how they are influenced by investment in specific stocks. One more important
segment of the prediction process was the extraction of important events from web news to see
how it affected stock prices.

4. Stock Market Prediction: Using Historical Data Analysis

AUTHOR: SarmisthaPadhi

The stock market prediction process is filled with uncertainty and can be influenced by multiple
factors. Therefore, the stock market plays an important role in business and finance. The
technical and fundamental analysis is done by sentimental analysis process. Social media data
has a high impact due to its increased usage, and it can be helpful in predicting the trend of the
stock market. Technical analysis is done using by applying machine learning algorithms on
historical data of stock prices. The method usually involves gathering various social media data,
news to extract sentiments expressed by individuals. Other data like previous year stock prices
are also considered. The relationship between various data points is considered, and a prediction
is made on these data points. The model was able to make predictions about future stock values.

5. Machine Learning Approach In Stock Market Prediction

AUTHOR: Saurav Sanyal

The vast majority of the stockbrokers while making the prediction utilized the specialized,
fundamental or the time series analysis. Overall, these techniques couldn't be trusted completely,
so there emerged the need to give a strong strategy to financial exchange prediction. To find the
best accurate result, the methodology chose to be implemented as machine learning and AI
along with supervised classifier. Results were tried on the binary classification utilizing SVM
classifier with an alternate set of a feature list. The greater part of the Machine Learning
approach for taking care of business issues had their benefit over factual techniques that did
exclude AI, despite the fact that there was an ideal procedure for specific issues. Swarm
Intelligence optimization method named Cuckoo search was most easy to accommodate the
parameters of SVM. The proposed hybrid CS-SVM strategy exhibited the performance to create
increasingly exact outcomes in contrast with ANN. Likewise, the CS-SVM display performed
better in the forecasting of the stock value prediction. Prediction stock cost utilized parse
records to compute the predicted, send it to the user, and autonomously perform tasks like
buying and selling shares utilizing automation concept. Naïve Bayes Algorithm was utilized.

6. A Survey on Stock Market Prediction Using SVM

AUTHOR: Vivek Kanade

The recent studies provide a well-grounded proof that most of the predictive regression models
are inefficient in out of sample predictability test. The reason for this inefficiency was parameter
instability and model uncertainty. The studies also concluded the traditional strategies that
promise to solve this problem. Support vector machine commonly known as SVM provides with
the kernel, decision function, and sparsity of the solution. It is used to learn polynomial radial
basis function and the multi-layer perceptron classifier. It is a training algorithm for
classification and regression, which works on a larger dataset. There are many algorithms in the
market but SVM provides with better efficiency and accuracy. The correlation analysis between
SVM and stock market indicates strong interconnection between the stock prices and the market



 Operating System: Windows 7,8,10

 Coding Language: python
 Software: Anaconda Navigator, Colab
 Pandas(0.22.1)
 Numpy(1.14.2)
 Matplotlib(3.2.1)


 Processor: Intel i5 7th gen

 RAM: 4GB(min)
 Hard disk: 1TB
 Key Board: Standard Windows Keyboard
 Monitor: Color Monitor( 16-bit color)




The Figure 4.1 shows that the general architecture of a stock prediction. Initially the raw data is taken as
the input from the data sources of the previous companies through data-reader through pandas and we
will now get the raw data from the yahoo website.

Fig. 3.1: Architecture

The Figure 3.1 shows that the general architecture of a stock predic- tion. Initially the raw data is
taken as the input from the data sources of the previous companies through data-reader through pandas
and we will now get the raw data from the yahoo website.
Thus, the data of GOOGLE, AMAZON, MICROSOFT and APPLE Companies data are collected
as the raw data. Features are extracted from the raw data and then this features are send to Training the
data ,
Testing the data. There after data is trained and tested using some tools in Anaconda Navigator,
The Trained data is then stored as the Trained Data result and from there we can use that data to
predict the results for the stock market for better results.

3.3.1. UML Diagrams

Every complex system is best approached through a small set of nearly independent views of a model; no
single viewer is sufficient. Every model may be expressed at different levels of fidelity. The best models are
connected to reality. The UML defines eight graphical diagrams.

