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Sidestory: Ares and Fiona


“A memory can never be brought back. If so it is merely an illusion.”


She flew as if she were an angel and landed in front of him, she began to
caress his face. He began to whisper her name. And she smiled with all her
might. She then cried with a ruined smile. He understood that it was very
painful. He took a step forward and hugged her.

She opened her eyes, it was dark and was snowing outside. SHe sat on her
bed and looked for her slippers. She stood and walked towards the window.
She opened the curtains and began to speak. . .

“WHo is she?”


A group of girls shouted when Ares passed them. As always he doesnt care.
He didnt brought any jacket with him. He passed a shy looking girl with
pigtails. She took hold of ARes’ shirt. He replied by glaring at her, but the
girl only smiled and said: “Aren’t you cold mister?”

“No im not. Thanks for the concern though.” He said attempting to leave
the girl.

“Wait mister!”

He looked at the girl. “DO you want to have my teddy? Ehe you can have it
if you want since your a nice onii-chan .. We’ve meet before right?”

The girl handed the teddy to Ares. ARes took time to answer. Then he took
the teddy.

“So I suppose your one of that boy’s friends?”

“ehe, that’s right. YOU know mister you’re really good looking. Ehe can you
please lend me you ear?”


Ares bent over so the girl would reach his ears. Then suddenly the girl kissed
Ares on the cheek. HE was very shocked. The girl ran 3 meters apart from
him. She stopped and said: “Ehe, please take good care of my teddy mister!
bye! bye.”

He looked at the child waving at him, he even looked more good looking
when he’s flushed. SOme of the girls started to shout:

“Kyah~♥ I must know his name! and his phone number!”


She was in her room, watching the snow fall from the sky. She was back to
Kyoto. She looked at the snow deply with her green eyes. Then she looked
at the people passing below her. “Not even a single familiar face *sigh*”
Then she spotted Ares without any jacket. She was a little worried about
him. She thought: “DOesn’t he feel cold? Gak!” She hides immediately at
the instant Ares looked above. She was peaking though. She saw his
handsome face. His beautiful eyes and brown hair.

“oh. what a good looking man.” she said

“I want to get a closer look.” She added. She quickly went outside of the
house and brought a jacket. She ran down the stairs until she was outside.
But unfortunately he disappeared. She sighed and looked at the road for a
long time. And then someone spoke: “WHat idleness, isn’t it?”

She looked behind her. She saw him. He was very dazzling. Her heart was
beating so fast. She didnt know what to do. He looked at her with his cold

“Kyah~! Wah! Ho. . How did you get here, I thought. . . *sigh* nevermind.
You’ve almost killed me with a heart attack tsk tsk tsk.”

“. . .As if the snow isnt willing to fall.” He said, ignoring her.

He then walked away. She was paralyzed at the second he started walking.
It took some time for her to speak.

“Umm… Arent you cold? uh, umm. .. i know it isnt my business but. BUt. .
ehe you can have my jacket if you want.”

she handed it onto space closing her eyes while bowing. he then looked
back at her. He walked towards her. He stretched out one arm forward to
be able to get the jacket.

“Thank you.” Ares said and walked away The girl slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes twinkled with happiness. SHe didnt expect him to accept her offer.

“Umm. . what’s ur name?!” She shouted Ares stopped. She then felt fear.

“My name is Ares, . .”

The girl was shocked and at the same time happy.

“Ehe, my name is Fiona! I hope we’ll meet again! ^^”

It was the first time Ares spoke and accepted something from whom he calls
“mere mortal”. he didnt even know why he accepted it. This was a
beginning of a new turmoil. he often reminisce of that time. He even kept
the jacket Fiona gave him. The meagre thought of her became much more. .
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fiona was sitting on a racking chair, between the window and the hearth. It
was already night time. She stood up and went to outside. Her heart was
beating so fast and was shocked to see Ares standing before her very eyes.
She never thought she could ever see that beautiful creature again. He
stares up above. Observing the snow whilst it falls. he looked at her over his
shoulders. He sighed and continued to walk. Fiona followed his motion with
her eyes, Her heart was again, beating very fast. She clenched her fists and
ran towards Ares. SHe didnt know why she ran. She ran wobbly, her vision
vague. Ares stopped in shock. She tripped and Ares Catched her in time.
There were there, very close to each other. Ares helped her to stand on her

“Im so sorry. I didnt know why I suddenly ran towards you. IM very very
sorry *bows*”

“It’s okay.” He said coldly.

