A Scientific Paper On The - Cell Model: Group - Members

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A Scientific Paper on the __________

Cell Model

Group _____ Members:


Section ________

Charisse Angelique M. Escobal

General Biology 1 Instructor

(Single spaced)

(1.5 spacing, 1-2 pages only)

Review of Related Literature

(1.5 spacing, 1-2 pages only)

Materials and Methods

(1.5 spacing)

 pictures of the materials and short descriptions, if too many put the excess pictures in
the appendix
 methods with flow chart step by step process (past tense)
Synthesis and Discussion

(1.5 spacing)

Answer through a discussion the following questions in a paragraph form, answers in bullet
form will not be accepted

1. Why have you chosen the type of cell among the other possible types?

We’ve chosen this type of cell specifically the plant cell is because of its hexagon
shape that is easy to make. And because of its flat surface unlike the animal cell that is
spherical in shape it is much easier and much faster to assemble the base of the cell. As
for the other parts we can just put it and don’t have to glue it.
2. Explain the reason/s for coming up with that cell model and the materials being used.
3. What parts of the cell are visible in your model and what parts are absent?
4. What are the pros and cons of your cell model?
5. What are the struggles that you have encountered while doing your performance task?
6. If ever it is not pandemic and you are allowed to buy materials outside, what cell model
and materials will you use instead?
7. What other improvement/s can you suggest in your cell model project?

Maybe if we carefully measured the base of our model also its walls are cut
cleanly with no excess maybe it would be more presentable. Also, we did not include all
the parts of it mainly because we are struggling where to put it and how to make it,
secondly not all the parts are really needed, we only just need the most basic and
important parts that made up the plant cell. And the time needed to finish the project,
we are not rushing it to make it presentable but it was night when we finished our
project, so we came home late.

 In APA format
 Single spacing

 Put your group picture here 

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