Eliptical Sentences: and Neither... and ... Either Digunakan Untuk Menggabungkan Dua Kalimat Negatif

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Eliptical sentences

Cara membentuk kalimat elip

Kalimat elip dapat di bentuk dengan cara,antara lain dengan menggunakan:

a. And...too;and so... digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat positif yang memiliki
kesamaan. Adapun cara membuat elip dengan memakai to be auxiliary verb (kata kerja


1) Tony is playing football.rudy is playing football.

= tony is playing football and rudy is too.
= tony is playing football and so is rudy.
2) He can speak english well.she can speak english well.
= he can speak english well and she can too.
= he can speak engglish well and so can she.
3) She had a new bag. He had a new bag.
= she had a new bag and he did too.
= she had a new bag and so did he.

b. And neither...; and ...either(juga tidak)

And neither...; and ...either digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat negatif.


1. He isn’t studying english. She isn’t studying english.

= he isn’t studying english and neither is she.
= he isn’t studying english and she isn’t either.
2. He didn’t do the exercise .she didn’t to the exercise.
= he didn’t do the exercise and neither did she.
= he didn’t do the exercise and she didn’t either.
c. But (tetapi ) , whereas(sedangkan ),while(sedangkan )
But and whereas ,while digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang bertentangan.

contoh :

1. He isn’t studying english. She is studying english.

= he isn’t studying english but she is.
d. Both... and (keduanya)


1. He painted the door. He painted the window.

=he painted both the door and the window
2. He is in the third year. Sita is in the third year.
=both heni and sita are in the third year.
e. Either ...or...(baik... ataupun... salahsatu)


1. Rini forgot where she put her new dictionary.

It’s either in the living room or in her bedroom.

f. Neither... nor...(baik... maupun ... tidak)

Neither ... nor ...hanya di gunakan untuk kalimat negativ.


He isn’t teacher. He isn’t in doctor.
= he is neither a teacher nor a doctor.
2. He doesn’t say rude things. They don’t say rude things.
=neither he nor they say rude things.
= neither they nor he says rude things.
g. And (dan)
1. I will write a latter . l will write a short story.
= l will write a latter and story.
h. Whether ...or not(baik...atau tidak)
1. I will give you the money athough you neet it or you don’t need it.
= l will give you the money whether you need it or not.

Kalimat subjunctive menggunakan ‘wish (ingin), if only(jika, hanya jika) ,’would rather’ (lebih suka)
dan ‘as if’ atau’ as though’ (seolah-olah) . kalimat subjunctive yang menggunakan ‘wish ; if only’
dan ‘would rather’ digunakan untuk menanyakan suatu keinginan, sedangkan kalimat subjunctive
‘ as if' atau ’as though ‘ di gunakan untuk menayakan sifat atau keadaan yang tidak benar adanya.

Bentuk kalimat subjunctive dan fakta.

a. Present subjunctive.

Kalimat subjunctive yang menunjukan pada keadaan sekarang. Kata kerja yang digunakan
selalau dalam bentuk simple past tense.to be untuk semua kata ganti adalah ‘’were’’.

a. I wish she were here.
(Faktanya : she isn’t here)
b. He wishes l went to the meeting.
(faktanya: l don’t go to the meetting)
c. If only they were my friends.
(faktanya : they aren’t my friends)

b. Past subjunctive.

Past subjunctive menunjukan pada keadaan waktu lampau. Kata kerja yang digunakan
bentuknya past perfect tense.

1. I wish she had been here.
(faktanya: she wasn’t here)
2. If only they had been my friends.
(faktanya : they were not my friends)
3. She would rather he had been at home with her yesterday.
(faktanya: he wasn’t at home with her yesterday )
Conditional sentences

Setiap kalimat conditional tentences terdiri dari dua klausa , yaitu main clause dan if clause.
Susunan atau letak main clause ada di depan dan dapat juga di belakang. Perbedaan letak main
clause ini sama sekali tidak mmpengaruhi arti.

tipe tipe kalimat conditional

a. Future conditional sentence.

