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CBMS Network E-Learning Module: Fostering Gender and Development

Barangay/City/Municipal /Provincial Budgeting Workbook STEPS IN ACCOMPLISHING THE

Barangay/City/Municipality/Province Information Sheet 1. Enter the information needed

Barangay -
City/Municipality/Province LGU 1
Budget Planning Year 2021
(Year 1) 2. Identify the NEEDS and KEY ISSUES
Total Male Female and indicate/determine in the individual AIP P
Demography (AIPPRoj1-4) a program/project or or a set of
Number of Households 4,131 address the need/s and issues
Average Household Size 5

Total Population (in Persons) 19,106 9,801 9305

(in %) 0.51 0.49

Labor force population (15 y/o and above) 7,671 4682 2989
Dependent population (15 y/o and above) 11,435 5119 6316
Child Population (0-17 y/o) 6,099 3527 2572
Youth Population (15-30 y/o) 6,233 3110 3123
Adult Population (18 y/o and above) 12,007 6274 5733
Elderly/Senior Citizens (60 y/o and above) 2,146 1001 1145
IP Population  18,811 9653 9158
PWDs  434 239 195
Solo Parents 615 163 452

Development Indicators
Population living below the poverty threshold 7,983 4047 3936
Population living below the food threshold 4,334 2194 2140

Unemployed Population 529 286 243
Employed Population 4201 2,510 1,691
Underemployed Population 2941 1,886 1,055

Children 6-11 not attending elementary school 35 24 11
Children 12-17 not attending secondary school 167 142 25
Children 5-17 not attending school 215 175 40

Health and Nutrition

Children under 5 y/o who are malnourished 28 12 16
Infants who died 1 1 0
Children under 5 y/o who died 2 1 1
Population who experienced food shortage 10 7 3

Access to Basic Services

Population without access to safe drinking water 5,570 2,819 2,751
Population without access to sanitary toilet facilities 2,785 1,523 1,262
Population who are informal settlers 492 260 232
Population living in makeshift housing 73 38 35

Access to Social Protection and Other Related Programs

Population not covered by PhilHealth 6,386 3,504 2,882
Senior citizens 263 127 136
IPs 6,269 3455 2814
PWDs 146 93 53
Solo parents 234 73 161

Peace and Order

Population who are victims of crime 13 9 4

Political Participation
Population (aged 15 y/o and above) who are not registered voters 10,602 5539 5063
Senior citizens 2,099 979 1120
IPs 10,399 5437 4962
PWDs 305 175 130
Solo parents 591 156 435

*Based on CBMS Census 2021

1. Enter the information needed
a. LGU details (Barangay, City/Municipality, Province)
b. Budget Planning Year
c. Demographic Characteristics
d. Indicators for the thematic areas
2. Identify the NEEDS and KEY ISSUES
and indicate/determine in the individual AIP Project worksheet
(AIPPRoj1-4) a program/project or or a set of programs/projects to
address the need/s and issues
Employment and Livelihood Program
Item Title of Project
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
1 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 1
2 A. Costs
3 A1. Personnel 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000
5 A2. Material 555,450 555,450 555,450 119,025 119,025 119,025 119,025
7 A3. Capital Equipment - - - - - - -
9 A4. Total 567,450 567,450 567,450 131,025 131,025 131,025 131,025
11 B. Unit cost computation
12 Material 555,450 555,450 555,450 119,025 119,025 119,025 119,025
13 Unemployed population 529 529 529 529 529 529 529
14 Unit costs (PHP) 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
15 Information Campaign Materials 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
Target beneficiaries in % (coverage of the
18 70.00% 70.00% 70.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00%
budget year) (3-year period)
19 Disaggregation of Beneficiaries
20 Total 370 370 370 79 79 79 79

21 Male 190 190 190 41 41 41 41

22 Female 180 180 180 39 39 39 39

23 Personnel 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000
24 Salary/month (PHP) 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
25 Number of periods (in months) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
26 Number of personnel 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
27 Capital Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Capital Equipment
29 Capital Equipment
30 Capital Equipment
31 C. Financing Options
32 Description (Coverage in %) 100.00% 75.00% 50.00% 100.00% 75.00% 50.00% 100.00%
33 D. Financing
34 Municipal Development Fund 567,450 425,588 283,725 131,025 98,269 65,513 131,025
35 External - 141,863 283,725 - 32,756 65,513 -

E. Expected Outcome
Number of beneficiaries assisted 370 370 370 79 79 79 79
Unemployed population 370 370 370 79 79 79 79
Male 190 190 190 41 41 41 41
Female 180 180 180 39 39 39 39

