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Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education

Tashkent State Pedagogical University

named after Nizami

English Topics
For nonlinguistic faculties

Тошкент- 2014
M a s’ul m uharrir: prof. J.J. Jalo lo v N izom iy nom idagi T D PU

T aqrizchilar: f.f.n.dosent N .M .Q am barov, O ’zD JTU

p.f.n. do sen t G .A lim ova, N izom iy nom idagi T D PU

T u zuvch ilar: N .M .A narbaeva

S h.A .A tadjanova

S h.F .Ism oilova

N .S h.A hm edova

N izom iy nom idagi T oshkent D av lat P ed ag o g ik a universitetining Ilm iy

K engashida k o ’rib chiqilgan v a nash rg a tavsiya qiiingan.

2013 y il «12» dekabrdagi 5 - sonli m ajlis bayoni.

N izom iy n om id agi T D P U
S o’z boshi.

U shbu q o ’llanm a prezidentim izning 2012 yil 10 dekabrdagi 1875 -sonli chet tillam i
o ’qitish tizim ini takom illashtirish chora-tadbirlari to ’g'risidagi qaroriga amal qilgan
holda yaratilgan, talabalarga chet tillam i m ukam m al o ’rgatishga yaqindan yordam
beradi va talabalarning chet tiliga b o ’lgan qiziqishini ortiradi.
M azkur uslubiy q o ’llanm a ingliz tilini o ’rganayotgan A 1,A2 darajadagi talabalar
uchun q o ’l keladi.
R espublikam izda o ’ziga hos b o ’lgan, buyuk tarixim iz an ’analarim izga
asoslangan, hozirgi davr talablariga jav o b bera oladigan kadrlar tayorlash milliy
modeli yaratildi.
M illiy dasturning bunday hususiyatlaridan biri horijiy tilni puhta egallagan,
O ’zbekistonning halqaro andozalardagi taraqqiyotini ta'm in lay oladigan. o ’z
mustaqil fikriga ega b o ’lgan m alakali m utahassis kadrlarni tayvorlashdan iborat. Har
tom onlam a yetuk va barkam ol avlodni tarbiyalash uchun jahonning ilg’o r tajriba va
usullaridan foydalanish zarur.
M azkur qo 'llan m a Pedagogika Oliy O ’quv Y urtlarinig I, II, III kurs
talabalariga ingliz tilida o g ’zaki nutqni “T opic” lar yordam ida o ’stirishga
m o’liallangan. M azkur q o ’llanm a talabalarning ingliz tiliga qiziqishi va m oyilliklarini
inobatga olgan holda o g ’zaki nutq m alakasini va so ’z boyligini oshirishga yaqindan
yordam beradi.
M azkur q o ’llanm ada talabalar o ’rganishi zarur b o ’lgan inglizcha “T opic” lar
m ashqlar, lug’at va shu “T opic” ka doir savollar bilan m ustahkam lanadi. H ar bir
“T opic” tushuntirilgandan key in shu m avzuga b o g ’langan savollar, m ashqlar,
lug atlarni talabalarga q o 'sh im ch a vazifa sifatida berish m um kin. Q o ’llanm a
dasturiga m uvotlq o ’zlashtirilishi lozim b o ’lgan barcha m avzular atroflicha
m a’naviy o'qitishnin g ilg ’or usuli va shakllaridan foydalangan holda horijiy davlatlar
ialabi darajasida yoritilgan. Q o ’llanm a m atnlari m ustaqil O ’bekistonning
taraqqiyotida q o 'lg a kiritilgan yutuqlari, O ’zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining
davlatim iz m ustaqilligini m ustahkam lash y o ’lida olib borayotgan o dilona siyosati,
O 'bek istonning jaho n m am lakatlari bilan siyosiy va iqtisodiy madaniy va m a ’rifiy
aloqalariga oid va tili o ’rganilayotgan m am lakatning tarihi va m adaniyatiga
bag’ishlangan turli m a'lum otlarni o ’z ichiga olgan b o ’lib ingliz tilida to ’Iaqonli
m uloqot olib borishga yaqindan yordam beradi degan um iddam iz.
1. A b ou t M yself.

M y nam e is D avron A narbaev. I w as born in 1995 on the 21st

o f Septem ber in Y angy - Yul district. I am 18 y ears old. I am a

student. I study at the T ash k en t state Pedagogical U niversity

nam ed after N izam i. I am first y ear student. A t school I studied

hard. D uring m y study at school I interested m athem atics and

inform atics. A fter finishing from school 1 entered the

m athem atics and inform atics faculty to the T ashkent State P edagogical U niversity. I

can speak E nglish, R ussian and U zbek. I am n either short nor tall. I usually w ear a

dark suit in w inter and light shirts in sum m er. I like to w ear clothers m ade o f cotton

and w ool.

M y hobby is football. I go in for U niversity football team . I enjoy playing football.

M y favourite subjects are: m athem atics, literature, geography and history. B esides it
I like com puter gam es. In future I w an t to be a com puter operator.

A ctive vocab u lary

district - rayon (tum an)

to study - o ’qim oq
first year student - 1 kurs studenti
hard - qattiq, k o ’p
during - vaqtida, m obaynida
to finish - tugatm oq
to enter - kirm oq (o ’qishga)
R ussian - rus tili
short - qisqa, k alta
tall - baland
hair - soch
usually - odatd a
to w ear - kiym oq
dark - to ’q rang
suit - kostyum
light - ochrang
shirt - erkaklar k o ’y lagi
cotton - paxta

w ool - ju n (ш ерсть)
hobby - qiziqqan m ash g ’ulot
to go in for - qatnashm oq
to sw im - suzm oq (suvda)
subject - fan
besides - bundan tashqari
computer operator - kom pyuter operatori

Q uestions

1. W hat is your nam e?

2. W hen w ere you born?

3. H ow old are you?

4. W here do you study?

?. W hat subjects do you like?

6. W hat languages can you speak?

7. W hat are your favourite subjects at school?

8. W hat kind o f clothes do you like to w ear?

9. W hat is your hobby?

10. W hat are your favourite subjects?

11. W hom do you w ant to be in future?

E xercise 1

T ranslate these sentences into Uzbek.

I. My nam e is D avron A narbaev.
2 I w as born in 1995 in Yangv -Y u l district.

3. I study at the Tashkent State Pedagogical U niversity named after Nizami.

4. A fter finishing from school I entered the m athem atics and inform atics faculty?

5. My hair is short and black.

6. Usually I w ear a dark suit in w inter and light shirt in summer.

7. 1 can speak English, Russian and Uzbek.

8. 1 like to w ear clothes m ade o f cotton and wool.

9. My hobby is football.
10. M y favourite subjects are: m athem atics, inform atics, E n g lish and geography.
E xercise 2
P u t the n ecessary p reposition

1. I w as born ... 1995 ... the 21st ... Septem ber.

2. I study ... the T ashkent State P edagogical U niversity.

3. ...m y study ... school I interested ... m athem atics and inform atics.

4. ... finishing ... school I entered the m athem atics and inform atics faculty ... the

T ashkent State Pedagogical U niversity.

5. 1 usually w ear a dark s u i t ... w in ter and light shirts ... sum m er.

6. I like ... w ear clothers m ade ... cotton and w ool.

7. I like ... sw im and ... play football.

8. ... future 1 w ant to be a com puter operator.

2. M y B iograp h y

M y nam e is D avron A narbaev. I w as born in 1995 on th e 21st o f Septem ber in Yangy

- Y ul district. I am 18 y ears old. First I educated in my parents. W hen I w as 7 years

old I began to study at school.

I interested in m athem atics and inform atics. A t school 1 studied w ith ex cellent m arks.

I alw ays do well at school and 1 interested in football. A fter finishing from school I

entered the m athem atics and inform atics faculty to the T ash k en t State Pedagogical

U niversity. I can speak E nglish. R ussian and U zbek. I am neither short nor tall. I

usually w ear a dark suit in w inter and light shirts in sum m er. I like to w ear clother

m ade o f cotton and wool.

M y hobby is football. I go in for U niversity football team . I enjoy playing football.

M y favourite subjects are: m athem atics, literature, geography and history. B esides it 1

like com puter gam es. In future I w ant to be a com puter operator.

A ctive vocab u lary

district - rayon (tum an)

to study - o ’qim oq
first y ear student - I kurs studenti
hard - qattiq, k o 'p
during - vaqtida, m obaynida
to f i n is h - tugatm oq
to enter - kirm oq (o'qishga)

R ussian - rus tili

short - qisqa. kalta

tall - baland

hair - soch

usually - odatda

to w ear - kiym oq

dark - to ’q rang

suit - kostyum

light - och rang

shirt - erkaklar k o ’ylagi
cotton —paxta
wool —ju n (ш ерсть)

hobby - qiziqqan m ash g 'u lo t

to go in for - qatnashm oq

to swim - suzm oq (suvda)

subject - fan

besides - bundan tashqari

com puter gam es - kom pyuter o'yin lari

com puter operator - kom pyuter operatori

Q uestions

1. W hat is your name?

2. W hen were you born?

3. H ow old are you?

4. W hen did y ou begin to study at school?
5. W hat subjects did you in terested in?
6. W here did you enter after fin ish in g from school?

7. W hat is you hobby?

8. W hom do you w ant to be in future?

E xercise 1

P ut the w ords w here necessary

1. M y ... is D avron.

2. I w as ... in 1995 . . . .

3. W hen I w as 7 years old I began to study . . . .

4. 1 am 1 8 ... .
5. D uring m y study at school 1 interested in ... and
6. A fter ... from school I ... the m athem atics and inform atics faculty.

7. N ow I am . . . .
8. M y ... is football.
9. I w ant to be ... .

E xercise 2

T ran slate the sentences into English.

1. M ening ism im D avron A narboyev.

2. M en 1995 yil 21 sen ty ab rd a Y an g iy o ’l tum anida tu g ’ilganm an

3. M ening yoshim 18 da.

4. M en 7 y o sh g a to ’lganim da m ak tab d a o ’qiy boshladim .

5. M aktabda o ’qish d avrida men m atem atika. inform atika fanlariga qiziqdim .

6. M en m aktabda a ’lo b aholarga o ’qidim .

7. M en m aktabni tugatgandan s o ’ng N izom iy nom idagi T oshkent D avlat

Pedagogika U niversitetining m atem atik a - inform atika fakultetiga o ’q ish g a kirdim .

8. M ening qiziqqan m ash g ’ulo tim futbol o ’yini va suvda suzish.

9. M en har doim a ’lo b ah o larg a o ’qish g a harak at qilam an.

10. M en kelajakda k om pyuter operatori b o ’lm oqchim an.

3. O ur Fam ily

I have a fam ily. O ur family is not large. W e are 4 in our fam ily. I have a
m other. My m other is a teacher. She w orks at the Tashkent State Pedagogical
U niversity nam ed after N izam i. My m other is 50 (fifty) years old. She is not very tall
but pretty w om an w ith short black hair and black eyes. My m other likes her w ork and

spends m ost o f her tim e at the U niversity M other alw ays has a lot at w ork to do about

the house and at w ork. H er hobby is reading literary book. I have a father. He is a

lawyer. He w orks at the office. My father is 54 year old. He is a tall and handsom e

man with short black hair and brown eyes.

1 am D avron A narbaev I want to be a com puter operator. My favourite subjects

are m athem atics and informatics.

My elder brother is an engineer. He w orks at the plant. His hobby is chess. O ur

family is very friendly. In the evenings we spend tim e together.

Active vocabulary

large - katta. keng

to w ork - ishlam oq

tall - baland bo'vli

pretty - yoqim li, chirovli

hair - soch

eyes - k o 'z

to spend - vaqtni o'tkazm oq

alw ays - har doim

hobby - qiziqqan mashq

literary books - badiiy kitoblar

a law yer - vurist. advokat

handsom e —kelishgan

favourite —sevim li

elder - katta (yoshi)

plant —zavod

friendly - ahil

together —birgalikda

Q uestions

1. Is y o u r fam ily large?

2. H ow m any persons have there in y o u r fam ily?

3. W h at’s y o u r m other?

4. W here does yo u r m o th er w ork?

5. W hat is y o u r m o th er’s h o bby?

6. H o w old is y o u r m other?
7. W h at’s y o u r father?
8. W here does he w ork?
9. H ow old is y o u r father?

10. W h at’s y o u r eld er brother?

11. W here does he w ork?

12. W hat’s his hobby?

E xercise 1

P u t the p rep osition w h ere necessary.

1. W e are 4 (four) ... o ur fam ily.

2. She w orks ... the T ash k en t S tate P edagogical U niversity.

3. M y m other alw ays has a l o t ... w o rk to do ... the hom e and ... work.

4. H e w orks ... the office.

5. H e is a tall and handsom e m an ... short black hair and brow n eyes.

6. Не w orks ... the plant.
7. In the evenings w e spend tim e ....

E xercise 2

T ranslate the sentences into Uzbek.

1. O ur fam ily is not large.

2. W e are 4 (four) in our family.

3. My m other is a teacher.

4. My m other w orks at the Tashkent State Pedagogical University.

5. She is not very tall, but pretty w om an.

6. M other alw ays has a lot o f w ork to do about the house and at work.

7. M y father is a lawyer.

8. My father w orks at the office.

9. He is tall and handsom e man.

10. My elder brother is an engineer

Family Tree

g randm other g ran d fath er

m other father

m othe r in law father in law

daughter son

d aughter in law son in law

sister brother

sister in law bro th er in law

niece nephew

gran daughter grandson

4. A bout m y Friend

I have a friend. His nam e is Ozod. His surnam e is N azarov. Ozod lives in Yangy -

Yul. He is a student. He studies at the Polytechnical U niversity. O zod is 18 (eight

teen) years old. His hobby is playing chess. O zod w ants to be an engineer. Ozod and I

are also neurbours. W e live in the same street. In the evenings we do our lessons

together. W e often spend tim e together.

O zod has a m other, a father a b ro th er and tw o sisters. H is father is a w orker. H is
m other is a housekeeper. H is sisters are th e pupils. H is brother is a pupil too. H is
fam ily is friendly .O zod and I alw ays help to each other. W e are good friends.

A ctive V oca b u la ry

a f r i e n d - d o ’st

surnam e - fam iliya

hobby - qiziqan m ashg ’ulot

playing chess - shaxm at o ’ynash

an engineer —injener

neurbours - q o ’shni

to g eth er - birga

a w o rk er —ishchi

housek eep er —uy bekasi

friendly —ahil

alw ays —h ar doim

Q u estion s

1. H ave you a friend?

2. W hat is his nam e?

3. W here does he live?

4. W here does he study?

5. H ow old is he?

6. W hat is his hobby?

7. W hom does he w ant to be ?

8. D oes he like to go to the stadium ?

9. W hat is his father?

10. W hat is his m other?

E xercise 1

Put the necessary word.

1. I have . . . .
2. His ... is Ozod.
3. O zod ... in Yangy - Yul.

4. H e ... at the Poiytechnical U niversity.

5. H is ... is playing chess.

6. Ozod w ants to be ... .

7. O zod and I are also . . . .

8. O zod has ... , ... and two sisters.

9. H is father is ... .

10. H is m other is ... .

E xercise 2

T ranslate these sentences into English

1. M ening do'stim bor.

2. U ning ismi Ozod.

3. Ozod Y angiyo’lda yashaydi.

4. U Politexnika U niversitetida o ’qiydi.
5. O zod injener bolishni xoxlaydi.

6. B iz Ozod ikkalam iz q o ’shnimiz.

7. K echqurunlari biz birga dars qilam iz.

8. Oz.odning otasi. onasi, ukasi va ikkita opasi bor.

9. U ning otasi ishchi.

10. U ning onasi uy bekasi.

11. U larning oilasi ahil.

12. O zod va men har doim bir birim izga yordam beram iz.

5. M y Flat
I live in T ashken t in N avoi street. O u r house is big and high. T here are m any
large and sm all room s in th e house. W e have dining- room , tw o c h ild ren ’s room , a
hall and a kitchen. T he num ber o f o ur flat is 63. M y fath er’s study is big and light
because there are three w indow s in it. T he curtains are green. T h ere are m any flow ers

on the w indow s. T here are som e pictures on the w all. Y ou can see a bookcase. I have

my ow n room . It is sm all. I have a table, a sofa and a bookcase in m y room . T h e table

is in the m iddle o f the room . T he bookcase is n ear the sofa.

O ur kitchen is big and com fortable. A new refrigerator stands near the w indow .

U sually w e have break fast and supper in the kitchen. O ur bathroom is sm all. Y ou can

see a w ashing - m achine n ear th e door.

O ur hall is w ide and cosy and w e have m o d em furniture, coloured T V , D V D

and a large square table in the hall. T he co rridor o f o u r flat is long and narrow . T here

is a telephone in it. E very w eek I clean my flat.

I like my flat.

A ctive V ocabulary

house —uy
high —baland
large —katta, keng
Jiring-room - dam olish xonasi
a hall - zal

a kitchen - oshxona

light - yorug'

curtain - narda

picture - rasm

a bookcase - kitob shkafi

a sofa - divan
comfortable - qulay

refrigerator - xolodiinik

bathroom - vannaxona
w ashing-m achine - kir yuvish mashinasi
cosy - shinam

m odern furniture - zam onaviy mebel

coloured TV - rangli televizor

square table - aylana stol

iong - uzun

narrow - tor

flower - gu!

window' - deraza

Q uestions -~ m m

t Nizomiy nomll
!. Where do you live?
2 What rooms do you have in your flat?
3. What is the number o f your flat?

