Teaching Thinking and Problem Solving

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Teaching Thinking and Problem Solving

Research Foundations
John Bransford Vanderbilt University
Robert Sherwood Vanderbilt University
Nancy Vye University of Western Ontario,
London, Canada
John Rieser Vanderbilt University
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ABSTRACT: The goal of effectively teaching reasoning, makes progress quite beyond his natural powers" (p. 125).
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

thinking, and problem solving is now being pursued with Similar ideas were espoused by Sir Francis Bacon, who
new vigor. Research of the past decade provides productive favored the study of mathematics as a remedy to students'
ways of viewing the processes underlying these capabilities lack of attention (Mann, 1979, p. 13). In the 1800s, many
and their development. Bransford, Sherwood, Vye, and educators argued that the study of Latin would develop
Rieser focus on two general research approaches. Thefirst the mental discipline necessary to learn in any domain.
derives from studies of individuals who are experts in par- Research conducted during the 1940s and 1950s
ticular domains and emphasizes the role of domain-spe- (e,g., Dunker, 1945; Katona, 1940; Wertheimer, 1959),
cific knowledge. A second emphasizes general strategic and especially during the 1970s and 1980s, goes consid-
and metacognitive knowledge; ideally, people who develop erably beyond a general emphasis on "mental discipline"
the ability to learn new information and to monitor their as the active ingredient underlying effective thinking and
current levels of proficiency will be able to function more problem solving. Our goal in this article is to discuss some
effectively in a variety of contexts. Bransford and his col- of the relevant research and to consider its implications
leagues conclude that many existing programs that are for the issue of teaching thinking and problem solving.
designed to teach thinking and problem solving involve Our major emphasis is on the need for both (a) general
an emphasis on general skills and strategies in contrast problem solving strategies and (b) specific knowledge that
to domain-specific knowledge. They argue that these pro- is organized in ways that are appropriate for individual
grams can be strengthened by focusing more explicitly on needs.
domain knowledge, especially when students are helped
to understand how different ways of learning new knowl- Beyond Mental Discipline: An
edge can affect their abilities to solve relevant problems. Illustrative Study
--The Editors
A study conducted by Ericsson, Chase, and Faloon (1980)
provides an excellent illustration of how modern analyses
of problem solving go beyond a mere emphasis on mental
The topic of teaching thinking and problem solving is discipline. They worked with a college student who
currently receiving a great deal of attention. One reason wanted to solve a basic memory problem: to remember
is that increasingly fast-paced changes in society make it long strings of digits. The student worked on this problem
necessary for people to think for themselves and to solve for over one year. Given a sequence of numbers such as
novel problems (Simon, 1980); another is that assessments 74189426, for example, the task was to repeat the num-
of student achievement suggest that today's students may bers in the exact order in which they were heard. Most
be failing to develop effective thinking and problem-solv- adults can remember from 6 to 9 numbers with little
ing skills (e.g., National Assessment of Educational Prog- difficulty (e.g:, Miller, 1956); the.student who participated
ress, 1983). in the Ericsson et al. study was no exception to this pattern
Books such as Mann's (1979) history of cognitive when he first began the experiment. By the end of the
process training remind us that the goal of teaching study, however, the student's digit span had increased in
thinking and problem solving is not unique to the 1980s. length from 7 digits to over 70 digits. This represents an
Attempts to achieve this goal have been espoused for cen- incredible improvement in performance. What happened
turies and have stimulated a variety of suggestions for that allowed such a feat?
increasing thinking. Many have focused on the need to The critical data in the Ericsson et al. (1980) study
develop "mental discipline" by subjecting students to the involved the student's ability to remember letter strings
rigors of learning difficult subjects such as mathematics rather than number strings. Although the student could
and Latin. Mann (1979) cited Plato's arguments: "Arith- remember strings of over 70 numbers by the end of the
metic stirs up him who is by nature sleepy and dull, and experiment, he could remember only about 7 letters. This
makes him quick to learn, retentive, and shrewd. He shows that his general capacity for holding information

1078 October 1986 9 American Psychologist

Copyright 1986 by the American l~yehologieal Association, Inc. 0003-066X/86/$00.75
V01. 41, No. 10, 1078-1089
in short-term memory had not been "stretched" or in- tial expectations, the masters did not think of a greater
creased. The reason for the student's dramatic improve- number of moves than did the less experienced players,
ment was that he had learned to use his extensive knowl- nor did the masters think further ahead (i.e., choose a
edge of running (e.g., names and dates of races, ages of move and then consider its implications for the next 10
runners, running times) to chunk three or four numbers or so moves). Instead, the masters' initial choices of moves
together to form single functional units. These chunks simply seemed to be qualitatively superior to those of the
could then be grouped into higher order units for later less experienced players.
recall. This general strategy was impossible when letter These results suggested a second hypothesis to
strings were used as stimuli, hence the student's short- deGroot. Because of their experiences, chess masters may
term memory for this information was no better than have developed a knowledge base that allows them to per-
average. ceive the significance of various game positions and hence
We noted earlier that one way to characterize the to generate qualitatively superior moves. As one test of
effects of the student's long hours of practice is to assume this knowledge-base hypothesis, deGroot presented mas-
that it strengthened some general "mental muscle" or ters and less experienced players with a view of a chess
"mental faculty." An alternate theory stresses the devel- game for only five seconds and then asked them to re-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

opment and utilization of an appropriate knowledge base. produce the game (using new pieces and a new board) as
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