Number of beneficiaries after

159 159 159 79 79 79 -
Unemployed population 159 159 159 79 79 79 -
Male 81 81 81 41 41 41 -
Female 77 77 77 39 39 39 -

1. Coverage for next period should take into account actual data for the relevant indicator for budgeting for next period
Year 3
1. Indicate the Title of the Project in Row 1
12,000 12,000 2. Under Section B, indicate and specify the Unit Cost computation of the
materials, personnel, and captal equipment necessary to implement the
119,025 119,025 program. In Item 13, identify the indicator of concern from the information
generated using CBMS data.
- - 3. Specify the materials and unit cost in PHP in Items 15-17. Sum of the
materials will be displayed in Item 14.
131,025 131,025
4. Decide on the target beneficiaries (in %) that can be covered by the
program/project during the reference budget period, and planned length of
program implementation (in years) on Item 18 given available budget
119,025 119,025
529 529 STEP 2 5. Identify and specify the unit cost computation for the personnel involved in
the program/project on Items 24-26. Update the computation for total personnel
1,500 1,500 cost on Item 23.
1,500 1,500 STEP 3
6. Identify and specify the unit cost computation for the capital equipment to be
purchased for the program/project on Items 28-30. Update the computation for
total equipment cost on Item 27. Make sure to account for depreciation cost for
15.00% 15.00% STEP 4 the suceeding years.

7. Specify Financing Options in Section C, Item 32 to determine cost sharing

79 79 arrangements given sources of budget, specifying how much of the total project
cost will be covered by Development Fund and how much will be funded by
41 41 external sources

39 39
12,000 12,000 STEP 5
3000 3000
2 2
2 2
0 0 STEP 6
75.00% 50.00% STEP 7

98,269 65,513
32,756 65,513

79 79
79 79
41 41
39 39

- -
- -
- -
- -
Health Information Campaign
Item Title of Project
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
1 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 1
2 A. Costs
3 A1. Personnel - - - - - - -
5 A2. Material 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,131,460
7 A3. Capital Equipment - - - - - - -
9 A4. Total 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,131,460
11 B. Unit cost computation

12 Material 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,068,770 2,131,460

13 IPs without access to PhilHealth 6,269 6,269 6,269 6,269 6,269 6,269 6,269
14 Unit costs (PHP) 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
15 Campaign materials 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Target beneficiaries in % (coverage of the
18 33.00% 33.00% 33.00% 33.00% 33.00% 33.00% 34.00%
budget year) (3-year period)
19 Disaggregation of Beneficiaries
20 Total 2,069 2,069 2,069 2,069 2,069 2,069 2,131
21 Male 1,061 1,061 1,061 1,061 1,061 1,061 1,093
22 Female 1,008 1,008 1,008 1,008 1,008 1,008 1,038
23 Personnel - - - - - - -
24 Salary/month (PHP)
25 Number of periods (in months)
26 Number of personnel
27 Capital Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Capital Equipment
29 Capital Equipment
30 Capital Equipment
31 C. Financing Options
32 Description (Coverage in %) 100.00% 75.00% 50.00% 100.00% 75.00% 50.00% 100.00%
33 D. Financing
34 Municipal Development Fund 2,068,770 1,551,578 1,034,385 2,068,770 1,551,578 1,034,385 2,131,460
35 External - 517,193 1,034,385 - 517,193 1,034,385 -

E. Expected Outcome
Number of beneficiaries assisted 2069 2069 2069 2069 2069 2069 2131
IPs without access to PhilHealth 2,069 2,069 2,069 2,069 2,069 2,069 2,131
Male 1061 1061 1061 1061 1061 1061 1093
Female 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1038

Number of beneficiaries after

4,200 4,200 4,200 2,131 2,131 2,131 -
IPs without access to PhilHealth 4,200 4,200 4,200 2,131 2,131 2,131 -
Male 2,155 2,155 2,155 1,093 1,093 1,093 -
Female 2,046 2,046 2,046 1,038 1,038 1,038 -

1. Coverage for next period should take into account actual data for the relevant indicator for budgeting for next period
Year 3
1. Indicate the Title of the Project in Row 1
- - 2. Under Section B, indicate and specify the Unit Cost computation of the
materials, personnel, and captal equipment necessary to implement the
2,131,460 2,131,460 program. In Item 13, identify the indicator of concern from the information
generated using CBMS data.
- - 3. Specify the materials and unit cost in PHP in Items 15-17. Sum of the
materials will be displayed in Item 14.
2,131,460 2,131,460

4. Decide on the target beneficiaries (in %) that can be covered by the

program/project during the reference budget period, and planned length of
program implementation (in years) on Item 18 given available budget
2,131,460 2,131,460

6,269 6,269 STEP 2 5. Identify and specify the unit cost computation for the personnel involved in
the program/project on Items 24-26. Update the computation for total personnel
1,000 1,000 cost on Item 23.
1,000 1,000 STEP 3
6. Identify and specify the unit cost computation for the capital equipment to be
purchased for the program/project on Items 28-30. Update the computation for
total equipment cost on Item 27. Make sure to account for depreciation cost for
34.00% 34.00% STEP 4 the suceeding years.

