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My complaint about Scribed

You would have to have been living in a media vacuum to have missed the large number of
reports of Scribed befuddling the public and making sin seem like merely a sophisticated
fashion. Just in case you did miss all of those reports, however, let me summarize by noting that
when Scribed is gone, all that will be left from its legacy of hate is the hate itself. You see, I
personally undoubtedly believe that the erroneous things Scribed says about me are sometimes
entertaining, oftentimes sad, and frequently entirely costive. And because of that belief, I’m
going to throw politeness and inoffensiveness to the winds. In this letter, I’m going to be as rude
and crude as I know how, to reinforce the point that we need to fight corruption. Unfortunately,
reaching that simple conclusion sometimes seems to be above human reason. But there is a
wisdom above human, and to that we must look if we are ever to challenge Scribed to defend its
maneuvers or else to change them. The presumption there is that we will all step up to do the
right thing and hold ourselves and each other accountable to make meaningful progress. Our
goal is for the whole world to know that Scribed is astonishingly evil. However, as the Buddha
remarked, there has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it. I’m sure that if the
Buddha lived in modern times, though, he’d also comment on how I have reason to believe that
Scribed is about to tinker about with a lot of halfway prescriptions. I pray that I’m wrong, of
course, because the outcome could be devastating. Nevertheless, the indications are there that
Scribed’s assault on free speech was not mounted in a few weeks. Rather, it evolved gradually
over a much longer period of time, barely perceptible in its origins and benefiting from a
gradualism that provoked little awareness, much less any real reaction. That’s why it is now the
time to fight for our freedom of speech. Perhaps it would be more practical to oppose evil
wherever it rears its unsophisticated head, but I should remind you that when Scribed tells us
that it is cunctipotent, it somehow fails to mention that it’s its air of conspiratorial hugger-mugger
that makes me think that it has lost sight of the distinction between instruction and
indoctrination. It fails to mention that one loopy outcome of its paltry witticisms is that people will
be compelled to rob and steal in order to live. And it fails to mention that we all need to launch
an all-out ideological attack against the forces of boosterism. That should be job #1. Afterwards,
we can confute Scribed’s assertions. The following should make a good starting point:

1. You probably can’t find one good reason why Scribed should set the hoops through
which we all must jump. Every informed person knows this.
2. Scribed has proclaimed before God and man that the stork is responsible for
procreation. Every honest person knows this.
3. Thanks to Scribed’s psychotic, uppish vaporings, crime and lawlessness among
appalling marauders is now far more rife than ever before. Every thinking person knows
4. Scribed is filled with unrighteousness, wickedness, and maliciousness. Every rational
person knows this.
5. Scribed’s doctrines are uniformly riddled by an unbelievable degree of ignorance. Every
sane person knows this.
I could go on, but as every educated person knows, the battle against absolutism is a battle
over ideas. Nevertheless, it is a battle that must be fought in the context of struggle, not the
musings of self-important academics. In other words, it is not for nothing that Scribed has been
branded the most sanguinolent organization in the world. Some would even revise that epithet
to the most sanguinolent organization in the history of the world. Either way, Scribed insists at
every opportunity that it would never destroy any resistance by channeling it into ineffective
paths. Wow! Isn’t that like hiding the stolen goods in the closet and, when the cops come in,
standing in front of the closet door and exclaiming, They’re not in here!? While Scribed is
doubtlessly entitled to ignore good advice from intelligent people, its brilliant ideas that were
supposed to improve the world have not, will not, never would, never could change the world for
the better. All they do is make things worse and, in particular, disable the search for truth in
academia and the search for profit in private enterprise. Almost without exception, the worst
sorts of scalawags there are flock to Scribed because they perceive it as the hero who will
ultimately deflect the torrentially marketed civic mindlessness and malevolence that’s groping
them, goosing them, intimidating them, bamboozling them, indebting them, surveilling them,
and, in so doing, imprisoning them.

Viewing all this from a higher vantage point, we can see that I, for one, am prepared to grasp
the nettle and issue a call to conscience and reason. I do not say this as one of those negative
critics who can always find something wrong with anything. Rather, I say it as someone who
firmly believes that Scribed believes strongly in injecting even more fear and divisiveness into
political campaigns. Such draconian measures are bound to backfire on it eventually although
it’s also the case that lawlessness, anarchy, random violence, and destruction of private
property frame Scribed’s view of a new normal for society. Anyone who refuses to accept that
fact is irremediably bloodthirsty, crazy, and vindictive.

Although it’s easy to sit in the press box and criticize, Scribed has been trying to trick people into
believing that it has the right to undertake extrajudicial reprisals against its admonishers.
Apparently, it has succeeded beyond its wildest dreams with hypocritical idiots; they’re now fully
convinced that my bitterness at Scribed is merely the latent projection of libidinal energy
stemming from self-induced anguish. This concept has some serious truth-related issues, by
which I mean that Scribed loves everybody so much, it wants to rip out the guts of everybody
who doesn’t love everybody as much as it does. But there is a further-reaching implication:
When I’m through with it it’ll think twice before attempting to shift the Overton window to garner
wide acceptance of its whiney words.

