Slide (Efa Overview) : in 2000, The Philippines

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To our equally respective professor, Prof Rosalie Ocaris, to my co-

resource speakers and to my dearest participants, ladies and

gentleman, good morning. Before I start my presentation, let me
enlighten you with an inspiring quote saying “________________”.
Hopefully, you’ll gain something relevant with our topic.
 1st Slide (EFA OVERVIEW)
Did you know that in the year 1990, there was a World Declaration on
Education for All (EFA) in Jomtien, Thailand, which prescribed that Basic
Learning Needs shall be met for all by various means. As a response,
the Philippines crafted and implemented the 10-year EFA Philippine
Plan of Action covering 1991-2000. The EFA plan articulated the
country’s national goals, objectives, policies and strategies, as well as
the regional programs for implementation for the first decade of the
EFA movement.
 2nd Slide (UNDER 1991-2000)
Under the 1991-2000 Plan (EFA 1), the thrusts included:
 4th Slide (Universalization of Quality Primary Education)
 6th Slide ( In 2000, THE PHILIPPINES…)
In 2000, the Philippines, as a reaffirmation of the vision set in the 1990
World Declaration, committed itself to the following EFA 2015 Goals at
the World Education Forum in Dakar: 1st goal we have…
 7th to 8th Slide (READ THE CONTENT)
 9 Slide (Philippines EFA 2015 National Action Plan entitled “Functionally Literate Filipinos, An
Educated Nation.”)
 10th Slide (four component objectives)
Though the government officially approved the Philippine EFA 2015
Plan only in 2006, it was already used by the DepEd as its overall
planning and policy framework as early as 2003 and was already
integrated in the formulation and updating of the MTPDP 2001-04 and
2005-2010. Instead of six target dimensions as advanced by global EFA,
the Philippines grouped them into four component objectives when it
considered the local situation, all geared towards the overall goal of
providing basic competencies to everyone to achieve functional literacy
by 2015. First component objectives is…
 11th Slide (Production Tasks)
To attain the above goals, nine urgent and critical tasks were
formulated. The six production tasks will hopefully yield the desired
educational outcomes while the three enabling tasks will be necessary
to sustain effective implementation of the production aspects.
First in production tasks includes the following: (READ THE CONTENT)
 12th slide (Enabling Task)
In enabling tasks includes the.. (READ THE CONTENT)
 13th slide (early childhood education) (READ THE CONTENT FIRST)
The law also mandates the establishment of coordinating
mechanisms at the national and local levels to ensure sustained
multi-sectoral collaboration.
 14th Slide (Services and activities funded by the ECCD program include) (READ THE CONTENT)
 15th Slide (Capability building activities) (read the content)
 16th Slide (Data Bank for Early Childhood Care and Development) READ THE CONTENT
 17TH Slide (Monitoring and Evaluation) read the content

 18th slide (Since 2000, the achievements on ECCD program include the following; read the content)

 19th Slide (Going Global with Early Learning Standards and Development; read the content)
Because of the country’s ECCD initiatives, the Philippines became
one of the six countries selected under the joint UNICEF and
Columbia University project entitled Going Global with Early
Learning Standards and Development which aims to meet the
current gap in assessing and monitoring children’s early
development. The primary goal of the project was for the six
countries to develop nationally acceptable learning and
development standards that could be used in several different
ways to improve the lives of young children.
 20th Slide (A joint project called Kalusugan ng Kabataan Ating Kinabukasan…read the content)
To attain the set targets on early childhood education, partnership
and networking with other government agencies, LGUs, NGOs and
the private sector was deemed a necessary strategy. Gains along
this line include the following:
 21 (Pre-school education for 5 years old is the focus of the DepEd’s initiatives on
early childhood education. For this, three major strategies were put in place namely;
read the content)
 22nd Slide (Strengthening the formal system of pre-school delivery; read the content)
 23rd Slide (Implementing the Preschool Service Contracting Program; read the content)
 24th Slide (Providing Early Childhood Education Exposure to all Incoming Grade 1 Students; read the content)
 25th Slide

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