Speaking and Vocabulary: Verb Phrases About Ambitions

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Speaking and vocabulary

Verb phrases about ambitions

1a Think of three ambitions you had when you were a child.

Use t he photos to help you.

b Wo rk in pa irs and compa re you r ideas. Did yo u achieve

your am bit ions? Why I W hy not?

I always wanted to be a ba ll et dancer.

Really? My dream was to trave l around the world ...

2 Match the verbs in A to t he phrases in B to make verb phrases

a bout am bitio ns. dream you want to do in the future
your ambition is to startup your own company
1 become ~ 1c a abroad
2 write 2h b children
3 go round 3j c famous
4 earn 4g d a house or flat
5 learn 5e e how to drive
6 start 6l f married
7 go 7a g €1 million
8 get 8f h a book
9 buy 9d television
10 appear on 10i j the world
11 go to 11k k university
12 have l yo ur own business
Are you ambitious? Follow our Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park and he modelled himself on his hero - he
five secrets of success and more recently, War Horse. tried to be better than Sampras and
you can succeed! everyone else. In 2011. Djokovic,
It isn't just confidence. Our third
aged 24, won three major world
First: 1 ! That's what tip is: 3 . The · 10,000-hour
championships and became the
popstar Shakira did. She first rule for success' says you need to
World Number One.
performed in public aged four, practise for a minimum of 10,000
and for nine years, she wrote hours. That's about six hours a day Finally: 5 . Luckily for Harry
songs and sang for her friends. By for five years. Microsoft founder Bill Potter fans, author J K Rawling didn't
the age of 13, she had a contract Gates is a good example; for about listen to the negative comments
with a record company. For the five years, when he was a teenager, from 12 publishers who rejected
last 15 years, she has been one of he spent 10.000 hours working on a her books. For two years, she tried
the most successful pop singers in basic computer. His hard work gave to get them published . Even the
the world. If you can't start young, him a big advantage over other publisher who gave her a contract
then 2_ _ __ people. said she had no chance of making
money in children's books. He was
When Steven Spielberg didn't get Others can also inspire you. so
wrong, and for the last ten years, J K
into film school, he pretended he tip number four is: 4 . At
Rawling has been a multi-millionaire.
had a job at Universal Studios. the age of five, Novak Djokovic
These successful people started at the
He walked confidently past the decided he didn't want to be a
bottom and got to the top. You can
security guards and worked there good tennis player; he wanted
too! Follow our five-point plan and
for three months. For nearly 40 to be the best tennis player in the
you will succeed!
years. Spielberg has directed world . Djokovic got his inspiration
many Hollywood films, including from champion Pete Sampras and

3a Work in pairs. Put the ambitions in exercise 2 into 2 Read the article and write the five secrets of success
three categories: in the correct place.
• things that most people do a set your goals high
• things that very few people do b start young
• things that are difficult to do c work hard- very hard
d be confident
b Compare your ideas with other students. e keep trying

3 Read the article again and answer the questions.

Reading and speaking 1 What did Shakira do when she was four years old?
2 What did Shakira do when she was 13 years old?
3 How long ago did Spielberg start in the film
1 Work in pairs. Read the quotation below and discuss industry?
the questions. 4 How long did Bill Gates spend on his computer
• What do you think the quotation means? when he was a teenager?
• Do you agree with it? 5 Who did Novak Djokovic want to be like?
• What do you think is the 'secret' of success? 6 How many publishers said no to J K Rowling's
Harry Potter books?
7 How long did she keep trying to get her books

4 Work in pairs and discuss.

• Do you agree with the five secrets of success in the
article? Why I Why not?
• Which one do you think is the most important
Confucius (Chinese philosopher, about 2,500 years ago)
piece of advice?
• Have you or has anyone you know succeeded in
doing something by following any of these tips?
Grammar focus 1
Present perfect and Past simple
with for

1a Work in pairs and discuss. Are these stat ements

true (T) or false (F)?
1 Spielberg worked at Universal Studios for three
months when he was 13.
2 Spielberg has directed Hollywood films for nearly
60 years.

b Read the sentences in the Grammar box and check

your ideas.