These theories have important implications for teaching. accurately as they could. Results indicated the chess mas-
If a student practiced remembering number strings yet ters were excellent at this short-term memory task,
made little progress, a mere emphasis on trying to exert whereas less experienced players had considerable diffi-
some "mental discipline" in order to "build mental mus- culty. Subsequent studies (Chase & Simon, 1973) dem-
cle" would probably be less than useful. It would be more onstrated that the masters' superior performance was not
effective to help the student acquire knowledge that could due to a superior short-term memory capacity. When
provide a basis for encoding numerical information, and supplied with chess pieces on a board that were placed
to help him or her automatize the ability to encode nu- at random, the chess masters were no better than others
merical information from the perspective of that domain at remembering which piece went where; thus, their
(e.g., Schneider & Fisk, 1982; Schneider & Shiffrin, 1977). knowledge base did not help them encode randomly
Of course, the results of the Ericsson et al. (1980) study placed pieces. When the chess configurations were mean-
do not suggest that attempts to be disciplined are un- ingful, however, the experts were better able to perceive
important for the development of problem-solving abil- relevant patterns than were the less experienced players,
ities. The argument is simply that exhortations to try hence their abilities to remember were enhanced.
harder are not enough. Studies comparing experts and less experienced in-
dividuals have also been made in areas such as engineer-
The Role of Specific Knowledge ing, computer programming, social science, reading
The preceding study by Ericsson et al. (1980) is one of a comprehension, physics, medical diagnosis, and mathe-
large number of studies that illustrate the role of specific matics (e.g., R. Anderson, 1977, 1984; Bhaskar & Simon,
knowledge for problem solving. A number of researchers 1977; Chi, Feltovich, & Glaser, 1981; deKleer & Brown,
have provided insights into the role of knowledge by 1981; Greeno, 1980; Larkin, McDermott, Simon, & Si-
comparing experts with less experienced individuals. In mon, 1980; Lesgold, Feltovich, Glaser, & Wang, 1981;
a classic study by deGroot (1965), an attempt was made Linn, 1985; Mayer, 1983, 1985; Resnick, 1982; Riley,
to understand why chess masters were better at chess than Greeno, & Heller, 1983; Trabasso Stein, & Johnson, 1981;
were skilled yet less accomplished players. One of de- Voss, Greene, Post, & Penner, 1983). In each of these
Groot's initial hypotheses was that masters could think studies, effective problem solving has been shown to de-
of more possible moves than could novices; deGroot also pend strongly on the nature and organization of the
believed that masters could think further ahead than oth- knowledge available to individuals (see J. Anderson, 1983;
ers and hence could calculate the strengths and weaknesses Rumelhart & Ortony, 1977; Schank & Abelson, 1977,
of various moves. He explored these hypotheses by pre- for theories of knowledge representation).
senting masters and less experienced players with ex-
amples from chess games and asking them to choose the Understanding Developmental and
next move. He also asked the participants to think aloud Intraindividual Differences
as they attempted to make their choices. Contrary to ini- An emphasis on the role of knowledge has had important
implications for theories of development and of individual
Experiments reported in this article were supported in part by Contract
differences. Earlier theories of development such as
MDA903-84-C-0218 from the Army Research Institute, by Grant Piagetian stage theories (e.g., Piaget, 1970) assumed that
G0083C0052 from the U.S. Department of Education, and by a grant development consists of the addition of capacities to the
from the IBM Corporation. We are indebted to Beverly Conner, Lynda child's repetoire. Newer views of development also ac-
Berry, Linda Karwedsky, and Jackie Welch for their outstandin~ editorial knowledge that children become more effective at orga-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to John nizing information, solving problems, and so forth (e.g.,
Bransford, Department of Psychology, Vanderhilt University, Nashville, A. Brown, Bransford, Ferrara, & Campione, 1983).
TN 37203. However, theorists who are exploring these newer views