He reached for her hands and put a blue rose there. Fiona was filled with
awe. Her heart beating louder, faster. ARes walked away. She was too
stunned to move.
“he. . He gave me a rose~! and It’s even a blue one, omigosh! I think im
going to die! Crap! He’s so handsome. THose eyes. . I love the. . . ARg! what
am i talking about?! I should thank him” “THANK YOU~!” She shouted.

He looked backed at her and smiled sheepishly. It striked her. That smile
was breath taking. The very first time she saw him smile. She was petrified.
Her heart beating so fast. She didnt believe such a beautiful person existed.
She clenched her fist. Because she has realized something.

“Am I inlove with him? Or is this just a scheme? There is no point in having
this feeling I could only keep on crying EVen if ill try had for him to love me
I know he’ll never bring back the love to me Oh, why is this happening to
me? I realized this beautiful creature could never be meant for me.”

She looked up at the sky. Thinking that ARes could never be hers. ANd never
will be. She keeps on telling herself that all she could do is treasure the
mere coincidence that she was able to meet him. . . she was contented of
that fact. It was getting colder. SO she went inside. As she opens the door.
She didn’t noticed that Ares was still standing there lookng at her. He put
his hands on his chest, clenched, he closed his eyes.

“Why am I feeling this? My heart keeps on beating faster and faster

whenever I see her. What am I saying?! I could never have those so called
“hearts” IM a demon. But then again, why am I feeling this emotions? I have
never felt this way before. Feelings not suited for a demon to have. And I
am always eager to see her again. What is this then? Just a mere

Ares can’t understand what he feels for Fiona. And FIona thinks she’s just
lighting candles in the wind for the hope of him loving her too. ARes’ heart,
which he says he could never have is in turmoil. Can love give way for these
unlike beings? Can their emotions result to being together?

“Winter Rain”

“Love was never for the two of us. Though you made my stone heart beat.
It still doesn’t make any sense. I’m sorry.”


He was a demon wanting to prove himself worthy of the title ‘king’. She had
all she wanted, except one thing. His heart. She had never wanted anything
in her life like this. She could never have him. That’s what she believes.
Just mere thinking of this breaks her heart. Hopeless it seems yet deep
inside her, she holds on to a little ray of hope. A hope that there might exist
a him and her.

Those steely and pale blue eyes. She can’t help not notice them. His hair,
chestnut brown, that lay upon his beautiful pale skin. And was
erotically slightly curled. He seemed an angel, despite his inhumane face.

How can a being like this exist?

His shoulders was broad, his figure so much like a model’s. Even better than
a model’s. He was very tall, approximately 190 cm. And his smile was so
angelic that can take every girl’s breath away. Though there will be no
deaths concerning his smile, for he never smiles. It’s such a waste. Fiona
didn’t know this, for she believes Ares has many ‘girls’ already.

She was sitting on a racking chair and was facing the fireplace. She
mumbled about something.

“What’s with the rose and that smile?” she said. She can’t help but think
about that guy Ares. Whom she just met last week. An image of him
suddenly came to her mind. An image of him smiling sweetly at her. She
blushed. She couldn’t help herself not to. She had never witnessed such
brilliancy in her whole life. And then She sighed.

“Ares…” She was shocked at this

“oh crap! What’s the matter with me?” She said slapping her face many

“argg… Might as well go for a walk.”

She calmed her self down. Breathed out and said

“That’s right. A walk is what I need.”

She again exhaled. And went to see her face in the mirror and then she
freaked out of herself. Her face looked like a tomato. She had slapped her
face too hard.
“oh crap! Arggg… Nevermind.”

She marched down the stairs angrily. And then suddenly stopped. She
forgot to bring a jacket and a bonnet with her. She was pissed at herself.
And then, made a long face.

“where are you going miss?”

