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ASHGATE NEW CRITICAL THINKING IN PHILOSOPHY Th date New Ceca Thong hoop series brings hgh ality research ‘mooogrok pulsing io fees Tor aahor, the inerational Hira” make, nd sade, ace and reach reader Headey a cretion ator ‘sry fd of aclsmed scholar rm cron the powpiclspca h Imonopah sees resents cuting-ege research For estblisedas well asexcing ‘ew authored. Specning th rea of phsephy an eld isis finery perpesives gat New Cc! Thinking ir Plane ‘aks contrary pcnpbia march nto new diction and dae David Coop ath Universi, UE ‘Sean Sayer Unive of Kent UK ‘Simon Crt, New Sebel fer Social serch. USA: Univers of Essex, UK, ‘Sine Gleadanng London Sel of Booms, UK Paul Helm, Regent Calle, Cad David Lamb, Univers of Bimini, UK Peer Lion, Unies of Cambridge, UK Tim Willan, Uniersy of Oxford UK Matin Daves, Aaa National Univers, Ast ‘legen Mal Unive of Oxo UK Soh Pst, Vndeit Univers, UK ‘an Gotan College of Will apd My, USA ‘Simon Blackbur, University of Cambri UK sha! Fieman Stanford Universi, USA ‘Michal Wale Prcton Univers USA Joseph Fig Univesity of Ma Mat (rat Priest, Univer of Melbourne, Austals; Univer of St Andrews, UK “Gcsevieve Lloyd, Univesity of New South Wales Ausalia ‘Aus Mangrae, Univers of Otug, New Zealand ‘Mois Getty University of Sy, At Protagoras and the Challenge of Relativism Plato’s Subtest Enemy uo ZILIOLI Fellow of the University of Parma ASHGATE (Bic AGT NO sz 207 ona” ae Ne pot his pin ny pd odin Me nyt yates yr 2 rs i hte ih al At be Pid ‘ae ing Lint Age rsh Cony Cotton 101 Chey Se ‘iene Boring, VT 4-405 apie CUE sa ld is trary Cason i Fabien Date "rr a he change fii: at's ‘ne Ashe eta king ooo Fretem 2 Pi Pg Ray Ler of Conon Catone eben Dt ‘Pesan on chaege fv: P's ee nen Ugo Zio hom = (cht ecg pe) lucas biggles. ISDN 78 OCT Qader: aR ape) tamgoae? Reng. Tie tara PRC savsrea7suoare Ener 7 . 1716811 * eta aun ret etn by Any Rowe Ll, Chipeta Wii oS womans" Contents ‘op EDUARDO GARCIA MAYNEZ” ues ouWeRsrrARia ‘wenieo, 190 Lino Pigs Proce end dctnsledeement Liste Areas Inroducton Protagras, Fate and Relativism “opi Aims Rehtvim Approaches t Pat ‘Sete 1 Perceptions and Indetrminacy “The Histor! Prtagorae Sophie Taning al Philosophical Faction The Digression Reading the Testes Onions Rela ‘OntoigiealIndeteritacy Hisorcal Pasty Espllned Futher Dilfring Dips 22 Wiadem and Icommenserabilty Prougors ithe Cray ‘The Defence “wo Fagen Incemmeriity ‘The Opec Stand Objection The Possible Arsver The Scope of Proagors Relat 3. Bihes and Forms of tite bial Relativism They Vinwe td Totus Subjects ed Emotive Forme a ite Radial Use “ Pog a te Change of Reo 4 Inconsistency, Sele Refutaton andthe Heart of he Mater Phos Objections Protagorr ad Tnconnoncy Sig towne vaage Democratic Krowladge sry Wis ‘The SIReattn Agu List of Figures Figre21 DockfRabit heat Figure 22. Feyenbond’s pres Concusons The Tl Relat Inder 157 Preface and Acknowledgements “This book ofr an unconvctoal interetaton of the dctine that Protagere ie ‘nade to sini ino of Plato's Siogae. The erent Iwill ive fo he Totlowing pepsin fc, steps to provide eon for claiming ht Promgers felis fs sess a power pilsopheal poston Te pose approach wl op trout the bok wars Protons revs fs what aks the intopretation of te Kad of atv Laser to him an ancontetonal on. AS fro Plato's wetnent of Promgors relat i concemed the derinat view fest among clasial sebols (athe her plop) 6 that Protgor’ ‘Blom av describ by Plt sa weak piri deci ‘ot ciy ae my views on Peta evi nce faa they change he ditt inerreatin ofthe rl of the peop Prtgos f he Fis of hugh, bt ao sch vews ae defended wih ive pasion tan ost ‘ovo allow themselves show” Those ist wars ar as By Apri te 1946 “Apeni to Lanuase, Tah and Lito explain tht is bok Wasi evry ese 2 ‘eng mac's bok If ey opr canbe do atl elev atts bok to {ome ingen se, young mans ook tse to combine igure pasion ‘ep tht be convent ote views xsd naa Protaes’ ela ‘auth os ocly of he sen wi whe ave el dee a ills sting, tao of sl ahs fic xs draco arument. ‘The wing of bok iss og mater The ata roe of wring Jowe Your eas on chosen tpi prose by 4 ptiod of time when sch des ae Bist fected and thon made more defers ond argued er. tus bagi the ist of the prone {iho thank with CJ. Rowe, with whom ext dscased the cre Fes of ts took back in 109-2001, dring ey wondrfil years spent sing fora dtr the Deparment of Canoes f the University of Dua. Lew 10 CGhsoper many thing: bre, I woud Yet hank hin publ for he constant Senor He his provided o me aad omy pilowptcal developmen ever sce He itv rend tn sulted of the books feed et bl sggestons for npoving i th ate level ofthe presentation of aguas an ingusical "Ths bok woul ave had mh ower chances tse the ight ha ot ad ‘telco pice Crepe Gilt the Deprtet of Clase athe Unversiy lt Exeter, Troghovt eat tage nd nt he very Hl Sages ofthe writin procs, Chris ha heen a ivalable hip. He encouraged the pect when I five was nee how o proceed ea eater and al dais provided vial ‘xeon or te shaping of be Bok eal ep me toimprove my English ‘Men need 1 cannot doth fs mor geneous help anesthe sar my (Mero a younger ens record this det With mach patios. a Propo Cage of eatin “Two athe bolas hve ofr tr invaluable help. One is Mickel Nay (CARS, Pui, who red caine das of the book and provided mporant ‘gga hc thers soph Marga (Temple Unive) who elo te ‘rfc tt ait formulation ad ead a lost nal ves of the book, ‘hg ir ind encourage. “Ts ato people who klong inte pce of his Prefice Lam ary 0 teumblct apo ieee ence oe whch Tam ga exch of em, Tope ‘cn onion docs at pov om er bong ana fy dep gine The ‘tyeoplel wat the enher aed Nipel Sept, Heer Row, Beer ‘dunce Fabaom Sef Mara Angee Fare, Ata Cabo, Gore Boyne, Sunt Nevin Dahan