1a Look at the sentences. Underline the Past simple
verbs and circle the Prese nt perfect verbs.
1 He worked there for three months when he was 18.
2 He's directed films for nearly 40 years.
b Which action is fini shed? Which action continues up 2 Draw six circles. Write the following information in
to the present? the circles.
2 Match questions 1- 2 with the correct answers.
• the name of your best friend when you were 11
1 How long have you lived here?
• the name of someone you know now (a friend/
2 How long did you live there?
a I lived there for two years. • the name of a teacher you had in the past
b I've lived here for six months. • the town where you live now
• your address when you were ten years old
• your job or the job of someone you know
3 Work in pairs and swap your lists. Take turns to
1 Complete the sentences with the Present pe rfect or ask and answe r questions about each piece of
Past simple form of the verb in brackets. information. Use your own ideas and the questions
I below to help you.
1 I ~- (live) in Dublin for two years and then I
moved to Cardiff. Why did you write (Sadie I Mr jones I Cambridge I
I 2 She~- (buy) a small flat in Paris in 2010.
3 My best friend's name is Millie. I~- (know) her • How long have you known (him/her) ?
for about eight years. • How did you first meet?
4 1 ~-(have) a job in a restaurant for a few • How long have you lived there?
months last summer. • How long did you live there?
5 She's a vegetarian. She~- (not eat) meat for • When did you last go there?
the last ten years. How long have you been (an architect)?
6 1 love going for walks with my dog- I ~~ (have) • What did you do before you were (an architect)?
her for five years.
7 He~- (play) the gu itar for a few months, but
Why did you write Sadie?
stop ped last December.
8 1 ~- (be) in Italy for six years- I live in the
capital, Rome.


1 ~ 7.1 Listen and write down the eight sentences you

hear. Notice the pronunciation of for and have. I've known her for about five years.
2 Practise saying the sentences.

Unit 7, Study & Practice 1, page 150

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Success !07

Grammar focus 2 GRAMMAR

Present perfect and Past simple with Look at the time words/phrases in bold with the
other time words Present perfect. How does each word/phrase change
the meaning?
1 I haven't made a million yet.
2 We've just had our first baby.
3 My latest game has already sold ten million copies.
4 In the last ten years I've had about ten different
2 Look at the time phrases with the Past simple. Are these
actions finished or do they continue to the present?
1 I moved to the United States last year.
2 I married Ben a couple of years ago.
3 Choose the correct tense for these rules.
Present perfect I Past simple gives the 'news' about
2 Present perfect I Past simple gives more details
about the news.


1a Choose one sentence in each pair (a or b) which is

true for you. Complete the sentences if necessary.
1 ~ 7.2 Robbie left school in 2003. Listen to him 1 a I haven't finished school yet.
talking about his old school friends and match the b I finished school (when?).
photos with phrases 1-6 below. 2 a I've just started learning English.
1 His/Her ambition was to be a millionaire. b I started learning English (when?).
2 He/She wanted to become an ecologist. 3 a I've never broken an arm or a leg.
3 He/She spent most of his time in his bedroom. b I broke my {what?) in {when?).
4 He/She was very quiet. 4 a I haven't been abroad this year.
5 He/She was interested in business. b This year I've been to {where?).
6 He/She studied for at least three hours every evening. 5 a I've never met anyone famous.
b I met {who?) {when?).
6 a I haven't played any sport this week.
2a Work in pairs and discuss. How do you think Robbie's b This week, I've played {what?).
friends' lives have changed in the last ten years?

b Work in pairs and compare your sentences.

b Read the posts below and underline one thing each
friend has I hasn't done.
2 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions
about things you have done in the last ten years.
1 Which foreign countries have you visited?
Let me see ... In the last ten years I've had about ten 2 Have you changed school/jobs?
different jobs. I've worked in import-export, and I've just 3 Have you moved house?
started a new company selling kitchen equipment, but I 4 Have you done any courses?
haven't made a million yet! 5 Have you taken up any new sports or interests?
6 What other important things have happened to you?
Since oniversity, I've worked for a number of
environmental organisations, mainly as a volunteer. I Which foreign countries have
married Ben a couple of years ago, and we've just had you visited in the last ten years?
our first baby- Kara.

I moved to the United States last year and now I work I've been to Japan and Vietnam.
here as a computer game designer. My latest game -
Death Trap - has already sold more than ten million
copies! But I haven't found a girlfriend yet. And I still
spend most of my time playing computer games!
Unit 7, Study & Practice 2, page 150
Reading and vocabulary 3a Read the texts again and answer the questions.
The internet 1 How much do you pay to upload videos onto
2 How many people used You Tube every day in 2006?
1 Work in pairs and discuss.
3 Approximately how many people use YouTube
• How often do you use the internet? Where do every day now?
you use it? 4 What percentage of people use Google to search
• What do you use the internet for mostly? What are the internet?
your favourite websites? 5 Is it correct grammar to say 'to google something'?
• Do you ever use YouTube, Amazon or Google? If so, 6 Approximately how many searches are there on
what do you usually use them for? If not, why not? Google every day?
7 How many people work for Amazon?
2a Work in pairs and discuss. Do you know when
8 Approximately how many items do Amazon ship
every day at peak times?
YouTube, Google and Amazon first started? Can you
match each site to one of these years: 1995, 1998,
2005? b Which of the facts about You Tube, Google and
Amazon surprised you most?

b Read the texts and check your ideas.