7. Specify Financing Options in Section C, Item 32 to determine cost sharing

2,131 2,131 arrangements given sources of budget, specifying how much of the total project
cost will be covered by Development Fund and how much will be funded by
1,093 1,093 external sources
1,038 1,038
- - STEP 5

0 0 STEP 6
75.00% 50.00% STEP 7

1,598,595 1,065,730
532,865 1,065,730

2131 2131
2,131 2,131
1093 1093
1038 1038

- -
- -
- -
- -
Program 3
Item Title of Project
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
1 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 1
2 A. Costs
3 A1. Personnel - - - - - - -
5 A2. Material - - - - - - -
7 A3. Capital Equipment - - - - - - -
9 A4. Total - - - - - - -
11 B. Unit cost computation
12 Material - - - - - - -
13 Indicator
14 Unit costs (PHP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Materials
Target beneficiaries in % (coverage of the
budget year)
19 Disaggregation of Beneficiaries
20 Total - - - - - - -
21 Male - - - - - - -
22 Female - - - - - - -
23 Personnel - - - - - - -
24 Salary/month (PHP)
25 Number of periods (in months)
26 Number of personnel
27 Capital Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Capital Equipment
29 Capital Equipment
30 Capital Equipment
31 C. Financing Options
32 Description (Coverage in %)
33 D. Financing
34 Municipal Development Fund - - - - - - -
35 External - - - - - - -

E. Expected Outcome
Number of beneficiaries assisted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Indicator - - - - - - -
Male 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Female 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of beneficiaries after

- - - - - - -
Indicator - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - -

1. Coverage for next period should take into account actual data for the relevant indicator for budgeting for next period
Year 3
1. Indicate the Title of the Project in Row 1
- - 2. Under Section B, indicate and specify the Unit Cost computation of the
materials, personnel, and captal equipment necessary to implement the
- - program. In Item 13, identify the indicator of concern from the information
generated using CBMS data.
- - 3. Specify the materials and unit cost in PHP in Items 15-17. Sum of the
materials will be displayed in Item 14.
- -
4. Decide on the target beneficiaries (in %) that can be covered by the
program/project during the reference budget period, and planned length of
program implementation (in years) on Item 18 given available budget
- -
STEP 2 5. Identify and specify the unit cost computation for the personnel involved in
the program/project on Items 24-26. Update the computation for total personnel
0 0 cost on Item 23.
6. Identify and specify the unit cost computation for the capital equipment to be
purchased for the program/project on Items 28-30. Update the computation for
total equipment cost on Item 27. Make sure to account for depreciation cost for
STEP 4 the suceeding years.

7. Specify Financing Options in Section C, Item 32 to determine cost sharing

- - arrangements given sources of budget, specifying how much of the total project
cost will be covered by Development Fund and how much will be funded by
- - external sources
- -
- - STEP 5

0 0 STEP 6

- -
- -

0 0
- -
0 0
0 0

- -
- -
- -
- -
Program 4
Item Title of Project
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
1 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 1
2 A. Costs
3 A1. Personnel - - - - - - -
5 A2. Material - - - - - - -
7 A3. Capital Equipment - - - - - - -
9 A4. Total - - - - - - -
11 B. Unit cost computation
12 Material - - - - - - -
13 Indicator
14 Unit costs (PHP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Materials
Target beneficiaries in % (coverage of the
budget year)
19 Disaggregation of Beneficiaries
20 Total - - - - - - -
21 Male - - - - - - -
22 Female - - - - - - -
23 Personnel - - - - - - -
24 Salary/month (PHP)
25 Number of periods (in months)
26 Number of personnel
27 Capital Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Capital Equipment
29 Capital Equipment
30 Capital Equipment
31 C. Financing Options
32 Description (Coverage in %)
33 D. Financing
34 Municipal Development Fund - - - - - - -
35 External - - - - - - -

E. Expected Outcome
Number of beneficiaries assisted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Indicator - - - - - - -
Male 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Female 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of beneficiaries after

- - - - - - -
Indicator - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - -

1. Coverage for next period should take into account actual data for the relevant indicator for budgeting for next period
Year 3
1. Indicate the Title of the Project in Row 1
- - 2. Under Section B, indicate and specify the Unit Cost computation of the
materials, personnel, and captal equipment necessary to implement the
- - program. In Item 13, identify the indicator of concern from the information
generated using CBMS data.
- - 3. Specify the materials and unit cost in PHP in Items 15-17. Sum of the
materials will be displayed in Item 14.
- -
4. Decide on the target beneficiaries (in %) that can be covered by the
program/project during the reference budget period, and planned length of
program implementation (in years) on Item 18 given available budget
- -
STEP 2 5. Identify and specify the unit cost computation for the personnel involved in
the program/project on Items 24-26. Update the computation for total personnel
0 0 cost on Item 23.
6. Identify and specify the unit cost computation for the capital equipment to be
purchased for the program/project on Items 28-30. Update the computation for
total equipment cost on Item 27. Make sure to account for depreciation cost for
STEP 4 the suceeding years.

7. Specify Financing Options in Section C, Item 32 to determine cost sharing

- - arrangements given sources of budget, specifying how much of the total project
- - cost will be covered by Development Fund and how much will be funded by
external sources
- -
- - STEP 5

0 0 STEP 6

- -
- -

0 0
- -
0 0
0 0

- -
- -
- -
- -
Barangay -
City/Municipality LGU 1

Program Structure for Development Fund

Statutory Development Fund (20% of IRA) 8,000,000
5% GAD Fund 1,000,000
Total Development Fund 9,000,000

Budget Sources of Financing Financing

Projects Development
Total External Options

MDAF/CDAF 3,600,000 3,600,000

Employment and Livelihood Program 567,450 567,450 0 Option 1

Health Information Campaign 2,068,770 1,551,578 517,193 Option 2
Program 3 0 0 0 Option 2
Program 4 0 0 0 Option 3

Loan Amortization 500,000

Special Funds of Elective Officials 500,000

Unallocated DF 2,280,973

Total Appropriated DF 6,719,028

Disaggregation of beneficiaries
Total Project Beneficiaries 2,439
Male 1,251
Female 1,188
1. Indicate the amount allocated for Statutory Development Fund
(20% of IRA) in Cell B5
2. Specify amount for Additional Development Fund, if any in
Cell B6
3. Likewise, indicate the amount allotted for MDAF/CDAF in
Cell C12
4. Indicate additional expenses to be charged to the Development
Fund for the budget year in Cells B19-20
5. Decide on the Financing Options for every project identified
by choosing from the dropdown arrow on Column E, Cells E14-

CY _____________ Annual Investment Program (AIP)
By Program/Project/Activity by Sector
As of _______________


No Climate Change Expenditure (Please tick the box if your Barangay does not have any climate change expenditure)
AMOUNT of Climate
Schedule of AMOUNT
Implementation (In Thousand Pesos)
Change expenditure STEPS IN A
(In Thousand Pesos)
AIP Implementing Maintenance CC
Expected Funding Personnel and Other Climate Climate
Reference Program/Project/Activity Description Office/ Completion Outputs Capital Typology 1. Identify to which se
Start Date Source Services Operating Total (11) Change Change
Code (2) Department Date Outlay Code name of the program
(4) (6) (7) (PS) Expenses 8+9+10 Adaptation Mitigation
(1) (3) (5) (10) (14) corresponding cell in
(8) (MOOE) (12) (13)

Health Information Campaign GAD Fund 1,551,577.50 2. Identify the Implem

Services 3. Identify the Schedu
Employment and Livelihood Program GAD Fund 567,450.00
(1000) completion dates on I
4. Identify the Expect
Source in Item 7
Services 5. Specify the amount
(3000) the information from
cost can likewise be s
charging details in Ite
Services 6. Identify the Amoun
(8000) Code in Items 12 to 1
Other 0

Prepared by: Attested by:

Barangay Secretary Barangay Treasurer Punong Barangay

Date: Date: Date:

1. Identify to which service sector the projects will be classified and link the
name of the program from the AIP Project Summary Worksheet to the
corresponding cell in Item 2

2. Identify the Implementing Office/Department for each project in Item 3

3. Identify the Schedule of Implementation specifying the start and

completion dates on Items 4 and 5
4. Identify the Expected Outputs of the program in Item 6 and the Funding
Source in Item 7

5. Specify the amount funded by the Development Fund in Item 11 by linking

the information from the AIP Project Summary worksheet. Breakdown of the
cost can likewise be specified if the LGU is able to determine the specific
charging details in Items 8-10

6. Identify the Amount of Climate Change Expenditure and the CC Typology

Code in Items 12 to 14.

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