“I’m just going for a walk outside.” she said emptily

“Wait, I’ll just call your per…”

“No thanks, I’m fine by myself.”


“Please! I beg you.”

“uhmmm… I guess it can’t be helped. But please, you have to return before
6:00 pm. Or else, I’m dead miss.”


She was very happy to be able to go outside at last. Her long face was
replaced by a happy one. It made her feel good.

“I’m just going for a walk. With no other intentions of course! Ahahaha…”

She said smiling. Then she changed her voice to reply.

“Yes of course dear, whatever.”

She sighed

“Goodness gracious! I’m really out of my mind!”

After Fiona took a walk for an hour. It was beginning to snow heavily. The
streets were filled with thick snow. She was beginning to feel cold. Though
she was wearing a thick jacket with scarf and a bonnet. Her legs were
failing her. She was walking wobbly, as if she would fall any time. She
reached the city’s park and decided to rest for a bit. And then continued
walking. She needed to go home immediately. She can’t take the coldness
anymore. She suddenly stopped. She can’t move her legs anymore! As if it
were frozen! She tried her best to make her legs move, but they won’t
budge. It took everything she got just to walk pass the park. She doesn’t
have much energy left. She fell. While she was about to fall to the ground
she saw a man’s figure before her eyes. Her vision was vague so she didn’t
identify who the man was. With just a blink of an eye. She was on the guy’s
arms. He was carrying her. She tried to open her eyes once again to see his
face. She can’t see clearly. She dropped her eyelids. And began to sleep.

The man who caught her was Ares. He stared deeply at her with those
empty but beautiful eyes. He didn’t know what got into him to catch her.
He was just passing her by when she began to fall. He was shocked at this
and without knowing it himself. He was already carrying her.

“I can’t believe this.”

He said those words without any emotion in his face. He stared at her for a
second and then walked. He was irritated at what he’d done. The girl was
very heavy.

Behold, the great Ares can’t barely move. For he has used all his strength
when he was making that heavy snowstorm. He was going in the direction of
Fiona’s house.

The wind was cold. Fiona shivered badly. Ares couldn’t go any faster. His
arms and legs were about to fail. Yet still, you can see the same expression
on his face. His stares were as empty as ever. He was like a living dead, so
inhumane. His beautiful hair glittered when it was stricken by the light from
the street lights. He was like an actor in a dramatic scene under the
limelight. The streets were dark. Through those streets he was forcing his
legs vividly. He was in pain, but he didn’t want to accept this. He was
human at the moment after all. Making this decision was so like him. He has
this stubbornness, as what we call it. For him, giving up is a disgrace.
Though he can barely breathe. Still he pushed himself. He closed his eyes,
and swallowed a lump on his throat.

His agony was starting to descend when they reached Fiona’s place. He
pushed the doorbell. And immediately the door opened. A man with dark
hair greeted him. The butler was astonished at Ares. He also couldn’t
believe someone like him existed in this world.

“Miss! The butler said nervously.

The butler was still amazed at Ares, and stared at him for a moment. Then
began to realize his obligation. He didn’t know what to do. He was

“u—ummm..” He stuttered.

“Take her please.” Ares said with straightforwardness.

“umm.. Don’t you want to go inside first master? You seem..”

“Cut the crap will you! Arrgg.. I have no choice. I have t take his offer.” He

“Oh, All right. I might as well be the one carrying her.” He said politely.

He was disgusted at himself for being so polite.

“This way please.”

Fiona’s house was quite big. His legs were really gonna fail him now.

“Please, just one more minute.” He thought

ARes was sweating really hard. Meanwhile, Fiona was regaining

consciousness. She opened her eyes slowly and was shocked to see Ares
carrying her. SHe was about to scream out loud. Yet, she was able to
control herself. Her heart was beating loudly and faster. She then closed her
eyes shut. She calmed herself.

“It’s cold but why am I sweating like this? Goodness, is he this hot? Crap, he
must be disgusted by my excessive sweating. His face looked so composed.
Arrrg! Why am I thinking about that? Why the heck is he the one carrying
me?” She said to herself.

