Makalah Bahasa Inggris Pertanian Criteria of A Proper Scientific Presentation

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Diajukan Oleh:
Syifa Fauziyah
Program Studi Agroteknologi

Presentation is the delivery of a person's writing or scientific work in front
of an invitation forum / participant or an activity to speak in front of the public /
public (audience), in order to propose an idea or idea to gain understanding or
mutual agreement (Edi, 2015). The presence of participants in a presentation is
useful to make the presentation more active and smooth, as well as efficient
within a set period of time. The person who delivers the presentation is called the
presentator or presenter, while the person attending the presentation is called the
audience. In order for the presentation to run selectively, there are a few things to
take into account. The intended things are as follows: attracting the interest and
attention of participants, directing the attention of participants, maintaining the
interest and attention of participants, maintaining focus on the presentation
presented, maintaining the ethics or code of ethics of the presentation. The
purpose of the presentation is to instruct, convince, persuade, inspire, and
In a scientific meeting, a person often hears and follows a scientific
presentation that is initially interesting, but moments later he finds it difficult to
follow until the end of the presentation. Most presentations show an interesting
result, but often the audience is difficult to follow because the speaker unwittingly
makes a mistake. The most common mistake is that the speaker does not realize
that he did not invite the audience to be actively involved in the presentation he
Scientific presentations delivered orally is an effective and popular
technique among professionals to transfer information to the audience and so that
information can be absorbed properly and easily. To achieve this goal, it takes the
ability to prepare the material to be presented as well as how to effectively deliver
the material in order to achieve the goal. The key to a speaker's success when
conveying information in a scientific meeting is the ability to prepare and
organize the material as much as possible and at the same time the ability to
present it in scientific meetings, in order to influence and invite the listener to
diligently pay attention to the material presented by the speaker. In this paper will
be discussed about how the criteria of scientific presentation are effective and


The initial process of making a scientific presentation is almost the same
as the process of filming. A speaker should be able to bring together several
different elements so that it becomes an interesting story, and this is the same as
the activities of a speaker in preparing his presentation material to produce an
effective, communicative and interesting presentation. A good presentation device
allows a speaker to develop existing facilities into a live image that is a blend of
text, animation, still images as well as video and sound clips. (Thalhah, 2014)
Presentation is one of the things that needs to be mastered in the current
era of technology and communication. In addition, the presentation is also an
integral part of scientific activities in universities, such as research, community
service, writing scientific works, and others. With presentations, we try to
communicate the results of research, or our ideas directly to meaningful listeners
as well as to the thought collective (Carter, 2013).
But not everyone mastered good presentation techniques. Even for some
people presentation is a scary thing so it is not uncommon for many to fail when
doing so. Many people are good at writing a scientific article, but are less able to
deliver it in scientific forums. In addition, often we also witness a scientific work
that is very good but presented (presented) with no good, so as to reduce the target
to be achieved in the scientific work is not up, but it can also reduce the quality of
the scientific work. So to present a scientific work requires some certain
requirements, because presentation is a way to explain something (ideas, opinions,
cases, solutions, information etc.) to a collection of people that can be done either
with the help of technology or not. According to Noer (2014) there are several
things to note including:

A. Presentation Preparation
Even if you master the subject and are able to speak with authority,
careful preparation is still required, for at least two important reasons:
1. Find more information about the subject to present to the audience.
Choose information that stands out. If you don't have enough information,
it's best not to give a presentation
2. Market ideas to the audience and gain and maintain the attention of the
The preparatory steps are: (1) target analysis, (2) site survey, (3)
framework &structure, (4) research &implementation, (5) writing, (6)
visualization &media, (7) exercise, and (8) delivery/presentation. However,
these eight stages do not mean that the speaker does not master the subject and
other supporting knowledge.
Presentation materials can be packaged more interesting and not boring
thanks to the help of technology that is growing rapidly today. You can use
simple but sophisticated presentation materials using powerpoint media or use
more interactive presentation materials with a multimedia builder (can use
The purpose of the presentation material is solely as a guiden (guide) so
that the presentation material does not come out of the material that we have
set. A well-spoken presenter often forgets and exits the material that should be
presented and does not fit the prepared presentation flow. Therefore, convey
the material that will be delivered in the media presentation of the points of
mind to maintain the flow of the presentation (usually in the form of pointers
to the subject matter)

