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Question & Answers for Value Education VAE5Q

Section A

1. Define value and Value Education

“Values are an integral part of the personal philosophy of life by which we generally
mean the system of values by which we live. The philosophy of life includes our aims,
ideals, and manner of thinking and the principles by which we guide our behavior” Value
education is the process by which people give moral values to each other.
2. What are the five Pillars of Self Discipline
Steve Pavlina has done a week of writing regarding self discipline. He placed self
discipline onto five pillars. They are: Acceptance, Willpower, Hard Work, Industry, and
3. How does Oxford Dictionary define the word “ Problem”
The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines a problem as “A doubtful or difficult matter
requiring solution and something hard to understand or accomplish or deal with.
4. What is Team Work
Team work is defined as cooperative efforts by the members of the group or team to
achieve a common goal. It is “work done by several associates with each doing a part but
all subordinating personal prominences to the efficiency of whole.
5. Define Human Rights
Section 2(d) of protection of Human Rights Act 1993 defines Human Rights as Rights
relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of individual guaranteed by Indian
constitution or embodied in the international covenants and enforceable by Indian courts.
6. What is Corruption
Corruption is defined as an action on the part of an authority or powerful party which is
influenced through means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical
7. What is Decision making
Decision making is a process of selecting a particular course of action from among
various alternatives, depending upon the appropriateness of the given situation.
8. Who is a leader
A leader is a one who has the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of goals.
The leader is distinctly visible and different from the members or followers. The members
who are non-leaders accept the leader until a new leader emerges or replaces him.
9. What is meant by Personality
Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with
others. The dynamic concept of describing the growth and development of a person’s
whole physiological system is called Personality.
10. Give a brief note on National Integration Council
The National Integration Council (NIC) is a group of senior politicians and public figures
in India that looks for ways to address the problems of communalism, casteism and
regionalism. Council members include cabinet ministers, entrepreneurs, celebrities,
media heads, chief ministers, and opposition leaders.

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