October 1986 9 American Psychologist 1079

hypothesize that many of these abilities emerge simply strategies such as counting on their fingers or attempting
from the acquisition of new knowledge. This is different to retrieve information directly from memory, and Carey
from the assumption that general "logical capacities" have (1985; this issue, pp. 1123-1130) provides important in-
been added to the child's repertoire of skills. sights into ways in which children's developing knowledge
Consider first some of the developmental research of science information affects their performance on a va-
on strategies and memory. In the memory literature, it riety of tasks.
is frequently argued that individuals at different devel- Overall, the "new look" in developmental theory is
opmental levels have different capacities for short-term providing important information about relationships be-
retention and utilize different strategies for rehearsing in- tween specific knowledge and activities such as inferene-
formation, organizing it, and so forth (e.g., see A. Brown ing, organizing, conserving, decentrating, and so forth.
et al., 1983). Several studies suggest that the knowledge These advances suggest that thinking abilities are not
available to the learner plays an important role in memory simply added on top of existing domain-specific com-
performance and in the strategies that are used. For ex- petencies. Instead, competencies in a domain and the
ample, Chi (1978) demonstrated that 10-year-old chess ability to think about that domain seem to develop hand
enthusiasts who received a test of short-term memory for in hand.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

number strings performed at a level that was considerably

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

below college students. However, when asked to remember Access and the Representation of Knowledge
the positions of chess pieces on a chess board, the per- It is important to note that theorists who emphasize the
formance of the children exceeded the performance of role of knowledge in problem solving go considerably
the college students (the latter were not experienced at beyond the idea that relevant knowledge either is or is
playing chess). Similarly, Lindberg (1980) found that not available. Knowledge theorists argue that an impor-
children show more evidence of clustering in a recall task tant prerequisite for problem solving is that knowledge
than do college students when the information is especially must be activated when needed. The fact that people have
meaningful to the children. These data suggest that pro- acquired knowledge that is relevant to a particular situ-
cesses such as clustering are often a relatively automatic ation provides no guarantee that access will occur (e.g.,
consequence of previously acquired knowledge. Bransford & Johnson, 1972, Experiment 2; Dooling &
The availability of relevant knowledge has also been Lachman, 1971). Many years ago, Alfred North White-
shown to affect children's abilities to conserve number head (1929) warned about the dangers of inert knowl-
and volume, to make inferences and take nonegocentric edge-knowledge that is accessed only in a restricted set
perspectives, and to select task-appropriate strategies. For of contexts even though it is applicable to a wide variety
example, Price-Williams, Gordon, and Ramirez (1969) of domains. He also argued that traditional educational
and Adjei (1977) studied the conservation of clay by chil- practice tended to produce knowledge that remained inert
dren of pottery-making parents. These children were ad- (see also Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1985; A. Brown, 1985;
vanced in this task, possibly because their familiarity with A. Brown & Campione, 1981).
the medium reduced attentional demands; they therefore An implication of Whitehead's position is that some
had enough attentional resources to notice simultaneous ways of imparting information result in knowledge rep-
changes in length, width, and thickness. Gelman's (1969) resentations that are not especially accessible. As an il-
classic work on number conservation provides additional lustration, consider the following question that was posed
information about children's abilities to decentrate and to college freshmen (Bransford, Sherwood, Kinzer, &
coordinate information. These abilities are evident for Hasselbring, 1985): "Try to remember what you learned
small numbers of items. When the number of items be- about the concept of logarithms. Can you think of any
come too large, the information-processing requirements way that they might make problem solving simpler than
seem to overwhelm children's abilities to perform number it would be if they did not exist?"
conservation tasks. The college students who were asked this question
Other researchers have explored the conditions under were able to remember something about logarithms.
which children can make transitive inferences and take However, most viewed them only as exercises in math
multiple perspectives. Bryant and Trabasso ( 1971) dem- class rather than as useful inventions that simplify prob-
onstrated that young children could perform transitive lem solving. These students had not been helped to un-
inference problems when the relational terms used in the derstand the kinds of problems for which logarithms are
problems were well learned. Similarly, Rieser and Heiman useful. Similarly, many students seem to learn to calculate
(1982) found that one- to three-year olds are not destined the answers to physics problems yet fail to apply their
to be slavishly egocentric or bound by rote learning when formal physics knowledge when encountering everyday
given tasks involving spatial knowledge. In addition, phenomena. They need to learn more about the condi-
Donaldson (1978) reported studies indicating that young tions under which their formal knowledge applies (e.g.,
children can take the perspective of other, hypothetical di Sessa, 1982).
observers when the spatial layout is kept simple and
meaningful. Finally, Siegler and Shrager (1984) provided Studies of Access
an elegant analysis of how differences in the representation A number of investigators have begun to conduct con-
of knowledge affect children's decisions to use different trolled studies of relationships between access and the

1080 October 1986 9 American Psychologist

nature and organization of knowledge. For example, children are explicitly encouraged to use such strategies,
studies conducted by Asch (1969), Gick and Holyoak their memory performance improves. However, when
(1980), Simon and Hayes (1976, 1977), Perfetto, Brans- later provided with new lists and asked to learn them, the
ford, and Franks (1983), Reed, Ernst, and Banerji (1974), children frequently fail to spontaneously use their clus-
and Weisberg, DiCamillo, and Phillips (1978) provide ev- tering strategies unless they are explicitly prompted to do
idence that relevant knowledge often remains inert even so. Their knowledge of relevant strategies remains inert
though it is potentially useful. Simon and Hayes (1976, (A. Brown et al., 1983; A. Brown, Campione, & Day,
1977) noted that students who learned how to solve the 1981).
Tower of Hanoi problem did not spontaneously realize
that it is structurally isomorphic to the "tea ceremony" Facilitating Access
problem. Similarly, Gick and Holyoak (1980) showed In order to explore relationships between knowledge or-
that, unless students were explicitly prompted to do so, ganization and access, researchers have manipulated the
they did not spontaneously use information that they had nature of the information that is presented during learn-
just learned about the solution to the Fortress problem ing. In the studies described above, the information was
to solve an analogous problem (Dunker's 1945, X-irra- generally presented as descriptions of facts to be learned.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

diation problem) that they faced.