Kalimat ini menunjukan pada peristiwa yang diharapkan pada waktu yang datang ,
sehingga mungkin terjadi atau tidak .pada main clause dan if clause semuanya
dalam bentuk present.

1. They will visit you if you meet them.
( they may visit you, you may meet they)
2. I can go for a swim if the weather is not bad.
(l may go for a swim ,the weather may not be bad )

b. Present conditional
Kalimat ini menyatakan suatu yang bertentangan dengan fakta pada waktu
sekarang sehingga tidak mungkin terjadi atau kemungkinan kecik terjadi. Pada
main clause dan kata kerja to be dan if clause semua dalam bentuk past tense. To
be untuk semua prononun adalah ‘’were’’

1. They would visit you if you met them.
(they don’t visit you because you don’t meet them)
2. I could go for a swim if the weather were not bad.
(l can’t go for a swim because the weather is bad )

c. Past conditional
Kalimat ini menunjuka peristiwa pada masa lampau , digunakan untuk menyatakan
suatu yang bertentangan dengan kenyataan pada masa lampau . pada main
clause dalam bentuk past tense di tambah ‘’HAVE’’ dan kata kerja to be bentuk
ketiga. Dan if clause dalam bentuk part perfect tense.

1. They would have visited you if you had meet them.
(they didn’t visit you because didn’t meet them )
2. I could have gone for a swim if the had not been bad.
(l couldn’t go for a swim because the weather was bad )
Conjunctions digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kata/ klausa atau lebih.

Jenis –jenis kata penghubung adalah:

1. And, but,either.....or.....both....and,....neither..

Kata hubung tersebut digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kata atau klausa setara,
misalalnya noun dengan noun,verb dengan verb,adjektiv dengan adjektiv, klausa denga


 Hendra and deby went to london yesterday

 Dony was clever, but bety was slow in her studies
 Both yuni and novi will go to the cinema tomorrow.
 We can go either to the cinema or to the concert.
 Neither my mother nor l know when my father will come home.

2. After ,before, since, until, till, when, while, since.

Kata-kata tersebut menggabungkan dua klausa yang mempunyai hubungan waktu atau
urutan kejadiaan. Kata-kata ini mengacuh pada keterangan waktu.


 I go to the mall after my mother has come home.

 She will take the money before l go to jakarta.
 I have known the doktor since l was a little gorl.

As, so, because,since.


Kata-kata tersebut menghubungka dua klausa yang menunjukan hubungan sebab


 I can’t open the door because l have lost the key.
 Since dony was late for the class, he missed the important information.
 Brenda pleyed the first singel match as the was the best player.
Dalam bahasa inggris dikenal dua macam particple

 Present participle (active particple)

 Past participle

Active participle adalah kata kerja bentuk –ing artinya menunjukan aktivitas yang bersifat aktive ,
sedangkan past participle adalah kata kerja bentuk ke-3 artinya menunjuka kepada aktivitas pasif.

 Pengunaan active (present) participle

1. Sebagai adjektive
1. The boiling water is very hot
2. The waiting man reads a magazine.

2 . untuk membentuk continuous tense.


1. We are studying english now.

2. You have been dreaming.

3. setelah kata kerja (verb of perception), pada kalimat yang digunakan adalah:

S + V +O + ACTIVE PARTICIPLE +...............


1. I hear the girl singing a new song.

2. Mother smells something burning.

Kata kerjanya:

See, watch,smell,hear,leave,observe, feel, find, keep,

notice, catch.
 Pengunaan past participle.

1 . sebagai abjective

Contoh :

 The stolen money hs been found

 The printed books will be distributed soon.
 He is repairing the broken car himself.

2 . untuk membuat kalima pasif .


 She was asked to open the meeting.

 Our can have been exported to amerika.

3 . setelah kata kerja tertentu (verb of perceotion) apabilah objeknya pasif, pola kalimat yang

Digunaka adalah:

S + V + O + PAST PARTICIPLE +......


 You will see the work finished on time.

 She found the door locked.

4 . untuk menggantikan subjek + kata kerja pasif apabila subjek tersebut disebutkan secara berulang.


 beny came in.he was Followed by his wife.

= beny came in. Followed by his wife.