4. What do vou have in vour father's studv? 3SL44S3

5. W hat do you have in yo u r ow n room ?
6. Is y o u r kitchen com fortable?

7. W hat do you have in yo u r kitchen?

8. Is y o u r hall cosy?
9. W hat do you have in y o u r hall?

10. W here is the telephone stands in yo u r flat?

E xercie 1

P u t the n ecessary p rep osition

1. I live ... T a s h k e n t... N avoi street.

2. T he num ber ... o ur flat is 63.

3. T here are m any flow ers ... the w indow s.

4. T here are som e pictures ... the w all.
5. ... the l e f t ... the door y o u can see a bookcase.
6. I have a table, a sofa and a bookcase ... m y room .
7. T he table is ... the m iddle ... the room .
8. W e have m odern TV ... the hall.

E xercise 2

T ran slate these sentences into U zbek

1. I live in T ashkent in N avoi street.

2. T here are m any large and sm all room s in the house.

3. T he num ber o f o u r flat is 63.

4. M y father’s study is big and light.

5. T here are m any flow ers on the w indow s.

6. On the left near the d o o r you can see a bookcase.

7. I have a table, a sofa, and a bookcase in my room .

8. O ur kitchen is w ide and com fortable.

My Flat

M y N ative Town

I live in the little tow n o f Yangy - Yul. Yangy - Yul is small but beautiful town.

There are two big m arkets and many com m ercial shops in Yangy - Yul. There are
num erous cafe and restaurant here.

Such as Feruza, M adina, H udaybergan. D ilorom , N avruz. Bahor, A uda


Yangy - Yul has many colleges, specialized schools and secondary schools.

You can see Yangy - Yul M edical college G ulbahor - V ocational-education college

and Yangy - Yul Food industry college. There is Y angy - Yul academ ic lyceum

specialized on English, m athem atics, literature, U zbek language. Chem istry and

biology. T his lyceum trains pupils for the H igher E ducational Institution on his
speciality. It has a beautiful park N avoi G ulshani for children.
T here are m any transports to T ash k en t from Y angy - Y ul. T here are m any beautiful

streets, parks, cinem as and b uildings in Y angy - Yul. I like m y native tow n.

A ctive V ocab u lary

tow n - shahar

sm all —kichik

m arket —bozor

com m ercial - kom m ercheskiy m agazine

restaurant - restoran

M edical college - T ibb iy o t kolleji

V ocational-educational college - kasb -h u n ar kolleji

F ood-industry college —oziq -o v q at san o at kolleji

A cadem ic lyceum - akadem ik litsey

S econdary School - o ’rta m aktab
S pecialized School - m axsus m aktab
to train - tayyorlam oq
H ig h er E ducational institution —O liy o ’quv yurti

Speciality - m utaxassislik

Q uestions

1. W here do y o u live?

2. H ow m any m arkets are th ere in Y angy - Y ul?

3. W hat cafe and restaurants o f Y angy - Yul do you know ?

4. Is here an academ ic lyceum in Y angy - Y ul?

5. A re there m any beautiful parks in Y angy - Y ul?

6. A re there m any transports to T ashkent from Yangy - Y ul?

7. D o you like yo u r native tow n?

E xercise 1

T ranslate these sentences into Uzbek

1. I live in the little tow n o f Y angy - Yul.

2. T here are tw o big m arkets and m any com m ercial shops in Y angy - Yul.
3. T here are num erous cafe and restaurants here.
4. Yangy Yul has m any colleges, specialized schools and secondary schools.
5. Y ou can see Yangy - Yul M edical college, G u lb a h o r- V ocational-education

college and Y angy - Yul Food industry college.

6. T here is Yangy - Yul academ ic lyceum specialized on English, m athem atics,

literature U zbek language, chem istry and biology.

7. It has beautiful park N avoi G ulshani for children.

8. T here are m any beautiful streets, parks, cinem as and buildings in Y angy -

E xercise 2

M ake up sentences w ith these w ords

town, m arket, restaurants, com m ercial shop, M edical college. A cadem ic lyceum ,
beautiful, secondary school, sm all, specialized school, street, building, cinem a.

6. M y W ork in g D ay

Every day I get up at 6 o ’clock in the m orning. I usually air m y room and m ake

my bed. T hen 1 do my w o rk in g ex ercise I w ash and com b my hair. A t h a lf past seven

I have my breakfast. A fter break fast I go to the U niversity. O ur classes begin at 9

o ’clock, and over at 4 (four) U sually w e have 3 o r 4 pairs o f lessons every day.

D uring the lesson w e w rite, read listen and answ er to the questions. A fter the

second pair w e have a big interval for dinner. D uring the interval w e go to the

canteen for lunch. I study at the physics and m athem atics faculty. Every faculty has
its ow n special subjects. A fter classes I go home. Som etim es I go to the library to do
my lessons. Som etim es after my lessons I go to the sport club. I like to play volley -
ball. I usually com e hom e at three or four. A s usual w e have dinner at home. D inner
is a very pleasant hour because w e are all at hom e and my parents, sisters and a
brother have an interesting talk about different things. A fter dinner I help my m other

about the house. In the evening I do my lessons. W e have m uch w ork to do: text to

read, exercise to w rite new w ords to learn by heart, rules to m em orize and others.

Som etim es if I have free tim e I w atch TV, read new spapers and m agazines. During

supper w e talk about our study and w orks. Than I prepare my bag for next day. I look

at the tim e- table and put my books, note books into my bag.I go to bed at 11 o'clock.

A ctive V ocabulary

to get up - uyqudan turm oq

usually - odatda

to air - sham ollatm oq

to m ake a bed - o ’rinni y ig ’moq
to do m orning exercises - ertalabki badantarbiyani m ashqlarini bajarmoq
to w ash - yuvinm oq

to dress - kiyinm oq

to com b hair - sochini to 'g ’irlamoq

to have breakfast - nonushta qilm oq

to go to the U niversity - U niversitetga borm oq

to study - o ’qim oq

a big interval - katta tanaffus

to do lessons - dars tayyorlam oq

to play - o ’ynam oq

to talk - gaplashm oq

to help - yordam bermoq

free tim e —b o 'sh vaqt

to read new spapers and m agazines —g azeta v a ju rn a lla r o ’qim oq

prepare - tayyorlam oq
tim e-table - dars jadv ali

to go to bed - uxlashga yotm oq

Q uestions

1. W hen do you g et up every day?

2. W hat do you do in th e m orning?

3. W hen do you go to the U niversity?

4. W here do you study?

5. W hen does y o u r lessons begin?

6. H ow m any lessons have you every day?

7. W hat do you do during the lesson?

8. W hat do you do after classes?

9. W hen do you go hom e?

10. W hat do you do in the evening?

11. W hen do you go to bed?

E xercise 1

P u t the n ecessary p rep osition

1. Every day I get up ... 6 o ’ clock ... the m orning.

2. ... h a lf past seven I have my breakfast.

3. I study ... the T ash k en t State P edagogical U niversity nam ed ... afte rN iz a m i.

4. O ur lesson begins ... 9 o ’clock and o v er ... 4 o ’clock.

5. ... the second p air w e have a big in te rv a l... dinner.

6. ... the interval w e go ... the canteen ... lunch.

7. Som etim es I go ... the library to ... do my lesson.

8. I like ... play valley-ball.

9. 1 usually com e hom e ... 3 or 4.

10. ... dinner I help m y m o th e r ... the house.

11. ... supper w e talk ... our study and w orks.
12. I go to bed ... 11 o ’clock.

E xercise 2

T ranslate these sentences into English

1. M en har kuni ertalab 6 da turam an.

2. O datda men xonani sham ollatam an v a joyim ni y ig ’aman.

3. M en yuvinam an, kiyinam an v a sochim ni to ’g ’rilaym an.

4. N onushtadan so ’ng m en U niversitetga boram an.

5. M en N izom iy nom idagi T oshkent D avlat Pedagogika U niversitetida o ’qiym an.

6. B iznng darsim iz 9 da boshlanadi v a 4 da tugaydi.

7. Dars vaqtida biz yozam iz, o ’qiym iz v a eshitam iz va savollarga jav o b beram iz.

8. Ikkinchi paradan keyin tushlik qilish uchun katta tanaffus bor.

9. M en m atem atika fakultetida o ’qiym an.

10. D arsdan so ’ng men uyga ketam an, b a’zan dars qilish uchun kutubxonaga

boram an.
11. Tushlikdan so ’ng m en onam ga uy ishlarida yordam beram an.

12. K echqurun men dars tayyorlaym an.

13. M en 11 da uxlashga yotam an.

8. M y D ay —off

On my day - o ff I get up later than usual. I air my room , make my bed, do my

m orning exercises. I w ash and dress. Than I have my breakfast. On Sunday morning
w e clean our flat. Som e people prefer to stay in town, and to visit a m useum , a

cinem a or a stadium , other people prefer to spend their days - o ff out o f town. A fter

breakfast my father and I go to the m arket and buy everything w e need. Sometim es

after breakfast I go to the cinem a w ith my friends. Som etim es w e go to the stadium.

On Sunday m orning I help my m other about the house. In sum m er I like to swim in
the lake or in the river.

I alw ays help my parents in the yard. I clean my room and iron my clothes

m yself. On Sunday evening we go to the cinem a or to the theatre. O nce a year on

Sunday we go to the Zoo. T here we see many w ild anim als at the Zoo bears, foxes,

tigers, lions. We often go to see our friends and relatives on this day. Late in the

evening I w atch T V , and I go to bed at 11 o ’clock. I think if we spend our week end
w ell, we shall begin the next w eek with pleasure.

A ctive V ocabulary
D ay -o ff - dam olish kuni
later - kechroq

to have breakfast - nonushta qilmoq

to clean - tozalam oq

prefer - maqul k o ’rish

to sw im - cho’m ilm oq

lake - ko’l

river - daryo

parents - ota-ona

alw ays - har doim

to iron - dazm ollam oq

O nce a year - bir yilda bir marta

Zoo —zoopark
w ild anim als - y o w o y i h ayvonlar

b ear - ayiq

fox —tulki

elephant - fil

giraffies - j i r a f a

t i g e r - y o ’lbars
lion —sher

relative - qarindosh

spend - vaqtni o ’tkazm oq

w ith pleasure - bajonidil

next w eek - kelasi hafta

Q u estion s
1. W hen do you g et up on y o u r day off?
2. W hat do you do in th e m o rning?

3. W hat do you do after breakfast?

4. D o you help yo u r m o th er on Sunday m orning?

5. W hat do you like to do o n S undays in sum m er?

6. W here do you go on Sunday evening?

7. Do you often go to the Z oo?

8. W hat do you see at th e Z oo?

9. D o you often go to see y o u r friends on Sunday?

E xercise 1

P u t th e n ecessa ry preposition.

1. ... my day o ff I get u p later than usual.

2. ... S unday m orning w e clean our flat.

3. Som e people prefer ... stay ... tow n a n d ... visit a m useum , a cinem a or a
4. ... breakfast my father I go ... the m arket and everything we need.
5. Som etim es ... breakfast I go ... cinem a ... my friends.
6. ... Sunday m orning I help my m other ... the house.
7. ... Sum m er I like ... swim ... the river or ... the lake.

8. ... Sunday evening w e go ... the cinem a.

9. O nce a year ... Sunday w e go ... the Zoo.

10. We see many w'ild anim als ... the Zoo.

11. We often go ... see our friends and relatives ... this day.

E x ercise 2

T ra n s la te th ese sen ten ces in to U zbek

1. On my day o ff I get up later than usual.

2. I air my room , m ake my bed, do my m orning exercises.

3. On Sunday m orning we clean our flat.

4. Som e people prefer to stay in tow n and to visit a museum or a cinem a.

5. A fter breakfast my father and I go to the m arket and buy everything my need.

6. Som etim es after breakfast 1 go to the cinem a with my friends.

7. On Sunday m orning I help my m other about the house.

8. I alw ays help my parents in the yard.

9. 1 clean my room iron my clothes m yself.
10. On Sunday evening w e go to the cinem a, or to the theatre.

11. Once a year on Sunday we go to the Zoo.

12. We often go to see our friends and relatives on this day.

My Day - off
In the In the In the
morning afternoon evening

Air the To help about To iron

room the house clothes

/ N f \ ( \
To wash and In the To watch TV
a dress yard
г л
To have To swim in To do
breakfast the river lessons
v J V J v У
f Л г л
To go to the Clean the To read new
market room spapen and
V . ... J mag

To help a To go to the
mother cinema

To visit a
museum, a

9 .Students life
M y nam e is D avron A narbaev. I am a student. I study at the T ashkent State
Pedagogical U niversity nam ed after N izam i. I study at the m athem atics - inform atics
faculty. D uring my study at school. I interested in m athem atics. T h at’s w hy I entered
to the m athem atics, inform atics faculty. In the m orning. I go to the U niversity at 9
o ’clock. Every day w e have 3 or 4 pairs o f lessons. A fter the second pair we have a

big interval for dinner. We have lectures and sem inars; D uring the lesson w e read,

w rite, listen and answ er to the teacher’s questions. D uring the interval we talk with

each other. The students have all good facilities for their studies. W e have a big

library and reading hall m odern studying room s, labaratorium s, w orkshops and a big

sport ground, students may go in for various kind o r sport. There are m any subject

circles at the U niversity. Every faculty has its ow n residential hall. O ur U niversity

trains the teachers ot various subjects and educators.

D uring sum m er holidays students go to the m ountains, to the other tow ns o f

U zbekistan to have a rest. My future profession is a teacher at a secondary school. It

is noble and interesting profession but at the sam e tim e teaching is very difficult job.
Today high dem ands are m ade at teacher’s professional know ledge. M any

experienced teachers w ork at the U niversity Som e students live in their ow n flat. The
G overnm ent o f U zbekistan pays great attention to the education o f upbringing
generation. It is the young people who w ill take the w orlds future in the hands. The

students life is very interesting un our country. In future I w ant to be a com puter


A ctive V ocabulary

to enter - kirm oq o ’qishga

interval - tanaffus

dinner - tushlik

during - vaqtida. m obaynida

question - savol

lecture - leksiya

facility - sharoit

reading-hall - o ’quv zaii
library —kutubxona
w orkshop —ustaxona
spo rtground - sport m ay don i

sub ject —fan

circle - to ’garak

residentall hall - y oto q x o n a

to train - yetishtirm oq

educator - tarbiyachi

profession - kasb hunar

high dem ands - katta talab

professional —kasbiy bilim

experienced - tajribali
flat —k vartira

governm ent - hukum at

attention - e ’tibor
education —ta ’lim

upb ringing - tarbiyalanayotgan

com pu ter operator - ko m p y u ter operatori

Q uestions

1. W hat is you r nam e?

2. W here do you study?

3. W hat faculty do you study?

4. W hen do you go to th e U niversity?

5. H ow m any lessons h av e y o u every day?

6. W hen do you have a big interval?

7. W hat do you do during the interval?

8. W hat do you do durin g the lesson?

9. W hat facilities does the students have?

10. W hom does it train at the U niversity?
11. W hat does the students do during sum m er holidays?

E xercise 1

T ranslate these sentences into Uzbek

1. I study at the T ashkent Pedagogical U niversity nam ed after N izam i.

2. D uring my study at school I interested in m athem atics and inform atics.

3. In the m orning 1 go to the U niversity at 9 o ’clock.

4. Every day w e have 3 or 4 pairs at lessons.

5. A fter the second pair w e have a big interval for dinner.

6. D uring the lesson w e read, w rite, listen and answ er to the teacher’s question.

7. The students have all good facilities for their studies.

8. Every faculty has its own residential hall.

9. O ur U niversity trains the teachers o f various subjects and educators.

10. D uring sum m er holidays students go to the m ountains, to the other towns o f
U zbekistan to have a rest.

11. M y future profession is a teacher at secondary school.

12. The student’s life is very interesting in our country.

E xercise 2

M ake up sentences w ith these words

Pedagogical U niversity, faculty, school, in the m orning, every day, interval,

lectures, during, to w rite, to read, to listen, facility, reading hall, w orkshop, sport

ground, subject circles, residential hall, profession, professional know ledge,

governm ent, future.

10. Seasons
There are four seasons in a year. They are: spring, sum m er, autum n and winter.
T here are 365 or 366 days in a year. There are tw elve m onths in a year. January,
February, M arch, A pril, M ay, June, July, A ugust, Septem ber, O ctober, N ovem ber
and D ecem ber. There are four w eeks in a m onths and seven days in a w eek. The
nam es at the days are: Sunday, M onday, Tuesday, W ednesday, Thursday, Friday,

Saturday. All the days o f the w eek except. Sunday are w eek days, Sunday is the day-

off. Saturday is the d ay -o ff for many people too. Such m onth as January, March,

M ay, July, A ugust, O ctober and D ecem ber have thirty one days. A pril, June,

Septem ber and N ovem ber have thirty days, but February has tw'enty-eight days. In

eveiy fourth year there are tw enty-nine days. Such a year is called leap year, Every

season consists at three m onth M arch, Aril, M ay are spring m onths. It is very nice in

spring. The sky is blue. The sun begins to shine m ore brightly, the days becom e

longer and the spring flow ers appear everyw here, nature is very beautiful in spring.