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Under these conditions, students failed to access the rel-

In the Perfetto et al. (1983) studies, an attempt was evant information unless explicitly prompted to do so.
made to provide students with cues that were very closely Theorists such as John Dewey (1963) and Norman Han-
related to problems to be solved later. The problems to son (1970) argued that students need to understand how
be solved were "insight" problems such as the following: new information can function as tools that make it easier
Uriah Fuller, the famous Israeli superpsychic, can tell you the to solve subsequent problems. Similarly, modern theories
score of any baseball game before the game starts. What is his that emphasize organized knowledge structures focus on
secret? the importance of acquiring "conditionalized knowl-
edge"--knowledge that includes information about the
A man livingin a smalltown in the U.S. married twentydifferent
women in the same town. All are still living and he has never conditions and constraints of its use (e.g., J. Anderson,
divorced one of them. Yet, he has broken no law. Can you ex- 1981, 1982, 1983; Glaser, 1984, 1985; Simon, 1980;
plain? Sternberg & Caruso, 1985).
A series of studies by Gick and Holyoak (1983)
Most college students have difficulty answering these demonstrates that access is facilitated when previous ex-
questions unless provided with hints or clues. Prior to periences provide a basis for inducing relevant schemata.
solving the problems, some students were given clue in- Similarly, experiments conducted by Adams et al. (1985)
formation that was obviously relevant to each problem's illustrate how access is facilitated by learning activities
solution. Thus, these students first received statements that help students experience problems and then expe-
such as "Before it starts the score of any game is 0 to 0"; rience the usefulness of information for solving those
"A minister marries several people each week." The stu- problems. Analogous studies have been conducted with
dents were then presented with the problems and explic- materials that are less puzzlelike and more similar to those
itly prompted to use the due information (which was found in the classroom (Sherwood, Kinzer, Bransford, &
now stored in memory) to solve them. Their problem- Franks, 1985).
solving performance was excellent. Other students were Researchers have also explored how access is affected
first presented with the clues and then given the problems, by the content of the problems considered during learn-
but they were not explicitly prompted to use the clues ing. For example, Vye and Bransford (cf. Bransford, in
for problem solution. Their problem-solving performance press) presented information about human attention to
was very poor; in fact, it was no better than that of baseline two different groups of college students. Those in one
students who never received any clues. group learned about experimental techniques for studying
The Perfetto et al. (1983) results represent an espe- attention (e.g., the use of dichotic listening tasks); those
cially strong demonstration of access failure (i.e., of inert in the second group were encouraged to think about lapses
knowledge) because the clues were constructed to be ob- of attention and the need to control attention (e.g., when
viously relevant to problem solutions. Indeed, the authors studying for a test, listening to a lecture, or talking on the
noted that before conducting the experiment, they ex- phone while conversing with someone in the room).
pected even the uninformed students to spontaneously Following acquisition, all students were asked to re-
access the correct answers because of the obvious rela- call what they had learned about attention, and all did
tionship between the problems and the clues. quite well. However, the interesting data were collected
A number of researchers have also found that two days after the initial experiment. Students were asked
knowledge of general strategies may remain inert unless to estimate how often they had thought about the concept
people are explicitly prompted to use them. For example, of attention once they had left the experiment and to
children may be taught to (a) organize lists of pictures state the conditions under which these thoughts occurred.
and words into common categories, (b) rehearse the cat- Students in the group who had explored the problem of
egory names during learning, and (c) use the names as designing and interpreting experiments for studying at-
retrieval cues at time of test. Data indicate that when the tention rarely reported thinking about the concept once

October 1986 9 American Psychologist 1081

they left the experiment. In contrast, those who had been who may simply be going through the motions of reading
prompted to think about lapses of attention reported that while actually daydreaming, the effective learner will re-
they thought about the concept of attention quite fre- alize that a problem exists (i.e., he or she will identify the
quentlymusually in the context of studying or sitting in existence of a problem). Furthermore, the effective learner
lectures. These data suggest that it may be possible to views the act of identifying problems as good rather
keep ideas alive by paying more attention to the types of than bad.
social situations that people naturally encounter once they After the problem has been identified it must be
leave the classroom. defined more precisely. For example, a reader may assume
Taken as a whole, studies of access suggest that stu- that the "notes" sentence is incomprehensible because of
dents need to understand how concepts and procedures a lack of information. The reader may also assume that
can function as tools for solving relevant problems. This his or her attention lapsed earlier and hence he or she
type of learning should result in knowledge representa- missed crucial information in the text, This definition of
tions that are organized with respect to the "triggering the problem (or hypothesis) will lead to the exploration
conditions" specifying their applicability (Simon, 1980). of possible solutions--an obvious one in this instance
Under these conditions, access to relevant information being to go back and reread the previous text. The student
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

