Math 10 Module 12 Article 7

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MATHEMATICS AS A WEAPON IN THE STRUGGLE, ERIC (RICO) GUTSTEIN In oe f sve “spoken-vord books tht Palo Freie wrote with ends and ‘olshertoy =the one with Chan pibsopker Anioio Faun ~ theo ‘acs modes of ay the ol of mullet in pope sus, athe teimerton of thas work The flowing i rem et cmenatn Anion. wba is wre ald our “method a tof people thik ‘hater mato iste don think ou ve consioed Your petbodtate a mode Paul: No neve. Antoni: A metho for ui series of pips which rst be constaty ‘efor that iret, costly changing Stuns demand tat the fringed a ie way. And herby crc. And ts kay yur method i seta calle inlet ad reality © ‘elma tat method in ndr fo art spines as the station ‘ear nds be response ofr conte sitions, Wi do you ‘tine o ha Pr: amin compete agreomet. That exactly why 1 has sy tha the tony vy anyone hs f apn a tt sain ay ofthe pops | five mules preety romp what ave de, tha by lng Ime Iran follow me esta not alow me! femphais ed) (rie Fad 1992p. 3. Iden f fllowig”, Freie (ee & Maeda, 1987) ued reeton, which he wrt, “demands the historic, catia poli, socal, and economic onpretrion of he pace apropos 19 be rien” (p. 133) He tinal "I have to sallenge oer eluate take ay patie and my Feet a these of tn on reflections ad aay one! 30 hey ‘ante orien them pace” (p38). To reve and apply ast of fincas fom another's context f0 me's own, ad to move Socal Sues ‘oom ene nnd to sompreteed how these ows ve andthe jvc ‘Seite of hirer ~ well the dlcteal conection of hs 0 ~ Aili reition ounderstaing the sane win one's ov conte This of enn guides my aporach owe Fre (994) cae read unten] on! writing [acting charging] he world — a torts ‘as Chcngn pic high sch Teal this wee maton ao weapon ‘hese Although | til deride my work aching thei fr oil jimi” er "rical maenats have add ds ore al pring ben ‘in 207, thrid Bash eae to South Ameria and cased tha the US ‘as promoting sil josie here, When I ear ht, eee at hes an apron our Itgugs, and so Tsai ising wore that ss ey Se pation. Brey, {men y this tt,“ nd tobe pops though thr Muerte ediaioe to inesipate and ioe ini nd to caleng, it ‘ord nd actions oppressive res and c(i, 005, 4) nts utr I cxamie, hore and problematic how Fire's concept of| emai thm (Stine below) gue no an ster to ent Terry ‘hicton na eihbourood Chicago pub schoo. The chal in clay nd spray strong. bot scononeaty ated, Blk (Afican Armen) Sd Brown (Late) community.” | analyse pacices within a 12 gale ‘mathemati els (200808) tat fea elon stents investing tet lived relies wing hema, tro which hey leumed cole preparatory ‘math tues and ache (cl ogee died wich contexts sy, ‘wc, ether bse on sens ene themes th thes proposed oo homes Tages tha they sorted. Tope, we cosonaraced caso embrace 1 peagogy of questions, conection eri and change. Stade ented the completes of reatng ther word wih mathematic sid to wre te rk ith mathemati, te shed wht the eared wih thi cormonity and thers in publi pesentons and tragh scone At contribution 1 thi pest ‘oltme on he polis of matheratc euction, | analse bo we reve an lived oun the praxis eur as wih mary challenges and contacto = Freesat at “education pits” (Shor & Fe 1987p. 4) ‘he history oF sola! movements stenting 10 pend unequal power relations ‘hows tt ansfomatoral roceaes cn be nth expr fot ported. The incl condoms whi the prior loale must ext for pnuine Gage to ‘car fom the boon up ad Inside outs Amar Car (1979) ade oie isos lndependence suas of Cape Vere an nears opting ost 50 sea of Portes elon, si We ao knw tht an the politic! evel however fe and ative the teal of oes may be we ca nly aly taf or oun ely, on he ‘sis of deed Knowledge of and our ov efor and sts, owever grat the sir between our ees an however Metal oar creme, unforunately of fornaeynatonal iteration and. soi ‘evolion ae nl exporablecommodies ~ mre or ls iluenced fy (Cavounble and untevourble)exeral facts, but exentally dering ‘td condoned the stil realty ofeach people (p12), This seni consisten wih Freie’ ase tat erent his pai to (remake he own ity ae Inve words context mate foundational. rei’ contents were liercy and postteray campaigns, xpi and rally poli, which fen tock place hgh ere clr ~ quately diferent fom school "send of Teach, ne fad coordina: ited of lectus, daloge; stead of pups, toup pups; stead of alerting silsb, compact programs tht wer "oye down and coil int eng unis Fre, 1973, 2). He worked ima with ada mer, her pena, and wake They Wanted 1 {Ehm ova on their own voltionFurhemore, there were no tts (et lone high-taos anenemen), passing grades nga tet, or meets pin dustin fae In Pees seins, “perormance andar woud have Do omens and_noulera! Hew of erating puis elation, pre a ‘tua! eoomimers ina marta and fis bing exacted fom shoal ‘rode bean downright ogre. He worked ily rr aes an the ‘Sonomaly developing courts wih wich he collaborated wee in the Gta ‘Sout inlting Brak, Ce, Guiness, Cape Vers, Nrag, Grea ‘nd Ei Saad, Except for his wo ara talf yas ae Sorry of Eveaton ‘Sto Pas (Bris lrget cp), he had ile power over those wth whom he ‘weed cn dation cpg Clare cle ito creed erica the broad sense) Hom learoIved reais and Held aer-wor sessions the ‘mm, No bells ago sil the pre's en. The school pron pipeline ‘Satunkrown and he pps of sion ws fr Hara nd hananzton ‘Cone this to ban, U.S. pul schol, paral mihi school mathematics choo, my fon Sila o Frees cote, mos sens ae Tewncone (in Chiago public schools, 85%) and of colour 2%). Bul ‘Snilastos end the: He esto crplsry, ge 16 ot 17,0 wher “rot ees wart ated school (of couse many do, atough chile gs. ther esas fades for mary reasons thy hve Title cole. The mae Stemey aman 20°10 speak, of US. puble edwin crephasizes Geearligel"imorcion tr US sconomic:abeptieran gill maka precy, capa accumulion. and increased produit all to bene the ‘wath (Gustin, 2009) This campaign’ polis ae recon and racist n that thy sere and core U.S. cap and crpralGracia eles primary tthe eyeme of low-income snd workings peopl and. people of clout ‘ihn se US. (Gustin, 2008), wh, extemal. the polices bases US. ‘ret over he Global South trough he contol of re clo, evores, ows of fra capa, communications and infomation, and ‘wespons of mass desrcton” (Am, 200, p. 15) Unike Fea clue cls, Ustrmtherati laes do ve "wach Teta (oen didactic, despite ‘mates ers) “paps and alenaling sy (in hat He ae uch hun or une rm ung people's ves). Stent” school experienc, ab thse of tence and smite, af even by highs, pve, (oe) Iiiplecoie, evans, with