Oberheim Xpander Owners Manual

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@eeeeoeogeooe eoeooeeee Oberheim XpPancl Owners Manual by Daniel Sofer First Edition June 1984 OBERHEIM ELECTRONICS, INC. 2250 South Barrington Avenue Los Angeles, California 90064 usa Tol. (213) 473-6574 Telex 6831071 OBRHM heim Ek Table of Contents 2D 1" " 13 13 4 14 16 18 8 8 8 18 8 19 Wolcome fo the Xpander Taming The Beast (‘‘How Do | Work This?. Plug tin Hookup Dagram Rear Pane! Dagrar Check it Out Tune tt Up ‘Master Tune Master ranepose Listen To i Sclecing Patches 2 Red Thi Primary Pages Other Pages Knobs And Buttons Programmed Xcellence Using The Programmer Selecting Single Or Mat Patch Mode Salocting Patenes Eonng Pores song Patches Selecting And Editing Patches Whie In ig Patch Prom On sting Several Vos Sel atch Mode Xander Owners Manual a) e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e SOHHHSHSSSHSSHSSHSHSHHSHSHSHSHSHHHHHHSHSHHHHSHSHHHSHHHHESOS 20 22 23 28 29 32 9 Creative Input / The Xpanded Voice Single Patch Pages veorandvooe au enyx Selecting an Envelope Envelope Functions Creating Very Long of Ursa LFOx Modulating TRAC? a Tacking Generator RAMP xX ae misc ‘Naming Patches Modulation Pages Possible Modulation Sources Selecting Modulation ‘Raking a Modulation Source Changing 2 Modulation Source Remoung a Modulation Source Options ve, Negative Modulation Motiple Modu ation Moduation Limitation nga Ramp Xpander Owners Manual 42 44 “4 5 5 46 a7 0 49 9 49 9 52 54 56 56 56 56 57 57 60 62 62 63 64 66 68 70 Putting It All Together ‘Multi Patch Pages VOLUME aw TRANSPOSE ve Controls cv;miot ZONES Patches Master Pages MASTER MULT PAGES Save It (A Good Investment) Learning To Love Your Cassette Intertace Hookup Access ‘Save it Chock it Loading in Enors OF Eno jessages Synthesthesia Basle Programming Concents Subtractive Synthesis FM Synthesis Appendices Error Messages Mibi Controliers pander Ow SOHSHOSSHNHSSHSHSSHSHSHSHHSHSHHHSHHHHHHHHHSHSHSHHSHHSESES Welcome to the Xpander ‘The Oberheim Xpander combines major innovations in analog and digital hardware wth ‘computer software, resulting in a compact, easy to use instrument with vast capabilties, Each of the Xpander’s six voices are completely independent, They can each have a dir tent sound, and can be operated trom afferent MIDI or Control Votlage based controllers simuttaneousy Many of the Xpander's new features are made possible because of the design of the com- puters” software, of operating instructions. Many cxcults that on earker synthesizers were ‘made up of transistors, resistors and even integrated circuit chips, have been replaced by ‘computer insttuctions in he Xpander. This use of computer software instead of electronic hardware results in unprecedented tlexbilly and sophistication with fewer parts. which means less cost and more reliability Because the Xpander has features and capabilties never before available, we recommend ‘hat you lamilarize yourself with these new functions to get the most out of your Xpander. Experiment! You'l nover know what youl discover ee@e@eoaeoede eee oa eo ea eee ooo eoeoe20ee0 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Taming The Beast (“How Do I Work This?”) 8 Plug It In P Picture This. p Dagar Check it Out Page Theory Primary Pages Other Pages Knobs And Buttons Xpuanger Owners Manual Tarng The Beast Plug It in ‘You need three things belore you can get any sound out of the Xpander POWER he Xpander can operate on AC power between 100-130 volts or 200-260 volts. Make sure the Xpander is set fr the voltage in your location before plugging in the power. On the back ofthe Xpander, next o the power outlet and power on of switch, is a recessed switch which ‘selects the operating power range to 100-190 volts ("115") or 200-260 volts ("230") Remove the red fol cover trom the power socket and plug inthe power cord to the Xpander and the AC power source ‘Turn on the Xpander with the power switch next tothe power socket on the back panel. Do the displays on the Xpander light up? Does the power switch light up? It nt, check your connections. SOUND SYSTEM Connect the Xpander to a mixing board, stereo, instrument amplifier or other sound system Using the stereo or mona mixed outputs. lor now (There are also individual voice outputs on the back pane! of the Xpander We'll get into how to use them later, See the PAN Multi Patch Page) CONTROLLER ‘The Xpander needs fo be connected to some other device that will tel the Xpander when land what to play The Xpander can be controlled by anything