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Why you should overcome personal challenges?

“Why you should overcome personal challenges?” is a hard and easy question, that makes it quite tricky.
This question can be answered from different perspectives and because every one of us is unique, a person like
myself will be having a hard time answering for everyone to understand but if we change this question anyone can
relate maybe, perhaps I can somewhat answer the question.

The simpler question is this, “ why you should eat and drink food and water?” Easy right? Anyone can answer
why. So if we compare our first question from the second, it is very similar. The “ eat and drink” is like
“overcoming”; the “food and water” has the same point of personal challenges.
To have physical growth, one must eat and drink to fill its stomach to supply the energy one’s body needs. Just like
in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual growth, overcoming personal challenges is essential in building
strong foundations of a person’s body and character. Impatience, anger, envy, and hatred are emotions one must
overcome. Depression, anxiety, social phobia, and eating disorders are mental challenges that anyone can be
facing; questioning God’s power and love towards yourself, are some of the spiritual challenges. As much as
eating every day, overcoming challenges each day is as indispensable. Overcoming personal adversaries builds
perseverance and self-control, and that is more important than having any wealth and fame the world could offer.

But overcoming personal challenges has never been easy as eating. I, myself have personal challenges that I’m
struggling to overcome such as; the attitude of self-pity, insecurities, trust issues among friends, and a habit of
comparing myself to others and becoming contented being lonely. At first, I thought I overcame my challenges,
but it took me longer than I thought to realize I was living as a host for my trials. I didn’t win over my adversaries.
They slowly, day by day becoming parasites that are blinding and blur the way I think and act. When I came to
realize this, I struggled hard. Depression came, and dangerous thoughts kept finding their way into my head, I ran
away from reality. I was mentally lacerated from words or actions only I knew about, wounds that are still stinging
from the past, or scars I can never forget the pain they once gave. But God kept intervening. He encouraged me to
face what I was facing. But I couldn’t do it alone. I let God, the time, and my family help me. Out of my challenge,
I perceived and grasped different emotions and experiences that gave a wider scope of seeing things or situations
around me that I couldn’t imagine doing by myself.Overcoming challenges with the help of God and your trusted
people, not only helps you overcome challenges easily but also builds a deeper relationship with them who helped

Why you should overcome personal challenges? To reach our ideals. We all have goals to achieve and there is no
such thing as small dreams, all are big dreams when you place great value on them. When aiming to your goals,
there will always be an opposition just like Newton’s third law: “ Every action there is an equal and opposite
reaction”. When we overcome challenges, it doesn’t only give us skills and experiences that help us in the future, it
also enables us to have self-trust, confidence, and conscientiousness toward other people who are facing
difficulties as well. Overcoming challenges are for the better. It improves your character and the way you’ll see
your environment.

To sum the points out, overcoming challenges is like eating a meal for you to have the energy to survive. It builds
resilience and self-control in your character. Allows you to have deeper or create a new relationship with people
you trust and love. Overcoming them promotes self-trust, confidence, boosts self-esteem, a heart to help others
who may be facing challenges as well, and it may also serve as an eye-opener in your life. To overcome your
challenges is to achieve your goals or your way of success.

To end, I will leave with a verse from the Bible, 1 Corinthians 10:31 - Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or
whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. May God blesses us all.

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