Requesting A Deadline Extension at Work - Tips and Examples

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Career Guide / Career Development / Requesting a Deadline Extension at Work: Tips and Examples


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March 31, 2020

While deadlines are necessary, you may encounter obstacles that affect your ability to submit work on Create your resume
time. If you need more time to meet a deadline at work, you should inform your supervisor and request an
extension. A professional deadline extension request may help you to maintain a positive relationship with
your supervisor and perform well in your role.

This article explains when and how to ask for a deadline extension at work and provides examples to help
you make your own request.

When to ask for a deadline extension

You should request an extension as soon as you know that you won’t be able to meet the original deadline.
Your deadline may affect other parts of a project, such as other team members’ abilities to complete their
work, as well as the project’s official completion date. Requesting an extension as soon as possible can
provide your supervisor more time to readjust the project’s schedule and workflow. Some situations in
which you may need to ask for a deadline extension include:

The project requires more work or research than anticipated.

The original project timeline didn’t account for all factors.
You are waiting on the necessary materials to complete your portion of a project.
You had to prioritize the completion of a different project.
You didn’t have access to necessary equipment.
You experienced a personal emergency that prevented you from working.

Related: A Guide to Developing High Performing Teams

How to ask for an extension at work

Use these steps to help you make an effective deadline extension request: 1/4
4/20/2020 Requesting a Deadline Extension at Work: Tips and Examples |

1. Determine deadline importance

Before officially requesting a deadline extension, gauge the nature of the deadline. Try asking whether
project timelines are flexible. If a deadline is set for the 25th, you could ask if that’s a hard deadline or if the
aim is to complete the project by the end of the month. Your supervisor’s answer may give more context as
to whether requesting an extension is necessary.

2. Decide how to ask

The method you use to present your request may have an effect on how well your supervisor receives it. If
you usually communicate with the project manager by email, then make your request through email.

You can also ask in person or over the phone. In either case, you should also send a follow-up email after
the conversation to confirm the new deadline and any other additional information you discussed.

Related: How to Write a Professional Email

3. Provide a specific reason

Consider the circumstances under which you’re requesting an extension, and be specific when providing
your reason. Explaining that a project requires more research than expected or is more complex than
anticipated can be an effective way to begin discussing a new deadline. A personal emergency or
extenuating circumstances could be valid reasons, but always be honest with your supervisor.

Related: Good and Bad Excuses for Missing Work

4. Show your dedication

Try to communicate your commitment to the project when you ask for an extension. Explain that you need
another day to make sure the product will meet the client’s standards, you are waiting on materials to
complete the job accurately or that you are going to work overtime to meet the new deadline. Showing
your supervisor that you are working for the best possible result on the project despite your need for more
time can help you maintain a positive relationship with them. They may be more likely to grant your request
and trust you on projects in the future if your dedication is clear.

5. Offer to share your progress

If possible, offer to share a completed portion of the project or the first draft of a report. You can use this
proof of your progress to demonstrate to your supervisor and team how far along you are in completing
your work and even provide them any necessary materials they might need to work on their portion of a

As you work to meet the new deadline, update your supervisor with new versions of your work or
notifications that you’re making progress. This strategy shows that you are making the most of this
additional time.

6. Set a reasonable new deadline 2/4
4/20/2020 Requesting a Deadline Extension at Work: Tips and Examples |

Your extension request should include exactly how much longer you will need and what date you will
complete your work. Try to approach your supervisor with a proactive solution included in your extension
request. In setting a new date, consider the supervisor or client’s needs as well as the steps you still have
to take to complete your work. You could measure how long each step will take to create a new,
achievable deadline. Your suggested deadline also demonstrates your commitment to your responsibilities
and help you to maintain trust with your supervisor.

7. Show gratitude

At the end of your request and after receiving the extension, express your appreciation for the extra time
and your supervisor’s understanding. A quick apology for the delay or inconvenience can help a supervisor
or client graciously accept the new deadline.

Related: Guide to Thank-You Notes

Example extension requests

Use the following sample extension requests to help you make your request for a new deadline:

Example conversational request

“Hi Maria, this month’s budget report is more complicated than usual due to the two new marketing
campaigns and training new employees. If you like, I can send you the portions that are ready so far,
but if I could have another two days to finish the full report, then I’ll be able to give you a more accurate

Example formal email request

Subject: Project Extension Request

Dear Mrs. Hernandez,

I am emailing to request a deadline extension on the market research project. Accessing the correct
sources has taken longer than I anticipated, but several vendors informed me that they would get back
to me this week. I believe the delay will result in a more accurate and comprehensive report.

I would like to submit the project on Friday, August 16, instead of Monday, August 12. I would be
happy to submit a preliminary report before that date if you would like to see it.

I apologize for the delay, and thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Allison Iwasko

Example email follow-up 3/4
4/20/2020 Requesting a Deadline Extension at Work: Tips and Examples |

Subject: Project Deadline August 16

Dear Maria,

This email is to follow up regarding our conversation earlier and confirm that the deadline for this
month’s budget report has been changed from August 14 to August 16.

Thank you again for the extension; I appreciate your understanding and flexibility.

Jamie Lamasso

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