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Tema "Linear Algebra "

No Cover Judul - Penulis - Tahun - Penerbit Link Download 1 Link Download 2

A combinatorial approach to matrix theory and its

1 applications - Richard A. Brualdi, Dragos Cvetkovic Download Here Download Here
- 2009 - Chapman & Hall/CRC Press

A Concise Introduction to Linear Algebra - Géza

2 Download Here Download Here
Schay (auth.) - 2012 - Birkhäuser Basel

A Concise Text on Advanced Linear Algebra -

3 Download Here Download Here
Yisong Yang - 2015 - Cambridge University Press

A connection between number theory and linear

4 algebra [expository notes] - Mark Steinberger - Download Here Download Here
2012 - NA

A Guide to Advanced Linear Algebra - Weintraub

5 Download Here Download Here
S.H. - 2011 - Mathematical Association of America

A Matrix Handbook for Statisticians - George A. F.

6 Download Here Download Here
Seber - 2008 - Wiley-Interscience

A Matrix Handbook for Statisticians (Wiley Series

7 in Probability and Statistics) - George A. F. Seber - Download Here Download Here
2007 - NA
A Modern Introduction to Linear Algebra - Henry
8 Download Here Download Here
Ricardo - 2009 - Chapman and Hall/CRC

A Polynomial Approach to Linear Algebra - Paul A.

9 Fuhrmann (auth.) - 2012 - Springer-Verlag New Download Here Download Here

A Portrait of Linear Algebra - Jude Thaddeus

10 Download Here Download Here
Socrates - 2013 - Kendall Hunt Publishing

A Practical Approach to Linear Algebra - Prabhat

11 Download Here Download Here
Choudhary - 2010 - Oxford Book Company

A QR-method for computing the singular values

12 via semiseparable matrices - Vandebril R. - 2004 - Download Here Download Here

A second course in linear algebra - Garcia,

13 Stephan Ramon; Horn, Roger A. - 2017 - Download Here Download Here
Cambridge University Press

A Second Course in Linear Algebra (Cambridge

Mathematical Textbooks) - Stephan Ramon
14 Download Here Download Here
Garcia, Roger A. Horn - 2017 - Cambridge
University Press

A Second Semester of Linear Algebra - S. E. Payne -

15 Download Here Download Here
2009 - NA
A Student's Guide to Vectors and Tensors - Daniel
16 Download Here Download Here
Fleisch - 2011 - Cambridge University Press

A supplement to Treil (Sergei Treil, Linear Algebra

17 Done Wrong) [lecture notes] - Jonathan I. Hall - Download Here Download Here
2016 - NA

Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Displays:

18 Fundamentals and Applications - Willem den Boer Download Here Download Here
- 2005 - Newnes

Additional Topics in Linear Algebra [Lecture

19 Download Here Download Here
notes] - Joseph H. Silverman - 2013 - NA

Additions to Linear Algebra - Peter Petersen -

20 Download Here Download Here
2012 - NA

Advanced Linear Algebra [Lecture notes] - Rachel

21 Download Here Download Here
Quinlan - 2017 - NA

Advanced Linear Algebra [Lecture notes] - David

22 Download Here Download Here
B. Surowski - 2008 - Kansas State University

Advanced Linear Algebra I [Lecture notes] -

23 Download Here Download Here
Vaughn Climenhaga - 2013 - NA
Advanced topics in linear algebra : weaving matrix
problems through the Weyr Form - Kevin C
24 Download Here Download Here
O'Meara; John Clark; Charles Irvin Vinsonhaler -
2011 - Oxford University Press

Advanced topics in linear algebra. Weaving matrix

25 problems through the Weyr form - O'Meara, Download Here Download Here
Clark, Vinsonhaler. - 2011 - OUP

Advanced Topics in Linear Algebra: Weaving

Matrix Problems Through the Weyr Form - Kevin
26 Download Here Download Here
O'Meara, John Clark, Charles Vinsonhaler - 2011 -
Oxford University Press

Adventures in the world of matrices - Paulus

27 Download Here Download Here
Gerdes - 2007 - Nova Science Publishers

Algebra 2. Linear algebra, Galois theory,

28 representation theory, group extensions - Lal R. - Download Here Download Here
2017 - Springer

Algebra 2. Linear Algebra, Galois Theory,

29 Representation theory, Group extensions and Download Here Download Here
Schur Multiplier - Ramji Lal - 2017 - Springer

Algebra 2: Linear Algebra, Galois Theory,

Representation theory, Group extensions and
30 Download Here Download Here
Schur Multiplier - Ramji Lal (auth.) - 2017 -
Springer Singapore

Algebra I : Linear Algebra [expository notes] - Ian

31 Download Here Download Here
Shipman - 2007 - NA
Algorithmic Linear Algebra - Herbert Möller - 2010
32 Download Here Download Here
- NA

An Introduction To Linear Algebra - Kenneth

33 Download Here Download Here
Kuttler - 2010 - NA

An Introduction to Linear Algebra and Tensors -

34 M. A. Akivis, V. V. Goldberg - 2010 - Dover Download Here Download Here

An introduction to Orgonite matrix material -

35 Download Here Download Here
Logan J - 2004 - NA

An introduction to queueing theory and matrix-

36 analytic methods - L. Breuer, Dieter Baum - 2005 - Download Here Download Here

Analytic Analysis of Lines and Circles (Zambak) -

37 Muhammer Taskiran, Cünet Kiliç - 2009 - Zambak Download Here Download Here

Analytic Hyperbolic Geometry: Mathematical

38 Foundations and Applications - Abraham A. Ungar Download Here Download Here
- 2005 - World Scientific Publishing Company

Analytical geometry of three dimensions - William

39 Download Here Download Here
H. McCrea - 2006 - Dover Publications
Ancient Fiction: The Matrix of Early Christian And
40 Jewish Narrative - et al Jo-Ann A. Brant (Editor) - Download Here Download Here
2005 - Society of Biblical Literature

Applications of Bimatrices to Some Fuzzy and

Neutrosophic Models - W. B. Vasantha
41 Download Here Download Here
Kandasamy; Florentin Smarandache; K.
Ilanthenral - 2005 - Hexis

Applications of Random Matrices in Physics - J. P.

Keating (auth.), Édouard Brézin, Vladimir Kazakov,
42 Download Here Download Here
Didina Serban, Paul Wiegmann, Anton Zabrodin
(eds.) - 2006 - Springer Netherlands

Applied Linear Algebra: The Decoupling Principle -

43 Lorenzo Sadun - 2007 - American Mathematical Download Here Download Here

Basics for Linear Algebra for Machine Learning -

44 Discover the Mathematical Language of Data in Download Here Download Here
Python - Jason Brownlee - 2018 - NA

Bilinear control systems: Matrices in action -

45 Download Here Download Here
David Elliott - 2009 - Springer

Cell-Extracellular Matrix Interactions in Cancer -

46 Jeffrey H. Miner (auth.), Roy Zent, Ambra Pozzi Download Here Download Here
(eds.) - 2010 - Springer-Verlag New York

Challenges and Strategies in Teaching Linear

Algebra - Sepideh Stewart,Christine Andrews-
47 Download Here Download Here
Larson,Avi Berman,Michelle Zandieh (eds.) - 2018 -
Springer International Publishing
Children of the Matrix: How an Interdimensional
Race has Controlled the World for Thousands of
48 Download Here Download Here
Years-and Still Does - David Icke - 2001 - David
Icke Books

Circuits, Matrices and Linear Vector Spaces -

49 Download Here Download Here
Lawrence P. Huelsman - 2011 - Dover Publications

Class notes on linear algebra [Lecture notes] -

50 Download Here Download Here
Steven Dale Cutkosky - 2016 - NA

Coding the matrix. Linear algebra through

51 computer science applications - Klein P.N. - 2013 - Download Here Download Here
Newtonian Press

Combinatorial Approach to Matrix Theory and Its

52 Download Here Download Here
Applications - Brualdi - 2008 - CRC

Combinatorial matrix classes - Richard A. Brualdi -

53 Download Here Download Here
2006 - Cambridge University Press

Commentary on Lang’s Linear Algebra - Henry C.