 Prensent participle dan past participle sebagai adjektiv.

 They play was broring. (permainan itu membosankan)
 I was bored. (saya bosan)
 The work was tiring. (perkerjaan itu melelahakan )
 L was tired. (saya lelah)

5. a. Change the verb in bracked into correct form!

 They (drink) boys is holding his toys

 The man (stand) over there look pale.

b . combine the following sentences into participle form!

 I saw amin. He was reading a novel.

 We watched the snake. It was eating an insect.
Adjektiv clouse.

Adjektiv clouse Yaitu suatu klausa yang berfungsi sebagai kata sifat dalam kalimat majemuk .

a. Non –defining adjektiv cloule

1. Who : menggantikan subjek orang.

 Dila’s father plays tennis twice a week.
He is fourty years old
Dila’s father , who is fourty years old, plays tennis twice a week.
2. Whom : mengantika objek orang .
 Do you know mr. Salem ? l talked with him yesterday.
Do you know mr. Salem , whom l talked with yesterday.
3. Whose: menggantika possesive adjective orang.
 We take pity to dina’s father.
His health is getting worse and worse.
We take pity to dina’s father, whose health is getting worse and worse.

4 . which :menggantikan subjek banda atau binatang .


 Jakarta is capital of indonesia.

I wrote it down on piece of paper.
Jakarta, which has population over eight milion, is the capital of indonesia

5 . which: menggantikan objek benda atau binatang.


 Linda told me her address.

I wrote it down on piece of paper.
She told me her address,which l wrote i down on piece paper.

6 . whose: menggantika possesiv benda atau binatang


 The book is mine.its cover is torn.

Thebook, whose cover is torn is mine.
b. Defining adjektiv clause.

1. Who, that: menggantikan subjek orang.

 That boy is a new student; he is speaking english with santi.
The boy who is speaking englis with santi is anew student.
The boy that is speaking english with santi is a new student.
2. Whom, that,  : menggantika objek orang.
 That man is a manager; she introduced him to me.
The man whom she introduced to me is manager.
The man that she introduced to me is manager.
The man she introduced to me is a manager.
3. Which, that : menggantika subjek kata benda atau binatang.
 Jane showed dewi a book.it belongs to rina
Jane showed the book which belongs to rina.
Jane showed the book that belongs to rina.
4. Which, that, :menggantikan objek benda atau binatang.
 The dictionary belongs to sita. L showed it to lina yesterday.
The dictionary which l showed to lina yesterday belongs to sita.
The dictionary that l showed to lina yesterday belongs to sita.
The dictionary l showed uesterday belongs to sita.
Adverb clause

Adverb clause adalah klausa teriktat yang berfungsi sebagai adverb [keteranga] dalam kalimat
majemuk.jadi dapat menggatikan adverb dalam kalimat tunggal.

Adverb clause mempunyai banyak ragam sepaerti halnya adverb clause yaitu :

a. Adverbial clause of time.

Biasanya diawali denga konjungsi after, before,when,as, as soon as, until, while.
She used to lived in the rural village before she moved to surabaya.
b. Adverbial clause place.
Diawali dengan konjungsi where atau wherever.
Siska lives where she was born
c. Adverbial clause of reason
Diawali dengan konjungsi because, since,as atau for
Since he had nothing do, he went to the theatre.

d. Adverbial clause of purpose

Diawali dengan konjungsi so, so that ,in orther that.
Tony studied hard so that he would pass admission test.
e. Adverbial clause of consession.
Diawali dengan konjungsi though, although,eventhough, while,atau wherleas.
Although it aws raining, they went to the party.
f. Adverbial clause condition.
Diawali dengan konjungsi if,unless,as long as, on condition that.
We will not be able to answer the question if we do not read the text.
Noun clause.
Noun clause di dalam kalimat menduduki kata benda, jadi dapat sebagai subjek ,objek maupun

a. Sebagai subjek.
 What he decided makes the number happy.
Where she went was not certain.
That he passed the exam surprises us

b. Sebagai objek.
 The students have to do what their teacher assigned them.
The principal gave whoever got the best marks a present.

c. Sebagai pelengkap.
 This is where l work.

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