Make Up Final Examination TDS IV

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Unity University (ዩኒቲ ዩኒቨርሲቲ)

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Architecture and Urban Planning

Theory and Design of Structure IV

Make up Final Examination.

Date: April 2021

Time Allowed 1 hour : 45 minutes

Max Point: 50%

Name: ___________________________________________________________

ID.No: _________________________ Section _______________________

Instructor Name: ______________________________________________

Remark: _________________________________________________________

General Instruction:

This exam contains Four parts Short Answer , True or False, Multiple Choice, and Work out

I. Explain briefly
1. Define what a shell structure is and list down at least three advantages and disadvantages of a
shell structure ? ........3 pts
2. Mention some of the types of shell structures ?........3pts
3. What are the basic elements of folded plate structures and their functions ?........4pts
4. What type of long span structure is tent ?......2pts

Instructor: Muluken Melesse

Unity University (ዩኒቲ ዩኒቨርሲቲ)

5. What are honeycomb structures and their functions ? .....3pts

II. Write true for the correct and false for the incorrect statements (1.5 pt each)

1. In a Section method of truss analysis, at a place where a cut(section) has to be done, the
number of unknowns must be at least three.

2. Most suitable material for construction of shell structures are concrete.

3. Long span structures are type of structures with a span length less than or equal 10m .
4. In real life , bending stresses are zero in the three hinged arche.

III. (Choose the best answer 2 pts. each)

1. The arches is the oldest structural element used to span long distance . The principal reason for
this is that.
A. Arches can span greater distances compression which have always
than flat members. been available.
B. Curved members are more able to D. Curved shapes are more aesthetically
with stand than flat members. pleasing than flat members.
C. Arches can be constructed from
natural materials strong in

2. A potential client has approached you to discuss the design for a new sports area. The client
has been impressed by the space frames he has heard about and asks you to describe exactly
what they are. You reply that space frame is ?

A. A rigid frame which has the ability to resist lateral forces.

B. A two way system of trusses .
C. Any one dimensional structural system
D. A two way system of grider

3. The make up (material) of shell structures are more effective in ?

Instructor: Muluken Melesse

Unity University (ዩኒቲ ዩኒቨርሲቲ)

A. Tensiin only
B. Comprenssion
C. Comprenssion and Tension
D. Bending and flexures

Instructor: Muluken Melesse

Unity University (ዩኒቲ ዩኒቨርሲቲ)

4. Among the following structures, which one is suitable for small spans as their frames are
quite large ?

A. Arch structures
B. Dome structures
C. Shell structures
D. Folded palte structures
5. The hyperbolic parabolic shells, grouped under the category of

A. Singly curved shells. C. Three curved shells

B. Doubly curbed shells. D. Four curved shells

6. Fold plates are widely used for

A. Roofs. B. Beams. C. Stress. D. Foundation

7. The spherical domes are supported by a ring beam at the

A. Base. B. Middle. C. Start. D. Edge

8. The general bending theory of thin curved shells is governed by a

A. Differential Equation. C. Ellipse Equation

B. Parabola Equation. D. Moment Equation

9. Which of the following is correct for space trusses?

A. To know the direction of the unknown force we take assumption of it
B. The direction of the unknown force is known to us already
C. The direction of the unknown can’t be determined
D. The direction of the unknown is of no use, it is not founded

Instructor: Muluken Melesse

Unity University (ዩኒቲ ዩኒቨርሲቲ)

IV. Work out problem.

1. Considering the following two dimensional truss sytem as an integral part of space frame
structure. Determine the forces in members 10, 11 and 13 Using the method of Section..........11

Instructor: Muluken Melesse

Unity University (ዩኒቲ ዩኒቨርሲቲ)

NB:- Show all the necessary steps corretly.

Instructor: Muluken Melesse

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