54 Download Here Download Here
Pinkham - 2013 - NA

Compact Numerical Methods for Computers:

55 Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation - Nash, Download Here Download Here
John C - 2018 - CRC Press
Comprehensive Introduction to Linear Algebra,
56 Part I - Joel G. Broida, Stanley Gill Williamson - Download Here Download Here
2012 - NA

Comprehensive Introduction to Linear Algebra,

57 Part II - Joel G. Broida, Stanley Gill Williamson - Download Here Download Here
2012 - NA

Comprehensive Introduction to Linear Algebra,

58 Part III - Joel G. Broida, Stanley Gill Williamson - Download Here Download Here
2012 - NA

Comprehensive introduction to linear algebra.

59 Download Here Download Here
Part 1 - Broida J.G., Williamson S.G - 2012 - NA

Comprehensive introduction to linear algebra.

60 Download Here Download Here
Part 2 - Broida J.G., Williamson S.G - 2012 - NA

Comprehensive introduction to linear algebra.

61 Download Here Download Here
Part 3 - Broida J.G., Williamson S.G - 2012 - NA

Computation with Linear Algebraic Groups -

62 Willem Adriaan de Graaf - 2017 - Chapman and Download Here Download Here

Concise Introduction to Linear Algebra - Qingwen

63 Download Here Download Here
Hu - 2017 - Chapman and Hall/CRC
Contemporary Linear Algebra - Howard Anton,
64 Download Here Download Here
Robert C. Busby - 2002 - John Wiley & Sons

Contemporary Linear Algebra, Student Solutions

65 Manual - Howard Anton, Robert C. Busby - 2003 - Download Here Download Here

Coordinate Geometry (Dover Books on

66 Mathematics) - Luther Pfahler Eisenhart - 2005 - Download Here Download Here
Dover Publications

Deblurring Images: Matrices, Spectra, and

Filtering (Fundamentals of Algorithms 3) - Per
67 Download Here Download Here
Christian Hansen - 2006 - Society for Industrial
and Applied Mathematic

Differential equations and linear algebra -

68 Download Here Download Here
Stephen W Goode - 2000 - Prentice Hall

Differential Equations and Linear Algebra

69 Solutions Manual - Jerry Farlow, James E. Hall, Download Here Download Here
Jean Marie McDill, Beverly H. West - 2007 - NA

Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, 3rd

70 Edition - Stephen W. Goode, Scott A. Annin - 2007 Download Here Download Here
- Prentice Hall

Diophantine Approximation on Linear Algebraic

Groups: Transcendence Properties of the
71 Exponential Function in Several Variables - Michel Download Here Download Here
Waldschmidt (auth.) - 2000 - Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg
Discrete and algebraic structures: Multilinear
72 Download Here Download Here
Algebra [Lecture notes] - Karin Baur - 2016 - NA

Dynamic Model Analysis - Advanced Matrix

Methods and Unit-Root Econometrics
73 Download Here Download Here
Representation Theorems - ition - Mario Faliva,
Maria Grazia Zoia - 2009 - Springer

Dynamical Systems and Linear Algebra - Fritz

74 Colonius, Wolfgang Kliemann - 2014 - American Download Here Download Here
Mathematical Society

Elementary Linear Algebra - A Matrix Approach -

75 Lawrence Spence, Arnold Insel, Stephen Friedberg Download Here Download Here
- 2013 - Pearson

Elementary Linear Algebra (+Problems +Solutions)

76 Download Here Download Here
- Kenneth L. Kuttler - 2016 - NA

Elementary Linear Algebra (2nd Edition) -

77 Lawrence E. Spence, Arnold J. Insel, Stephen H. Download Here Download Here
Friedberg - 2007 - Prentice Hall

Elementary Linear Algebra (incl. Online chapters) -

78 Download Here Download Here
Ron Larson, David C. Falvo - 2008 - Brooks Cole

Elementary linear algebra (with problems and

79 Download Here Download Here
solutions) - Kuttler K.L - 2016 - NA
Elementary linear algebra : Metric version - Ron
80 Download Here Download Here
Larson - 2017 - NA

Elementary Linear Algebra [expository notes] -

81 Download Here Download Here
Joseph Muscat - 2009 - NA

Elementary Linear Algebra [Lecture notes] -

82 Download Here Download Here
Kenneth L. Kuttler - 2015 - NA

Elementary Linear Algebra Applications Version -

83 Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Anton Kaul - 2019 - Download Here Download Here

Elementary linear algebra with applications -

84 Download Here Download Here
Howard Anton, Chris Rorres - 2005 - Wiley

Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications (9th

85 Edition) - Bernard Kolman, David Hill - 2007 - Download Here Download Here
Prentice Hall

Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications and

Labs [Custom Edition for Purdue University] -
86 Download Here Download Here
Bernard Kolman, David R. Hill - 2008 - Pearson
Learning Solutions

Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications,

87 Student Solutions Manual - Howard Anton, Chris Download Here Download Here
Rorres - 2006 - Wiley
Elementary Linear Algebra, Applications Version -
88 Download Here Download Here
Howard Anton, Chris Rorres - 2013 - Wiley

Elementary Linear Algebra, First Canadian Edition -

89 Stewart Venit, Wayne Bishop, Jason Brown - 2008 Download Here Download Here
- Nelson College Indigenous

Elementary Linear Algebra, Fourth Edition -

90 Stephen Andrilli, David Hecker - 2009 - Academic Download Here Download Here

Elementary Linear Algebra, Students Solutions

91 Manual (e-only) - Stephen Andrilli, David Hecker - Download Here Download Here
2010 - Elsevier

Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version -

92 Download Here Download Here
Howard Anton, Chris Rorres - 2010 - Wiley

Elements of Linear Algebra - Jason R. Wilson -

93 Download Here Download Here
2019 - VT Publishing

Elements of linear and multilinear algebra -

94 Download Here Download Here
Erdman J.M. - 2014 - NA

Essential Linear Algebra with Applications: A

95 Problem-Solving Approach - Titu Andreescu Download Here Download Here
(auth.) - 2014 - Birkhäuser Basel
Exercises and problems in linear algebra - Erdman
96 Download Here Download Here
J.M. - 2014 - NA

Exploring Linear Algebra: Labs and Projects with

97 Mathematica ® - Arangala, Crista - 2014 - Taylor & Download Here Download Here

Exploring linear algebra: labs and projects with

98 Download Here Download Here
Matlab - Arangala, Crista - 2019 - CRC Press

Extracellular Matrix Protocols - Charles Streuli,

99 Download Here Download Here
Michael Grant - 2000 - Humana Press

Factorization of Matrix and Operator Functions -

The State Space Method - Harm Bart, Israel
100 Download Here Download Here
Gohberg, Marinus A. Kaashoek, AndrE C.M. Ran -
2008 - Birkhauser

Factorization of matrix and operator functions:

The state space method - Harm Bart, Israel
101 Download Here Download Here
Gohberg, Marinus A. Kaashoek, André C.M. Ran
- 2007 - Birkhäuser Basel

