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Architectural Services Department / HKCA Piling Contractors Commitee [Notes of Informal Mesting Date & Time + 26 November 2019 at 10:00 am, Venue Presen 20 + Room 3523, 38F, Queensway Government Offices a Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) Mr. K. L-TSE. (Chairman) Mi. MK. WONG Mr. Simon WONG MeK. LL Mr. Peter LAM. Mr.C. ¥. KAN ‘Me. Jenny LAU (Notes Taker) Hong Kong Construction Association Limited Piling Contractors Committee (HKCA) Mr ate HOU : oe a MekWLAl Ms AnieHo Me Willan LEUNG 7 Mune 3B | Micclment LEE | fen oP) Mr Sever YUEN ) MeW.test70 Mi Paip LEUNG Mr. Wallace YEUNG lv Mead LEONG Introduction by the Chairman “The Chairman weleomed representatives of HKCA to the meeting Notes of Last Meeting The notes of meeting held on 1 November 2018 were confimeé without amendment, 40 4a a 43 [Matters Arising from Notes of ast Meeting “There was no matter arisen fom the nots of last meeting. HKCA Proposed Discussion Topics L-shaped Rebar Detail at Bottom Section of Large Diameter Bored Pile 4.1.1 HKCA enguired ifthe L-shaped rebar detail at bottom seston of Large Dinmeter Bored Pile (LDBP) could be omitted. HKCA expressed tht, such detail had alteady been omitted in private development project 44.2 ArchSD advised that the concerned L-shaped rebar detail was no longer required for LDBP socketod into bedrock and LDBP with belFout after review and the revised detail had already been inconporated inthe latest Fevision of ArchSD's relevant particular specifications promulgated in ‘April 2019, For otha type of LDBP, the sypical det stpuled inthe General Specification for Building (GS) would be maintines in view ofthe nominal rebar percentage in genera 42.1 In response to HKCA’s suggestion of using ready-mix cement grout instead of cement and sand (I'3) grout as stipulated in GS Chuse 536 (i) for filling up the tubes installed for sonic logging, ArchSD advised ‘thatthe relevant requirements on grouting of ples would be reviewed ‘align with ther sila clauses inthe GS. fPost-meeting Note: Far coming archSD contracs, a new note would be add nthe "General Notes on Drawing’ for replacing the "cement and sand (1:3) _grut” by “cement grout of not les than the specified grade srength of the pile" in GS Clause 530 (i) and 5.36 (9). Design and Construction Isues of Large Diameter Bored Pile 43.1 HKCA enguiod if cffeent types and allowable bearing pressures of| LLDBP could be adopted under the same building structure. In esponse, ArchSD clarified that LDBP, LDBP wih bell-out and LDBF socked into bedrock could he used under the same building strtre and founded on bedrock wih diferent allowable bearing pressures bt piles under the same pile ap shall be founded on bedrock with the sane allowable bearing pressure, and LDBP with bellout and LDAP acketed into bedrock shal ot be wed simultaneously under the same pile ea. 432 433 HIKCA further enguired on the minimum spacing requirement for design of LDBP socketed into bedrock and the minimum pile spacing thring LDAP construction. In response, ArchSD would resiew the relevant GS clauses fo clarity [Post-meeting Note: For coming ArchSD contracts, new notes would be added in the ‘General Noxon Drawing for clarifying the requrements onthe pes and allowable bearing pressures of LDBP which could be used under the same building stractre, and specfving 0 minimum centreto centre ‘spacing of 2 m or 2 times the ple diameter (whichever 1s the greater) for design of LDBP sockted into bedrock. Besides, a’ nove on pile ‘consruetion spacing would also be added for speciing tht no pile ‘excavation for LDBP shall be carried ou withhs a distance less than 5 times the bored pile shaft diameter from an unfiled ple excastion or ‘pile which has Been conereted less than 24 hours previous) HCA enquired ifthe temperature requitement on fesh concrete would be applicable for te eonereting works of LDBP. ArchSD advised that ‘the temperatre limit of fresh conerete for LDBP shal also comply with GS Clause 649. However, the temperature contol requirement for ‘onerete as stipulated in the Paricular Specification for Reinforced “Marsive Conerete Stites should not be applicable for LDBP. In response to HKCA's suggestion of eleasing the maximum allowable time perio of 25 hous as stipulated in GS Clause 6.44 on compacting the concrete init inal poston for conereting LDBP, ArehSD clarified thatthe above time limit might be extended by individual proect team fons sate hy cue basis for LDBP conoreting with tei» pipe if ‘umixtures or cement contining additives would be use BPost-meeting Note For coming ArcKSD contacts, a new note would be added in the “General Notes on Drawing for clarifying the ime limit on eampacting the concrete is,inal position for conereting LDBP with treme pipe] 44 Coring Test for Rocke-socketed Steet H-pile (RSSHP) 44 442 HIKCA enguired ifthe coring test on hardened grout of RSSHP could be omited a the continuity of grout might be affected bythe skill of Alling rg operator. ‘ArchSD atlvised that coring test was considered essential to prove the trout quality and there was also provision on the use of CCTY inspection a alternative proof to demonstrate the continuity of grou. However, ArchSD woul eview the minimam percentage of les o be subjected to coring test on hardened grout. 