» YouTube was the first >> Google is the most successful >> Amazon started as an online
video-sharing website. search-engine in the world . bookshop.
>> Three friends from California >> 80-90% of people searching the >> Jeff Bezos, an American computer
started the site in 2005. internet use Google. science graduate, started the site in
>> By July 2006, they were getting >> Two students from California, July 1995.
about 100 million hits a day. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, >> He named the site after the Amazon
>> You can download films and TV started the search engine River. He wanted something starting
shows from YouTube. in 1998. with the letter A.

>> Uploading videos onto YouTube >> Because of its success, 'google' >> Amazon now employs about 38,000
is completely free. has now become a verb. people around the world.
Instead of saying 'to search for
>> In November 2006, Google >> Amazon stores the things they sell in
something on the internet', we
bought the company for huge warehouses called 'fulfilment
say 'to google something '.
$1 .65 billion. centres' around the world.
>> There are about two billion
>> Now, users upload over 48 hours >> One of the biggest 'fulfilment
searches on Google every day.
of videos onto the site, every centres ' in the world is in
minute. >> In the first quarter of 2012, Swansea, Wales.
Google's profits were nearly '
>> Every day, YouTube gets more >> It covers an area of 800,000 square
$3 billion- this is an increase
than three billion hits! feet -the size of 13 football pitches.
of 60% on the previous year.
>> At peak times , Amazon ships
over nine million items around the
world per day.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Success l 07

4a Complete the sentences w ith the correct form of the

words/phrases in the box.

to upload to download to search to post

a website a blog a hit a video-sharing site
a social-networking site an online community

I've never uploaded a video onto the internet.

I 1 I watch short, funny videos on a ___ almost
every day.
2 I often music from the internet to listen to.
3 I've never ___ for my name on the internet.
4 I sometimes ___ photos on the internet for my
friends to see.
5 One of my videos online got over 1,000 ___.
6 I'd like to write a ___ about my travel
7 I use a ___ a lot for contacting old friends and
8 I'm a member of an English-speaking ___ .
9 I often use a great ___ to help translate words
from my language into English.

b Rewrite t he sentences in exercise 4a to make them

true for you .

c Work in groups and compare your ideas.

Finding fame on the internet

1a Work in pairs. You are going to listen to a radio

programme. Look at the photos and discuss.
What do you think each person did to achieve fame?

b Try to match quotes 1- 6 from the programme with

the people in the photos.

1 ... lots of different locations throughout

the world ...
2 ... uploaded his/her song .. .
3 ... went to live in the countryside ...
4 ... some companies sponsored him/her ...
5 ... had some small acting roles ...
6 ... and offered him/her a book deal ...
2 Listen again and decide if the statements are
true (T) or false (F).
c ~ 7.3 Listen to the radio programme and check
your ideas. 1 Tay Zonday uploaded his first song in 2007.
2 The song has had over 18 million hits.
3 Judith O'Reilly moved to a small village.
4 She earned €8,000 from her first book deal.
5 Matt Harding is a really good dan~er.
6 In his third video, he danced in 42tountries.

3 Work in groups and discuss.

• What examples do you know of people who have

achieved fame by using the internet?
• What do you think of this way of achieving fame?
Talk about your ambitions
Preparation Reading and listening 3a Work in pairs. You are going to listen to five people
talking about their ambitions and achievements.
Look at the photos and guess what you think each
1 Match the words in the box to definitions 1-3. person is going to talk about.

an ambition an ach ievement a dream

b ~ 7.4 Listen and complete the table below for
each person.
1 something you'd like to do, but probably won't
2 something you want to do one day
3 something you have done which you are proud of

2 Work in pairs. Read the quotations and discuss

the questions.
o Which quotation do you most agree with? Why?
o Which quotation do you most disagree with?

c Listen again and tick the phrases you hear in the

Useful language box.
To be yourself is the greatest achievement.

It rrwre important to know where you
areigoing, than to get there quickly.

Only people who take great risks
can achieve great things.