Finite-Dimensional Linear Algebra - Gockenbach,

102 Download Here Download Here
Mark S. - 2010 - CRC Press

First course in linear algebra : come for the price,

103 Download Here Download Here
stay for the quality - Beezer, Robert A. - 2004 - NA
Foundations of Nonlinear Algebra - John Perry -
104 Download Here Download Here
2013 - NA

From Alien to The Matrix: Reading Science Fiction

105 Download Here Download Here
Film - Roz Kaveney - 2005 - I. B. Tauris

Fundamentals of Linear Algebra - James B. Carrell -

106 Download Here Download Here
2005 - NA

Fundamentals of Linear Algebra (Textbooks in

107 Mathematics) - J.S. Chahal - 2018 - Chapman and Download Here Download Here

Fundamentals of linear algebra and optimization -

108 Download Here Download Here
Gallier J., Quaintance J - 2017 - NA

Fundamentals of Linear Algebra and Optimization

109 Download Here Download Here
[Lecture notes] - Jean Gallier - 2015 - NA

Fundamentals of Linear Algebra: With

Applications in Computer Science, Economics,
110 Download Here Download Here
Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics - Chahal, J.
S - 2019 - CRC Press

Fundamentals of Matrix Analysis with

111 Applications - Edward Barry Saff, Arthur David Download Here Download Here
Snider - 2015 - Wiley
Fundamentals of Optimization Theory With
112 Applications to Machine Learning - Jean Gallier, Download Here Download Here
Jocelyn Quaintance - 2019 - NA

Further Linear Algebra - Thomas S. Blyth, Edmund

113 Download Here Download Here
F. Robertson - 2002 - Springer

Fuzzy Control Systems Design and Analysis: A

114 Linear Matrix Inequality Approach - Kazuo Download Here Download Here
Tanaka, Hua O. Wang - 2001 - Wiley-Interscience

Fuzzy Interval Matrices, Neutroscopic Interval

Matrices and Applns - W. B. Vasantha
115 Download Here Download Here
Kandasamy; Florentin Smarandache, Meena
Kandasamy - 2006 - Hexis

Generalized Inverses of Linear Transformations -

116 Stephen L. Campbell, Carl D. Meyer - 2008 - Download Here Download Here
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Generalized Inverses: Theory and Applications -

117 Adi Ben-Israel, Thomas N.E. Greville - 2003 - Download Here Download Here

Generalized Sylvester Equations: Unified

118 Parametric Solutions - Guang-Ren Duan - 2015 - Download Here Download Here
CRC Press

Geometric Algebra with Applications in

119 Engineering - Christian Perwass (auth.) - 2009 - Download Here Download Here
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Geometric Linear Algebra Vol.1 - I-Hsiung Lin -
120 Download Here Download Here
2005 - World Scientific

Geometric Linear Algebra Vol.2 - I-Hsiung Lin -

121 Download Here Download Here
2008 - World Scientific

Geometry Demystified - Stan Gibilisco - 2003 -

122 Download Here Download Here
McGraw-Hill Professional

Global Linear Algebra - Prakash Om - 2005 - Laxmi

123 Download Here Download Here

Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear

124 Algebra - Jeremy Kepner and John Gilbert - 2011 - Download Here Download Here

Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear

Algebra (Software, Environments, and Tools) -
125 Download Here Download Here
Jeremy Kepner, John Gilbert - 2011 - Society for
Industrial & Applied Mathematics

Group Theory and Linear Algebra - J. R. J. Groves,

126 Download Here Download Here
C. D. Hodgson, Alexandru Ghitza - 2015 - NA

Groups, Matrices, and Vector Spaces: A Group

127 Theoretic Approach to Linear Algebra - James B. Download Here Download Here
Carrell - 2017 - Springer
H -Matrix approximation for the operator
128 exponential with applications - Gavrilyuk I. P., Download Here Download Here
Hackbusch W. - 2001 - NA

Handbook of Linear Algebra - Leslie Hogben -

129 Download Here Download Here
2006 - Chapman and Hall/CRC

Handbook of Linear Algebra, Second Edition -

130 Download Here Download Here
Leslie Hogben - 2013 - Chapman and Hall/CRC

High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites -

131 Walter Krenkel, Roger Naslain, Hartmut Schneider Download Here Download Here
- 2006 - Wiley-VCH

Hot Topics in Linear Algebra - Ivan Kyrchei - 2020 -

132 Download Here Download Here

Illustrated Special Relativity Through Its

Paradoxes: A Fusion of Linear Algebra, Graphics,
133 Download Here Download Here
and Reality - John de Pillis, Jose' Wudka - 2014 - J
dePillis Illustrations

Infinite Matrices and their Finite Sections. An

134 Introduction to the Limit Operator Method - Download Here Download Here
Lindner M. - 2006 - Birkhauser

Infinite Matrices and their Finite Sections: An

135 Introduction to the Limit Operator Method - Download Here Download Here
Marko Lindner - 2006 - Birkhäuser Basel
Inside ASP.NET Web Matrix - Homer A., Sussman
136 Download Here Download Here
D. - 2002 - NA

Instructor Solution Manual To Linear Algebra and

137 Optimization for Machine Learning: A Textbook Download Here Download Here
(Solutions) - Charu C. Aggarwal - 2020 - Springer

Instructor’s Solutions Manual to accompany

Linear Algebra: 4th Edition - Stephen H.
138 Download Here Download Here
Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spence -
2003 - Pearson Education

Instructors Manual to Accompany Linear Algebra

139 and Ordinary Differential Equations - Jeffrey, Download Here Download Here
Jeffrey - 2018 - CRC Press

Instructor's Solution Manual for \\Applied Linear

140 Algebra\\" (with Errata)" - Peter J. Olver, Download Here Download Here
Chehrzad Shakiban - 2008 - NA

Instructor's solutions manual [to accompany]

Linear algebra with applications, fourth edition
141 Download Here Download Here
[by] Otto Bretscher - Kyle Burke; George Welch;
Otto Bretscher - 2009 - Prentice Hall

Instructor's Solutions Manual for Elementary

142 Linear Algebra with Applications, 9th Edition - Download Here Download Here
Bernard Kolman, David R. Hill - 2008 - Pearson

Instructor's Solutions Manual for Linear Algebra

143 with Applications - Otto Bretscher, Kyle Burke - Download Here Download Here
2009 - Pearson
Intelligent Routines II: Solving Linear Algebra and
Differential Geometry with Sage - George A.
144 Download Here Download Here
Anastassiou, Iuliana F. Iatan (auth.) - 2014 -
Springer International Publishing

Interval Linear Algebra - W. B. Vasantha

Kandasamy, Florentin Smarandache, Meena
145 Download Here Download Here
Kandasamy, Kama Kandasamy - 2011 -

Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra: Vectors,

Matrices, and Least Squares - Stephen Boyd,
146 Download Here Download Here
Lieven Vandenberghe - 2018 - Cambridge
University Press

Introduction to linear algebra - DeFranza J.,

147 Download Here Download Here
Gagliardi D. - 2009 - MGH

Introduction to Linear Algebra (5th Edition) - Lee

148 W. Johnson, R. Dean Riess, Jimmy T. Arnold - Download Here Download Here
2001 - Pearson

Introduction to Linear Algebra Fifth Edition -

149 Gilbert Strang - 2016 - WELLESLEY -CAMBRIDGE Download Here Download Here

Introduction to Linear Algebra for Science and

150 Engineering - Daniel Norman, Dan Wolczuk - 2011 Download Here Download Here
- Pearson Education Canada

Introduction to Linear Algebra for Science and

Engineering (3rd Edition) - Daniel Norman
151 Download Here Download Here
(Author) Dan Wolczuk (Author) - 2019 - Pearson
Introduction to Linear Algebra with Applications -
152 James DeFranza, Daniel Gagliardi - 2008 - McGraw-Download Here Download Here
Hill Science/Engineering/Math