ohana Paynes (Ln) Lata ar O'Neil Tim Wistar Joti Hanpey, fn a Pip Desig = {et Jo Burs Gn Exe a Gey Asura Basin, Alessno ABE (Gr Cotmraa and Macra), Aavaina Zia, Tan Catlin, Stine Bitiih lates Cel (Fen), Maro Ros an Paraces (Pars. Special hank a (he Miche Zao scp wal feed ancl sept atc tgs tis peje Pale at ep, Kats Brom and expec Ely ais Sve Spi the fr econ supp and eng. "A price cede a hs pot fo fisana and our ocd, Zoe sh lio, nd forth place where oe mt ofthe al aft of hs book, Zoachy ant bose i Colour, Here, Iba the lek to Be able wo wt in my ‘uy Jom, th tp Bor fave ous, with beams ad walls 30 ‘Sst pte me fom aus oie 5 wel ste sumer beat The adspe Tm aio cme rom hr ences the perfec of th la: th ack ‘ows veo the fry coloured ils around Mactan sch ial ating to wie a eal pcos an elveat tis book ses the gb ao ‘Sur T was abl lie shoe fra reasonable nmont of ime Sopa working ou what Become the final version of hs Book in the cry monte 20, when Zoe His ugh, wa hee mons ob. | write his Pfc n Slenie2008, when Dl, or second sn, six months ol One may ‘wel magi bow fl ie can be mith two ile ion around, Tar ak Them becuse hc presnc at home has bee constantly teaching me 1 place he ‘Sings ian ene cretpempectve ht each of er dierent deserves, "Bay Cosa ttn coms fhe ok will are tht enc f te pose pst of Papen lative sare that th, knowledge an 060 ‘Teroe inthe lite rama beings, mre mpertat than teh cements soc Te can onan, Koo ge sparta for ran beings bu so are sone of he fumoes vit nom ve happens te felted ove s wha eles two persons. TDulifonc of theo tro pons Criiana ene can api sce how il impertat, ttl cee lhe et may eco ou Tove an, 1 al hat ‘Tis bstcan oe et ony aan ema eel ur as rr an inlet pin, ‘Srvsew ino nhs tam anni fas en Pat's ono aor nthe ‘Simp The Kn frre I el wes faced wi something wo pres tha ‘rds can capes agunly dos stallow to go farther Suc #1049 (Garhi bok dad Cita, i mach ove Phas pts pie (roi). List of Abbreviations ‘A Tesineium in Die Kranz BFrsgentin Diel-Keanz DK Diner, Di Prapmemte der Vrsobraer LS Longana Seley. The ellenicPibsophers Pr Po, Pago: Tht Pinto, Poot Gu Plato, Cras TS! Lil Scot foes, Groth Leen 9h eon wh sper Full ferences forts above tie ean be ound ia he Bibliography For he Greek tenn we th Jo Brot ein fr bath the Theaters (a Cris) and te Proagiras (Oxford: OCT, 1900 a 1908). have also cole the new OCT Cito he fsttvo raga of Pts dogs by WF Miche fi (Oxford 1995) which docs moe inprove sigan the Durst iba, a east 2s 8 the Thomas sconce. Uns torte nditd, sete Love ursjet tans for Pais Theoren (Uc, 1990) Fr the Protagras, use he trmlaon of CCW. Tplr (OUP 1991 forthe Crt, 145 te enshaion by EDL Reeve, in. Cooper (ed) Pi. Compete orks Hake, 1997), 1 make Ae ofthe mow star Cape's Plat alo fora et logs of Plo hat 1 {peor bly refer to inthe bo. Fr Precaporas’rgmcats an seuss, iy tow Ri. Spragic’s tension (Universty of South Carolin Press, 1972, bse ‘On DK}, fr Sev see tarlaton by REC. Bury (Harvard Univesity ree 1935-35, based on he Grek tet by b-Beber, Boia 1842), The Revised Oot ronson as teen sed for Aristo Hares ed, Princton Uaitersy Fr, 198, bse on te rack ext by WD, Ros, Oxon 1928), “Tiroughotinbook teach hil adhe’ shout as abbreviations {oe himslfor ene "he she ands. a Introduction Protagoras, Plato and Relativism “Topic ant Ams “Thi hak sms rina to resonate psophy of he soph: Potgoss through ean of some dogs of Pat, mare preely of sme vsti of {he Thos Prone beck at ated deine, nda tssen ely the phlosophcl poston at Plato atts Proagoras oh (ac'd logs he Hg of te pasha iormy between rats Sdohnctivion, Ts reaeone for rig sieba Book we no. One reson vt {Sr thc sory of ances thug Tose EN Comford’ tom, rags es Pats achoneny believe be sop ad seas wae fr Plt (nd is civ the ses ene (a leas as far a oe era ese fc) eel air ‘were concerted aid, wo sue ene, edvcaiora and ‘ted! soso) The ound esc std with cea sop {Ebus, The disput btmcea Protas and Plat tine, I elai heceanat ‘eenen lati and eetivim a pilosophy. Sich scan, which hs ta ‘orectezed Wont eon tom evry bith bs pervaded «get pr ‘Kael Arctic pinoy the last ory seas, exqesl th USA, ta as ‘one we of eet uattialene of dete a papal pect, The expres ss? (Or "must cays’, Kompranon) apps with retgwnce W ps vonsegcace of Prtigir’ Mearce Doki (e doting ence oa Pcogoas musi tat Ma i oe Neo of A. Ths) i oe of {te aos sues end sono! pegs of te whe Poa cop, samely Thesis (Tha Tac the ssi of he Taroies where Pn’ Sores TS {Defic Pangrs' Meare Date ty way of eleefuuon arnt wih ie ible by Soeracshimslf a, pec lexan’ (1786), Another {amon referees opve (De sub hake) wot found ine Pile, fitch, wher we ctu sone philotes who clin, a Sones wor, that lane aap a proces of bcorng anda thre is o being a lof Pest The nt of tone seekers oll pte bo what thy lm ‘out pleeue sinks of wha tose ult Bikes wr Pate disses Tete 13a, Ast he tre and soca of ou perceptions ACC {oe later takers, coh pcepion is gested byt chu encunter of ame perssv bjs ahd sone pereving abet which arc bs npeenaproess Srteconingsomaiig ee soboty anova something or sethody PPeae one pocepion of hs pe, ont we lle te eneorzaton of TT Seer 8p. 2 Omit mikes se Boaw $7.86 2 roa athe Chg of Raion Theatr 156 ce Soe says ae ave names fo te peep, fhe atoning so eins beso smelling, felis tc, Kelso es aso ‘wha lle leas dite, fare edhe There ih befor or ‘Sin the et poole of he Pfam have ce tas Wale ‘hes thinkers ofthe Tasty, an ie with Progen wha, some Sense. Tinka o me geup of ber tiers of Tacs 368 Prtagis Pat's eyes amps pilnoer ado whos: piosepical gamete at deo produce vary nile smneqmaces, Potgres' views may ‘Seow shlenge Plt ow plop! econ, a mut 48 vlan ‘Say aawadaye ova elf he et ny balls psioa fo ebesiam ‘hgcrc an be dee Hoa ax "he octane Hees