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Introduction to Internet of Things

Prof. Sudip Misra

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture - 03

So, we have already understood the basics of internet of things. Now, let us try to
understand that what are the essential building blocks of internet of things. So, one of the
very essential components of internet of things is sensors and the other one is actuators
whereas, the sensors basically sense the physical phenomena that are occurring around
them and the actuators basically based on the sensed information. The actuators, they
actuate. That means, they perform some actions on the physical environment. So, they
take some actions based on what has been sensed.

So, essentially if we see that we have a gradual phase wise approach to building internet
of things. So, we have sensors which are sensing the sensors, they sense different
parameters depending on the sensor being used. For example, temperature, pressure,
humidity conditions, lighting conditions and so on. Then, what will happen is these
sensed information are going to be sent over a connected system. That means, over a
network that information will be passed, it can also involve cloud and so on and finally,
that information is going to be transmitted based on what has been sensed and based on
the requirements, some physical action is going to be taken by an actuator.

So, may be a bulb might be turned on if certain conditions, in an agricultural field has
happened, maybe if the field based on the sensors it is found out that in an agricultural
field, the field has run out of stagnant water that is required for paddy crops. Then, what
might be required is based on that sensed information automatically the valve of the
water pump, the deep to well that is used or a shallow tube well that is used for
irrigation, automatically that valve will be turned on, so that the field gets irrigated.

So, that can be done through the process of actuation. So, we have sensing. we have IoT
or simply the network and then, we have this actuation. So, sensing network actuation we
start with the sensing component. Now, in the next lecture we will try to understand how
actuation is done.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:17)

So, when we talk about sensing, we need to understand what is sensing. So, basically a
sensor it detects or senses the changes in the ambient conditions or it can also sense the
state of another device. So, maybe one sensor can check, can sense how and what is the
state of another device. So, this is what he is done with the help of sensing. So, some
physical property of the ambient conditions of the environment in which the sensor is in
or of another machine or a system a separate one, these can be sensed with the help of

So, let me now show you some sensors, some real sensors that we have.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:06)

So, here are few real sensors and this is a sensor that is used for obstacle detection. This
is a PIR sensor passive infrared sensors. So, this passive infrared sensor here can be used
for detecting if there is any obstacle. So, this is an example of a PIR or obstacle based

(Refer Slide Time: 04:45)

Then, we have another sensor this is the ultrasonic sensor. This basically detects that
how far that obstacle is. This is another sensor. So, here as you can see that there are like
two eyes kind of things. So, what happens is these ultrasonic sensors may send
ultrasound waves. So, these ultrasound waves are sent and then, that sound wave is going
to get reflected back. We already know what velocity is and then, depending on how
much time has elapsed from the point sound wave was sensed and the deflection is
received back, based on that the distance is calculated. So, this sensor helps in basically
getting an idea or sensing how far an obstacle is from a particular point where the sensor

(Refer Slide Time: 05:46)

Then, we have another sensor which is the camera sensor. This is as you can see over
here is small IoT camera. Since the camera sensor, then we have this one here which is a
smoke detection sensor. So, this sensor can help in detecting the smoke.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:08)

Finally, I would like to show you another sensor which is the temperature and humidity
sensor. This is actually, this measures both of these together this particular sensor.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:23)

So, these are some real life sensors, real examples of sensors that I have just shown you
like this. There are different sensors that can be purchased. These sensors, they have
different functionalities and these functionalities are typically unique. That means that
one sensor which is fabricated to do, to measure a certain physical property, it cannot
measure another one or more specifically let me give you an example to illustrate this
point because this is something that many people make a mistake.

So, a temperature sensor can measure temperature only. It cannot measure for instance
smoke or it cannot detect smoke. So, these are very much application specific you know
specific things, specific properties, basic specific physical properties can only be
detected by these sensors.

Now, the sensors they come in different shapes and sizes. They can be very small, they
can be very big. The same sensors can be mechanical sensors, these can be electrical
sensors, they can be electronic sensors, they can be chemical sensors. There are so many
different types of sensors and fabrication of a sensor is a completely different ballgame.
So, whether it is a mechanical sensor or an electronic sensor, electrical sensor or you
know a chemical sensor, whatever it is a completely different ballgame. Typically people
who are into building of IoT, they focus more on the networking aspects. They focus
more on the networking analytics aspects of IoT.

