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Name of Drug Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Side Effect Nursing Responsibilities


Generic Name: For local Contraindicated in Lidocaine's CNS: Nursing Consideration:

anesthesia patients antiarrhythmic Confusion,
Lidocaine  Monitor drug level.
including hypersensitive to effects result tremor, stupor,
Hydrochloride Therapeutic levels
peripheral nerve amide type local from its ability to restlessness,
are 1.5 to 5 mcg/mL
Brand Name: block anesthesia. anesthesia inhibit the influx light-headedness,
 Check BP and
In adults, the of sodium seizures,
Classification: Contraindicated in cardiac monitor
dosages for local through the lethargy,
those with adams- prior to
anesthesia "fast" channels somnolence,
Therapeutic: stroke syndrome, administration of
reported are of the anxiety,
wolf-parkinson- lidocaine.
Antiarrhythmics general myocardial cell hallucinations,
guidelines only. white syndrome, membrane, nervousness,  For stable patients,
Pharmacologic: The actual dose and severe degrees thereby paresthesia, doses should be
depends on a of SA, AV, or increasing the muscle twitching given slow IV push
Amide Derivatives intraventricular at 25 mg/minute.
variety of factors recovery period
such as depth of block in the after CV:  Monitor blood
anesthesia, extent absence of of repolarization. Hypotension, pressure and cardiac
2 mg/mL of surgical artificial Lidocaine bradycardia, new monitor during
procedure, degree pacemaker suppresses or worsened therapy with
Route: arrhythmias,
of muscle automaticity and lidocaine.
I.V relaxation decreases the cardiac arrest  Assess neurological
required, duration effective and respiratory
EENT: Blurred
of anesthesia and refractory period status frequently for
or double vision,
the patients' and the action signs of toxicity.
physical potential  When treating a
condition. duration in the GI: Vomiting patient for
For paravertebral His-Purkinje Respiratory: ventricular
block. system at Respiratory dysrhythmias with
concentrations depression and lidocaine, an IV
Regional dosage
that do not arrest infusion (drip) must
Adults suppress be started soon after
automaticity at Skin: Soreness of the bolus or serum
30 to 50 mg (3 to injection site
the SA node. level will drop
5 mL of a 1%
Others: below therapeutic
Sensation of range and
cold, anaphylaxis ventricular
dysrhythmias will
 If patient appears
upset or agitated,
consider lidocaine
toxicity.  If toxicity
is evident, simply
discontinue IV
levels drop in 10-20
Patient Teaching:
Tell patient to promptly
report adverse reactions,
such as palpitations,
dyspnea, confusion, anxiety,
vision changes, dizziness,
tinnitus, nausea, and
vomiting, because toxicity
can occur

Name of Drug Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Side Effect Nursing Responsibilities


Generic Name:

Brand Name:




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