Annual Report Cy 2021

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CY 2021

PENRO Misamis Oriental

Malasag, Heights, Cugman, Cagayan de Oro City
We have gone through many challenges and changes. With challenges, changes occur.
These are always a part of a strategy of an organization and even all over the world. We
need to take action, uplifting the methods and even altering those that are no anymore
necessary. Face-to-face seminars become webinars to give the solution to the challenges
due to pandemic which is still present up to now. The government has been finding ways
and means to give the customers that excellent satisfaction. Strengthening internet
connections is necessary to eliminate the gap in channeling the knowledge of information for
the improvement/development of each individual and for the organization. Information
Technology Systems are now at hand and some are still introduced to meet the needs of the
customers with great satisfaction.

However, the knowledge which was channeled needs commitment. Public servants must be
obligated, disciplined, and determined to do their respective tasks in spite of any
circumstance that surrounds them. That’s what a public servant should be.

This year, we continue to manage the pandemic’s impact on our workforces and we were
able to support the targets and accomplishments that remain crucial to public service. We
have done this while facing challenging conditions and abrupt adaption to change. Thus, our
commitment to deliver the best public service, combined with strategic means to implement
and accomplish what is expected of us.

PENRO Misamis Oriental has remained active in its endeavor to meet the targets as
scheduled with the same quality and quantity despite the pandemic. The COVID-19 crisis
has made collaborative action both critical and difficult. It has also reinforced the importance
of accelerating our response to change while focusing on how to achieve superior targets.
For our office, that meant taking further practical steps, while delivering efficient and quality
public service.

The coming year will still be pivotal as we have now, somehow, adapted to this “new
normal”. In that spirit, we look forward to working comfortably with challenges and change
with the hope for the best. We, at PENRO Misamis Oriental, will remain firm and will
continue working towards the development of a sustainable environment with a goal to help
improve the socio-economic condition and quality of life among the people of Misamis


