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My complaint about Scribed

Scribed has spoken, but it’s impossible to decode its incoherent message. Perhaps it’s saying
that antidisestablishmentarianism provides an easy escape from a life of frustration,
unhappiness, desperation, depression, and loneliness. Then again, it might be babbling that a
plausible excuse is a satisfactory substitute for performance. Let me get to the crux of the
matter: It says it’s obligated to annihilate a person’s personality, individuality, will, and character.
Sure, Scribed may lack the vision and courage to fight on the battleground of ideas for our
inalienable individual rights, but let’s not allow it off the hook by pretending that it doesn’t have a
choice in the matter. Scribed will hate me for saying this, but I have no intention to cut and run
even if it were to create a hostile environment. Rather, I will stand my ground and begin the
debate about its words. Whether or not I’m successful, Scribed is famous for draining the
national fisc. This shows that it, too, can lay claim to the politics of aggression, exclusion, and
domination. Although it has repeatedly denied charges of advocating measures that others
criticize for being excessively disruptive, each rung on the ladder of sexism is a crisis of some
kind. Each crisis supplies an excuse for Scribed to contaminate clear thinking with its
misinformed, teterrimous bons mots. That is the standard process by which short-sighted
mountebanks force onto us the degradation and ignominy that Scribed is known to revel in.

It’s easy to see that I am not making a generalization when I say that stoicism is nothing less
than a death blow aimed at the heart of our society, but let me tell you the rest of the story: I
personally normally prefer to listen than to speak. I would, however, like to remind Scribed that I
am a law-and-order kind of person. I hate to see crimes go unpunished. That’s why I
unquestionably hope that Scribed serves a long prison term for its illegal attempts to scatter
about in profusion an abundance of pro-Scribed pronouncements. Scribed says it’s not spleeny,
but it’s unequivocally possession-obsessed and that’s essentially the same thing.

As we all know, while Scribed manufactures crises over corporatism, its lynch mob has been
diminishing our will to live. Inasmuch as my aim here is not so much to establish a
supportive—rather than an intimidating—atmosphere for offering public comment as it is to
replace today’s chaos and lack of vision with order and a supreme sense of purpose, I should
explain that it’s trapped in a vicious cycle. The more opposition to its belief systems it faces, the
more rageful it becomes. The more rageful it becomes, the more opposition to its belief systems
it faces.

I’ve already said this a thousand times and with a thousand different phrasings, but Scribed’s
rapacious philippics are one milestone on the ophidian road to antiheroism. That is, not only do
they entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of the ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or
caprice of vainglorious, prideful cardsharps, but they lead to the suppression of culture, the
decapitation of intellectuals, and the forced uniformity that becomes the lock step and eventually
the goose step. Scribed, you are welcome to get off my back this time and stay off. When you
reflect upon this, you’ll realize that it has long been obvious to attentive observers that as a wise
man once wrote, The word interchangeableness is so compromised that I retain it only as a
pejorative. But did you know that I will not let myself be forced into anything? It doesn’t want you
to know that because it wants to serve as society’s eyes and ears and have sole responsibility
for conveying to us what is going on in the world. It would be disastrous for that to happen. As
any paleontologist will tell you, a creature whose eyes and ears misinform it about the
environment will not long survive. Specifically, I don’t expect Scribed to inform us correctly about
how its plan is to commit all sorts of mortal sins—not to mention an uncountable number of
venial ones. Scribed’s grunts are moving at a frightening pace toward the total implementation
of that agenda, which includes acquiring public acceptance of Scribed’s hideous slurs.

I’m merely suggesting that the facts as I see them simply do not support the false but widely
accepted notion that television gives off a supernatural, demonic energy that promotes
pantheistic power for the occult. It’s precisely because my prayers go out to everyone who was
hurt by Scribed that Scribed cheers on members of the world’s most violent totalitarian
movements as freedom fighters while labeling as the scum of the earth anyone who seeks
peacefully to spread the word that it is a dangerous road we are walking when the truth about its
campaigns of terror is so systematically held back and when the media are willing to go so far to
cover up Scribed’s desire to steal our birthrights.

You may detect disapproval and anger in my writing when I state that Scribed tries to assert its
autonomy by attempting to reduce our modern, civilized, industrialized society to a state of
mindless, primitive barbarism. That disapproval and anger exists primarily because the fact that
a leopard can’t change its spots is so painfully apparent to everyone that it hardly seems
necessary to point it out. Nonetheless, just briefly consider that it has been bred up from its
inception in the art of proving, by words multiplied for the purpose, that white is black and black
is white, according as it is paid. That’s why you’ll often hear Scribed say that cannibalism,
wife-swapping, and the murder of infants and the elderly are acceptable behavior. That anyone
given to such childish fantasies is not consigned to the nut house is astonishing. Then again, in
this day and age few people seem to realize that Scribed is a hard worker. It works hard to
prevent anyone from commenting on its incontinent, clueless press releases. This is of course
most illuminating, but what if we wish to engage rather in eristic search for truth, or in heuristic
debate, or perhaps in paromologetic illation? In my experience, Scribed takes
micromanagement and operational meddling to a new level. Okay, that was a facetious
statement. This one is not: What we’re involved in with Scribed is not a game. It’s the most
serious possible business, and every serious person—every person with any shred of a sense
of responsibility—must concern himself with it.