seems to be much more likely to occur. must therefore act on this idea by actually rereading and
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

must then look at the effects of his or her activities; that

Studies of Differences in Approaches to is, he or she must evaluate whether these activities helped
solve the problem of understanding what the "notes"
Learning and Problem Solving sentence means.
So far we have emphasized the importance of specific Assume that the act of rereading does not solve the
knowledge for thinking and problem solving. An em- student's comprehension problem. To the extent that the
phasis on knowledge raises questions about learning (e.g., student realizes this, he or she has again identified a prob-
J. Anderson, 198 I; Belmont, Bntterfield, & Borkowski, lem but will now probably define it in a different way
1978; Bransford, Stein, Shelton, & Owings, 1980; A. (e.g., perhaps the author left out important information).
Brown et al., 1983; Campione, Brown, & Bryant, 1985; The point is that the effective learner will therefore reenter
Dansereau, 1985; Glaser, 1984; Jones, Amiran, & Katims, the IDEAL cycle and remain in that cycle (each time de-
1985; NeweU, 1980; Nickerson, Salter, Shepard, & fining the problem somewhat differently) until the prob-
Herrnstein, 1984; Norman, 1980; Novak & Gowen 1984; lem is solved.
Sternberg, 1984; Turnure, 1985; Turnure, Buium, & It would simplify matters if it were possible to iden-
Thrulow, 1976; Vye, Burns, Delclos, & Bransford, in tify the "stage" of problem solving that accounted for the
press; Weinstein & Underwood, 1985). How did people difficulties experienced by less effective learners. However,
who currently are experts acquire knowledge in the first it seems doubtful that learning difficulties can be asso-
place, and why do some people seem to be better able to ciated with only one or even two or three stages. Research
acquire relevant knowledge than others? These questions suggests that less effective learners frequently experience
have led to studies of how people make use of their po- difficulties with each of the components noted above.
tentially available knowledge to learn new information. Consider first the process of problem identification
For example, students who learn in ways that ensure an or problem finding. This is an especially important aspect
understanding of the significance or functions of infor- of problem solving (e.g., Getzels & Csikszentmihalyi,
mation should be more likely to develop organizations of 1976). If people do not realize the existence of a problem
knowledge that facilitate access when relevant problems one cannot expect them to look for a solution. Several
arise. Furthermore, if these students find that insufficient researchers report that less mature learners are less likely
information is presented they are able to recognize the to notice problems. For example, they frequently fail to
problem and "debug" their current attempts to learn. notice when texts contain incomplete or inconsistent in-
The task of acquiring new information can be viewed formation (e.g., Baker, 1979, 1982; Baker & Brown, 1984;
as an instance of problem solving. A number of theorists Capelli & Markman, 1982; Markman, 1979, 1985). Less
argue that there are a variety of components to the prob- successful learners are also less likely to notice whether
lem-solving process (e.g., B. Anderson, 1980; de Bono, passages are easy or difficult to learn; hence they fail to
1985; Hayes, 1981; Maier, 1930, 1931; Mayer, 1977; vary their study time as a function of the difficulty of the
Newell & Simon, 1972; Sternberg, 1977, 1981; Whimbey task (e.g., Bransford et al., 1982; Owings, Peterson,
& Lochhead, 1980; Wickelgren, 1974). For present pur- Bransford, Morris, & Stein, 1980). At a global level, less
poses we emphasize five components: Identify, Define, successful learners are frequently unaware that they have
Explore, Act, and Look and Learn. These form what failed to comprehend or master information. They fail
Bransford and Stein (I 984) called the IDEALapproach to to experience a "sense of disequilibrium" (cf. Feuerstein,
problem solving. Rand, Hoffman, & Miller, 1980) and hence do nothing
As an illustration of a problem-solving approach to to attempt to correct the current state of affairs.
learning, imagine an effective learner who is reading a People can agree that a problem exists (problem
text and who encounters the statement "The notes were identification) yet disagree about how it should be defined
sour because the seam split." Unlike a less effective learner and represented. Problem definition is extremely impor-