OIC, PENR Officer

The translation of physical targets into accomplishment has been realized through the
collaborative efforts of concerned personnel and staff of field offices, the project partnered,
stakeholders and constants support of the head office. Despite the pandemic pressure, that
brought threats and health risks to personnel, PENRO Misamis Oriental has accomplished
various priority programs in relation to the protection, conservation, rehabilitation of the
environment and natural resources for sustainable development.
These programs include the implementation of the Enhanced National Greening Program,
a total of ___________ hectares of new plantation established in Misamis Oriental planted
with various species and ____ hectares maintained and protected for the plantation
established on CY 2021, 2020, and 2019. A total of ________ hectares were successfully
conducted with Survey, Mapping and Planning wherein soil analysis were also associated in
the process in preparation for the implementation of next year target. One Seed Production
Area (SPA) was maintained wherein a total of ____ kilograms were collected with assorted
seeds. Also, in consonance to the objective of the program which is to alleviate poverty
through the job generation, _________ jobs were generated wherein gender-biased has
addressed considering that an equal number of men and women were benefited as such
they were able to sustain their daily needs. The province has been established a total of
__________ hectares established plantation from CY 2011-2021 wherein, these
accomplishments contribute to the _________% increase of forest cover in the province
from to ______. Formulation of Reforestation Plan, Gahub River is one of the identified five
(5) major rivers in Gingoog City. It has an estimated length of 40,993 meters stretched within
Gahub Watershed. There are sixteen (16) barangays who were identified as partners in the
The implementation of Intensified Forest Protection and Anti-Illegal Logging involved
enforcement of governing policies related to forest protection through regular conduct of
meetings and collaboration with the anti-illegal logging task force, law enforcement agencies,
and other stakeholders. Monitoring of Forest and Biodiversity Protection was strengthened
through the LAWIN System and improvement/rehabilitation of Forest Product and Mineral
Monitoring Stations. To intensify the forest protection and eradicate illegal activities, a total of
___________ kilometers of forest patrol within the forest conservation areas were
accomplished carried out by _________ organic Forest Rangers and 18 and 30 hired Forest
Protection Officers per approved GAA and funds thru SAA downloaded by Central Office
and said activities were efficiently conducted thru the provisions of gadgets and motorcycles.
Correspondingly, a total of ____ threats were recorded such as ________ wherein ____ or
___% of these were immediately addressed by the concerned CENRO. Despite the efforts
on extensive forest protection, there are still a number of illegal activities involving the
transport of forest products without permission from the authorities as such the province has
_______ apprehension incidents with a volume of __________ board feet in assorted
dimensions of logs, flitches and lumber of which _________% are naturally grown species,
________ rattan poles, 32 bunches of firewood and these were on board in the _____
conveyances with a total estimated value of ______________ and _______________. Also,
a total of ________ units of equipment/implements consisting chainsaw with a total
estimated value of ___________. In response to this, _______ were immediately conducted
with adjudication and cases filed.
 Comparative number of apprehensions from CY 2020 and 2021 (Nitaas or nigamay)
results nganung taas or nigamay ang incidents.
 Unsay mga threats ang na observeds, kung mahimo naay indicators species
Under the Enhanced Biodiversity Conservation activities, including the establishment of
Protected Area through the conduct of PASA in Mt. Lumot of Gingoog City wherein the
specific output was the preparation of map with Technical Description and the said proposed
PA has an area of ___________ hectares. On the conduct of Demarcation of Boundaries
within the Mt. Balatukan RNP, 31 monuments were established within the identified corners
with 21 signages installed per GAA approved and funds under SAA downloaded by Central
Office, 14 and 58 monuments were established within the PA corner of Initao-Libertad
Protected Landscape and Seascape, Mimbilisan Protected Landscape with 58 and 15
signages installed, respectively. Out of 6 Barangays conducted with SRPAO in Mt.
Balatukan RNP, only _______ were conducted with the actual survey of occupants
considering that the _______ barangays were inhabited verified through the issuance of
Resolution of No Occupants from the respective Barangays. Results of the survey showed
that there are _______ households inside the PA with a population of ________ local IPs
and _____ tenured migrants. The total area occupied (farm lot + home lot) by the IP
members is __________ hectares. For PA Habitat Protection, 5 Bantay Lasang were hired
distributed to Initao-Libertad PLS, Mt. Balatukan RNP, and Mimbilisan PL, who were
responsible for the conduct of patrolling and monitoring to ensure that there were no illegal
activities undertaken in the protected areas. Assisted also the conduct of the Biodiversity
Monitoring Survey (BMS) and CEPA. Regular conduct of BMS was undertaken quarterly in
order to determine the condition of natural resources in PAs and field observation revealed
__________________________________. For PAMB Operationalization, meeting with
Local Chief Executive of Cugman was conducted for the organization Cugman-Catanico
Protected Landscape wherein ____ resolution were submitted for
_______________________________. Also, 12 PAMB meetings were regularly conducted
for 3 legislative PAs in the province, wherein 29 resolutions were approved and submitted
and ____% of __________________________. For the Formulation of Ecotourism
Management Plan for Mt. Balatukan RNP, the plan disclosed the proposed activities for
sustainable ecotourism management by which were presented and approved by PAMB.
Ecotourism Facilities were also maintained for the perpetuation of services of the said

For Management of Caves and Cave Resources, activities involved preparation of Cave
Management Plan of the 3 caves inside Initao-Libertad PL namely; Swiflet Cave, Liza Cave,
and Bat Cave. The said plan__________________________________________________.

The Conservation of Wildlife Resources includes the Conservation of identified

Threatened Species found in the province namely the Philippine Eagle, Marine Turtles,
and Tarsier wherein nesting site and population were quarterly monitored with CEPA
conducted. For Philippine Eagle, ___________ nesting site and ____________ for marine
turtles found in ____________ . For tarsier population________________________,
Further, 2 Critical Habitat Establishment and Management Implemented in Magsaysay for
Pawikan and Sailfin Lizard in Jasaan, Misamis Oriental. These plans
The Scaling-up of Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Program activities includes the
monitoring of Corals and Seagrass in Initao-Libertad PLS wherein for the coral assessments
76.57 hectares were validated within 3 sampling sites and a 50-meter transect was laid
parallel to the shoreline. Results for the corals monitoring revealed that the protected area is
endowed with a mean cover of 53% which is categorized as excellent under Technical
Bulletin (TB) No. 2017-05 and TB No. 2019-04 which are influenced by the increasing cover
of coral recruits in Strict Protected and Multiple Zones. This indicates the positive effect of
the establishment of coral restoration sites. 3.90 hectares of seagrass have been assessed
in which results revealed that the protected area has an existing seagrass cover of 57.01%
from 62.18% from the CY 2020 assessment. The decline of the ecosystem cover is
influenced by high turbidity and sedimentation due to high wave amplitude and frequency.
Nevertheless, the protected area is still relatively “good” based on TB No. 2019-04
considering that there were 7 seagrass species present in the area which include
Cymodocea rotundata, Enhalus acoroides, Halodule pinifolia, Halophipa ovalis, Syringodium
isoetifolium, Thalassia hemprichii, and Halophila minor. There was also the presence of
seaweeds associate species which include the Gracillaria spp., Caulerpa spp., Sargassum
spp., Galaxaura spp., Valonia spp., and other seaweed species which is considered as one
of the common underwater habitats that provide an essential role particularly in the
protection and production on both ecologically and economically important marine species.