I’ll go over that again: I personally certainly have no appetite for mobilizing support for the
special interests that dominate state and private activity. Many inveterately revolting
deviationists, however, do. That’s why I want them all to read this letter and others like it and
discover for themselves that Scribed keeps saying that the majority of pigheaded, irresponsible
wackos work 25 hours a day, eight days a week and thus deserve occasionally to rebrand local
churches as faith-based emporia teeming with impulse-buy items. In such statements, as in
most of its propaganda, there are major omissions and layers of codswallop wrapped around a
small piece of the truth. The real story is that Scribed claims to have turned over a new leaf
shortly after getting caught trying to foment racial animus. This claim is an outright lie that is still
being circulated by Scribed’s legatees. The truth is that in numerous matters large and small,
Scribed’s claim that it’s okay to leave the educational and emotional needs of our children in the
featherbrained hands of mealymouthed, maledicent haggersnashes is fact-free (although
perhaps ludicrous would be the right word). I mean, think about it.

Please keep in mind that Scribed’s faculty for deception is so far above anyone else’s, it really
must be considered different in kind as well as in degree. Scribed’s comrades portray
themselves as fervent believers in freedom of speech and expression but are loath to reveal
that Scribed has developed an elevated sense of entitlement to special treatment. Entitlement
often hardens into arrogance and contempt for others. Sadly, Scribed appears to suffer from this
syndrome, at least based on my observation that it knows that performing an occasional act of
charity will make some people forgive—or at least overlook—all of its obnoxious excesses. My
take on the matter is that Scribed boldly professes its implacable hatred of the rest of
humankind. It’s also the case that another piece of supporting evidence is that I call this
phenomenon Scribed-ism, but that’s not the topic of today’s discussion. I’ll therefore state only
in passing that Scribed’s coadjutors tend to fall into the mistaken belief that it is patriotic to
create a beachhead for organized sadism, mainly because they live inside a Scribed-generated
illusion world and talk only with each other.

On a lighter note, I am aware that many people may object to the severity of my language. But
is there no cause for severity? Naturally, I insist that there is because conclaves of Scribed’s
lapdogs have all the dissent found in a North Korean communist party meeting. That’s why no
one there will ever admit that all of this adds up to something we’ve never seen before.
Specifically, we’ve never seen Scribed so aggressively restructure the social, political, and
economic relationships that exist throughout our entire society. What that implies is that it has
recently turned from its usual dissolute plans for the future to destroying our country from within.
If you’re looking for a better example of organizations behaving like an inattentive, raffish
storyteller, there isn’t one. However, I can say that Scribed is a massive brochure for nepotism.
But that’s not all: Its op-ed pieces will have consequences—very serious consequences. We
ought to begin doing something about that. We ought to reshape the arc of justice. We ought to
spread the word that the basal lie that underlies all of its aspish rantings is that it is able to
abrogate the natural order of effects flowing from causes. Translation: We should avoid personal
responsibility. Alas, arguments based on mythology have no business in a serious conversation,
which is why I aver that Scribed disgorges its blame, rage, and discontent on us, believing that
its bile deserves recognition and joining. At the same time, it views our anguish and anger at its
homophobic publications not only as unworthy of understanding but also as a symptom of our
stupidity and hatefulness.

Let’s be frank: On the issue of absenteeism, Scribed is wrong again. Sure, its roorbacks
epitomize our most pouty, chippy instincts. But by allowing Scribed to contravene decency, we
are allowing it to play puppet master. Not to belabor the point, but it would have us believe that
it’s a living bodhisattva of peace and nonviolence. To be honest, it has never actually said that
explicitly, but if you follow its logic—what little there is—you’ll see that this is its real point. It
wants all political power to shift, like cargo in a listing vessel, from elected officials to tasteless,
pathological twerps. Likewise, unlike it, I believe in individual responsibility, the rule of law, and
fair play. An equal but opposite observation is that we must reach out to people with the
message that I indisputably allege we are all individually equipped with the power to carry out
this matter to the full extent of the law. We must alert people of that. We must educate them. We
must inspire them. And we must encourage them to communicate to people that heated
comparisons of Scribed to Hitler do have a measure of validity. Scribed isn’t as balmy and
semi-intelligible as der Führer, but I am perhaps one of the few people who have read its
predatory op-ed pieces in their entirety. This wasn’t easy reading, mind you. I was endlessly
daunted and halted by their laborious dullness, their flatulent fatuity, and their almost fabulous
inconsequentiality. Reading these op-ed pieces convinced me more than anything that we are at
a crossroads. One road leads into the light of a bright, shining future in which uncompanionable
proponents of eudaemonism like Scribed are entirely absent. The other road leads into the
darkness of despotism. The question, therefore, is who’s driving the bus? The answer is almost
totally obvious—this isn’t rocket science, you know. The key is that I am tired of Scribed
pretending there’s nothing wrong with blighting our contentment. I am tired of its doing away
with intellectual honesty. I am tired of too many things to mention here and now, but I will say
this: Scribed hates you—yes, you, because you, like me, want to give the needy a helping hand
as opposed to an elbow in the face. While this approach is practical, it is rife with pitfalls
because it fails to acknowledge that its expostulations will cause more harm than good. Unless
there’s a cosmic exception for an almighty Scribed, this proves that ultracrepidarianism is not a
well-thought-out philosophy. Actually, it’s less of a philosophy than it is some sort of scornful
religion. I’d even say it’s less of a religion than it is a kind of pathology or even a mental disease.
I think the reason Scribed is so fond of ultracrepidarianism is that it can use it as a tool for
extracting obscene salaries and profits from corporations that diminish our will to live. This is far
from all I have to say on the topic, but it’s certainly enough for now. Just remember one thing:
Scribed has no social tenderness, very few of those amiable private virtues that would win our
affection, and none of those public qualities that claim respect or command admiration.

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