Guide To Pressure Vessel Codes

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There is an increasing use of national and international codes on unfired

pressure vessels in BHEL‟s Plants as well as in the works of BHEL‟s Vendors.
While interpretation of the Codes is possible by going through the actual
codes, it is felt necessary that salient features of some of the regularly used
national and international codes will be useful in concise form and in the form
of a comparative statement.

Some work in this regard was already done by Bhopal and Hyderabad Plants.
This Publication is an attempt to assist the Specialists, Executives and
Supervisors at Shop Floor level as a reference document. The efforts put in
by the Quality Services Group of Bhopal and Ramachandrapuram in
compiling this useful booklet is acknowledged.

Secunderabad (P.S.THILAK)
May 5, 1984. Dy. General Manger
Corporate Quality Assurance

B.S.5500 : 1976 ASME SEC VIII : 1980 (Div .1)
Covers design, constructions, Covers minimum construction
inspection, testing and requirements for design, fabrication
certification of unfired fusion inspection and certification of unfired
welded pressure vessels. pressure vessels.
Sections include: Sections Included:
1. General (Definitions and Subsection A (Covering general
responsibility of purchaser, requirements applicable to all types of
manufacturer, inspectors vessels)
requirements separately for welded
riveted forged or brazed methods)
WORKMANSHIP requirements applicable to different
classes or materials i.e., cast iron, clad
and lined material and nodular iron etc.,)
design formulas, porosity charts,
methods, for Magnetic particle
inspection, Q.C. systems etc.,)
mandatory) (Some suggested good practices e.g. in
ultrasonic examinations for bolted flange
This standard does not cover This standard does not cover the
the following: following:
1. Storage tanks designed i) Vessels with design pressures
for the storage of liquids exceeding 3000 Psi (20, 670K Pa).
near atmospheric ii) Vessels with I. Dia width, height or
pressure (i.e. 140m-bar cross section diagonal less than 152
above and 6m-bar mm.
below atmospheric iii) Vessels for internal/external pressure
pressure). Low pressure operation not exceeding 15 Psi (103
storage tanks with one K Pa)
vertical axis of
revolution with pressure
less than I bar.
2. Vessels where stresses iv) Vessels subjected to federal control
calculated are 10% of
the design stress
permitted by section 3.
3. Scrip wound compound
or other special designs
of vessels for very high

B.S. 5500 : 1976 ASME SEC VIII : 1980 (Div.1)
4. Transportable vessels 5. Unfired steam boilers excluding
5. Vessels for specific evaporators heat exchangers and
applications which are covered vessels in chemical. Petroleum industries
by BSI year book where steam is generated incidental to
operation of a processing system
containing a number of pressure vessels.
. 6. Vessels used for hot water supply
storage tank heated by steam within the
following limitations:
a. Heat input of 20,000 Bt.U/hr. (58.6
b. Water temp. of 210 o F (99o C).
c. Nominal Water capacity of 120
gallons (454 liters)
7. Pressure containers which are integral
parts of rotating or reciprocating
mechanical devices e.g. pumps, turbine
generators, hydraulic or pneumatic
cylinders where primary design
consideration and / or stresses are
derived from functional requirements of
the device.
8. Vessels with a nominal water
containing capacity of 120 gal (454 liters)
or less containing water under pressure
including those containing air the
compression of which service only as a
9.Piping components such as pipes &

IS 2525 : 1969 I.B.R
Covers minimum construction
Covers design, construction, testing and
requirements for design, fabrication,
certification of boilers mainly. However
inspector, testing, and certification of
chapter XV Heat exchangers etc., and
fusion welded unfired pressure similar vessels recommended that heat
vessels, in ferrous and non-ferrous exchangers and similar vessels be
materials. constructed following the applicable
regulations, covered under different
1) General, material & design. chapters.
2) Fabrication and welding Usually Chapter XII shell type boilers of
3) Inspection test, marking and welded construction is being followed.
records. Also regulation – 523A stipulates that
4) Appendices (both mandatory and feed water heaters may be constructed
non-mandatory) as per chapter XII.
Hence reference is mostly made to
chapter XII shell type boilers of welded
constructions is being followed.
Also regulation- 523 A stipulates that
feed water heaters may be constructed
as per chapter XII.
Hence reference as per chapter XII
ONLY. For workmanship various
chapters covered are:

Chapter I General requirement

II Material for construction
XII Shell type boilers of
welded construction.
Equipments governed by I.B.R. are as
noted below:
1) All boilers.
2) Steam pipes with pressure 3.5
Kg/ SQ. Cm. Or with dia
exceeding 254 mm in I.D and
with out limitations of pressure.
3) Equipments like feed water
heaters etc connected after
boilers etc connected after boiler
feed pump in which steam is the
This standard does not included the
1.Vessels which design pressure
exceeding 210 KG/Cm2
2.Vessels with O.D/I.D > 1.5
3.Vessels operating under internal
pressure below 1 Kg/Cm2
4.Vessels with I.D. > 150 mm

IS 2525: 1969 I.B.R
5. Equipments under I.B.R. per view
6. Vessels where internal pressure is
only due to static head of liquid
7. Vessels with a nominal capacity of
500 liters or less for containing water
under pressure including those
containing air, the compression of
which services only as a cusion.

B.S. 5500: 1976
Welded joints are
B. CLASSIFICATION OF VESSELS categorized into A, B, C, D
according to their location
Vessels are classified into three construction and special requirements
categories, on the bases of material, NDT are specified at different
temperatures etc., These are as follows: places in the code. No
classification of vessels in
line with the other codes.
It may be recalled that the
entire code has been
Construction classified as per the
1 2 3
category. materials, methods of
manufacture of the vessels,
quality control etc.,
NDT 100% Spot Visual A. Category A Long welded
permitted all M0 & M1,M2 only M0, joints in main shell, nozzles
material M 3, M4 Austenitic et. Any welded joint within a
Austenitic steels sphere, with in a formed or
steels. flat head, side plates of flat
sided vessel, circumferential
welded joints connecting
hemispherical heads to main
sheets, to transition in
diameters, to nozzles etc.
Max, None M0, M1-40 M0-25 Category B Circumferential
thickness except M2-30 Austenitic welded joints within the main
(mm) M3-20 steels shell, nozzles or transitions
M4-15 none. in diameter, circumferential
Austenitic joints in connecting formed
none heads other than
hemispherical to main
shells, nozzles etc.
Upper Values Same as 350o C Category C Joints
Temperature to be category connecting flanges, tube
limits based sheets or flat heads to main
on shell, to formed heads, to
design transitions in diameter, to
life nozzle etc., to transition in
time diameter, to nozzle etc.
etc., as
Lower Note For M0 For M0 Category D joints
temperature Note M1, M2, M1, M2, connecting communicating
limit M3, M4 M3, M4 chambers of nozzles to main
sheels, to heads, to
Less than Less
transitions in diameters
10oC above than

IS 28 25 : 1969 I.B.R
B. CLASSIFICATION OF Classification: Class I limits of
VESSELS Application: No limits Minimum
thickness: ¼ inch
Classification: Class II
Limits of Application: When the
following limits are not exceeded:
a. Working pressure – 105 psi
b. Working pressure in psi
multiplied by ID in inches - 5250
Minimum thickness: Boilers upto 36
inches I D – 5/16 inch.
Classification: Class III
Limits of Application: when the
following limits are not exceeded:
Vessels are classified in three a. Working pressure – 30 psi
groups on the bases of use, b. Working pressure multiplied by I
thickness. Joint design and D in inches – 3000.
efficiency materials of construction
and Quality Control requirements.
Joints have been categorized as Minimum thickness: Boiler 36 inches
in ASME Sec. VIII in to A, B, C, D. I d – 3/8 inch
Class 1 vessels are those
intended for lethal substances or
for operation below 20o C or when
mutually agreed upon by
purchaser & manufacturer.
Category A & B joints in such
vessels to meet requirements of
Table 1.1, class 2.
Class 2 Vessels are medium, =
duty vessels and shall meet the
requirements of table 1.1, class2.
Class 3 Vessels are light duty
vessels here plates are less than
16 mm thick & working pressure
less than 3.5 Kgf/Cm2 hydrostatic
design pressure at temperature
less than 250o C and unfired.
Class 3 Vessels: are not
recommended below 0oC.