For the Water Quality Monitoring

On Marine Protected Area Network Strengthening, regular quarterly meetings have been
conducted with the Gingoog Bay Alliance Board through the online platform to harmonize
ordinances and resolutions. Capacity Building was also conducted among network members
and competency assessment which results disclosed __________________. The various
plan has been formulated such as sustainable financing and monitoring and evaluation as
well as the adoption of the Network Management Plan.
The Maintenance and protection of coastal and marine ecosystems implemented in
Initao Libertad PLS include the conduct of coral restoration site monitoring, patrolling within
the Strict Protected Zone (SPZ) and Multiple-Use Zone. The results of validation reveal the
coral cover has increased from 47% in the (1st quarter; excellent) to 54.7% (4th quarter;
excellent). It is observed that the increase of cover within restoration sites is influenced by
the proliferation of branching corals. A total of 19 families with 65 reef-associated fishes
were identified having a mean projected density of 1598.6 individuals in the coral restoration
site and biomass of 18.5 metric tons per 1000 square kilometers (100 hectares). The result
of medium and moderate fish stock classification is an indication of the positive outcome of
coral restoration establishments to the population dynamics of these reef-associated fishes.

On the provision of Technical Assistance, Mainstreaming of ICM to the CLUP and the
CDP of the Municipality of Initao were assisted in the conduct of inventory and mapping of
the river system contributed to Initao Libertad PLS and mainstreaming the ICM based on
their existing CLUP. Also, the municipality of Libertad and Gitagum were provided with the
technical extension on the conduct of detailed coastal and marine habitat assessment and
drafting the Municipal Integrated Coastal Management Plan (ICMP).
For the Conduct of CEPA activities using the developed flagship, the Initao-Libertad PLS
have conducted
On the Conduct of Regular Special Events related to coastal and marine protection,
conservation, and management, the province has conducted 5 special events in coordination
with the Regional Office and CENROs such as World Wetland Day, Water Day, Month of the
Ocean (MOO), Coral Triangle International (CTI), and International Coastal Cleanup (ICC).
simultaneous cleanup was conducted to promote ocean protection and conservation through
addressing the marine litter, solid waste, and other marine debris, CEPA, and poster
dissemination/distribution within the coastal barangays.

The implementation of Improved Land Administration and Management, ___________ lots

were Surveyed and Approved with an area of _____________ hectares for residential and
___________ with an area________ of hectares for agricultural. For the Issuance of Patents
______ lots for agricultural and ________ lots for residential with an area of _____ and
_______, respectively. __________ approved and submitted to ROD for Special Patents
and ________ for Miscellaneous Sales with an area of______.

Other activities involve are the conduct of Rapid Land Tenure Assessment of which
strengthening partnership with the Local Unit Government of El Salvador City were done
through Memorandum of Agreement relative to the acceleration of land titling thru the RLTA.
Also, 11 cases on land dispute cases with claims and conflicts were successfully resolved.
On land records maintenance, _______ new PLAs have successfully scanned and encoded
within LAMS PLA.

On the implementation of Adaptive Capacities of Human Communities and Natural System

Improved, Updating of Watershed Characterization with Vulnerability Assessment has been
conducted for Gingoog Watershed.
For the Support to Operation activities, the Municipality of Kinoguitan and Sugbongcogon
have been assisted in the Formulation of the Forest Land Use Plan (FLUP) and for the
Adoption, the Municipalities involved were Alubijid, Opol, Initao, Medina, and Salay. Further,
6 CBFM POs were also assisted in the formulation of the Community Resource
Management Framework (CRMF) with 5 Year Work and Financial Plan incorporating the
generated Maps.