1. Class diagram
2. Use-Case diagram
3. State chart diagram
4. Activity diagram
5. Component diagram
6. Sequence diagram
7. Collaboration diagram
8. Deployment diagram

Class Diagram:

A class diagram in the unified modelling language is a type of static structure diagram that
describes the structure of a system by showing the system’s classes, their attributes, operations (or methods)
and the relationships among objects.
Fig: Class Diagram

In this class diagram we can view the entity product details, purchase details, sales details and
stock details. For each and every entity holds some attributes and every attribute are having the data
types. For example let us consider product details it holds pcode:int, pname:string, openingstock:int
price:int etc are attributes and values for product details and for each and every other entity are also
defined with each attributes.

Use Case Design:

A use case diagram is a way to summarize details of a system and the users within that system. It
is generally shown as a graphic depiction of interactions among different elements in a system. Use
case diagrams will specify the events in a system and how those events flow, however, use case
diagram does not describe how those events are implemented.
fig. 3.2: Use Case Diagram

The Use case diagram clearly says that we have the administrator, supplier and customer. For admin, he needs
to maintain the product details, purchase details, sales details and stock details. When the customer purchase
the product the admin will update the details. The supplier will supply the product.

State chart diagram:

State Diagram are used to capture the behavior of a software system. UML State machine diagrams
can be used to model the behavior of a class, a subsystem, a package, or even an entire system. It is also called
a Statechart or State Transition diagram.
Statechart diagrams provide us an efficient way to model the interactions or communication that occur
within the external entities and a system. These diagrams are used to model the event-based system. A state of
an object is controlled with the help of an event. Statechart diagrams are used to describe various states of an
entity within the application system.
fig: State chart Diagram

From initial state we transmit to search by checking the product quality. If the quality is enough then
we transmit it to final state. If the quality is less then they have to improve the quality of the product after that
we transmit to the final state.

Activity Diagram:

Activity diagram is another important behavioral diagram in UML diagram to describe dynamic

aspects of the system. Activity diagram is essentially an advanced version of flow chart that modeling the
flow from one activity to another activity.
fig: Activity Diagram

First, we have to enter the product id, then product id has to be checked. If it is exist it gives error
message. If it is not exist then we have to enter the product details like product name, amount and opening

Component Diagram:

A component diagram is used to break down a large object-oriented system into the smaller
components, so as to make them more manageable. It models the physical view of a system such as
executables, files, libraries, etc. that resides within the node.
fig: Component Diagram

We have three components in the above diagram, they are: login and stock details and database.

Sequence Diagram:

Sequence Diagrams are interaction diagrams that detail how operations are carried out. They capture
the interaction between objects in the context of a collaboration. Sequence Diagrams are time focus and they
show the order of the interaction visually by using the vertical axis of the diagram to represent time what
messages are sent and when.
fig: Sequence Diagram

First, we have to enter the login details. Then the verifier will check whether the details are available in
the database are not. If they are not available then verifier shows an error message. If they exist then verifier
will check the entered details are correct or not. If they are correct then login process is successful. Then enter
the stock details and predict the stock price.

Collaboration Diagram:

The collaboration diagram is used to show the relationship between the objects in a system. Both the
sequence and the collaboration diagrams represent the same information but differently. Instead of showing the
flow of messages, it depicts the architecture of the object residing in the system as it is based on object-
oriented programming. An object consists of several features. Multiple objects present in the system are
connected to each other. The collaboration diagram, which is also known as a communication diagram, is used
to portray the object's architecture in the system.
Fig: Collaboration Diagram

First, we have to enter the login details. Then the verifier will check whether the details are available in
the database are not. If they are not available then verifier shows an error message. If they exist then verifier
will check the entered details are correct or not. If they are correct then login process is successful. Then enter
the stock details and predict the stock price.