1082 October 1986 9 American Psychologist

tant because it influences the types of solutions that will The Concept of Metacognition
be considered (e.g., Maier, 1930, 1931; Newell & Simon,
1972). Results of several studies suggest that less successful We noted earlier that researchers who have studied dif-
students frequently have difficulty defining the source of ferences in approaches to learning have tried to work with
learning problems. For example, they may have difficulty materials that require knowledge that is potentially avail-
determining whether a monetary lack: of comprehension able to participants. The goal of the research has been to
stems from problems at the word, sentence, or paragraph assess the degree to which people spontaneously utilize
level (Collins & Smith, 1980). Similarly, studies with ac- knowledge previously acquired. Results such as those de-
ademically less successful fifth graders suggest that they scribed earlier have led a number of researchers to argue
may know that some things are easier to learn than others, that people's ability to use what they know--to access
but they fail to realize that the arbitrariness of semantic task-relevant informationDis an important hallmark of
relationships can be responsible for difficulties (e.g., B. intelligence (e.g., A. Brown & Campione, 1981; Butter-
Stein, Bransford, Franks, Owings et al., 1982). Therefore, field & Belmont, 1977; Sternberg, 1980, 1984). This con-
the strategies they use often do not fit the nature of the cern with the utilization of previously acquired knowledge
problem that they need to solve. has led to an emphasis on the concept of executive or
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

metacognitive processes (e.g., A. Brown, 1977; A. Brown

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Work in the area of reasoning also suggests that an

important source of individual differences involves at- & DeLoache, 1978; Flavell, 1979; Flavell & WeUman,
tempts to define carefully the nature of reasoning prob- 1977; Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1985).
lems (e.g., see Ennis, in press; Greeno, 1978; Johnson- An important methodological tool for exploring the
Laird, 1985; Paul, in press; PeUegrino, 1985). For ex- role of metacognition has been the training study (A.
ample, both Sternberg and Pellegrino emphasized that Brown et al., 1983). Researchers have provided individ-
students who are successful at solving formal analogy uals with different types of learning opportunities and
problems frequently take more time to encode the initial assessed the effects on mastery tasks and transfer tasks.
problem information than do less successful problem In a discussion of this literature, A. Brown, Campione,
solvers. This is important for clarifying the exact nature and Day (1981) noted that different types of teaching
of the problem that they are being asked to solve (e.g., environments have strong effects on transfer. Many of the
Pellegrino, 1985; Sternberg, 1977, 1981). training studies that have resulted in failures of transfer
As noted above, problem definition affects the ex- involved what A. Brown and her colleagues called blind
ploration phase of problem solving because one's defi- training. Individuals were taught to use strategies but were
nition of problems involves assumptions that constrain not helped to understand why they were useful and when
the search for solutions. For example, effective learners they might be used.
use different strategies when they are trying to achieve A. Brown and her colleagues differentiated blind
goals such as memorize versus goals such as "learn with training from informed training and from informed
understanding" (e.g., see Bransford & Stein, 1984; A. training plus self-control. In informed training, students
Brown et al., 1983; Thorndyke & Stasz, 1980). Further- are helped to understand when and why to use various
more, learners who are better able to define the reasons strategies. The informed plus self-control training adds
for comprehension and mastery failures are better able the opportunity to practice strategies and monitor their
to select the appropriate "repair" strategies to use (Collins effects (see A. Brown & Campione, this issue).
& Smith, 1980). Experiments conducted by other investigators also
We noted earlier that the ability to solve learning provide evidence that an emphasis on executive or meta-
problems often requires a number of passes through the cognitive processes can result in improvements in think-
IDEAL cycle. After identifying and defining problems, ing and problem solving. Data from several studies illus-
people must act on the basis of a strategy and look at the trate how such training can increase learning (e.g., Paris,
effects. A number of studies suggest that less successful Cross, & Lipson, in press; Paris & Jacobs, in press; Wong
learners are less likely than their more successful peers 1980, 1982; Wong & Sawatsky, 1984). Similarly, work by
to revise current hypotheses and strategies. For example, Lodico, Ghatala, Levin, Pressley, and Bell (in press) il-
poorer readers frequently fail to reevaluate their hy- lustrates how executive training can help children learn
potheses about how to interpret materials that they are to select and evaluate new strategies. Furthermore, work
reading (e.g., Collins & Smith, 198(I). In addition, less in the areas of writing (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1985;
mature learners seem less likely to use tests as sources of Flower & Hayes, I980) and mathematical problem solving
feedback that can guide their choice of strategies and hy- (Schoenfeld, 1982, 1983, 1985)provides evidence for the
potheses (e.g., A. Brown et al., 1983; B. Stein, Bransford, importance of a metacognitive or executive approach to
Franks, Vye, & Perfetto, 1982). Because no one can always teaching. An exciting implication of these studies is that
accurately predict the kinds of information that will be it may be possible to help people improve their abilities
necessary in future situations, it seems important for to think and learn in a wide variety of domains. Re-
people to continually test their current ideas and to look searchers have also studied the types of early social en-
at the degree to which they are appropriate. Failures to vironments that facilitate the development of the types
do so could have pervasive effects on their abilities to of skills that enable children to learn in formal educational
learn. settings. Heath's (1983) work is particularly relevant here.