with MIDI or Control Voltage, Gate Outputs ‘To operate the Xpander trom a MIDI controller such as an Oberheim OB-8 or Oberheim MIDI Keyboard, connect the controller's MIDI OUT to the Xpander’s MIDI IN. When the Xpander is, fist turned on, it wil eceive MII information on all 16 MIOI channels, To operate the Xpander using Control Voltages and Gate Outputs from the Oberneim OSX Sequencer of other source, connect the Control Voltage and Gate Outputs of your controler to the six pairs of CV /GATE INPUTS on the back of the Xpander Xpandier Qamets Manual Tang The Beast Picture This Cu/Gates Out MIDI Out S Sequencer pouerinl —__ iT ___. Audio Out CU/Gates In MIDI In Oberheim Kpaind Advance Chain Advonces to the rat progr men CHAIN iz on, advances inthe chotn, (Rising edge trigger) Cassette Interface the next program Input ‘Output for data storage MIDI Pedal Inputs \N/Thew 2 inputs for Footpedsis, | CV/Gate Inputs ‘Any voice can be assigned Fostewttehes an be assigned to any voce to-any channel Trigger Input | ; Memory Triggers Envelope! eiorah vate aera tram aches. et, Mixed Outputs steht polar 9) stereo ond Mono tered patche Voltage Select 115 or 230 for leoal power Power Input Connect to Greunsed Dutiat Power Switch ENCOUN SOURCE XS TM SINGLE MULT NCH PACE SET VI | GOSS mmm sen © 5 8 Oo mm Proce ee 40-40 J eicleces loi our ree Check It Out TUNE IT UP LISTEN TO IT Now that you've got the Xpander turned on, a's tune i Here's how Press TUNE PAGE (in the Master Section) to access the tuning controls Tins is how the Xpander operates: press a button for a desired page and the contros for that page anpeat on the displays in the Page Modifier section, Master Tune Look a the Page Moditier section, The third knob isthe Master Tune control Turn to tine tune the pitch of the Xpander, The lower display shows the master pitch’ "0" equals A 440H2,"" + "is sharp, and” "i lat The turing range (31) covers a quarter-one up ‘or down, Master Transpose The sixth knob in the Page Modifier section isthe Master Transpose. Turn it to transpose the centre Xpander up or down in semmtone steps. You can transpose the Xpander up to two ‘octaves up or three octaves down, Autotune Calibration ‘The expanded Auto-Tune capabilties of the Xpander are shown on the upper display. Press the button under the "ALL" cispay to tune all the Xpander functions. Besides the normal ‘oscillator tuning, you'l notice things that have never been tuned on a synthesizer before pulse width iter frequency, and resonance, These automatic calibrations keep the fiters as ‘well as oscillators in perfect tune, the resonance reliable and square waves square. Tuning isnt something you should have fo do often: once when you turn it on and then maybe once more alle bi later. Tuning everything on the Xpander takes almost a minute to ‘complete, o you can tune just one function instead. Tune the oscillators. for example, by pressing "VCOS" instead of "ALL “There are two kinds of sound programs in the Xpander Single Patches and Mutt Patches Single Patches store the setting for each sound, while Mult Patches combine six individual Single Patches, ong with mix. pan, and transposition into a programmed combination, Let's explore some Mull Patches and listen to some of the sounds that are possible on the Xpander Selecting Patches Programs are selected inthe Programmer section of the Xpander_On the Programmer ds play, the left most aigt wil show "M' for Multi Patches or "S" for Single Patches, the next {igi show the patch number and name. If the display shows that you are in Single Patch mode, pross the MULTI PATCH button, ‘Once in the desired mode (Mult), pressing two digits on the Programmer Keypad selects a ‘new Multi Patch neg the Beas! Auditioning Mutti Patches Select Multi Patch 40. The programmer display should show "MaO MODULA!" which s the number and name of this mult patch. This patch plays isel, modulating through all sorts of permutations. Some of the other patches in the 40s (Mat, M42, etc.) show off some of the ficlness and tlexilty thatthe Xander is capable of. Try some of these patches by pressing 41" then "42" etc. You can also advance to the next patch by pressing the” ~ "or keys. ‘But you didn get the Xpander just to be entertained, you got to play. So ty some of these very playable patches, if you are controling the Xpander from MIDI, ry Multi Patches 50 through 59 (MS0-M59): you are controling the Xpander from CVs and Gates, try Mutt Patches 60 through 69 (M60- M69), These patches are identical except thatthe 50s are