Deployment Diagram:

Deployment diagrams are used to visualize the topology of the physical components of a system,
where the software components are deployed.
Deployment diagrams are used to describe the static deployment view of a system. Deployment diagrams
consist of nodes and their relationships.
Fig: Deployment diagram

There are five nodes in above diagram. They are product report, purchase report, sales report, stock report and

3.3.2 Data Flow Diagrams

A data flow diagram (DFD) maps out the flow of information for any process or system. It uses defined
symbols like rectangles, circles and arrows, plus short text labels, to show data inputs, outputs, storage points
and the routes between each destination. Data flowcharts can range from simple, even hand-drawn process
overviews, to in-depth, multi-level DFDs that dig progressively deeper into how the data is handled. They can
be used to analyze an existing system or model a new one. Like all the best diagrams and charts, a DFD can
often visually “say” things that would be hard to explain in words, and they work for both technical and
nontechnical audiences, from developer to CEO. That’s why DFDs remain so popular after all these years.
While they work well for data flow software and systems, they are less applicable nowadays to visualizing
interactive, real-time or database-oriented software or systems.








Fig: Data Flow Diagram


Step 1: Collecting the data from the old sources through data reader with python from yahoo.

Step 2: Importing the libraries like Pandas and numpy for analyzing the data.

Step 3: We will create an agent to perform the techniques.

Step 4: Now, we need to train the agent to perform the techniques.

Step 5: Evaluating the data models.

Step 6: Testing the data for more accurate results and for the accurate output.

Step 7: Finally, we will get the output.

3.3.3. ER Diagrams

 The relation upon the system is structured through a conceptual ER-Diagram, which not only specifies
the existential entities but also the standard relations through which the system exists and the
cardinalities that are necessary for the system state to continue.

 The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) depicts the relationship between the data objects. The ERD is
the notation that is used to conduct the date modelling activity the attributes of each data object noted is
the ERD can be described resign a data object descriptions.

 The set of primary components that are identified by the ERD are

Data object Relationships

Attributes Various types of indicators.

The primary purpose of the ERD is to represent data objects and their relationships.

Fig 3.13: E-R Diagram


1.1 Coding/Code Templates


<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true"

CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" Title="E-Postal Services Network" %>

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TagPrefix="uc2" %>
<%@ Register Src="Browse/Controls/ucNewProducts.ascx" TagName="ucNewProducts" TagPrefix="uc3"

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TagPrefix="uc1" %>
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the
web admin tool to configure settings for your application. Use
the Website->Asp.Net Configuration option in Visual Studio.
A full list of settings and comments can be found in
machine.config.comments usually located in
<add key="CONSTR" value="Data Source=DELL-PC;Initial Catalog=EPostOfficeNew;Integrated
<!--<add key="EasyWearConnectionString" value="Server=localhost;Data
Source=SYS\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=EPostOfficeNew;Integrated Security=true"/>-->
<add name="EasyWearConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=DELL-PC;Initial
Catalog=EPostOfficeNew;Integrated Security=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging
symbols into the compiled page. Because this
affects performance, set this value to true only
during development.
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0">
<add assembly="System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral,
The <authentication> section enables configuration
of the security authentication mode used by
ASP.NET to identify an incoming user.
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="Registration/frmLogin.aspx" name="AuthCookie" timeout="60" path="/">
The <customErrors> section enables configuration
of what to do if/when an unhandled error occurs
during the execution of a request. Specifically,
it enables developers to configure html error pages
to be displayed in place of a error stack trace.

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="GenericErrorPage.htm">

<error statusCode="403" redirect="NoAccess.htm" />
<error statusCode="404" redirect="FileNotFound.htm" />
<pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5" clientIDMode="AutoID"/>


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Inherits="MasterPage" %>
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TagPrefix="uc5" %>
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TagPrefix="uc4" %>
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TagPrefix="uc3" %>
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TagPrefix="uc1" %>
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TagPrefix="uc2" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


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<title>E-Postal Services Network</title>
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4.2.1. Introduction

Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of
specification, design,and coding. In fact, testing is the one step in the software engineering process that could
be viewed as destructive rather than constructive.