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC VIII: 1980 (Div. 1)
1 2 3
Minimum Minimum Other classifications are made on the
specified specified, bass of joints efficiency & extent of
in a None radiography. A short summary of the
Appendix austenitic classification is as follows:
D None steels. A. Efficiencies: Double welded butt joints
austenitic 0.7, 0.85, 1.00 (depending) on no
steels radiography, spot or full joint with back
strip (0.65, 0.8, 0.9) and without back
strip 0.6 double full fillet lap joint 0.55.
B. Radiography: A list of joints where full
radiography (e.g. all butt welds in
vessels containing lethal substances),
spot radiography (e.g. double welded
butt joints not required to be fully radio
graphed) and no radiography is required
is given.

I.S. 2825 : 1969 I.B.R.

B.S. 5500: 1926 ASME SEC. VIII DIV. 1: 1980
Materials should take into account the Materials subjected to stress due to
fabrication and operating conditions. pressure shall conform to one of the
Special consideration should be given specifications given in ASME Sec. II and
for use below 0o C. Any special limits shall be limited to those that are permitted
e.g. w.r.t. Composition, heat treatment in the applicable part of subsection c-
should be agreed upon at the time of expect as permitted UG-10 (procedure for
enquiry or order. material not fully identified) and UG-II (misc
preformed or prefabricated pressure parts
like pipe fittings, valve flanges etc.,)
All material normally to conform to BS Material not conforming to the above will
unless otherwise mentioned Welding require special approval of boiler and
material shall conform to the pressure vessel committee.
requirements of section 4 & 5.
For casting, a quality specification is to Carbon or low alloy steels having a carbon
be draw for acceptance standards content or more than 0.35% by ladle
between manufacturer and material analysis shall not be used in welded
supplier. As a minimum, fillets and construction or oxygen cut List of approval
changes of section to be Dye specs, given in UGS-23 along with stress
penetration or magnetic crack detection values at various temperatures. For service
tested. temperatures above 850o F (454 o C) it is
recommended that killed residual silicon be
used. The stress values in table are to be
multiplied by a “ casting quality factors”
given in UG-24.
Bolts and nuts to conform to BS 4882. High alloy steels are listed in Table UHA-
Lugs, baffles and non-pressure parts to 23 and appendix HA given suggestions on
be of established. the selection and treatment of austenitic
chromium Nickel steels. High alloys steel
casting are mentioned in Table –23. The
stress values are to be multiplied by
casting quality factor of UG-24.
Materials used should be covered In recognition of controversial opinion
under Table 2.3 (specs for C, c. – Mn relative to the effects of post-weld heat
Low alloy, high alloys steels. In case treatment on austenitic stainless steels,
some other material is used it should mandatory requirement have been omitted.
comply with the general requirements However, for maximum corrosion
mentioned and should be covered by a resistance, a suggested heat treatment
written specification, at least as 1850-20 50 o F (1010-1121o C) and
comprehensive as the nearest
equivalent materials).
Nominal design strengths and methods
of calculations are given in Table 2.3 &
Appendix K. Details to be agreed upon
by manufacturer and purchaser and
recorded. Non-destructive testing
requirements for plates, forgings, pipes
and castings are given in Art 5.6.2.
General requirements for materials not
covered under Table 2.3.

IS 2525 : 1969 I.B.R
For class 1 & 2 vessels this standard R-537- Platters elt used in the
prohibits for pressure parts the use of construction of these Boilers shall
structural steels standard, high comply in all respects with the
tensile, fusion welding or ship requirements of chapter II and V, where,
building verity (IS 226, 961, 2062 & however, the tensile strength exceeds 32
339). The materials used for the Tons per SQ. in, the full details of
above classes should conform to welding and post heading, and the plate
table given in Appendix A. preparing to be used, shall be submitted
to the inspecting Authority for approval
before manufacture commences.
Class 3 vessels may use the above Electrodes (R: 538) – They shall comply
mentioned “ prohibited” materials and with the regulations of 94 to 98.
also IS 2041 (steel plates for
pressure vessels), IS 1570 (wrought
steels general engineering purposes),
IS 2002 (Steel plates for boilers).
Nothing in the foregoing precluded Tubes: They shall comply with the
the use of otherwise suitable material regulations of 36 to 63. The tubes shall
agreed upon. Special care to be be seamless and made by an open
taken for weld ability and ductility. No hearth or Electric Process, acid or basis,
such material shall have an and shall be certified as such by the
elongating (on 5.65 50) of less than makers of the steel by the tubes. The
100-Rm where Rm is the tensile material of the tubes shall shoe on
2.2 analysis not more than 0.05 percent of
strength in kgf/mm2 subjected to a sulphur and 0.05 percent phosphorus
minimum of 16% fore carbon and the manufacturer shall supply a
manganese steels. 14 % for alloy certificate of the analysis when required
steels other than austenitic and 25% to do so.
for austenitic steels. Material for lugs,
baffles, etc. to be weldable quality All
materials shall be supplied in
accordance with IS 1387 –1967, and
threaded fasteners in accordance
with IS 1369-1967.
Stress safety factors to calculate Note: Where the materials used for
allowable values are given in Table designed temperature for design
2.1 (varying from 1 to 3) and values temperature above 750o F (399 O C) the
calculated on these criteria given in steel shall be of non-segregated or fully
Appendix A. Shear and bearing killed type.
stress to be 50% of Appendix A
values. Compressive stresses to be
calculated as per appendix C, . For
castings, the factor of Table 2.1 shall
be divided by 0.75, except when the
casting has been radio graphed, dye
or magnaflux tested.

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC VIII DIV. 1: 1980
Material spec. Should at least “ One hour per inch” of soaking time
specify making process. and rapid cooling from 700 o F to
Compositional limits deoxidation 1000 o F (371 – 538 o C ) has been
practice. Heat treatment and given.
appropriate mechanical
For forritic steels for welding C >
0.25%. For C> 0.25 % special
agreement between manufacturer
and purchaser. Phosphorus &
sulphur < 0.05%.
Deoxidation practice should be
appropriated to the type of steel
ordered, particularly when high or
low temp. Properties are affected.
Following are permissible.
Semiskilled steel-plates, seamless
& welded tubes in C.C. Mn steels
for U.T.S. < 640 N/mm2 and
thickness < 100 mm
Rimming steel- only for welded
tubes in C, C-Mn, steels with
U.T.S. < 490 N/mm2 temperature
0-1380 o C. 2
Mechanical properties (BS 18)
UTS, Lower stress or 0.2 % proof
stress (1% for austenitic),
minimum elongation at fracture
(L= 5.65 so, Charpy V-Notch (B.S.
131 Pt.2).
Permitted % elongation is 16% for
plates, > 15% for casting > 14%
for tubes and forgings.
For materials used over 20o C , a
certifiable lower Y.P. or proof,
stress (ref. BS 3688) to be
Stress reputed properties for
materials in creep range.
Plates fro hot forming to be
supplied condition as agreed
between suppliers & manufacturer

I.S. 2525 : 1969 I.B.R

B.S. 550 : 1976 ASME SEC VIII DIV .1 : 1980
B. C, C-Mn plates for cold forming
to be normalized for thickness >
25 mm unless post weld heat
treatment is sufficient

I.S. 2525 : 1969 I.B.R

B.S 5500: 1976 ASME SEC VIII (DIV.1) 1980
1. Fully dimensional drawings 1. Manufacturer must have ASME
giving material specn, Certificate of Authorization and
welding procedures, NDT must have in force a valid
and test plate requirements, inspection contracts. Inspector
pressures corrosion must be qualified by state.
allowance etc., to be Manufacturer must supply
submitted by the drawings and a host of other
manufacturer. documents listed in UG 90 (e.g.
design calculations written QC
System etc). to the inspector.
2. A position identification 2. Material must in general conform
system for pressure parts is to action II of ASME Boiler and
necessary so that they can pressure vessel code
be traced back to their origin. unidentified material may be
used for non-pressure parts e.g.
skirts, baffles, and lugs. For all
such parts 3/8” thick double-
welded butt joint shall be made
from each lot and guide bend
3. For vessels made in two or Partially identified, material may
more courses longitudinal be used as per a procedure
seams to be completed given. A table or sketch showing
before starting adjoining location on vessel of items and
circumferential seams and their identifications. Marking to
longitudinal seams to be be steel die stamped as specified
staggered wherever possible. in ASME sec. II.
Where more than two seams 3. Except when radio graphed 4”
meet at a point, intermediate (120 mm) on each welded
stress relief is desirable. intersection, vessels made up of
two or more courses, shall have
centers of longitudinal joints
staggered on separated by a
distance of five (5) times the
thickers plate.

