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What might be the fate of Gaddafi?

Libya is witnessing a severe wreck as there has been a serious fight

between the stylish dictator Gaddafi and his rebels supported by UN.
Billions of dollars of assets and innocent civilians were smashed into
ashes. Forces made it clear that this tug will continue till they pin down
the dictator, whereas the later is trying hard to repel ferociously and
retain his reign. In this scenario an urge came to my mind to know the
fate of Gaddafi and immediately I took the horary map for analysis as

Here I assumed that the ascendant will denote the dictator (though he
is foreigner to me who reflect in the 9 th house). The following are the
rules which we should bear in mind while analyzing the map.

As per KP if the Ascendant co-rulers especially the sub lord is connected

with the Maraka & Badaka houses then life span is very less.
Ruling planets at the time of judgment will be the significators for
Maraka-Badaka houses if span is less.

We have to check the transit and verify whether the significators for
death house are transiting in the stars and subs of dire malefics or not.
This is to be done if we find that the life will end in less than a month.
(This is my opinion).

Now reverting to the map we find that the ascendant was co-ruled by
Sun-Kethu-Kethu as sign-Star-Sub lords respectively.

Sun is in the 9th house (Badaka house for Leo asce.) in the star of Venus
and sub of Saturn. Venus is lord of 10 in 8 and Saturn is lord of 6-7 in 2 nd
house (2-7 houses are Maraka houses). Note that Sun is lord of the 2 nd
house also.

Kethu is in the 11th house but conjoined with Moon lord of 12th house.
Kethu is in the star of Mars and sub of Mercury. Mars is in 9 th house
whereas Mercury is very close to the 9 th cusp! Further Kethu was
aspected by Saturn from the 2nd house.

Therefore the co-rulers of the Ascendant are strongly connected with

Maraka and Badaka houses. Hence life span is very less!

Ruling planets at the time of Judgment are Sun-Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter.

Sun-Kethu was discussed earlier. Mercury was close to the 9 th cusp in
his own star but in the sub of Jupiter in Badaka sthana. Further Mercury
rules the sub on 7th cusp. Jupiter is in 9th house in the star and sub of
Kethu in 11. Though this is a good point but Kethu was with 12 th lord
Moon and deposited in the star of Mars who rules the star on 7 th cusp
and sub on 2nd cusp and occupies the 9th house. Therefore he also turns
to be a malefic.
Present dasa-bhukthi lord is Jupiter, as said above not strong. In this
bhukthi Mars anthara lasts till 31, May-2011. Mars is in the star of
Kethu and sub of Moon. This period is highly dangerous for the

Five planets are going to transit in the star of Kethu, before the end of
May. During this month 15th, 18th and 20th are dangerous dates.

As per my horary analysis chances for the survival of the Libyan leader
are very remote and the period ending on 31-05-2011 is threatening for

Let us see what will be the decision of that “Almighty” before whom I

Good Luck

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