programmed for MIDI wile the 605 are programmed for CVs. These patches combine sounds in some basic ways, Patches SB and M9 also incorporate several Spit Zones into their programming, so that diferent Sounds wil play depending on the notes you play Auditioning Single Patches "Now that you've explored some of the Multi Patch combinations, let's listen to some of the individual Single Patch sounds. Press the SINGLE PATCH button to select Single Patch mode, Notice the''S" on the ef side of the display Running the Xpander from CVs? Read This Unlike the Mult Patches which can be programmed individually to MIDI or CVs, all the Single Patches look to a Master Multi Page for their control source When the Xpander is turned on ‘tis set to receive notes played on any MIDI channel (Ormni mode) Hl you wish te play the Xpander rom CVs, you must change this Master Page setting Press the MASTER PAGE button in the Master Section. Then press the CV MIDI button ‘under the lower display of the Page Moaifier section. tthe lower aispay i blank, press the SINGLE PATCH button in the Programmer section) Now the six knobs wil enable you to ‘cial in” the desived CVs. Select a diferent CV for each voice. Well get more into the Master Mult Page (and all the other ones) later. Playing Patches in Single Patch mode all voices play one sound. These sounds can be selected by using the Programmer Keypad, the same as in Multi Patch mode. Pay the different patches to hear ‘Some ofthe individual sounds of the Xpandar, Some of these patches wil play thomsoWves Just as withthe Multi Patches, Xeanger Owners Manual Taming The Sea e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Page Theory PRIMARY PAGES With an instrument as sophisticated as the Xpander, it becomes impractical to have an ind vidual contvol for every function in the synthesizer, because the result would be too many knobs. So the Xpander utlizes six seis of controls. grouped into a systom of “pages. to con trois various functions. This way. all the conttols for one section of the synthesizer are accessible at once in the Page Modifier section ofthe synthesizer. The name of the selected age is always shown on the right side of the Programmer display ‘The functions ofthe primary pages are also shown on the right side of the panel, and can be accessed immediately by pressing the button associated with each section of the block dia gram There are two kinds of primary pages: Single Patch pages are used to program sounds. Within these pages are the controls for at the parameters of individual sound programs; the oscillators. titer, envelopes, modulations. FM. ete The block diagran each Single Patch pa tion buttons. on the right side of the front panel show the controls accessed from ‘The name of each page is printed in white next tothe page selec All the functions accessed from Single Patch pages, program. programmed into a Single Patch ‘Multi Pateh pages control al six voices in tandem. These pages access the functions nec: essary to contro all sx voices in a coordinated manner, \e. the Single Patch assigned to teach voice, the contol source assigned to each voice (CV or MIDI channel), the stereo mix ot the voices, ete Multi Patch pages are also chosen with the buttons on the right side of the front panel (wile in Mult Patch mode) and the names of the Multi Patch pages appear in grey next to each button. Mult Patch mode is selected with the MULTI PATCH button in the Programmer sec: tion on the left side ofthe panel. All the functions accessed trom Multi Patch Pages aro pro: (grammed into a Muli Patch program, $s Xpander Ow Manual Taming The Beast OTHER PAGES Knobs And Buttons There ae four 1er kinds of pages in the Xpander: ‘Tune Page accesses the Master Tune control as wel as the extensive Auto-Tune and cat bration functions of the Xpander. The Tune Page has its own solection button in the Master ‘Secton ofthe front panel. Pressing TUNE PAGE also resets all sustaining envelopes and ramps, silencing” the Xpander. Master Page accesses the Cassette Interface for program storage and retrieval, Program ‘Chains, and other general housekeeping functions such as MIDI modes, Single Patch con. trols and Gate Input polarity The Master Page also has its own selection button in the Master Section Modulation Pages oxist “behind any function that can be modulated, such as oscilatorfre- quency, titer resonance, or envelope decay. Press the button under the desired function in the Page Moditier Section (see the "modulation select’ LED) lo reveal its Modulation