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Short-Term Effects of Strain Counterstrain in

Reducing Pain in Upper Trapezius Tender Points

A Pilot Study
Adam Perreault, MEd, ATC; Brent Kelln, PhD, MPT, OCS; Jay Hertel, PhD, ATC, FNATA, FACSM;
Kelli Pugh, MS, ATC, CMT; and Susan Saliba, PhD, ATC, PT

ABSTRACT injury and 90% of patients treated in pain clinics at a cost

Tender points are common in the upper trapezius muscles and of $47 billion U.S. dollars per year.2 Manual therapy is
can cause persistent pain and muscle spasm. The purpose of often sought as an appealing intervention, but few data
this pilot study was to evaluate short-term effects of a single in- substantiate its short- or long-term use. Many individu-
tervention of strain counterstrain (SCS) as a treatment for tender als prefer massage and alternative treatments over phar-
points in the upper trapezius for the reduction of resting pain, macological intervention for chronic pain, especially
pressure threshold, and provoked pain compared with a sham when the discomfort is less severe.3 Furthermore, many
treatment. Twenty participants with self-reported upper trape- healthy people experience occasional muscle tightness
zius pain volunteered for treatment with a single 90-second ap- and pain that may be treated with manual therapy. Strain
plication of SCS or 90-second sham treatment. Pain measures counterstrain (SCS) is a manual therapy intervention
were taken before, after, and 24 hours after treatment. Three used for the treatment of myofascial pain and has been
separate 2x3 ANOVAs showed a significant main effect for time proposed to interrupt muscle spasm.
(P = .003), but not treatment for resting pain. No significant dif- Strain counterstrain attempts to place the pain-
ferences were found for the provoked pain or pain threshold. ful area in a position of comfort to alleviate tension
Statistical evidence showed no superiority of a single treatment and pain. The mechanism of relief is thought to oc-
of strain counterstrain over a sham treatment for upper trape- cur from the involvement of a combination of neu-
zius tender point pain. rological and circulatory changes in the distressed
area when placed in its most comfortable position.4,5
The physiological mechanism for SCS is unknown

pproximately 23 million people (close to 10% but has been hypothesized to occur from a change
of the U.S. population) suffer from chronic in the muscle spindle activity. For example, a strain
musculoskeletal disorders.1 Myofascial pain is occurs from the muscle spindle activity, or gamma
estimated to account for 85% of muscular pain due to gain, and is produced by the rate of firing from the
annulospiral nerve endings when the muscle is over-
Mr Perreault is Head Athletic Trainer, U.S. Mens Alpine Ski Team, United States
stretched.6 The muscle spindle sensitivity increases as
Ski and Snowboard Association, Park City, Utah, Dr Kelln is from the Naval Health a protective measure by increasing the gamma gain in
Clinic Hawaii, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Dr Hertel, Ms Pugh, and Dr Saliba are from the
the overstretched position. Other muscles that sup-
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.
Originally submitted March 2, 2009. port the joint are in a shortened position and have
Accepted for publication May 21, 2009. less spindle activity at rest. However, once the joint is
The authors have no financial or proprietary interest in the materials presented
herein. moved, the muscle spindles react to the new position
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect by increasing tension. The shortened muscle creates
the official policy of the Department of the Navy, the Department of Defense, nor
the United States Government. resistance to movement and ultimately results in so-
Address correspondence to Susan Saliba, PhD, ATC, PT, Human Services, matic dysfunction or pathology to the musculoskel-
University of Virginia, PO Box 400407, Charlottesville, VA 22904; e-mail saf8u@
etal system.7 The aberrant gamma gain is likely due to
doi:10.3928/19425864-20090826-05 local reflexogenic activity.8

