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Building A Community.

You gats focus on what you are about to read.

What actually is a community?

A community is a group of people who share same beliefs or values or

goals together and these things connect them.

Having a community in this digital age is very Essential if you want to

build something online.

We're going to talk about Importance/ What it can do/ The Why too.

All join 😎....

We'll talk about some companies who have built a community around
their branding process.

The Power of building a Community. 🥂

An underrated superpower of branding if taken seriously, can do
the unimaginable.

Obiajulu Odilinma 👑
Building a Community no be overnight ohhh.

To be honest, if you can't think long term, you can't win in this game.

Even in other games of life and all.

You have to put in the work. Aiit, let's jump into the gist 😎😊
Funny thing is, you can build a community around anything.

Doge coin, the meme coin has a strong community! Meme ohhhh,
then why can't you??

Gymshark, a fitness company in America has a strong Community.
The members/customers feel good when it comes to gymshark.

How gymshark was able to build or one of the ways was... providing
articles in their websites. No..not just gbo gbo to gbo....but insightful
tips, tutorials and different types of exercises.

People loved the contents and would follow up. (Trust)


Starbucks , as we all know , the coffee wey I never taste for this life
but I don hear am since I dey small....

Built their Community too through value added activities and contents
online. Through rewards too (giveaway) , thru volunteering in events

And especially, through engagement 🥂(key)

Importance. Advantages. Why.

1. It breeds Trust. When a community is well built, the consumers

regularly return to purchase the company's or person's goods,
products or services.

Eg. Ajulu(personal brand), household name. Some members has

purchased a course or more than even me.

DABA(financial education company). DABA students purchase their

courses like mad. I'm bout to this year. E no get as e wan be.

Disney , the agba storyteller knows the importance too and they
leveraged on it.

They normally host events esp for their community members to meet

new Community members, and also to come together to celebrate all
things Disney .

☺️ that
Imagine going for that event and just having fun with strangers
have same interest with you. .. amazing right?

2. Connection: like Disney, you get to meet new people if you go for
that event. New friendship begin.

I've met amazing people from Ajulu and Zona's community.

I've seen DABA students connect like family.

Power of a structured community! No be beans!

Connections too btw the big guys...I mean owner of the business and
say board members and the community.

Which is in all.. Engagement.

Yes, and say you're a personal brand and you've built a wonderful

The day you'll bring out your product or start your company
your community go help you spread am.

TATCOIN was spread first through the Community. When I heard the
story, I had goosebumps! Very inspiring!

3. Evangelism. Shagabaya! 😹
See ehn, if you have a strong Community, they will fight for you even if
you're right or wrong.

Davido and Wizkid community fight a lot. They carry Their matter for
their head like Jerry coil as I do for TATCOIN .

4. Forgiveness: if you successfully build a strong community and one

of your product or service fails, or does not live up to expectations...

Members of the Community Are much quicker to forgive the brand and
continue purchasing other products by the brand.

5. New products.

Did you know some of a companies best products comes from the
feedback, information and ideas of consumers??

Yes! That's why some engaging companies ask their community what
would they like to be added or what would they want that will satisfy
them or they give an option to choose from.

You can build a community around anything.

How To Build A Community Online.


Advertising your products and everything about your business is not

always enough now adays.

Building a community around your brand can be an important part of

it's success.

Like I said in our previous class, building a community is not an

overnight thingy.

It's not beans.

If you don't have a long term mindset, you can't win in the game and
also in any other game.

1. Why are you building it?

You have to have a strong why.

Some build for only fans reason. Some people build for business or
personal brand reason.

Some build for a group of people with like mind to connect in the
community. Like designtwitter. A list where designers connect.
Basically have a why and build on it.

I heard one called Circle of CEO's.


Some time in a year in America, black CEO'S have a two to three

days conference.

Everything is provided. The why network, connect, share ideas

with others, enjoy, have fun.

2. Define What niche you want to build the community on.

It goes beyond sell or offers if you really want to build one.

What do you want your community to know you for...(depends if you

are building your personal brand or your product).

Do you want them to know you as a sales expert? Or designer who

shares valuable tips?

A fashion lover who shares nice contents on fashion? Or a person

who loves cars and share contents on cars?

You have to figure out what you want them to know you for. It's easier
when they hear your name outside and the first thing that comes to
their head is...yeah, he shares car contents, sells cars too and
educates us also fun stuffs bout cars.

3. Platform.

Now, the world is going digital. Lots of people are online.


So you have to choose the platform you want to grow your community

Examples of platforms 👉🏼
Facebook, your personal website, Instagram, WhatsApp, substack,
MailChimp, YouTube, TikTok, twitter, Vimeo, clubhouse etc.

Also on forums
Forums...that is forums on social media...or a group.

Eg..Facebook group. WhatsApp group. Any other platform group.

Adobe Photoshop has like a list/forum on twitter where people using
the software talk, share ideas and have fun too..memes esp

4. As you've found what you want to be known for, your why and the
platform to use...

You need to start sharing/ creating valuable contents on it to

communicate with your growing community and beyond.

We're ending the class for today 🥂.

Where we talk about how to keep your community.

It's one thing to have something priceless, it's another thing to keep it.