443 Post-mecting Note: For coming ArcKSD compacts, 0 new note would be adéd in the “General Notes on Drneng’ for updating the perentage of esto be subjected to coring test on hardened grout from 10% 5%} ArchSD also welcomed HKCA's suggestion on adopting ste tbe of 10m internal diameter for coring test as 150mm outer diameter sce tube might not be readily available inthe market 4S Typical Splicing Detail for Stee! H-seetion of Rock-socketed Stee! F-pile 46 45. Pressure G HKCA enquired ifthe 1wo tel plates of he splicing detail foe RSSHP ‘could be omit and this should have no adverse effect onthe structural Integrity ofthe pile, Tn response, ArchSD would review th splicing etl for RSSHP. EPost-meeting Note ‘For coming ArchSD contracts, a new note woul! be added in the ‘General Notes on Drawing’ for specifying the two 100 X 200 splice steel plates as shown in GS Annex B for typical splicing deta forsee! Hpileare not required jor RSSHE.] ing for Filling up Gaps between Temporary Casingof Rock- socketed Stee H-pile and Surrounding Soils 46. 462, HKCA enguire if the requirement of pressure grouting fr filing up tens hewean pile and surounding soils could be omited for RSSHP in ‘se the Temporay casing could not be extracted. HCA expresed that, ‘the extent af overreaking would be under contol by using concentric Gilling system for RSSHP. [ArchSD atlvised that over-reaking could not be eliminated despite the tse of concerted system and subsequent pressure grouting shall be required for the length of pile taking lateral oad, Howeves, ArchSD ‘would review the requirement onthe extent of pressure grouting. Post-meeting Note: For coming ArchSD contracts, a new note would be adied in the ‘General Notes on Drawing’ for wpdating the requirement o pressure _groutng tobe carved ou atthe peripheral of the temporary casing or doen toa dept of 10m below the cut-off lve, whichever is he lesser] Inresponse to HKCA’s suggestion on the use of shear suds tosubstiut shear bas forthe typical shear bars details for RSSHP, ArchsD would consider the feasibility ofthe proposal Post-meeting Note: “Afer review, tovas observed that the proposal might not be stable for “rchSD contracts in view ofthe possible confit Between the shear Suds details andthe required core samples on hardened gro} 47 Dynami Pile Test of Stee! H-pite an 48 Desig 4 482 49 Drafting Requirement of Pile Cap Drawings and Design Top Leval of Pi cap 491 Insesponse to HKCA’s enquityon the st requirement, ArchSD advised that piles should be driven to ase less than the corespondirg design Final st chosen 1d Construction Isues of Stee H-pile HKA enquire on the allowable protruded length of ple aboxe ground for ial piles n response, ArehSD advised thatthe protruded length of all al ils above ground shall not be eeater than 3m and, inal ass, the length ofthe protraing prt of pile abave ground level shall not exczed 6m during the measurement of final st In response to HKCA’s enquiry regarding the constant of Forizontal subgrade reaction in case pre-boring would be adopted daring the installation of driven steel Hiles, ArehSD advised thatthe constant oF horizntal subgrade reaction could generally be taken as he same a5 that for piles without pre-boring when determining the soil sistance against lateral load, LHK.CA further enquired on the methodology of assessing the fees of soil resistance above cut-off level onthe ple capacity ifthe pe would be loa ested at level higher than the cutof level andthe necessity ‘of providing a factor of safety for the beneficial soil resistance above the cutoff level. In response, ArehSD considered that factor of safety ‘might not be required forthe soil resistance above the eut-oft eve but, ‘contractor shall submit proposal asess the effets of beneficial soil resistnce above the tof level on te pile capacity for Supervising (Office's approval. ArchSD would also review the relevant contact specifications for cai In response to HKCA's engity on the rating requirement af pile cap drawings, ArchSD advised thatthe drawing presentation shal comply ‘vith the’ Drifting Manual for Reinforced! Concrete Structures for “Architectural Services Deparment 410 so 492 HKCA shared about the constuction difficulties encoumered for projects which the top levels of pile cap and the adjacent slab were the Same, In response to HKCA’s suggestion of lowering te pil cap top level to the bottom level of slab, ArshSD advised thatthe ple cap top evel would be designed to suit individual project coins and other ‘methods to improve constuctablity would also be considered. Reference Piling Design 4.10.1. HKCA expressed that contractor was requested to r-submit the piling

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