I S 2525 : 1969 I.B.R
1. Manufacturer shall normally 1. Manufacturer shall be submit the
submit drawings material detailed drawings including weld
specn. Welding processes details, calculations and
weld designs design materials to the inspecting
parameters, amount and Authority for approval prior to the
location of allowances etc., to construction.
2. Procedure for identification 2. MATERIALS (Procedure for
and its transfer on cut items identification):
for pressure parts is given. All plates, rivets and bars used in
the construction of boilers shall
be tested and found to conform
with the regulations to conform
with the regulations. A certificate
in form II, III, III-A and IV.
3. Concentration of joints 3. Shall Courses assly etc (R 543)
should be avoided such that The longitudinal seam or seams
no two main seams come may be placed in any suitable
together under an acre angle position but the seams in
or cross each other. Where successive rings shall not fall in
unavoidable, the line.
intersections should be radio
graphed 100 mm on each
side of inter section be
staggered by five (5) times
the thickness of thicker plate.
Welding of attachments near
main seams to be avoided. If
unavoidable welds should
cross rather than stop
abruptly near seams.

B S 5500: 1976 ASME SECI VIII: 1980 (Div.1)
1. Cold shearing may be used for 1. All cutting methods may be used in
plates < 25 mm but edges to be general Exposed inside edges to be
ground at least 1.5 mm. Grinding not rounded off to a radius at least 1/8
required for sheared plates < 10mm. “(4mm) flat.
Thermal cutting on machining are For plates over ½ “ (12.5 mm) thick
preferable. For materials requiring used for corner joints (joints at
preheat during welding, thermal approx, 90o), edges to be tested by
cutting should be done with preheat. D.P. or M.C.D
Thermal cut ferritic alloy steel shall be All materials to be impact tested shall
dresses by grinding or machining. be inspected for surface cracks.
Visual examination for laminations, Adjoining edges of longitudinal joints
crackers, slag inclusions may be to be preliminary formed to avoid flat
supplemented by N.D.T. spots after rolling.
2. Prior to forming, visual examination
of plates, followed by thickness
measurement, to be done.
3. Austenitic steels for hot working 3. For P.W.H.T (post weld heat
shall be heated uniformly in neutral or treatment) of austenitic stainless
oxidizing temp. Deformation below steels mandatory requirements have
900o C and local heating is been omitted. However for maximum
prohibited. After hot working, corrosion resistances, a suggested
softening to be carried out by heating, heat treatment (1850o – 2000o F)
at a recommended temp, hot less tan (1010O-1104o C) and one hour per
30 minutes. Descalling to done. inch of thickness as soaking time with
rapid cooling from time (1000o F) has
been given.
Austenitic steels after cold working
shall be subsequently softened &
descabed unless thickness is less
than 10 mm or the purchaser waives
this requirements.
4. All plates after being formed shall
be check visually and checked for
thickness. Places where attachments
are to come may be non-destructive
tested if specially called for in design.

IS 2825: 1969 I.B.R
1. Where thickness < 25 mm, cold 1. Chapter XII. Regulation 541
shearing may be used provided plates which are to flame- cut by
edges are chipped or machined machine without subsequent heat-
one quarter of plate thickness or treatment, grinding or machining,
minimum. 3 mm. shall not have or machining, shall
Caron steels may be mained, not have a carbon content higher
chipped ground or flame cut but than 0.26 percent. Where the
alloy steels and non-ferrous carbon content exceeds 0.26
materials shall not be flame cut percent. Heart-treatment grinding
unless agreed upon. or machining shall be carried out.
Preheating may be required and
visual examination for flaws
laminations, inclusions shall be
made special inspection may be
required for cracks on cut surfaces
and HAZ in high carbon and alloy
Hand flame cut edges shall be
chipped or machined 3 mm
minimum or one quarter plate
2. Seams may be welded prior to 2. Examination of Tubes before
forming but must be radio graphed forming: (R 338):
fully after wards. In carbon steels a. Where tubes are bent, the
< 25 mm and alloy steels DP or deviation from circularity at any
MCD to be done. cross section shall not exceed
D nominal out side diameter and
R: radius of bend on the center
line of the bend.
b. Where the tubes are bent
resulting thickness of the tubes at
the thinnest part shall not be less
than that required for plain tubes.
Tolerance on thickness shall be –
5, + 10% of the specified
c. All pipes shall be commercially
straight, free from longitudinal
seaming, grooving blistering or
other injurious surface marks – (R
3. Ref I S D – R-831
4. Ref I S D – R-831
BS 5500: 1976 ASME SEC VIII: 1980 (Div.1)
I) Assembly Tolerance: I) Alignment tolerance
a. Longitudinal joints and spherical joints Thickness Longitu- Circumfe-
for plate thickness “e”.
dinal rential
e Middle line Upto ½ in ¼ t ¼t
alignment (12.5 mm)
<10 mm 1 mm Over ½ 1/8 in (3 ¼ t
>10 and  50 mm 10% of “e” or 3 mm into ¾ mm mm)
(whichever smaller) (125-19
>50 and  220 mm e/16 or 10 mm Over ¾ to 1/8 in (3 3/16 in (5
(whichever smaller 1 ½ in (19- mm) mm)
) 38 mm)

> 200 mm As agreed upon Over 1 ½ 1/8 in (3 1/8 t

to 2 in (38- mm)
50 mm)
Over 2 in Lesser of Lesser of
(50 mm) 1/16 t or 1/8 t or ¾
3/8 in (9.5 in (19
mm) mm)
b) Circumferential joints:
e Middle line The above are the alignment at the
alignment edges to be but welded. Surface
alignments are not given
 10 mm 1 mm Any off set within the allowable
> 10 and 10% of „e‟ of the range shall be faired at a 3.1 taper
 60 mm thinner plate + over the width of the finished weld.
1mm or 6 mm Build up may be done.
>60 and  200 mm 10% of „e‟ or the
thinner part.
> 200 mm As agree upon.
Permissible surface alignments are as
shown below: If these are exceeded a taper
of 1:4 to be given which should include the
weld. The lower surface may be build up to
given the 1:4 taper.
a. Longitudinal joints
e  12 mm E/4 mm
13 < 0  50 mm 3mm
e> 50 mm Lesser of e/16 or

I.S. 2525 : 1969 I.B.R.
I) Alignment tolerance 5. TOLERANCES:
Defects in alignment at surface (R-250) and (5-544)
shall be less than the followings:
For plated less than 5 mm thick t/6 5.1.a) Before welding of the joint
for long seams and t/4 for is commenced it shall be
circumferential seams, subject to ascertained that the edges
a maximum of 1 mm. are in alignment and the
defects in alignment shall
not exceed the following
For plates more than 3 mm thick 1. 10 % of the nominal plate
10% of nominal thickness wit a thickness with a maximum
maximum of 3 mm for long. Joints. of 3 mm for long seams.
But for plates upto 10 m / for 2. 10% of nominal plate
circumferential joints, the values thickness plus 1 mm with a
are 10% of max. nominal plate maximum of 4 mm for C/
thickness plus 1 mm subject to a seam joints.
maximum of 4 mm.
(Welds with backing strip require b) If the edges of unequal
better alignment). plate thickness are abutted
and the difference between
The increase or decrease in root
the two exceeds the above
gap at any point in seam after
limits 1 in 4 tapper shall be
tacking shall not exceed 1 mm.
provided on the thicker
L a misalignment of 1 mm plate.