Introduction to Linear Algebra, - Whitelaw, T. A -

153 Download Here Download Here
2018 - Chapman & Hall/CRC

Introduction to Linear Algebra, Fifth Edition -

154 Download Here Download Here
Gilbert Strang - 2016 - Wellesley-Cambridge Press

Introduction to Linear Algebra, Fourth Edition -

155 Download Here Download Here
Gilbert Strang - 2009 - Wellesley Cambridge Press

Introduction to Linear Algebra, Third Edition -

156 Download Here Download Here
Gilbert Strang - 2003 - NA

Introduction to Matrix Analysis and Applications -

157 Fumio Hiai, Dénes Petz (auth.) - 2014 - Springer Download Here Download Here
International Publishing

Introduction to Matrix Theory - Arindama Singh -

158 Download Here Download Here
2017 - Ane Books, New Delhi

Introductory Linear Algebra with Applications: An

159 Applied First Course - Kolman, B; Hill, D - 2001 - Download Here Download Here
Pearson / Prentice Hall
Invitation to Linear Algebra - David C. Mello -
160 Download Here Download Here
2017 - Chapman and Hall/CRC

Invitation to Nonlinear Algebra - Mateusz

161 Michalek, Bernd Sturmfels - 2021 - American Download Here Download Here
Mathematical Society

Iterative solution of symmetric quasi-definite

linear systems - Arioli, Mario; Orban, Dominique -
162 Download Here Download Here
2017 - Society for Industrial and Applied

LA-3 Lecture Notes (Linear Algebra) - Karl-Heinz

163 Download Here Download Here
Fieseler - 2014 - NA

LAFF - Linear Algebra: Foundations to Frontiers -

164 Download Here Download Here
Robert van de Geijn, Maggie Myers - 2014 - NA

Large Random Matrices: Lectures on Macroscopic

Asymptotics: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-
165 Download Here Download Here
Flour XXXVI ¿ 2006 - Alice Guionnet (auth.) - 2009 -
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Lecture Notes for Multivariable Mathematics:

166 MATH 3500 & 3510 - Theodore Shifrin - 2019 - Download Here Download Here
Bryce Crawford

Lecture notes on linear algebra - David Lerner -

167 Download Here Download Here
2009 - NA
Lecture notes on Schro¨dinger equations - A A
168 Download Here Download Here
Pankov - 2007 - Nova Science Publishers

Lectures on Linear Algebraic Groups - Tamás

169 Download Here Download Here
Szamuely - 2017 - NA

Lectures on Linear Algebraic Groups [Lecture

170 Download Here Download Here
notes] - Tamás Szamuely - 2017 - NA

Lie Algebras, Vertex Operator Algebras, and

Related Topics: Conference in Honor of J.
Lepowsky and R. Wilson on Lie Algebras, Vertex
Operator Algebras, and Related Topics, August 14-
171 Download Here Download Here
18, 2015, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame,
IN - Katrina Barron, Elizabeth Jurisich, Antun
Milas, Kailash Misra - 2017 - American
Mathematical Society

Linear Algebra - Challenging Probs for Students -

172 Download Here Download Here
F. Zhang - 2009 - JHU Press

Linear Algebra - Excercises and Selected Answers

/ Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence
173 E. Spence - Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, Download Here Download Here
Lawrence E. Spence - 2018 - Pearson Education,

Linear Algebra Solutions manual - Hoffman and

174 Download Here Download Here
Kunze - 2017 - University of Pennsylvania

Linear algebra - theorems and applications -

175 Download Here Download Here
Yasser H.A. (ed.) - 2012 - InTech
Linear Algebra (5th Edition) - Stephen H.
176 Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spense - Download Here Download Here
2019 - Pearson Education

Linear Algebra (Math 110), Summer 2012 -

177 Download Here Download Here
George Melvin - 2012 - NA

Linear Algebra (Michaelmas 2012) - I. Grojnowski,

178 Download Here Download Here
notes taken by Alex Chan - 2013 - NA

Linear Algebra (Springer Undergraduate

179 Mathematics Series) - Jörg Liesen, Volker Download Here Download Here
Mehrmann - 2015 - Springer

Linear Algebra . Pure & Applied - Edgar G

180 Download Here Download Here
Goodaire - 2013 - World Scientific Publishing

Linear algebra : concepts and methods - Martin

181 Anthony; Michele Harvey - 2012 - Cambridge Download Here Download Here
University Press

Linear algebra : ideas and applications - Penney,

182 Download Here Download Here
Richard C - 2015 - Wiley

Linear Algebra : Pure & Applied - Edgar G

183 Download Here Download Here
Goodaire - 2013 - World Scientific
Linear Algebra [draft] - Henry C. Pinkham - 2015 -
184 Download Here Download Here

Linear Algebra [Lecture notes] - Joseph R. Mileti -

185 Download Here Download Here
2016 - NA

186 Linear Algebra 2 - Julia Goedecke - 2018 - NA Download Here Download Here

Linear Algebra 2 [Lecture notes] - Gabor Wiese -

187 Download Here Download Here
2017 - NA

188 Linear Algebra 2014 - Simon Wadsley - 2015 - NA Download Here Download Here

189 Linear Algebra 2015 - Simon Wadsley - 2015 - NA Download Here Download Here

Linear Algebra A Course for Physicists and

190 Engineers - Haubold, Hans J.; Mathai, Arak - 2017 - Download Here Download Here
de Gruyter

Linear Algebra And Analysis - Kenneth Kuttler -

191 Download Here Download Here
2017 - NA
Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry for Physical
192 Sciences - Giovanni Landi, Alessandro Zampini - Download Here Download Here
2018 - Springer

Linear Algebra and Geometry - Igor R.

193 Shafarevich, Alexey O. Remizov (auth.) - 2013 - Download Here Download Here
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Linear Algebra and Geometry (AMS/MAA

Textbooks) - Al Cuoco, Kevin Waterman, Bowen
194 Download Here Download Here
Kerins, Elena Kaczorowski, Michelle Manes - 2019 -
American Mathematical Society

Linear Algebra and Group Theory for Physicists -

195 K. N. Srinivasa Rao (auth.) - 2006 - Hindustan Download Here Download Here
Book Agency

Linear Algebra and Group Theory for Physicists

196 Download Here Download Here
and Engineers - Yair Shapira - 2019 - Birkhauser

Linear algebra and its applications - Strang G. -

197 Download Here Download Here
2005 - Brooks

Linear Algebra and Its Applications (4th Edition) -

198 Download Here Download Here
David C. Lay - 2011 - Addison Wesley / Pearson

Linear Algebra and Its Applications (5th Edition) -

199 David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay, Judi J. McDonald - Download Here Download Here
2015 - Pearson
Linear Algebra and Its Applications (Sixth Edition) -
Chapter 10: Finite-State Markov Chains +
200 Download Here Download Here
Appendixes - David C. Lay; Steven R. Lay; Judi J.
McDonald - 2020 - Pearson

Linear Algebra and Its Applications [rental Edition]

201 - David C Lay; Steven R Lay; Judi J McDonald - Download Here Download Here
2020 - Pearson

Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 4th Edition -

202 Download Here Download Here
David C. Lay - 2010 - Pearson Education

Linear Algebra And Learning from Data - Gilbert

203 Download Here Download Here
Strang - 2019 - Wesley-Cambridge Press

Linear Algebra and Matrices: Topics for a Second

204 Course - Helene Shapiro - 2015 - American Download Here Download Here
Mathematical Society

Linear Algebra and Matrix Computations With

205 Download Here Download Here
MATLAB - Dingyü Xue - 2020 - De Gruyter

Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus [Lecture

206 Download Here Download Here
Notes] - Kenneth Kuttler - 2016 - NA

Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine

207 Learning: A Textbook - Charu C. Aggarwal - 2020 - Download Here Download Here
Linear Algebra and Partial Differential Equations -
208 Download Here Download Here
T Veerarajan - 2018 - McGraw-Hill Education


209 ALGEBRA - W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy - 2003 - Download Here Download Here
Bookman Publishing & Marketing

Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus (2110015)

210 GTU-December 2014 - Ravish R Singh;Mukul Download Here Download Here
Bhatt - 2015 - McGraw-Hill Education

Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus (2110015)

211 Gujarat Technological University 2017 - Ravish R Download Here Download Here
Singh;Mukul Bhatt - 2017 - McGraw-Hill Education

Linear Algebra ant Its Applications. Instrucror's

212 Solutions Manual - Judi McDonald; David C. Lay, Download Here Download Here
Steven R. Lay, Judi J. McDonald - 2016 - Pearson

Linear Algebra as an Introduction to Abstract

213 Mathematics - Anne Schilling, Isaiah Lankham, Download Here Download Here
Bruno Nachtergaele - 2016 - World Scientific

Linear Algebra Based Controllers: Design and

Applications - Gustavo Scaglia, Mario Emanuel
214 Download Here Download Here
Serrano, Pedro Albertos - 2020 - Springer
International Publishing;Springer

Linear Algebra Done Wrong [Lecture notes] -

215 Download Here Download Here
Sergei Treil - 2015 - NA
Linear Algebra Examples c-1 - L. Mejlbro [n.b. has
216 Download Here Download Here
some ads] - 2009 - BookBoon

Linear Algebra Examples c-2 - L. Mejlbro [n.b. has

217 Download Here Download Here
some ads] - 2009 - BookBoon

Linear Algebra Examples c-3 - L. Mejlbro [n.b. has

218 Download Here Download Here
some ads] - 2009 - BookBoon

Linear Algebra Examples c-4 - L. Mejlbro [n.b. has

219 Download Here Download Here
some ads] - 2009 - BookBoon

Linear Algebra for Computational Sciences and

220 Engineering - Ferrante Neri (auth.) - 2016 - Download Here Download Here
Springer International Publishing

Linear Algebra for Computer Vision, Robotics, and

221 Machine Learning - Jean Gallier, Jocelyn Download Here Download Here
Quaintance - 2019 - NA

Linear algebra for MATH2601: Numerical

222 methods [Lecture notes] - László Erdös - 2000 - Download Here Download Here

Linear algebra for MATH2601: Theory [Lecture

223 Download Here Download Here
notes] - László Erdös - 2000 - NA
Linear Algebra I & II [Lecture notes] - Frederick P.
224 Download Here Download Here
Greenleaf, Sophie Marques - 2017 - NA

Linear Algebra I [Lecture notes] - Peter M.

225 Download Here Download Here
Neumann - 2016 - NA

Linear algebra I and II - Greenleaf F.P., Marques S -

226 Download Here Download Here
2016 - NA

Linear Algebra II [Lecture notes] - Damien Roy,

227 Download Here Download Here
Pierre Bel, Alistair Savage - 2013 - NA

Linear Algebra Illustrated - Peter Saveliev - 2019 -

228 Download Here Download Here

Linear Algebra in 25 Lectures - Denton, Waldron -

229 Download Here Download Here
2011 - Creative Commons

Linear Algebra in Action - Harry Dym - 2006 -

230 Download Here Download Here
American Mathematical Society

Linear Algebra Lecture notes - Math 110 Lec 002,

231 Download Here Download Here
Summer 2016 - Brandon Williams - 2017 - NA
Linear Algebra with Application - Jeffrey Holt -
232 Download Here Download Here
2016 - W. H. Freeman

Linear Algebra with Applications - Otto Bretscher -

233 Download Here Download Here
2008 - Pearson

Linear Algebra with Applications Instructor's

234 Download Here Download Here
Solution Manual - Otto Bretscher - 2014 - Pearson

Linear Algebra, 4th Edition - Stephen H. Friedberg,

235 Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spence - 2002 - Download Here Download Here

Linear Algebra, Geometry and Transformation -

236 Download Here Download Here
Solomon, Bruce - 2014 - CRC Press

Linear Algebra, Second Edition: Algorithms,

237 Applications, and Techniques - Richard Bronson, Download Here Download Here
Gabriel B. Costa - 2007 - Academic Press

Linear Algebra, Signal Processing and Wavelets –

238 a unified Approach. Python Version - Øyvind Ryan Download Here Download Here
- 2019 - Springer

Linear Algebra, Signal Processing, and Wavelets -

239 A Unified Approach: MATLAB Version - Øyvind Download Here Download Here
Ryan - 2019 - Springer International Publishing
Linear Algebra, Signal Processing, and Wavelets -
240 A Unified Approach: Python Version - Øyvind Download Here Download Here
Ryan - 2019 - Springer International Publishing

Linear Algebra, Theory And Applications -

241 Download Here Download Here
Kenneth L. Kuttler - 2016 - NA

Linear Algebra, Theory And Applications [Lecture

242 Download Here Download Here
notes] - Kenneth L. Kuttler - 2015 - NA

Linear Algebra, Third Edition: Algorithms,

Applications, and Techniques - Richard Bronson,
243 Download Here Download Here
Gabriel B. Costa, John T. Saccoman - 2013 -
Academic Press/Elsevier

Linear Algebra. A Geometric Approach - Ted

244 Download Here Download Here
Shifrin, Malcolm Adams - 2010 - W. H. Freeman

Linear Algebra. Algorithms, Applications, and

Techniques - Richard Bronson, Gabriel B. Costa
245 Download Here Download Here
and John T. Saccoman (Auth.) - 2014 - Academic

Linear Algebra: A First Course with Applications -

246 Download Here Download Here
Larry E. Knop - 2008 - Chapman and Hall/CRC

Linear Algebra: a Geometric Approach - Montaldi,

247 Download Here Download Here
J.; Sernesi, E - 2018 - Routledge;CRC
Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction - David
248 Download Here Download Here
Poole - 2005 - Brooks Cole

Linear Algebra: An Inquiry-Based Approach - Jeff

249 Download Here Download Here
Suzuki - 2021 - NA

Linear Algebra: An Introduction, Second Edition -

250 Richard Bronson, Gabriel B. Costa - 2007 - Download Here Download Here
Academic Press

Linear Algebra: Challenging Problems for Students

(Johns Hopkins Studies in the Mathematical
251 Download Here Download Here
Sciences) - Fuzhen Zhang - 2009 - The Johns
Hopkins University Press

Linear Algebra: Concepts and Applications -

252 Download Here Download Here
Przemyslaw Bogacki - 2019 - MAA Press

Linear Algebra: Concepts and Methods - Martin

253 Anthony, Michele Harvey - 2012 - Cambridge Download Here Download Here
University Press

Linear Algebra: Concepts and Techniques on

254 Euclidean Spaces - Ma Siu Lun, Ng Kah Loon, Download Here Download Here
Victor Tan - 2014 - McGraw-Hill

Linear Algebra: Examples and Applications - Alain

255 Download Here Download Here
M. Robert - 2005 - World Scientific
Linear algebra: for everyone - Lorenzo Robbiano
256 Download Here Download Here
(auth.) - 2011 - Springer-Verlag Mailand

Linear Algebra: Ideas and Applications - Richard C.

