Pulse, PRF

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Pulse , PRF

A pulse is a collection of cycles that travel together

Behaviour of the crystal is like the behaviour of spring which is stretched and released

The crystal will come to former shape.

The cycle of the Expansion and contraction is Pulse

Pulse from the crystal got a length or width of several vibrations

Vibrations are to and fro and continues to ring and dies down slowly

Imagine a pulse as a train:

Individual cycles (cars) create the pulse (train)

But the pulse moves as one.

A pulse must have a beginning and an end, otherwise the sound is continuous wave.

Parameters of Pulse

Pulse Duration

Pulse Repetition Period


Pulse Duration

The time from the start of a pulse to the end of that pulse,

the actual time that the pulse is “on”.

Units µ sec


generated by charging a capacitor

Suddenly releasing the charge of electrical energy (1Kv or 2 Kv) to the probe

This electrical energy converted to mechanical energy by the Piezo electric crystal

Vibrations are formed by the collapse of the crystal after the electrical energy stopped.

Pulse Duration (µ sec) = No. of cycles in pulse X period (µ sec)

A short pulse of electricity is applied to a piezo-electric crystal

The crystal begins to vibration increases to maximum amplitude and then decays

The longer the pulse, the more penetrating the sound

The shorter the pulse the better the sensitivity and resolution
The longer the pulse poor is the resolution

Some damping system to cut the ringing time and to shorten the pulse length

Damping material made of Tungsten Araldite is loaded behind the crystal to control Pulse
length(like shock absorber)

Pulse length or Pulse width also called as wave train length

EN 1330 Part 4 - Pulse length is measured as the leading and trailing edge of a pulse measured at a
definite level(10%) below the peak amplitude(100%)

Pulse length can be controlled to 3 to 5 cycles

Damping controls the pulse length(number of cycles x wavelength)

Higher the frequency, shorter the wavelength, hence shorter the pulse length

A constant interval between pulses are automatically incorporated in equipment based on

selected range

Pulses are repeated 50 to 2000 times/sec

The equipment-control that effects constant interval is PRF/PRR/PPS


PRF / Time base frequency / PRR (Pulse repetition rate)

Each pulse of energy that leaves the probe must return before the next pulse leaves

Otherwise they may collide and cause ghost or spurious images

The time taken between pulse leaving the probe and return is called as Transit time(Ta)

The time taken between pulses leaving from the probe is called as clock interval

Hence Transit time must be shorter than clock interval

Time interval between pulses is 60 times that of Transit time T a

The clock interval time should be around 5 times the transit time

PRF(MHz) = 1 / clock interval(sec)

Dist. Travelled(mm)

Transit time(µsec) Ta = -----------------------


Clock interval(sec) = 1 / PRF(MHz)

Minimum clock interval time = 5 x Ta

Calculation of PRF

100 mm steel Velocity in Steel= 6mm/μsec

Ultrasonic beam travel:100 ÷ 6 =17; for to & fro 17+ 17=34 μsec

For shear wave testing : Ta becomes Ta ÷055=1.8Ta

Pulse PRF
Operating spacing
Range 106 ÷
60Ta 60Ta

mm μsec μsec Hz

10 3.4 204 5000

60 x 34=
100 34* 500

500 170 10000 100

Axial resolution –Near field

Axial Resolution– Ability to separate flaws which are at different depths

Near field resolution - ability to separate flaws from top of part (dead zone)

The pulse length must be shorter than the transit time to the near surface flaw
Axial resolution –Near field

Poor Resolution Improved Resolution

Axial Resolution - Far Field

ability to separate flaws close together in depth

The pulse length must be shorter than the time between the returning flaw echos

Axial Resolution - Far Field

Lateral Resolution

Ability to separate flaws which are at the same depth

Choose a transducer which has a more narrow beam

To improve resolution

decrease the pulse length

Increase the transducer frequency (shorter wavelength)

Decrease initial pulse voltage, less crystal ringing

Increase transducer damping, less crystal ringing

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