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A Programme of Bangladesh Methodist Church Trust

English Language STD VII

Text Building Skill in English – Book II, Unit 1 : Advertising
Persuasive Language Features
Technique/Feature (s) Definition Example Effect (s) (WHY & HOW)
Pathos/emotional words an appeal to emotion or an a commercial advert shows evokes an emotional response in the consumer which
or language argument based on emotions an image of a happy couple emphasises on how much the audience will enjoy
and beliefs riding in a Corvette. themselves
Logos an appeal to logic or reason or one glass of Florida orange gives you the evidence and statistics you need to fully
an argument based on facts and juice contains 75% of your understand what the product does and persuades you
reason daily Vitamin C needs. making a positive decision to buy the product

Ethos an appeal to credibility or Catherine Zeta-Jones makes tries to convince you that the company is more reliable,
character or argument based us want to switch to T- honest, and credible; therefore, you should buy its
on trust and authority Mobile. product.
Rhetorical question a question which is used to raise Are you excited by space it hooks up the readers’ attention and makes them think
a point rather than giving any travel? harder about to consider the point behind the question.
expected answer
Imperative verbs verb that gives an instruction or come and explore your imperative verb is used to provide instruction,
command burning question as you suggestion, advice and or kind of command which the
meet our experienced writer makes so that readers do
Phrases group of words for special effect taste sensation, a unique these give the readers a reason for buying, exaggerated
on readers event, burning question language suggests a high level and variety of enjoyment.
Involving (inclusive ‘we, us, our and you’ used in see yourself, create your own these are more forceful and creates a relationship
pronoun & direct address) advert to address the reader in a between the writer/product /and the reader/consumer.
way that makes it sound personal
Use of opinion and someone’s point of view focusing state of the art, delicious The writer hopes that the opinions given will give the
positive language good impact or image of the best possible impression of the product and persuade
product advertised the reader that they will share the same opinion.
Bribery when something extra or buy a burger; get free fries offering something “extra.” creates immediate interest
additional facilities are offered in among the customers, so they are persuaded to a quick
an advert respond to the advert

Prepared by : Benedict Sarker, Teacher, MEMS

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