Page. ‘To pop back up to the primary page, press the PAGE 2 button, ‘A dot will appear after a function's name iit s being modulated Page 2 accesses addtional functions on most ofthe Single Patch pages, such as the wave- {orm select on the VCO pages. To access a particular Page 2, press the PAGE 2 button to the lot of the knobs, The Page 2 LED will ight when displaying any Page 2. Press the PAGE 2 button fo return to the primary page from either a Page 2 or Modulation Page. Generaty, the names of the controls are on the top display in the Page Modifier Section, while the current setting of each control ison the bottom display. There are exceptions, “where switches appear on both top and bottom displays. The buttons adjacent to the dis plays have multiple functions, which are indicated by the Switch Mode LEDs. Controls generally have a range of 0 to 63. Some can be postive or negative as well Turn the knob to change the value, or press the button above the knob (Value X) and then press two digs in the X Select Section ‘On/Ott Switches are on when the display 's underlined and off when not underlines Either/Or Switehes change name when pressed. These switched are always ON one way or the other. 0 they are always underlined, These can also be selected by turning the kriob below the switch Xpander Qwners Manual Taming Ihe # e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Li AN ait Pare ee ee ee. este Renmin iain waa Scr ko" eye Oberheim = (')"'0 The Programmer Display e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Programmed Xcellence 18 18 18 18 " 18 18 19 Using The Programmer Selecting Single Or Multi Patch Mode Selecting Patches Editing Patches Cora te Ea Storing Patches Selecting And Eling Pate Getting Back To Square One 16 Unedited Patch in Multi Patch Mode Xpanalot Owners Manual Programmed Xet Using The Programmer ' The Programmer Section of the Xpander is used to select and store patches. The Program: ‘mer display aso provides information about the sialus of the machine SELECTING SINGLE OR The Single Patch and Multi Patch buttons select Single or Muti Patch mode, and recall all MULTI PATCH MODE ‘the settings trom the last ime you werein the mode. The lett character of the display s {an °S"for Single Patch or an "M" for Mutt Patch, SELECTING PATCHES Whether in Single or Mt Patch mode, anew patch canbe recalled by pressing wo digts, | ortme = oF ~ keysonthe Programmer Keypad Ater one dg senored. the depay Shows tno aigitand a star, and was forthe Socond gt Ha second dg ent emered win several seconds the Xpande reverts backto the ogial patch number Notethe | Vadertined patch number The patch number and name will appear in the display, aS wells the Single Patches assigned to each voice. In Single Patch mode ail voices have the same patch. In Mutt Patch mode however, each voice can have a diferent Single Palch ! EDITING PATCHES The Expander is always in edit mode. Select pages and change functions as youlike, Adot tothe right ofthe patch number appears # a patch edited ‘Comparing the Edited and Unedited Patch ‘You can compare your edited patch wit is stored version by pressing the appropriate patch ‘mode button (SINGLE i you are eciting a Single Patch, MULTI if you are editing a Muli Patch—realize that prossing MULTI while in Single Patch mode wal switch to Mutt Patch mode). When comparing the stored patch, the patch number wil fash. You can switch back and forth between the edited version and the stored version by pressing the appropriate patch mode button again. STORING PATCHES ‘To store a patch, hold the STORE button. Notice that the patch number now shows two ‘ stars. Enter the destination for your new patch on the Keypad, by Keying two digits while holdaag the STORE button, SELECTING AND EDITING thesicpsrcv€orr buttons ae uses to acess the india voies and herptehes. SINGLE PATCHES WHILE oe wnose pic's bong stayed! Wishing he PATGHEDYT tion the ae IN MULTI PATCH MODE of the Single Patch on that voice is displayed. \ Selecting an individual voice causes the Xpander to enter Single Patch mode for that vorwe. Use the keypad to select a new Single Patch for that voice, or use any of the same Single Patch functions to edt. compare or store that Single Patch. Pressing an altoady underined patch edit button will compare the edited patch withthe one in memory Holding STORE and selecting the destination patch number on the Keypad nl store the patch You can switch among ofthe sx voices’ Single Patches with the PATCH EOIT buttons. The Lnderine in the display shows