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC VIII: 1980 (Div. 1)
b) Circumferential joints
e  20 mm e/4 mm
20 < e  40 mm 5 mm
E > 40 mm Lesser of e/8
or 20 mm
ii) All pads, reinforcing plates man- ii) All lugs, brackets, saddle type
hole frames lugs, brackets, nozzle, manhole frames etc, shall
supports or other attachments. conform reasonably to surface to
Shall have a gap at exposed which they are attached.
edges to be welded < 2 mm or
1/20th of the thickness of
attachment, whichever is greater.
Except where shown otherwise on
drawing maximum gap between
outside of branch & in side of
edge of hole in shell, flange
reinforcing ring or backing ring
shall be < 1.5 mm for opening up
to 300mm and 3mm for openings
above 300mm. To achieve this the
branch may be machined, but the
machined surface should not
extend beyond the toe of weld and
shall not reduce the thickness of
branch below design thickness
plus corrosion allowance.
iii) Tolerance for ends
a) Circumference as calculated a) Circumference not mentioned
from Nominal I.D + Actual anywhere.
thickness and the actual
circumference should agree as
O.D. Circumference
(nominal Tolerance
Dia + actual
 550 mm  5 mm
> 650 mm  0.25%
of circumference.

I.S. 2525: 1969 I.B.R
ii) All lugs, brackets, saddle type 5.2 (R-544)
nozzles, manhole frames etc. shall a) The difference between the
conform reasonably to the internal diameter of the drum
curvature of the shell or surface to measured at any cross section
which they are attached. shall not exceed 1 % nominal I.D.
The departure shall not exceed:
i) Upto and including 36” I.D.
ii) Over 36” upto and including 45”
I.D. – 0.35%
iii) Over 45” I.D.
a) Circumference same as for 5.3 there shall be no flats at the
shells. welded seams and any local
departure from circularity shall be

B.S 5500: 1976 ASME SEC. VIII: 1980 (Div.1)
b) Circularity shall be same as that b) Circularity (out of roundness
for shall. shall be the same as that for shell
i.e. 1% of nominal I.D.)
c) Thickness is that after the c)
manufacture of and shall be
uniform over the whole area
knuckle. From this point, a gradual
thinning of upto 10% is
*Nor inside of 5/8% of I.D.
d) Profile: the depth of dishing „d‟ d) The inner surface of head shall
should never be less than not deviate out side of – the
theoretical or more than that given specified shape by more than 1
below: ¼% of I.D. *charge shall be
Knuckle radius shall not be less gradual and decimations shall be
than theoretical and shall have measured perpendicular to the
common tangents with straight specified shape.
flange and dishes profile.
Dia of end permissible When the skirt of an un-stayed
increase in the head is machined to make a close
fit in to or over a shell, the
depth of dishing
thickness shall not be reduced to
< 3000 mm 1.25% of dia less than 90%. The transition shall
3000-7600mm 3.8 mm be tapered to at least 3 times the
< 7600 mm 0.5% of dia thickness difference.
iv) Tolerance for shells a) No mention of circumference.
a) Circumference: as for e

b) Straightness: Max deviation

from straight line 0.3%
either of total

I.S 2525: 1969 I.B.R
b) Circularity same as that for

d) The inner surface shall not

deviate from the specified shape
by more than 1.25% of the I.D. of
head skirt, such deviations shall
not be abrupt, shall be outside of
the theoretical shape and
measured perpendicular to the
specified shape.
When the skirt of an unstayed
head is machined to make a close
fir into or over shell the thickness
shall not be reduced to less than
90% of original. Transition shall be
trapped to at least 4 times
a) The external circumference
based on nominal I.D. and actual
thickness should be within the foll.
O.D. Tolerance
300-600 mm  5 mm
over 600 mm  0.25%
Notwithstanding these, the
governing factor shall be the
misalignment tolerances.
Max. deviation from straightness
is to be 0.3% of total length or 5
meters length, for shells over 2
meters long.

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC. VIII. 1980 (Div. 1)
cylindrical length or any individual
5 meters.
c) Circularity - Max and Min. dia c) out or roundness (circularity) to
difference at any cross section be less than 1% of the nominal dia
shall be less than specified below. of cross sec
<1900mm 1% of I.D. When the cross section passes
through an opening, the
1900- 4750mm 19 mm
permissible difference in I.D. given
> 4750 mm 0.4% of I.D. above may be increased by 2% of
D=shell O.D.  < .05e + the opening.
.002 D For vessels under external
(Max.25mm) pressure out of roundness shall be
 = Irregulari- as above, but the plus or minus
ties in profile deviation from the true circular
checked with form measured radially inside or
20 o gauge. out side shall be within values of
e= thickness pf plate. „e‟ obtained from graph UG-80.1.
A segmental circular template with
This maximum value may be specified dimensions to be used.
increased by 25% if the length of Templates are to be made by
irregularities does not exceed ¼ of manufacturer.
length of shell between two
circumferential seams with a max.
of 1 meter.

At nozzle positions, greater ovality Sharp bends, flat spots etc, are
is permitted if justified by not permitted.
Measurement must be made to
surface of parent plate and not to
a weld, fitting or raised part.
For vessels to be vertically
installed but checked horizontally
dia, should be measured twice 90o
a part after turning the shell
through 90o. The sets should be
averaged and ovality calculated.

I.S. 2525: 1969 I.B.R.
b) Out of roundness is to be
less than 1% of I.D. on
D1 + 1250 ; (D1 = I.D.)

Whichever is smaller.
At nozzle positions greater values
may be permitted. Irregularities in
profile (checked by 20o gauge)
shall not exceed 3 mm + 5% of
min. plate thickness. The max.
value may be increased by 25% if
the length of irregularity is less
than ¼ of length of shell ring.

When out of roundness is

measured with shell lying on its
side, the measurement shall be
repeated after tuning 90 o.
No flats at welded seams are
permitted, and departures from
circularity must be gradual.

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC. VIII: 1980 (Div.1)
Cold rolling after forming permitted For vessels made or pipes, pipe
(for small rectification) but N.D.T. standards are applicable.
must be done. For vessels made
of pipes, pipe standards are
Welding procedures and welders Welders, welding operators and
to be qualifies. Test plates to be procedures to be qualified to
used only on purchaser‟s request. ASME Sec. IX before any
Consumables used shall be those commencement of production
used in qualification tests. welding.
Tack welds if made to approved Welding procedures restricted to
procedured procedure may be SMSSW, SAW, GMAW, Oxy-
retained. hydrogen. No mechanical
The areas of removal of pressure or below to be applied
attachments may be made except peening, pressure welding
through intermediate pieces. pricesses are limited to flash,
introduction, resistance, pressure,
Permanente backing strips not
thermit & pressure gas.
permitted in longitudinal joints but
permitted in circumferential joints. Tack welds to be either removed
or their ends grounds. Whether
No less than two runs to be used
removed on retained they should
for attachments expect where a
be made by a qualified welder and
agreed by purchaser.

I,S, 2525: 1969 I.B.R
Cold rolling for small rectification is
permitted but then N.D.T. is
For vessels made from pipes, pipe
standards are applicable.

