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Secondary School Level 

: 1st Year
The First Term Test N°1
Part One: Reading Comprehension
Read the text carefully then do the following activities:

Dear Jane,

I'm very pleased that we're going to be pen friends. It’s wonderful to have someone with whom I
can share my opinions and experiences. In this first letter, I'll write a few words about myself and it would
be great if you could do the same when you’ll be writing to me. I live in Gex, a small town near Geneva.
My house is situated in the outskirts of the town and it takes a lot of time to get to the town centre by bus.
Despite this disadvantage, I like my house very much because it’s spacious. My parents built and decorated
it. My father has his own business and my mother takes care of the house. I also have a sister who studies at
Geneva University.

I am a pet lover and have a dog, a cat, a canary, and two fish. They need a lot of attention. Music
is my hobby. I love rock and pop music. I have lots of CDs and I listen to them whenever I have some free
time. I also like cycling. I wish I could ride a bike every day, but I usually have no time.

I go to the 1st General Secondary School in Gex. I chose a biology class because I like biology
and chemistry. I hate history because facts and dates are difficult to memorize. I also go to a music school. I
play the violin and the piano. This is why I have little, if any, free time. At the moment I’m working very
hard. A new school year has started and I have lots of books to read, hundreds of new English and Spanish
words to memorize, and many papers to write. I hope you're not as busy as I am and can reply quickly.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon,


1/ What type of text is the reading passage? Is it: a) an e-mail b) a letter of correspondence
c) a reply (0,5pt)

2/Say if the following statements are True(T) or False(F) (2pts)

a)- Ursula’s family is small
b)- She is the eldest daughter
c)- Her house is not big
d)- Her school is far from her house

3/ Answer these questions according to the text: (3,5pts)

a- Why did Ursula write to Jane?
b- What hobbies does Ursula have?
c-Does she have a lot of time? Justify from the text.

4/Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text : (2pts)

I’m(§1)→ you(§1)→ town(§1)→ they(§2)→

Text Exploration:
1/ Find in the text opposites of the following words: (1,5pt)
- many(§1) - forget( §3 ) free (§3)
2/Fill in the gaps with: so as not to / in order to (1,5pt)
a- She is writing the letter……………introduce herself to Jane.
b- Ursula’s sister goes to University…………… British literature but………….study French.

3/ Give the extrem adjectives of the following ordinay ones : (1pt)

Very funny→ ………. very angry→……….

4/Ask questions about the underlined words : (4pts)

a- She rarely goes out in the weekends.→…………………………………..?
b- He always gets up at 7:00pm→……………………………………………?
c- Kirsi is usually excited when she visits her grandparents .→………………?
d- They are often at home in the afternoon .→…………………………………..?

5/Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s” (1pt)
Friends- messages- hobbies- parents

/s/ /z/ /iz/

6/Re-order the following words to get coherent sentences.(3pts)

- I/keypal/ to be/want/ my/ you.
- Know/I/ more/you/country/your/and/want/to/ about
- usually / late / to / Ursula / bed /quite / goes

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