rofoued comseqences fr sien ating ees {0 clogs and shld for comments whore shoo cn be hosed ot “dae ey for now" resins in gente spaces (Lipman 2011). Tr the most reent model of topeiown elucabonl power inthe U.S, mayors appoint istic oils, who have per ovr principal, who hve oer ‘over teahos, iho ave power Ser aon Ds at td ato snare Seve the lager gens an infec cuca texto, wi ite orm) Feporsiveness to local taeds or deures (Guten 20105) Schooling'= Tegientaon instil Iba Sipe - schoo el dsclin ods, re Boks, tardy pases, dion, suspensions, expins and rene te ke rom ‘shoo! psn, the mit. gangs set Ii, and ea pes Youth ofan rks) Macedo (108) aptly Sarbed teat ‘Suidiaton™ Tn shot, on would have tole finding two mare diametrically opposed tucaon contexts ~ Foiean cule elves supporting fea poll ‘denocrey and U.S. mathematics esroms in urtan scoot How the ‘invent Fer inthis fesgn space oa Chicago publi high schol math els? ‘A key way to ass this question ita aie generative themes, which are ‘scaly Key tcl contractions in eon’ ves. tee cn became the Stating ple fr polis edaggial pot ch] must be pce at the evel ofthe people's aspratons and dens hel udetstnding of ely, at thir frms of stn and svg” (Fee & Faandc, 1092, p27) Based on fineraive themes of stiers and te communis ~ as they undertand and Seite hn "onc atm cated, Cmca, i |S ot pore, but puricrize to stlensIvd elies, sorspnding (Caba's (199) aserne that "wee ont anal row eso the basis of etal knowlege of” a hat he path cert dtrmin and onditona by the hisocalrealiy of each people” (p22) This realty is bedded wii the seerative themes ht pple egerace ard expres dit ‘Eimear tasferntve crcl (nang 700) owever, generative themes encompass mare tan Soil poles, nd rie considered them in relation to how prope peresive their ese and ct response Wha socal eneaitin might cosine the basis of he thee al, fn cnt il comprebed it pur us how people undentand an itech it'As be wot, “mus regatta he gener heme met be ol peopl, dvred fom rely nr yet in ely dvrcod frm people. I an ‘nk be apprehended inthe hued relnship™ (19701098, p. 8). He ‘steiner the poston tat resipposes that themes ein thei erin obetive pry, asi pple ~ asi themes were hing. Ac, hemes exist i pope the ‘eatin wih he worl, i releneeoeonrae fc The te bjetive fact could evoke diferent complexes of geneave tes in diferent épocha subarits. Thre href a lao Bates he pen ojetne faethe peeion women and meh have of ths Tac an te pnwatne themes (87) Free ewe themes as iterating with an intueneing cach oben varius ‘ys for example esa them relator oder again, cr opps: 1 ens the fundamen tee fear epoch oe tat of domain” 0, and he adel that ts theme strane “imps is oposite, the theme of Tieratn the objectve to be aceve (pB)-He to thought beat the sno’ nd speictof themes “Genet themes can te eae ib encente ces, moving om te geerl othe pacar" (p84). Frente ‘rer caoideraion as tat people develop an undestndig ok, apd ao 0 ‘hangs. th contin oth Ives as expres inh geaine hemes, Complecer aing goncrative theme revi, | examined various difcuies in bulking on generative themes in thems hses (Guin, 2006, 2007, My pepastive was at re pes OF Inverted, yet distin owes rate 0 "ein and writing the word with Ithenaies" (bat ius mathematics 10. undersand or Teo" realty (Frankensen, 1998) and to change or wre”). Tse ens ra ore Bt ener lave ben unde-aborate in mathematics ection. The tee es ae may claw, and cra! knowledges, which all have mathemati ampnen. Bre, eanmniy knowlege refer fo wht some ell popular oF {noma Knowledge krawledge of one's ie ceunstances and perspectives o0 realy. Class! aowledge reer to "wath aenemie Krol td ‘tea nowlsge means ertques and ways of reins of power and cs of (intze Developing (an ting yon rel mabe! knowlege © akin to rang (ond wring) the world wih mates, tse Fre’s(eeke & ‘Maco, 1987) wasn of “ening the wor” and ened it theres o be ‘Snomnaus to developing clasial maherats! Kaevlege Knowledge of irreratve thence mig be conser pat of sommunty howled, Bt san Incladespocto ies and sil know edge wel "My rgumer thon ws Ut one ny toe eric mathematics page was to ul on sadens” communi, knowledge to suppor the Sraaneas, Internoven development oftheir asia! and ical muenutical Knowledges: ‘That ig bul om gneve themes and move outward from there Ba the ‘mathcratessdteton Ieraire cote few sane! ‘examples of hee roc Cerny educators ave land tl tse as. Fr exp the ‘lgetre Poet (Mass & Cobb, 2001) and the Finds of Knowle work. ‘mses edbeaton (Chil 2006) eomeced conmuniy and csi ‘hea knowlege, sd clay reevan mashematcs pedagogy amps ths aly (Guts, Lipman, Herinder, & de ln Reyes, 1997 Lads lings 199s: Tae, 1995 Buin face, hese elo fave undcrenphasiand cite ‘maheratical knowlege, Other educators have comes crea and csi Keowee in mabematis (Banting, 2006, Fnkensin, 1985: Guten, 200g), bat didnot uly proce foe studrcariculed generale, ewes omnety Incwedpe force's 2003) dsmtaton teed na 6* gre ‘seats class and Vay Gurr’ (200) werk nan afrchoo eng tre male exceptions of atempt to bull upon ban stde* community rowed to deep bo ete and cls mathemati! AnowlegeIn [Bal (cane, Frets hon) an acho ans deep cure tom ste and ads commurity knowledge (O"Cadz, Wong. & Tomes. 1998; Canin, 2102) bat Throw of no dead vse on sustained fot 0 ‘reat ad each athens crcl bse on genre then Inst this tert is inion explored peice, and herzed. Below, examin an Iempt to use aenonve thames tech erieal mathematics and decribed theorize some dicate, copes, and contradictions Inthe 2008-2009 seo! ye, taught a 12 wade thematic clas st Chicago's ‘Grater Lawndale Vilage School for Socal Jace known Soo) (a 3 tevverity ae enter nd ecco teachin Chieago pu sehr) S00 ws bom ot of erg hough I9ny hunger stk by eins of Chicago's Cite Vilage communis, + Mescan ian eightoarood. Communi rember hd dean 2 new neighbourhood high sho! for years (Oe ein ‘ne war ovecomded), and when th dite allcsted funds (a 1998) bu thon reneged and bi wo. selene, magnet high schools in weal, whet ‘omnis, resides inenifod the bale. Ths capaign cute nthe ‘isorous hunger skein 200. A new fing was bul whi for al ‘eghteurond scols opened in 2005 (Rasa, 200: Sova, 2015), of which ‘So was one’ ined Soo's Design Tea in 2003 and have worked wih Be School sine saponin parting in mathematics lass and olaerting ‘ith stents ad aches tdeelp, ac nd su soil justice mathematics. "heehee mighty 8c ate sly Mc rn il Vlog, Angus ‘South Candle) and 3% Alfcat-Ateron stents whe in ‘facet Nor Lawndale Aosta aden we lowinore 