6. WELDED JOINTS (R 604 and R 607)

6.1 a) No welder shall be engaged on
welding of boilers or steam
pipes unless he is qualified and
possesses a certificate.
b) The certificate shall be valid for
2 years.
c) The test specimens shall be
examined under X-ray. One
tensile test, forward bend test,
one reverse bend test two
macro examinations shall be
conducted. For fillet welds one
root bend and one face bend
test shall have to be conducted.
d) Record of all welding personnel
engaged on welding of boiler or
steam pipes particulars of each
welder qualification shall be
6.2 a) If the defects in the weld are
distributed over the whole
length of the seam the total
length of the portions which may
be cut out from any longitudinal
or circumferential seam, shall
not exceed 15% of the total
length of the seam.
b) If the defects in the weld are all
located in a single continuous
length which may be cut out,
shall not exceed 10% of the
total length of the seam.
c) (R-599) The longitudinal and
intermediate circumferential
seams shall be made with butt
joints of the single or double U
or V type or any other type
approved by the inspecting

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC VIII 1980 (Div.1)
Ferritic steels may require preheat. Pre-heating requirements given non-
Table of temperatures and mandatory appendix-R.
B.S. 5135 may be used to calculate
preheat temperatures. Even tacking
No welding below 0 O F (-18 O C)
to be done with preheat. No welding
Between 0OF and 32OF, preheat to
to be done at tem. < 5 o C. Austenitic
above 60O F required
steels require no preheat Pre-heat
temperatures to be previously
decided by manufacturer and Vessels shell sections and heads of P 1
purchaser. Gr.1 & 2 materials fabricated by cold
forming shall be heat treatment when
resulting max. Fibre elongation is:
Hot-formed parts, if not formed in a 1. More than 40% from as rolled
range and cooled in a manner to give condition.
grain refinement, shall be normalized. 2. More than 5% when vessel
contain lethal substance or
requires impact testing or the
quires impact testing or the
thickness of part before cold
forming exceeds 5/8” (16 mm) or
reduction in thickness is more
than 10%. Formula are given for
calculation of extreme fibre
Require for:
a) Ferritic steel vessels where For carbon steels, lower thickness limit
wall thickness exceeds that for P.W.H.T. given in notes to Table
specified in Table or UCS-56, which also gives the
designed to operate below Oo temperatures.
C. For ferritic vessels enhanced by heat
b) In general for C and C-Mn treatment, PWHT requirement given in
steels PWHT is mandatory UHT –56.
only above 35 mm thickness. PWHT shall be done before hydrostatic
c) Special Purchaser‟s test and after any weld repair. A
requirement. preliminary hydrostatic test to reveal
Intermediate stress relief leaks before PWHT is allowed.
should be carried out at lower In general, for carbon and low alloy
temperatures. steels PWHT is mandatory only for
No weld repairs allowed after thickness greater than 1 ½”.
stress relief except on lightly
loaded or non-pressure parts.
Suitable tests and controls to
be instituted to

I.S 2825: 1969 I.B.R
No welding below a base metal (R234 b) plates over 2” in thickness
temperature of 0o C preheating of before being fabricated shall be
200 mm area to 15o C-20o C to uniformly heat treated to produce
be done before welding in such gain refinement. Quenching in liquid
cases. medium id prohibited.
Cold forming over 5% deformation (R 251) where the plates are bent to
is prohibited unless heat treatment a diameter less than 40 times
is done. Deformation is calculated thickness, they shall be heat-treated.
as follows:
Deformation = t x 100
t= Plate thickness
D= I D bending or forming.
Hot forming out-side normalizing
range shall be followed by

PWHT- required for ferritic carbon (Regulation No: 562).

and low alloy steels by All boilers shall be post weld heat
normalizing or stress relieving treated after completion of all welding
when: and before hydraulic test, when the
i) It is intended for toxic on thickness of the part/welded recess
inflammable material. exceeds 50 mm and the carbon
ii) Operation prone to stress content exceeds 0.25%.
corrosion cracking. Heat Treatment: All boilers shall be
iii) There is excessive stress stress-relieved by heat treatment
concentration. after complication of all welding and
iv) There is excessive stress before hydraulic test, when,
concentration. a) Constructed to class I & II
v) There is risk of brittle fracture. requirements
vi) Dimensional accuracy id b) The shell thickness exceeds
required. (D/112) + C where D=I.D. of the
vii) Plate thickness exceeds those shell and C=5.6 mm for carbon
given in Table 6.3 (Carbon steel. A stress-relieving heat
manganese steels > 30 mm & C- treatment shall be performed by
Mn-Cr-Mo on carbon percentage heating part to at least
upto 0,35& > 20 mm) 600  20 C. When required by

the characteristics of the


B.S.5500: 1976 ASME SEC. VIII: 1980
establish that material is not
adversely affected.

I.S. 2525: 1969 I.B.R.
Different temperatures may be
necessary to obtain proper stress
relieving. The part to be stress
relieved shall be brought slowly upto
the specific temperature and held at
that temperature for a period
proportionate on the basis of at least
2 minutes per millimeter of the
maximum thickness of the part
(approximately one hour per 25 mm of
thickness) and shall be left to cool in
the furnace to a temperature to which
for the parts with a thickness greater
than 20 mm does not exceed 400o C.
After withdraw from the furnace the
part shall be allowed to cool in a still
A temperature time diagram of the
stress relieving process shall be
provided for a welded shell or drum
and a similar diagram for other
pressure parts when the Inspection
Authority requires it.
During heat treatment official test
plates shall be inside the boiler.
Where the shell is subjected to a
primary stress relieving treatment
identical to the final heat treatment to
be given to the boiler, the test shell
during primary treatment and
hereafter cut up and tested without
waiting for the final treatment of the
Where the shell is not subject to
primary stress relieving treatment or is
subjected to primary stress relieving
treatment, which is not identical with
the final heat treatment the test plates
may be placed inside any other boiler
of comparable dimensions, which is to
be heat treated in accordance with
this chapter.
Temperature charts shall be
submitted to indicate that the test
plates and the boiler they represent,
have been subjected to identical
heating, soaking and cooling

B.S: 5500: 1976 ASME SEC. VIII 1980 (Div.1)
Normally full vessel to be stress Whenever practicable, vessels
relieved but in special cases the should be PWHT as a whole, if
following method may be applied. not, they may be heated
1. In sections, with minimum 1500 inspections with 5 feet overlap and
mm or 5 Re overlap, whichever adequate shielding of portions
outside furnace.
greater (R= internal radius,
e=thickness). The portion outside Circumferential seams may be
shall be shielded so that heated locally, but width of band
longitudinal temp. gradient is such on each side of weld shall be
that the distance between peak more than two times shell
and half peak temperature is more thickness. Shielding to be
provided outside the heated bond.
than 2.5 Re .
Heating the inside with adequate
2) Circumferential seams may be
insulation on the outside and
heat treated locally by heating a
recording and measuring of
shielded band round the entire
temperature is allowed provided
circumference. Width of heated
the internal pressure never
band should exceed 5 Re is exceeds 50% of working pressure.
recommended. Heating a circumferential band-
3) Branches/attachment shall be containing nozzle on other
locally heat treated by heating a attachment which should extent
shielded circumferential band round the entire vessel and at
round the entire vessel. The least 6 times the plate thickness
requirements in (ii) apply except beyond attachment welding.
that width of circumferential band Circumferential joints in a pipe
(2.5 Re ) shall be measured from may be treated by heating a band
edge of welding which connects on each side of center line wider
nozzle/attachment to the vessel. than 3 times the width of weld.
iv) Vessel may be internally Thermocouples to be attached to
heated fully encased with thermal top center and bottom of charge
insulating material. and any other zone of possible
v) Vessels with thickness ration temp. variation. Gas temp.
not more than 2:1 may be heat measurement is not enough.
treated in the same furnace No limit specified on the ratio of
according to the same furnace thickness of vessels that can be
according to the requirements of heat-treated together but cycle
the thickest vessels. should conform to the thickest
For MO or M1 type materials vessel.
(carbon and carbon manganese

I.S. 2825: 1969 I.B.R
More or less same as in BS 5500
except the followings:
i) PWHT mandatory for:
a. Low strength carbon and
carbon manganese steels (yield
strength 26-38 kgf/mm2) 30 mm
and above, high strength carbon
and carbon manganese steels (YS
44Kgf/mm2 and containing Cr.V,
Mo etc. )20 mm & above.
b. Toxic or inflammable material
carrying vessels.
c. Operation below 0o C.
D. Vessels subjected to severe
local stress concentration.
e. Dimensional accuracy required