Short-Term Effects of SCS

Jones6 explained that the somatic dysfunction is not cluding ischemic compression, spray and stretch, muscle
caused from the strain, but from the body’s reaction to energy techniques, trigger point pressure release, trans-
the strain. The reaction is termed the counterstrain and verse friction massage, and SCS.12 Because there is a lack
results in a shortening of intrafusal fibers, leading to an of evidence supporting many treatment options, the goal
oversensitized muscle spindle.8 If the counterstrain is of this study was to evaluate the use of SCS on upper tra-
slow and deliberate, the somatic dysfunction is avoided. pezius discomfort in a convenience sample of otherwise
If the reaction is rapid, as in a functional movement, a healthy individuals. Our purpose was to compare the ef-
reflex muscle spasm occurs, creating the dysfunction.6,9,10 fectiveness of a single intervention of SCS to a sham treat-
The muscle position must be reset to rectify the sensi- ment both immediately following the treatment and 24
tized muscle spindle. The position is held to reprogram hours later. We hypothesized that the SCS group would
the muscle spindle and allow the afferent activity to nor- have superior pain relief compared to the sham treatment.
malize. Once the muscle spindle has accommodated to A secondary goal was to establish a methodology that
the new position, the shortened muscle no longer resists could translate into future studies so that manual thera-
movement and function is restored. py outcomes could be compared. This pilot data would
In the current literature, there are surprisingly few ar- be used to develop a more extensive research plan that
ticles that address the efficacy of manual therapies and would involve SCS as part of a comprehensive treatment
fewer that discuss SCS as a treatment. In 1994, a review program for the management of upper trapezius pain.
of treatments for myofascial pain syndrome treatments
revealed that no reported treatment was more effective METHOD
than the control intervention.11 In 2005, a second review
of myofascial trigger point treatments concluded that Design
previous findings could neither be confirmed nor refuted The study was a double-blinded, randomized control trial
due to the lack of research in this area and a lack of reli- of participants with self-reported complaints of upper tra-
able and valid outcome measures.12 Investigations on the pezius stiffness, pain, or tightness. Participants were ran-
effects of SCS specifically use a variety of treatment posi- domly assigned to either an experimental group receiving
tions13,14 and patient diagnoses,14-17 making comparisons a SCS treatment or a control group receiving a sham treat-
difficult. ment. To test the effects of the treatment over time, pain
Tender points are defined as small zones of localized measurement was conducted pretreatment, immediately
tenderness in muscle, the muscle tendon junction, fat pad, posttreatment, and 24 hours posttreatment. The depen-
or bursal region.14,18-21 Tender points are described as focal dent variables were resting pain measured using a visual
areas of tightness, pain, or hypersensitivity and are con- analogue scale, pain threshold, and provoked pain.
sidered to be the pathological condition that can be treat-
ed with SCS.6 Tender points, as described by Jones,6,10 are Participants
considered more segmental than trigger points. Tender Twenty participants (11 men, 9 women, mean age,
points located along the vertebral column designate seg- 22.462.6 years; mean height, 172.469.75 cm; mean
mental dysfunction at the corresponding vertebral level mass, 74.99614.33 kg) with self-reported upper tra-
and can be a sensory manifestation of a neuromuscular pezius tightness and pain volunteered to participate in
or musculoskeletal dysfunction.6 However, from a clini- this study. This convenience sample was recruited from
cal perspective, it is difficult to distinguish tender points the general student body and faculty of a military col-
from myofascial trigger points. Studies that examine the lege. Participants were otherwise healthy and had no
ability to reliably categorize the points have been incon- previous knowledge of SCS. The university’s board for
clusive, even with experienced clinicians.21,22 health sciences approved the study methods. All partic-
There are many treatments aimed to release muscle ipants read and signed an informed consent agreement
tension, tightness, and tender or trigger point pain. Cur- prior to participating in the study.
rent trends include the use of tricyclic antidepressants,
muscle relaxants, trigger point injections, mild analgesics, Instruments
and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.23 There are A pressure algometer (Model PTH, Pain Diagnostics
several manual therapies used to trigger tender points, in- and Treatment, Inc., Great Neck, NY) was used in this