6%), and Lawn student can tend ary of he four shoals Each school is independe oF thee, but they share common pce (uta, gyms, lncroom) Each has ‘shou 375 stan, an as of hs wing (ne 2011) they have ast ined ther ‘hh year Sort man 2009 ACT seo was 164, thou te dowel veer ‘eghtoutood shone and well flow the rains! men of 210 (Amica College Testing Progam, 2010), tut he school's Tt two clases June 2009) raed about 70% of enaring P grader, wel above Chicago's average of ght 0 (Suara, 2008) oj ues IMP, the interactive Mahamatcs Program (endl, Rese, Alper, & Fast, 199) a is abe cucu, lfhogh we as nero several teal Imthematis poets (Gust, 2007, 2003) cach er IMP is cose en of the mathmatcs wenn "curcla std copies stale conceal ‘derstanding Stade ake for years of mathras, and n sping 200, de cl sled their senor ath che th “nh il ate ls, ror IMP, pecans. This as the oly ine fens ad thi opton, a only ight th ahr soil jase cls in 2008-09 021 sens (6 Blak and 1S'Latnwo; 6 mle tn 3 ems). Prev, Sj teachers an suveed ant Asked stnets abot tps they wanted t sud. They metioned HIVAIDS, ‘eighboutad deplasomer(grifeton). nd angina sing 208) Ine wih oe sales a ad sever informal omens to dbus Ou 1D ad nite Ding the conversations, student proposed swaying the ‘rinaaon of you of tren of clos proposed two topes: Ore Ste sem, bea my reding fe tei agent ht 2 aes ray ‘My and beau the cls was alt ee outs onal, I waied to Bul fn supa be leant foster ene 1 bo suggested but We tly Se ssl snomales sugeeng possble fad i the 2004 prin ‘estonia I sived (comet ume et stad woul ot want reoccur inthe ipning 2008 presen clon. Thrgh dialog, we coltvly Sse cr five topics clon, dsplacement(genifcaten, forelores, and Tmgicadeporten), HIVIAIDS. crmimlson, and” sexism. Statens xpranel why hey waned to stu) tee (poral ormectons, expres, Specie tne, oberon, penal ence, leans of he comet and iMrest), The toe themes stents proposed lament, HIV-AIDS, and ‘imialisgon wre purlry oenntul and conse tary ithe ls Srv ens ha expend tenses any member or Fe ging {bate ter ones fom floor in the tebe HV-AIDS fn Noth Lega ae sine problem and some dens knew eae ving wih AIDS, ‘An erinialistion of people of cour alee vu the whole cas s mary Stners al ny members ial one way or thea he rial ase "sem no, Noh Lawn as an extremely igh ate finalisation, with te eiate o up 10a te ade ving a ont wih the pson System (tcKene & Rahn 200) Taupe css an roost fe whole ext Seat | ht undrsoed bow the hemes wed Students Ives and What Was Repti a ew algun Pettne iy imporant to cli some sues sbowt generate themes 8 1 snderand thee ana they played ot in or cs. Fis, teaching erica thesis tned on got themes expressed by lowincme, ban sets [tol shoul po entered oman nae of thse yout ve ee wat Study thai, Thor wore talons my css (nd rout Soo) who ‘wer mthemaiiy song and raid To and enoyed the aburactons, ster nd tlecal stilton of meats One fy dents was even Sccmoraly impatea when we sayed foo Tong (or hin) an vocopaia ‘Sonex pee cet me on materi ‘Sccmd” using genrive thames ie ot a motivational gimmick to nt “suet lnm more hen, Retr, the purpose ft evelop what Fee (1970105) elo a problem posing peggy” Ut sas foe che preset risen Conte stato, etn the sprtions of the pope” p76) and Tin oes nt and canot sre tho ners of the oppor” (p 6). Sch ploy sinerenly dangers to he power sce becuse uestning, ire, cllging nd uinatly aking ation fo wasfrn anus soi sre the goss of sing seneratve themes. OF cours, ening mathematic for ‘tail! ses defines important fo hl pernal Me and ebuton pportnites, and Tor economic stevia fr thee fais, communes, abd ‘famseles Moreover luming 10 rad the mathematics! werd (developing ‘hse! mathematical kopwiedg) neces) 10 read and writ the werd th Inahematis (developing ar acting won erie mathe! knowles. “Ti sing genre er ota praca std’ es tosis he pin on hs condos of pression does ay od the hls ‘all Flt, the pool at mio (Woon 193190) of ow emo south of cola inthe US. ene that mary have under-developed ‘borates! kniedge, Though some of my suds nee bh cong ad ‘roca ston it mathoatis, ths deep) ipo, inte ie, {al resien you~ hal vey weak conpeersio of mata and eal al ha ‘he opportunity to ake genuine esting hence bol proses anh enoeps Alu dase et et stent Capen KZ etal ‘bono fend 0 ets that nv or tae mate (ings, 536, Gasei 2006, Tare, 3003) ~ and engagenet arty ee ker ne sl at ner ht rial maaan ith witht tm erie ne, tcesanly or mics tases mahemas ang Complies ning gonertv Pemex: HIVAIDS hour communes Beyond these oad observations abut senate tees ie te ists, boise having «meaning theme sot a srg pots This statemer maybe obvi. ‘athe thems ll dos tl ow 0 ach i When tecang steno ed std wre ewe wit matte chal eb eral pola | examine th HIVIAIDS nto lls pci compas eating Wh sciv hanes bow we Wado ale thm. an wt we eae Marmara completes There were two key challenges reed to mstheratics inthis uit ~ coe to crea cual Hat Help tents beter undorsans the HIVIAIDS epicmi in thie communes und Chlg, and wo, or sats to Team she aifcult mahomates Hat tis ror To crete he iit mean ‘mprchending how scientists public heal worker, coon rane, ‘piimblg rt AIDS acne ied and ed ath toned AIDS. I, a two of the grate tens ling deep cariclam Framework, contacted heh pofesionl an researc eal jana 1 snes he epee td esi of he dea, We ed he milogss sly doce nsmsion with itera enon Send my Suds owl) ad tha he matheraticl odes IVIAIDS are compen weve. my iia (nave and eroneus tiki as that ne cul devlop = ‘working HIVAIDS moe of Greter wale and then poet the inact of ‘eouin policies on he aies's spread. AST wrote ny journal: 1 wat sues to vec math meses of AIDS wansnsion, and thn ‘ink abet tweaking hem asd oe more (for example) gene py 0881 reiie “varia sex, or batrimore asesble HIV feting oF al fe ene to condoms everywhere The ie woul be fe ws 1 make a ‘malenaalagument ht we'd have lo dats i we id one o more of thee things O ore, is at coved Base we ors plying with ‘bet fre and we camot nota o charge he partes ae the Ihab of dats. nd ht shod be at fhe cussion aswel (01909) ‘As we progressed throvgh he uni, it became abvios that ceaing the made for Towne war posible Fin devping a model foe HIVIAIDS wes more ‘itz an ha spied Hyman, Lad Staley C103 capr sane reson. fer is "Because the tunmssondoramis fo HIVIAIDS} fom a comple ror Tne dynamic sysion, Be eviow of te epidone is highly tonne funtion of the pormetr vais and eels of irvetion sates” (p. 1). Seon god ear cre, We cul et ge ale Rees on HIVIAIDS nthe femnmuiy. And hid. while