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Mahatma Gandhi Sarvodaya Sangh Sanchalit,

Padmashri Manibhai Desai Mahavidyalaya,

Uruli Kanchan, Tal- Haveli, Dist Pune 412202
Internal Assessment – Academic Year 2021-22

Class :- FYBCS Marks : 10 Sign of Junior Supervisors

Semester :- I Time : 30 Minutes
Subject : ‘C’ Program Date : 20/12/2021
Name of Students :............................................................................................................

Write down answers in the space provided. Figures on right indicate marks.
Q. 1.) State True or False and write down correct statement. 3
1. Mod(%) operator permits use of Floating Point Data Type.

2. In C language there are total 45 keywords.

3. You don’t have to declare the variables at the start of the program.

4. If Statement is used for branching or decision making.

5. Looping means repeating some statements until a given condition is true.

6. & is a logical operator.

Q. 2.) Write algorithm and draw a flowchart to read a number and check if it is even of
odd. 2
Q.3) Select correct alternative and write down correct statement. 2

a. Following is not symbol in flowchart _________

a) Flow line
b) Rectangle
c) Square

b. A variable name cannot contain–

a) Underscore b) Uppercase Alphabet
c) Number d) Blanks

c. Step by step solution of given problem is called _______

a) Flowchart b) Algorithm
c) Function d) Program.

d. If-Else construct is also known as _______

a) Loop b) Iteration
c) Branching d) Function

Q.4) What will be the output of following programs, explain each in 2/3 Lines. 3
void main()
int k, num=30;
printf("%d ",k);

(a) 500 (b) 10 (c) 200 (d) 100

2) void main()
int x = 0;
if (++x>0)
(a) 2 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) error


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