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Our Ref: 9/91200/CMU/HKCA

Architectural Services Department / HKCA Piling Contractors Committee

Notes of Informal Meeting

Date & Time : 1 November 2018 at 2:30 p.m.

Venue : Room 3524, 35/F, Queensway Government Offices

Present : Architectural Services Department (ArchSD)

Mr. K.L. TSE (Chairperson)

Mr. Peter LAM
Mr. C.Y. KAN
Ms. Jenny LAU (Note Taker)

Hong Kong Construction Association Limited

Piling Contractors Committee (HKCA)

Mr. Fred KOO

Mr. Nelson KWOK
Mr. Simon LO
Mr. Patrick HOU
Mr. Peter WU
Mr. David LEONG


1.0 Introduction by the Chairman

The Chairman welcomed representatives of HKCA to the meeting.

2.0 Notes of Last Meeting

The notes of meeting held on 15 November 2017 were confirmed without


3.0 Matters Arising from Notes of Last Meeting

There was no matter arisen from the notes of last meeting.

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Our Ref: 9/91200/CMU/HKCA


4.0 HKCA Proposed Discussion Topics

4.1 Coring Test for Rock-socketed Steel H-Piles

4.1.1 HKCA expressed their concerns on the quality of concrete core obtained
from the coring test of rock-socketed steel H-piles might be difficult to
demonstrate the continuity of grout due to core broke up during coring
while alternative proof of grout quality by means of CCTV inspection
might not be accepted by site supervisory staff.

4.1.2 ArchSD advised that the provision on the use of CCTV inspection as
alternative proof to demonstrate the continuity of grout for rock-
socketed steel H-piles had now been added in the ‘General Notes on
Drawing’. Briefings to site supervisory staff on the latest provision
would also be provided at the commencement of contract works.

4.2 Adoption of Prefabricated Steel Rebar Products in Pilot Public Works


4.2.1 HKCA expressed their concerns on the mandatory requirement on

adoption of prefabricated steel rebar products in the piling works of pilot
public works projects as there was no prefabrication yard with the
approved scope of fabrication of reinforcement cages for large diameter
bored piles yet and it might not be practical to adopt prefabricated steel
rebar products for pile caps whose rebar details were usually not typical
and in-situ modifications might be required to suit individual site

4.2.2 HKCA supplemented that they had separate discussions with the
Development Bureau (DEVB) on the subject and it was agreed that
straight rebars without involving cut and bend processes would be
excluded from the requirement on the minimum percentage of rebars to
be supplied by approved prefabrication yard. Besides, HKCA had also
proposed to DEVB on reducing the minimum percentage of
prefabricated rebar products required for using in the pilot projects from
70% to 50% to allow greater flexibility for contractors to allocate the
required percentage of prefabricated rebar products for superstructure
and substructure works.

4.2.3 In response, ArchSD advised that the pilot scheme was implemented by
DEVB to mandate the use of prefabricated rebar products in selected
public works projects with the aims of allowing contractors and project
officers to gain more practical experience of using prefabricated rebar

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products in their projects. ArchSD would keep in view of the feedbacks

on the use of prefabricated rebar products in the pilot projects.

4.3 Design Approval of Piling and Pile Cap Design Submission

4.3.1 In response to HKCA’s enquiry on the time frame for approval of design
submissions, ArchSD advised that the checking process by the
Structural Checking Unit (SCU) would generally be completed within
28 days after all documents of the submission had been received. In case
there was any particular design submission requiring assistance,
ArchSD welcomed to discuss on the details of individual project.

4.3.2 HKCA expressed that the feedback from contractors were positive on
the provision of reference piling design in the tenders of ArchSD
contracts. HKCA suggested that it would be useful to include pile load
schedule in the reference drawings of reference piling design. In
response, ArchSD would keep in view of the information provided in
the reference drawings.

4.3.3 HKCA further enquired if the design calculation would be required to

be submitted to SCU again if only pile load schedule had changed but
the piling layout was the same as the reference piling design. ArchSD
advised that if there was merely change of pile load schedule without
change of piling layout, the amendment of pile load schedule could be
submitted together with the pile cap design submission to SCU for
approval. ArchSD supplemented that if only part of the piling layout
was modified, amendment submission could be confined to the portion
of piles concerned.

4.4 Shear Enhancement in Design of Pile Cap for Steel H-piles

4.4.1 HKCA enquired whether contractor could make use of the width of
capping plate for shear enhancement when considering the shear
distribution in pile cap design of steel H-piles.

4.4.2 ArchSD responded that it was generally acceptable to consider the width
of capping plate in determining the width for shear enhancement in the
design of pile cap for steel H-piles in ArchSD projects.

4.5 Certification of Piling Design, As-built Piling and Pile Cap Drawings

4.5.1 HKCA expressed that pile cap drawings submitted by the contractor
shall be certified by a Registered Structural Engineer (RSE) in

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accordance with Clause 5.02(iii) of the General Specification for

Building 2017 (GS) when the contractor was required to carry out
design of pile caps. HKCA enquired if submission of piling design, as-
built piling and pile cap drawings shall also be certified by a RSE.

4.5.2 ArchSD advised that when the contractor was responsible for the design
of piling and pile caps, the Contractor’s design submissions and
subsequent amendments shall require a Designer who shall be a RSE in
accordance with the Standard Preliminaries for ArchSD contracts.

4.6 Design of Final Set Table for Driven Steel H-pile

4.6.1 HKCA expressed that it took a long time in carrying out the trial pile
installation to achieve the required CAPWAP capacity in some recent
projects. HKCA also shared their experiences that the 90% CAPWAP
capacity requirements were sometimes not satisfied though the pile
capacities as determined by CASE method from the results of PDA tests
were in order.

4.6.2 ArchSD advised that CAPWAP analysis should provide a better

estimation of the pile capacity. ArchSD supplemented that contractor
could also make reference to the driving stress and set penetration
during the measurements of final set which would also provide a good
indication of the pile capacity.

4.6.3 In response to HKCA’s suggestion of using PDA test and CAPWAP

analysis as a replacement for the use of Hiley Formula and final set
table, ArchSD advised that the use of final set table was found
applicable in recent projects and considered the existing requirements
should be maintained. In case there was any particular project with
difficulties in complying with the existing requirements, ArchSD
welcomed to discuss on the details of individual project.

4.7 Phase Completion of As-built Piling Survey

4.7.1 In response to HKCA’s enquiry on the subject, ArchSD advised that

phase completion of as-built piling survey was generally accepted and
implemented in ArchSD projects.

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5.0 Any Other Business

5.1 Provision of Tie Beams for Pile Caps

5.1.1 HKCA enquired if ground beams could be used as tie beams instead of
adding another layer of tie beams to pile caps.

5.1.2 ArchSD advised that if the distance between the top of ground beams
and top of pile caps was close, a note would be stated in the ‘General
Notes on Drawing’ to allow contractor to make use of ground beams as
tie beams.

5.2 Typical Splicing Detail for Steel H-section of Rock-socketed Steel H-pile

5.2.1 HKCA expressed that two steel plates were specified in the GS for the
typical splicing detail of steel H-section and suggested if these steel
plates between two segments of steel H-section could be omitted to
reduce the time required for the welding and associated tests of the steel

5.2.2 ArchSD advised that the suggestion would be considered when

reviewing the typical splicing detail in the GS.

6.0 Date of Next Meeting

The date and time for the next meeting would be advised later.

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