257 Download Here Download Here
Penney - 2015 - Wiley

Linear Algebra: Invariant Subspaces [Lecture

258 Download Here Download Here
notes] - Pete L. Clark - 2013 - NA

Linear Algebra: Lecture Notes - Rachel Quinlan -

259 Download Here Download Here
2013 - NA

Linear Algebra: MAT 217 (Spring 2012) - Michael

260 Download Here Download Here
Damron - 2013 - NA

Linear Algebra: Step by Step - Kuldeep Singh -

261 Download Here Download Here
2013 - Oxford University Press

Linear Algebraic Groups and Finite Groups of Lie

262 Type - Gunter Malle, Donna Testerman - 2011 - Download Here Download Here
Cambridge University Press

Linear algebraic groups and their Lie algebras -

263 Download Here Download Here
Daniel Miller - 2014 - NA
Linear and Geometric Algebra - Alan Macdonald -
264 Download Here Download Here
2010 - NA

Linear Models in Matrix Form: A Hands-On

Approach for the Behavioral Sciences - Jonathon
265 Download Here Download Here
D. Brown (auth.) - 2014 - Springer International

Linear Programming: An Introduction to Finite

266 Improvement Algorithms - Daniel Solow - 2014 - Download Here Download Here
Dover Publications

M(atrix) theory: matrix quantum mechanics as

267 Download Here Download Here
fundamental theory - Taylor W. - 2001 - NA

M1J1 Linear Algebra [Lecture notes] - Matthew

268 Download Here Download Here
Towers - 2015 - NA

M1J2 Abstract Linear Algebra [Lecture notes] -

269 Download Here Download Here
Matthew Towers - 2015 - NA

MA251 Algebra I -- Advanced Linear Algebra

270 Download Here Download Here
[lecture notes] - Daan Krammer - 2015 - NA

Majorization and Matrix Monotone Functions in

271 Wireless Communications - Eduard Jorswieck, Download Here Download Here
Holger Boche - 2007 - Now Publishers Inc
MAT 2141 - Linear Algebra I [Lecture notes] -
272 Download Here Download Here
Alistair Savage - 2012 - University of Ottawa

Math 225 Linear Algebra II [Lecture notes] - John

273 Download Here Download Here
C. Bowman - 2016 - NA

Math 302 Lecture Notes (linear algebra and

274 multivariable calculus) - Kenneth L. Kuttler - 2015 - Download Here Download Here

Math 308, Linear Algebra with Applications -

275 Download Here Download Here
Natalie Naehrig - 2015 - NA

276 Matrices - Pam Norton - 2007 - Acer Press Download Here Download Here

Matrices and Matroids for Systems Analysis -

277 Kazuo Murota (auth.) - 2010 - Springer-Verlag Download Here Download Here
Berlin Heidelberg

Matrices Theory And Applications - Denis Serre -

278 Download Here Download Here
2002 - Springer

Matrices, Moments and Quadrature with

Applications (Princeton Series in Applied
279 Download Here Download Here
Mathematics) - Gene H. Golub, Gerard Meurant -
2010 - Princeton University Press
Matrices: Algebra, Analysis and Applications -
280 Download Here Download Here
Shmuel Friedland - 2015 - World Scientific

Matrix Algebra (Econometric Exercises) - Karim M.

281 Abadir, Jan R. Magnus - 2005 - Cambridge Download Here Download Here
University Press

Matrix Algebra for Linear Models - Marvin H. J.

282 Download Here Download Here
Gruber - 2013 - Wiley

Matrix Algebra. Theory, Computations and

283 Download Here Download Here
Applications in Statistics - Gentle - 2007 - Springer

Matrix analysis and applied linear algebra - Meyer

284 Download Here Download Here
C.D. - 2000 - SIAM

Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra Book

and Solutions Manual - Carl D. Meyer - 2000 -
285 Download Here Download Here
SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied

Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra:

286 Download Here Download Here
Solutions Manual - Carl Dean Meyer - 2000 - SIAM

Matrix Analysis for Scientists and Engineers - Alan

287 J. Laub - 2004 - SIAM: Society for Industrial and Download Here Download Here
Applied Mathematics
Matrix Analysis Of Structural Dynamics - Franklin
288 Download Here Download Here
Y. Cheng - 2000 - NA

Matrix Arithmetics in Linear Complexity - Borm S. -

289 Download Here Download Here
2004 - NA

Matrix Computations - Gene H. Golub, Charles F.

290 Download Here Download Here
Van Loan - 2012 - Johns Hopkins University Press

Matrix convolution operators on groups - Cho-Ho

291 Chu (auth.) - 2008 - Springer-Verlag Berlin Download Here Download Here

Matrix Groups: An Introduction to Lie Group

292 Download Here Download Here
Theory - Andrew Baker - 2003 - Springer

Matrix Inequalities - Xingzhi Zhan (auth.) - 2002 -

293 Download Here Download Here
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Matrix Mathematics: Theory, Facts, and Formulas,

294 Second Edition - Dennis S. Bernstein - 2009 - Download Here Download Here
Princeton University Press

Matrix metalloproteinase protocols - Alejandro P.

Ugalde, Gonzalo R. Ordóñez, Pedro M. Quirós,
295 Download Here Download Here
Xose S. Puente (auth.), Ian M. Clark (eds.) - 2010 -
Humana Press
Matrix Metalloproteinases in the Central Nervous
296 System - Katherine Conant, Paul E Gottschall - Download Here Download Here
2005 - Imperial College Press

Matrix methods : applied linear algebra - Richard

297 Bronson; Gabriel B Costa - 2009 - Download Here Download Here
Elsevier/Academic Press

Matrix methods in data mining and pattern

298 recognition - Lars Eldén - 2007 - Society for Download Here Download Here
Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Matrix Methods in Data Mining and Pattern

Recognition (Fundamentals of Algorithms) - Lars
299 Download Here Download Here
Eldén - 2007 - Society for Industrial and Applied

Matrix methods. Applied linear algebra - Richard

300 Bronson; Gabriel B Costa - 2008 - Download Here Download Here
Elsevier/Academic Press

Matrix Methods: Applied Linear Algebra (Third

301 Edition) - Richard Bronson, Gabriel B. Costa - 2008 Download Here Download Here
- Academic Press

Matrix Methods: Applied Linear Algebra and

302 Sabermetrics - Richard Bronson, Gabriel B. Costa - Download Here Download Here
2020 - Academic Pr

Matrix Partial Orders, Shorted Operators and

Applications (Series in Algebra) - Sujit Kumar
303 Download Here Download Here
Mitra, P. Bhimasankaram, Saroj B. Malik - 2010 -
World Scientific Publishing Company
Matrix Polynomials - I. Gohberg, P. Lancaster, L.
304 Rodman - 2009 - Society for Industrial and Download Here Download Here
Applied Mathematic

Matrix Polynomials (Classics in Applied

Mathematics) - I. Gohberg, P. Lancaster, L.
305 Download Here Download Here
Rodman - 2009 - Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematic

Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra - Peter Selinger -

306 Download Here Download Here
2020 - NA

Matrix Theory: Basic Results and Techniques, 2nd

307 Download Here Download Here
Edition - Fuzhen Zhang - 2011 - Springer

Matrix Theory: From Generalized Inverses to

Jordan Form (Chapman & Hall CRC Pure and
308 Download Here Download Here
Applied Mathematics) - Robert Piziak, P.L. Odell -
2007 - Chapman and Hall/CRC

