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Tuesday, July 6, 2021 6:53PM Importance of Press Issues in India Voice of commons Restrictions through lot of laws Fourth pillar of democracy Lack of ethies in media ‘Attacks on journalists Lack of codification of parliamentary privilages Media i.e chamber of elite classes Commercialization of Media Grounds Sedition Defamation Recent Preventive detention Decline in rank of freedom of press index Contempt of court Contempt of parliament Pandit Nehru 1 will prefer free press with no government rather than government without free press. Newspaper Freedom Bennett Coleman Vs UOI 1973 [Indian Express Vs UOL Govt can’t restrict no of pages and limit of circulation _| Govt can impose reasonable taxes Sakal Paper Case Art 361.4 Govt can't put restrictions in the name of regulation Defamation Justification Right to reputation History Poverty Colonial legacy Criminal laws Aim Art 19@) To protect elites and lords from criticism Reasonable restriction Laws See 499 of IPC See 500 of IPC Subramaniam Swami Case 2016 Right to reputation ie part of life under Art 21 Criminal offence Anylysis Broke harmonious construction between Art 19 and 21 Against fundamental principles of criminal laws Issues in India Givil as well as Criminal offence Givil law ‘Criminal law Dispute between two private persons State involvement Contempt of Court Justification To maintain faith in Judicary [To protect dignity of court History Contempt of Court Act 1971 Tssues Defination of civil and criminal contempt | To protect erring judges | Misuse Givil contempt To avoid fair erticism Willful disobedience of court orders “Note Criminal contempt |Iustice cannot be a cloistered virtue Any work or action lowers prestige of court _ | Caesar’s wife should be above suspicion Obstruction in administartion of justice ‘Mulgaokar Case Guidelines 1978 Art 192) Harmonious use with Art 19 Reasonable restriction Judges need not be hypersensitive Totality of the case is to be seen Art 129 Fair criticism 2006 Law Substantive interference in judical affairs Truth is valid defense

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