Financial Accomplishment
The financial performance under Current Appropriation, PENRO Misamis Oriental has total
allotment of PHP ______________, obligated _______________equivalent to ______% and
disbursement ____________equivalent to __________ based on the revised Financial
Targets. The allotment of Continuing Appropriation amounting to ___________ was already
obligated and disbursed equivalent to _______% utilization.

For Co-Based__________________

For INREMP________________________

Initao-Libertad Protected Landscape and Seascape (ILPLS)

Initao, Misamis Oriental
III. Operating and Financial Highlights of Accomplishments
A. General Administrative Support Services (GASS)

a. Personnel Management

Manpower Complement

The Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office of Misamis Oriental and
it's two CENR Offices have a competitive and proficient workforce which is capable
of carrying out targets at the same time capable of accomplishing the short-term and
long-term objectives and goals of the organization.
b. General Services

Updating of
PAR and ICS Database

- Records Management
'Active and Inactive
- 100% of communications mailed, delivered, and disseminated (no.)
- Freedom of Information provincial report submitted to

c. Procurement Services

d. Budget/Finance Management

Processing of Vouchers




JAN and Numbering
MAY for all claims
e. Human Resource Development

PENRO Misamis Oriental Office adopt to the Civil Service Commission’s Coaching and
Mentoring Program as a powerful tool to assess and develop the employee’s skills and
knowledge. These activities are of utmost importance as part of the Program to
Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in the Human Resource Management (PRIME-
HRM) requirements.

B. Support to Operations
C. 10 Priority Programs

Enhanced National Greening Program

 Site Assessment

For CY 2021 PENRO Misamis Oriental has a total target of 450 hectares. The
450 hectares both were distributed to the 2 CENROs Gingoog which have 300
hectares target and CENRO Initao 150 hectares. SMP anchored the activities of Soil
Sampling based on the FMB Technical Bulletin No. 1-B.

 Seedling Production
Twenty Partnered People’s Organization has accomplished the target for
seedling production of 196,586 seedlings comprising various commodities to include
timber, high-valued crops (coffee), fruit trees, and bamboo species. Among these
commodities, timber has the high seedlings produced with 234,906.00 (71%), Coffee
with 45,000 (14%), Fruit trees with 25,250 (8%), and 22,848 (7%) Bamboo,


328,004 22,848

 Site Preparation and Planting

Site preparation was being done by the direct project beneficiaries of the PO,
and BLGU contractors with technical assistance from the concerned Extension
Officer assigned in the area. A total of 563 hectares established plantations
comprising of 393 hectares under the regular target and 170 hectares for the central
office-based target which were planted with various commodities. Timber commodity
comprises 25% of the total area planted 141 hectares, 27% or 152 hectares for
bamboo, agroforestry 9% or 50.50 hectares, coffee 25% or 140 hectares, and 14% or
80 hectares for cacao.

CY 2021
152 Plantation Establishment
141 140
100  Mai
80 ntena
80 nce
60 and
40 50.5
Timber Bamboo Coffee Agroforestry Cacao

Maintenance and protection are
considered contributors to the good
survival of the plantation. Activities
include strip brushing, ring wedding/clear
brushing, replanting, fertilizer application,
and protection against fire and other
destructions. These activities are
essential for the plantations to attain a
high survival rate with good quality.
Projects under maintenance and
protection include 2019, 2020, and 2021
established ENGP plantations with a total area of 1,373.50 hectares wherein 393.50
hectares for Year 1, Year 2 with 880 hectares, and 100 hectares for Year 3,
respectively. The established plantations were maintained by partnered People’s
Organization (POs) based on the activities stipulated in their respective
Implementation/Operational Plan for Calendar Year 2021 thru the family approach.