When ambition ends, happiness begins.

I do·not try to dance better than anyone

else. I only try to dance better than myself.

Ev~~one is trying to do big things, not

realiszng that life is made up of little things.

Task Speaking
1 Make a list of your top five ambitions, dreams and
a Talking about your ambitions
achievements. Think about the following:
It's my ambition to ...
• job/school I've always wanted to ...
• places you'd like to visit/live It's always been my dream to ...
• something you'd like to own (a car1 a house, etc.) One thing I'd love to do is ...
• money I'd really love to ...
• someone you'd like to meet I have met
b Talking about your achievements
• something you'd like to discover/invent
My greatest achievement was when I ...
• marriage/children
One thing I've done that I'm very proud of is ...
• a sporting dream achievement
I think one of the best things I've achieved is ...
• something you'd like to learn I have learnt

2 You are going to talk about your top five

achievements and/or ambitions. First, spend some
time thinking about what you would like to say.
Make notes to help you. Ask your teacher for any
words/phrases you need.

> Usefu l language a and b

3a Work in pairs. Take turns to practise saying what you

have prepared.

b Work with other groups. Take turns to tell each other

about your ambitions, dreams and achievements.
• Who has the most interesting or unusual
• Who has the most interesting or unusual ambition?
• Which people have the same ambition? What is it?
Find out first 3a ® Watch the video and choose the correct answer to
complet e the summary.
1a Work in pairs and discuss. If you want Eden Silva is from Essex, in England. She is 1 72 I 20 years
to be a successful sports person, what old. Her 2coach I father believes she will soon be one of
do you need to do? Make a list of the best junior players in the world. Eden also says that
three things. her dreams are to be World Number 1 and 3 to play at the
Olympics I to win Wimbledon.
b How much do you know about tennis? Eden 's father has given up his job to help her career, and
Try to answer the questions below. they spend a lot of their time travelling. Roger's wife and
son 4stay at home I travel with them. One of the people
1 What are the names of the four who helps them in California is Robert Landsdorp, who is
Grand Slam tournaments? When her 5coach I physio. In all, Eden's tennis career costs her
and where do they happen? father 6£8,000 I £80,000 a year.
2 Who are the current Number 1 Finally we see Eden play the most important match of her
top-ranked male and female tennis career, at a World Championship in Florida. Many sponsors
players? and agents come to watch her play against the 7American
I Russian Number 1. In the final set, Eden 8wins I loses the
c Go online to check your answers or match, 6-3.
ask your teacher.
b Complete the phrases from the video with the names in
Search: Grand Slam tennis I men's the box below.
tennis rankings I women's tennis rankings
Eden Silva Roger (Robert) Landsdorp his wife and son

View 1 _ __ from Essex is one of the best 12-year-old tennis

players in Britain.
2 _ _ has taken a huge gamble. He's pulled _ _ out
2 You are going to watch a video about of school, given up his job ...
I Eden Silva, a young tennis player from 3 ... leaving _ _ _ at home for months at a time.
Essex, England. Before you watch, check 4 _ __ takes his daughter _ __ to California for a few
'I you understand the meaning of the months every year ...
words/phrases in the glossary below. 5 At £200 an hour, ___ doesn't come cheap.
6 ... _ __ 's £80,000 a year tennis program,me.
a career a job you do for a long time
sponsor a company who gives
money to a sports person
set a part of a tennis match
a huge gamble a very big risk
give up yourjob to leave your work

Look at the names of three people who had success
at an early age. Have you heard of them? Do you
know why they became famous?

Fabiano Luigi Caruana Lang Lang Gillian E. Murphy

World view
b Go online to find out more about them (or another
successful person you are interested in) and answer
4a Read some people's reactions to the the questions.
video. Which do you agree/disagree
1 What is he/she famous for?
with? Write a statement giving your
2 Where and when was he/she born?
own opinion.
3 Where does he/she live now?
' Poor Eden! She's too young for a life
like that. Search: Fabiano Luigi Caruana I Lang Lang I
Gillian E. Murphy
' It's a good thing that Roger is helping
his daughter.
' Eden's brother is probably happier Write up your research
than Eden- he has a normal life!
' Eden is very lucky - she travels 6 Write a paragraph about one of the people you
around the world and doesn't go to researched. Use the prompts below to help you.
school! is a famous _ _
' I think Roger doesn't really love his He/She was born in _ _ (place) in _ _ (year) .
daughter. He/She started _ _ when he/she was _ _ years
' In my country, it's normal for parents At the age of _ _ he/she _ _ .
to treat their children like this. He/She is now and at the moment he/she
is _ _

b Work in pairs and compare you r ideas.