October 1986 9 American Psychologist 1083

Relationships Between Executive Processes first the emphasis on metacognition. Analyses of a num-
and Specific Knowledge ber of existing programs for teaching thinking and prob-
lem solving suggest that they vary with respect to their
Our discussion has emphasized two theoretical perspec- emphasis on metacognitive or executive processes (e.g.,
tives that have implications for teaching thinking and see Chipman, Scgal, & Glaser, 1985; Segal, Chipman, &
problem solving. One involves the role of domain-specific Glaser, 1985; Tuma & Reif, 1980). Programs such as In-
knowledge, the other focuses on the role ofmetacognitive strumental Enrichment (Feuerstein ct al., 1980), Philos-
or control processes. Individual studies frequently reflect ophy for Children (Lipman, 1985), Analytic Reasoning
one of these theoretical perspectives to the exclusion of (Lochhead, 1985), Intelligence Applied (Sternberg, 1986),
the other, but that does not mean that they are incom- Patterns of Problem Solving (Rubenstr 1975, 1980),
patible. Indeed, in most studies, relationships between and Guided Design (e.g., Wales & Stager, 1977) place a
training in executive processes and in specific knowledge heavy emphasis on the importance of helping students
are confounded. For example, although research illus- analyze their current problem-solving processes and learn
trating the advantages of"informed" training on transfer about themselves as learners. Similarly, researchers in the
emphasizes the effects on metacognitive processes (e.g., area of science education have emphasized the impor-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

A. Brown et al., 1983), it seems clear that this type of tance of helping students develop a conceptual and prac-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

training also affects the nature and organization of the tical understanding of scientific reasoning and inquiry
knowledge acquired by learners. The acts of (a) informing skills rather than merely memorize scientific facts (e.g.,
them about uses of strategies and (b) allowing them to Aarons, 1984a, 1984b; Lawson, 1985; Renner & Lawson,
practice and evaluate the effects, help students "condi- 1973). In contrast, many descriptions of attempts to teach
tionalize" their knowledge. As noted in our earlier dis- thinking by programming computers in Logo (e.g., Pap-
cussion of access and the problem of inert knowledge, ert, 1980, 1985) place little explicit emphasis on the need
such knowledge organizations increase the probability to systematically help students reflect on their approaches
that relevant information will be accessed when needed. to programming and to think about these activities as
By placing more emphasis on the systematic development instances of more general problem-solving strategies.
of well-organized knowledge in addition to executive Some researchers argue that this lack of explicit focus on
processes, it may be possible to increase considerably the mctacognitive processes may be a major reason why ev-
speed with which people can become able to think effec- idence of general effects of Logo programming on think-
tively in a variety of knowledge-rich domains (see also ing ability have proved to be so difficult to find (e.g.,
N. Stein, in press). Bransford, Stein, DeMos, & Littlefield, 1986; Dclclos,
Take the example of deciding whethcr to buy a soft- Littleficld, & Bransford, 1985; Pea & Kurland, 1984).
top jeep. Recently, one of the authors bought one after An especially promising aspect of metacognitive ap-
weighing the pleasure of open-air summer rides against proaches to teaching is that they can be used to transform
the inconveniences of drafty winter rides and having to basic fact- and skill-oriented activities into lessons in-
raise the top manually. Three days later, when the radio volving thinking. For example, Hasselbring, Goin, and
was stolen, the oversight of not considering the soft-top Bransford (1985) discussed work with math-delayed fifth
jeep's vulnerability to theft became apparent. and sixth graders who were working on arcade-like soft-
There are several ways to think about the preceding ware designed to give them practice at basic addition
shortcomings in thinking about the jeep. At one level we problems such as 7 + 8. The arcade program awarded
can fault the individual's attempts to systematically search points for speed and accuracy. All the students wanted
memory in order to access relevant categories for eval- to increase their scores. However, most had little idea of
uation. Our decision maker may have been too impulsive how to "debug" their current approaches to the game.
and hence prematurely ended his memory search. On the For example, the vast majority paid little attention to the
other hand, something needs to guide one's search of fact that they often counted on their fingers and hence
memory. The research with chess masters discussed earlier could not significantly increase their speed until they
suggests that they search memory selectively rather than moved from productive to reproductive strategies
evaluate every possible move. The ability to search selec- (Grceno, 1978). Furthermore, students knew the answers
tively should be affected by the organization or represen- to some problems (e.g., 5 + 5) and hence needed to mem-
tation of knowledge. For example, the knowledge rep- orize answers to only a subset of the problems. Neverthe-
resentation of a person who has owned a soft-top jeep less, they did not spontaneously attempt to identify the
that was broken into will have information such as "easily set of problems that would be most beneficial for them
accessible to burglars" linked directly to jeep. Because of to practice at home. With specific guidance from the
this organization of the knowledge base, failures to assess teacher, the students were prompted to view the arcade
such information should be much less likely to occur. game as a problem-solving situation, and they were helped
to debug their current approaches to the problem of in-
Metacognition and Teaching creasing their scores. Without the teaching, it is doubtful
Research on both metacognitive, or control, processes that the students would have taken a "higher order think-
and domain-specific knowledge has important implica- ing" approach to the development of "lower order" skills
tions for teaching thinking and problem solving. Consider (for additional discussion of the role of teaching in the