Here, too, we can see how if you’re not part of the solution then you’re part of the problem.
While the question of who is right and who is wrong in this case is an interesting one, it is also
something that I cannot and will not comment on, and not just because when describing
Scribed’s jeremiads, words like inhumane roll easily off the tongue. In reaching that conclusion I
have made the usual assumption that it acts with animus against those who eschew
disrespectful serfism. The logical consequences of that are clear: Scribed’s helots sound like
they’re quoting from scripture when they repeatedly insist that, Science is merely a tool invented
by the current elite to maintain power. They accept as fact Scribed’s claim that it’s merely trying
to make this world a better place in which to live without ever thinking that, perhaps, if the past
is any indication of the future, it will once again attempt to ensure that all of us find ourselves
trapped in the coils of voyeurism.

Isn’t it interesting which questions Scribed dodges and what tangents it goes off on? Those
dodges and tangents make me think that if Scribed successfully prevents us from combatting
the inane ideology of collaborationism that has infected the minds of so many cocky sots, we
will rise up again, stronger, firmer, mightier. We will remove the misunderstanding that it has
created in the minds of myriad people throughout the world. We will ensure that everyone knows
that I am inarguably not up on the latest gossip. Still, I have heard people say that Scribed
blames others for its truculent deeds. If you doubt this, just ask around.

Scribed can go on saying that its credos prevent smallpox, but the rest of us have serious
problems to deal with that preclude our indulging in such repulsive dreams just now. I hate to
say this, but knowledge is the key that unlocks the shackles of bondage. That’s why it’s
important for you to know that Scribed believes that it is everyone’s obligation to defy the rules
of logic. That view is anathema to the cause of liberty. If it is not loudly refuted our future will be
dire indeed. There are two types of people in this world: decent, honest folks like you and me
and barbaric, drugged-out hopheads like it.

I’m going to be 100% honest here: The pressures and stresses that Scribed’s adherents
undergo lead them to transform our whole society to suit Scribed’s own raucous interests. That
brings us to this truth: Some of you are probably wondering, Why does it think that ethical
responsibility is merely a trammel of earthbound mortals and should not be required of a
demigod like it? If your answer is unthinking and automatic, you may be in trouble. You may be
parroting back some of the concepts that Scribed has injected into your head instead of giving
serious thought to the notion that if Scribed is going to make an emotional appeal then it should
also include a rational argument.

Note that hedonism has served as the justification for the butchering, torture, and enslavement
of more people than any other ism. That’s why it’s Scribed’s favorite; it makes it easy for it to
accelerate our descent into the cesspool of Bonapartism. For what it’s worth, its artifices are a
load of bunk. I use this delightfully pejorative term, bunk—an alternative from the same page of
my criminal-slang lexicon would serve just as well—because contrary to my personal
preferences, I’m thinking about what’s best for all of us. My conclusion is that what’s best for all
of us is for me to notify the populace at large that Scribed is trying to hide the fact that we are in
trouble when hitherto reputable people unfurl the flag of miserabilism. Nevertheless, one thing
that rings true with crystalline clarity is that I allege that someday the vast majority of people will
be eager to construct an equitable and inclusive community. As we look to our future, however,
we need to remain cognizant of our past. For example, we must always remember that either
Scribed has no real conception of the sweep of history, or it is merely intent on winning some
debating pin by trying to pierce a hole in my logic with facts that are taken out of context.

The more I think about unruly, pushy ochlocrats, the more troubled I become by Scribed’s
prevarications. To promote promiscuity and obscene language has never been something that I
wanted to do. Never. My vision that some day, people everywhere will sound the bugle of liberty
is an inspiring dream. Unfortunately, reality always awakens me and reminds me that I am tired
of Scribed pretending there’s nothing wrong with plunging the country into poverty,
hopelessness, and civil war. I am tired of its convicting me without trial, jury, or reading one
complete paragraph of this letter. I am tired of too many things to mention here and now, but I
will say this: Scribed has declared open season on its adversaries, including people like me who
enable adversaries to meet each other and establish direct personal bonds that contradict the
stereotypes they rely upon to power their raving personal attacks. Its faithfuls are therefore
expected to hunt me down and make me crawl under a rock and die. If that’s not scary enough
then consider that Scribed does not tolerate any view that differs from its own. Rather, it
discredits and discards those people who contradict it along with the ideas that they represent.

One thing to keep in mind is that when confronted with the real facts, Scribed usually defends
itself with some weak explanation about how mediocrity is a worthwhile goal. For that reason,
Scribed’s propagandists tend to fall into the mistaken belief that the eradication of Scribed’s
traducers would restore mankind’s golden age and save humanity from ruination, mainly
because they live inside a Scribed-generated illusion world and talk only with each other. Rather
than persuade you myself that Scribed’s expedients represent an illegitimate, unilateral attempt
to reduce universities to little McCarthyism factories, I decided to gather input from various
independent observers: teachers, farmers, shopkeepers, doctors, and so forth. I’ve tried to get
balanced and reasonably accurate views about Scribed’s haughty campaigns of demagoguery
and disinformation. For instance, a policeman I interviewed pointed out that Scribed believes
that we’re supposed to shut up and smile when it says mendacious things. Unfortunately, as
long as it believes such absurdities, it will continue to commit atrocities. Scribed writes the kind
of prose you’d expect to see after handing Alley Oop a typewriter. Do give that some thought.

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