maeratially modeling dicwes har Hosving otro police wil exist) model ely on mary difieaosmak [urntnHow de ne aso fr nil choi? The mare of pares nee? Acces to preven propa? The peblty that unprotected ex rel It'docue tananioton? WheterHIV-pe idvil fon penal Seu Ptr? Sich incre pervade the modeling of complex socal phenomers. Fyplaly ile i done in acho! maemats to give studs» sane of the hou nceraay in tener of he eu oa sic modes Inde, the rl ees of schoo! maleate my be icles an mpc be at Imuhenial madi map nsec of the real weld unprblemaaly on 10 ‘thera tins th can ten be manpltode yell rece ess. Beyond the challenges for me o cet tho und, sens dt do ute ict mathematics. To model HIV.AIDS, we waa dcr manic nem {DD8)to preset changeover tine (Sader, 193). We bul on the work Pom the preva un (pace in which stunts wed DDS to sy moigaoee (Guttcin 2013), A socoighiowatcan who techs dctos sb episonie Poli griciualy sent her mutes (Mots, Goda, Cassel, 2008) teh std for clase. Sadan bil sralation, Test ewig cubes fom 9 The. and then righ theres on their nels To give a see of elt Iathenats! challenges | reredace a graph and an usighsnt fom the wi ‘Whar nade te mathematic for the HIV-AIDS unt so much harder han forthe Aisplcemen nt tt one needa DDS of two ating equations to model a Inongig but four or sto mode ease tansission. Ths assignment required Ss to derive and pop ns he cleats the ur equaons below (did tt gh students th ution sow) Aer the aime, we ara wh the {Sap wae supe ns wan Then equations deci much simpler disease frase dynamics thn tas of HIN-ATDS Mo) =r) 001-1) means uber of infected tie Mayet 2)= Wer) -001u4n= 1-1 [) meas number of uscepbe tine w)=599 1. Suppo yout | feds 99 ssc people Answer? telow Dated on these mart Ths is fo ha odo wih cues, 50 ve can ae or slows (a Teale). 2 Hin oyu find he mmr inet i ay sig t's he mbero¢ mic nd sept? THE ‘Set why snort ea. o. Wats nie oer fico on dy ha you ‘could have? sf «iat he asin mor fen ony ht yore a. Sipene te pty of 01% (or 001 a an into ie ttre nce ed pean catenin vined War's ie meant nest Eitouiiaen ocr meio? Apnoea wel ete mb of need sr theman of dy nal oe mo the ao Sy ‘rtp the nel ined Wat Siem: ein Ant wi he sing ston fr be (Sean dyed em Gin dienes ein ad sine) rte nr asec 2. th syns on om yew ik abut your wine ‘erie When Se jour it ia nd ulm ws 3. Bwimet nth dio var fr te poly, casing tight Reo your mre pay al a me Sonepat, What pe Polical complesles The mathemati sue of the HIVIAIDS unit were ‘mples andthe pol ones were no lest. Apna calenge was Stppor students n Seelping sesepoieal explanans for the dn. Sho fellre we unt began Taka sido how we sould spond the rst of ou Year ‘Gout ment), We had pared o cmp tree mae wis CHV. AIDS, ‘Sion and sexism) but tat ened inpossible Students clleive ‘Gea oem sei nthe ther to etn we aad on HIVIADS, ‘Carmen. Black fle won hal proposed the un, td we were oes on the inact on women, with ck women being the mow dspeopertontly Impacee donopapic group in Chicago | asomad and showed sho Powerfcin on Chisago dia As wt Jura Wetfen moved tothe side hat showed hat 804 o the female dngoses in 200 in Chapa wee of Aon Ames, That ely le people a. Carmen sat ssi ap and sail “dant” Since we knew tht Aion ‘Amine made up ony abou 35% of te ppaltin, this was rely out oF fine 62509), ‘This aes acter hey ie ning geen hemes. Teachers snd curiam {tore develop wht Fs (199) calle “patil erp” onthe themes ita tar oes a somvovorial foie with such power poet tigmaoe those mes afte (ee, Blak women wih HIVIAIDS) then he teh sll has to ed the word and deeply undostnd the sociopoltiageness of the inptice Thon one can provide ers aos various perspectives hat ier ff dona raver thy can eis and develop the own. Thou nigh inlve mhenaial sess Sindamerally» plea question | waned to etna ht stains di not eave class demonsing Black women fo tir HIVIAIDS ratty, twas not aly cle howe to explain thse dat, But 1 ew tt Baek women were ate cus of th oben Tigad a took desstucing vanous HIVAIIN mythe mctding that of “tangas bevoe vi, Mille, & Fallows, 2003) The aubors aged at soctopolical forces srngly consaiod indivi cokes The ape ot Angrons bev our eure several mesa yoimg woman inns pened 0 fave wrote se ty soil oes and by her HIV pate, much elder, and “ini, stand who subscouey inflsed her.ayoung an in Pasi Rico press by hifi wo ex mire maey. who ted to dealing drags and realy tontad ADS. and ter strc. THe cage’ Pl was no to ‘Boobe individual respomsily or exci poor choles, but to elp readers ‘Sterne wd undersand why people semeines ced sef-esrcve ‘We gent tee (S-minas) perids m pope rein the eur nd making lage poses to reset the ews A coal one a suv et, wich meat "ha ome (nd me) sometimes ha ex bene of cee presses. This ed ino need dete about wornen, HIVAIDS, sexi, ender racism, power ron "spr deem he back use) and ee Frm my ou: Eventhough dents knw tha thre re real ses here hey have trouble fete past the Gscoune, the vey powerful dbsouse of ini responsi. Jemy [a Blick female, in pai, wants to lok a the Ides sida she fe the Bok was making exes for people 62300) erin tat our | wot shout more somplestis I row Calvin and Antoine no the canversation abo survival sex Bsns ‘te portion ofthe copter was on gender rina. This they have ‘Seat views, Chlvn sa to tha eas wh have egw ets do so because they wat tgs, whereas | heard Aeote lk abou oes How do we pouch his an disigus? ey le tale abot sworn she knows (abu Black woman) who kes her prt has at "lope th hi anos, nprseted. We did't tk ut one Gustion might ef she fas the poet demand condemns. Or mot. Such 3 somite ‘kuton, And ia woman neuen, even knowing the ik, se weak? Roxanne pointed at tat woren say In abusive relate even whe they shuld know baer olen tines cme of economic soca tht to survival sex? Las of rly god qesions emerge today. (32318) ‘We neve ttl sete ths mater the tine, which not nessa problem ‘amy view. One shuld no expec hat you (or aus!) eal rele 30 fenplictd an issue. and crea! (thomas) pedagogy shoul alow” fmbigity, epee quoions, an conricion As Free (Free & Maco, 1987) ‘ros “A pedagogy willbe Gat much more ciel and alc the more vestiae and etc ‘tant’ The more "oe «pee, ‘emote tical it will bebe” (5) AS weeny outa ‘So samethng tat is relly interesting to mei this in th elections wit as we've aed abou (me, Anita, Paty [doctrtatwent covecarchen ‘via the cls, we've said ha was a uti which tu fad Yo do 8 ‘ulema anys of pot stone understand wet nt ie ‘ection wat soi Her, you have to do. plicalanahsi of ‘thematic