2 Choose the correct answers.
I have stay ed I stay ed with my aunt last year.
Present perfect 2 My neighbours have lived I lived there for 25 years. They'll
We form the Present perfect with have/has + past participle. never move.
Regular past participles end in -ed in the positive form. Many verbs 3 Your car is in really good condition. How long have y ou had I
have an irregular past participle (see the list on page 175). did you have it?
4 Gary has started I started his first business in 2001.
5 So far this year, we've saved I saved over £500.
6 I love this watch. I've had I had it for ten years.
7 Before my brother became a banker, he has studied I studied
abroad for several years.
8 How long have you play ed I did you play the piano for when
you were a child?

3 Complete the sentences with the correct fo rm of the verb

in bracket s.

We use the Present perfect to talk about the past and present We _ _ _ (be married) now for two years.
together. It tells us something about the present. 2 I _ _ _ (live) in Africa for three years when I was a child.
I've met Daniel before. (= I know him now) 3 I'm very tired because I _ _ _ (not sleep) for 24 hours.
He's left the country. (= he is not in the country now) 4 Kate _ _ _ (work) here for nine months, but she's leaving
next week.
Present perfect and Past simple with for 5 ___ (Pete I be) the best football player of the 20th century?
We use the Present perfect with for to talk about an action or 6 Lara and Martin first _ _ _ (meet) eight years ago.
state which continues from the past to the present. 7 How long _ _ _ (you I have) your ring? It's beautiful.
I've been in New York for two weeks. 8 They _ _ _ (not wait) very long before the bus came.
2 weeks 9 We _ _ _ (stay) in Tenerife for our holiday four years ago.
10 I _ _ _ (be) on the phone for over an hour now!
past now future

We use the Past simple with for to talk about a past action or
state in a period of time which is finished.
I was in New York for two weeks.
Present perfect and Past simple with other
time words
2 weeks
1 Time phrases with the Past simple
past now future We use the Past simple to talk about actions or states which are
We can ask about the period of time using How long ... ? with finished. We often use the following time words:
both the Present perfect and the Past simple. days, dates, times, years
How long have you had that car? in 2002, on Friday, at 6:30, yesterday
How long did you live in Canada? last and ago
last weekend, five years ago
questions and statements with when
when I was ten years old

1 Write the Past simple form and the past participle for each of 2 Time phrases with the Present perfect
these irregular ve rbs.
Often, t he re is no time phrase with the Present perfect. We do
Past simple Past participle not know exactly when the actio n happened.
become became become She's lived in Spain, Egypt and Brazil.
2 begin When we use time phrases with t he Present perfect, they do not
3 come give a defin ite t ime.
4 grow She'sjust had her baby. (=a short time ago)
5 have It's already sold a million copies. (= before now I expected)
6 know Ihaven'tfinishedyet. (=before now; only in question~ and negat ives)
7 make He's never been abroad. (= not at any time)
8 meet We also use the Present perfect with t ime phrases t hat refe r to a
9 say time that is still in progress.
10 spend I haven't seen him this morning. (= th is morn ing isn't finished)
11 take Daniela has done very well so far. (=up to now)
12 t ell
Put the wo rd in bracket s int o t he correct position in t he an achievement a film addict
sent ences: (1) or (2). an ambition inspiration
to be confident to inspire
1 Mr Ferris 1_ _ has 2 _ _ gone out. Qust)
to be interested in business an internet user
2 The gym opened about 1_ _ a year 2_ _ • (ago)
a blog a (multi-)millionaire
3 Have you 1_ _ _ been to see that new film 2_ _ ?(yet) a computer game designer to perform in public
4 I've 1_ _ _ seen an elephant 2 • (never)
confidence to set your goals high
5 We 1_ _ _ have 2_ _ _ seen this film three times. (already) a dream to sponsor
6 He came 1_ _ to England 2_ _ • (last year) an ecologist a volunteer