Matrix Warrior Being the One - Jake Horsley -

309 Download Here Download Here
2003 - Peachpit Press

Meromorphic functions and linear algebra - Olavi

310 Nevanlinna - 2003 - American Mathematical Download Here Download Here

Meromorphic Functions and Linear Algebra

311 (Fields Institute Monographs, 18) - Olavi Download Here Download Here
Nevanlinna - 2003 - Amer Mathematical Society
Metal and Ceramic Matrix Composites - Brian
312 Cantor, Fionn .P.E Dunne, Ian C Stone - 2003 - Download Here Download Here
Taylor & Francis, IOP

Metal Matrix Composites - Nikhilesh Chawla,

313 Download Here Download Here
Krishan Kumar Chawla - 2005 - Springer

Microstructural Characterization of Materials,

314 2nd Edition - David Brandon, Wayne D. Download Here Download Here
Kaplan(auth.) - 2008 - John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Module theory: an approach to linear algebra -

315 Download Here Download Here
Thomas Scott Blyth - 2018 - NA

Moduli Spaces and Vector Bundles - Leticia

Brambila-Paz, Steven B. Bradlow, Oscar García-
316 Download Here Download Here
Prada, S. Ramanan - 2009 - Cambridge University

MTH5112 Linear Algebra I [lecture notes] -

317 Download Here Download Here
Christian Beck - 2017 - NA

MTH5112 Linear Algebra I, 2015--2016 - Christian

318 Download Here Download Here
Beck - 2016 - NA

Multilinear Algebra [Lecture notes] - Tin-Yau Tam -

319 Download Here Download Here
2011 - NA
Multilinear Algebra and Applications (2MMD20,
320 Download Here Download Here
Fall 2015) - Jan Draisma - 2017 - NA

Multilinear algebra and differential forms for

321 Download Here Download Here
beginners - Guillemin V. - 2010 - MIT

Multilinear Algebra notes [Lecture notes] -

322 Download Here Download Here
Eugene Lerman - 2011 - NA

Multi-Linear Algebra, Tensors and Spinors in

323 Mathematical Physics [Lecture notes] - Valter Download Here Download Here
Moretti - 2016 - NA

Multivariable Mathematics: Linear Algebra,

324 Multivariable Calculus, and Manifolds - Theodore Download Here Download Here
Shifrin - 2005 - John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Multivariable Mathematics: Linear Algebra,

325 Multivariable, Calculus, and Manifolds - Theodore Download Here Download Here
Shifrin - 2004 - John Wiley

New Classes of Neutrosophic Linear Algebras - W.

326 B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Florentin Smarandache, Download Here Download Here
K. Ilanthenral - 2010 - Cuart

No Bullshit Guide to Linear Algebra - Ivan Savov -

327 Download Here Download Here
2016 - Minireference
Nonhomogeneous Matrix Products - Hartfiel D.J. -
328 Download Here Download Here
2002 - World Scientific Publishing Company

Non-negative Matrix Factorization Techniques:

Advances in Theory and Applications - Ganesh R.
329 Download Here Download Here
Naik (eds.) - 2016 - Springer-Verlag Berlin

Notes on Linear Algebra - Mark Reeder - 2015 -

330 Download Here Download Here

Notes on Linear Algebra [Lecture notes] - Peter J.

331 Download Here Download Here
Cameron - 2008 - NA

Notes on Mathematics - 102 (linear algebra) -

332 Peeyush Chandra, A. K. Lal, V. Raghavendra, G. Download Here Download Here
Santhanam - 2012 - NA

Notes on Tensor Products and the Exterior

333 Download Here Download Here
Algebra - Patrick Brosnan - 2019 - NA

Numerical linear algebra : theory and applications

334 - Beilina, Larisa; Karchevskii, Evgenii; Karchevskii, Download Here Download Here
Mikhail - 2017 - Springer

Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications - Biswa

335 Nath Datta - 2010 - Society for Industrial and Download Here Download Here
Applied Mathematics
Numerical Linear Algebra and Matrix
336 Factorizations - Tom Lyche - 2020 - Springer Download Here Download Here

Numerical Linear Algebra in Signals, Systems and

Control - A. Aricò, M. Donatelli, J. Nagy (auth.),
337 Paul Van Dooren, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya, Download Here Download Here
Raymond H. Chan, Vadim Olshevsky, Aurobinda
Routray (eds.) - 2011 - Springer Netherlands

Numerical linear algebra with applications : using

338 MATLAB - William Ford - 2014 - Academic Press, , Download Here Download Here
Elsevier Inc

Numerical Linear Algebra. A concise Introduction

339 with MatLab and Julia - Folkmar Bornemann - Download Here Download Here
2018 - Springer

Numerical Linear Algebra: A Concise Introduction

340 with MATLAB and Julia - Folkmar Bornemann, Download Here Download Here
Walter Simson - 2018 - Springer

Numerical Linear Algebra: An Introduction -

341 Holger Wendland - 2017 - Cambridge University Download Here Download Here

Numerical Linear Algebra: Theory and

342 Applications - Larisa Beilina, Evgenii Karchevskii, Download Here Download Here
Mikhail Karchevskii - 2017 - Springer

Optimal observation for cyber-physical systems: a

fisher-information-matrix-based approach - Zhen
343 Download Here Download Here
Song, YangQuan Chen, Chellury Ram Sastry, Nazif
Cihan Tas (auth.) - 2009 - Springer-Verlag London
Oxford Prelims Linear Algebra I, Michaelmas Term
344 Download Here Download Here
2014 - ? - 2014 - NA

Parallel Algorithms for Numerical Linear Algebra -

345 Van der Vorst, H.;Van Dooren, P - 2015 - Elsevier Download Here Download Here

Poisson Lie linear algebra in the graphical

346 Download Here Download Here
language - Theo Johnson-Freyd - 2009 - NA

Positive definite matrices - Rajendra Bhatia - 2007

347 Download Here Download Here
- Princeton University Press

Practical linear algebra : a geometry toolbox -

348 Gerald E Farin; Dianne Hansford - 2005 - A K Download Here Download Here

Practical Linear Algebra: A Geometry Toolbox -

349 Gerald Farin, Dianne Hansford - 2004 - A K Download Here Download Here
Peters/CRC Press

Prerequisites from Linear Algebra [lecture notes] -

350 Download Here Download Here
Mark Wildon - 2006 - NA

Principles of Linear Algebra with Mathematica -

351 Shiskowski, Kenneth M.;Frinkle, Karl - 2013 - Download Here Download Here
Probability Measures on Semigroups: Convolution
Products, Random Walks and Random Matrices -
352 Download Here Download Here
Göran Högnäs, Arunava Mukherjea (auth.) - 2011 -
Springer US

Projection matrices, generalized inverse matrices,

and singular value decomposition - Haruo Yanai,
353 Download Here Download Here
Kei Takeuchi, Yoshio Takane (auth.) - 2011 -
Springer-Verlag New York

Quadratic Forms and Their Applications - Bayer-

354 Download Here Download Here
Fluckiger E. - 2000 - NA

Quadratic reciprocity via linear algebra - M. Ram

355 Download Here Download Here
Murty - 2005 - NA

Qualitative methods in nonlinear dynamics: novel

356 approaches to Liapunov's matrix functions - A.A. Download Here Download Here
Martynyuk - 2001 - CRC Press

Quantitative Tourism Industry Analysis:

Introduction to Input-Output, Social Accounting
357 Download Here Download Here
Matrix Modelling and Tourism Satellite Accounts -
Tadayuki Hara - 2008 - Butterworth-Heinemann

Quantum computing: From linear algebra to

358 physical realizations - Mikio Nakahara, Tetsuo Download Here Download Here
Ohmi - 2008 - CRC Press

Random matrix theory and wireless

359 communications - A M Tulino, S Verdu - 2004 - Download Here Download Here
Rating Based Modeling of Credit Risk: Theory and
360 Application of Migration Matrices - Trueck S., Download Here Download Here
Rachev S.T. - 2009 - NA