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Perreault et al

study to measure the amount of pressure applied to derstand and be able to report if they had one of these
an area 1 cm2 in surface area. The algometer measured conditions. Furthermore, participants were asked to
pressures ranging from 0-10 kg/cm2 in 0.1-kg/cm2 in- report whether they were receiving any other medical
crements. After measuring resting pain, we used the al- care for any existing condition that would affect their
gometer to measure the pressure that would evoke a pain continuation in the study. All 20 participants met the
response (pain threshold). We then used the algometer to inclusion criteria and were enrolled in the study.
apply a constant pressure to measure the sensitivity of Participants were placed in a treatment group (SCS
the tender point. For this measurement, the algometer or sham) using random allocations enclosed in sealed en-
was applied to the upper trapezius tender point to pro- velopes. The group assignment was blinded to both the
voke the pain response that was measured using a visual participant and the assessing clinician; only the treating
analogue scale (provoked pain). Several studies have re- clinician was aware of the group assignment. The treat-
ported this type of algometer to be reliable when mea- ing clinician placed the algometer over the most sensitive
suring the sensitivity of a variety of trigger points.24-28 point and marked the participant’s skin around the rod of
Nussbaum and Downes28 reported excellent same-day the algometer with a black felt-tipped permanent marker
intratester reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient so that the location could be correctly identified by the
([ICC]2,1 = 0.93-0.98) and excellent day-to-day intra- assessing clinician and would remain marked the follow-
tester reliability (ICC2,1 = 0.88-0.90) when used on upper ing day.
trapezius trigger points.24 The algometer has been used as The assessing clinician performed all measurements
an important assessment tool in past research evaluating and was unaware of the treatment condition. He in-
the effectiveness of trigger point therapy.23,28 structed the participant to record a quiet VAS to assess
The visual analogue scale (VAS) was used as a tool to resting pain. Participants were shown a 10-cm nonde-
measure pain. The VAS has been reported to be a valid marcated line and were asked to mark a vertical line along
and reliable measurement of pain intensity.29,30 We used the line corresponding with the level of pain they were
the VAS to measure resting pain and pain during the experiencing in the tender point at that moment. Next,
provocation maneuver with a predetermined pressure the examiner measured pain threshold. He applied pres-
application from the algometer. sure over the marked area with the algometer at a rate of
1 kg/sec until the participant reported the first onset of
Testing Procedures pain. At that time, the examiner released the pressure and
Participants responded to flyers posted around campus read and recorded the value as the baseline pain threshold
to recruit individuals with chronic muscle pain or tight- score. Finally, a provoked VAS was taken by applying a
ness in the upper trapezius region. Potential participants predetermined force that was slightly more than what has
were prescreened over the phone for injuries and other been found in the literature as the normal values for pain
exclusion criteria. A certified athletic trainer confirmed threshold of the upper trapezius. Fischer et al32 found
the presence of palpable tenderness or focal tightness in the normal pain thresholds of the upper trapezius to be
the upper trapezius musculature associated with either a 4.8 kg/cm2 of pressure for men and 3.3 kg/cm2 of pres-
trigger or tender point and administered a health histo- sure for women. We added 0.7 kg of force to each value
ry questionnaire. The pain had to be present for at least to provoke enough pain to minimize the possibility of
1 week and could not be alleviated with stretching. We a floor effect (ie, when the pain scores are already low,
avoided rigorous palpation of the treatment area dur- making it potentially impossible to go lower with any
ing the evaluation because manipulation of the area, in- kind of treatment) during our analysis. Male participants
cluding inducing a twitch response, might influence the received a force of 5.5 kg/cm2, and female participants
outcome.31 Participants were excluded from the study received 4.0 kg/cm2. Depending on group assignment,
if they reported that they had recent acute cervical or the participant then received the experimental or sham
shoulder trauma, facet joint pathologies in the cervical treatment, performed by the treating clinician when the
spine, and a history of thoracic outlet syndrome, fibro- assessing clinician was out of the room.
myalgia, or myofascial pain syndrome. Specific details The SCS group received the SCS intervention as de-
of each type of pathology were described in the ques- scribed by Jones9,10 and was applied by a clinician who
tionnaire and over the phone so participants would un- was trained in the Jones technique. Strain counterstrain is

Short-Term Effects of SCS

1 2
Figure 1. The position of the strain counterstrain treatment for the Figure 2. The position of the sham treatment for the upper trapezius.
right upper trapezius. The head is laterally flexed to the ipsilateral side The head is gently positioned without reaching any restriction in the
and rotated away while the tender point is palpated. The shoulder is tissues. There is a laying of the hands in a broad manner on the upper
passively moved into flexion and relative external rotation according trapezius and on the head.
to feedback from the subject.

