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1. Fundamentals

This lesson is important for giving you an idea of the volume of the work. It will also help you to get ready with everything you need for the course.

Sound libraries:

Prepare for the next lesson:

If you do not have a license for Cubase Pro (or
 Previous Artist) we recommend do this:
Lecture Complete and contine 

Download the trial version of Cubase Elements on the official website:

Download Soundly on the official website:

Upon enrolling in the course you'll get full access to Soundly Pro for three month. We will send your personal Promo Code via email.

🤓 Frequently Asked Questions

⚡ Can’t hear audio when Cubase is launched: how to fix the issue for Windows or Mac

Cubase takes control over the output device by default, which makes impossible playing audio in other programs. To fix this problem go to Studio menu > Studio Setup and in the
VST Audio System tab check Release Driver when Application is in Background. To check whether the setting has been applied or not, just open any video on Youtube.

Now you need to start Soundly app and check if the sound is played there. If not, go to Soundly settings and switch off Output device to any other in the list.

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