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St Bede’s Catholic College

Long Cross, Bristol BS11 0SU

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NEWSLETTER 122 6th May 2011


Mike Norton (Editor of the Bristol Evening Post) was our guest speaker
at the annual Prize Giving ceremony held yesterday evening. He gave
the audience a fascinating account of his career to date and how
pleased he is to be working back in his home city. The warmth the
audience felt towards him even survived his declaration of his local
football team allegiance! Pupils were left in no doubt about his
passion for education (he is an ex-pupil of St Bernadette’s Secondary
School, Whitchurch) and the way in which educational success gives
you more choice about what you do with your life. He was the first
member of his family to go to university (he studied English at Hull
University – where he enjoyed a number of conversations with the
university’s librarian, the poet, Philip Larkin) and made it clear to
pupils that if they are capable of studying at that level, then they
should do so. Ms Hughes spoke about the college’s great successes of
the past year and, echoing Mr Norton’s address, quoted St Catherine
of Sienna: ‘be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on

Prizes were presented to more than 150 pupils who were given
awards for high achievement, excellent attitude, public spirit and
service to the community.
Although the names of many of the prize winners were known before
the evening, there were some that were announced at the ceremony
itself: Edmund Magner (Science Award), Alex Whelan (Sports Award),
William King (Year 11 Award), Charlotte Haswell, Mike Moroz, Ben
Murphy and Kinga Burzyrska (Vice Principals’ Awards) and Euan
Shanahan (Principal’s Award). A huge number of children received
nominations from staff and a scrupulous effort to be fair was put into
the decisions behind the final list. We hope that pupils deserving of an
award, but who did not receive one this year, will be recognised at
Prize Giving celebrations in future years.
9 May GCSE exams begin Could parents dropping off or picking up children do so on
th am Year 8 Girls HPV vaccinations the Long Cross, in the interest of the safety of all our
11 May
4.30-7.30pm Year 7 parents’ evening children. Please also remind your children of the need to
12th May – 15th May Year 10 Kintbury Trip exercise great care crossing the road. Under no
circumstances should they walk/run out between the
COMPETITION It would also be appreciated if parents are respectful of
Ben Pembery, Ben Whitfield (Year 8) and Abi Alexander, our local residents and under no circumstance park in such
Sarah Orr (Year 9) went to the Taunton conference centre a way as to limit their access to their homes.
recently with Mr Dunn, for the prize giving for the "Routes
into Languages South West" pop video competition. This is
an annual competition that is open to all schools in the ST BEDE’S FOOTBALL COMPETITION RESULTS
whole of the south west. We were delighted that two of Over the past 3 terms, the PE dept has been running a 7 a
our songs were shortlisted for the top prize (shortlist of 4 side competition for Year 7, 8 & 9 and 10 & 11. With over
songs) and that Ben Pembery and Ben Whitfield won the 150 games being played at lunchtime and a whopping 300
top prize for their song entitled "Problemas en el mundo". goals being scored in the finals held last week. Well done
Sam Pembery aided in the production of the song. Abi and to the massive 250 pupils who had taken part over the
Sarah received the runner up prize. Victoria Midda was past 18 weeks. The winning teams were in Year 7
also part of the group. During the ceremony we were Peterbourgh, Year 8 & 9 Cardiff City and Year 10 & 11
treated to live music from previous winners plus video Arsenal.
conferencing speeches
from Graham Watson MEP
and Dr Lid King amongst
others. The prize received
by the two Ben’s was a
glass trophy and a
certificate plus £100. Abi
and Sarah received a
certificate and £50. Both BRISTOL FESTIVAL OF SPORTS
Ben Pembery and Ben On Wednesday 6th April, over 80 pupils were taken to the
Whitfield will have to keep practising their song ready for a Coombe Dingle Sports Complex for a sports festival. The
possible invitation to perform it live for next year's pupils participated in a range of different sports including
ceremony! Flag Football, Extreme Golf, Judo, Street Dance and
The videos can be viewed at: Ultimate Frisbee. and The school had to represent a country and choose South Africa because of the links and charity work the college is
doing with Sister Martha in her schools in South Africa. All
CONGRATULATIONS pupils wore green to represent the county and the Art
In February, Michael Savery 8PKL, achieved the school's Department kindly designed three flags for the pupils to
top score in the Intermediate Maths Challenge. As a result wave.
of this, he went forward to the 'Olympiad' round in March, The pupils experienced trying a variety of different sports.
sitting the paper designed for top Year 9 mathematicians
across the UK. We recently received his results. Michael
was awarded a merit, which is an outstanding
achievement. Well done Michael!

On Friday 8th of April, a group of two Year 8s and two Year
9s went to St Katherine’s School, Pill to participate in the
UKMT Maths Challenge against 20 local schools.
Congratulations to Michael Savery, Julian Caldwell, Annie
Burden and William Matthesan - St. Bede’s Catholic
College came in 4th place! LAST BRAINTEASER ANSWER
No. the down draft from the duck’s wings will exactly balance
BRAIN TEASER their weight. You can’t avoid Newton’s first law; Action and
Two ducks in front of a duck, two ducks behind a duck, one Reaction are equivalent and opposite.
duck in the middle.
Question : How many ducks are there?
Always be prepared to take advantage of an unexpected
Roger Harris

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