Spring is a very pleasant season o f the year, June, July and A ugust are sum m er

m onths. The sun shines brightly. It is very hot. Sum m er is the hottest season o f the
year. The days are long and the nights are short. The longest day o f the y ear is June
21st, sum m er is the best season for different sports in the open air. M any people have

their vocation in sum m er. A utum n is very beautiful season. The leaves o f the trees
are red, yellow and brow n, Septem ber, the first autum n m onth, is usually pleasant. It

is warm in Septem ber. B ut in O ctober cold w inds begin to blow, the days get shorter

and the nights get longer. There are a lot at fruits and vegetables in autum n in

U zbekistan, W inter begins in D ecem ber and ends in M arch, it is the coldest season at

the year. It often snow s. It gets dark early in the evening. The days are short and the

nights are long. The shortest day o f the year is D ecem ber 21. In w inter many people

go to skiing and skating. C hildren can sledge and play snow ball. Every season is

beautiful in its time.

A ctive v o cab u lary

Season - fasl
Spring - bahor
Sum m er - y o z

A utum n —kuz

W inter - qish

A y ear - yil

M onth - oy

W eek - hafta

D ay - kun

D a y -o ff - dam olish kuni

A leap year - kabisa yili

N ice - yoqim li
T he sky - osm on
the sun —quyosh

to shine - nur sochm oq

brightly - y o r q in
appear - ochilm oq

nature - tabiat

beautiful - chiroyli

w arm - iliq

hot - issiq

long - uzun

nig ht - kechasi

short - qisqa

different - turli xil

open air - o ch iq havo

vocation - kanikul

leaves - barglar

usually - odatd a

cold w ind - sovuq sham ol
fruit —m eva
vegetable - sabzavot
coldest - eng sovuq
snow - qor
dark - qorong’u

to ski - ch an g ’i uchm oq

to skate - kanki uchm oq

sledge - chana

snow ball - qo rb o ’ron

Q uestions

1. H ow m any seasons are there in a year?

2. W hat are the four seasons o f the year?

3. H ow many m onths are there in a year?

4. How m any days are there in a year?

5. W hat are the nam es o f the m onth?

6. H ow m any m onth are the in every season?

7. W hat are sum m er m onths?
8. W hat is the best season for different sports in the open air?

9. W hen do people often take their vocation?

10. W hich is the coldest season?

11. W hich is the hottest season?

Exercise 1

P ut the w ords correct order.

1. a year / seasons/ are /four there / in/

2. m onths /a year/ tw elve /in / are /there/

3. a month /w eeks/ in /are /four/ there

4. consists /season / three / at m onths / every

5. nice / spring / very / in / is / it

6. beautiful / is / nature / very / spring / in
7. season / hottest / the / at / is / sum m er / y ea r / the
8. long / are / days / the / night / the / are / and / short

June / day / at / longest / th e / is / the / y ear

9. air / sum m er / sports / the / open / best / th e / is / season / different / for/ in

10. vocation / sum m er / people / th eir / have / m any / in

11. m onth / first / is / autum n / S eptem ber / the

12. U zbekistan / vegetables / at / and / fruits / autum n / in / are / a lot / there / in

13. S eason / the / year / co ld est / w in ter / the /is / at

E xercise 2

R ead an d tran slate the d ialogu e

T eacher: H ow m any seasons are there in a year?

Student: T here are four seasons in a year.

T : H ow m any m onths are there in a year.

S: there are tw elve m onth in a year.

T : w hat are th e nam e o f the seasons?

S: they are spring, sum m er, autum n and w inter.

T : how m any m onths are there in a season?

S: there are three m onth in a season.

T : w hat season is it now ?

S: now it is autum n.

T : do you like autum n?

S: yes I do. It is very beautiful season.


spring sum m er autum n w inter

M arch april June ju ly September December

October January
may august
november february

N ature bright Fruits


beautiful hottest w arm cold

flower In the open Red yellow sledge

air brow n

nice vocation cool short

11. O u r U niversity

I am a student. I study at the T ashkent

State P edagogical U niversity nam ed after

N izam i. T ashkent State P edagogical

U niversity is one o f the largest educational

institutions in our R epublic. O u r U niversity

trains teachers o f various subjects and

educators. T here are m any faculties at the

U niversity. T housands of students of

different nationalities study there. In 1985 the U niversity g o t the ord er o f P eo p le’s

F riendship for its great services in th e field o f education. O u r U niversity w as founded

in 1935. The students have g o o d facilities for th eir studies. T hey have m o d em study

room s, laboratories and w o rkshops. T hey have m odem tape — recorders, T V - sets,
com puters. W e have also a big library and com fortable reading hall. W e can find a

large sport-hall and sp o it-g ro u n d at th e U niversity. S tudents m ay go in for various

kinds o f sport. M any experienced te ac h e r’s w ork at the U niversity.

T hey do their best to teach and bring up the future specialists. T h e curriculum at
the U niversity includes num erous subjects w hich are necessary for the m odern

teacher. T he students have a practical w o rk at secondary schools too. T he graduators

at the U niversity teach children at schools o f U zbekistan.

T ash kent State Pedagogical U niversity is situated in Y akkasaray district, U su f

Hos H ojib street. I study at the faculty o f m athem atics and inform atics. I w an t to be a

com puter operator.l like o u r U niversity and my future speciality.

A ctiv e V ocab u lary

largest - eng katta

educational Institution - oliy o 'q u v yurti

to train —tayyorlam oq

various —turli xil

subjects - fan

educator —tarbiyachi
nationality - m illat
the O rder o f P eople’s friendship - xalqlar d o ’stligi ordeni
service - xizm at
education —ta ’lim
facility - sharoit
m odern - zam onaviy

w orkshop - ustaxona
tape-recorder - m agnitafon

reading-hall - o ’quv zali

sporthall - sport zali

sportground - sport m aydonchasi

experim ent - tajriba

to bring up - tarbiyalam oq

curriculum - program m a

include - o ’z ichiga olm oq

necessary —zarur
graduator - bitiruvchi

district - rayon
com puter operator - kom pyuter operatori

Q u estio n s

1. W here do you study?

2. W hom does it train at the Pedagogical U niversity?

3. W hen U niversity got the O rder o f P e o p le's friendship?

4. W hen was founded T ashkent State Pedagogical U niversity

5. W hat facilities have the students?

6. W here does the graduators w ork after finishing from school?

7. W here is situated T ashkent State Pedagogical U niversity?

8. W hat faculty do you study?

9. W hom do you w ant to be in future?
10. D o you like yo u r future speciality?

E xercise 1

Put th e w o rd s correct order.

1. Study / N izam i / 1 / state / p edagogical / T ash k en t / after / the / nam ed / at /

U niversity
2. R epublic / state / U niversity / P edagogical / one / in the / institutions / o u r /

T ash k en t / is / largest / the / o f / educational

3. T eachers / and / subjects / trains / o f / U niversity / various / educators

4. Study / o f / nationalities / differen t / o f / students / thousands / there

5. E ducation / great / o f / for / field / the / services / its / friendship / U niversity /

1985 / th e people / o f / order / go t / in th e

6. F ounded / U niversity / 1935 / in w as / our
7. T h eir / facilities / have / for / students / the / g o o d / studies

8. S port / go / for / in kinds / stu d en ts / my / various / o f

9. B est / do / future / they / bring up / sp ecialists / th eir / to teacher / and
10. Subjects / necessary / cu rriculum / teacher / num erous / the m odern / for/

teacher / o f includes / are / w hich / the

E xercise 2

T ran slate th ese sen ten ces into E nglish

1. M en N izom iy nom idagi T o sh k en t D av lat P edagogika U niversitetida o ’qiym an.

2. T o sh k en t D avlat P edagogika U niversiteti R espublikam izdagi eng k atta oliy

o ’quv yurtlaridan biridir.

3. B izning U niversitetda turli xil fan o ’qituvchilari va tarbiyachilar tayyorlanadi.

4. 1985 yilda U n iversitetim iz ta ’lim sohasidagi buyuk xizm atlari uchun X alqlar

D o ’stligi ordeni bilan taqdirlandi.

5. B izning U niversitetim iz 1935 yilda tashkil qilingan.
6. T alabalar o rqishi uchun barcha sharoitlar yaratilgan.
7. U niversitetda zam onaviy o ’quv xonlari laboratoriyalar v a ustaxonalar bor.
8. U niversitetda k o ’pgina tajribali o ’qituvchilar ishlaydiar.
9. U iar kelgusi m utaxassislarni o ’qitish v a tarbiyalash uchun q o ’ldan kelganicha
harakat qiladilar.

10. U niversitet program m asi zam onaviy o ’qituvchiga zarur b o ’lgan fanlardan


12. My profession

W e are students o f the T ashkent State Pedagogical U niversity. O ur U niversity

trains teachers o f variuos subjects: teachers o f m athem atics, physics, chem istry,
biology, draw ing, labour, etc.
M y future profession is a teacher o f a secondary school. It is a noble and

interesting profession, but at the sam e tim e teaching is a very difficult jo b o f great

responsibility' and specific character. The profession o f a teacher is one o f the m ost

honorable professions. A teach er's m ain w ork is to teach children his subject. Today

high dem ands are m ade o f teacher’s professional know ledge. The m odern teacher

has to solve many im portant problem s. He m ust not only teach children his subject

but bring them up and prepare them for life and labour. T h at is w'hy he m ust be a

specially trained specialist. G reat attention is being paid to the quality o f teaching to

the close links betw een theory practice to the se lf education o f students. A teacher

m ust take an active part in shopping o f pupils character, cooperation and respect for

ideals. The curriculum o f the U niversity includes num erous subjects w hich are
necessary for the m odern teacher, pedagogics and psychology are students o f all
faculties and choice o f special subjects depends on the curriculum o f this or that

faculty m uch attention at the U niversity is paid the students to the practice at school.
O ur professional know ledge can be im proved by participation in social and
research work. T hanks to it we shall be able to obtain teaching habits and skills.

1 am proud o f my future profession. I shall do my best to be a highly-qualified


Active Vocabulary
to train - tayyorlam oq

various - turli xil

subject - fan

profession - kasb

secondary school - o 'rta maktab

noble - sharafli
difficult jo b - qiyin ish
responsibility —jav o b g arlik

m ain - asosiy

to teach - o ’qitm oq
high dem ands - yuqori talab lar

know ledge —bilim

im portant problem s - m uhim m uam m olar

to bring up - tarbiyalam o q

labour - m ehnat

attention - e ’tibor

specialist - m utaxassis

quality - sifat

close links - cham barchas b o g ’liqlik

theory - nazariya

practice - am aliyot
se lf education - so g ’lom ta ’lim
cooperation —ham korlik

respect —hurm at
curriculum - program m a

necessary - zarur

psychology - psixologiya

professional know ledge - kasbiy bilim

im prove - isbotlam oq

research w ork - ilm iy tad q iq o t ishi

proud - faxr, g ’urur

hobits and scills - m alak a v a k o ’nikm a

highly qualified teach er - yuqori m alakali o'q itu v ch i

1. W here do you study?
2. W hat speciality does it train at the U niversity?
3. W hat is your future profession?
4. W hat is teacher’s m ain w ork?
5. W hat special subjects do you study at the U niversity?

6. W hy did you choose the profession o f a teacher?

7. W hy a teacher m ust be a specially trained, specialist?

8. A re you proud o f your future profession?

Exercise 1
Read and translate the dialogue
Bill: I’ve heard you are student o f the Pedagogical University.

Jane: Yes. I w ant to be teacher o f m athem atics.

B: Will it’s a very interesting speciality

J: You are quite right.

B: Do you take part in students clubs or societies at the U niversity?
J: 1 am a m em ber o f the student’s scientific society. Soon, I’ll have to prepare a

B: Do you use special literature in the foreign language for your report.

J: I have translated many articles concerning my them e from English and A m erican

scientific m agazines.

B: W ho is your scientific adviser.

J: I have tw o scientific advisers. They are experienced teachers.

В: I suppose y o u ’ll do your best for learning your future profession

J: W hile studying at the U niversity, we are given unlim ited opportunities to learn a


В: I w ish you every succes.

J: T hanks a lot.

Exercise 2
Make up sentences with these words.
U niversity, subject, profession, a secondary school, honorable difficult, main,

im portant, life, labour, specialist, attention, education, children.

13 . Sports and games

I am a student. I study at the T ashkent State Pedagogical U niversity nam ed

after N izam i. W e have a large sport hall and sport ground at the U niversity. Students
may go in for various kinds o f sport. T here are m any sport circles at the U niversity.
Physical training, sports and gam es are an im portant part o f the education in our

youth. The sport program m e for youth som etim es includes boxing, w restling,
sw im m ing, karate, kurash, running and cycling. Sport helps people to keep in good

health. Sport gam es helps to bring up a strong and healthy generation o f courageous

young men and w om en. I like sports too. I can play various gam es. W e have fine

sport team s and m any cham pions. Every year various com petitions take place at our

U niversity. They are very popular am ong students. I am a m em ber o f the U niversity

football team and take part in many com petitions too. W e have a fine coach. He is a

m aster o f sport. Physical culture and sport in our country are part o f U zbek cultural

and Public life. N ational kinds o f physical exercise, national gam es and sport

com petitions have alw ays been popular o u r country. O ur national sport gam e kurash
is held in everyw here o f the w orld. In sum m er different gam es are very popular:
football, volleyball, basketball, tennis and others. W e have many U zbek national

sport gam es: ‘K urash’, ‘K upkari-, ‘A rqon tortish' and others. M y hobby is football. I
think sport helds me to keep my health, to be strong and courageous man. O ur

republic pays a great attention to physical education and sports. M any stadium s,

gym nasium , basketball courts, sw im m ing pools and other facilities have been built in

our country'. Football is my hobby I am fond o f football very much.

Active vocabulary

sport-hall - sport zal

sport ground - sport m aydonchasi

various - turli xil

kind - tur

sport circle - sport to ’garagi

physical training —jism oniy tay y o rg arlik

gam e —o ’yin (sport)

im portant —m uhim

education - ta ’lim

youth - yoshlar

sports program m e - sport program m asi

boxing - boks

w restling - bilak jang i

sw im m ing —suzish

ruuning —yugurish

cycling —velosipedda uchish

h e a l t h - s o g ’lik

strong - kuchli

healthy generation - so g ’lom avlod

courageous —jasoratli

team —kom anda

com petition - m usobaqa

po p u lar - om m aviy

m em ber - a ’zo

coach - trener

a m aster o f sport - sport m asteri

physical c u ltu re - jis m o n iy tarbiya

national sport gam e - m illiy sport o 'y in i

facility - sharoit

hobby —qiziqqan m ash g 'u lo t

1. W here do you study?
2. Have you a sport ground at the U niversity?
2. Have you a sport circles at the U niversity?
3. W hat is an im portant o f part the education in our youth?

4. W hat sport program m e do you like to w atch?

5. Do you like sport gam es?

6. Why do you think sport is a part o f cultural and public life?

7. W hat sport gam es are popular in sum m er?

8. W hat Uzbek national sport gam es do you know ?

9. W hat is our hobby?

Exercise 1
Put the words in the correct
1. university / a large / have / we / sport ground / the / sport hall / at / and

2. kinds / for / various / go / in / students / sport / many / at

3. circles / the / U niversity / there / are / sport / many / at
4. youth / im portant / physical training / gam es / part our / sports / and / an/ are
education / in the o ff

5. health / in / helps / good / in / to / keep / people / sport

6. fine / have / and / cham pions / sport team s /w e / many

7. football team / com petitions /' take part / a m em ber / a / in / many / and /

U niversity / 1 / o f / am / and / to

8. public life / physical culture / country / sport / Uzbek / and / our / part / are /

cultural / in / o f

9. sport gam e / w orld / our / Kurash / everyw here / national / held / is the / in

10. and / courageous / health / strong / think / helps / sport I / to keep / m e / may to be

Exercise 2
Translate these sentences into Uzbek
1. 1 study at the T ashkent State Pedagogical U niversity nam ed after N izam i.

2. W e have a large sport hall and sport ground at the U niversity.
3. Physical training sports and gam es are an im portant part o f the education in our


4. Sports help people to keep in good health.

5. S port gam es helps to bring up a strong and healthy g eneration o f courageous

young m en and w om en.

6. I can play various sport gam es.

7. E very y ear various com petitions take place at o ur U niversity.

8. I am a m em ber o f the U niversity football team and take part in m any

com petitions too.

9. Physical culture and sp o rt in o u r country are p art o f U zbek cultural and public

10. O ur national sport gam e ‘K u rash ’ is held in everyw here o f the w orld.

14. Tashkent

I live in T ashkent. T ashkent is the capital o f U zbekistan. It is a very old city.

T ashkent w as founded 2000 years ago. T ashkent is one o f the largest cities o f central
Asia. A t different stages o f its long history it had several names. The nam e T ashkent
is the Uzbek for Stone tow n. In the old days

it w as a city o f sm all clay houses and

narrow streets. It takes up an area o f 220

square kilom eters. The population o f the

city is more than 3 m illion people. There are

several m uslim m onum ents and historical

buildings such as the K ukaldash m adrasah

and the Barakkhan m osque w hich w ere built

in the 16th century.

