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Analog Circuits-1 (GATE - 2021) - Reports

Overall Analysis Comparison Report Solution Report

All(17) Correct(13) Incorrect(4) Skipped(0)

Q. 1 Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

The condition in which the thermal runaway will occur in a BJT is

A the heat generated at the collector is less than the heat dissipated by it.

B the heat generated at the collector is more than the heat dissipated by it. Your answer is Correct

Solution :

C the heat generated at the emitter is less than the heat generated at the base.

D the heat generated at the emitter should be less than the heat dissipated by the collector.


Q. 2 FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the circuit shown in the figure below:

If the value of α = 0.992 and the value of V BE (on) = –0.7 V, then the value of base to collector voltage V BC is equal to

A –4.47 V

B –3.25 V

C 4.47 V Your answer is Correct

Solution :


D 3.25 V


Q. 3 FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the circuit shown in the figure below:

The value of capacitor C 1 and C 2 is equal to 1.2 pF and 1.5 pF respectively. At steady state, the voltage across the capacitor C 2 is equal to –10 V,
then the value of K is equal to

A 5 Your answer is Correct

Solution :
The circuit shown is a voltage doubler circuit, i.e. the value of voltage of the capacitor C 2 is twice the value of maximum amplitude of the input

B –5

C 10

D –10


Q. 4 Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the diode circuit shown in the circuit below:

If the diode is ideal then the value of current flowing through the diode is equal to

A 5 mA

B 0.5 mA Your answer is Correct

Solution :


C 1.5 mA

D 2.5 mA


Q. 5 Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider a half wave rectifier with a 500 Ω load operating from 200 V(rms) supply. If the diode have forward resistance equal to 10 Ω, then the
regulation is

A 17%

B 2% Your answer is Correct

Solution :


C 3%

D 4%


Q. 6 FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the transistor circuit shown in the figure below:

Assuming the two transistors to be perfectly matched with the value of reverse saturation current Then the
value of output voltage V o is equal to ____ mV.

622.49 (600 - 700 ) Correct Option

Solution :
622.49 (600 - 700)

Your Answer is .622


Q. 7 FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the circuit shown in the figure below:

Assume both the diode to be ideal then the current through the diode D 2 is equal to ______ mA.

0 Your answer is Correct 0

Solution :


Q. 8 Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

The capacitive filter should be used when

A load current is high Your answer is Wrong

B load current is low Correct Option

C high load resistance R L Correct Option

D low load resistance R L Your answer is Wrong


Solution :

(b, c)


Q. 9 Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the circuit shown in the figure below:

The transistor a silicon transistor with V BE (on) = 0.7 V and transistor is biased at a Q -point of (1.5
is V, 3 mA) then consider the statements about the
value of the feedback resistance R B and the current source (Assume β = 90).

A the value of resistance R B = 24 kΩ Your option is Correct

B the value of current = 3.033 mA Your option is Correct

C the value of Your option is Correct

D the value of R B is proportional to


Solution :

(a, b, c)


Q. 10 Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the circuit shown in the figure below:

The value of cut-in voltage is equal to the forward cut-in voltage of the transistor V BE (on) . Assume that the value of β to be very
large, then collector current is equal to

A 1.45 mA

B 2.12 mA Your answer is Correct

Solution :


C 3.19 mA

D 6.55 mA


Item 1-10 of 17 « previous 1 2 next »

Analog Circuits-1 (GATE - 2021) - Reports

Overall Analysis Comparison Report Solution Report

All(17) Correct(13) Incorrect(4) Skipped(0)

Q. 11 FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the circuit shown n the figure below.

Assume, that the V D has a cut-in voltage of 0.7 V otherwise ideal. The input voltage varies from Then the curve of for the
range of input voltage is equal to

C Your answer is Correct

Solution :



Q. 12 FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the ideal diode circuit shown in the figure below:

If the input to the circuit is given as V in(t) = 10sin(ωt), then the waveform of the output V 0 is equal to

C Your answer is Correct


Q. 13 FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the circuit shown in the figure below:

Both the transistors are identical and the value of V BE (on) = 0.7 V and β = 200. If the value of output voltage V 0 is equal to 3 V, then the value of
current source I o is equal to

A 1 mA Your answer is Correct

Solution :


B 2 mA

C 3 mA

D 4 mA


Q. 14 FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the transistor circuit shown in the figure below:

The transistor is a silicon with V BE = 0.7 V when transistor conducts and V CE (sat) = 0.2 V if the transistor enters into saturation region. The value of
R B was suppose to be 300 kΩ but due to the fault in the rheostate, the actual value of the resistor was 50% less than the value which was assumed
then the value of current is equal to ______ mA.

4.9 (4.5 - 5.5) Your answer is Correct 4.9

Solution :
4.9 (4.5 - 5.5)


Q. 15 FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the circuit shown in the figure below:

Transistor has β = 50, V BE = 0.7 V, V CE sat = 0.2 V. The maximum value of of R B upto which BJT remains in saturation is _______kΩ.

72.88 (72.80 - 72.90) Correct Option

Solution :
72.88 (72.80 - 72.90)

Your Answer is 67.187


Q. 16 FAQ Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the circuit shown in the figure below:

The value of η = 1 for both the diodes at V T = 26 mV. Assume that C 1 and C 2 are blocking capacitors and a small signal AC voltage is applied to
the circuit and voltage output is equal to V o . Then

A the value of small signal resistance of diode D 1 is equal to 2.6 kΩ. Your option is Correct

B the value of small-signal resistance of diode D 2 is equal to 3.25 kΩ. Correct Option

C Your option is Correct

the value of voltage gain is equal to 0.556.

D Your answer is Wrong

the voltage gain is equal to 0.825.


Solution :

(a, b, c)


Q. 17 Solution Video Have any Doubt ?

Consider the circuit shown in the figure below :

The value of saturation current of diode D 1 and D 2 are respectively. Then which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

A Your option is Correct

B Your option is Correct

D Your option is Correct


Solution :

(a, b, d)


Item 11-17 of 17 « previous 1 2 next »

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