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ample, the center of mass of a spin-

ning top extends beyond its base or

contact with a surface and should,
therefore, tip over. What force pre-
vents it? Also the moment of inertia
increases with the RPM, a property
which is utilized for stabilizers. Ac-
cording to the rules of orthodox
physics, the moment of inertia is a
constant. The explanation becomes
almost self-evident in the light of principles already expounded upon. At
a critical RPM, the outer rim becomes heavily charged negatively, while
the portion closer to the center of mass is charged positively. The rim
tends to be repelled upward by the earth's gravity. The total effect is a
counterclockwise movement about the point of contact, 0, which coun-
terbalances the clockwise torque or movement tending to tip it over.
The greater tendency for a rotating body to maintain its plane of rota-
tion, which produces a stabilizing effect, is the result of the increase in its
moment of inertia. The outer portion is gi ven a total negative charge
which is greater than that of its original positive charge when it was at
rest. This means that the mass comprising the outer portion has a greater
overall inertia than it had before. This portion of greatly increased iner-
tia is also further removed from the center of mass than the rest of the
body, which accentuates the moment of inertia. Also, the portion closer
to the center of mass or rotation has a higher net positive charge than it
had before. This means that its inertial properties have also increased,
which also adds to the moment of inertia.
The opposite effect is produced by the more advanced stages of the
Searl effect, especially where the disc is metallic and spoked. The rapid
flow of negative charges through the disc prevents the buildup of high
negative charges throughout the disc; at the same time the net positive
charge nearer the center is nullified.
Precession is another property of the gyro in which "explanations" by
"scientists" consist only of descriptions. The moment of the momentum
of a precessing top about the point of contact, 0, is the key. The move-
ment of the portion of the disc further removed from 0 is in the direction
of rotation. The movement of the portion on the opposite side of the disc
is closer to the point of contact, 0, and is also in the opposite direction to
the other half of the disc. The result is a net torque about 0 in the direc-
tion of spin. As the RPM increases, the moment of inertia increases more


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