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC VIII 1980 (Div.1)
steels the temp. and time given in to be followed. For other
grades, the ranges are advisory.
The temp, in general for MO & M1
are 5800 to 6200c.
Normally, the temp, of furnace For carbon and low alloy steels the
while charging shall be 4000 C. foll. Hold:
For complex cases, e.g. thickness Temp, or furnace while charging shall
> 60 mm temp. is 3000 C. be less than 8000 F (4270 C)
Heating rates 2200c/hr for
thickness upto 25mm.
5500/ e00 /hr on 550C /hr which
ever greater, for thickness greater
than 25 mm.
During heating, temp, variation to
be less than 1500 C with 4500 mm
Cooling rates (Cooling TO 4000 C)
2750 C /hr for t < 25 mm.
5870 C /e0 C /hr which – ever
greater for t>25 mm.
Below 4000 C, cooling in still air.
Temperature re the actual ones
determined by thermo couples.
Holding times are given in Table but in general are 2 ½ Heating rate- 2200 C/hr divided by the
minutes per mm thickness. max. Metal thickness in inches. (but
not more than 2220 C/hr).
Cooling rate- 2780 C/hr divided by the
max. metal thickness in inches.
The heading and cooling rates need
not be less than 560 C/hr.
Soaking time-1 hr per inch thickness
upto 2 inches.

I.S. 2525: 1969 I.B.R.

Cooling rate upto 25mm metal

thickness 2750C/hr and over 25
mm, 7000/metal thickness 0C/hr or
550C/hr whichever greater

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC VIII, 1980 (Div .1)
-2 hrs plus 15 min for every inch of
ma. Metal thickness above 2 inches
F.1. PROCEDURE AND WELDER Below 4270C, cooling in still air.
A list of all welding procedure to be Qualification records to be supplied to
supplied by manufacturer. Welding inspector before commencement of
of test plates and testing to be work, Welds to be identified by
witnessed by purchaser unless welder‟s number at every 3 feet.
previous qualification records are Welder or operator qualified for one
produced. manufacturer shall not be used for
For low temp, operation, impact another manufacturer. Qualification
testing as per Appendix-D to be as per ASME Sec. IX.
List of welders to be presented to Impact test requirements given in
purchaser. Welder qualified by one subsection C, (Requirements
inspected authority may be pertaining to classes of materials)
accepted by another. A welder who UCS-65 for carbon & low alloy steels
qualifies a procedure is him-self UHA-51 for high alloy steels.
qualified. Qualification of welder is
valid for six months of inactivity.
Relevant specification are:
Procedure qualification BS 4870
Part I.
Welder qualification BS 4871 Part I.
Not normally required unless Test plates are not required for
insisted by purchaser. The length of production control, but for carbon and
plates to be at least 350 mm. low alloy steels, test piece to be made
Number and size have to be agreed for vessel material and subjected to
upon. Circumferential joint test the same heat treatment as vessel
plates to be welded separately. (with slight variation). P-1 Gr.1 & 2
and standard materials listed in UG-
11 (a) and excluded.
At the option of the manufacturer For vessels constructed of type 405
N.D.T. to be done on test plates like Material, which vessels constructed of
on the production weld. If defects Type 405 material which are not
found somewhere, test pieces may PWHT (post weld heat treated),
be out from remaining portion. welding test plates for two face bend
specimens required.

I.S 2825 : 1969 I.B.R.

Records shall be made available to (604)

inspector. Each welder shall stamp a) No welder shall be engaged on
his number. welding o boilers or steam pipes
A welder is qualified for 6 months of unless he is qualified and
in-activity. Re-qualification is not possesses a certificate.
necessary if the company proves (607)
having made such jobs if (or better
b) The certificate shall be valid for 2
jobs) for past 3 years.
Qualification requirements given in
c) The test specimens shall be
art 7.1 of IS 5825 (including impact
examined under x-ray. One tensile
test requirements).
test, forward bend test one reverse
bend test, two macro examinations
shall be conducted. For filler welds
one root bend and one face bend
test shall have to be conducted.

a) Vessels subjected to serve duty d) Record of all welding personnel

(efficiency factor 0.9-1.0 ) to be engaged on welding of Boiler or
provided with two test plates to steam pipes particulars of each
represent longitudinal seam of first welder qualification shall be
six shells of vessel. No test plate maintained.
normally required for circumferential (561)
seam- unless welded by a different
2.1 Class 1 Boilers: Test specimen
shall be attached to each L-seam.
Test to be conducted are:
a)One Tensile test specimen for the
All weld metal tensile (1), Reduced weld seam.
section tensile (1)
b) One all weld metal tensile test.
Bend (2), Notched bar impact (3)
c) Two bend test specimens.
Macro (1).
d) Two impact specimens.
e) One specimen each for micro
and macro examinations.

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC VIII: 1980 (Div .1)
Tests specified on production
control test plates are, macro
examination, hardness survey,
transverse tensile, all weld tensile,
face, side and root bend and fillet
weld fracture.

a) All weld tensile strength and If tensile specimen breaks in base
parent metal strength metal outside the fusion line, then
difference to be agreed upon. specimen is acceptable provided
b) Reduction in area for weld the strength is not more than 5%
metal in Mo & M1 to be > below the specified minimum
35% and at least equal to tensile strength for base metal.
parents metal for alloy steels.
c) In transverse bend (t < 10
mm) cracks upto 1.5 mm
d) In transverse bend (t> 10
mm) cracks upto 3 mm
e) An excess of 50 HV over that
specified for weld metal (in
the procedure) is allowed.
f) For tensile bend tests, two
retests allowed.

I.S. 2825: 1969 I.B.R.
b) Vessels subjected to medium 2.2 Class II Boilers: Test pieces
duty (efficiency factor 0.8 – 0.85) shall be attached to each (561) L-
shall be provided with two plates seam
to represent all long seams. No a) One tensile test specimen for
welds for circumferential seam weld seam.
unless welded by a different b) One bend test specimen
c) One reverse bend test
Tests to be conducted are: specimen.
i) Reduced section tensile (1) d) One nick break test specimen.
ii) Bend test (2) 2.3 Pipes
iii) Nick break a) Tensile test specimen
Production test plates may be b) Flattening test Specimen
radiographed and defective c) Bend test specimen
portions discarded in cutting 3.1 Tensile tests:
The ultimate tensile stress shall be
not less than the lower limits
specified for the plates.
3.2 All weld metal: (561)
(a) The UTS shall not be less than
the lower limits specified for the
(b) The elongation shall be not
less than 20% of the gauge length
or four times the square root of the
cross sectional area.
(c) Reduction in area shall nor be
less than 35%.
Macro examination of fillet weld 3.3 Bend Test: (561)
specimen should not reveal No cracks or defects on the outer
cracks, incomplete root fusion, surface of the specimen shall be
inequality in leg length more than greater than /16” (1.5 mm)
1.5 mm. measured across the specimen or
1/8” (3 mm) measured along the
lengths of the specimen.
3.4 Izod Impact Test: (561):
Impact values shall not be less
than 20 FT. Ib.
3.5 Radiography (265)
a) Where defects occur in
distributed positions in a seam,
repairs to the extent of 15%

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC. VIII: 1980 (Div.1)

I.S. 2825: 1969 I.B.R.
of the total length of the seam
shall be permitted.
b) Where the defects are located
in a single continuous length the
permissible extent of repair shall
be decided by the Inspecting
3.6 Additional Tests before
Rejection (561):
If the tests show a definite sign of
failure, two further tests of the
same king shall be conducted in
the same manner. The two tests
should satisfy the requirements of
the standards. If either of the two
tests fail the representative weld is
liable for rejection.
3.7 Macro and Micro:
A specimen of the full thickness of
the plate and not les tan half an
inch wised shall be provided from
each set be test plates for the
purposes of Macro examination.