2 Co mplete t he conversations with the correct fo rm of t he verb

in brackets.
A: Would you like a sandwich?
B: No thank you, I _ _ (already I eat). 1 Complet e the se ntences with a verb in the box.
2 A: Let's go to Egypt. I'd like to see the pyramids.
B: I'd rather go to Morocco. I _ _ (go) to Egypt last year. appear become buy earn get go have learn
3 A: Did you have any pets as a child? start write
B: Yes, we _ _ (have) two cats and a dog.
4 A: How long _ _ (you I be) in the UK?
My brother's ambition is to be a lawyer and _ __
B: Six months so far.
€ 1 million before he's 30.
5 A: Why are you looking so happy?
2 A lot of young people nowadays want to _ __
B: I _ _ Uust I pass) my exams!
on television.
A: Congratulations!
3 For my new job, I need to _ _ _ how to drive a car.
6 A: Have you seen Paula recently?
4 I'm taking six months to _ __ round the world
B: No. I _ _ (see) her about six months ago.
before I go to university.
7 A: What did Christine say when she heard the news?
5 I don't want to work for a company anymore so I'm
B: Mike _ _ (not tell) her yet.
going to _ _ _ my own business.
8 A: The children look very excited.
6 She wants to _ _ _ famous by designing clothes for
B: Yes, they _ _ (never I stay up) so late before.
rich people.
9 A: Hello, this is Alan Young. Can I help you?
7 They've decided to _ _ _ married next year on a
B: Yes, I _ _ (speak) to you half an hour ago.
beach in Thailand.
10 A: _ _ (you I read) the last Harry Potter book yet?
8 I've decided to _ _ _ a flat next year, somewhere near
B: Not yet, but I want to.
t he city centre.
9 She got married when she was 40, but she didn't _ __
any children.
REMEMBER THESE WORDS 10 I want to _ _ _ a book abo ut my travels in India.

VERB PHRASES ABOUT AMBITIONS 2 Choose the correct answer.

to appear on television to go round the world All t he information about dat es and prices are on our
to become famous to go to university
website I hit.
to buy a house or flat t o have children
2 When are yo u going t o search I upload your holiday
to earn € 1 million to learn how to drive
photos onto your computer?
to get married to start your own business
to go abroad to write a book
3 I want t o blog I download that film from the internet and
watch it tonight.
4 The mini-film she put on YouTube has had t housands of
hits I websites.
a blog to search
5 My friend writ es a blog I download about funny t hings
to download a social-networking site
a hit
t hat happen in her life.
to upload
an online community a video-sharing site
6 When you upload I search on the internet, yo u should
to post a website just put in the essent ial words. .,
7 I waste so much t ime chatting to friends on blogs I
social-networking sites.
8 There's a great online community I hit for support if yo u
want t o give up smoking.
9 He posted I hit informat ion about his party on the
int ernet and 800 people ca me!
07 S [:CES
Vocabulary listen and read
Verb phrases about Not always so successful
2a Read the article and choose the best title.
1 Complete the phrases with the A Not always so successful
correct verbs. B How to be good at what you do
round the world C Three amazing achievements
1 go
to university abroad
to speak a foreign
language These days, we know lots about the lives and the
how to fly a plane successes of famous people in sport, music and
how to drive a car business. And perhaps we sometimes think that
a degree successful people have always been successful.
3 married Right? Well, let's have a look at some examples to
a job see if that's true.
a millionaire Sport- Michael Jordan
4 good at something
Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player
of all time. To many people, he has been A a
an interesting job person who makes people want to do better. His
sporting achievements made him 8 a very, very
5 children
n'ch person. But when he was at school, he lost
a large family his place on the school basketball team. And he
went home and cried. His professional career
a lot of money
has had failures as well as successes. He missed
6 £100,000 more than 9,000 shots in his career As Jordan
€250,000 a year himself said, ' - - - -
a novel
7 a book Music- Beethoven
a computer program During Beethoven's life, some people didn't
think his music was very good. Beethoven's
a house or flat
music teacher described him like this:
8 a car _ _ _ _ But Beethoven's chope was to
a holiday home become a composer He 0 wanted to be very
successful and worked very hard all his life. And
his music got better and better Many people
think he is the greatest composer of classical
music ever

Business- Soichiro Honda

As a young man, Soichiro Honda didn't have a
job at alL He had ambition and lots of ideas for
businesses, but they didn't work. He lost money
and his wife had to sell her jewellery so that
they had money for food. He tried to get a job
with Toyota, but he didn't do very well at the
interview But he always had Ebe!ief that he could
do well. In 1948, he Fopened a company and now
the Honda Motor Company has nearly 180,000
employees around the world. Soichiro Honda
believed that when you have a problem or a
failure, it can help you to learn and get better
He once said, 3 _ __ _
b Complete 1-3 in the article by putting the
Past participle Base form
quotations below in the correct place.
heard hear
A 'As a composer, he is hopeless.'
B 'Success is 99 percent failure.'
C 'I have lost almost 300 games. I have failed over
and over and over again in my life. And that is why
I succeed.'