There are separate researchers who work on the design of these sensors. Some of these
sensors that I have just shown you, the sensors you know that complete the design, the
fabrication it is a completely different story altogether you know. So, you know this is
and typically this is done by those who are focusing on sensor design and fabrication. So,
typically they are concerned only about how these sensors can be developed, they can be
fabricated and they are not bothered about building IoT as such. Of course, there can be
some researchers who might also take interest sensors. You know not just the fabrication
of the sensors, but also going beyond building of the IoT. Some people might be taking
interest in that, but in general it is not.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:22)

So, the sensors based on certain stimuli, the different stimuli might be there. They can
measure the thing in the physical characteristics of the environment of the system and so
on and these changes are basically converted to electrical signals. For example, for a heat
sensor this heat is converted to electrical signals and this is for temperature sensors. I am
sorry, this for temperature sensor, the heat is converted to electrical signals and for
sensors such as atmospheric pressure sensors, the atmospheric pressure is basically
converted to electrical signals. So, we have different sensors which measure different
things, but then these sensed values are converted to respective electrical signals.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:30)

Now, there is an associated terminology which is for the transducers. The term
transducers basically convert one form of energy into another form of energy being
converted into another. For example, in a microphone what we have in a microphone.
So, the sound waves are converted to electrical signals and then, to a output device like a
loudspeaker and we are able to hear that sound. So, this is an example of a transducer.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:09)

So, these terms sensors and transducers are very common. They have lot of overlap and
we have to understand the distinction between these two. There is lot of
misunderstanding people conceived sensors and transducers. We use these terms almost
interchangeably, but there are differences.

So, the word transducer is a collective term which includes sensors as well as the
actuators that I was telling you. Before the sensors can sense what is going on around
them and convert to electrical signals etcetera and the actuators can basically perform
these actions by maybe switching voltages or currents.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:00)

Now, the sensors have different features. They are sensitive to the property, the physical
property that is being measured. So, they can do all. They are sensitive only to that
measured property. So, basically a temperature sensor can sense only the ambient
temperature of the room and it is insensitive to other changes, maybe changes in the
atmospheric pressure or changes in the lighting condition of that room.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:31)

There is a terminology which is called the resolution. The resolution of a sensor is

basically defined as the smallest change that it can detect in the quantity that is being
measured. So, the smallest change that it can detect the resolution of a sensor with a
digital output is usually the smallest resolution of the digital output. It is capable of

(Refer Slide Time: 12:54)

So, based on the output, the sensors can be classified as analog or digital and based on
the data type, they can be classified as scalar or vector sensors. So, in the analog sensor,
what we have these sensors give continuous analog output. So, for example, tint
temperature sensor continuously changes in the temperature are going to be sensed,
measured and the output is going to be an analog signal. Digital sensors basically gives
digital outputs on and off for example, and like this come you know discrete digital
values are given as outputs by these digital sensors.

Then, scaler sensors basically measure scalar variables which can measure only the
changes in the magnitude whereas, the vector senses not only the magnitude, but also the
direction. So, scalar sensor example would be temperature sensor is an example of scalar
sensor because you know irrespective of which orientation you put, the sensor
temperature sensor or in which direction you are taking it, it is going to give you the
magnitude value. Only the changes in the magnitude of the temperature, on the contrary
we have the vector sensor. For example, the camera sensor or the accelerometer sensor
whose values are dependent on the orientation on the direction and so on direction in
which the sensor is being put and the weight is measuring. So, it is dependent on that. So,
we have analog sensors, we have digital sensors, we have scalar sensors and we have
vector sensors.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:44)

So, analog sensor I already mentioned about analog sensors, temperature sensor. You
know temperature is typically measured with the help of thermometer or thermocouple
thermometers are quite common, but thermocouple is something that is used in the
geezers for example, you know. So, you have two different metallic strips for instance
and these strips they know they can, in the thermocouple they can bend and so on. So,
these based on that you know based on the amount of bending etcetera. You know they
measure the changes in the temperature. So, if you calibrate the thermocouple you know,
so accordingly it is going to give how much the temperature has changed and depending
on that one can understand how much the liquid has heated up or has cooled down.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:36)

Digital sensors produce digital discreet voltage levels or signal levels. So, binary values
like 0 and 1 or on and off or output the digital sensors.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:53)

Scalar sensors measure only the magnitude physical quantities, such as temperature,
color, pressure, strain etcetera. These are scalar quantities and measurement of the
change of magnitude is sufficient to convey the information.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:13)

On the other hand, vector sensors produce output signal of the voltage which is generally
proportional to the magnitude as well as the direction and orientation of the quantity that
is being measured. So, physical quantities such as the sound, image, velocity,
acceleration orientation, these are all vector quantities and their measurement is not just
dependent on the magnitude, but also on the direction. So, for example, accelerometer
sensor, they give outputs in three dimensions x, y and z coordinate axis.

(Refer Slide Time: 16:50)

Here are some examples of different sensors, light sensor for measurement of light. We
have the lDR which is the light dependent resistor photodiodes. This can act as sensors
for measurement of light for sensing of light. For sensing of temperature, we have
thermistor and thermocouple. Thermocouple briefly I told you, but thermistor is sort of
like thermal transistor kind of thing, ok.