1084 October 1986 9 American Psychologist

development of problem-solving abilities, see Collins & Directions for Future Research
Stevens, 1982; Feuerstein et al., 1980; Vygotsky, 1978;
Wertsch, 1979; Wood, 1980). Overall, it seems clear that research on thinking and
problem solving is thriving and is producing information
that has important implications for teaching. The results
Systematic Approaches to Knowledge Acquisition of this research also suggest some issues that seem par-
Programs that emphasize metacognitive or executive ticularly fruitful to explore.
processes do not necessarily attempt to develop well-or- One set of issues centers around the concept of gain-
ganized knowledge structures that can function as tools ing access to previously acquired knowledge. We noted
for problem solving. For example, Feuerstein et al.'s earlier that different ways of presenting information had
(1980) Instrumental Enrichment program is purposely powerful effects on the degree to which relevant knowl-
designed to involve problem situations that do not pre- edge was accessed when it was needed. Experimental par-
suppose a great deal of content knowledge. The use of adigms such as those used by Gick and Holyoak (1980,
these types of problems can be very important, especially 1983) can provide important information about access.
for building confidence among students who have had a Work on the architecture of cognition and on the role of
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

number of failure experiences in academic settings (for different knowledge representations (e.g., J. Anderson,
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

example, see Covington, 1985; Dweck & Elliott, 1983). 1983; Simon, 1980) should provide the basis for well-
However, Feuerstein et al. also emphasized the need to articulated theories about conditions under which access
"bridge" from the Instrumental Enrichment exercises to occurs.
specific areas such as mathematics, reading, and so forth An emphasis on access also highlights the role of
(for example, see Bransford, Stein, Arbitman-Smith, & perceptual learning and pattern recognition. Simon
Vye, 1985). Nevertheless, it can often be difficult for (1980) noted this by pointing out the importance of help-
teachers to bridge to other areasmespecially if these are ing problem solvers learn to differentiate problem types
being taught by different teachers. Because of this, one and the relation of different problem types to solutions.
can often find evidence for positive effects of Instrumental The research illustrating more sophisticated performance
Enrichment in the context of everyday tasks such as plan- of learners and problem solvers in familiar compared to
ning a field trip yet see much less evidence in the context unfamiliar domains also supports the idea that perceptual
of achievement tests--tests that generally presuppose the learning may play an important role in problem solving.
availability of rich knowledge domains (for example, Ar- The Gibsons (e.g., Gibson, 1969, 1982; Gibson & Gibson,
bitman-Smith, Haywood, & Bransford, 1985). 1955) emphasized that perceptual learning involves dif-
Programs such as Philosophy for Children (e.g., ferentiating the features and dimensions in situations
Lipman, 1985) and Guided Design (Wales & Stager, 1977) where there is variation and learning the significance of
provide prototypes for teaching thinking in the context those variations to the problem at hand. Many teaching
of domains such as science, art, engineering, and so forth. activities fail to educate students' attention to the relevant
There certainly seems to be room for more approaches features that are critical to solving different problems and
such as these. In mathematics, for example, evidence sug- problem types, and research is needed to determine how
gests that children often make a variety of systematic er- to educate attention. Teaching often involves telling
rors because they rather blindly learn procedures rather learners the relevant information and asking them to
than understand how the information being presented combine it in some way to arrive at a problem situation.
simplifies the solution to important, real-world problems For example, students may be asked to solve word prob-
(e.g., J. Brown & Burton, 1978; Clement, 1982; Resnick, lems in arithmetic for which they are poor at differen-
in press; Sleeman, 1983; Soloway, Lochhead, & Clement, tiating parts of the problem situation that are numerically
1982). Similarly, students learning science are often asked relevant from those that are irrelevant to its solution (Lit-
to memorize information about density, displacement, tlefield & Rieser, 1985).
and so forth yet are not helped to understand its value Teaching without a systematic emphasis on percep-
for interpreting everyday situations and for solving prob- tual learning can account for access failures that lead to
lems. They therefore acquire facts rather than conceptual poor generalization of learning. For example, clinical
tools (e.g., Bransford, in press; Bransford, Sherwood, & psychology students often learn to diagnose psychological
Sturdevant, in press; di Sessa, 1982; Lochhead & Clement, syndromes by reading case descriptions. However, many
1979; Perkins, in press). case descriptions suggest situations (e.g., the client is
Theories of access should provide an important "anxious" and somewhat "hostile") that represent outputs
framework for helping students learn to think and solve of an expert's pattern-recognition process. Therefore,
problems. For example, it seems clear that instruction students who can correctly diagnose clinical syndromes
that emphasizes memory for a variety of facts and defi- from verbally stated symptoms in the classroom may fail
nitions (a large number of introductory courses fit this to transfer that diagnostic skill to actual interview situ-
definition) will s e e m effective if we simply test students ations where the symptoms are not stated so clearly. Re-
on this information. However, data reviewed in the present cent advances in interactive videotape and videodisc
article suggest that this information will generally remain technology make available rapid access and review of
inert even though it is relevant for various problems. video (e.g., Bransford, Sherwood, & Hasselbring, 1985).

October 1986 9 American Psychologist 1085

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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

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