a very individualized treatment and all participants were Statistical analysis

placed in a position that alleviated most of their pain. The General linear model analyses of variance (ANOVAs)
upper trapezius was placed in a position of comfortable were used to compare group by time interactions with re-
shortening, while the participant noted a subjective de- peated measures for the three dependent variables (resting
crease in tenderness with palpation over the tender point pain, pain threshold, and provoked pain). For each mea-
(Figure 1). The head was passively laterally flexed to the sure, a 2x3 repeated measures ANOVA was used to com-
ipsilateral side and rotated away. Then the shoulder was pare group (SCS, sham) and time (baseline, immediate
flexed to approximately 150 to 170 degrees and the rela- posttreatment, 24 hours posttreatment). The alpha level
tive position of internal or external rotation was adjusted was set a priori at P < 0.05 and SPSS version 13.0 software
to comfort. None of the motions were at the end range, (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill) was used for all analyses. Sample
and adjustments were made according to participant size was estimated using an effect size of 0.80, which was
feedback. This position was held for 90 seconds, and then obtained from means and standard deviations from a pre-
the participant was slowly and passively returned to a vious study examining the effect of SCS on tender point
normal resting position. pain.13 Based on these calculations, it was estimated that
The sham treatment consisted of the clinician placing 10 participants per group would be necessary to have an
his hands on the upper trapezius and on the head, con- 80% chance (ß) of detecting a significant change in muscle
tralateral to the side of the tender point and, holding this activation with an a priori alpha level of P < .05.
position for 90 seconds (Figure 2). The head was turned
slightly, and there was minimal pressure applied to the RESULTs
tender point with an open palm to prevent a treatment ef- Means and standard deviations for measurements are re-
fect with the sham condition. After either treatment, the ported in the Table. For resting pain, there was a signifi-
same measurements were taken by the assessing clinician, cant time main effect (F18,1 = 7.04, P = .003) (Figure 3),
as described earlier. The participant was dismissed for the with both treatments associated with decreased pain
day and asked to refrain from any strenuous activities, from baseline to the 24-hour assessment. There was
drinking alcohol in excess, and taking analgesics or non- no significance for the group by time interaction
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. (F18,1 = 0.281, P = .757), or group main effect (F18,1 = .895,
Participants reported for a follow-up assessment 24 P = .357) for the resting pain (1-ß = 0.091). Effect sizes
hours after the treatment. The examiner repeated the were calculated with Cohen’s d, and there was a large
steps taken after the treatment on the first day, measur- effect size for the SCS (0.71), moderate for sham treat-
ing the resting pain, pain threshold, and provoked pain. ments (0.4) for immediate resting pain, and large effect
All participants completed all components of the study. sizes for SCS (0.85) and sham (0.97) for resting pain at
24 hours posttreatment.

Athletic Training & Sports Health Care | Vol. 1 No. 5 2009 217
Perreault et al

For the pain threshold measure, there was no signifi-

cant time main effect (F18,1 = 1.929, P = .16) (1- ß = 0.374)

4.1 (2.7)

5.5 (1.8)
(Figure 4), group by time interaction (F18,1 = .269, P = .766)

(1- ß = 0.089), or group main effect (F18,1 = .767, P = .393)
Provoked Pain (1-ß = 0.132). There were negligible effect sizes for all
pain threshold measurements.
PostTreatment Similarly for provoked pain, there was no significant
4.7 (2.4) time main effect (F18,1 = 2.286, P = .116) (1-ß = 0.434)

5.8 (2.0)
(Figure 5), group by time interaction (F18,1 = 1.214,
P = .309) (1-ß = 0.248), or group main effect (F18,1 = 1.26,
P = .276) (1-ß = 0.186). The effect sizes for the provoked
pain were small to negligible for the SCS (0.17) and sham
5.1 (1.8)

5.9 (1.5)

(0.05) immediately after the treatment and small 24 hours

later for both SCS (0.24) and control (0.30).
Means and Standard Deviations of Measurements


There were no significant differences found between
3.8 (1.1)

3.5 (1.8)

the single 90-second SCS treatment and the sham treat-


ment for pain at rest, pain threshold, or provoked pain

in this pilot study. Although a main effect was found for
Pain Threshold

resting pain over time, there was not a significant interac-


tion between the groups. These results indicate that the

3.7 (1.3)

3.2 (1.2)

participants experienced a perceived treatment effect for

Tab l e

resting pain measures regardless of group assignment.