10 9
2021 2020 2019

Gingoog Initao

NGP activities are implemented by
People’s Organization (PO) through a
Memorandum of Agreement. For CY-
2021, PENRO Misamis Oriental,
Executed a total of 60 agreements. 26
MOAs were executed new plantations,
which constitutes the seedling
production, site preparation and planting,
and first pass maintenance activities. On
maintenance and protection, 34
LOAs/MOAs were executed, of which, 32
are for Year 2 (2020) and 2 are for Year
3 (2019) plantations.
Maintenance and Protection of
Seed Production Area

Seed Production Area (SPA) was established in CY 2013 at Mapawa, Cugman, Cagayan de
Oro City. The Maintenance and Protection of SPA were undertaken before by the
Environmental Research and Development Bureau (ERDB) but in CY 2018 it was turned-
over to the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) of Misamis
The SPA has 931 Individual Plus Trees (IPT) before and has three cluster areas namely,
cluster one (1), two (2) and three (3) having IPTs of 593, 221 and 117, respectively. But in
CY 2019, pursuant to Special Order No. 091-2019 issued by the PENR Officer of PENRO
Misamis Oriental, reassessment of the IPTs was conducted following the guidelines and
criteria indicated in Department of Environment and Natural Resources Administrative Order
(DAO) No. 2010-11. After the reassessment, the number of IPTs was reduced to 804 IPTs.
New cluster area was also created called cluster two expansion.
The updated number of IPTs in the SPA was 804 with four cluster areas. The highest
number of IPTs were found in cluster one with 506 IPTs followed by cluster two, cluster three
and cluster two expansion with 149, 108 and 41 IPTs, respectively (figure 1).

 Seed Collection

Collection of seeds was done through

climbing and ground picking. But most of
the time, ground picking was preferred
since there were no climbing materials or
equipment available.
From January to December 2021, a total
of 19.783 kg of seeds were collected
from the SPA. The highest was on the
month of May with 4.55 kg followed by
the month of February with 4.133 kg.
The lowest was on the month of October
with 0.22 kg of seeds (figure 2). The months of May and February have the highest collected
seed weights since the species collected on these months have bigger seeds compared to
those species collected on the other months.





2.0 4.13

1.0 2.04 1.81
1.15 1.36
0.5 1 1.02
0.22 0.32
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weights of Seeds Collected on each Months

The species with the highest quantity of seeds collected in terms of weight was Myristica
philippines with 5.64 kg followed by Dracontomelon dao and Terminalia microcarpa with 2.80
kg and 2.69 kg, respectively. These seeds were categorized as big seeds. Eucalyptus
deglupta was the lowest and it falls on fine seeds category (figure 3).
6.00 5.64

4.00 3.
3.00 2.80 2.69

2.00 1.71 1.64


1.00 0.77 0.77 0.56 0.55 0.55

0.53 0.49 0.36 0.30
0.18 0.10 0.08 0.08
is o a s ia a la ra ta a s m oi n a s a ta
e ns n da carp osu fol gian isty iflo ora nfus dicu riu anc ma und uniu mos lup
n n ti v v n cto bl a
s rib a b ce eg
pi elo cro ne rra an re ar od co s i s a o d
i lip om mi s ve se pen a b ex p nga dia rpu tin rpu ane a fl sm ia ra us
ph t
n li a u a a n
e Vi t a o a m a g e d t
p n li n Ev roc biu oc am ru tid an lyp
ca aco ina car olo ide laus Ca e rt S Ga An R ca
ir sti Dr rm ato C Br C Pt cym A Eu
y Te Par o
M t er

Weights of Seeds Collected per Species

Figure 4. Weights of Seeds Sowed, Stored, Subjected to Germination Test, and Submitted to ERDB
and DENR Region 10 Office.

 Sowed Seeds
Quantity of sowed seeds was highest on the months of July and October with 3.78 kg and
3.39 kg, respectively (figure 5). Sowing of seeds was conducted in the nursery. Direct
seeding on the bags was the used method for those seeds categorized as big and medium
seeds like for the seeds of Myristica philippinensis, Terminalia microcarpa and
Dracontomelon dao. While, broadcast method was used on fine seeds like for the seeds of
Eucalyptus deglupta.