Stay tuned 🥰
How To Grow and Keep Your Community.






Information is basically informing your community about your

expertise, or what you know or some vital info they would need esp
about a product.

Education is more like teaching your audience more on what you

know or are learning. This will help your audience see you more as a
god in that particular field.

When you educate them about something they didn't know or

understand, they tend to trust you more esp for educational contents
or contents in your niche.

You're building a lovely castle in their mind. When they see your
contents it's like they're with you in the castle discussing things that wi
help their lives.

Engagement is more of connecting with your audience especially on

a one on one situation.

WhatsApp status is great when they reply and you connect with them
one on one.

Twitter comment section is great too. When you post something

valuable, make sure to Rey anyone who comments or react to it.

If there's a negative comment, constructively and calmly reply or pass

it by.

I failed in this part at the begining of my journey.

I most times don't engage...till I attended a webinar early this year by

King Zona...which was a turn around for me.

I'm not perfect at engagement, I'm still growing this process.

So, that's why I don't want you to make this mistake as you grow

Learn to engage.

Ask questions. Ask your community their opinion.

In the second day, I said...some of the best products come out from
feedbacks of the Community.

Information and education work hand in hand tho.


This is where you share valuable contents on whatever platform

you're building your community on.

There are three forms of contents.

Visual. Audio. Written.

Choose whatever resonates with you and your audience.


Lol, I see some people status..All salesy!!

Like 😹😹...guy how far!

Pls sprinkle lil of entertainment. Just be you.

You know naija people like play and after a long day, you're all too
serious, I mean for 365 days! Awfar na, guy, just add entertainment to
your contents..I don't mean Everytime oh..but sometimes so you'll be
able to connect more.

Humans loves who makes them laugh.

Now, I said *you can't pour from an empty cup.*


Koko be say...if you don't load yourself up, your community will
crash by the way.

You have to be *Intentional* about this.

Building a Community is now a responsibility for you.

It comes with a lot.

If you're not ready for it...check out oh. Cos on some days, e go be
like say you wan give up.

You have to Read. Read. Read. Read.

You've heard Read now, you don already give up 😹😹...aunty calm
down ohhhh…

It's added necessary knowledge.

That's how you'll be known the more for what you can do.

Not just read things concerning your expertise, explore other things for
versatility and also to be able to use other things to tell stories or
contents around your discipline.

In this my tiktok video, the last part said...


You can't pour from an empty cup.

Of course, you can't.

There are many ways to read. 😊😊

If you don't like reading texts, articles, or books... I've got you

If your brain like videos or audios, leverage on it.

Make reseaches using YouTube or podcast.

I myself make reseaches on twitter, TikTok, google, YouTube. I use

the search button in these apps.

Whatever thing you want to research on... YouTube is there that's if

you like videos than reading articles and books.

If you love audios, the podcasts and audiobooks are available. You
have on the net for it.

Os cof, in a place like naija, there is night plan so you have no excuse

Leave the chats first, do night sub, run to YouTube and download
videossssss on what you want to learn about. Or listen to podcasts.

Jot down while reading anything. That's the way you create contents.
After jotting down, you can now read it and create yours or even teach
your community from your jotter or digital notes.

Teaching them is more like teaching them what you took note of and
that's a great way to produce contents too.

Building a Community, you have to be Constantly Improving or

Growing in your Niche.

Everyday, every week.

It's a commitment you have to make. I made it, so you can 😊.

Bonus Tip.

See the tweet 🥳


As always. You need to invest in your community and you. How?? By

improving and growing daily and Sharing it out to your community
what you've learnt.

Like my wonderful mentor Ajulu would say…. don't hoard


As the tweet comfortable with doing rubbish when you're just
starting. Waiting for your content or skill or anything you know to be
perfect will draw you back.

As a graphic designer, my first designs from Jan to march at least

were wack need to see the designs I was creating.
But I posted some anyways cos my community must see the
rubbish first before they now see the sweet ones as I grow.

On Growth.

Lol, growth comes with a lot.

Remember the just concluded class when I said you have to be ready
to grow???

If you're not ready to grow, you can't build a community, a strong one
at that.

Simple truth.

Now, a lot of people will say you have changed but they're your friends
and family and they are not your target audience!

Choketh it thou?? 😹
If you want to be on another level..... remember that philosophy your
parents taught you bout *strangers* ?

Lol, dead that thought in this century and don't teach your kids that
shit cos if you do...they gonna lose alot.

Thing is you can't build a community off of your friends and

family....sho ti gbòn???(you understand?)

I hope you learnt something new. Kill your fear and reach for the sky.
Having a community in this digital age will take you far especially in
the future.

If you're growing one, don't give up. Don't also be afraid of making
mistakes. Try lots of things or formulas and stick with what works best
for you.

I wish you all the Best!!!

Remember, Best Known Beats Best!!
So put yourself out there and build .

Incase you don't know or remember, I am a content writer and a

graphic designer. I am interested in growth everyday. I'm big on
Energy and value.

My mission is to build people as I build myself. I love helping others

and hearing others story.

Here's my number
For you who may not have my number but would love to connect with

Yours Crazily 😜,
Obiajulu Odilinma 🌹

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