Then, we have for force, we have the stain, strain gauge and pressure. Pressure switch for
position, we have potentiometers, encoders, opto couplers. Opto couplers basically you
know. So, the optical signals are the optical rays are basically obstructed and based on
that you know the position information can be obtained. So, opto couplers then we have
the speed for speed sensing. We have reflective sensors, then doppler effect sensors. So,
doppler effect based on the relative velocity for example relative velocity of sound you
know. So, based on that you know this doppler effect sensors, they work. Then, we have
the sound sensors, we have the carbon microphone like our existing traditional
microphones, piezoelectric crystals and so on. For chemical sensing, we have the liquid
chemical sensors and gas chemical sensors.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:18)

So, I had already in at the outset of this lecture, I had shown you some real physical
sensors. Here are some other pi pictures of few other sensors, here is a pressure sensor,
here is an ultrasonic distance sensor, tilt sensor infrared motion sensor, camera sensor,
analog temperature sensor. So, analogs in temperature sensor, it has you know in
addition to the output, it has 2. So, it has three pins. Basically one is for the plus 5 volts
and the other one is the ground zero volts and this one is the middle pin is typically used
for the output.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:04)

Now, the sensors often they do not give data that is accurate you know. So, there are
some sensorial deviations. So, these sensors they have each sensor and they come with
certain specifications. These specifications will give you the maximum and the minimum
values that it can measure of the physical property that it is supposed to measure. The
sensitivity of a sensor under real conditions may differ from the value that is specified
and that is known as the sensitivity error and then, each sensor there can be given you
know a value which is constantly the same, constantly different. So, what I mean by this
is the correct value might be something and always it will be giving this particular
sensor, might be giving a value which is an offset error or a bias and that might, so that
many units of offset error reading will be giving at all times and that will be constant. So,
for example, two units of offset might be given by a temperature sensor at all times. So,
that is different from the sensitivity error that I told you.

So, sensitivity error is more about being sensitive to the changes you know under real
conditions, basically how it is being sensitive. Then, what is specified in their actual
specifications, it might give certain actual specifications, it might suppose give certain
values, but in real conditions, it might be sensitive to certain things. So, this becomes the
sensitive error and there will be some error that will be due to that and that sensitivity
error that can change over time and that is different from the offset error which is
constant over time.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:17)

Now, these sensors typically have linear behavior. Most of the sensors, not all have a
linear behavior, but there is often in practice a non-linearity behavior that is exhibited by
the sensors and ideally they should behave linearly, but in practice stays off will behave
non-linear. So, this non-linearity is the deviation of the sensors transfer function from

So, this is basically defined as the amount of the output that differs from the ideal
transfer function behavior over the full range of the sensor.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:09)

So, if the output signal slowly changes independent of the measured property, this is
known as drift. So, it might happen that a particular sensor at one point we give a certain
value and then, if you use the same sensors for measuring the same condition due to the
drift, you might get a drifted sensed value. So, it will be different; it might be different.
So, it induces some drift if you keep it overtime.

So, the other type of error is the noise which is basically due to different other external
factors and it is a random deviation of the signal with time.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:52)

Hysteresis error is bit different and typically it is exhibited by analog sensors, magnetic
sensors heating of in sensors that use the principle of heating of metal strips and so on.

So, in these sensors, these analog sensors or magnetic sensors and so on sometimes what
happens that the present reading depends on the past input values. How? It is maybe
because it uses some metal strips and maybe the property or the functionality of that
sensor is such that when you heat it, it is going to the metal strip is going to bend. So, so
you know if it has bent once to come back to its original position, it will take some time.
So, this type of error basically talks about that you know if it is heated once you will get
something. So, based on that if you heat it once again, you know your output is going to
be dependent on the previous value. So, this is an error and this is known as the
hysteresis error.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:06)

There are different other errors, such as quantization error which is basically if the sensor
has a digital output, the output is essentially an approximation of the measured property
and this is known as the quantization error. If you are sampling the signals, this leads to a
type of error which is known as aliasing error and the sensors may at times be sensitive
to the properties. Then, the property that is being measured for example, a temperature
sensor might also sometimes be sensitive to few of the other things that are not directly
being measured, maybe you know the humidity or pressure at times or maybe light, this
will depend actually I mean this is not a perfect example that I have given you. So, it can
be constitute, this particular error can be constituting this way that sometimes the
physical property that is being measured that may get affected, that sensor may get
affected by few of the other properties that are not directly being measured. So, this also
leads to some kind of error.

So, with this we come to an end of the topic of sensors. So, here we have already seen
that there are different types of sensors and I have shown you some real life sensors that
can be used for building of internet of things. I have also shown you pictures of many
other sensors and these sensors are used in something known as the sensor nodes. The
sensor nodes are eventually going to get connected, they are not going to be networked
together, internetwork together and together that is going to form an internet of things
and this internet of things is going to be used for improving the overall service quality in
the society of the business of the environment as a whole.

Thank you.

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