Figure 5. Sowed seeds per Month

Figure 6. Seeds Submitted to ERDB and DENR Region 10 Office and Seed Library

 Germination Test
Testing of the germination capacity of seeds collected from the SPA started in the
month of August 2021 up to December 2021. During these months, a total of six species has
been tested with Clausena brevistyla having the highest germination capacity of 66% (table
1). The purpose of the germination test is to determine the maximum germination potential of
a particular batch of seeds collected.
Table 1. Average Germination Percentage

 Seedlings Raised and Seedling Disposition

For CY 2021, a total of 9,393 seedlings were potted. Also, for CY 2020, 9,640
seedlings have been raised in the nursery. Overall, there were a total of 19,033 seedlings in
the nursery when CY 2020 and 2019 potted and raised seedlings combined. However, 3,353
seedlings were also disposed to requestors making the total raised seedlings, as of
December 2020, to 15,680. The highest number of seedlings raised in the nursery was
Pterocarpus indicus (3,681 seedlings) followed by Terminalia macrocarpa (2,138 seedlings)
(figure 8).

Figure 7. Number of Seedlings Raised in the Nursery

 Phenology Calendar
The phenology calendar of the 804 Individual Plus Trees (IPTs) of PENRO Misamis
Oriental was updated every month. The highest number of IPTs with mature fruits suitable
for harvesting was on the month of June with 104 IPTs. Likewise, the highest number of
IPTs that were undergoing fruit development was in the month of February with 144 IPTs.
Also, it was observed that the month of May has the highest number of flowering IPTs (figure

Figure 8. Number of IPTs that were Leafing, Flowering, Fruiting and have Mature Fruit

Implementation of
Family Approach
This refers to the FMB Technical No. 30 adopting the Family Approach as one of the modes
of engaging families in the National Greening Program, pursuant to DAO 2019-03 or the
Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations for Executive Order No. 193 series of 2015.
For CY 2021, PENRO Misamis Oriental has a total of 944 number of family members
involved for Established Plantations composed of Seedling Production, Plantation
Establishment, and Maintenance and Protection (Year 1).
Reforestation Plan for Gahub
River Watershed

Map of the Proposed 5-Year Reforestation Plan

Gahub River is one of the

Map of the Proposed Development and Existing NGP Sites identified five (5) major rivers in
Gingoog City. It has an estimated
length of 40,993 meters stretched
within Gahub Watershed. There
are sixteen (16) barangays who
were identified as partners in the
implementation of this plan. To
sustainably manage and
rehabilitate Gahub River
Watershed, a total of 2,505
hectares is proposed to be
developed and rehabilitated within
five years though River Bank
Rehabilitation, Assisted Natural
Regeneration, Enrichment
Planting, Tree Plantation and Agro-
Forestry. The DENR together with
the local stakeholders identified
target species/commodities to be used and included in the Plan indigenous species such as
Sagimsim, Tagnato, and Lauan. Timber species like Narra, Bagras, and Falcata are also
considered. While High-Valued Crops and Fruit trees like Rubber, Cacao, Coffee, Durian,
Mangosteen, Lansones, and Rambutan were also identified. Other miscellaneous
species/commodities are Giant Bamboos, Antipolo, Banyan, Talisay, Nipa, Banana, and
Oolong Tea. This will be implemented through engaging the participation of the local
communities and organized Peoples organizations. The total budgetary requirement for the
implementation of this Plan is Php 75,314,530.

Land Cover Map of Gahub River

Intensified Forest Protection
and Anti-Illegal Logging

Lawin Patrol Accomplishment (Kilometers) based on Patrol Plan

160 161

120 123
106 104
80 82 83
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

Target Accomp

-insert analysis
Apprehension of undocumented Forest Products



0 2 4 6 8 10 12


Naturally Grown

30, 250.03 board feet
Estimated Value:
Php 1,102,094.90


8,254.00 board feet
Estimated Value:
Php 74,392.70

9 Units of Conveyances
Estimated Value: Php 2,840, 000
Motoposh Motor Cycle
KIA Bongo
Mazda Double Cab
Mitsubishi Canter

7 Units of STIHL Chainsaw Equipment's

Estimated Value: Php 600,000
Improved Land Administration
and Management
-Improved Land Administration and Management
-Enhanced Biodiversity Conservation
2. Adaptive Capacities
- Adaptive Capacities
4. GAD
5. Co-based Targets
D. Financial Statements (Allotment, Obligation, and Disbursement)

IV. Policy and Implementation Issues and Actions Taken

V. Tables and Annexes

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