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC VIII: 1980 (Div.1)
This is required for final The manufacturer shall certify the
acceptance but may be used competence of D.P/M.C.D. testers
before also. The N.D.T. personnel including their eyesight. For U.T.
to be qualified (with certificates). personnel and radiography
All N.D.T. stages, standards and personnel qualification to be in
procedure to be written down an accordance with SNT-TC IA.
agreed upon. N.D.T. procedures to be outlined
Before examining welds, plate in the written QC system ahs to be
material adjacent to welds shall submitted to inspector.
be ultrasonically tested to All material should be examined
establish thickness and defect before fabrication to defect as far
flaws. as possible defects that would
For category 1 vessels final N.D.T. affect the safety of the vessel.
to be done after PWHT and before Particular attention should be
any pressure test. 100% X-ray or given to the edges and other parts
U.T. of pressure welds where or rolled plates for serious
thickness part exceeds. Table laminations, shearing cracks etc. Welds other than full Foll. Joints are to be 100% radio
penetration but shall be D.P/ graphed
M.C.D. tested. 1) All but welds in vessels
For Category 2 vessels, 100% X- containing lethal substances.
ray/U.T. of full penetration butt ii) All butt welds in plates or vessel
welds (which shall include each T- walls where thinner plate exceeds
joint). For each seam there shall 1 ½ inches (38 mm) or exceed the
be one radiograph or U.T. for 200 lesser thickness in UCS – 57.
mm. III) All butt welds in unfired steam
At least 10% of all welds other boilers with pressures more than
than main seams to be 50 psi (3.5 Kg/Cm2)
D.P/M.C.D. tested. Also when iv) All category A& D butt welds
openings occur in or within 12 mm with efficiency 1.00 for double
of weld-welded seams, such seam welds joints and 0.9 for single
shall be additionally N.D.T. tested welds joints (Ref. UM-11).
on each side of opening for a
distance equal to the diameters of For foll joints spot radiography is
opening. to be done
When a particular representative i) Double welded but joints with
N.D.T. Is found unsatisfactory efficiency 0.85 and single welded
(with reference to Art 5.7) the joints with backing strip and
whole seam represented by it efficiency 0.8.
shall be scrapped. No radiography required for the
For Category 3 vessels N.D.T. is following.
not required. However, in so far as 1) Double welded butt joints with
M.C.D and D.P. are efficiency 0.70.

I.S. 2825: 1969 I.B.R
Stages of inspection are decided (561)
by the class vessel. Records of Every portion of the longitudinal
inspection and tests to be and circumferential butt-welded
maintained for the inspector. seams or the shell of the boiler
All anstenitic chromium – Nickel shall be subjected to radiographic
alloy steel welds in plates over 20 examinations.
mm thick shall be examined by The methods employed in
dye penetration test. obtaining the radiographs shall be
Radiography such as to show clearly difference
i) For circumferential butt equal to 2% of the thickness at the
welds in extruded welded joints. To determine
connections, pipes, tubes, whether this result is being
hearers etc; attained an indicator of approved
form which includes a portion,
a) No radiography for t <
equivalent to not more than 2% of
the joint thickness shall be placed
b) No radiography fort = in the thickness shall be placed in
6~12mm and O.D. < 102 the vicinity of the weld so as to
mm. make a record on each
c) Where 12< t< 20mm and radiograph.
102< random selected from Each section of every weld shall
each welder‟s work a be marked so that the radiographs
maximum of 5% length shall can be easily correlated to the
be examined. particular part of the seam
d) For constructions represented.
exceeding Limits of (c), all The examination shall be made
welds to be examined. from the original films and the
ii) Butt welds in furnaces acceptability of the welds shall be
combustion chambers and decided by the inspecting
other pressure parts Authority. The welds deemed
subjected to external unsatisfactory shall be rejected or
pressure to be spot radio dealt with under the condition of %
graphed. Butt weld in fully R 560 and be radio graphed
supported end plated not to again. The films shall be retained
be radio graphed. by the manufacturer for a
iii) Spot radiography is to be reasonable period for reference
at lest 10% of the total and be available to the Inspecting
length. Each radiograph to Authority, if required.
be at lest 25 Cm.
Other N.D.T. methods may
be agreed upon and used
where radiography is not
possible i.g. fillet welds or
braches etc. or where it is

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC VIII: 1980 (Div .1)
aids to visual examination, they ii) Single welds/ butt joints (with
may be used backing strip) with efficiency 0.65.
Choice of N.D.T. for Welds iii) Single welded butt joints
There is a guidance for selection without backing strip and
between radiography and U.T. for efficiency 0.6.
internal flaws (e.g. the two iv) Lap joints.
methods being suitable the two U.T. may be substituted for
methods being suitable for radiography for the final closing
“Volume “ and Planner” defects seam of a vessel if the
repressively and that sensitive construction does not permit
U.T. techniques may be given too interpretable radiographs.
conservative results. In addition to radiography electron
For surface flaws, difference bean welds should be 100%
between M.C.D. and D.P. has ultrasonically tested.
been given.
General guidance for N.D.T.
1. For thickness upto 50 mm X-ray
to be normally used. Opening that do not meet
reinforcement requirements in
2. Marking on radiography to UG-37 may be located in
indicate work piece reference circumferential joints provided
no.(ORDER NO., S.No. etc.,) radiographic requirements of UW-
joints, selection of joints, arrows or
51 for a length equal to 3 times
other symbol to identify its position dis. Of hole are met.
radiographs of repair welds shall
be marked R1, R2 (First repair, When a pressure part i.e, head or
second repair etc.,) shall or is to be welded to a forged
or rolled plate thicker than ½” to
3. Radiographs should have form a corner joint under the
sufficient overlap. provisions of UM-13 (e), all cut
edges including by M.C.D. or D.P.
Ultrasonic Testing Tests.
i) Before testing weld, the present
material shall be ultrasonically
tested to establish thickness and
any flaws, which might prevent
effective weld examinations.
Permanent marking beside the
weld shall be made to correlate
with N.D.T. reports stamping shall
not be done vessels fro low
temperature service.

I.S. 2825: 1969 I.B.R

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC. VIII: 1980 (Div .1)
All material that are to be impact tested
shall be inspected for surf cracks.
Pressure vessels, which are to be
pneumatically tested, shall have full
length of the foll. Welds crack detected
by D.P. or M.C.D.
1. All welds round openings.
2. All attachment welds, including welds
attaching non-pressure ½ arts to
pressure parts having a throat than ¼
inch. (6.5 mm).
Heads attached with one plate off set
circumferential joints, which have a
longitudinal joint shall be M.C.D. or D.P.
tested from the edge of plate tested
from the edges of plate through the off
set as shown. (See sketch).
All austenitic Cr-Ni alloy steels in plates
our ¾” thick and all 36% nickel steel
welds shall be D.P. tested after heat
treatment (Ref. U.H.A.-34).
All electro slag welding in ferritic
materials shall be 100‟ ultrasonically
tested after gain refining (austenising)
heat treatment or P.W.H.T.
General Guidance for N.D.T
All radiography to be as per ASME Sec.
V article 2. A complete set or
radiographs and records (T 283(a) & (b)
Article 2 ASME SEC V) TO BE retained
by manufacturer for 5 years spot
radiographs may be discarded after the
acceptance of vessel by inspector.
For radiography and U.T. the foll. Are
Notations unacceptable.
e - parent metal thickness
1. Any crack, zone of incomplete fusion
(thinner part for dissimilar
or penetration.
w - Width of defect 2. Any elongated slag inclusion which is
longer than:
L - Length of defect
h - Height of defect

I.S. 2825: 1969 I.B.R

In butt welds concavity in root and

excessive penetration may be
permitted subject to approval of
inspector, but lack of root of side
fusion are not permitted.
Undercuts overlaps, abrupt rides
or valleys or irregular beads are
not permitted.