rst some ferme, hors, mirx or ‘rmewere to which we can ual appeal {i dstcsaig the ne of ronal, Amol, wut, realy, goodness, ce iakines Praca’ sbi fone, more generaly speaking, the piosphia “ney eats does preven Plato onan oil sensicesioe ‘evens Prog postions pct, roan is Pao opin. 9 ‘Gutouriowshiser wi eeeverciweand tougeatoation Onemighapthat ‘Keer ote fics he Poco x ays hens Hees ‘an Parmenies ten wo pod exes (te case of Pyagas is ess ei). Pao cea, some esas, wih Heras ers Ks aetd loves the ersten, ny pop seus a ote of his aogoes. Bul Pa dik rovthink Herat tobe wary fete length net ent Deca erat rsin ses were bed 0 esp bh Bees te soa emotes af Inssowalaton arte oscar of his posonsement, As clove neon tie: Po ad Hea falloners 0k, bls ty more unale tos farther open une y Hers cen ha evertbing i x ot thon taking Hemel ie oexreme a utuble postin, P's Cras ‘enone Wie Beate ofan, Plo geal rather extensive nie ‘hones, Crates ao Pha fa nian, of cow oy ec the importaee tat Hert of fa hd er Pato esecey sr ste Senile words conn sno omanen tpt of Pat's Heracles Inet tht Pl iene he oro word a ombig that a oper See Bom (78: p Se i Nagle 2008 pom Casi ha i ty en [i ate we demi ea pt ‘Soi of hain oy than rein tera seals ae OS ‘Gein rats yn Pa be ee Wit 208 10 TB Ca em a Ra, ami S08 Harcitm dace: da hon prc rs ese sop a Epes wi pss ob wp sy e308 Gud wih ise. Tey me Hota ngs yay inte Scrat on de oe At aig y whe (cling acueaan ory sony ag quent thre a funn of ae cgay (Wyo yon fa gua he il pet So pnp fe guar and ht a 9 and yo mae Wie'yeesn acm wat hte sa jouw psa hy te flo range em ge (1 | Pr Pa andes 3 un, indeed ind of Mertan mee Bu, pat. despite nha ta Os {Sond on Pt, wes ost one pera dc wth whch Pato os eon Herc ides alleged Paw ies just sen (impor eet sing There of P's pesca nag vena aap Pameide sxned an eens teateet by Pao his Porm, were Parmciics dpi ava ay ool Ho hwo od man wh, ple Sosa, inehage oleate diseusion nh gos at oss his ae, ‘Hom Stephon page 1b tc end ofthe dg, Hef gear etuece on Pham, esoeily en is amt a arn” Move then am nay, Pam ‘abi lsepical pres ft Fi, someone fm mins Pate bad ea Something inperant or hi, Parties mas pio whee eas ceded {o econ rf develope, bt he was someone Who, in od prlane, ‘Bale good phos poe, So. onthe cor hace, Heats’ sgeclsion ‘fos somshon sofa tay a ne thi elena reeset seal esgic Uhreat or challenge fr Pla; oa he ce, Pars wat me anode ber Te ara even forhin. ythaise ea ino ese a apse act aa wee ‘of phibsopicl ray bu someone whom Piso viewed = she! pose osophea ores scent nthe Phas and ehewhere so bowed Bom Pyhaga i eso th slanting ams ee body Yo another The Sparees thn ect could help neni se es pibsop sce [store om Pagers wl but wed evry hr ars topo heyood {hs genre nus, i wate 0 define he ext of Pat's gape! ‘vith Pyetagers oe ll lags Paraiso frat they Wecetanleatanesnatle reece thks wheseavlacnos a6 hi hed sp Paso ete Tic by sy tern thks 4 a let out of st of Plato's esr Ppedecensos ae Sehirs 1 whom to deve 9 many fis Galo. Pela, Protagoms th un hier wo would hae bee hemes anges my fr Panda Sr i acer and psp onc Sere Lee of the Sephate moves, Potage wesee he Yury oging be ula ‘hte bcos th idle of he fh easy BC. se mam abe to wach ‘vba any soind clan ,shiadomexiemnees how esto mange (res hose ad pie are oral one's oi. potential fr Sisue pial debe ed acon (Pe 185 31) Papas as comping ‘wih Sova far oth esion 0 young poole wa conecredbut he 0 mes Td very iro edoatonl se Brady opening, Pretgora'edheatnal age ‘Sethe oe describ jo akon, whe Sorc. again Spek bral, wane 7 Ov Palla ee Rw 1972 ri 977 Dia Cu). & See Painr (189) el bs 00, 5} Ou Pumccdr tn oat Pats Soo yi the Tew aren seein mbes erred Ls wh way une Indbe sm ary sd mar andr edo se ohaee why ste eI) Pius sone br regan ae e208 4 Pn] dv the feta ue eo lop wenn sae Je = ue mit ‘tendo oda esnen of ay isl pe pl Wek He ‘aim 7 SE ‘ Prime mdi Change of aon the youne purse he thy sans ot a lois eomversion wit i, CeePelpmcss of seit dcoyey wich coal make seonronersy exp te eles and vacates i ic oe tlle, (Ths poi! wt Dame leet ST RESE Ks tou pt ff Toon’) Poaprs an Soxraes were, ge iain edcaon: hi ay wat arta up by Pa, who ied te sa rc th rotgeit contended by amp i 102 9 sla mare ‘Sbeineal poop! ios, epsterology and ee vasciuopoe of Pin wheres peel eis re ceed Protas tw hays somceg wo sy okt sospbia ius at wate recogn2ed 3s (oe mvt porn Pt’ tines and at nowadays ae possi even more Seti erboemeraypibtobia speceaer, Te dain of Protas (iene cic lo the Peete (T0186) wre Pao vests wat Tositag Seow een to Proagra rnin Ut Ma he Messe of A ‘Fane open the axons in he Crabs (3884-3872) aout he reson fo th Tiss ot rames bet overtone ate) Anoier fee to Pots Sree ttlowas bo belo in th Elcom (280 265), whete we Bnd Teen oi wo related and brody Progen tes tat aeons is TSE nd that possble to make comeadicory sheen, Then the re tags hat bars he mane, he Proton, ick cons the scene Rees and Protgurs shot ae “excellence” evi’ he FSSimmonly vonlatd to English The Provayorar consis wfzences 1 sy ‘or kay acl ell a epemologieal ne sche xorg wn mati ‘eimun society (Pv 2206 SED and ie relnsip betwen Knowledge adi pam ot ota Pr sez 2570) As sggctd ear i connec Wik the Manus ere ue pamages i fer Plone angus ht may cowtsin nde est rtagereyProiagessn idee oes tat could be Sevebps oto tem Proagrsan eines. "Gpeetlogy Langage, Logi, Eiir bse seem to be ste philsorbical sero of Promgwnt Ty reeset a que compe and varied spc of Testes rough he same a Soa and lot's, bu wit very flees ad ‘Set cnc ane wil ea tr stage. No weer th Protgors ‘Sci Pan's satan. They sexed 20 have oppose poo cm tay ‘Man pls sues Ov hot each he th nom the ato a Fuge and tags el pponite Beles te foe concevng te meen Ciao or guncaee of taal en (bee, objectively Germiae),telatar ease net vals and Wat modiabe pengesves. On ei ‘Sine trconax yas cul ston: fr Pao Fille! was every Kind of ‘Cie conned Yo he rth, fr Praag til wat he oir decides THe he depth he conttbebwoen abjecivatic und relive ses in ‘Een puepy (on bp mngliction, sn coterporary psopicl dees), ‘Dye wi he reason wy. (md he ent to wich) Fagen was x ul Teilonpea cnemy for Ply baths book rary air ander ond bik nthe lowing canes FG mini psn stag rive inept Wi Pog Pa onda : “Tis stny inal # soonday a, no oss eeting a Lost fr someone wis se he Bias of he Brtercl Prtagors thong his mich arr {aloo tn recensmacing te leg of Protgoas in te coment ny. flashes and Pofgors UShal wy o empctend whether te Some stra palin Plo’ ptr of Potgoras. sl expan baer ‘wharf mean by sone pausbt” Te ater oa Nsercl plasty [Fina reavnarucon of Proper’ docne i way opees, gen he thy operon of Pagal wade Diogenes Les isha Progen wrote abe boks or esis, hos as eth lovin: The teh Connery, On rein, On atmos, One State. On btn On Vis, ‘On'the Orginal Staaf Thing, On Wht iin ade, On The Msc of Man, Tretia Book Lat oat Fee, Opposing Armen in wo books) He ‘rote eve mae tan Dien eps an aed rings were the most [nc he me fetes the Gade hose opening sence aoa he Empoli of wing fcc of hs gods seme re caused Provigo, {tsa ant his books bunt) nd thn The Overtones whch bean ih ‘agora maxim tht Man te Mer, ote a Diogenes ist Fatt diac omsons a Prtgora’ On Btn 2 wotk nich hese toave ‘ropa some guns fing Parone” ect Beng on, ad Fir Great Speck of whch eno waning (He sae i ised, mde ‘kip. forthe fine set of Pan's Protageres, namely Pr. 3205-3288 ‘of bis gra aut of writen material ony a very linited mater of sor ger valle wus, ine thy aes fe an abo. willbe wei {Ogi de mow meaning fragnent of Progen belo, flowing the sed ‘nomenon of te Dak Kea eon of tha Pre-Soraes (hear DK. wh, ‘Seat sme rect inrosercnt fora ass mae by ee ons ot trans remains by fa fe rs pete source al be inks bore Sours) an bits cures" Fotgeas ost sigan gman the folowing: [Prag sus) Fa has (rman ems nism om {Maruca ao hey eo gh chao tt iy ne ot ests mon fonts GODICB TT ici) te ite ht Pegs 2 Prag’ ok in he The (olay Sane UernnHethmaton 0) sy tae De of he ee tok {Sxbnerdnowers nbc lap, Uses (95: 1725) agus She: oper ela ead be stone o st ne Da, “Ops Arent dng ce ow 2089p 2927) oe re gone orang One ‘Secs ih Te GET Sm Pa in, Pte Fen 09250K Tz nie Eognh ngg Dion an 208 ited 200), 5 Tuma test ono OK (Zech nein PS; einen sn ken id wder bang hi logon we bg 4 Puss Tne 12-4 Sees Stun Aas Mahe, 748 tine of Pron 21 Dogs Lat 931 ‘ Poser the Chee aren ‘Comer the gs ana a cea ter a ys ha they {sermon tyne rao peat owe sin erry (nt a andthe tren on sn Sos ‘santo reap] wat et sy to venga ae aseni (ing opal ok ee (8) [hiss what one iW making ie wake (re) asus) song Vesa" 30) ss ingot craig) "(A 19) (ve wort Crt Sch Poti al ech i eein nate Mayen pte npc atc yet ve stig yan CEE ey kaon eso pve int ote gout Sah BU) (RBI 0 1 te eprint te wing ‘Sayer tm aeg ris Pups tio fein We gmea)) Prtagors wes aso vite pati fe rages in 1969 but equim ‘of tsauieniciy iff beng exeved Devond dub. The ep ow agent Fs [Pompe 4 tat ble (ema) or ings at are, como ene eived poles He say ile you Seng pee hat a sting 1g Doge lcs 91 So ds Choe of lenin, Sanat 68 “ey spe nr ope patterns ant ose Snes Ee Saye ac net cca eo tt ane en een Se oe ee ete ges sy SEs Saget ‘yt tore 2a aoa sa, apr AIDE: te ce eee snd yo tte Coes tes laa iti nue aie AT nl, Hoge HT NS, rte Ps dela : to on whos nt psn, however, a ler hat Taming hrfore it ‘ache nor wheter am sitingernetsiting’ (Diyas the Bl, Commer ‘onthe Pains 3) 1s ebieuty tical: tem acter and ase phe of Proton cine of sy any plausible about he stv! Presa hy enon these fe estirone So ill et a a aa do a Wha Dk fn be doe 10 expan Some arses tat Pato bts to tar i Aielpies or wore apr, tose Ober punts tat canbe atid to Proiaporson the bss of wha Piso inal ts, any ithe Peter) the "gh of Proagim exo ramon, The ml blpo ke te eer spc {tat il ue te course othe bok more compen othe ead Lh mnomp 0 eeunstuc: Prouyors’puosopy ie colt of Pan's dale, loo mals of the argues Ut Pato Socae ascribes wo Protas wi be Stonpted aod ares of sch aganeat will e paid Baye Prager on my asconnt, P's phinopical enc, alae Plat pone Proagor piesa eas fom th postions te abuso Peta is his duloges he tcl oda soe plesoptclcoastguenes a oad aot Ne dram, Pinto wats fo sow Prtagor’ pions ne bane P's coun they rely end eabrciesor false Buon heb of what Pia wel ys, oe might Hee piesophel comsequecs,atemanhe those sar by lio and es staafonwarly etesable Lets cal sus lentes Plat) argamets‘et-Patamc no a hy poe piosophiel pis tatPate would never fave eld So, at ir Prager” acres are ensemed in my amis of he ‘Peseta snd Proagoar pctiely Panic men il ara wi het pomp agar, gute nepenent of Phan agonal 84 Feeanstuction of tne Pato argues hs book wil provi webeus 9 Sa ‘pune. Wha Iwan ok ether te defence tht arden oar gh {ca of Protagca posters igi to Rav bn the kind of cence tht he ‘sail Prego cold hve ofa In oder to ars hs quest will rink coapaisons between the spunea I wil rosie to end regan fre Pls sacks th one hand an eh ter, Poor extn agent ‘wil the apo Many some ps fem cer the forme andthe ter Ie ‘tmping fo do 0,1 Wil ake smn eee some sous the han Pao for ustace Sexus Expos ov Arte, cance te ples of such ccsocane ‘This is wit hve in mind whe I sek of he hsv pasty of he etre of Pringors coe wi he amon of lat’ Galop Av ce fesen, itn very weak sn of bol pouty, bt tants one ‘hat hs own merits and wi opi Recome cer ence 1 ietace the ‘rd and lst scolay aim of is Say Wf acrsructing Praga” detinoe lnPito's dnlogucs the more impor ego is boot, and provide «Lid of weak