c "7.1 Listen and check your answers to exercises a

and b.

d Replace the phrases in italics (A-F) in the article with

the words and phrases in the box.

dream confidence an inspiration set his goals high

a multimillionaire started his own business

A ----------------------------------
8 ----------------------------------
c ---------------------------------
0 ---------------------------------

Grammar focus 1
Present perfect and Past simple
with for

3a Look at the grid below and find 21 more irregular

past participles. Write the past participle and the
base form in the table on the right.

b "7.2 Listen and check. Practise saying the past

I( H E A R D R B 5 A T c participles.
M A D E 0 u R E K 5 0

w T 0 L D N 0 E T p M
4 Complete the sentences with the Present perfect
form of the verbs in brackets.
R E 5 0 L D u N c 0 E 1 We have had (have) our car for three years.
I N E 5 u N G F 0 K D 2 How long _________ (you I live) in London?
3 We (not see) Amy for months.
T p u T N c H 0 5 E N 4 Mike and Crystal (be) married for
about ten years.
T D R u N K T u T N T
5 There _________ (not be) anything good on TV
E G 0 T G w 0 N y c 5 for ages!
6 _________ (you I know) Bill for a long time?
N D F y p A I D D A w 7 How long (you I be) interested in
8 I _________ (not wash) my car for two months!
Sa Complete the article about Cher with the Present 6 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
perfect or Past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Use each word twice.

's have has haven't hasn't

1 A: I 1 've
just seen a friend of mine on TV.
____ you ever appeared on television?
B: No, but my brother 3 • He was in a
video a few years ago.
A: Really? Was it good?
B: I don't know. I 4 seen it!
2 My friend Florence always wanted to
be a successful writer. She 6 written four
novels, but she 7 made much money. I
____ read any of them myself, but she tells
me they're very exciting.
3 The Diamante Brothers 9 been famous
for more than 20 years. 'A show business life is the
only life I 10 known,' says Dion Diamante.
'It 11 been easy for us to live a normal life.
But it 12 been a fantastic life so far!'
Few stars 1 have had (have) careers as long and
varied as Cher. In her career, she 2 (be)
7 Choose the correct answers.
successful both as a singer and as an actress.

Born Cherilyn Sarkisian LaPiere in El Centro, California,

on 20th May 1946, she 3 (leave)
home for Hollywood at the age of 16. When she was
only 17, she 4 (marry) songwriter and
record producer Sonny Bono. As Sonny and Cher,
they 5 (have) several hits in the
1960s, including I Cot You Babe in 1964. But in the
1970s, success 6 (not be) so easy
to find, and Cher and Sonny 7 (get)
divorced in 1975. Soon after, Cher 8_ _ _ _ __
(marry) rock star Gregg Allman, but the marriage
(not last) very long.

Since the mid-80s, Cher 10 (have)

a second career as an actress, appearing in films like
The Witches ofEastwick and Faithful. In 1988, she
(win) a Best Actress Academy
Award for the film Moonstruck.

More recently, Cher 12 (return) to

singing once more, and with great success. Her single
Believe 13 (become) US Number
One in March 1999. 1n 2002, Cher 14_ _ _ _ __ 1 The Earth existed /~for more than
(start) a 'farewell tour', which 15_ _ _ _ __ 4,000 million years.
(last) for over two years! But even after that, she 2 Dinosaurs have lived I lived on Earth for 160
(not stop) and from 2008 until million years.
2011, she 17 (perform) at Caesar's 3 Humans have been I were on the planet for just
Palace in Las Vegas. In 2011, she 18_ _ _ _ __ 50,000 years.
(start) work on her 26th album. Since the 1960s, she 4 In the past, people thought I have thought that
(sell) over 128 million albums the world was flat.
worldwide. Her career 20 (last) half a 5 The first Australians, the Aborigines, have lived I
century and still 21 (not finish) . lived there for about 40,000 years.
6 For many years, the USA has been I was a British
7 The USA has been I was an independent country
for over 200 years.
b ~ 7.3 Listen and check.
Success I 07

Pronunciation 10 Choose the correct answers.

for and have in connected speech

8 ~ 7.4 Listen to the sentences and t hink about
t he pronunciation of t he underlined words. One is
stressed and one is unstressed. W rite 5 (stressed) or
U (unstressed) for each word.
1 For six years, he li ved in Brazil. __jJ_ _2_
2 How long have you had that car? ____
3 Have you known him for long? __ _ _
4 I didn 't have a phone for three days
last week. _ _ _ _
5 We 've been married now for a year. _ _ _ _
"' 6 How long have th ey been on holiday? _ _ _ _