Today T ashkent is a m odern city. T ashkent is the centre o f industry culture,
science and art o f the republic. There are num erous factories and plants in Tashkent.
They produce various goods for our country. Tashkent is a big cultural centre. There
are many cinem as, squares, theatres, m useum s and libraries in the city. T ashkent is

the educational and scientific centre o f the republic. T here are a lot o f Universities,
institutes, secondary schools. The city has the republics academ y o f sciences. Higher

Educational Institutions train qualified specialists for our republic. Tashkent became
w ell-known in the w orld as the capital o f our new Sovereign independent republic. A

num ber o f sum m it talks have been held in Tashkent. A lot o f em bassies, offices and

joint ventures o f many international organizations, com panies and firm s have opened

in the city.

The T ashkent m etro is the pride o f the city. All the stations looks like

underground palaces. Im portant political m eeting, different international conferences

and festivals are held in Tashkent.

In future T ashkent will continue to grow . W e like our fine city.

Active Vocabulary

capital - poytaxt

old city - qadim iy shahar

d if f e r e n t- tu r li xil

stage - bosqich

Several - bir nechta

‘Stone to w n ’ - Tosh shahri

clay houses - paxsali uylar

narrow - tor

area - yer m aydoni

population - aholi

m onum ents - yodgorlik

historical —tarixiy

industry —sanoat

culture - m adaniyat

science - ilm -fan

art - sa n ’at

factory - fabrica

plant - zavod

goods - m ahsulot

square - m aydon

library - kutubxona

educational - ta ’lim

scientific - ilmiy

A cadem y o f sciences - Fanlar A kadem iyasi

H igher Educational Institutional - oliy o ’quv yurti

train -tay y o rlam o q

qualified specialist - m alakali m utaxassis

Em bassy - elchixona

jo in t venture —qo’shm a korxona

international organization - xalqaro tashkilot


1. W here do you live?

2. W hat is the capital o f U zbekistan?

3. W hen w as founded T ashkent?

4. W hat does it m ean the name T ashkent?

5. H ow m any population are there in T ashkent?

6. W hat m uslim m onum ents o f T ashkent do you know ?

7. W hy T ashkent is educational and scientific centre/

8. W hy T ashkent becam e the capital o f o ur new sovereigh independent republic?

9. W hy we call T ashkent is the centre o f industry and culture?

10. W hat is the pride o f the city?

Exercise —1
Translate these sentences into English
1. T oshkent O ’zbekistonning poytaxti.

2. T oshkent 2000 yil ilgari tashkil topgan.

3. T oshkent - O ’rta O siyoning eng katta shaharlaridan biridir.

4. O 'tgan zam onda T oshkent kichik paxsa uylardan va kichik tor k o ’chalardan

iborat bo'lgan.

5. T oshkentda bir nechta musulm on yodgorliklari, shu jum ladan 16chi asrda

qurilgan K o’kaldosh m adrasasi va B aroqxon m aqbarasi mavjud.

6. T oshkent R espublikam izning sanoat, m adaniyat va ilm-fan. san 'at m arkazidir.

7. T oshkentda bir nechta zavod va fabrikalar bor.

8. T oshkentda bir qancha kinoteatr. xivobon, m aydon. teatr va kutubxonalar bor.

9. T o s h k e n t R e sp u b lik a m iz n in g ta 'lim v a ilm -fan m arkazidir.

10. T oshkent butun d u n y o g a y an g i suveren m ustaqil respublikam izni poytaxti sifatida
11. T oshkentda xalqaro tashkilotlar, k o m paniya v a firm alarning elehixona, ofis va

q o ’shm a korxonalari ochilgan.

14. Uzbekistan

I live in U zbekistan. U zbekistan is situated in central part o f C entral A sia. The

republic o f U zbekistan occupies the territory o f 447.4 thousand square kilom eters.

T here are two large rivers in our republic: The Syr-D arya and the A m u-D arya rivers.

U zbekistan borders on with K azakhistan, K irghizistan, T urkm enistan and

A fghanistan. The adm inistrative structure o f the republic o f U zbekistan consists o f

the republic o f K arakalpakstan, 12 province, 162 districts and 118 towns.

The population o f U zbekistan is about 28 million people. U zbekistan is

m ultinational republic.

T he proclam ation of

independence o f the republic of

U zbekistan on S eptem ber 1, 1991 is

a landm ark in the history o f the

republic. On M arch 2 1992 the

U nited N a tio n ’s O rganization

adopted a resolution to adm it the

republic of U zbekistan to it’s

m em bership. U zbekistan becam e a

full m em ber o f the U nited N ations and w as recognized by over 165 S tates o f the

w orld as an Independ en t State U zbekistan is the republic o f sunshine. T h e clim ate o f

U zbekistan is sharply continental. It m eans that is very hot in sum m er and it is very'

cold in w inter. O n D ecem ber 8 in 1992 w as adopted The new C o n stitu tio n o f

U zbekistan. T he capital o f U zbekistan is T ashkent.

T oday U zbekistan is an advanced republic w ith industry, h igher m echanized

agriculture and a well d eveloped culture. T here are large deposits o f gas, oil, coal,
copper, gold and oth er m inerals in the republic. W e have m any big enterprises o f
chem ical, electrical, textile, food and other industries. T he national pride o f the

republic is cotton. G reat progress w as archived by the U zbek people in th eir cultural

developm ent. T here are m any H igher E ducational Institutions, thousands o f libraries,

cinem as, theatres, radio and T V stations there. B eing a sovereign republic U zbekistan

has got it’s State E m blem , it's N ational A nthem and flag.

Active Vocabulary
part - qism

occupies - egallaydi

square kilom eters - kvadrat kilom etr

river - daryo

borders - chegaralanadi

adm inistrative structure - m a ’m uriyat tuzilishi

province - viloyat

district - rayon

population - aholi

m ultinational - k o ’p miliatli

proclam ation - e'lo n qilish

independence - m ustaqillik

m em bership - a ’zolik

recognize - tan olm oq

w orld - dunyo

independent State - M ustaqil D avlat

sunshine - quyoshli

adopted - qabul qilindi

deposit - kon

coal - k o ’mir

c o p p e r - m is

gold - oltin

enterprise —korxona

pride - g ’urur

progress - yutuq


1. W here is situated U zbekistan?

2. W hat is the area o f U zbekistan?

3. W hat are the names o f the largest rivers?

4. H ow many countries does it border on?

5. H ow many provinces are there in U zbekistan?

6. Is it a m ultinational country?
7. W hen was the proclam ation o f the independence o f the republic o f the

U zbekistan?

8. W hat resolution adopted the U nited N ations organization on the 2 nd o f M arch in
9. W hat can you say about the clim ate o f o u r country?

10. W hen w as adopted the new C onstitution o f the republic o f U zbekistan?

11. W hat is the capital o f U zbekistan

12. In w hat natural resources is U zbekistan rich?

13. W hat is the N ational pride o f the republic?

Exercise 1

Make up sentences with these words.

Exercise 2

Translate the sentences into Uzbek

1. U zbekistan is situated in the central part o f Central Asia.

2. The republic o f U zbekistan occupies the territory o f 447.4 thousand square

kilom eters .

3. T here are two large rivers in our republic.

4. The adm inistrative structure o f the republic o f U zbekistan consists o f the republic

o f K arakalpakistan 12 provinces 162 districts and 118 towns.

5. The population o f U zbekistan is about 28 million people.

6 . The proclam ation o f independence o f the republic o f U zbekistan on Septem ber 1,

1991 is a landm ark in the history o f the republic.

7. On M arch 2, 1992 The U nited N ations O rganization adopted a resolution to adm it

the republic o f U zbekistan to it’s m em bership.

8. On D ecem ber 8. 1992 w as adopted the N ew C onstitution o f the republic o f

U zbekistan.
9. The capital o f U zbekistan is Tashkent.
10. T here are large deposits o f gas, oil, coal, copper, gold and other m inerals in the

11. T here are many H igher E ducational Institutions, research institutions, thousands

o f libraries, cinem as, theatres, radio and TV stations.

16. Large cities of Uzbekistan

T here are many large historical cities in U zbekistan. T ashkent, S am arkand,

B ukhara, K hiva, T erm ez and Shahrisabz.

T ashkent is the capital o f th e Independent republic o f U zbekistan. It is very old

city. It w as founded m ore than 2000 years ago.

T here are several m uslim m onum ents and historical buildings such as the

K ukaldash m adrasah and the B arakhan m osque. W hich w ere built in the 16th century.

T here are many new avenues, squares, high, buildings and fountains.

T ashkent is the E ducational and scientific centre o f U zbekistan, w here there are

a lot o f universities, institutes, schools and special secondary schools T ash k en t is a

big cultural centre. W e can find num erous cinem as, theatres, m useum s and parks in
the city. A num ber o f Sum m it talks have been held in Tashkent. A lot o f Embassies
o f many international organizations, com panies and firms have opened in the city.
Sam arkand is one o f the most, ancient cities o f the w orld. Sam arkand stood at the
cross-roads o f caravan routes and played an im portant role in the econom ic ties o f the
countries, o f the east. M any centuries ago it w as a centre o f ancient civilization.

V isitors w ho com e to this city adm ire the artistic talent and ancient architect who

created such am azing structures as the Shakhi - zinda ensem ble, the Bibikhanim

m osque the G ur A m ir m auseleum , the Ishrat-K hana m ouzeleum and U lug’bek

observatory in R egistan square. The population o f Sam arkand is m ore than 525.000 it

is a m ultinational city occupies. Sam arkand is a m ajor scientific and industrial centre

o f U zbekistan. It has a U niversity and seven other institutions o f higher learning,

large research centres, many plants and factories, libraries, m useum s and theatres.

B ukhara is one o f the ancient tow ns o f U zbekistan. Period o f its existence is

more than 2000 years. The outstanding poets Firdausi and R udaki, the fam ous scholar

A bu Ali Ibn Sino and m any others lived and w orked there. T here are a lot o f ancient
m onum ents in Bukhara.
Ismoil Sam oni M ausoleum , M agoki A ttori, M osque, M ausoleum o f Chashm ai
- A yyub, U lug’bek M adrasah, Poikalon architectural Ensem ble, K alon m osque. There

are dosens o f industrial enterprises in the city.

The present populatin o f B ukhara is over 350.000. there are Institutes o f higher
education and eleven technical schools. One m ore ancient tow n o f U zbekistan-K hiva

lies thirty-tw o kilom eters from U rgench. K hiva was in existence som ew here betw een

the 6 ‘h-8lh centuries.

In the m iddle o f the 16th century' it becam e the capital o f the Khiva. T here are

many unique m osques, m ausoleum s and m adrasahs in K hiva. Ichan Kala, the fully

preserved m edieval citadel. D uring the golden age o f the G reat Silk R oad a major

stop for caravans and the trade centre the city is today a living m useum. K horezm

traders w ere respected as brilliant m erchants and patrons o f science and the arts.

T here is a research design institute and a num ber o f restoration w orkshops in

U zbekistan.

Active Vocabulary

historical cities - tarixiy shaharlar

independent republic - m ustaqil respublika

m uslim m onum ents - m usulm on y odgorliklari

historical buildings - tarixiy binolar

m osque - m aqbara

avenue - xiyobon

square - m aydon

fountains - fontanlar

educational and scientific centre - ta ’lim v a ilm -fan m arkazi

em bassy —elchixona

ancient - qadim iy

adm ire - haytarda qolm oq

artistic talent - san ’atkorona talant

research centre - ilmiy m arkaz

o utstanding —m ashhur

enterprises - korxona

G reat Silk R oad - Buyuk Ipak Y o ’Ii

trade centre - savdo m arkazi

science - ilm -fan

research design institute - dizayn ilm iy tadqiqot institute

restoration w orkshop - restovratsiya ustaxonasi

sum m it talks - davlatlararo m uzokara


1. W hat historical cities o f U zbekistan do you know ?

2. W hat is the capital o f U zbekistan?
3. W hen w as founded our capital city?

W hat historical buildings o f T ashkent do you know ?

4. Is T ashkent E ducational and scientific centre?

5. W here is situated Sam arkand?

6. W hat architectural m ountains o f Sam arkand do you know ?

7. W hat about the population o f Sam arkand?

8. How m any territory occupies Sam arkand?

9. Is Sam arkand m ajor scientific and industrial centre?

10. What outstanding poets and scholars lived in Bukhara?

11. W hat ancient m onum ents o f Bukhara, do you know ?

12. H ow many population lives in B ukhara at the present tim e?

13. W here is situated K hiva?

14. W hen w as founded K hiva?
15. W hat historical places o f K hiva do you know ?

Exercise 1
Put the words in correct order.
1. U zbekistan / capital / the / independent / o f / republic / Tashkent / the / is/ of.

2. Several / and / buildings / there / are / m uslim / historical / T ashkent /' in /

m onum ents.

3. U zbekistan / scientific / o f / centre / T ashkent / educational / the / and / is.

4. City /' the / opened / a lot o f / and / many / com panies / the / have / in /

international / organizations / offices / em bassies / and / o f / firms / and.

5. W orld / one / ancient / m ost / Sam arkand / o f / is / the cities /' the / of.

6. C ross-roads / routes play / cities / the / in / econom ic / countries / stood / the /

stood Sam arkand / at / o f / routes caravan / and / role / an / im portant / ties.

7. C entre / a m ajor / and / is / centre / U zbekistan / o f / Sam arkand / scientific /
industrial / o f / centre / and.
8. A ncient / one / is / o f / B ukhara / tow ns / U zbekistan / o f / the.

9. T ow n / and / ancien t / o f m ore / U zbekistan / lies / U rgench / from / thirty tw o

kilom eters K hiva.

10. M ausoleum s / unique m osques / and / m any / an d / th ere / are / K hiva / in /

M adrasahs.

11. G reat Silk roads / stop / and / trade / today / m useum / a living / during / golden

age / the / o f stop / m ajor / caravans / for / trade centre / the / and / m useum / is /
today / a living / city / the / is.

Exercise 2
Translate the sentences into English
1. O ’zbekistonda k o ’p gina tarixiy shaharlar bor.
2. T oshkent m ustaqil O ’zbekiston R espublikasining poytaxti.
3. U y erda k o 'p g in a m usulm on yodgorliklari v a tarix iy binolar b o ’lib 16 asrda
qurilgan K o ’kaldosh m adrasasi va B aroqxon m aqbarasi shular jum lasidandir.
4. T oshkent O ’zbekistonning o ’rta m aktab, o ’rta m axsus m aktab, institut va
universitetlari k o 'p b o ’lgan ilm -fan va ta ’lim m arkazidir.

5. T oshkentda k o ’p gina firm a, kom paniya va xalqaro elchixonalarning tashkilot va

ofislari bor.

6. S am arqand duny oning eng qadim iy shaharlaridan biridir.

7. K o’p asrlar ilgari S am arqand qadim iy m adaniyat m arkazi b o ’lgan.

8. Sam arqandga keluvchi sayyohlar R egiston m aydonidagi T illa kori m adrasasi,

U lug’bek observatoriyasi, Ishratxona m avzoleyi, G o ’ri-A m ir m avzoleyi, B ibixonim

m aqbarasi, S hohizinda ansam bli kabi san ’atk o ro n a talanti, qadim gi arxitektura
yodgorliklari bilan hayratlanadi.

9. Sam arqandning aholisi 525000 dan ziyod.

10. S am arqand O ’zb ekistonning asosiy ilm -fan va sanoat m arkazlaridan biridir.

11. B uxoro O ’zbekistonning qadim iy shaharlaridan biridir.

12. M ashhur shoir Firdavsiy va Rudakiv, taniqli olim Abu Ali ibn Sino B uxoroda

yashab ijod etgan.

16. Culture, Literature, Art and National holidays of Uzbekistan.

U zbekistan is the land o f ancient culture. A t the present tim e m ore than 200.000
tourists alm ost from 80 countries visit U zbekistan every year. They w ant to see the
rem arkable m onum ents o f the part in B ukhara, S am arkand, K hiva, T ashkent.

B ukhara is one o f the ancient tow ns o f U zbekistan.

T he period o f its existence is m ore than 2000 years. T he period w as noted for

the developm ent o f crafts trade, literature, science and art. The outstanding poets

Firdovsi and R udaki the fam ous scholar A bu Ali ibn S ina and many others lived in

B ukhara. T here are m any m osques, m adrasahs and m ausoleum s in B ukhara at the

present tim e. It’s m asterpieces o f architecture are the m ausoleum o f Ism ail Sam ani,

the K alyan m inaret, the m adrasah o f U lugbek and others. T hey are fam ous not only

in our country but abroad too. O ne m ore ancient tow n o f U zbekistan is K hiva, K hiva

w as the m ajor centre o f the M oslem religion. T here are many unique m osques,
m ausoleum s and m adrasahs in K hiva. They m ake K h iv a a m useum and attract m any
four city. M any centuries ago, S am arkand w as a centre o f ancient civilization and the
seat o f historical and cultural traditions o f the peoples o f C entral A sia. V isitors w ho
com e to S am arkand adm ire the artistic talent and skill o f the ancient architects. T here
are m any am uzing structures such as S hakhi-Z inda ensem ble, the B ibikhanum
m osque, the G ur-A m ir m ausoleum , the Ishrat khana m ausoleum and the U lugbek,

Sherdor and T ilya-K ari m adrasahs in R egistan square. T he big w all can still be seen

today in the northern-w estern part o f k h a n K ala. U nder Shah A bdul A bbos M am un

in the 10'h and l l lh century, at the A cadem y o f M am un, gathered the greatest

scientists and thinkers o f their tim e. Such as A vicenna, Beruni and many other

philophers, m athem aticians and astronom ers. T he Ichan K ala citadel consisting o f

num erous courtyards am ong w hich K urinish K h an a and Z arbkhana are today m ost

fam ous K uhna A rk is an architectural m useum d isplaying folk art m aster’s genius.