stution (the da) wierd the dt, the etion of ‘Sty there the ispropainaity™ sth psi (42118) {return the "angers behavior” myth Below when discus terete hanes frase Mathmaricat politcal compleiies The above lens into what could be eal ‘he. matheratcal-poltical comple of sing generate thes. jn ettical Imahemais. One nos clariy on constraints and posible witha both the Inaba andthe piel spheres and hl etal nero when ‘Seating and tucking. carizlum ised on the themes sides and et ‘Sammie ring. Since my geal ramewrk was o hve context, nt Cnt, {ve te cura ween th salen wanted 1 er mateatis ‘mswer ter own Guests. This occured in Te eletons nt dng Which Stons themselves reached the pois of wating to understand te 200 reside lesion wat tol (s orm ed by Freeman ad Beis, 205), tec fhe thsr-caming 2008 Obama eeton, Aer al, we ween Chicago {Obama's toa), ove ses were Tan preparing ove for he st ime, {in ss had lp monitor sections or pareped in eter eration ves ‘The ol wa to answer the al questo nd be prepared for possible Feud 2008 wee to study Bion and normal dibs so students cold make ryote mathematical mguments tout wether or nol the eles ‘eeu cine (Oust 2012) Bue HIVIAIDS unit was dierent hat Utwble liking the mathematic of the DDS 10 students” quetios about HIVAIDS. My journal ‘Afr cls, Ani const what we're ding inthe AIDS anit with what we (ibn te Elotone unt Stents ent clear boot hy wer ing vi Srereding! And that's my rspensiy. nat eve Spor sure. Bu se oil out tht we nod 1 tre, fame more ley i tems of the {cipal and economic ent and wo, make cet what weeding Inaba tht rele othe socoplicalcomext. So I il work on this 619109), That dents id not nod to made HIVIAIDS to undertand the dines, op the dloportnate impact on cerain population, or net bare Black Women, There ma no fois queson tn matte ein hati the sae Wa) sip We lesions unt (what really happened nthe 2008 lection”) oF Asplacemert unit (what were the soipoiial foes dsplaing peeple fom TLawndsle and whos community was) | Yl conte tothe calenaing thems of DDS and ws reluctant give it up because | wanted ses © five bo mathematics capercnes and to lem sro, colle preparatory tahenais cid ot wart dents aly {© analyse dat a. important fine Kcrey fe But the difcuies of cating an HIV/AIDS model for TRewndsle tt ‘sents cullen fom. alo wih ty notateaonal froposi To students th they herded one. enon the complies of Inreening mitbenatcal and. scape specs. whom using sen! ‘onerave tomes to each eta matherais Mural Attins, we we mathematics to explain soci things (Iie he lion bing Sole aude ines we see sot tales o ecpn mathoate (ike igh AIDS rts. The pn here 1 ik, hat you cannot easly expan ne witou de ther. (32815) he vid to ilteate some consis and fforanes of wing genertive thems rial materi say to einer but et lo, Pee. But be ‘halenges of wing hemes foe Stade Hes ao extend 0 tres that all Shea These mere Bod to, and tah ebcrpusod and Wee enampssed shine anton thames ht dove the ant (eg, dolaconant, HIV: AIDS). Giver omy students were wsncame you of clo om Lawndale = thse rela themes ined race, clas and gender. These wee specially inolvad ‘for of aur Hive unis dsplcament HIVIAIDS, ction of you of lourpeople of elu, m sem. These hemes tonne nd were ca tothe iu whole They alread othe mathe sds eared Below I expan how thse rele theres manfsted temsshves ier i ‘vo a our ais nd some possi and chalnges ha merge. [als provide ‘mors content fr ow thy connate fo what Freke (9701998) called the Finda tee of ur eect dominio an eration acy, las. nd gener —ond he dplacement wit The diplacement of linc communities of colau in Chicago demonstrates thew emer" interconnections. Displacement takes. multe Toon, bu i [wal takes shape inte main ways ~gefeaion (No Lawndale), Apron (ite Vilge), and feecbsures. (bth communis). ‘Norh {Srl gto par of Ching step to Demet” ‘vith command centers” of the plat economy (Demis, 2006, Lipman, 200), Yo besome global cee need To ant Knowledge workers and develop the Commensinte amen to sas them. This icles schol fo hel hire {nd usa hosing (nd ctr and sal oppure, owl sevice, ot) tha estan dans, The cnfloence of aun nd education patel” Inertia Chieage, ands key component is utan geen alongwith ‘hoo! clngs and openings — rebranding af the "wow" (ansformed) eiahourinods slong wth the cophemistialy termed “ebrhing” af “new” Sehools Lipman 2011) "Gentsfaton in Chisago overwhsininghy aft Blick, Brows, and lo income arcs, Whole sath ofthe y's Hack cormuniy Rave Ben ial off ‘Seip, pail dow tothe deer sf hie hawang tel eat ‘Spc with Smolin” commoner ta eflesive) cache mest ‘ginal reds (Lipman & tains, 2007) Sine 204, the school board hut ‘Hou 7 nigh scoot and opened epproximatel 100 new "reaisance” Shoots tht te Pablclytnded, ba oy pevatey run by management porns (le, eharer of comit schools) (Chicago Pubic Sebo, 201). ‘Adminsturs f thse choos se impli noe sete mechani est ‘Soren nsdn whem hey conse "sible and remove “undesirable ‘Shes (Karp, 2010; Lito, 2010), nthe proces, acorns colour apd ‘he ais are eed at "Women te pancurly inpactod by displacement, In general, they disproportional ead. low-income and. working-class fais Norn Liwral's 2000 rate of female houschole was about te ad all timo pent tan Chicago's wae (Cenas 2000) ad ths sparc tru fr pbc housing resets In 200, Neth Lawndale was tot 0% female (Cans 2000, When tasked « Blak mle Soo sdent to expan thi he tnsword "Cu athe others [lak mals are locked up ori he ground Teton the ctfence of racism (ith repet to riminaisaton). Sexe (Gromer bearing te burdens fife an fail ty shemslven, and las (ack of Incr ab and educational opprunies fo lowineome Black aes, This ‘xcs ap removal evastats pope's conmniis an isis, A mal in ‘one gemifing neightourhod ptr thi well “Goninon ic ean Whi gentrification asauls Noch Lawndale, Lite Vllge i relive meat Go fi). Tae is probaly due both Yo eoerphy (North Lavndsle Feel wo dowwown’ with beter anspor) and heusing Sook {Nonh Lawndne has the most arcecturly skate reste of any {Chicago community) Lite Vilge’sdiplacerent emesis ception 1 fominen knowledge in the ighbourood that twusands of undocumented Ingram (nclaing any puiesceol sudan) lve in Lite Vilage the Target exian migra community inthe US. ouside of Et Los Angles, Mary ar seonomic ruse frm Menico where povery fares people of rua Finds Mexican ces and maguire reas lon the U-S-Metiea Bot, ed ‘ifn, crea or tothe US, and Chicago where they Ive infer of thscovery and deport (Bueon, 2008, Bigelow, 2006. Oxam, 2003). Their |e ae disproportion