Grammar focus 2
Present perfect and Past simple with
other time words
1 My sister just has bought~
a new computer.
9a Put just, already, yet or never in the correct place in
t he 'B' sentences. 2 Christine and Keith moved Last year to Canada I
to Canada Last year.
1 A: What's the difference betw een Great Britain and 3 I have never been I never have been abroad .
the UK?
4 Have you had anything to eat this morning I
B: I've told you t wice! this morning anything to eat?
I've already told you twice! 5 I've heard a lot about Daniel, but I haven't met
2 A: Why are you looking so happy? yet him I him yet.
B: I've heard that my cousin is coming to stay! 6 We've already seen I seen already this film.
7 Have you heard the news? Andy and Samatha
3 A: Would you like to go and see the new james have just got I just have got engaged.
Bond film tonight? 8 We've received so far twenty-five emails I
B: Not really, I've seen it twice. twenty-five emails so far.
9 Mr and Mrs Wilson have lived here for ten years I
4 A: Is Ernesto here? f or ten years here.
B: No, he hasn 't arrived. 10 Have you yethadlunch I hadlunchyet?

5 A: Do you like Thai food ? 11 Choose one of the options in brackets to complete
B: I don't know. I've tried it. each sent ence.
1 (already, yet, yest erday)
We haven't told Laura about th e accid ent
2 (went , gone, have gone)
We _ _ ___ on a to ur of cent ral Africa
last year.
3 (last night, yet, already)
Didn 't you finish your essay _ _ _ __ ?
4 (yesterday, on Monday, so far)
We've only visited two museums _ _ __ _
5 (yet, ever, yest erday)
I didn 't see Ke it h _ _ __ _
6 Uust had, have just had, just have had)
I'm afraid we some bad news.
7 (today, yesterday, yesterday even ing)
b ~ 7.5 Listen and check. Practise saying the
You haven 't done any work _ _ _ __
12 Complete the sentences with the Present perfect or Vocabulary
Past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
The internet

14 Look at the phrases. Cross out one noun in each

group which cannot go with the verb.
a game
1 download a-5tte
a video
a blog
2 upload a photo
a video
a comment
3 post a photo
a site
1 Carlos _ _____,v_,is""' "'--- (visit) Egypt about 12
_, it=ed the internet
years ago. 4 search a site
2 '______ (you I be) to the cinema a hit
lately?' 'No, I (not have) the a social networking site
time.' 5 be a member of a popular hit
3 The plane _ __ __ (take off) at 8:15- an online community
exactly on time.
4 I _ _ _ ___ (never I see) anything so stupid 15 Choose the correct answers.
in all my life!
5 It (be) a bad day in the shop; so
far this morning, we (not have) a
single customer.
6 My parents ___ _ __ (get) married when
they (be) only 19 years old.
7 I hope the weather gets better soon - it
_____ _ (be) really terrible this week.
8 Our son (arrive) in Australia
three weeks ago, but he _ _ _ __ _
(not write) to us yet.
9 Sakiko (go out) about ten
minutes ago.
10 'How long _ _ _ _ _ (you I be) here?'
'We (arrive) at noon.'

13 Tick (.f) the correct sentences. Correct the sentences

that are wrong.
Back in 2006, 79-year-old Peter Oakley made a film of
1 We haven't had lunch yet. [Z] himself talking about his life experiences and ~I
downloaded it onto tile web. He used a new 2onlme
2 Did you hear from Lisa recently? D community I video-sharing site, You Tube (which was
Have x:ou heard from Lisa recentlx:? then only one year old). He called the film First Try, and
the 3blog I online community loved it. Within a week,
3 What time have you come back last night? D Peter was the number one user on You Tube, making him
an internet celebrity. The film has now had nearly three
4 I haven't had to borrow any money so far. D million 4hits I websites. Peter 5posted I searched more
films online about himself and his life, and called the
5 Ben started his own business in 2011. D series Telling it All. He also has his own 6hit I website,
(askgeriatric.com), where you can read his 7blog I video-
6 I'm starving! I didn't have anything to eat today. D sharing site. Oh, yes, and you can 8download I post
Peter's songs from it- he's also in a rock band!
7 Did you ever try Mexican food? D - ..... ~
. '
. • -.."·..~~?'-' ·~ .• ~ .....--- . . . ,

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