A b d u rau f Fitrat takes an im portant place in U zbek literature as a poet and a scientist,

a teacher and a w riter. H e w as bom in 1886 in B ukhara in an educated fam ily. He

w rote a lot o f poem s, novels and plays. He w rote text book on U zbek literature and

U zbek language.
A lisher N avoi w as a great poet, statesm an and the founder o f Uzbek literature. N avoi
w as born in H erat on February 9, 1441. He knew all poetic forms. N avoi w rote
mostly in Turkie and used Persian very little. N avoi was a great m aster o f fine arts
and know' how to handle a painters brush him self. N avoi’s poems in old Uzbek w ere

collected into four parts w hich w ere called C hor-D evon. His poems in Persian w ere
collected and called D evoni-Foni. His m ost im portant work is the Q uintiple, five

poem s w ritten betw een 1483 and 1485.

Tashkent is the capital o f the an independent republic o f U zbekistan. T here are

several m onum ents and historical buildings o f M uslim s such as K ukaldash m adrasah

and B arakhan m osque w hich w ere built in the 16th century.

T here are many libraries, theatres, film studios, TV centers and cinem a houses in the


The anniversary o f the independence o f U zbekistan w e celebrate on the 1st o f

Septem ber. On the 8th o f D ecem ber w e celebrate constitution day. T here are two

M uslim holidays. R am adan Hayt and K urban Hayt. The dates o f these holidays
change every year. W e celebrate N ew Y ear’s day on January 1. B efore N ew Y ear's
Day w e send N ew Y ear w ishes to our friends o r we ring them up in the evening on
D ecem ber 31. On that night we are usually at hom e with our fam ily o r w ith some
friends. At 12 o 'c lo c k we say to each other ‘Happy New Y ear' and w e answ er

’T hanks, the sam e to you. M arch 8 is W om en’s Day. On that day we give presents to
our m others and sisters. M arch 21 is a holiday o f N avruz. On the 21st o f M arch in

cities, towns and villages people o f U zbekistan celebrate N avruz, the Eastern N ew

Year. On the 21я o f M arch the day is equal to night everyw here on this planet.

W om en cook a w ide variety o f delicious foods such as pilaf. shashlik and so on. B ut

the king o f all these holiday dishes is sum alak.

Active Vocabulary

ancient - qadim iy

culture - m adaniyat
rem arkable - d iqqatga sazovor

m onum ent - yodgorlik

period - davr (etap)

craft - h unarm andchilik

trade - savdo-sotiq

science - ilm -fan

art - sa n ’at

outstanding - m ashhur

poet - shoir

m osque - m aqbara

m adrasah - m adrasa

m ausoleum - m avzoley

m asterpiece - hunarm and usta

architecture - arxitektura

abroad - chet el, chet

m ajor - bosh, asosiy

attract - m aftun qilm oq

civilitation - sivilizatsiya

tradition - a n ’ana

adm ire - hayratlanm oq

artistic talent - san ’atkorlik m ahorati

square - maydon

scientist - olim

thinker - m utafakkir

im portant - m uhim

a w riter - yozuvchi

poem - she'r

novel - rom an
play - sahna asari

U zbek language - O ’zbek tili

satatesm an - davlat arbobi

founder - asoschi

D ersian - fors-tojik

fine-art - tasviriy san ’at

anniversary - yilligi

celebrate - nishonlam oq

holiday - bay ram

w ish - tilak

present - so v g ’a

delicious - tansiq taom


1. H ow many tourists visit U zbekistan every year?

2. W hat do they w ant?
3. W hen was founded our ancient city B ukhara?
4. W hat outstanding people o f B ukhara do you know ?

5. W hat historical places o f B ukhara do you know ?

6. W hat am azing structures o f Sam arkand do you know ?

7. W hat outstanding people lived in Sam arkand?

8. Who was A bdurau f Fitrat?

9. W hen and w here w as A bdurauf Fitrat born?

10. W ho w as A lisher N avoi?

11. W hen and w here w as A lisher N avoi born?

12. W hat historical sightseeings o f Tashkent do you know ?

13. W hen we celebrate the Independence day o f U zbekistan?

14. W hen we celebrate C onstitution day?

15. When we celebrate N ew Y ears day?

16. How we celebrate N ew Y ears day?

17. W hen we celebrate N av ru z holiday?
18. H ow we celebrate N av ru z holiday?

Exercise 1

W rite com position according to a plan.

1. T he historical places o f B ukhara.

2. K hiva w as the m ajor centre o f the M oslem religion.

3. Sam arkand is the centre o f ancien t civilization.

4. G reat scientists o f ancien t K horezm .

5. Fam ous U zbek w riters and poets.

6. T ashkent is the capital o f U zbekistan.

7. N ational holidays o f U zbek people.

xercise 2

Translate these sentences into English

1. O 'zbekiston qadim iy m ad an iy at beshigidir.

2. H ozirgi kunda har yili deyarli 80 ta m am lakatdan 200 m ingdan k o ’proq
turistlar O z b e k isto n g a ta sh rif buyuradilar.
3. U lar Sam arqand, B uxoro. X iva, T oshkentning qadim gi diqqatga .sazovor
yodgorliklarini ko’rishni x oxlaydilar.
4. B uxoro O ’zbekistonnong qadim iy shaharlaridan biridir.
5. M ashhur shoir F irdavsiy va R udakiy va taniqli olim A bu Ali ibn Sino B uxoroa
yashab ijod etgan.
6. H ozirgi kunda B uxoroda k o 'p g in a m aqbara, m adrasa va m avzoleylar b o i.
7. Xiva m usulm on dinining asosiy m arkazidir.
8. X ivada ko’pgina birlashgan m aqbara, m avzoley va m adrasalar m avjud.
9. K o 'p asrlar ilgari S am arqand qadim iy m adaniyat m arkazi b o ’lgan.
10. R egiston m aydonida hayratlan arli, o ’ziga tortuvchi U lu g ’bek, Sherdor, T illa-
Kori m adrasalari, G o T -A m ir m avzoleyi, Bibixonim m aqbarasi v a Shoxizinda
ansam bli mavjud.
11. lOchi 1 lchi asrlarda shox A bbos M am un tom onidan yaratilgan M a'm u n
akadem iysi A vitsenna, B eruniy va boshqa k o 'p g in a filosof, m atem atik va
astronom larni yetishtirdi.

! 2. A bd urauf Fitrat O ’zbek adabiyotida shoir, olim , o ’qituvchi va yozuvchi sifatida
muhim o ’rin tutadi.
13. A bdurauf Fitrat 1886 yilda B uxoroda ziyoli oilasida tu g ’ilgan.
14. A .N avoiy buyuk shoir, davlat arbobi v a O ’zbek adabiyotining asoschisidur.
15. A .N avoiy 1441 yil 9chi fevralda H irotda tu g ’ildi.
16. T oshkentda ko ’pgina tarixiy yodgorliklar b o ’lib, 16 asrda qurilgan K o’kaldosh
m adrasasi va B aroqxon m aqbarasidir.
17. lchi sentyabrda biz O ’zbekistonning M ustaqillik bayram ini nishonlaym iz.
18. lchi yanvarda biz Y angi yil bayram ini nishonlaym iz.

18. The system o f Education in Uzbekistan.

T he system o f public education in U zbekistan includes preschool education,

prim ary education, secondary ed ucation and h igher education. Preschool education

includes creches and nursery schools. C hildren under three are taken to the creches.

T he kindergartens accept children betw een the ages from three to six. Prim ary school

consists o f a three-year course for children at the age o f six years old.
T he system o f public ed ucation in U zbekistan is based on com pulsory ten-year

o r 11 y ear school for all citizens.

G eneral secondary schools are the m ost w ide spread educational institutions for

all children.

A fter com pleting the 9lh form som e pupils enter vocational technical schools

w hich give secondary education an d m atriculation certificates. A t the end o f ninth

form , pupils have a special test. A ccording to the results o f this test and their
intellectual abilities, som e o f them choose to program m to colleges o r lyceum s.
Studying at colleges o r lyceum s, the pupils have the opportunity to receive a good
vocational education, and secondary education at the sam e tim e. A t present there are
new types o f schools o f U zbekistan. Such as lyceum and gym nasium . T hose pupils
w ho decide to continue studying at school learn in classes w ith a different aim and

content H istory, m athem atics. A t the end o f the eleventh form they receive a school

leaving certificate. H igher education in U zbekistan includes U niversities, Institutes,

conservatories, etc. M any pupils en ter U niversities and institutions to take higher

education. Students at colleges, lyceum s, U niversities and institutions usually receive

state scholarships. N ow the system o f continuous education is organized in

U zbekistan.

Active Vocabulary

public - om m aviy

education - ta 'lim

include - o ’z ichiga olm oq

preschool - education - m aktabgacha ta ’lim

prim ary - education - boshlang’ich ta ’lim

secondary - education - o ’rta um um ta’lim

H igher - educaton - O liy ta ’lim

nursery school - kichkintoylar maktabi

kindergarten - bog’cha

accept - qabul qilm oq

prim ary school - bosh lan g ’ich m aktab

com pulsory school - to ’liq m aktab

general secondary school - um um iy o ’rta ta ’lim m aktabi

w ide-spread - keng tarqalgan

vocational technical school - kasb hunar maktabi

m atriculation certificate - guvohnom a

ability - qobiliyat

opportunity - im koniyat

secondary education —o ’rta um um ta’lim

school leaving certificate - attestat


1. W hat educations includes the system o f public education in U zbekistan?

2. W hat schools includes preschool education?

3. Betw een w hat ages kindergarten accept children?

4. How many courses consists primary school?

5. W here does som e pupils enter after com pleting the 9th form?

6. W hat new types o f schools in U zbekistan?

7. W hat do they receive at the end o f the eleventh form?

8. W hat includes H igher Education in U zbekistan?

Exercise 1

Translate the sentences into Uzbek

1. T he system o f public education in U zbekistan includes preschool education,

secondary education and higher education.

2. P reschool education includes creches and nursery schools.

3. T he kindergartens accept children betw een the ages from three to six.

4. Prim ary school consists o f a three y ear course for children at the age o f six years

5. A fter com pleting the 9'1’ form som e pupils enter vocational-technical schools.

6. A t the end o f ninth form pupils have a special test.

7. A ccording to the results o f this test and th eir intellectual abilities, som e o f them
choose to progress to colleges or lyceum s.

8. Studying at colleges or lyceum s, the pupils have the opportunity to receive a good
vocational education and secondary education at the sam e time.

9. A t present there are new' types o f schools in U zbekistan such as lyceum and
gym nasium .

10. H igher education in U zbekistan includes U niversities and institutes.

V ocational
г V ocation;
J ■

• ed u catio n

Exercise 2

Make u sentences with these words.

19. Outstanding people of Uzbekistan.

U zbekistan is an independent republic. W e are proud o f o ur republic because,

w e have great w onderful and true history. E verybody adm ires that U zbekistan has

given the w orld excellent w riters and scientists as A m ir Tem ur. A lisher N avoi.

A b d u rau f Fitrat, A bu Ali ibn Sino, M irzo U lugbek, Al K horezm i, A bu Raykhon

B eruni and m any others.

A m ir T im ur w as a great leader and m ilitary strategist. A m ir T em ur w as born

on A pril 9, 1336 in the village o f H ojailgor, n ear Shakhrisabz. H e w as strong and

handsom e. H e becam e a fam ous statesm an and great m ilitary leader o f the U zbek

people. He spent all his life and activity to tight against eviland oppression to finish

the battles betw een the knans and Beks and to establish a strong centralized state. His

nam e w ell-know n not only in T uron but all over the w orld.

A lisher N avoi w as a g reat poet, statesm an and the founder o f
U zbek literature. He w as bom in H eart on 9th o f February in
1441. N avoi becam e a very fam ous poet. A lisher N avoi got a
very good education for those days. He knew’ all poetic forms.
N avoi w rote m ostly in T urkish and used persian very little.

N avoi w as w ell-know n as a literary' scholar. He supported poets,

scientists and artist’s. N a v o i’s poem s in old U zbek w ere

collected into four parts, w hich, w ere called Chor-D evon. His poem s in Persian were

collected and called “ D evoni-Foni". His m ost im portant w ork is the “H am sa” five

poem s w ritten betw een 1483 and 1485.

A bd urauf Fitrat takes an im portant place in U zbek literature as a poet and a

scientist a teacher and a w riter. He w as bom in 1886 in B ukhara in an educated

family. He wrote a lot o f poem s, novels and plays. He w rote text book on Uzbek

literature and U zbek language.

The other outstanding m an is A bu Ali ibn Sina. He w as the great thinker and the "the

prince o f physicians” . Ibn Sina w as a man o f variuos interests and w onderful abilities.
H e had contributed to m edicine, philosophy, m athem atics, poetry and many
other sciences. Ibn Sina had w ritten num erous w orks. A m ong his g reat w orks w e can

nam e the famous “C anon on M edicine” . Ibn Sina had a w onderful pow er o f

He was a man o f encyclopedic know ledge and great practical experience an

attentive and w ise physician. H e had done very much into his 57 years.

M irzo U lugbek the grandson o f A m ir T em ur was born in M arch 1394 in the

tow n o f Sultania, Iran. He w as grow n up under the influence o f astronom ers and

m athem atics. Later he deeply acquired such subjects as A rabic, logic, m athem atics,

astronom y and built his own school o f astronom y betw een 1417-1427 in Sam arkand.

M irzo Ulugbek w rote 4 w orks w hich w ere o f great im portance from scientific point

o f view. They are “Z ij’\

The great m athem atician, astronom er and geographer M uham m ad ibn M uso ai-

K horazm iy was born in 783 in K horezm and grew up there. He w rote m ore than 20

w orks, but now only 10 o f them left. T hese w orks w ere devoted to algebra,
arithm etic, geography and astronom y. A l-K horezm iy w as the founder o f algebra.
“ A ljabr" is the biggest algebraic w ork w hich has three m anuscripts w ritten by him are
being kept in the m useum o f K abul M edina.

Active Vocabulary

independent - m ustaqil

proud - faxr

w onderful - ajoyib

true - haqqoniy

excellent - a ’lo

scientist - olim

g reat —buyuk

leader - sarkarda

m ilitary —harbiy

village - qishloq

strong - kuchli

handsom e - kelishgan

fam ous - m ashhur

statesm an - davlat arbobi

activity - faoliyat

against - qarshi

fight - kurash

batlle - j a n g

state - davlat

w orld - dunyo

poet - shoir

founder - asoschi
poetic forms - sheriy jan rlar

poem - sher

im portant - muhim

a w rite r-y o z u v c h i

novel - rom an

play - sahna asari

thinker - m utafakkir

ability - qobiliyat

contribute - hissa q o ’shm oq

poetry - sheriyat

science - ilm-fan

Canon o f M edicine - Tib qonunlari

pow er - kuch, Q udrat

observation - kuzatish

encyclopedic know ledge - ensiklopedik bilim

practical experience —am aliy tajriba

attentive - e'tiborli

w ise - aqlli

grandson - nevara

logic - logika

scientific point o f view - ilm iy nuqtai nazardan

devote - bag'ishlam o q

m anuscript - nusxa


1. W hat outstanding people o f U zbekistan do you know ?

2. W hen and w here w as A m ir T em ur born?
3. Why he fight against eviland oppression?
4. W ho was A m ir T em ur?
5. W ho w as A. N avoi?
6. W hen and w here w as A .N avoi born?
7. In w hat languages did he w rite?
8. W hat is his m ost im portant w ork?
9. W ho w as A .Fitrat?
10. W hen and w here w as A .F itrat born?
11. W ho w as Ibn Sina?
12. W hat is his fam ous w orks?
13. W ho w as M irzo U lugbek?
14. W hen w as fam ous astro n o m er U lugbek born?
15. W hat im portant w orks o f U lugbek do you know ?
16. Who was Al-Khorazmiy?
17. W hen and w here w as A l-K horazm iy born?
18. H ow m any w orks did he w rite?
19. W hat subjects these w orks dev o ted to?
20. W hich is the biggest algebraic w ork?

Exercise 1

W rite short compositions according to a plan.

1. A .T em ur w as a great m ilitary leader.

2. A .N avoi w as a great poet and the founder o f U zbek literature.

3. A .Fitrat was a great scientist and a w riter.

4. A bu Ali Ibn Sina w as the g reat th in k er and the P rince o f physicans.

5. M irzo U lugbek w as a g reat astronom er.

6. A l-K horazm iy w as a great m athem atician, astronom er and geographer.

Exercise 2

Put the appropriate preposition.

1. W e are proud ... our republic.

2. A .T em ur was born ... A pril 9. 1336 ... the village ... H ojailgor ... Shahrisabz.

3. H e spent all his life and activity ... fight against eviland oppression ... finish
the bathlles ... knans and beks and ... establish a strong centralized state.

4. A .N avoi w as born ... H erart ... 9,h ... February ... 1441.
5. N av o i’s poem s ... old U zbek w ere collected ... four parts.
6. H is m ost im portant w ork H am sa w ritten ... 1483 and 1485.
7. A .F itrat w as born ... 1886 ... B ukhara ... an educated family.