hisrcal plus ‘br such ecoasaction Hest pot, and deat objective the hed tgs TG to each by weg das bop the 7 Bee Gon 198 pad WobuC:AN, * Prorat Clog fala folowing impo ae, Wht owes the exten to wtih Protos Govinda Pl Ther aad Proagoray, can be seen 364 fem ‘tpg cats. To gant Mats gue exreso, ish "et ‘rtogrsaniansub ce tent 2*Sere scholar Pragoas she st ‘ate the bry of weir hag ut it sro a eer wht hs mens ‘at hn of ltir mas Dmg Aer al wh in? Praga ‘rally ak se hlding a frm of pres eli ht quite nsvey as to [hte aks na etoing fom 0 uve reliven This chim wu ‘ints fo refers P's Teacen in prcdar tote eerefsion ‘Sahn ia us atrcted wo mach sleno. But los este of Protaras icp rhsviie postion ide Tact i mach ove coed tha ta, Indeed sch nore wide ging ad Tsong, mach mare respect The fom (fst ca le arte o Pretapasin te Teacteta Lely, sempex ‘Zi ieiaalves th om of percept elt (ata ver sophia! Ko, ‘wise tla conaqurcss ad of etal eatin. Te comeing ‘rPruagors dens wil become even ler oe en the Root in Scajucton with he Potgoran Burs om knowldge, as ove been ally Stings. My chk sti Progra sa eatin, be one of mre ei al tn gencally tag of. Buti solr tend focus on oe oe mE Sectiom of P's Tenses, mising the whole pear and has aie 10 Fretguas ie mi or le erry east esto, Reta, ‘The station is made ven more probly he Sct that ot wll elear thr i sa by evs As Pl Feyerabend ho stdin is Farce © [ReavonLandon 1957), osx tere inet vena versio [feline ‘Sjscs ord "wlaion and (hving or angry, ul aay rate opened) ‘action 0 (20, ReliviSeans to be avery sper concep andere st Rests te suspicion athe boli oft poe ees, by coma, those whe held various depos of tite pontone do ot vas ke beng [hetedsclaivis as Kabs av famoudy exempts)” Hos torn Edm common in seme lige quarters, mas Catole. Pope Betas XVI, ‘thoy vouednphsopy ang oietbng ba tft reenty tiie ‘nivomasthe extn ues greeny expec as farsa Sse aT ‘cecered By consis Kind of apie ecian 0 cenopencondameion, Sever ifr om he eunsticocepance a eis dees sch 8 ‘af Alben Casein veel eiecee) There ore wo may fora of tla, that 35, epiormtgel, ethical seslcal perspiration ¢ commen ease IM Since i such lip ome=p aay tikes host oli ave {lhl ave fied some eee, tay Have vetted 2 veson of i Du Br women 938, 25 Grin ebelw pp. 925. 1 Soe saan Sari Sth Reon, Kt 1870, her ty have ben sucess aft al frais il Uspuable®” As ‘Alani Micltre ence wos, Yelavich, sone tie dt tr ave hy mow eee refed x nab of testo fen, Nothing pap a ‘Ss sign haa cooneembaties sae setherepesied th ce at ‘stuse othe hisory of plop shoal ave een reed apn sn agin ‘Genuvly esable cries oly ee ote once’ So, farm is cones, te ston is very Gr fom being er If ns wae to rma vary geal inion of vel, designed i epee te corm ea ‘llth kinds ofssavsm avalible to us, th flloing ones might be f some se "hv smosinle dcr bt fal views non commen thee a sere cent apes of experience, nap cwion, even ei soe "elie to something else” Reali em a be deed he towing bod ‘hos "Sutents corti dormin cae das cet o icone nly ‘eve some faenework These ae te most gees defo of Wat Wey cal “pslorphica reli Abou it fs always Been of penal appeal and ges nteest ‘iroughout he whelehisry of piv, vais a bacome a vet) ticl= seated se i he bs fay yor, expecially in he USA, wha Tray Kub's ‘The Src of Stents Revouions (Cicago 1962, cod eter eng, Chicago 1970) and these abet meommensuniy renewed dusion ‘aii ine pllowphy of wea athe end of the Sats. Agi Mato (Seond eda claged, Landen 1973)" Pal Feyerabend widest the meaning of icommesiabity 40 at sade not ony eee ou but ao Ie ‘Philsepy of pecepon and eepoingy.Athpetony has conte Be {icon of flan sine the pabheon of Claule Lévt Stas ane ‘wri (Pans 1952). Tere theater of Sacro that te trp ‘fareal onfontionbeveen fret eutoreranthsthe poe ofc ‘ona grand fr sername society culty soperbeormarewvanced ‘han weer Tis debuleiasxtopology wis ietmadaestine he Aglophon w ‘bythe potcaton of Petes Wines Ta ac of StS a Relat Philp (London 1958), where te aster by devcoping hate: Witt once fom fie ends by postulating and of nse benren iret pes ef seis Mest erimertAmercin pulonoters fr fstance Ror Nagel nd ly Novick ave hes a ne pt inh debate” Red 37 (98 len power iv of any he il om i sneeze 2 Boa 00), Bacay (19813). 28 Sumer). 30 Be 989 60) seni i inn ti Mens Sd Pep of Sem Mi 32 ee Wh (885, ape. -11), and Winch 87: pp. A), Tose one teen eo tod at 5 See Roy (197%. epcily gp. 2053), Nagel 66 Naik 24D, eal pe. 47 Ths at wu colts el ny th sept cach he » Prigieand te Outen Raion I stare freien oa nare each ee Senta screen teat eee aca mete catia thaat gemcrrasoe tae Senna wcoarateretatiemion Pepe cepeer enon na menneseanratat serrate Eeprogea ts ee gummi soar eee aes ene sat oor sige) and an cmoagical thesis (which, by relating trath, knowledge and Sore acc mncenetoees rien thn nme ete ener iereataestiteammareoaerae Sooo eeomnec cee Denese aa he ea tn mt Hk a coerecamernnian ater Saye ator beamae bos ey epee Bier entintereen tite ie omens ees eer eaten SEE Seaton bien gt nee sie do aeienteay eaten ioe Seemann BS ae atta anroraro RES eastemtoree os Spices fo Chenocicr wt ed St Wow and We (8 itt) Aes Unger), Xn 209 ata Te Seeman eS ma Promerse Plt nd Rlisn 0 Prag cas Berar he fi obtener of wet ‘tough Fe ok Progestin te sete give the tern by, istanee, Swayer an Be, ew amen could be pt tra defend ‘(oedema Pitas hn) or P's ow ett. Reavy ‘wouldbecame once agin (ondeed fom te ery Pt) at wk pln postion Plas extensive weament of Pongo, st athe Theo, wil io snake beter sere i we iter: Preagas movin 3 ¢ tee sis. Aer "ving intel Prosgors’ pounce ints Peotone na hey rh (cecrdiag 1b whicntnowtedge perception, 15]e) Poh mpaity "bdids i ino two gain second hess an epsetlopal coe which thou be condor of mwiedge,reltvitaly