low-wage, no-no, dla snd dangerous, i the grote, lows service (eg. ardenng, maenance,cstoda), fast foo, fd contusion (ea dey Iabour) sector (Don, 208; Mahia Theodore, Mor & Wade, 2002) Beads cls sss, the experiences of Mexia in Litle Vilage and through th US. me highly reise. A rc psd (Ape 2010) Sate of ‘Asai law exenpiisa-Mesican rai ‘The legalton states tht any ‘Arora nw enbreament officer can demand ietiietoa document hem ‘Sone they think anauhorzed in the US, efletivey sanctioning racal frofing Clough ass pots and_rsstaee immedi cup), Fintewor, te predicanen of ecnune miganis ofen gente wx wel ‘Most cn ti are males sskng bein he ne lnd we the wiv and hirer sty oid. These women of hal fiis by Cems, hoping or fomitnse fom thei stands up north. Men fave t del wih erat, Tonlines and epltation, fut stomen ofr experece thew and the exis Ian of singe rents. ike genie and deporaton, home forelsures have exiled, ender and lsedaspes. Home frecosues only coca wil cet {cag and the sommnies with he most numeral and the highest rates fre cvewbelningy African American (National People’s Acton, 210). Tired the descent wit by telling @ sory about Carmen's family afer tecsiving permission fo shire i Her rtd grandmother lived. in Noch [Shvndae for dscades and pid off her modest hare where she raed Carmen's Inoter and ant When her property taxes inerased (common in Benne ‘Commits when property aes go up, ake ook ou an adjrtableate home ‘equity an and borowed ext cash. When the loan reset and increase he ‘il emake he peymons, ost er aus and aed in wih Caen's a. Type sory in Chicago and across the nation. And libough low-income nd working-class Black communities had the highest rte of forces in Chicago, Latina tsighbouroads were clore hind. The ames of (40 itn ia our cas. were abo stugaing 10 Keep he homes. tn bol Lawndale, forecosres ore than tpled Rom 2008 0,208 (Wood Insite, 2010, Her, to, women fen bear the brut because women and femae-eaded ‘amie are overall poorer tan ten and maleated mies, and over) frerally conclates wit feclure ates. In rwent years, pred lene fageed low-income wore of coleur (Fishin & Wool, 206), showing the fiteremmectons of race cas, and get Eventhough women in 2008 hal sligly ater average cet scores than men, hey were more ikely freee “bprine (Giancaly sscind and Spicy more expensive) lone than me ‘wahin th reome age Tis Japa ines a incomes reese — Upp Income lack women wee five ies st ly 0 hve a subpeime fan as upp Income te men and overall Black women and Latinas Pave te highest es ‘of suprimetrroving (isin & Woodall ‘Ths he geome hee of dipscomen andi elated thames of elas and ponder resale ur clas. nv parla, tis unt proved the Best ‘ppority fr sade ose mathemati to ues hac spite ail ad ‘Ufa dieences end sometimes atgorins) Batwee the Wo Lanse, be Pall commonalities cull the ilerenes, | rove stent perspectives “onthispoin when Tea ot el ace, last. and gomder— and he HIVAIDS wnt Sina othe depacenen wnt, he HIVIAIDS unt ao embod the elated themes of race clas, an gender but bd fen challenges, Since sens ‘reddened rinalatanethome of ander Stas prclry presen "AvT mention sve hs Hk shape a we sald TINAIDS rut Tor Black and ating women andthe myth of angross thir Bu theta surprised usin tre ways oan ne We dacoverd a {be US. people of colar doproperonssy have HIVIAIDS, but Ching Some anoles dit: Eighty poet of ts newly diagnosed female HIV exes 5 were of Black wore, while the ely was ony 37% Alien Ameren, Dering the sane tine, atinaos ae up 26% of the population, bt ais ‘Sourted fron 16% ofthe new diagnos (AIDS Founaton of Chips, ont, Whites wre also unde rpreseid ‘Stents dew ont oa aceo! knowledge in dscusing HIV/AIDS, and implicit nd expt tne race, poverty and sem, When ve rea the ‘ptr co dangerous Beaviour Jey aed Gregory reported onthe sy ofthe ‘young nan woman wins hand fe herent ad tse [he Woman Inthe ston} ie obliged to have sex wih i.e doen ave a coe, she's oman Marol n'a vey areca vole, added tt when jon se Inui you bre an ligt ove sex with your husk aed “S0 whee thes the power reside inthe reatonstip™ Seven suds simutaneusy respon, "vit the man” Stade wore cera the ext ws making he oi That worms ote nk pero dena prtcte ‘Sten then ducased survival sex and one read sloul a pose, tiled “woman ae AIDS" A line ead, “Srv se neosry fr woe in poo [sconancly}stutons™ When Renee asked, "does ‘survival sex mean prow aT manton above, sme students defined Kas beng about none med but dstngused om women having ugar des. That, they ‘Shine. was sbeut ow-nsome women meting the wont Rowan complied this ating that some sonal depend! women ko were not postaes Shy inabusie relat to ed hi ds and Aen ade “thre ar fee fms tural se Th we comtinacl to dis the caper, coraicions emerged. Sonetines sade conadced themsees Several sccepel the Book's pment tht ‘Sononis lueoed people's decisions, nd they sedis to expan why Wome {felch daproprontly Nh rates of HIVIAIDS. However, the es was fered wher wecnfonted” the Chicago daa of Lats. baring rocoto te of infin 2005 From) jour: ‘So we exablshed tht Blacks were dprporantely [ver feted by TMIVAIDS. then Rosanne or Gema or Ann kel “bot what abot Latnaslos?since they were 1% he new [Female] ese in 206. 1d then that Lainasos wre about 26% of 0 of the Chicago poplin tis old them that whites were also about 35% lke Aca Americans ‘hited to rally intresting dsusion Roxanne si, “thn were me Fak, becuse we sid that poverty as realy elie 10 AIDS, But then fav can tatinalon have'a lower rate tan theyre in Chicago?” Ths Prompted Ann, who sak Then Jey and were right" ean ai, "What Appear nca™ And. Ann responded, "then is about promiscuous bevier nc poverty” Whats ompiaod se! Ikea Roxane what he mae’ of all ht bt she could not answer hi. But what we id ‘Subish tht in Chicago, oth tint and whites ae unde fepreserid inthe 2006 HIV digioss, wile Acan Americas re Sey over apresntd (7252009) ‘Azi, we didnot ty to defntvely rose tis in rasp, 1 beleve I made ‘lene mistakes ot his point. dona eal he dtl and we have no ai of ‘eo ofthat dy. Abo, my jumal makes ne mention tha Ted to support Suds in tying to make sense ofthe seange dat. While I bive, in gemeal that stents hive em otal ambit pst of Ieaing how to Fermake the nr is oversigt was a missed oppor: Embracing uncrainy s at 1 tx epstomolgis elon. and poll sandpoit of prolen-posing pedigree ar Frees (Pere Macedo 1987 arr gun about “uncertain” Td Sie docaton makes cle, Bu athough ta fm general pag Atnce sn thisnstnce my anys that shu have dove ngs erent