We hypothesized that the SCS treatment would result
in a significant reduction in pain. Although our results

offer no support for the use of SCS over a placebo treat-

3.5 (1.2)

2.6 (1.6)

ment, we offer several explanations for our results. Our

participants self-reported the presence of upper trape-
zius pain and tightness, but they were not seeking medi-

cal treatments for their pain. The mean (±SD) baseline

0.2 (0.4)a

resting pain values were low and potentially subclinical

0.3 (0.5)

(1.2±1.4; mean ± SD). These values are in contrast to Lee


et al33 who reported resting VAS scores of 5.3±1.95 in

patients with upper trapezius trigger points who were
Resting Pain

recruited from physician referrals. We believe this may

There was a significant main effect for time for resting pain scores.

have had a floor effect on our data given that it would

0.3 (0.5)

0.8 (1.3)

have been unlikely to improve the pain value from a clini-

cal perspective. Clearly, patient referrals should be used
for participant recruitment. However, both treatment
groups reported a significant reduction in resting pain
over time.
1.0 (1.3)

1.4 (1.5)

Another potential explanation of our results is that the

SCS treatment group received only one treatment appli-
cation at the single tender point. This method was to en-
mean (SD)

sure consistency from one participant to another; how-

SCS mean

ever, a full SCS treatment may require up to three or four


repeated applications during one treatment. The effect


Short-Term Effects of SCS

3 4
Figure 3. Resting pain scores. Results for pain at rest on the VAS scale. Figure 4. Pain threshold scores. There were no significant findings for
There was a significant main effect (*) for time (P = .003) indicating the pain threshold measures.
that both groups improved after intervention. There was not a signifi-
cant group main effect or group by time interaction.

sizes indicate that participants reported improvements in

both resting pain and provoked pain immediately and at
24 hours after either the SCS or sham treatment. Perhaps
the attention to the pain and “laying of hands” involved
in both the treatment and sham conditions contributed to
these results, indicating that SCS was as effective as a pla-
cebo. However, other studies found positive treatment
effects using a single exposure to SCS.14,15
To evaluate the sensitivity of the tender points, we 5
applied pressure to them. In a previous study assessing Figure 5. Provoked pain scores. There were no significant findings for
the provoked pain measures.
the reliability of the algometer, Reeves et al27 noted that
Abbreviations: VAS, visual analogue scale; SCS, strain counterstrain.
repeated application of pressure above the pain thresh-
old altered the sensitivity of the tissue, confounding the
measurement process. The assessment of our outcome with no treatment given that the manipulation of the
measures had the potential for altering the sensitivity of area in the evaluation may have influenced a treatment
the tender points in our participants. Although we took effect.31
care in the pressures that we applied to the participants Strain counterstrain is a passive positional procedure
during the assessment, the predetermined force could that places the body in a position of greatest comfort.
have affected the tender point sensitivity to confound Pain and dysfunction are hypothesized to be reduced by
our results. decreasing inappropriate proprioceptor activity that has
Using methods of pain threshold and pain provo- created the somatic dysfunction.10 The muscle spindles
cation strengthened our study by including measures are reset during the passive positioning so the aberrant
that could be altered by the treatment, especially be- signals become diminished. The treating clinician in our
cause the resting pain values were so low. However, the study was trained in the proper technique of SCS and had
pain provocation test may have had a therapeutic effect clinical experience in manual therapy.
similar to shiatsu massage. Furthermore, by minimiz- The technique we used for SCS was developed by
ing the manipulation of the tissues, it was more difficult Jones and Ontario34 and other clinicians8 who have used
to distinguish trigger from tender points in this other- passive position to elicit their results. Meseguer et al13 used
wise healthy population. Therefore, we considered this SCS to effectively decrease tender point pain in the upper
study to be a pilot test to establish the feasibility of us- trapezius, but his technique used a sitting position with
ing a single 90-second SCS treatment in a convenience the noninvolved arm abducted while downward pressure
sample. Future studies should include a true control was exerted over the upper trapezius. This technique is

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Perreault et al

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