8. He w rote a l o t ... poem s, novels and plays.

9. Ibn Sina w as the great thinker and the prince ... physicians.

10. Ibn Sina had a w onderful p o w e r ... observation.

11. M irzo U lugbek w as ... bom M arch 1394 ... the tow n o f Sultania.

12. H e w as grow n up ... the influence ... astronom ers and m athem atics.

13. M irzo U lugbek w rote 4 w orks w hich w ere ... great im portance ... scientific

p o i n t ... view .
14. A l-K horazm iy w as bom ... 783 ... K horezm .

15. A l-Jabr is the biggest algebraic w ork w hich three m anuscripts w ritten ... him

are being k e p t ... the m useum ... K abul, M edina.

Outstanding people of Uzbekistan

20. The relation of Uzbekistan with other countries.
Septem ber 1st 1991 w ill becam e a landm ark in the history o f U zbekistan as day
o f the republics independence. On the 2nd o f M arch in 1992 the U nited N ations
O rganization adopted a resolution on the adm ission o f the republic to it’s
m em bership U zbekistan becam e a full m em ber o f the UNO. A fter becom ing an

independent state U zbekistan w as recognized by 165 countries and diplom atic

relations w ere established w ith m ore than 120 o f them . M ore than 43 countries o f the

w orld have opened their em bassies in Tashkent. T he President o f U zbekistan visited

m any countries in order to strengthen econom ic, cultural and security relations.

D ifferent agreem ents w ith Turkey, China, India, Saudi A rabia, France and other

countries have been signed. N o state can live w ithout foreign econom ic relations.

U zbekistan m aintains foreign econom ic ties w ith m any countries in the w orld and

participates in different international festivals, exhibitions and so on. M any industrial

enterprises are trying to independently sell their products on the w orld m arket. Im port

greatly exceeds export in foreign econom ic relations. U zbekistan has about 1000 jo in t
ventures w ith G erm an, K orean, Japanese and m any m ore T urkish, Indian and French
com panies. U zbekistan has trade relations w ith m any countries including the U SA,
the U nited K ingdom , France, Japan, India Singapore, T hailand and Turkey.

Active Vocabulary

landm ark - belgilam oq

independence - m ustaqillik

resolution - qaror

m em bership - a’zolik

to recognize - tan olm oq

relation - aloqa

Em bassy - elchixona

agreem ent - shartnom a

to participate —qatnashm oq

exibition —k o ’rgazm a

enterprise - korxona

to sell - sotm oq

jo in t venture —q o ’shm a korxona

trade - savdo-sotiq


1. W hen w e celebrate the D ay o f the republics state independence o f U zbekistan?

2. W hen U nited N atio n s O rganization adopted a resolution on the adm ission o f

U zbekistan to it’s m em bership?

3. H ow m any countries recognized U zbekistan as independent republic?

4. H ow m any countries have opened th eir em bassies in T ashkent?

5. Why the P resident o f U zbekistan visited m any countries?
6. W ith w hat countries different agreem ents have been signed?
7. W ith w hat countries U zbekistan has jo in t ventures?
8. H ow m any jo in t ventures are there in T ashkent?

9. W ith w hat countries U zbekistan has trade relations?

Exercise 1

Put the appropriate prepositions.

1. S eptem ber 1st 1991 w ill becam e a landm ark ... the history ... U zbekistan as the

day ... the republics independence.

2. ... the 2nd ... M arch ... 1992 the U nited N ations O rganization adopted a

resolution ... the adm ission ... the republic ... it’s m em bership.

3. ... becom ing an independent republic U zbekistan w as recognized ... 165


4. M ore than 43 countries ... the w orld have, opened their em bassies ...
T ashkent.
5. The president ... U zbekistan visited m any countries ... order ... strengthen

econom ic, cultural and security relations.

6. N o state can live ... foreign econom ic relations.
7. U zbekistan m aintains foreign econom ic ties ... many countries ... the w orld.

8. M any industrial enterprises are trying ... independently sell their products ...

the w orid m arket.

9. U zbekistan has ... 1000 point ventures ... G erm an, K orean, Japanese and

m any m ore Turkish, Indian and French com panies.

Exercise 2
Translate the sentences into English.

1. 1 chi sentyabr 1992 yil O ’zbekiston tarixida respublikaning m ustaqillik kuni

sifatida bayram deb belgilanadi.

2. 2 chi m art 1992 yilda B irlashgan m illatlar tashkiloti O ’zbekistonni o ’z
a ’zoligiga qabul qilishga qaror qildi.
3. M ustaqil respublika b o ’lgandan so ’ng O ’zbekistonni dunyoning 165 ta

m am lakati tan oldi.

4. D unyoning 43 dan ortiq m am lakati T oshkentda o ’z elchixonalarini ochdi.

5. O ’zbekiston prezidenti iqtisodiy. m adaniy aloqalarni yaxshilash m aqsadida

k o 'p g in a m am lakatlarga bordi.

6. Turkiya, X itoy, T urkiston, Saudiya A rabistoni, Fransiya va boshqa

m am lakatlar bilan turli xil shartnom alar im zolandi.

7. Hech bir m am lakat tashqi aloqalarisiz yashay olm aydi.

8. O 'zbekiston dunyoning k o ’pgina m am lakatlari bilan iqtisodiy aloqalar

o ’rnatgan va ko'rgazm alard a ishtirok etadi.

9. K o’pgina sanoat korxonalari o ’z m axsulotlarini jah o n bozorida mustaqil

sotishga harakat qiladi.

10. O ’zbekistonda G erm aniya, Y aponiya, K oreya va k o ’p gina T u rk iy a
kom paniyalari bilan m ingdan o rtiq q o ’shm a korxonalar bor.

The relation of Uzbekistan with other countries

21. The Economy of Uzbekistan
U zbekistan is situated in the central part o f C entral Asia. U zbekistan is
the centre o f industry, culture and science. U zbekistan has num erous industrial
enterprises produce various goods for the national econom y. T here are num erous
factories and plants in our republic. They produce various goods for our

country and for many other countries. A t the present tim e there are tw o m ain

branches o f agriculture they are: crop grow ing and cattle breeding. T he aim

o f o ur republics agrarian policy is to m ake agriculture a highly productive

branch o f the national econom y. T hat is w hy great attention is paid to the

identification o f agricultural production. It is m ainly based on the all —round

know ledge o f clim ate, soils and the application. The level o f m echanization in

agriculture is raised from year to y ear now. The collective and state farm s o f

the republic are receiving a large num ber o f new m achines and m eans o f

transport. T he high level o f m echanization in agriculture will transform the

conditions o f life and labours o f people. The republic o f U zbekistan is rich in

various m ineral resources. M any m ineral deposits m ore than a hundred types
o f m inerals w ere discovered in the republic. The stock o f copper, silver, gold,
lead, zinc, tungsten, natural gas and som e other resources m akes U zbekistan

leader o f the w orld. U zbekistan has a lot o f plants and factories in various
cities. T heir production is very im portant, but their sm oke is harm ful to

peo ple’s health and pollutes the air. People need clean w ater to drink and to

grow the food they eat. They need clean land w ithout chem icals and fresh so

that their food will be safe to eat. That is w hy w e m ust fight against pollution

o f our rivers, lakes and seas. W e m ust preserve our forests and our rare

anim als. W e m ust preserve them for future generations.

E nterprise - korxona

B ranch - tarm oq

A griculture - qishloq xo'jalig i

C rop - hosil

C attle breeding - hayvon boqish

Soil - tuproq

R ich - boy

D eposit - zaxira

C opper - mis

Silver - kum ush

G old - oltin

Im portant - m uhim

Sm oke —tutun

H arm ful - zararli

H ealth - so g ’liq

P o llu tio n -c h a n g

P reserve —saqlam oq

Forests - o ’rm onlar

A nim al - jo n iv o r

G eneration - avlod


1. W here is situated U zbekistan?

2. A re there num erous plants and factories in our republic?

3. W hat are the m ain branches o f agriculture at the present tim e?

4. W hat is the aim o f o u r republics agrarian policy?

5. W hy w e m ust fight agaihst pollution o f o ur rivers, lakes and seas.

Exsercise 1
Put the appropriate word.

1. U zbekistan is the centre o f ......... , , a n d . . . .

2. T here are num erous . . . and . . . in our republic.
3. A t the present tim e there are . . . main branches o f . . . .

4. They produce . . . goods for our . . . and for many o th e r . . . .

5. The level o f . . . in agriculture is raised from . . . by . . . .

6. The republic o f U zbekistan is rich in various . . . .

7. T heir production is very . . . but their sm oke is . . . to peo p le’s health.

E x s e rc is e 2

Make up sentences with these words.

C entre, enterprises, plant, republic, m ain, aim , branch, national econom y,

m echanization, agriculture, rich.

The Economy of rich

22. London
London is the capital o f G reat Britain. London is not only B ritain’s capital, it is
the c o u n trie s largest city, the m ost im portant seaport and the financial and business
centre. It is an ancient L inden m eans a lonely port. London is also B ritain’s cultural
centre, the place with the theatres, cinem as, concert halls and m useum s. In addition it
is the country’s TV production centre. London is situated about 40 m iles (641cm)

from the m outh o f the river Tham es.

It is divided by the river into tw o unequal parts. M ost o f the im portant

buildings stand on the north bank. London is the centre o f culture, industry and

science. London has o v er 13 m illion people. Today London is one o f the biggest

cities in the w orld. The m ain parts o f London are: The W est End, The E ast End, The

City and W estm inster. T he oldest part o f London is the City. The City is the financial

and business centre o f the C om m onw ealth. N ow about h a lf a m illion people w ork in

the city during the day. A m ong the sights o f the city are the B ritish M useum , the

Royal Shakespeare theatre, the C entral crim inal C ourt and St.pauls C athedral. There
are m any theatres , cinem as, m useum s and parks in the w est end. The best known and
largest park is Hyde park. An interesting place in H yde park is Shakispears Corner.
T here one can listen to different speakers talk about all kinds o f ideas.

T he rich people lives in the W est End. T ogether with T rafalgar Square and
Parliam ent Square in front o f the houses o f parliam ent. H yde park is Som etim es the

scene o f political dem onstrations and marches. Poor people lives in the East End. It

has many industrial centers, plants and factories. London plays a very im portant role

in the industry o f G reat B ritain. It is the country’s m ain centre for printing, clothing

m anufacture and food processing.

W estm inster is the adm inistrative centre o f London. The H ouses o f parliam ent

the seat or the British G overnm ent are situated here London is fam ous for it’s places

o f interest.
T here are many architectural art and historical m onum ents in palace. The

N elson Colom n and many others. T housands o f tourists from all parts o f the world

com e to London to see it’s sight.

Active vocabulary
capital —poytaxt

im portant - m uhim

seaport —dengiz porti

financial —m oliyaviy

business - tijorat

ancient - qadim iy

unequal - tang b o ’lm agan

industry - sanoat

science - ilm -fan

w orld - dunyo

m ain - asosiy

oldest —eng qadim iy

fights - m anzarali jo y la r

political dem onstration - siyosiy m aydon

plants - zavodlar

factories - fabrica

architectural art - arxitectura sa n ’ati

1. W hat is the capital o f G reat B ritain?

2. W hy is L ondon im portant to G reat B ritain?

3. W here is situated L ondon?

4. H ow m any people live in L ondon?

5. W hat are the m ain parts o f L ondon?

6. W hat do m ost people do in the city o f London ?

7. W hat sightseeings o f London do you know ?
8. W hat is the adm inistrative centre o f L ondon?

Exercise 1
Put the appropriate preposition.

1. London is the capital ... G reat Britain.

2. London is also B ritain ’s cultural centre, the place ... the theatres, cinem as,

concert halls and m useum s.

3. London is situated 40 m iles ... the m outh ... the river Tham es.

4. It is divided ... the river ... tw o unequal parts.

5. M o s t... the im portant buildings stand ... the N orth bank.

6. Today L ondon is one ... the biggest cities ... the w orld.

7. The oldest p a r t ... L ondon is the City.

8. N ow about h a lf a m illion people w ork ... the city ... the day.
9. ... the sights ... the city are the British m useum , the Royal Shakespeare

Theatre, the C entral C rim inal C ourt.

10. T here one can listen ... different speakers talk ... all kinds ... ideas.

Exercise 2
Translate the sentences into English.

1. London B uyuk B ritaniyaning poytaxti.

2. London faqat B ritaniyaning poytaxti em as, balki m uhim dengiz porti v a tijorat

m arkazidir.
3. Lining qadim iy nomi L inden - y o l g ’iz port degan m a’noni bildiradi.

4. London yana B ritaniyaning m adaniyat m arkazidir.

5. London T em za daryosidan 40 mill (64km ) u zo qlikdajoylashgan.

6. K o’pgina m uhim binolar shim oliy q irg ’o q d ajo y lash g an .

7. L ondonning asosiy qism lari: Sharqiy qism i, G ’arbiy qism i, shahar m arkazi va
W estm inisterdir.
8. H ozirgi kunda h ar kuni yarim m illiondan k o ’proq aholi shahar m arkazida

9. Sharqiy qism ida k o ’p gina teatr, kinoteatr, m uzey va park lar bor.
10. L ondon B uyuk B ritan iy a sanoatida ju d a m uhim rol o ’ynaydi.

23. Great Britain

T he U nited K ingdom o f G reat B ritain and N orthern Ireland (the U K) has been the
official nam e o f the B ritish K ingdom since 1922.
It includes England, Scotland, W ales, N orthern, Ireland and a num ber o f
sm aller Islands. G reat B ritain is situated on the B ritish Isles lying to the w est o f the
continent o f Europe. It is separated from the continent by the N orth Sea and the
E nglish C hannel. G reat B ritain and the N orthern part o f Ireland form the U nited
K ingdom o f G reat B ritain and N orthern Ireland.
G reat B ritain is the pow erful capitalist country. The capital o f the country is
L ondon. London is situated on the river Tham es. It is one o f the biggest com m ercial
centers and ports in the w orld.
T extile, chem ical, shipbuilding, electronics and other industries are highly
developed in the country.
T he B ritish Q ueen is proclaim ed to be the head o f the state and is represented
by a governor general.
T he flag o f B ritain is called the U nion Jack. It has the red cross o f St. G eorge
o f England the w hite cross o f St. A ndrew o f Scotland and the red cross o f St. Patrick
o f Ireland all on a blue background. “G od save the (Q ueen) K ing” is the British
national anthem . The B ritish currency is the pound sterling. O ne pound consists o f
100 pence. The British Isles lie o f the north-w est coast o f the continent o f Europe.
The U K can be divided into four large historical areas: E ngland, Scotland, W ales and
N orthern Ireland. G reat B ritain is separated from the European continent by the
E nglish C hannel. To the w est the Irish Sea separates G reat B ritain from Ireland. The
population o f the U nited K ingdom is m ore than 61 m illion people. The British
population is mostly urban and suburban.
E ngland is the m ost densely populated part o f the UK. The A tlantic ocean and
the seas w ashing G reat B ritain effect the clim ate o f the country. It is m ild and dam p
M any rivers is deep. T here are many rivers in B ritain, but only few o f them are long.
The longest river is the Severn. The highest m ountain is Ben N evis in Scotland.
G reat B ritain is one o f the m ost im portant industrial countries in the w orld. O ne o f
the extensive industries o f G reat B ritain is the textile industry. G reat B ritain has also
been noted for coal, iron and steel.
A nother leading industry in G reat B ritain has been shipbuilding and the
autom obile industry is highly developed. M ajor industrial and business centers o f the
country include B irm ingham , G lasgow , B elfast and London. A griculture is one o f the
w ell-developed branches o f the national econom y. It produces meat, vegetables,
fruits, grain and other types o f agricultural products.

Active Vocabulary
U nited K ingdom - Q irolliklar B irlashm asi
island —orol
to separate - ajratm oq

pow erful - kuchli, qudratli

country —m am lakat

capital —poytaxt

shipbuilding - kem asozlik

Q ueen - qirolicha

head —bosh, asosiy

state —davlat

represent - boshqarm a

g o vernor - hukm dor

flag - bayroq
cross —chiziq
K ing - Q irol
anthem —m adhiya

currency - valyuta

pound sterling - pul birligi

co ast - q irg ’oq

to divide —b o ’linmoq

area —y e r m aydoni

po pulation - aholi

urban - shaharlik

suburban - qishloqda yashovchi

d ensely —aholi zich joylashgan

effect —ta ’sir qilm oq

m ild - nam

dam p - dim , b o ’g ’iq

long - uzun

coal —k o ’m ir
iron - tem ir
steel - po’lat
agriculture - qishloq x o ’jalig i
branch —tarm oq

grain - don m ahsuloti

1. W hat are som e o f the nam es for G reat B ritain?

2. W hat Islands and regions com prise G reat B ritain?

3. W here is situated G reat B ritain?

4. W hat parts form the U nited K ingdom o f G reat B ritain?

5. W hat is the capital o f the country?

6. W here is situated L ondon?

7. W hat kind o f industry are highly developed in the country?

8. W hat is the nicknam e for the B ritish flag?

9. W hat three sym bols m ake up the flag?

10. W hat is the ancient nam e o f B ritain?

11. H ow m any population are there in B ritain?

12. W hat is the w eather usually like in B ritain?

i 3. W hich is the longest river?

14. W hich is the highest m ountain?

15. W hich agricultural products produces in G reat B ritain?

Exercise 1
Put the appropriate word.