She didn’t know that Ares had seen through her. He knew that she was just
pretending to be unconscious now. This amused him to the point of making
him smile. He wanted to smile, but he was not in the mood to do so. As he
walked on the stairs. Fiona felt that there was something odd about Ares.
She opened her eyes and said without expecting any reply from him.

“Put me down, I’m awake now. I’m heavy right? No need to force yourself.”
“Enjoy this as much as you can. For I will never do this act of shame ever

Fiona blushed at Ares’ words. She was not expecting him to reply. ‘But why
did he reply such a teasing one?’ She thought.

“Just lay her down on that sofa over there master. I’ll go get the two of
you something to drink.” The butler said.

Fiona quickly closed her eyes. She already knew what was coming. His face
would be 1 inch apart from hers. She closed them tightly. He laid her down.
And was not able to move anymore. His head was under her neck. He was
heavy she thought.

The sight of the two of them was like a vampire trying to bite a damsel. She
was paralyzed by his scent. sHe turned red from being pale. She tried to
wake him up. But he could only reply:

“Didn’t I tell you to just enjoy this moment? I’m helpless. Enjoying is all…”



Fiona pushed him away and he fell. Her face was like a tomato’s. Her
butler rushed to her aid when he heard a sound. He saw Fiona freaking out
and was red as a tomato. And also Ares lying down on the carpet. He didn’t
know what was happening.

“Umm.. Miss.”

“Ple..please, let him sleep in our gu..guest room.”

“As you please, my lady.”

The butler bowed and carried Ares to the guest room.

Fiona sighed. And then she lye down on the sofa. She stretched her arms.
And then caressed them. She can still feel the warmth of Ares’ soft and
beautiful skin. His strong arms and slim body that carried her. And
especially that odd look on his face. Which made her feel that he was in
pain. She closed her eyes and began to have a deep slumber.
Fiona was also a beautiful girl. She was 13; compared to Ares’ age, she was
too young. Ares’ real age was 180 demon years. This is equivalent to 18
years old in our world. This two beings might not be alike but. They feel the
same. Ares might not ever accept this fact, but this is the truth.

Fiona has face that looked like a doll. She has long eye lashes, and
emerald green eyes. Her hair is like a princess’. Straight at the roots yet
slightly curled at the ends. She has a very long hair that can even touch the
ground when she sits on the floor. She has pinkish skin that can even
compare to Ares’. A perfect face as they call it. She has many suitors of
course. But she dumps every one of them. It is even amazing that she likes
Ares this much.

She slowly opened her eyes. And sat down on the sofa. She took a deep
breath and quickly went to the guest room. Wishing him to be still asleep.
As she stood at the door, her hand was shaking. She cleared her throat and

All was in slow motion. The door creaked. It slowly opened. The door was
very dark. She smelled a very paralyzing smell. She was petrified at the
door because there was a dark figure standing and looking at her from the
window. It was raining outside, lightning strike down. Thanks to the light
from the lightning she was able to see the guy. His shirt was unbuttoned.
She looked at the bed. Someone was sleeping.


She rushed to the bed. And saw that Ares was sleeping soundly. She turned
her back to face the creature slowly. It was dark, but yet she can see the
man’s angry eyes. The lightning was there again. And in an instant the
creature was before her. She was afraid, really afraid. The creature she
thought was not human. She had the feeling that it wanted to devour her.

“Ares.. Save me.”

She felt rather warm all of a sudden. Someone was hugging her from
behind. She looked back. It was Ares. He was hugging her. She looked
forward and saw nothing. She was confused. ‘What the hell was that?’

She spoke,

Fiona was shocked, for Ares was sleeping soundly. She wanted to cry.

Why was this happening she thought. She dried her tears. And went to
switch on the lights. And then, she was horrified! Ares was not there
anymore and the window was open. The wind was so strong as if it made the
curtains tremble. It was even weirder when she found out that it was raining
outside. It was winter, and to think the temperature was 28° F.

“A Winter rain?” she thought.

She went towards the opened window. She was about to close it when she
saw someone below. When she blinked the person suddenly disappeared.
She rubbed her eyes. The weather was funny today. She checked the time.
It was 8:05. She went to look for her butler.  

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