A the vey leo escrito cul av hd des examine whee is wa arent and aka he ho might they investigate this ater ‘what ele id they nee 0 know Allbe hemes and tir iteronmecons completes and contractions Race, clas, and gender were inexzaly Hake in oth the HIV/AIDS and placement unis bat ied in bow they connected to the generative tems Faming each uni Inthe HIVIAIDS i the iteretons of ace has. fender shed lest ght on pots! commonalities and mare on analtcal SEnhiguicn The unanswered quenton of hy Lain wer ner epee in {Chicao's new HIV eases in 2006 complicated studens”undestantings. They goed that because poverty was asecated wih ger levels of HIV/AIDS (though thy could not fly expin why) and people of colour tended Yo be oor, tha the overall poverty of people of colour was a for in ther ‘Ezproportoasy hgh nes of HIVIAIDS. Bt Lana” wadrepreseition onounde hat als My goa! was tht sus rcp arelively core pola undersanog tsp atomic it~ lack women’s tly hgh rae of HIV/AIDS "do pat tink tht happened to the exe | wane, Some Black enue talents tegied tha scl fates aid no absoe individual eices, but they could not ‘plain ty oer Black women mae whl hey ersidre to eb dion In ‘eer ster ses remained ambialet ahi vews abot the eatoship [St ocupaliial forces to dvd es, Somme argued tht promeiy wat the leading firth changed tht nd to sy it ws ove but en ould ot explain why poor Laas were unde-reovescted in Chicago, and Black Stomen vereprecnted Overall, my ans of elsrom dai sugges tht mos students Ff tbe wit undcttanding tat racism, sen. and overall ‘oathed Yo Slack women’s high itr = sven Ifthe enact chon nd nnedios remained uc. Sade Te wih open guests, Yo connie 1 think abut Inthe fre, Bt with mote andar an Thad weed on this pai ste Hosrever, in contrat othe HIVAIDS unt nthe sspacement uni, race clas and gende'sierelatonshis proviaed contexts Tor students o more ‘teary examine how the ves were lucked By genreaton, frosted ‘deportation and wo beter understand the olen connections between the fo ammmuniis. In ate May 200, ner the end a th school yer the whale clin, Preseied shat they hed leared to thelr two commonitis (on consecitive igh) The group of students speaking on genreaton provided. 2 Inutemackal asl sowing that fares with eed wages i bth i Nilage and Noth ele oul ot fr ne homes in the neighbourhood ‘Ando end the section onthe dsplacemest uni apd the whole slide power ot presentation (rete ently by student) Erk posted te oer tlde that dew together toh communities and captured well our work fot these Why Should We Cre 4 Both communities face the same problems but diferent + Tho are many les and steretypes about bah Mecans snd Aftean Amen "Mexicans ste he jos of US. tiens™ + Den’ them pits api cach te! Monin esto thse sctiments of unity i hor enfant projet fr the isglacenct oi Her response as pia of wha det roland sai bat thisune Some connections that | se Betwecn thee to parts (genieton fereshsre and mngrato/deporation) ofthe unit arth in both ‘ommuniiss, poplar Seng forced oUt their homes. OF course, “Geet stations, but simfar causes. Afcan Americans are being foro! ou thr homes because they eat py for their homes. The tans (pop st mich ta they canard Yo kep lving i hse communis, {© they are forced to lok for anthr place to ie. For Meican peopl the problem ir tat they dont have jobs in Mesico because cor Isnt ‘ing sol Decne i's cheapo import subiind US ern han e Gow tothe US to look fora job This how the uit cones. People ae tRing fred out ‘of tie community” thowph genrenion. Latins (Grpsaly Mexicans) ar being foeed ou thle counies By ot having 8 food paying Job. Also. the house morgen don't only aflet one nnn, bl bth Thy are sometimes te tags fd eas that nly nak bank cher! {ware the people in my comma to know that we ar ely sini with those satone Tha ther moe that makes Ser es that makes us Ais If we wat ot the biger pope ou the the est ay 810 nc Fighting cch tro going fo tke we anor. Bink th lmhing vey import our commaanty sold knoe ‘ay; rei the question of we teacher and low-income stds of col. “Wii id meant the stent (and to me) that «white male profesional, Inu hn tse tenes fo study hese tes? Stade ar hed opal that he diferences tenes ad shred Some of my experiences ha were similar to thi. shed them thie iews in a opernded survey years end (he 209}. Question #11 ws: 1am 6,ea ol white mle, not fom your community and dont experience ‘wt you do and Tm the person facing jou to use mah fo understand ‘acim, sex riminalization of youth of color ce. What Jo you thik? ‘Stale reponse ware inereing a varie. So demon bo enprive on ae and fleece wo =Yow don hve be fam ot ‘Suman rar colorso undead ht hg tha re ging on nor wor oe formance an cain aed“even youd" expres four tan ‘esndona, Oe tome ey ao Gepy wrong {tec you ak stn thu dof our po tw mh nb the uni sod Renae a “We lh ion Iu ea ta {thn pion ‘tars neon penal ahi, Ihe An, wn win roti a teond ees’ Ne ym en ef x ng tem sein ine Isto wera: you you Yount ikea mre xprinced dg ler Her Ut aro, a st we“ Sou wl {iste Abgh rove ered spb ih my whee, En te tt ITs cd ow wie male eng sis insea femeone at se ‘a's and Comm comming cue Bins pove op ot tary Bk end tion commun ako Soup & wee et you eg nave says ‘ough tars was werd bt tap ace yr cme fom» Sar Sevtpnd omc of Vou ne rig wih nan he 00 wet os Skowgsme fr ww i hing” AN! Dap’s tapos ea iasong Seca Ions ae ne bow er een {Seared hnow yo so wel wei in 30, nl tk oF Sovnfet comet tpg wel ewan nga ch sca ite of ny eg, So sla ah ene ey, ‘end and seul, i lowered fo tens fe ilest ekg (ao tink thy over my sng pera vie sts {Sci war an wn ne woul study: cv pig fr uct, ‘Tig chat colcbendon, sl comncetany od or ent pole ‘Satrsip nde ola oming af vein we i al mae sng {Borne hoes cand ese bes otter, tt wie ade any ‘Se gl ha | commana ep sao, Ti pon may ne ‘Spaeth eal power dies occa ea ngage snd ‘Sptncebemeet sas and My argamen here is tha teachers ca se stidecommuniy generate hemes ‘ete an each mathe curiculum th suppers Young Pepe i aig 1 A WTAPON IN THE STRUGILE read an write the word with mathematics ~ hati, to we mathemati a «| tren the sal fe Josie Thi pyoash was an tempt o reine and Topi Frr’s piles oan whan US. cota cole with sme ha es pdesiand ten The deals of clasroom intractons hee should nt bscue some ger os in, am ler on the diel ofthis week within the high-stakes, ovuraniy-drven mass enveloping US. shook, exacerbated by the DimcasObana Race fo the Top ad neoliberal, eaten privatisation ers recogni that dst schol, and inte mandates comstan