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC. VIII. 1980 (Div.1)
ø = Diameter of defect. ¼ in (6.5 mm) for t upto ¾ in
C = Mean nozzle circumference. 1/3/ t for t ¾ in to 2 ¼ in (19-57
UNACCEPTABLE DEFECTS ¾ in (19 mm) for t over 2¼ in
Cracks or lamellar tears. Where it is the thickness of weld.
Planar Lack of root, Not For radiography, in addition to
defects side and permitted above, any group of slag
inter-run inclusions in line that have an
fusion aggregate length greater than “t”
in a length 12 t, except when the
Lack of root
distance between them exceed
6L where L is the longest
Porosity charts are given in
Appendix IV.
Isolated pores (for ø  e/4 and ø Spot Radiography
individual pores in 3.0 mm for e up One spot radiograph shall be
group) to 50 mm examined in each 50 ft. of welding
in each vessel. Minimum length of
spot radiograph is 6 inches. Foll.
Are the acceptance levels:
Uniformly distributed ø 4.5 mm for e 1. Any type of crack, zone of
localized porosity 50 to 75mm incomplete fusion on
penetration is unacceptable.
Linear Porosity ø 6.0 mm for e 2. Slag inclusion or cavities
> 75 mm graters than 2/3 T, where T
is the thinner or the two
plates welded.
Uniformly distributed 2% by area (on 3. The sum of the longest
localized porosity a radiography) dimensions of imperfections
for e > 50 mm should not be more than T in
and prorate for a length 6 T and the longest
higher imperfections considerate
thickness. are separated by at least 3I
where L is the length of
largest imperfection
Linear Porosity Linear porosity 4. Porosity is not a factor in
parallel to weld spot radiography.
axis may
indicated lack

of fusion or
penetration and
thus not
Worm holes 1 > 6 mm, W > LIQUID PENETRANT (D,P)
(isolated) 1.5 mm As EXAMINATION
linear porosity.
Worm holes (aligned) As worm holes 1. Linear indications, with length
crater pipes isolated more than 3 times the width will
be unacceptable if longer than
1/16 in (1.6 mm).
Surface cavities Not permitted 11. Four or more rounded defects
(I,e. those with length less than 3
times the width) in a

I.S 2825: 1969 I.B.R

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SECI VIII 1980 (Div.1)
Line separated by 1/16 in
(1.6 mm) or less
Individual and Main L=e  100 mm Magnetic particle (M.C.D)
Parallel to butt worm e/10  4 Examination
major axis welds mm All linear discontinuities are
defects unless proved
Nozzle Inner Outer
otherwise by re-examination.
& half of quarter
branch cross of cross Some other criteria of
welds sec sec acceptance according to this
code are:
Worth Worth =
Butt joints shall have
= e/4 e/8 
complete joint penetration &
 4mm 4mm fusion shall be free from
I=c/4  I=c/8  undercuts, overlaps, abrupt
100mm 1000mm ridges or valleys.
Individual and Fillet welds shall have
randomly adequate penetration into the
oriented (not As isolated pores base metal.
parallel to axis Reinforcement not butt welds
of weld) not be exceed following:
Non linear Plate Reinforcement
As localized porosity
group thickness
Copper inclusions not permitted Up to 1/2 1/6 in (4 mm)
in (12
Under cut Slight intermitted permitted 12.5mm)
depth < 0.5 mm
Over ½”
Shrinkage Slight intermitted permitted (12.5 mm) 3/32 in (2.4 mm)
grooves & root depth < 1.5 mm Over 1”
concavity (25.4 mm) 1/8 in (3.2 mm)
Excess h  3mm to 2” (25.4
Penetration mm)
Reinforcement Smoot blending Over 2” 5/32 in (4 mm)
Overlap (50 mm)
Not permitted
In U.T defects with „h‟ 1.5 mm or less should
be ignored

I.S. 2825: 1969 I.B.R

Reinforcement in severe and

medium duly vessels shall be:
Plate thickness
Up to 12 1.5
Over 12 up to 25 2.5
Over 25 up to 52 3.0
Over 4 52 4.0
For light duty vessels,
reinforcement shall be < 5 mm

B.S 5500: 1976 ASE SEC VIII: 1980 (Div 1)
All completed vessel must pass either All complete vessels must pass the
of the following tests? standard hydrostatic, pneumatic or
proof test.
Standard hydraulic test: Where Hydrostatic test: Except for enameled
required thickness of pressure parts ones vessels designed for internal
can be calculated. pressure, shall be subjected to a test
Pneumatic test: Where thickness of pressure at least 1 ½ time the max.
pressure parts can be calculated, but allowable working pressure (to be
liquid media are not practicable. marked on vessel multiplied by the
lowest ratio of stress value „S‟ for the
Proof hydraulic test: Where
test temperature).
thickness of pressure parts cannot be
calculated. A calculated pressure may also be
used by mutual consist between user
Combined: Hydraulic/pneumatic test.
and manufacturer which is 1 ½ times
the “ basis for calculated test
pressure” defined in U.S- 60 (e).
Method of testing Any intermediate value between the
Pressure to be increased to 50% of two given above may also be used.
test pressure gradually and then in There is no upper limit, but visible
stage of 10% until test pressure is permanent distortion may cause
reached before going close for rejection.
inspection, the pressure is to be Following the application of test
lowered below that previously pressure any inspection for leaks
attained. shall be made at not less than to
The pressure is to be maintained for thirds the test pressure unless
at least 30 minutes expect in case of specially agreed upon (e.g. when gas
vessel less than 500 mm dia, and 10 leak test is applied. Any non-
mm thick when the period may be hazardous liquid at any temp. below
agreed upon. its boiling point may be used.)
(No shock loading (hammer testing) Pneumatic test: except for
allowed. enameled vessels, for which the
Test Pressure pneumatic test pressure shall be at
Pt= 1.25 (P fa/ft X t/t-c) least equal to the maximum allowable
test pressure, the pneumatic test
Where, P= design pressure pressure shall be 1.25 times the
fa= Nominal design stress maximum allowable working pressure
at least temperature multiplied by the lowest ratio of the
ft= Nominal design stress test value at test temperature to
stress value at design temp.
at design

I.S. 2825: 1969 I.B.R.
(R 601 Hydraulic and Hammer
a. Class-I-Boilers: Each class
boiler shall on completion of all
welding and/or repair and after
heat treatment be subjected to a
hydraulic test of 1 ¼ times the
working pressure and while under
this pressure the welds shall be
The time of holding at the
given a through hammer test
calculated test pressure shall be a
throughout their length. The
minimum of 10 minutes.
pressure shall be released and
then raised to 1 ½ times the
working pressure + 50 psi and
steadily maintained for a length of
time sufficient to carryout
complete inspection but not less
than ½ hour.
b. Class ii-Boilers: Each class II
boiler shall aster heat treatment
Vessels shall be well hammered be subjected to the same form of
on both sides of welds seam. test as for class-I boilers, except
Materials deleteriously affected by that every Boiler shall be given a
hammering and which have been hammer test and hydraulic
radio graphed on main seems pressure to be applied for the test
require no hammer test. shall be 1 ½ times the working
Test pressure: pressure. The pressure shall be
released and then raised to twice
the working pressure.

Test Pressure
Pt= 1.3 x design pressure
x f1/f2
fi= allowed material stress at
test, temperature.
f2= Allowable material stress at
design temperature.
This test pressure includes
the amount of any static
head acting at a point
under consideration.

B.S. 5500: 1976 ASME SEC VIII 1980 (Div.1)
temp. exceed the temp, for which The pressure shall be increased to
elevated temp, proof stress values half the test pressure and then in
are available, then ft should be steps of one teeth the test
derived from the proof stress at pressure. Then the shall be
the highest temp, for which values reduced to four fifths of the
are available. pressure and held for a sufficient
time to permit the inspection of the
vessel unless waived by mutual
consent (e.g. when gas leak test
t= Nominal thickness of For proof test, the brittle coating
section under test displacement-measuring test
consideration. may be used.
c= Corrosion allowance
For proof test, the brittle coating
test, displacement measuring test
or strain. I measuring test may be

I.S. 2825: 1969 I.B.R
Vessels designed vacuum or
partial vacuum shall be subjected
to a pressure of 1.3 times the
difference between normal
atmospheric pressure and the
internal absolute pressure but no
in any case less than 1.5 Kg/Cm2
No procedure for proof test given.


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