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BWBB3193 Semester A211



Assignment 1 will test CLO 3 in the syllabus:

 Demonstrate the ability to calculate, present and interpret numerical data in analysing
information (P5)

Project Overview (Group task)

You are assigned to select ONE (1) personal goods company listed on Bursa Malaysia and
pretending that you are a credit analyst evaluating the company’s loan application for a
corporate loan.
Hint: Your bank is one of the signatories of the Principles for Responsible Banking.

Annual Report
You should obtain annual reports of the company for 5 years (2016,2017,2018,2019,2020).

1. Company profile such as company history/background, business & activities, group
corporate structure, board of directors, management team, shareholders, the auditor, and
any other important information pertaining to the company profile.
2. The analyses will cover:
 Ratio analysis:
 Liquidity ratio: current ratio
 Performance ratios: sales growth, return on asset, return on equity
 Gearing ratio: total liabilities ÷ shareholder’s funds
 Interest coverage ratio: EBIT ÷ interest expenses
 Efficiency ratio: average payment period, asset turnover ratio
 5Cs analysis – Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, Condition.
 You should also evaluate in the aspect of sustainability, corporate governance, and
risk management of the company.
3. The ratio analysis including graphs must be done using Excel and submit together with
the Word document.
4. After doing the thorough analyses, you are required to give recommendation whether to
approve or deny the loan application.
5. If you rejected the loan application, provide justification why the application should be
6. If you approved the loan application, provide justification why the application should be

I expect a minimum 15 pages typewritten report, 1.5 spacing, Font 12, Century Gothic. You will
be graded on the content of the analysis, your analytical and numerical skills, and your ability
to communicate effectively.

BWBB3193 Semester A211

Submission date
The submission date for the report and video is on 23 December 2021.
Group submission – name the file as Group 1, Group 2….
Individual submission – name the file as matric no, name (example 256789 Ahmad)

Presentation (10%) – 5 minutes video presentation

This will be evaluated individually and each of the group member MUST submit a video to
present the report. The video will be evaluated based on content, organization, delivery, and
visual aids. Student can submit the video using link (YouTube or Google drive link) or uploading
the file on online learning.

Additional information

1. Students are allowed to choose their own team members for all BWBB3193 assignments.
The link for group registration:

2. How to search for personal goods company in Malaysia:

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