Contextualizing The Qur'An

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Contextualizing the Qur’an for a Crisis Free 21st Muslim World


Events in the Muslim world of the 21st century call for a cursory look at the Qur’an for

quick and lasting solution to the perennial problems of crisis in the ummah. One crucial

question is what solution is provide in the Qur’an for Muslims to resolve their differences

and how can this be implemented in the secularized and globalizing world of the 21st

century. A group of Muslim youth gathered in the International Islamic University to

address this issue through a post subh workshop for two weeks under the theme

“Contextualizing the Qur’an for a Crisis Free 21st Muslim World”.

The objectives of the forum included:

1. to investigate the views of participants on the context of the Qur’an in 21st

century Muslim world;

2. to empower participants with mutual understanding of the guidance of the Qur’an

on crisis resolution and the development of the qualities of an ideal Muslim


3. to spread the knowledge benefit of the workshop to fellow Muslims and receive a

feedback to better the lives of the participants as well as other fellow Muslims.

The first workshop

Fourteen brothers participated in this workshop from six different countries of the

Muslim world. The workshop examines suratul fatihat (the opening chapter of the

Qur’an). The participants first examined the textual meaning of the ayat (verses) of the

surat based on their understanding of the sciences of Tafsir and hadith. The summary of
the analysis is that suratul fatihat is a form of worship between Allah and His servants

that emphasizes the following key issues:

1. The significance of the surat as teaching, orientating and nourshoring the tawheed

rubbubiyah (vesre 2…rabil ‘aalamin), tawheedu l ’uuluhiyah (verse ) and

tawheedul sifaat wa l asmaa’ (verses 1-4….ar rahman r raheem, malik


2. The emphasis of the surat on Lord-servant relationship of the believers to Allah

(verse 5..iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka na’sta’iin) which implies a sacred convent

between the servant and his Lord and a privilege, duty and right to the servant to

seek and get his Lord’s unlimited help.

3. The emphasis of the Surat on the need of the servant for constant seeking of

guidance of his Lord on all affairs especially the straight path to worshiping and

living a life of worship (verse 6 ihdina siratal mustaqiim…).

4. The need for the servant to avoid and seek his Lord’s help on following the wrong

paths of those with whom his Lord is displeased and of those contextually astray-

the Jews and the Christians respectively (verse 7…ghayril maghduubi ‘alahim wa

laa d daalin).

5. The need for the servants to understand and stand on their condition of

collectivity in their worship and lives as one people and one community of same

faith and destiny (as indicated by the collective nature-plural form of the

statements of the servant to his Lord in suratul faatiha…)

Understanding the Surat in the context of challenges of 21st century Muslim world

The participants concluded that the following are contextual issues that the believers need

to understand from suratul faatihat:

1. Allah’s rahmat to all His creatures regardless of their faith in Him implies the

need for Muslims to show mercy to themselves and others regardless of their

differences in colour, language or even faith.

2. The need for the servants of Allah to realize and accept that only Allah is

independent while all His creatures are dependent on Him and interdependent on

one another for mundane assistance.

3. The need for the servants of Allah to realize and accept that only Allah has

guidance which is no other than Islam and to therefore be lenient among

themselves on all issues as no one has or can give guidance to others except Allah

or by Allah’s leave.

4. The need for the servants of Allah to realize and accept that only the path of the

righteous is mutual obedience to Allah though love and care for others whether

Muslims or not. Hence the believers need to distance themselves away from the

wrath of Allah through disobedience like the Jews and misguidance like the

Christians. This implies avoiding their ways or accepting their education as

standard of life or progress after or outside the Islamic guidance.

5. The need for the servants of Allah to realize and accept that only the consolidation

of their individual and collective lives on the tawheed can led to guidance and

peace among them as well as with others.

The 2nd workshop- Answer to the Request for Guidance
(Suratul baqarah verses 1-5)

The second workshop was held a week after the first one on 1st May 1, 2011. The

workshop involved nine brothers and focused on the first five verses of suratul baqarah.

The participants examined the textual and contextual meaning off the verse in relation to

the lives of the 21st century Muslims. The conclusion of the workshop is that these

verses address the qualities of those who can be guided by Allah al Mutaquun-the God

conscious or the pious ones. The issues raised by the participants include the following:

1. That the surat commenced with letters the meaning of which only Allah knows

indicates that no one has the prerogative of knowledge save Allah

2. That the Surat indicates that the Qur’an is certainly a guide for the Mutaquun

means that only those who can meet the requirements of Mutaquun can get God’s


3. That to achieve guidance and attain falah (success) man must have the following


a. belief in the unseen-sound ideological foundation

b. constant worship-sound Lord/servant relationship

c. constant generousity to fellow beings- sound servant/servant relationship

Understanding the Surat in the context of challenges of 21st century Muslim world

By implication of the above verses the participants concludes that:

1. The key to guidance of the Ummah lies in mutual understanding and following of

the Qura’an especially through sincere attempt at implementation in real life

situations (personal life and in interaction with others).

2. Qualifying to receive guidance implies evaluating one’s self and not others based

on the criteria of al Mutaquun which are enumerated above.

3. Understanding that every human knowledge one aquires must be subjected to the

supreme knowledge of Allah. In other words, Allah’s verdict and statements in

the Qur’an or the authentic hadith must be the bench mark of standard of living,

education and civilization for believers who are following the guidance of their


4. The implementation of the criteria of al Mutaquunmust must translate into mutual

social benefit among men and Lord/servant relationship with Allah.

5. The life of the Mutaquun must be based on mutual understanding and acceptance

of the Islamic ideology which is based on the belief in the unseen (alam l ghayb)

practically beyond human knowledge or understanding but only achievable by

sincere belief and conviction.


In conclusion, the participants at the Qur’anic project “contextualizing the Qur’an for the

21st crisis free Muslim world” agreed that the solution to the problems of Muslims lies in

Muslims re-examining their lives in the context to the guidance in the Qur’an with a view

to translating its remedy to social-economic cures ecological ills. They concluded that

individuals should examined themselves and align themselves with the standards of the
Qur’an as the bench mark for the time of peace and crisis as no other cure can be sought

outside it for human dilemmas.

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