your current location, and the dot to theright of each patch ‘number indicates thal patch has been edited. woers Manval Programmed GETTING BACK TO SQUARE ONE Copying a Patch From One Voice To Another ‘You can copy a Single Patch from one voice to another within @ Mult Patch. Press the PATCH EDIT button of the voice withthe patch you want to copy. soit becomes undertined, Ther hold the STORE button, and press the PATCH EDIT bution ofthe voice you want to ‘copy the patch to Editing Several Voices Simuttaneously ‘You can edit the Single Patches of several voices atthe same ime simply by pressing sev eral PATCH EDIT buttons atthe same time, Now any editing wil atfect al ofthe underlined voices. For example, turning up the fiter resonance wil tun up the resonance on all the nderined voices. Realize that since you can edit several ctferent patches this way. a control willnot necessar. ‘iy be atthe same setting on al the voices. Therefore, the display shows the value ofthe fet ‘most voice that you are editing at the moment. You can't edit any modulation pages. because they can vary so much from patch to patch. You can't store patches in this mode. either (if you think you're having trouble keeping track of six different Single Patches and a Multi Patch, think about what the computers are going through’) Remember that you can Compare the entire edited Mult Patch with the unedited one, and that you can store the Single Patches one at atime. The Xpander is $0 flexible that is entiely possible to lose track of who's modulating what. But there isa basic patch (called “OBERHEIM”) indelibly etched inthe back ofthe Xpan- —— Mi essa — — TT My anf // fees Creating Very Long or Unusual Envelopes Rlemember that unlike al your other synths, you can modulate al ofthese timings with any: thing- an LFO, the velocity, the keyboard (especially through a tracking generator), or even another envelope. For example, modulating the Release with the envelope’s own output results in a release time that gots faster and taster as i nears the zero level, something like 15 ‘minutes later. Seting all of the Envelope times to 63, modulating each of them wth a Track: ing Generator set to 63, and switching on Freerun & DADR, results in an envelope cycle that runs about halt an hour i length ftom just a quick touch on the keyboard. Trance, anyone? ‘Oh yes, the VCA (ike all VCAs) can be modulated. foo, ‘Stopping An Envelope Pressing the TUNE PAGE button will cut short any envelopes in progress, i you don't wish to hang around for the above mentioned haif hour envelope to finish its cycle. Xpancer Owners Marval Creative lnput The 4 ‘There are also up to ive LFOs of Low Frequency Oscilators on each voice. LFOs are used for continuous cyclical modulations ke vibrato, tremolo, phasing, and chorusing, to name just afew. Having five LFOs permits unprecedented complexities in the timbre of a sound. Selecting an LFO Pressing the LFO X button will show the display SELECT LFO FROM ITO S Pressing an X SELECT button from 1 to 5 wil select that LFO, or pressing the LFO X button again wil select the LFO that was selected previously You can switch between LFOs with the X display are underined LECT buttons, if none ofthe values on the lower LFO Controls | SPEED WAVE RETRIG AMP | oe a Oo | 1 6 0 @ 4B TRIANGLE 63 | now Mone | T oa ’ Oo Oo 9 a SPEED / Th plete one cy -ontrols the frequency of the LFO. Set to 0. an LFO takes 30 seconds to com 10 63, the speed is approximately 25He WAVEFORM | Solects the waveshape of the LFO, RETRIG / Tho LFO can be set o restart ata programmable point in is cycle whenever a trigger is received, This control sets the restart point (0-63). the RETRIG MODE is not turned on trom Page 2, then this control is OFF AMP The output level of the LFO The speed and amo! itude can be modulated (see Modulation Pages) Xpiwter Owners Manual Creative inputs Ihe Xpanded Voo « « « « « « c « « « « « « « « c « « . « c . . . f f f f 4 « f « f / ‘ f / f « ‘ i ( e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Mv Triangle Wave CEE Square Wave Up Saur Wave — ‘Down saw Wave fed Random (typical) lat Noise (typical) Waveforms: TRIANGLE. This is the most common LFO waveform, a smooth up and down, perfect for conventional vieato ang tremolo, UP SAW: The up sawtooth is useful for special efocts the sawtooth can make the pitch of ‘an oscillator go up tepeatediy, or a VCA get loud DOWN SAW: The down sawtooth goes in the opposite direction rom the upsaw This is Usetulfor echo effects, patched up to one of the VCAS on the VCF