Recent advances in matrix and operator theory -

Joseph A. Ball, Joseph A. Ball, Yuli Eidelman, J.
361 Download Here Download Here
William Helton, Vadim Olshevsky, James Rovnyak -
2008 - Birkhäuser

Rings, Modules, and Linear Algebra - Sean Sather-

362 Download Here Download Here
Wagstaff - 2011 - NA

Sage for Linear Algebra. A Supplement to A First

363 Course in Linear Algebra - Robert A. Beezer - 2011 Download Here Download Here
- University of Puget Sound

Schaum's Outline of Linear Algebra - Seymour

364 Download Here Download Here
Lipschutz, Marc Lipson - 2000 - McGraw-Hill

Schaum's outline of linear algebra. - Seymour

365 Download Here Download Here
Lipschultz - 2012 - Mcgraw-Hill

Schaum's outline of theory and problems of linear

366 Download Here Download Here
algebra - Lipschutz S., Lipson M. - 2004 - MGH

Schaum's outlines. Linear algebra - Lipschutz,

367 Seymour; Lipson, Marc - 2018 - McGraw-Hill Download Here Download Here
Solutions to Introduction to Linear Algebra by
368 Download Here Download Here
Gilbert Strang - John L Weatherwax - 2006 - NA

solutions to Linear Algebra and Differential

369 Equations using MATLAB - Martin Golubitsky and Download Here Download Here
Michael Dellnitz - 2020 - NA

Solutions’ Manual for Introduction to Linear

370 Algebra, Fifth Edition - Gilbert Strang - 2016 - Download Here Download Here
Wellesley-Cambridge Press

Special Set Linear Algebra and Special Set Fuzzy

Linear Algebra - W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy,
371 Download Here Download Here
Florentin Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral - 2010 -

Spectral analysis of large dimensional random

372 matrices - Zhidong Bai, Jack W. Silverstein (auth.) - Download Here Download Here
2010 - Springer-Verlag New York

Spectral theory of block operator matrices and

373 applications - Christiane Tretter - 2008 - Imperial Download Here Download Here
College Press; Distributed by World Scientific Pub

Splines and PDEs: From approximation theory to

374 numerical linear algebra - Kunoth A - 2018 - Download Here Download Here

Splines and PDEs: From Approximation Theory to

Numerical Linear Algebra: Cetraro, Italy 2017 -
Angela Kunoth, Tom Lyche, Giancarlo Sangalli,
375 Download Here Download Here
Stefano Serra-Capizzano, Tom Lyche, Carla Manni,
Hendrik Speleers - 2018 - Springer International
Student Solution Manual for Elementary Linear
376 Algebra - Lawrence Spence, Arnold J Insel, Download Here Download Here
Stephen H Friedberg - 2007 - Prentice Hall

Student Solutions Manual for Elementary Linear

377 Algebra with Applications - Bernard Kolman - Download Here Download Here
2007 - Pearson

Study Guide with Selected Solutions for Linear

378 Algebra with Applications - Jeffrey Holt - 2013 - Download Here Download Here
WH Freeman

Supersymmetric Mechanics – Vol. 1:

Supersymmetry, Noncommutativity and Matrix
379 Models - S. Bellucci, S.J. Gates Jr., E. Orazi (auth.), Download Here Download Here
Stefano Bellucci (eds.) - 2006 - Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg

Supersymmetric Mechanics - Vol. 1:

Supersymmetry, Noncommutativity and Matrix
380 Download Here Download Here
Models (Lecture Notes in Physics) - Stefano
Bellucci - 2006 - Springer

Supplementary Linear Algebra Notes [Lecture

381 Download Here Download Here
notes] - Pete L. Clark - 2013 - NA

Symmetric functionals on random matrices and

382 random matchings problems - Grzegorz Rempala, Download Here Download Here
Jacek Wesolowski - 2008 - Springer

Tensor Analysis for Engineers - Mehrzad

383 Tabatabaian - 2020 - Mercury Learning and Download Here Download Here
Textbook Of Matrices - Hari Kishan - 2008 -
384 Download Here Download Here
Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd.

The Basics of Linear Algebra - Marcel B. Finan -

385 Download Here Download Here
2015 - NA

The Chinese Roots of Linear Algebra - Roger Hart -

386 Download Here Download Here
2011 - The Johns Hopkins University Press

The Feminine Matrix of Sex and Gender in

387 Classical Athens - Kate Gilhuly - 2008 - Cambridge Download Here Download Here
University Press

The Linear Algebra a Beginning Graduate Student

388 Ought to Know, Second Edition - Jonathan Samuel Download Here Download Here
Golan - 2007 - Springer

The Linear Algebra Survival Guide: Illustrated with

389 Mathematica - Fred Szabo - 2015 - Academic Download Here Download Here

The manga guide to linear algebra - Shin

390 Takahashi, Iroha Inoue, Trend-pro Co. - 2012 - No Download Here Download Here
Starch Press

The Matrix Cookbook - Kaare Brandt Petersen,

391 Download Here Download Here
Michael Syskind Pedersen - 2012 - NA
The Student's Introduction to Mathematica®: A
Handbook for Precalculus, Calculus, and Linear
392 Download Here Download Here
Algebra, Second Edition - Bruce F. Torrence, Eve
A. Torrence - 2009 - Cambridge University Press

Thirty-three Miniatures: Mathematical and

Algorithmic Applications of Linear Algebra - Jiri
393 Download Here Download Here
Matousek - 2010 - American Mathematical

Toeplitz Matrices, Asymptotic Linear Algebra and

394 Functional Analysis - Albrecht Böttcher, Sergei M. Download Here Download Here
Grudsky (auth.) - 2000 - Hindustan Book Agency

Toeplitz Matrices, Asymptotic Linear Algebra, and

395 Functional Analysis - Albrecht Böttcher, Sergei M. Download Here Download Here
Grudsky (auth.) - 2000 - Birkhäuser Basel

Tools from Linear Algebra [Chapter 31 of

396 \\Handbook of Combinatorics\\"]" - Chris D. Download Here Download Here
Godsil - 2004 - NA

Topics in Dynamic Model Analysis Advanced

Matrix Methods and Unit Root Econometrics
397 Download Here Download Here
Representation Theorems - Mario Faliva, Maria
Grazia Zoia - 2005 - Springer

Topics in Quaternion Linear Algebra - Leiba

398 Download Here Download Here
Rodman - 2014 - Princeton University Press

Understanding complex datasets: data mining

399 with matrix decompositions - David Skillicorn - Download Here Download Here
2007 - Chapman and Hall/CRC
Vector and Geometric Calculus - Alan Macdonald -
400 Download Here Download Here
2012 - NA

Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential

401 Forms A Unified Approach - John H. Hubbard; Download Here Download Here
Barbara Burke Hubbard - 2009 - Matrix Editions

Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential

402 Forms: A Unified Approach - John Hubbard; Download Here Download Here
Barbara Burke Hubbard - 2015 - Matrix Editions

Vectors, Pure and Applied: A General Introduction

403 to Linear Algebra - T. W. Körner - 2013 - Download Here Download Here
Cambridge University Press

Volterra Adventures - Joel H Shapiro - 2018 -

404 Download Here Download Here
American Mathematical Society

Water: A Matrix of Life - F. Franks - 2000 - Royal

405 Download Here Download Here
Society of Chemistry

Well-Posed Linear Systems (Encyclopedia of

406 Mathematics and its Applications) - Staffans O., Download Here Download Here
Rota G.C. (ed.), Doran B. (ed.) - 2005 - NA

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