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Ethos in Indian Management

Assignment-2 – Values at Workplace
1. What were you doing?
• I was working as a Market Research Intern.

2. Were you with other people? Who?

• Yes, I was working with other people in the organization. I was working with Inside Sales team
and also with the Marketing Manager.

3. What other factors contributed to your happiness?

• The factors that contributed to my happiness were whenever I could complete my daily task
assigned to me in a minimum time frame so as to engage myself in other self-learning activities.
I also enjoyed flexible work hours.

4. Why were you proud?

• I was feeling proud because I was indirectly contributing to the revenue generation aspect of the
organization as I was mining data of potential leads and future clients.

5. Did other people share your pride? Who?

• Yes, my parents indirectly shared my pride as I was doing a remote internship during this tough
times and getting myself involved in the corporate world.

6. What other factors contributed to your feelings of pride?

• Mission and goals.
• Alignment of organizational and personal values.
• Individual fit with organizational culture.
• Involvement in future strategies for growth.
7. What need or desire was fulfilled?
• The desire to get the jest of corporate world was fulfilled during my SIP.

8. How and why did the experience give your life meaning?
• This experience gives my life a detour by adding a different dimension to my prior work-ex
which was majorly in manufacturing sector. This creates a platform for me to grow in other
domains of work other than my usual preferred sector.

9. What other factors contributed to your feelings of fulfilment?

• Responsibility
• Income
• Creativity
• Independence
• Flexibility

10. Determine your top values, based on your experiences of happiness, pride, and fulfilment
• Accountability
• Commitment
• Cooperation
• Creativity
• Determination
• Equality
• Expressiveness
• Fairness
• Faith
• Hard Work
• Inner Harmony
• Love
• Loyalty
• Making a difference
• Positivity
• Practicality
• Results-oriented
• Teamwork
• Thankfulness
• Thoroughness
• Understanding
• Uniqueness
• Vision

11. Do these values make you feel good about yourself?

• Yes, they make me feel good about myself.

12. Are you proud of your top three values?

• Yes, I am proud about my top three values. They make me what I am today.

13. Would you be comfortable and proud to tell your values to people you respect and admire?
• Yes, I will be comfortable and proud to tell your values to people you respect and admire.

14. Do these values represent things you would support, even if your choice isn't popular, and it
puts you in the minority?
• Yes, these values represent things you would support, even if your choice isn't popular, and it
puts you in the minority.

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