1. The U nited ... o f G reat B ritain and N orthern Ireland has been the official ... o f

the kingdom since 1922.

2. G reat Britain is ... on the B ritish . . . .

3. It is ... from th e continent by the N o rth ... and the ... channel.
4. G reat B ritain ... and the northern part o f ... form the U nited ... o f G reat
B ritain and N orthern Ireland.

5. T he ... o f the country is L ondon.

6. L ondon is one o f the b ig g e s t... centers and ... in the w orld.

7. T extile, ..., ... electronics and o th er ... are highly developed in the country.

8. T he ... o f B ritish is called the U nion . . . .

9. T h e B ritish currency is the . . . .

10. T h e U K can be divided into four large historical areas: ... Scotland, ... and

N orthern Ireland.

Exercise 2
Translate these sentences into Uzbek.

1. T h e U nited K ingdom o f G reat B ritain and N orthern Ireland (the U K ) has been
the official nam e o f the B ritish K ingdom since 1922.
2. G reat B ritain is situated o n the B ritish Isles lying to the w est o f the C ontinent
o f Europe.
3. G reat B ritain and the N o rth ern part o f Ireland form the U nited K ingdom o f
G reat B ritain and N orthern Ireland.

4. G reat B ritain is the pow erful capitalist country.

5. T he capital o f the country is London.

6. L ondon is situated on the riv er T ham es.

7. T he B ritish Q ueen is proclaim ed to be the head o f the state and is represented

by a governor general.

8. T he B ritish currency is the pound sterling.

9. T he U K can be divided into four large historical areas: England, Scotland,

W ales and N orthern Ireland.

24. The big cities of Great Britain.
The biggest and the m ost im portant cities o f G reat B ritain are: L ondon.

B irm ingham . G lasgow and O x fo rd .

London is the capital o f E ngland. It is political econom ic and cultural centre. It

has 13 mln people. The m ost fam ous sights o f London are: W estm inster A bbey, the

T ow er o f London and St. P au l’s C athedral, Big B en is also in London. London is

divided into 2 parts: T he W est End, The East End.

W est E nd is fashionable shopping centre but East End is a city o f w orking people.

B irm ingham is the biggest tow n in the centre o f England. M achines, cars and lorries
are m ade here. T V - and radio - sets are also produced in B irm ingham .
M anchester - is an industrial capital o f the N o rth o f England. It is a very old city.
It is the centre o f the cotton industry. M anchester w as the first city in G reat B ritain to

build an airp o rt in 1929. T here are 50 parks. M anchester has m any libraries,

m useum s, art galleries and theatres.

E dinburg is the capital o f Scotland. It is the centre one o f the m ost beautiful cities

in E urope. It is m ain attractions are the Floral clock, m ade o f grow ing flow ers and the

E dinburg. A rt F estivals the annual sum m er perform ances o f operas, dancing, m usic

and dram a.

G lasgow - the second largest tow n in the B ritish Isles. It is situated on the river

Clyde. It is the centre o f the B ritish shipbuilding industry. G lasgow is a great

industrial city and also a centre o f Scottish culture.

Bristol — is a city o f w ide cultural interests. T he city is rich in lovely parks and open
spaces. T here are shipbuilding industry, repairing industry and so on.

Active Vocabulary
im portant —m uhim

political —siyosiy

econom ic - iqtisodiy

cultural - m adaniy

fam ous - m ashhur

sights - m anzarali jo y la r

shopping centre - savdo markazi

w orking people - ishchi sin f

industry - sanoat

shipbuilding - kem asozlik

rich - boy

repair - qayta ishlash

1. W hat are the biggest and the m ost im portant cities in G reat B ritain?
2. W hat is the capital o f E ngland?
3. H ow many people lives in London?
4. W hat is the m ost fam ous sights o f London?
5. H ow m any parts are there in L ondon?

6. W hat are m ade in B irm ingham ?

7. W hat is the industrial centre o f the N orth E ngland?

8. W hat is the centre o f cotton industry?

9. W hat is the capital o f Scotland?

Exercise 1
P u t th e a p p ro p r ia te p re p o sitio n .

1. London is the c a p ita l......... England.

2. London is d iv id e d ......... 2 parts.

3. Edinburg is the c a p ita l......... Scotland.

4. In is the c e n tr e ......... T he cotton industry.

5. M anchester w as the first c i t y ......... C reat B rita in an a ir p o rt..........

6. G lasgow the second largest town ......... The B ritish Isles.

7. It is s itu a te d ......... the river Clyde.

8. B ristol is a c i t y ......... w ide cultural interests.

Exercise 2
M a k e u p sen ten ces w ith th ese w o rd s.

Im portant, capital, fam ous, a city, centre, library, m ain, airport, sights, part, shopping
centre, art galleries.

25. Culture, Literature, art and National holidays of Great Britain.
G reat B ritain has a highly developed culture, literature and art. L arge m useum s

o f G reat B ritain are: M useum o f M odern art, m useum o f O xford Christ, Church.

Picture G allery, O xford U niversity press M useum and other historical places. T here

are large collection o f old m aster paintings and draw ings. It says c ity 's history well

supported by exhibits. G reat B ritain is fam ous for it’s high level o f culture. T he m ost

popular B ritish w riters: T h e playw right W. Shakespeare and the novelist C harles

D ickens. G eorge B yron, B ernard Show and others. T h e w orks o f the G reat English

w riters and poets enriched the w orld literature, culture and art. The m useum s, picture

gallery ’s, exhibitions tell the story about it's history and historical places.

O xford U niversity press m useum with collections o f books, docum ents and

printing equipm ent telling the story o f O xford printing.

C hrist C hurch picture G allery has very large collection o f old M aster paintings
and draw ings. T here are m any m useum s and picture galleries in the city such as the
m useum o f the H istory o f Science, M useum o f O xford, B odean Exhibition R oom ,
U niversity m useum and others. English people has their ow n national h oliday’s. N ew
Year, C hristm as Day, Easter, Pancake day and others. T he m ost popular English
w riter is W illiam Shakespeare. He w rote many fam ous plays such as “H am let”,

■‘R om eo and Juliet” , “K ing L ear”,” O thello” and others. England is a country rich in

folklore and traditions. The m ost w ell-know n folk costum es are those o f the M orris

dancers. In B ritain C hristm as Day is norm ally spent at hom e w ith the fam ily. They

decorate N ew Y ear tree, sending C hristm as C ards to each other. Traditional food is

prepared, sw eet m ince pies a rich C hristm as cake and the C hristm as pudding. Y outh

gathering w ith their friends in the local pubs and clubs. T radition has it that the first

person over the threshold on N ew Y ear’s D ay w ill dictate, the luck brought to the

household in the com ing year. A t m ignight on 31 D ecem ber particularly in Scotland

and northern E ngland “first footers” step over the threshold, bringing the N ew Y ear’s

Luck. The First footer usually brings a piece o f coal a lo a f and a bottle o f w hisky and

he w ishes every one “A Happy N ew Y ear” E aster day is nam ed after the Saxon
goddess o f spring Easter, w hose feast took place o f the spring equinox. Easter is now
the spring feast o f the Christian church. It falls on a Sunday betw een 22 M arch and

23 A pril, according to the church calendar. T raditionally Easter eggs dyed and

decorated o f m ade o f chocolate are given presents sym bolizing new life.

Stratford-upon-A von the birth place o f Shakespeare. On the site of

Shakespeare’s own house a w ooden am phitheatre w as built and tw o w agons arrived

w ith tire w orks. M edals w ere issued in copper, silver or gold with Shakespeare’s

likeness on them . T here was ringing o f bells, firing o f cannon at 5 in the m orning,

breakfast in the tow n hall speeches and, o f course, Shakespeare’s plays on the Stage.

This continued for three days.

Every year on A pril 23 representatives o f all nations w alk from the theatre to the

poet’s tom b in the church in Stratford-upon-A von.

In E ngland A pril F o o l’s D ay is linked w ith spring w ith the return o f the sun and
w arm th. In Scotland an old nam e for A pril F o o l’s Day is A p ril-cu ck o o . On this day,
people play harm less jo k e s and pranks on friends and fam ily.

Active Vocabulary
a r t - s a n ’at

picture gallery - rasm galereyasi

painting - rassom

fam ous - m ashhur

popular - om m aviy

playw right - sahna asari yozuvchisi

w riter - yozuvchi

poet —shoir

enriched - boyitdi

exhibition - k o ’rgazm a

e q u ip m e n t- jih o z

play —sahna asari

rich - boy

folklore - folklor

decorate - bezatm oq

cake - tort, pirojniy

food - taom

sw eet - konfet

pudding - shirinlik

luck - om ad

coal - k o ’m ir

to w ish - tilam oq

equinox - tengkunlik
present - sovg’a

sym bol - ram z, belgi

birthplace - tu g ’ ilgan jo y

c o p p e r - m is

silver - kum ush

go ld - oltin

bell - qo’n g ’iroq

stage - sahna

tom b - m inora

w arm th - iliqlik

jo k e - hazil

1. W hat are the large m useum s o f G reat B ritain?
2. W ho are the m ost p opular E nglish w riters?

3. W hose w orks enriched the w orld literature and art?

4. W hat national holidays o f English people do you know ?

5. H ow do they celebrate the C hristm as day?

6. H ow do the English people celebrate N ew Y ear’s Day?

7. W hat brings the "First footer” on the N ew Y ear's Day?

8. W hat is the E aster D ay?

9. W hat are the fam ous plays o f Shakespeare?

Exercise 1
Put the appropriate word.

1. G reat B ritain has a highly ... culture, literature and art.

2. There are large collection o f old ... paintings and draw ings.
3. T he m ost popular B ritish : the playw right W . Shakespeare and the novelist
C harles D ickens, G eorge B yron, B ernard Shaw and others.

4. T he w orks o f the great E nglish ... and poets enriched the w orld literature.
5. T he M useum s, picture galleries, ... tell the ... about it’s history.

6. T here are m any ... and ... in the city.

7. E nglish ... has their ow n ... holidays.

8. T he m ost popular E nglish ... is W Shakespeare.

9. He w rote many fam ous play s such as H a m le t,............... and others.

10. T he decorate sending ... to each other.

Exercise 2
Translate these sentences into English.

1. B uyuk B ritaniya yuqori rivojlangan m adaniyat, adabiyot v a san ’atga ega.

2. M ashhur B ritaniya y o zuvchilari sahna asari yozuvchisi V ilyam Shekspir,
novelist C harlz D ikkens, B ernard S hou va boshqalar.
3. B uyuk ingliz yozuvchilari v a shoirlarining asarlari dunyo m adaniyati, adabiyoti
va san ’atini boyitdi.

4. M uzeylar, rasm galereyalari va k o ’rgazm alar B ritaniyaning tarixi v a tarixiy

jo y lari haqida hikoya qiladi.

5. O ksford U niversiteti m uzeyi kitoblar, hujjatlar va yozm a jih o z la r to ’plam i

O ksford U niversiteti tarixi haq id a m a 'lu m o t beradi.

6. Ingliz xalqi o ’zining m illiy bay ram larig a ega.

7. Eng m ashhur ingliz y ozuvchisi V ilyam Shekspir. U ju d a k o ’p m ashhur asarlar

yaratdi: G am let, R om eo v a Juletta, Q irol Lir, O tello va boshqalar.

8. A ngliya boy folklyor v a sa n ’atiga ega b o ’lgan m am lakat.

9. B ritaniyada K ristm as bayram i odatd a uyda, oila davrasida nishonlanadi.

10. U lar yangi yil daraxtini bezatadilar, bir-biriga K ristm as tabrigini j o ’natadilar.

11. S tratford-apon-A von S hekspirnng tu g ’ilgan joyi.

12. A ngliyada lc h aprel hazil kuni.

26. The Industry of Great Britain.
G reat Britain is one the m ost im portant industrial coutries in the w orld. O ne o f
the extensive industries o f G reat B ritain is the textile industry. L arge quantities o f

textiles are produced and exported. Textile exported from G reat Britain are to be

fond in all parts o f rhe w orld. G reat Britain is also noted for coal, for iron and steel

goods and supplies m any countries with m achinery. A nother leading industry in

G reat B ritain is ship - building and the m otor industiy is highly developed. G reat

B ritain becam e the leading shipbuilder in the w orld long ago. The biggest industrial

centres are Sheffield, B irm ingham , M anchester, G lasgow , London, Liverpool and

the others. E ngland is a capitalist country. All pow er is in the hands o f capitalist and

landlords. The land, the m iners, the factories and banks are belong to them.

London is the capital o f England from the 1 Ith century. From the 1707 it is capital o f

G reat B ritain. L o n d o n 's people do business. T here are four parts o f London. They

are: The C ity, The W est End, The East End and W estm inster.

L o n d o n ’s underground is the oldest in the w orld. T he first line opened in 1870. There
are 11 lines and 500 stations in London U nderground. It occupies 247000 square


E xtensive - yirik, ulkan

C oal - k o 'm ir

Iron - tem ir

Steel - p o ’lat

Supply - ta'm in lam o q

Steel good - m etal m axsuloti

N o t e d - t a n ilgan

U nderground - yer osti y o ’li

B elong - qarashli b o ’lm oq

O ccupy - egallam oq

1. W han is the extensive industries o f G reat B ritain?

2. W hich is the m ost im portant industrial in the w orld?

3. W hat is another leading industry in G reat B ritain?

4. W hich are the biggest industrial centres?

5. H ow m any lines and stations in L ondon U nderground?

Exercise 1
Put the appropriate prepositions

1. G reat B ritain is o n e ............the m ost im portant industrial c o u n trie s ..............the

w orld.

2. O n e ............the extensive in d u s trie s...............G reat B ritain is the textile
3. G reat B ritain is also n o te d ............c o a l,............. iron and steel goods and
supplies m any c o u n trie s ............machinery.
4. G reat ship b u ild e r............the w orld.
5. L ondon is the c a p ita l............E n g la n d ............. the 11th century.

6 ..................... the 1707 it is the c a p ita l...............G reat Britain.

7. London underground is the o ld e s t............the w orld.

Exercise 2
Translate these words into English.

M uxim , sanoat, yirik, to ’qim achilik sanoati, qism , k o ’m ir, p o ’lat,

m ashinasozlik, kem asozlik, dunyo, sanoat m arkazi, m am lakat, k u c h -Q u d ra t,

poytaht, y er egalari, bank, m etro.

27. The System of Education in Great Britain.
T he system o f E ducation in G reat B ritain includes preschool education, prim ary
education, secondary education and higher education. In m ost countries prim ary
schools are subdivided into infant schools (ages 5-7) and ju n io r schools (ages 7-
11.12). in infant schools, children are encouraged to read, w rite, count and develop,
their creative abilities.
M ost children in G reat B ritain fallow this route in the state system . A t the age
o f 3 they go to nursery school. A t the age o f 5 everyone starts prim ary school. A t 11
they go to a secondary school. T hey m ay be a com prehensive o r a g ram m ar school.
C hildren selected for their academ ic ability at the age o f 16. T hey leave school
and get a jo b o r go to a college for vocational training.
A t the age o f 18 they leave school and get a jo b o r go to U niversity go to a for
further ed ucation training. T he pupils have five lessons every day and all together
they do eleven subjects a w eek plus physical education every m orning, they have a
tw enty m inute break.
If y ou w ant to enter U niversity, you m ust first pass exam ination that m ost
students take at th e age o f eighteen. M ost students take three exam ination in three
different subjects. T h e ju n io r stage extends o v er 4 years. C hildren are taught
arithm etic, reading, com position, history, geography, nature study and oth er subjects.
The necessity to organize a school that w ould accept all the children from a particular
area w itho ut consideration o f their inborn ability becam e apparent in E ngland. The
first school o f this kind, the so called com prehensive school. T hese schools provide
all the courses that w ere form erly given in gram m ar technical and m odern school.
T hese courses include all the academ ic subjects as well as practical subjects like
cooking, needlew ork, gardening typing, w oodw orking and m etalw orking.
T he m ain educational advantages o f the current com prehensive schools are:

1. they are open to all children o f all types o f ability from a particular area.
2. the future o f a child is not decided by the results o f tests at an early age.
3. a m uch w ider range o f subjects is available to every pupil.
4. If necessary a pupil can change from one course o f study to another w ithout
m oving to a new school.

N ow adays pupils can choose their ow n curriculum and take either a natural science
B efore leaving secondary school betw een the ages o f 15 and 16, schoolchildren take
one or tw o sets o f exam s. In E ngland all exam inations are w ritten. A fter exam inations
pupils get a G eneral C ertificate o f Secondary E ducation. A fter finishing secondary
school and passing advanced level. A t age 18 or 19 young people may continue their

education universities and colleges. T here are great num ber o f universities and
colleges in G reat Britain. T he oldest university tow ns are C am bridge and Oxford.
It is a great honor to study at these universities. N ow there are m ore than 66
colleges in C am bridge and O xford. Five o f them are w om en’s colleges. All students
have to live in the colleges during their course o f study.
A fter graduating students receive bachelor’s degrees. Students at U niversity are
called undergraduates w hile they are studying for their first degree. M ost U niversity
courses lasts three years, som e courses lasts four years and o r tw o courses e.g
m edicine may be longer.
W hen they finish the course and pass their exam s, they receive a degree the
qualification w hen you com plete a university course successfully / They can be a BA
/ B achelor o f A rts / or a BS B achelor o f sciences.
W hen people study one subjects in a great detail o f them to find new
inform ation / m e say they are conducting doing / carrying out research.

