Text One

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State at least one reason from paragraph one why the writer should not be
scared. (Mark for Question 1 = 1)
Ans: Because the writer is growing up.
2. Look at paragraph two and pick out one detail which show why the writer
regrets for his present situation. (Mark for Question 2 = 1)
Ans: Because the writer feels that doctors work every day and they get complains
from the patients about their diseases.
3. Explain how writer conveys his thoughts and feelings prior to starting his
career. You should support your answer with close reference to the passage,
including brief quotations. (Mark for Question 3 = 10)
Ans: To convey his thoughts and feelings prior to starting his career, the writer
uses different types of feelings and language techniques.
First of all, in the first paragraph of the text the time creates a negative aspect in
the writer’s mind. For example: I feel like I’m standing at the open door of an
aeroplane, about to jump, unsure if my parachute will open and knowing that,
even if it does, I will spend a significant period of time hurtling towards the
ground, my stomach in my mouth, wishing the whole thing were over.
Secondly, in the second paragraph of the text the writer feels regretted about
taking medicine instead of taking media studies. For example: I was the one who
ticked “medicine” in the careers box at school. If only I’d missed and ticked
“media studies”, I’d be well on my way to being clued up on thinking creatively
and where to get the best coffee, rather than an expert on rare diseases.
Thirdly, in the third paragraph of the text writer uses statistics to add numerical
data. For example: But then again, for six years things were fun.
Fourthly, in the fourth paragraph of the text the writer gives the anecdote to give
details about what the doctors do every day. For example: They only like the idea
of knowing a doctor because the reality is that knowing a doctor is very dull:
doctors are tired and complain a lot, and are often rather boring because all they
do is work.
And finally, in the last paragraph of the text the writer feels scared about her first
duty as a doctor. In fact, I’ve never even prescribed a drug in my whole
life. But, as of tomorrow, this will all change. Because, as of tomorrow, I start
work as a doctor. And I am scared.

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