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Scanning Instructions

Turn on the scanner

Press and hold button on front of scanner for about a
Look for a green light on the button you’ve just pressed to
make sure the scanner is on
Open Epson scan
Open a finder window and click on
“applications”. You can find this in the bar on the hh hhh
h left-hand side of the window
Find and open the folder labeled “Epson Software”, then
click on Epson Scan

The Icon should appear in the dock at the

bottom of the screen

You are a professional! Make sure to choose
professional mode when the program opens.

Scanning reflective items (Prints)
*If you are scanning film, skip to page 9

Make sure the reflective backing is attached to the lid

of the scanner

Set the document type to “Reflective”

Set the image type to either “48-Bit Color” or

hh “16-Bit Grayscale” depending on if you want your
hhhhimage to have color or not

Place your image in the scanner face down.

Line up your image with the arrow in the top right

corner of the scanner

Close the lid and click on preview

The scanner will make a low-res preview of your


When the preview is finished set boundaries of the area
you wish to scan using the marquee tool

This prevents your files from being larger

than they need to be! Don’t skip this step!

Choose a resolution

The maximum optical resolution the scanners are

capable of is 2400 DPI, any higher and all you get is a
larger file size

Remember file constraints! An image file cannot

exceed certain specifications. The scanner will give
you an error if your file is too large, lower your
resolution or make a smaller selection if you see this

Set your target size, think about the size at which you
wish to print your scans

You can fix this later if you make a mistake or forget

h. Adjust your exposure settings using the
adjustment options
i. If you’re not sure about what changing a
setting does, then leave it alone.

Skip to page 15 to continue

Scanning Film
*If you are scanning prints, go back to page 3
Make sure the reflective backing is removed from the

Set the document type to “Film (with Film Holder)”

Set the film type to the type of film you are
scanning (B&W Negative, Color Negative or

How To Load Your Film

Find the appropriate film holder in the rack in the corner of the

Follow the markings on the film holder to place your film in the
correct orientation

If the numbers are backwards, this means

you should place your film shiny side down

Make sure the corners of your film are

underneath the clips at the end

Snap the top portion of the holder into the
bottom portion

Make sure you have checked for dust and
have cleaned your film, the holder, and the
scanner before scanning!!
Make sure your negatives are flat in the holder,
they will be out of focus if they are not flat

Place the film holder in the scanner

Line up the triangles on the right-hand

side with the scanner

Close the lid and click on preview

The scanner has 2 display modes, “Normal” and “Thumbnail”.
“Thumbnail” is automatic and easier to use, but if the scanner
doesn’t detect a frame or cuts your frames in half, then you
should use “Normal”, however in “Normal” mode, you must
select and adjust each frame manually

An example of
frames that have
been improperly
detected by the
scanning software,
use normal mode
to correct this

Using Normal Preview:
Select the frame(s) to scan using the marquee tool
if you press "zoom" the scanner will make a
higher res preview of your selected frame for fine
tuning, use it to fine tune the edges of your frame
It is possible to create multiple selections without removing
the first one. The active frame is the one with the crawling
ants rather than a solid line

You can adjust the exposure of the active frame using the
adjustment options
Using Thumbnail Mode:
Select the frames you wish to scan

press the single view button and adjust your

Press next to advance to the next frame when
you are done with the current one

Scanning your images

When you are done adjusting your images,

press the scan button

A window will pop up. Use this to change your
filename and where the file will be saved

keeping track of your files becomes much

easier if you save it to either the desktop of a
folder on the desktop
To do this, press the third bubble labeled “other”
then press “choose”

Press on the “Desktop” option in the sidebar

3. if you want your images to be saved in a folder

(highly recommended) then press the “New
Folder” button in the bottom left corner of the

Name your folder, press create, and press
choose in the bottom right

Choose a filename
It helps if you make your filename easy to
Change the name of your file in the prefix box,
if you are scanning a series, then change the
start number to “001” as well

Make sure your image format is set to “TIFF

TIFF files are larger but they are lossless,

meaning you get the best quality image from
your scan
Press “OK”
Wait for your scan to finish

If you are scanning multiple frames, you

will need to “wake up” the scanner after
it finishes a frame, do not leave the
scanner unattended.



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