A strategy for software testing integrates software test case design methods into a well-planned series of
steps that result in the successful construction of software. Testing is the set of activities that can be planned in
advance and conducted systematically. The underlying motivation of program testing is to affirm software
quality with methods that can economically and effectively apply to both strategic to both large and small-scale

4.2.2. Strategic Approach To Software Testing

The software engineering process can be viewed as a spiral. Initially, system engineering defines the role of
software and leads to software requirement analysis where the information domain, functions, behaviour,
performance, constraints and validation criteria for software are established. Moving inward along the spiral,
we come to design and finally to coding. To develop computer software we spiral in along streamlines that
decrease the level of abstraction on each turn.

A strategy for software testing may also be viewed in the context of the spiral. Unit testing begins at the
vertex of the spiral and concentrates on each unit of the software as implemented in the source code. Testing
progress by moving outward along the spiral to integration testing, where the focus is on the design and the
construction of the software architecture. Talking another turn on outward on the spiral we encounter
validation testing where requirements established as part of the software requirements analysis are validated
against the software that has been constructed. Finally, we arrive at system testing, where the software and
other system elements are tested as a whole.



Component Testing SUB-SYSTEM TESING


Integration Testing


User Testing

Fig. 4.1: Strategic Approach To Software Testing

4.2.3. Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design, the module. The unit testing
we have is white box oriented and some modules the steps are conducted in parallel.

1. White Box Testing

This type of testing ensures that

 All independent paths have been exercised at least once
 All logical decisions have been exercised on their true and false sides
 All loops are executed at their boundaries and within their operational bounds
 All internal data structures have been exercised to assure their validity.

To follow the concept of white box testing we have tested each form .we have created independently to
verify that Data flow is correct, All conditions are exercised to check their validity. All loops are executed on
their boundaries.

2. Basic Path Testing

The established technique of flow graph with Cyclomatic complexity was used to derive test cases for all
the functions.
Determine the Cyclomatic complexity of the resultant flow graph, using the formula:

V(G)=E-N+2 or

V(G)=P+1 or

V(G)=Number Of Regions

Where V(G) is Cyclomatic complexity,

E is the number of edges,

N is the number of flow graph nodes,

P is the number of predicate nodes.

Determine the basis of a set of linearly independent paths.

3. Conditional Testing
In this part of the testing, each of the conditions were tested to both true and false aspects. And all the
resulting paths were tested. So that each path that may be generated on a particular condition is traced to
uncover any possible errors.

4. Data Flow Testing

This type of testing selects the path of the program according to the location of definition and use of
variables. This kind of testing was used only when some local variable was declared. The definition-use chain
method was used in this type of testing. These were particularly useful in nested statements.

5. Loop Testing

In this type of testing, all the loops are tested to all the limits possible. The following exercise was adopted
for all loops:

 All the loops were tested at their limits, just above them and just below them.
 All the loops were skipped at least once.
 For nested loops test the innermost loop first and then work outwards.
 For concatenated loops, the values of dependent loops were set with the help of a connected loop.
 Unstructured loops were resolved into nested loops or concatenated loops and tested as above.

Each unit has been separately tested by the development team itself and all the input have been validated.

Fig. 5.1: Home Page

Fig. 5.2: Admin

Fig. 5.3: Category

Fig. 5.4: Login

Fig. 5.5: Products

Fig. 5.6: User Registration

Fig. 5.7: Manage Users

Fig. 5.8: Orders

Fig. 5.9: Epayment

Fig. 5.10: Feedback

Fig. 5.11: ContactUs



It has led to the conclusion that it’s possible to predict stock market with more accuracy
and efficiency using machine learning techniques.
In the future, the stock market prediction system is further improved by utilizing a far
bigger dataset than the one being utilized currently. this is able to help to extend the
accuracy of our prediction models. Furthermore, other models of Machine Learning could even
be studied to test for the accuracy rate resulted by them.
Future Enhancements

The project can be used mainly for the prediction of the future stocks , therefore, future
enhancement for the project is very high as to predict the stock values with accurately.

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