nero (7h S240) td ‘morologel os, wich abet he nratre ofthe worl (Ta 1524-158, and {Sab shete Plo ies up wha eh re Sent Dace Peto it son Hers leet) Marois rac ann provides not ely 9 ‘tse he uty of Prorat adele or Pno's ‘tals, but alse aed sre spay 3 way 1 make Plato's argent cle Robust elim Sees be he most cngenal tense apprec 0 ao tte nals cake guol sce of Pls eset of Protec If im 1 ‘eeeeuet the plnoly of guns the sri’ of oe logos of Paw {heros important am of hs bol) the sno previ by Mago’ tut ‘eas wil apour tbo thc ass capable of explain, St Pi’ ove bth |e Thon atin Protger at es Patgoen inn ae concerned) ta secon he sop unity fhe rele postant a Paaahee ‘0 Progam ie second main al of is stay)" ‘AST sid a, roars cn be kena P's subtest nent et this hci, ad wt I wh od es nt ely a recat the piospbial ‘Posions tn Pa aviats wo rotagers, tut sto provide mile else Dt Pog” psn (which Pl cst ete) by feaag sere conto fnpuren whic Tavs trod shove ean ton, The fll eaing of my ftp i dx weak historical pai of Potgn pte nthe oetes of te dlogues of Po Isto, I tope, eae. By pag some as Panne ‘oaneranramens i he course of fe reconrstion of Prosar dtnes fn Pos Phase Progra, wily natal pu ran rc sgt (Gagged by a nereion of Proayoas extant gine hat would rake ‘oc couterargmene lore oh oes tht he Hil Protaras ave ‘prsonlodon hs ows ah eo abet defer inl fs Pak bor) bt Thallahoatompt to make Protgerar lve prt philguoptcaly song ‘tan Plt a huh the ob, at ett make tho ls sy reftbl The pups of provid sct-Psnic runes sh nal. aly ‘peaking histor, more poral pills nay make Pago ‘Riss ore oe poston hay Pat segues ot ilove ese We by mrs of cooper razr on he Cage of tas ‘ia clas nest fra asm s concerned. ntheconrse ofthe ‘och El lap! ey bs ala eensive proach ower elim 16 vena hat gm whatever iia doen bt wal Wao BEES! ‘ath wher we ae sou vi, we ee est tbe as afl an peie ae {Canto wold ang coafison a papal erin tha fia o dene ‘Sei, Secon. orce meget clearer abou he meso, coment and comequencss ‘Stove, i bee lied oak elvis 9 ess vial pon thant y en supped tote Those thoughts wil make reltivi mote worth Tooke coma ne me peple suspect hat eres somthing te [Efraim cor be tne ogarded wr asonne pile postin, te ate {G wodestund he Bins dtd a wien expton Of she fs ‘ae history ofthat, hat, Plato's descupoen of Protas cies “Theat Protaras, il aks oo ese. Approaches 1 Plato Beton fling more dead eon ofthe sete ofthe ook ta my i thereto genta iw ofthe path ha [tn flow, iwc make ny appre to Pee sore exit. Pm i rll wate (ned one ofthe ca of sl tines) tl + Stat phtoopher hose sinably contracted “eps have fen bough is erect fo despa Me wits datogses ht fre mca by feet earners wo adbncepisopical ees hat vey tien exes condi The alu fer as repose Pao amp ase She plosophinsteagh ard wesenr of such tematv thes ano formelte hon maven forthe dobted gusion GtPovgh. agin, i's answer, ia ‘any cst, ot wb clea)" So, hom sei one read Fao’ ages? Ts {Desa hem note 1k ates angaments casi there an est the Il reaons, oot gs Pini’ ov postions amen Hone Stee soe roa lao’ logue to abs te oa elton and Ses hme ra ong ee a Soo eae a Scie SEE ston me men pone eae a rae Roe cee ri etna etn ea 79 Tiwi ccna tite lpn one One soy sion te Ss em i Pape 202) Rew (00 "On coed apro i Pee Rowe (2D exc 1-2, we wa see nai es of as Fey aga ow ie nt, seman Protas Rlin 0 most ven reading Plato fr alt! whoa th pte of a's heh tht cout most sae sas O cous, bh approaches oe moe than my ohemate dcp suggests ne apponch ot wl) ale Toineather One canbe vertv tot of Pits ramets We so Bet reve tthe skating of P's conta des vie vena. Tr reting Plaw's Phewtena snd Praga, te Spposch ted to follow ‘she ental one nt only hoon Dele 9 Be he os ru elt ‘igesinsion of Pit’ logue but alba tithe st profil the pores ofthe bck Toul asm hie ny posed westacing ‘tbe doctnc that Flay aeribst Ptayore aus dsloges. In dealing With Prongons, lao altanees sme sophishate rpmers mainly inthe Thetis sd Progra, wih estalmatexalishg som: Prone oss nen ‘refines peaons, Arment ifr or foreign ing, Prosyore doesn citrate are then devclaped Tor bowing the incomateny of Profagirspontn. The lop ef hse Poe equmens d ‘heir mito eltlows shat matrs most soe wo seen en (gern th coieat of te pilwpiest daca th Psonic Potagoas. Tis {Berenson yh nay pach ters me the mot oageal o spe ‘tty most nor developments of ths approach agit als fe fre! help fo mer compretension of Pas diahgbes. Some amltal shoes at few arene) only in th argos of Panic dalgues, but the {om thug which ose anpameae are exgressed” Mist Patni dalgues ae ‘evenly phobia masepaces et alo comes wots of ierary era where {Be lop fom that Pas choe fo peseating hs pilonophcal arpamen fn inert slement fra Faller wederstanig o hs phiosepy. To undesand these gre of alee moves and eoueovesterwern ts cha to agente tht occurs in Plas Oatogues census (9 a moe emp Uudesanang of Pat's wos, ‘hy ean of Pio wil ercfre sept combine a cl seiny ofthe lowphia pent tt he advance the Thon end Prager wih EXeaio ungentaning of th ieesy fant he chose for presenting sk tegument. Agar hs emp wl lp ue to comprehend in 2 ove exave trey mt only t's thought ta lo, iv, th ge of Praga a We had onrayes i Pt’ dangues Aer ceaminira Pas eames nthe Tae {iu Protaras and so ang to account Ka gh hic hse gens fe preeied, Iwi ey tof a egrd ascot of Frogs” docking io the bore of ee culopues and of one rt Soin of te Capi) In shor. lta ken fom ilgacs wit In dle’ prod of lia He contibute inciterent ways to the Fenton fon, single plcore af Praag (a of ‘howe, Some ght abject ht ex coal be problem of eoolog bere Rowititelegtonse schol temet dervensinglesomut testo) ‘ina abe 905 re cael oa shove a Sa RN a i 0. 