teachers This rey anasto hy ralavely few teachers ne sent genenive hemes {ivcop sic! nuerntcs state, But undestanding the rot of exting ‘Strat hls us overcme bars hrouph collective sgeny. Tere st aay Spmcer ft which to sc even in modest ways. Teacers wang 1. exh Aathesic fo sci jc can tt sal, pliise Simpl stations, nd sae Shdcolituae wih eer ‘Second, nviaing hat we cll the “dance” betoonteching soci justice ‘omens and caching matrices competed, Man alleging. A ines {ineqiosy), my mamas clas resembled 9 social sis eas deve of nates at times (lo infeoendy, i foked lke « mores refeen Ihateraise cs Taking sckpaliia contexts and a ter more frost Times, ny casoom genuinely and VSsibb’ grated reading and writing the ‘void th mathematics and reading he mathoatcal word. And eveything ih Iter There cntinam re, nd one soul ot expe to ok nes nd ‘he. Teche need the pte: oraz hal hs Inn develops proces t fates ine and experience ~ fr bth eachers and tans rene 2 peso Uf quening sn Yo cvcete a castor hat supports teaching and fern rea mathemati. At most ander eel the ask sss teaches fare fpliel stance andthe commitment to snd in salsry wish sede Aid'singples of thet conmurer Tor sce (Pree, TR; stm 20 Tassn-stings, 199). “Third ha sth vis diinion between developing suri and ching The ler cr that even eta each hve to Fa 1 tea eT ‘rt is IMP (Sin, Remi & Sm, 2007) Socal asic curio fren sn nf, hs add calengs ssa And thre th crac berween devlping curl based on generate fees fie les then otere ising Hin erent sings. Yes cacy be but teachers ave to mak tha pp, pring with her sta nd hy tr own piconet Thorsen shes hee Tur there reno lapis er We make hi oa whe walking and wil indsoser in book We can buld on exising amin bs we love 10 Aolaboreo produce ne knowl nhs el. We ean don the scar eo enching nd lean. which | =the math fom eter ‘ny cial mathemati teaching and curcuey developer but while tis fc, i inn wy sufer- Gener “eral hing ia achat is samy deren foe cial Urey in mathemati (Appl 1992). Fthomore, the mainstem ratheraice elation community overt tse ‘ues, and the elon, hy hemes can even exert neal (Mr, 203; Sead, 196). Te point oft work demands reinvent. Fh, sing generate thane inthe casronm not only demand gsnine emocricy bt sso els ces i This wa coal in Freie’ wigs abut resolving what he elle the “tench contuten™ When teaches est mere themes fom seis and ine thom to Seveep leroy cin, They nse let proces that pens space fr dep ste engagement, ‘And when ste ake thi up, the id in orcs, the help ake democracy be camesione of the seting end paiyte In remaking edvetion as he Pate of eed” (Fee. 1973) ally. the prpse of reading and wong the word (vith or without athena) is Tor ssp chang, 0 en opprse, exlitation, and ‘xchson, and fr il aetna iberaon. AS wrt is Ganuay 2013), Ihe revlon Tun nd yp ar ne year the Ara Spring ha png, the Occupy Movenent has 2600 ensmpment wowed the werd and tbe ‘99 paren percent divide cn rina peopl’ lp nd minds, as wel as on those of acts The gap between rch an poor has never been wit and ‘omnes o grow, and vat lal resouess serve To enh tny inn. The Peeps ot colo ecoromealy, er pully satiable ‘my view, the supa ofthe wo’ pope needs fe ait ow resent pall and economic system atthe ota an, sexi, homophobia ‘the dirininations tht ee so muh ain my stots and countess thes. These young people need to ake her fehl pace In sory a suber, objec nthe wards of Paul ree 1970109) In the et Bok be wrt bere heed rie (198) wrt: 1 am tacer who vrs the pomanent sale apni every foe of Uignery nd gant the ceonoot domination finial and oa lass. I'am a teacher who toes the present stem of capitan, "esponsibleforth sheration of misery ds ms of pee. Lam a echt Tallrthe spit of hope ste ofall sgn tote cone. (p91) “This spr of hope, Freie (1994) reminded us, comes with the fg for & Iwightr frre based on new relations between people He wrote at without ‘hope the stage cists and wars bt without the srgge. bape is ‘meaingess ad dors not change realy. They need each ete To bude ‘What eters have done, to reinvent, nd to we the Knowle of generative ‘hemes ht stant and hr eommunts bing a sure for devckping nd ‘esching etal mathematics eure i conibon we can make ta {omale K-12, ub, U.S. mathemati be weapon inthe sre for sci istics, peace, and a beter worl. As Antoine wrote when Tasted hin, inprompt, o wt wha realing and wring the world wih mathemati ‘eat i nd hy ou ese i Reading and wn the worl wih materacs fr wt inerpreting and Imaing ourjadpment of he acl and polite realty of cortmany and “AWKAPON IN THF SHROOLY the word we ve in AL the same [in]! eae how to make connections ‘th mattis a deel week We dt bests lp undotand And combat gaint oppression and injsice ur communities nd in dhe ‘toed Bur more path, edo it abe ede In owing wha We se fihing ais, ‘A verson of his ace was resented atthe XVID Intemational Association of Solaogy's Work Congres of Soilgy in Geter, Sweden, 2010. “Thisresereh as paral ond ya Great Cts Insite Fact Fellowship fom Unity oii eg. oncering tis aril shoul! be adresed tothe author at wid Runs SAU 1 Chen co oro uci ede ‘Ackoowledgenens to: suet coecarcherveoresetr in the “Crew” (oe Gonzi Rut Rogue. Amparo Ramos, Googe Ca, Chang Red, ‘lex Heminder, Ay Maldon, NASI Blut Dursh Hl, & Repel Rives) ‘Anta ‘Balesiramian and. aria Buewosro (dnt sdertescrch Colles eh sued nds anal andthe crculum fumework develpmet, ‘Sa commented on an cre dale! Aiden, Pili Caldwell, Pala DeAnda, ‘Naame Lewis, Carts Lopez Let, Cra Wilk and Cao Willams (godate ‘iid eho bape develop curiclam fanevors) and Maa Cul Pauline pr, Ein Terra K Wayne Yang comments and eit, "A not nC ea yt ig itn seas nde tidings he Rael ia ‘Parte wy oo sete win ign. hg et nd meme eo nt bog enn nice rt cape he ove fen. On «maid wet Imaicecechnng st ewes Sh tbe ‘Gu as hse pt mt cm cen i msn sepntcogon shaw eal re Thay Fc pe ec at e's sparen nc Sa ns tcc Cg cm st yor mn vio tn st of as a ce eae tema dee eee cn i eves none vane ans pun een Mt ae nese a "i thn nmin dc se ae geo AA tA une chs deadetaaac ise sh ras hebta REFERENCES nF Ce OD, DS cage. 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Toman £2 techy rae mae of a lop) New Yn Re Ey im Her ee Rees (997). Cay ea ens ecg es in Aner cSt ena as a 8, Tn Cas Non one net st Gooden 5. Ces 288 Arte nn iain Pi ale Ps An new eer Cd rc of 2309 hey fc nee i) ton ators ong Enh eg crt be eh “am, F109) Reming oe tA cule leva poh mates py pate mcpoaewaesh Be (Ro) Gustin Univers of tins Cho

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