VCA page SQUARE: The square wave aternates between high and low. Good for tis, RANDOM: This waveform outputs a random signal, Random achieves the effects sometimes called sample and hold (SH). The random used to modulate the fier requency or oscilator pulse width makos a good ehythmicelfect when tiggered externally (See LFO Page 2) ana ‘locked by a deum machine or sequencer NOISE Just what sounds like, noise. ANgh speed version of random. This is good in smal doses for adding abi of instability to oscilators, or in large amounts for buzzing bees. ‘SAMPLE: The Xpander can sample another source and use that as wavetotm. The SPEED Controls how often the source fs sampled. The SAMPLE control appears to select the sam- pled source, which can be any of the Xpander’s modulation sources Sampling this wave, at this rate, Tt gives this result. Page? LAG ; Each LFO has ts own fxed-time lag processor Turing on lag will smooth out any shatp transitions. ike those in a square or sawtooth wave. (Ifyou need greater lag contol you can always un the LFO through the separate Lag Processor) RETRIG MODE / The LFO can be set to restart at programmable point in its cycle when. lever a tigger is received. This contol turns the etrig function on and selects the trigger source: keyboard (single or mull tigger modes) or the External Trigger Input. The RETRIG. Control on Page 1 sets the etrig point Modutating the LFO The speed can be modulated by accessing its Modulation Page (press the SPEED button) Recommended modulation sources are the keyboard so that the speed changes depending ‘on the note played, Velocity 8 thatthe speed changes depending upon how hard the note is played, or ane ofthe envelopes so that he speed changes as the note plays. Of course there fare many other interesting modulation combinations, tke modulating an LFO with sell, o that it changes speed in the course of ts cycle. See the Modulation Page Section for more into Xpander Owners Manual Creative input The Xpandeo voce TRACK X ‘The Tracking Generators are another ofthe Xpander’s unique features, These enable rescal ing of any control source to your personal noeds; having the fiter open up a bit more in the rmidale range of the keyboard, for example Selecting a Tracking Generator Pressing the TRACK X button will shaw the display SELECT TRACK GEN FROM ITO 3 | Pressing an X SELECT button trom 1 3 wil Select that Tracking Generator, or pressing the ‘TRACK X button again will select the Tracking Generator that was selected previously. You can switch between Tracking Generators with the X SELECT buttons, none of the lower display functions are underlined Operation A Tracking Generator divides the control range into five sections, At each of these points, you can detine the desired output INPUT POINT! POINT 2 POINT 3 POINT 4 POINTS ‘SWITCH MODE I I | | | | ae a e O ao o a KEYED 0 53) Ww = | swe TT OTST om Ol 0 O od oO a Ope 2 I DF OOOOO®O Xpancer Owners Manval Input de Yo e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ‘The Tracking Generators work in two diferent ways. depending upon the orginal source: POSITIVE ONLY / tthe input goes trom 0 10.63 (such as keyboard or envelope) the D input level appears at POINT 1. Setting the output to O results in . | Tracking Generator «settings Pont 1 Pont 2 owt a Pow 4 Port TRACKING GENERATOR OUTPUT from 0 Positive input such as @ KEYBOARD or ENVELOPE POSITIVE/NEGATIVE ; ithe input goes negative and positive (such as an LFO or Bender) then 0 input level appears at POINT 3—in the middle. Setting a point to 31 results in 0 ‘output, below 31 is negative and above 31s postwe Resulting Gutput Tracking Generator hronannn |p Settings: Por owt Pow 3 owt 4 Pow TRACKING GENERATOR OUTPUT from @ Positive/Negative input such as an LFO or BENDER Ideas Two hip things that ean be done with Tracking Gonerators are 1) With a Tuangle wave trom an LFO (posite ‘negative input) as an input, setting Points 2 and 4 towards the extremes will sul in an output closer to a sine wave. 2) Avariable control such as @ Pedal or Velocity (positive inpuls) can be turned into switch with a Tracking Generator. by setting all ofthe points to 0 except the highest one. Only near the maximum input wil anything other than 0 come out of the Tracking Generator. You can patch the Pedal somewhere eise in addtion to the Tracking Generator, ging you gradual ‘eontrol of one function withthe full ange of the pedal, while switching on a second function ony a the top of the pedal.

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