3 ort eveap of isne aget ch Pa as lges ee oe roti id McC (19 wa Rg a Se FD. “of Pag, ft ifonnson ee aang he cous deve rom ls Kiss Ser’ peo roby mt les then Swen ous? The Pronger 8 ‘ovat cary, opus, whe ie Then irae tone ITs the cae, ‘Seri epost speak ceil Pam Pragra? The bon alls {ut log esons Ht hte mo ceri asa as Plow honey = ‘Sicraed Sylomery and xsi nies have mde signif pres {ne dating oF rope of Fat logs, but cry hes bw raced a ‘hres the cimolonel ode didognes vain groups i cones. Recent Ih an nile nw views hve bot ey aug by schol, Charles Kah ie spgetd bat spect allows wo rcogize thre oa ous in Pas Uinlogees te (inems,Phich Spi, Stesnan, Low), mile (Repub, hacia, sats oi Parente) acre esta C1 ack ay Lear “erwin gous, He hs adverts the vbw bat ie inporanes of een {be untnting Pin’ lous as ben vce The sent 9 Prigors dace thas say eat fig i ceri igre bt, bec mail, emo legs of Pi, appre tite n pros perp separated by some lps ohne. Such an ead evant o roogora doce ie dred Eom cos nays ofthe agents ‘fat cemscae tbe ia cknge of Thence and Proaeres. What vl “erp th coue of ht Bok ran serention ofthe lage one rg. {ly tbe Trentns ra tol ss sn area: ply in he cone oF ‘he wote dog. Onve I bave experi me agar, wl ys ot soaer tne ich again willbe analy in he save mater a the previous ae, 30 fer Aen have chai f ssc ecko hm understood a hi (rena and tei ifn lal smtents Once tex! oan ‘Sate any of hse apres, ey may be put ogee n sath 9 way a pig ptt of Pes andesanding of Proaporasemenges, Ts se torte s pares leitrte speach Wei ble to combine prety close ‘eegess ofthe xs than anti fare sync nk ‘aly mths bok he overlap Pa’ nereumting of Potgas n the cote of his (i) logue The chosen tpi des nA fo oF te ‘Meoiem of cvorlen. since te uegl aesouw of Page doctrines obtained Tiicondofthe pers reflects Pac wend of Potapra over ie. Wh sks wm Boner tt Pato ays ender Potagra i the sae manne ‘Tilaimys tok Psaprs dacs the same wa. Tete sn curd, Gr inel-nconsiseny tetweea Fab's undentanding of Potaginn 0 the “Sects” Propo and the ter Theta bth cases, roars i fo Patou dangro ast and Paes ndertandig of Prtagars is oe of hse Tepes whe Plt shows ne auton, ies think th bch aby m PL’ |fecncn abet Preagre ress hu wanes ht th sobs and his avi AVee ince te most npc sony fe mand fo he Kid abject “ocr: be mines, “is Sr Maen. Ney 2p. Progr Pa Blain s Structure ‘Now tht te exept! appro to Pat adopted in thi Bok tat been made elit. we can ever tote boots stare, The etre of Progr reas iSomple tit ies nd of pesto relat Sa mos ae te Individual wick ns epsiomologcalafonomy: ssa, sugges afm of tfc! ek fa ences sa, taken athe Space whee ivi by tat ther pei ethos expo, ot ity or wrong). Tema pu of his bok sabe Toegve psp relive, tc Boor hat eal ith {he cepts (only usdcsoa) ofthe inicual sed which sil be aaseee tan ptemolapcl pation with orginal antaegilcosequenee.Petagess ‘cept late fist dfn the Tlnuton, Pat's emmeet of thae ‘Sead ti esc for wo usta ls oe pein ‘iy insubey, buts he sing of Proper eal reais, ‘Chapers | and 2 of he book will ere sos 9 detaled analysis of the in at ofthe Pron section of Pats heer (T. 1321860, nls th srs tabling ds plospticl cont of Protaons peep ‘els, bt hm a eitemologil a enolgil pit of vw. The eg GF the Teac osed will be emforeed by ab intereitin of one teh (etn ft Crest wil ooberte the raga the Theat (5 ft { Pragsr percept reltvam ts enced). Thus, mote deta Chae Tl begin ty svi soe incematon on be sil ge of Pryor and ‘el ows on thos an ofthe Tare hse he educational vary Between Frotaors and Soctts dered refered owl continue by proving tines of Tatts 15281686 tip of he log, Pogo Percept lai shows tobe an epseniogic doce tht eal id Fenlogcal inter, according to which bthing 9% roa to Aoonsbdy Inthe cntxe reson wl be pote sho tha Pog st ‘commited to ong any (Herc) deci of, Chap wi provide at Utnljl ots rie part of he ruts al (nal) of he Detece of Ptagras inte eaten (679-164) nis pr of te Toten, Petagoras is made ‘apna hs owe cancption of adc and argue for imac. Reference a tte contemporary debe sbom eomensubity wil lp to make Possgons epi of wisdom more coker, as well ax weveling the spe of sini "Tee philosphisn! calneat of Prougons’ perl wisn will be ndentoad propery aly Plas oity ot taken accu the epson ‘SereeenPotugors” percept clan and P's spstenetegcalonologial (djs wl provide he exctka dihtmy Ba x ntended to shed ligt te tbe lene etene of Plt’ Thatta the ea wl be a ute um feuding of Pls’ moves gat rotor hat dogue The a po ha Provagor best perc even, with ts anblopeal consequences tnighforerdy tbl an Pao wns to spp: Peo s amet arom ower as som cholera normally init ak. Size Chaps an { peibwgh! Everyone an ipertan po th Thetis provided {reyes tn ofr of P's eyo in at alga eballengs sore port 6 Pros nd Chang of Rtn sadings of he Thtens, su a hat of McDowell, Burnes, Chappell and Seley ‘Onc the pilwphiesl asessmen! of Protugras' pect stvom has bon ‘mide. ws lb in» bet poston to comeing Proline atom hich wil be explored in Chapter 3. Th undestavay Of Praga eh ‘elaine obtained trugh eating of sme panes of he Patan Section ofthe Tweeters 167 172% and ITT) ead fie itp he Fretaora, snl te Mp 3io-124) 1 Prtagoren indie abe te eaoy kin of epistemological eiiliy (we tr peeepcas oe ‘eae, Protgnein cies willbe ina poston toate ae some ‘sin sacha wy tat they alone can dere Ws igh or wrong he ed, Referees Watgerstin's ction of orm if’ wl help ese ese understanding of Protaras ethic! elation sdf sent nn cen ‘lb done y aking. n th coment of rages reaver, he man of ang ie wih tof incommensray) Asin the cave of Prlgar seep ‘aii, wh: suggest lat Pas eumen of Prosar cel oa eae srt the phonic poe otis poon, whch sess is Pa Chapter 4 els with P's objection to Pagar‘ hose adnead 1 Theates, |; 1 78-18) A desaled se ya of Pls epee apt rows eave wil