Active Vocabulary
E ducation —ta ’lim

include - o 'z ichiga olm oq

preschool - m aktabgacha

prim ary —boshlang’ich

secondary education - o ’rta um um ta’lim

higher education - oliy ta ’lim

infant school - kichkintoylar m aktabi

ju n io r school - yoshlar maktabi

ability - qobiliyat

nursery school - bolalar m aktabi

prim ary school - boshlang’ich m aktab

secondary school - o ’rta m aktab

com prehensive school - to ’liq, barcha fanlarni o ’z ichiga oluvchi

gram m ar school - gram m atika m aktabi

select - tanlam oq, ajratm oq

a jo b - ish

vocational training - kasbiy tayyorgarlik

subject - fan

physical education —jism o n iy tarbiya

break - tanaffus

separate —ajratm oq

support - m aqul k o ’rm oq

structure - tuzilish

com plex - q o ’shm a, jam lan m a

stage - bosqich

extend - davom etadi

inborn - tu g ’m a

c o o k in g - p is h iris h

needlew ork - bichish-tikish

gardening - b o g ’dorchilik

w oodw orking - duradgorlik

m etalw orking —tem irchilik

advantage - ustunlik

necessary - kerak, zarur

curriculum - program m a

natural science - tabiiy fanlar

level - daraja

honour - sh araf

receive - olm oq

qualification - m utaxassislik

com plete - tugatm oq

successfully - m uvaffaqiyatli

research - ilm iy ish

1. W hat education includes the system o f E ducation in G reat Britain?
2. W hat school includes the prim ary education in G reat B ritain?
3. W hat are the m ain divisions o f the B ritish education system ?
4. W hat subjects are taught at the ju n io r stage o f prim ary education?

5. W hat school does not separate the children?

6. W hat are the m ost fam ous universities in G reat B ritain?

7. W hat does the system o f public education includes?

8. W hat subjects are taught at the secondary level.

9. H ow do the subjects taught in British schools differ from those taught in yo u r


Exercise 1
Translate these sentences into Uzbek

1. The system o f education in G reat B ritain includes preschool education, prim ary
education, secondary education and higher education.
2. In m ost countries prim ary school are subdivided into infant schools and ju n io r
3. In infant schools children are encouraged to read, w rite, count and develop
their creative abilities.
4. A t the age o f 16 they leave school and get a jo b o r go to a college for
vocational training.
5. The pupils have five lessons every day and all together they do eleven subjects
a w eek plus physical education every m orning.
6. I f you w ant to enter university, you m ust first pass exam inations that m ost
students take at the age o f eighteen.
7. A t school at the age o f 11 they take an exam ination w hich w ill decide to w hich
type o f secondary school they w ill go.
8. A new type o f school secondary com prehensive school does not separate the
children that is w hy progressive people support it.
9. The structure o f higher education in G reat B ritain includes U niversities and
different types o f colleges.
10. The ju n io r stage extends over 4 years children are taught arithm etic, reading,
com position, history, geography, nature study and other subjects.

Exercise 2
Make up situations with these words.

E ducation, preschool, secondary, higher, infant school, ju n io r school, to read, to w rite

to count, gram m ar, academ ic ability, college, vocational, training subject, physical

education, to enter, exam ination.

E.g. T he system o f education in G reat B ritain includes preschool ed ucation, prim ary

education, secondary ed ucation and h igher education.

28. Outstanding people of Great Britain
In the history o f G reat B ritain there are a lot o f fam ous nam es.
T here are m any w riters and scientists in G reat Britain. They are: Charles
D ickens, O. H enry, T heodore D reiser, E dison and others. The nam e o f W illiam

Shakespeare is one o f them W . Shakespeare w as the g reat English writer, poet and

playw right. H e w as born in 1564 in the little tow n o f Stratford-upon-A von, about 120

kilom etres from London. He w as the third o f eight children. H e w anted to becom e an


Som etim es he w rote little plays and staged them w ith his friends. A t the age o f

21 he cam e to London and jo in ed a group o f actors. A t first he only helped actors and

than began w riting plays for them. He w as considered the m ost popular w riter o f his

tim e. In 1599 he and som e colleagues becam e the ow ners o f their ow n theatre, the

“G lobe T heatre” Shakespeare w rote 37 plays that can be divided into three types:
com edies, histories and tragedies. His com edies include “The Tam ing o f the shrew ”

and “M idsum m er N ig h t’s D ream ”. His histories told the stories o f English kings. His

tragedies include such w ell-know n plays as “R om eo and Juliet”, “O thello”,

“M acbeth”, “K ing Lear” and “H am let” . Shakespeare show ed the real life and
attitudes betw een people. Love and death, friendship and treason devotion and lie are

the m ain ideas o f the plays. S hakespeare’s w orks w ill alw ays be interesting for all


T here many fam ous painters for e.g. C ovent G argen. He w as born in London on

A pril 23 in 1775. The other greatest painter w as John Constable. H e w as born in

Sufford, on June 11. 1776. He began take interest in landscape painting w ill he w as at

gram m ar schools. In 1779 C onstable entered the R oyal academ y school in London.

He w as the first Landscape painter. He w as a realist. He put into his landscape the

cattle horses the people w orking there.

Ch. D ickens one o f the greatest and m ost popular English w riters, w as born on

February 7, 1812 in a small tow n in England. D ickens learned to read and read m any

books in his childhood. W hen D ickens w as tw o years old, his fam ily m oved to

London. T here m ore several younger children in the fam ily besides Charles. H is

fam ily w as very poor and his father spent tim e in d eb to r’s prison. C harles attended
school o f f and on and at tim es w o rk ed to help support his fam ily. H e w anted to study
very m uch, but he did not finish school.

W hen he w as about fifteen, he often visited the fam ous library o f the B ritish

m useum . L ater D ickens described parts o f his childhood in som e o f his fam ous

novels, such as “Little D orrit”, “N ickolas N ick leb y ”, “O liver T w ist” and “D avid

C o p p erfield ” .

Active Vocabulary
history - tarix

fam ous —m ashhur

w rite r-y o z u v c h i

scien tist - olim

playw right - sahna asari yozuvchisi

an actor - aktyor

play —sah na asari

popular - om m aviy

tragedy —tragediya

com edy —kom ediya

death - o ’lim

friendship - d o ’stlik

painter —rassom

landscape - peyzaj

childhood - bolalik

prison - qam oqxona

to describe - tasvirlam oq

1. W hat outstanding people o f G reat B ritain do you know ?

2. W ho w as W. Shakespeare?

3. W hen and w here he w as bom ?
4. W hom did he w ant to be?

W hat three kind o f plays did Shakespeare w rite?

5. H ow many plays did Shakespeare w rite?

6. W hat fam ous plays o f Shakespeare do you know ?

7. W ho w as John C onstable?

8. W hen and w here he w as born?

9. W ho w as Ch. D ickens?

10. W hen and w here he w as born?

11. W hat fam ous w orks o f Ch. D ickens do you know ?

Exercise 1
Put the appropriate preposition.

1. ... the history ... G reat B ritain there are a l o t ... fam ous nam es.

2. W. Shakespeare w as bom ... 1564 ... the little tow n ... Stratford-upon-A von,

... 120 kilom eters ... London.

3. H e w as the third ... eight children.
4. A t the age : ... 21 he cam e ... London and jo in ed a group ... actors.

5 ... first he only helped actors and than began w riting plays ... them.

6. ... 1599 he and som e colleagues becam e the ow ners ... their ow n theatre, the

“G lobe T heatre”.

7. Shakespeare w rote 37 plays that can be divided ... three types: com edies,

histories and tragedies.

8. C ovent G arden w as born ... London ... A pril 23 ... 1775.

9. John C onstable w as born ... Sufford, ... June 11, 1776.

10. ... 1799 C onstable entered the Royal A cadem y School ... London.

11. He p u t ... his landscape the cattle horses, the people w orking there.

12. Ch. D ickens w as born ... February 7 1812 ... a sm all tow n ... England.

Exercise 2
Translate the sentences into Uzbek.
1. In the history o f G reat B ritain there are a lot o f fam ous nam es.
2. T h ere are m any w riters and scientists in G reat B ritain.
3. W . Shakespeare w as the great E nglish w riter poet and playw right.
4. W. Shakespeare w as born in 1564 in the little tow n o f Stratford-upon-A von.

5. A t the age o f 21 he cam e to L ondon and jo in e d a group o f actors.

6. In 1599 he and som e colleagues becam e the ow ners o f their ow n theatre, the
“G lobe T h eatre” .
7. S hakespeare w rote 37 plays, that can be divided into three types: com edies,
histories and tragedies.
8. S hak esp eare’s tragedies include such w ell-know n plays as “R om eo and Juliet” ,
“O thello”, “K ing L ear” and “H am let” .
9. F am ous painter C ovent G argen w as born in L ondon on A pril 23 in 1775.
10. T he other greatest p ainter w as John C onstable w as b o m in Sufford, on June 11.
11. In 1779 C onstable entered the Royal A cadem y school in London.
12. Ch. D ickens are o f the g reatest and m ost popular E nglish w riters
13. Ch. D ickens w as born on February 7, 1812 in a sm all tow n in England.
14. H is fam ous novels are: “Little D orrit”, “N icolas N ick leb y ” , “O liver T w ist’’ and
“ D avid C opperfield ” .

29. My favourite writer.
M y favourite w riter is W illiam Shakespeare. W . Shakespeare w as the greatest
English w riter, poet and playw right. He w as born in 1564 in the little tow n o f

Stratford-upon-A von, about 120 kilom eters from London. He w as the third o f eight

children. Shakespeare w en t to L ondon to w ork at the theatre. He w orked at the thetre

for several years before he began to w rite his ow n plays.

W hen Shakespeare w as 18 he m arried A nne H athaw ay a w om an eight years older

than him self. T hree children w ere born to them . Shakespeare soon becam e a w ell-

know n w riter in L ondon. H e w as part o f one o f L o n d o n 's m ost popular acting groups.

H is plays w ere often perform ed and published. In 1599 he and som e colleagues

becam e the ow ners o f th eir ow n theatre, the '‘G lobe Theatre"'. Shakespeare w rote 37

plays that can be divided into three types: com edies, histories and tragedies.

H is com edies include “T he T am ing o f the S hrew ” and a “M idsum m er N ights

D ream ". His histories told the stories o f E nglish kings, including H enry IV, H enry
VIII, R ichard II and R ichard III. His tragedies include such w ell-know n plays as
“R om eo and Ju liet”, “ O thello” , “M acb eth ”, “ K ing L ear” and “H am let” .
People in m any countries o f the w orld like S h ak esp eare's w riting very m uch.

H is w’orks has helped shape w orld literature and he had a great effect on the English

language. B esides plays, Shakespeare is also fam ous for his poetry. H e w rote m any

poem s called sonnets. T h at his plays are read and perform ed often today, hundreds o f

years after his death in 1616, is p ro o f o f his greatness.

Active Vocabulary
favourite - sevim li

greatest - eng buvuk

playw right - sahna asari yozuvchisi

play - sahna asari

to m arry - uylanm oq

w ell-know n - m ashhur

popular - om m aviy

publish - nashrdan chiqarm oq

com edy - hajviy

histories - tarixiy

tragedy - fojeaviy

w orld - dunyo

effect - t a ’sir

poetry - sheriyat

poem -s h e e r

death - o ’lim

greatness - buyuklik

1. W ho is your favorite w riter?

2. W ho w as W . Shakespeare?
3. W hen and w here Shakespeare w as born?

4. W here did he w ork?

5. T ell about S hakespeare's fam ily?

6. H ow m any plays did Shakespeare w rite?

7. W hat three kind o f plays did Shakespeare w rite?

8. W hat Shakespeare’s fam ous plays do you know ?

9. W hat plays o f Shakespeare’s have you seen?

10. W hat kind o f play do you like best?

Exercise 1
Make up sentences with these word.
Exercise 2
Translate these sentences into English.
1. M ening sevim li yozuvchim V ilyam Shekspir.
2. Shekspir buyuk ingliz yozuvchisi, shoir va sahna asari yozuvchisidir.

3. V. Shekspir 1564 y ilda Londondan 120 km uzoqlikdagi Stratford-apon-A von

shaharida tu g ’ilgan.

4. Shekspir 21 yoshga to ’lganda L ondonga teatrda ishlash uchun boradi.

5. Shekspir 18 yoshida o ’zidan 8 yosh katta A nna Xasavey ismli ayolga uylanadi.

6. T ez orada Shekspir L ondonda m ashhur yozuvchiga aylanadi.

7. 1599 yilda u bir nechta kollegalari bilan o ’zlarining shaxsiy “G lobe T heatre”

nom li teatrini tashkil qildilar.

8. Shekspir kom ik, tarixiy v a tragedik tipga b o ’linuvchi 37 ta sahna asari yaratdi.

9. U ning tragedik sahna asarlariga m ashhur “R om eo va Juletta” , “O tello”, “Q irol

Lir” va “G am let” asarlari kiradi.

10 Shekspir asarlari dunyo adabiyotini boyitishga v a ingliz tilini rivojlanishiga

katta hissa q o ’shdi.

30. Time.
W e tell the tim e by m eans o f w atches and clocks. A w atch is small. W e w ear it
on the w rist. A clock is big. W e usually hang it on the w all or put it on the table.
C locks and watches have figures on their faces and tw o hands: the long hand the
short hand.
W hen the long hand is at tw elve and the short hand is at six, it is six o ’clock;

after five m inutes it is five past six, then ten past six, a quarter past six, tw enty past

six, tw enty-live past six, h a lf past six, tw enty-five to seven, tw enty to seven, a quarter

to seven, ten to seven, five to seven and then it is seven o ’clock.

W hen you w ant to know the tim e, you ask: «W hat tim e is it now?». For

exam ple, now it is nine o ’clock in the m orning. My w atch is correct. It is nine o ’clock

by my w atch. The w atch o f my friend is not correct. It is five m inutes fast.

Active Vocabulary
A fter - keyin

By m eans o f - vositasida

C lock —soat

C orrect - to 'g ’ri

Face - yuz

For exam ple - masalan

Fast - oldinda

Figure - raqam

H alf - yarim

H and - q o ’l

H ang - osrnoq

K now - bilm oq

Long - uzun

M inute - m inut

P ut —q o ’ym oq

Q u arter —chorak

Sm all —kichik

T ell - aytm oq

T hen - keyin

T im e - vaqt

W ant - hoxlam oq

W atch —soat

W ear - taqm oq

W rist - bilak

Slow - orqada

1. W hat is a w atch?
2. W hat is a clock?
3. H ow m any hands are there on the faces o f w atches and clocks?
4. W hat show s long hand?
5. W hat show s short hand?

6. H ow m any figures are there on the faces o f clocks and w atches?

7. W hat tim e is it now ?

8. Is your w atch correct?

Exercise 1
Translate these sentences into Uzbek.
1. M y w atch is correct. N ow it is a quarter to eight.

2. It is tim e to go to the Institute.

3. W hen the long hand is at tw elve and the short hand is at six. it is six o ’clock;

after five m inutes it is five past six.

W h a t t i m e is it n o w ? I t is n i n e o ’ c l o c k in t h e m o r n i n g .

4. M y w atch is correct. It is nine o ’clock by my watch.

5. His w atch is slow.
6. W hat tim e is it by y o ur w atch?

7. It is one or tw o m inutes past nine.

8. It is five m inutes past six.

9. It is a quarter past five.

10. It is tw enty-five to seven.

Exercise 2

Put the appropriate preposition.

1. A w atch is sm all. W e w ear i t ... the w rist.

2. A clock is big. W e usually hang i t ... the w all or put it is the table.

3. C locks and w atches have figures ... their faces.

4. It is nine o 'c lo c k ... my w atch.

5. V/e usually hang i t ... the wall or put i t ... the table.
6. The w atch ... my friend is not correct. It is five m inutes fast.

Exercise 3

Make up sentences with these words.

A w atch, a w all, a table, a figure, a face, a hand, a m inute, fast, slow, correct,

tim e, past, quarter.

Time what time is it now?

11 50 12 15
It is ten minute to twelve. It is fifteen minuten past twelve.

18 15 21 30
It is a quarter past six. It is half past nine.

19 25
It is a quarter to twelve. It is twenty five past seven.

15 20 20 10
It is twenty past three. It is ten minutes past twenty.


1. A bdalina E.A., H oshim ova R.J., S har’er N .A . Ingliz tili darsligi.

2. A zizova A .A ., Y atsishina O.S., A hm edova S.I., O hunova A. Ingliz tili
darsligi. T, O ’qituvchi, 1990.
3. Z aripova R .A., Y atsishina O .S., O bidova D.O. Ingliz tili. T, O ’qituvchi,
4. L utfullaeva M, M uratova G, A b d u g ’anieva Sh, A bdullaev Sh. Ingliz
tili topiklarda va yum orlarda I - q i s m , Т., O ’qituvchi, 1998
5. A narbaeva N .M ., Ism oilova Sh.F., M usaeva S.I., “English in topics”
T oshkent - 2005, N izom iy nom idagi TD PU .

A dadi 200 nusxa. H ajm i 8.25 b/t.
N iz o m i\ nom idagi T D P U R izo g ra fid a n a sh r qilindi.

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