B. Presentation Implementation
Some important things that need attention in the presentation are;
a. Control the Environment.
Mastery of the environment is necessary to avoid additional mental
stress when unwanted things happen. The trick that can be done is: come
shortly before the presentation starts, so you have enough time to: prepare
the means of presentation (try sound, LCD, Laptop, pointer, or even to the
point where you will stand when you present). Set the scenario with
moderators (if the moderators are your friends) so that you are not
surprised if there is a sudden change of scenario by the moderator
(including the allocation of time provided by the moderator for you)
b. Pay attention to the audience.
Look at the audience evenly and alternately, so it's impressive that
you pay close attention to them. Don't turn your eyes on the ceiling or
floor so it impresses you not to be confident.
c. Talk straightforwardly
Use simple, clear language, which impresses you not to be arrogant
(don't use extraterrestrial language even if some audiences understand the
d. Describe the media.
Presentation media is only as a guiden (guidance) to maintain the
flow of the presentation. Avoid reading word-to-word presentation media
(let alone semicolons in read-all), if necessary memorize the explanation
of each pointer on the powerpoint to impress that you really mastered what
you wrote on the presentation slide.
In presenting a scientific presentation, a speaker needs to pay attention to
many factors so that the delivery of material is not just a transfer of information,
or just an actual exchange of science, but also how to behave as a communicator
who has an attitude that can captivate the hearts and attention of the person who is
communicated. (Denisson)
Designing a scientific presentation is not too difficult because it is easy to
learn, but how to present it effectively, demands the rhetorical ability, talents and
interests of a speaker to be able to integrate the design and content of the material
into an interesting scientific presentation activity.7-9 The scientific presentation
preparation procedure begins with several questions such as "what material to
deliver, who the audience will face, whether this material is actual enough or has
been presented too often in scientific forums , is it useful for the audience after
attending a scientific presentation?" Based on these questions the speaker can
collect answers that can be a provision to prepare an effective presentation
material. ( Marchack, 2002).
Getting to know the audience will help the speaker in preparing material
that can attract attention, and change the attitude of the audience who do not have
knowledge about the material presented into a useful material.
Based on studies conducted by Hoffman and Mittelman (2004) attitudes
can help shape a person's behavior that determines action, such as changes in
attention and acceptance of a material. So if the speaker knows the characteristics
of the audience that will be faced, then he will easily prepare, design and present
presentation materials that can stimulate the attention and interest of the audience.
In designing presentation materials with the help of a PowerPoint
program, all the elements that support presentations that are a mix of text,
animation and sound, as well as the selection of color compositions also affect the
effectiveness of a scientific presentation. Text designs in slides that use too many
italic or tilted effects make it difficult for attendees to read quickly. The results of
a study conducted to assess the capture and quality of student memory retention
against slides with different text, namely Arial and Times New Roman, concluded
that simple letterforms such as Arial help improve students' capture and retention
of memory to the material presented. ( Marchack, 2002)
A good presentation is a combination of content, design and how to
convey material. How to convey the material will be very interesting and effective
when done taking into account the sound, body movements and appearance when
presenting the material. Presenting the material is not an easy thing, so it requires
sufficient practice, because everyone has stage fright, afraid to speak in front of
the crowd. Some research shows that the greatest fear in a person's life is public
speaking. Some studies have even found that a person is more afraid of public
speaking than being bitten by a rattlesnake.
From the paper that has been made, it can be concluded in making a
scientific presentation should pay attention to several things including:
1. In presenting a scientific presentation, a speaker needs to pay attention to
many factors so that the delivery of material is not only in the form of
transfer of information, or just an actual exchange of science, but also how
to be a communicator who has an attitude that can captivate the hearts and
attention of the person who is communicated
2. prepare, design and present presentation materials that can stimulate the
attention and interest of the audience.

Denisson W, Jones A, Saxby T. The art of science communication. Available

from PowerPointeffectively.pdf. Diakses 9
April 2021.
Edi, Oktasius. 2015. Teknik Presentasi yang Baik dan Benar.
dan-benar.html diakses tanggal 9 April 2021
Hoffman M, Mittelman M. Presentations at professional meetings: notes,
suggestions and tips for speakers. Eur J Intern Med 2004; 15: 358-63.
Marchack BC. Guidelines for digital scientific presentations. J Prosthet Dent
2002;88: 649- 53.

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