costae te bcthone of th sheer oi ete ar tht Pio’ el objection to lags relatvism ave tine eked hs shetty of th heathy and othe altatagenue Renton wil be paved to ‘Sow tht the efsesonangaret m anspprpite jon fo Be teed aginst rotagcens tevin sine as as0 rey sterol dooeng (harass o dostine combining ais, epscmolois! and slog ‘spec Hotere the eificeneheten “showing td Saying asecaea Th ame defen wa les he Wook eo proces cil "Sorate mfr" shared scrh by bath Souter an he eee forte same objstve thathetahts exaty she hau doe ‘ot openy lad anyon this arial ae} st Sones and Tae ke forward ine Theaters, which ths bacomes awe dshane of ty hich the proces of Sorte midwife scat out ™ Dat other people ware 9 toeh the soung in tesntzy Aes; are Sours, dese people professed to be wise ad made professes of tht llged winds, Rater nana, te Sopist wer Scere competi fn Be ‘Bac forthe edueaton oh eng thc ectement of Hippos at the pete ‘of Progra he iscusion om vito oud ii Protege he sonal TES fs of Sot id, no some pgs. The 44 1543, Sts ing Teta “Cat it ol bebo a ur ase thenachs ination to thet sae hh edn lesen oe et pro tat irate) hdr a ey ae Wat soto ie extra tvs iton ha snphn cel keen ‘Te ssc ogo 164719, cn Sx ig Tet" yoy se fori, do os ta he hinge rl nae ty {28 Pe en zg cuss ana oun econ ed iy a ae de eos mat) win Se se Brew 97 There (say ad (0p. 287, ats ed Soc ie desl pee fein 25 Se S089 1 hs ths te pee i he att of kl nt de sve ty tne ae om ri: ty ice win ome {tinder gs, bic ot ow ha i, wh Oa We 1 Se lg 3 On Sort wd, Soey (204 31-3, 25 Farce ateng make many te ey ep! cme th opus ely Cae a Prot he Cia flan afew stl ey wren see” Scrat imply 0 ‘Micon ay ine Too, her be ay the sey fg ‘Si yon wht poe my pea ae Surtees, tonto gan i coo eps Poses (I), ota ecg Seles o tt me young, ot eh lo eh Thue mae he ns of ew fpr Heme fe be! crane eet ane ae te nce ih hao eee. eu esa thon ty, ctr sr yond aan nor a) ‘Sento nae tes Three ow expec hi pss {Resp a lst co "ino nw hac ees ‘the Fino aug was Prmgeree dcp wins we il ee set The Meena ntsc a ha oo ed oe Pgorcin seclen mip brcadnas ston Plan's tok vent hw sage Frgead isin ow anh aching We ae wy inte cadens oe econ md ht eer ple ec oe Sle rence, in to of hi sat met the ct Wat eng ees ‘Shntedowand att inhy mates ring yong” SOBDKSyand {uaa song etbut pec sd pie sting ib at #BDKIO, Tt se anyn sow ep of aca he Sop pret Bu ne Ate ected Pp nens tein ne Thott tot teas pros nd sens nomsue) roses Null tae er sith nd 2 Ss Meso Dao comiuenty a pee Pogo ran ths iene Menno AT Tne toa a eac pcpion ud even ach ‘ies forte one oan (deep o Enon w bos te flere) Wee isa, Plea hgh Soe int ese Genie ofReuapwss aching? War won be blew wach each fe vei sle jg tna enn pn and uring prepa oe he Boag ere be yao ton msn Teo tnd 37 Sac jay Hon on srt ny rb ns nt roagrs sw 0 at Sry ak mt fo bear of ters es. Whee we {emer pom nd eo go osama oft me he ‘ssc ef yom wen (Pe ste), The ptt mae eons 4 ‘war kaon w Pao linac ar aes Gen pit of iw of ‘Riau pti Se ery bow might poole oes niet ‘Sot paces nl an tthe Sore est be eal forbs ‘Posi mts ever ccaol qross)yall eC suring “Tropa he Pastor, Sct objections © Progr ae fmt so arn voter tt oly be tears Of ib dors a aos ‘ogncy o's ee Proper wl ot xk yb nythig oe ws {tie eaten ih bs Mar Deon hei nt br abe mate ols ~ Ge Revi Sand React. FS Cle pe a8 te 32-9 nd 2-H, Sex aha Mui (180 Scope vine i 19, ‘Da pie Pees a arinsy s ‘sive bin to the wath because be bol tht each of ef sFsuiceein is Inowladge® But Preuporan openly poised to be wie ad 4 hve wisn Indeed be was someace who made of his wisdom x patron, ana Sone ens Poagest in he hot Protger ae wet ma alive (Pe 1646: Pr 3841), wl comer nthe Tests hesaye a mel "dot ‘ake any pronounces boating ys pease ven wad nee (Pi 150-7. The later sone. te Anonymous Commer een ud taken san at Soe ft wise of there woe fate abs ‘od oF fat at oars tht othe Sophia’ er Scr ly the pole ‘Fis, while he is somone spring obo mi ut whe hes ahaa wisdom, Os ‘he eer na, nln be ouny ppt presale cso in the Prsapuras,beeve hat he Spt ar we dt ee ist a hit leader, Promgoa. Bu Protaras sno weal Sorts wars andi wiry {scaly wpaven, Progors'decvine ten le ands teaching poles ned ‘rf othe young, Waat lao’ Sere wansto te Theta song se things. o feed he rik hat some young pele tun When ty ssoce themselves wih rotors: hey wrongly bec be a wise mts and tenes ‘worthy of he highs pri, whe Kes aly phi ann el pir ‘A dichotomy betneen the Sophia hx eprom wom onthe oe id ad the phicsper an is search orth he ter th uhing eid the Bt ins the Pecerens: he snc denaemy openly ed rl ly desk wh {nother impor sion ofthe Tate he grea 726-17%), ‘The Digresion ‘Afr having summed up his dohonted inepetion of Prgms” Mente ‘Doce Socata ce sain cnt te discs of he dct of Prsgors ih che question of wisdom and wae Tendon wean homing ive ne ‘ese dbcuson fr ewer aed homat ok ebm mee ex ans Entatanbone (Ti. 122669), The leer disiestn the cne precede the Digresion wha the dintion ohne asprin a Protea Mery tine ne cseassd. Th get seat he Digs te hich ays fometning abu! wien mar esta tan he preceding dicnson of Pengo ‘oct ble 10 co, 50 a ata he on of weiss inane ees ‘nay by porayngtw aerate praigmsof he itll. Term gro issomtowmisteaing ins hr supstEat ere faed wih ake sap Intron om the main hee of te divin; some auhraie woke fo instance Gite Ryle, have sea ithe Dgeson ore ha a" At aya { Oaabeepsenopia seule eka 8 TW 1985 531 Seas sdodey (9 LV 3138. 3 Ser Be (1966 p15 so MeDowe (10%:p 14); Bap (199 p. 4 by conra See 208 9. 63-8 yn cpl enna he owl sos sf je Digesuon ne cameo he dase tole by opti te don ven Soeur cht pai an i, he mst ae Pe hme oe ‘heron! desig a 17Tovhar Berra we hae cn ithe le ele

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