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Day and Night

Table of Contents
Day and Night
Day & Night
Daytime Duties
A Normal Nighttime
Super Sequencing
Something Is Not Right!
Super Sunny
Such a Warm Sun
Sunrise and Sunset
Marvelous Moon
Make a Night Sky
Counting Stars
Stars in a Jar
Star Letter Matching
Blast Off!
Let's Review

Certificate of Completion

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Day & Night
Hi friends, I’m Daisy Daytime, and this is Norman Nighttime. We’re
superheroes. I help people during the day, and Norman helps them
at night. Draw a picture of what the sky might look like during the
day for me, and at nighttime for Norman. What types of things
would you see in the sky?

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Daytime Duties
There are many things to do during the daytime!
Circle the things that you do during the day. Be
careful, some of these things are not correct!

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A Normal Nighttime
Nights can be busy too! Circle the things that you
do at night. Be careful, some of these things are
not correct!

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Super Sequencing!
What a mixed-up morning! Cut out the pictures
along the dotted line. Have your grown-up help
you figure out the order that they go in. Glue them
into the boxes in the correct order.

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Super Sequencing!
Glue the cut out pictures into the
boxes in the correct order.

1 2

3 4
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Something is Not Right
Daisy Daytime is confused! There are things in
this picture that usually only happen at night!
Figure out what is not right and circle anything
that doesn’t belong in this daytime picture.

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Super Sunny “S”
The sun is a super part of
any day! Say the word sun.
What sound do you hear

Look at the other pictures and say their names. Do

they begin with the same sound as sun? This is the
“s” sound. Trace the letter “s.”

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Such a Warm Sun
For this activity you will need:
• Paper plate
• Red, yellow, and orange tissue paper
• Glue
• 6-8 Yellow construction paper triangles

Do you think the sun is hot or

cold? Does it cool us off, or
keep us warm? That’s right, it
keeps us warm. Let’s make our
own sun using warm colors.

1. Red, yellow, and orange are all considered to be

warm colors, like fire or flames. Tear your
warm-colored tissue paper into medium-sized
pieces, and glue them to your paper plate to
create a collage or mosaic.
2. Let it dry.
3. Now glue the yellow triangles around the out-
side of your plate to complete your sun.
4. Draw a face on your sun. Hang it around the
house or in a window.

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Sunrise and Sunset
The sun moves across the sky each day. In the morning we say
that the sun is rising or coming up. At night, we say that it is setting
or going down. Can you draw the sun rising and setting? Have
your grown-up help you draw arrows showing which way the sun is

Sunrise Sunset

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Marvelous Moon
The moon is a marvelous
part of any night! Say the
word moon. What sound do
you hear first?

Look at the pictures and say their names. Do they

begin with the same sound as moon? This is the “m”
sound. Trace the letter M.

M M M Milk

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Sucha Night
Make a WarmSky Sun
What you will need:
• White construction paper
• Black and blue watercolor paint
• Paintbrushes
• Star stickers
• White crayons

How to make a night sky mural:

1. First, draw a night scene with your white crayon.
Draw a moon and some stars.
2. Now paint the whole paper with black watercolor.
3. Can you see your white stars shining through?
That is the wax in the crayons resisting the
water paint!
4. When the paint is all dry add some shiny star
stickers to give your picture some color.

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Counting Stars
There are far too many stars in the sky for us
to count. However, we can count the number
of stars that we see in the boxes. Count the
stars in each box and write the number of
stars that you see on the line.

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Stars in a Jar
The night sky is a beautiful
sight! This activity allows you
to have your own night sky to
look at any time you like.

For this project you will need:

• 1-2 bottles of Karo Syrup (light-colored corn syrup), depending on
the size jar you use.
• A clear, empty jar.
• A handful of glow-in-the-dark stars
• A tube of glitter (approximately ½ cup). Blue or silver glitter may
work best.

Let’s create a night sky in a jar!

• Add all ingredients to the jar.
*Add glitter slowly to the syrup. A little goes a long way.*
• Have a grown-up help you seal the jar.
• Let the jar sit in the light to “charge” the stars.
• Take the jar into a dark room and enjoy your night sky!

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Star Letter Matching
Grown-ups: This activity should be printed on
heavy weight paper. Cardstock would be ideal.
Print out several pages of the star cut-outs. It
may be easier or faster if you help your child
cut the stars out. In the middle of each star,
write one letter of the alphabet until you have
all 26 letters.
Have your child do the same thing. Now you
should have two sets of stars with the letters of
the alphabet on them. Put your set into a bowl.
Without peeking, pick one star out. Have your
child find the star from his set with the same
letter on it. Do this until you have matched all of
the letters.
Variation: Make one set upper case, and the
other lower case.

A a
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Star Letter Matching

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Blast Off!
Sometimes people like to travel into space.
They’ve even gone to the moon! These people are
called astronauts, and they travel using rockets.
Let’s build our own rocket. Note: Grown-ups should
be responsible for this project.

For this project you will need: Draw a picture showing how
• Plastic film canister high your rocket flew!
• Alka-Seltzer tablets (broken
into 3-4 pieces)
• Water

How to make your own rocket:

• Place one of the broken
pieces of Alka-Seltzer into
the canister.
• QUICKLY add water until it’s
about half full, and then put
the lid on.
• Set it down on the ground
(with the lid facing
the ground).
• Stand at a safe distance
and watch your rocket fly!

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Let’s Review
Cut out the pictures. Think about whether or not they happen
during the daytime, or at night. Place them in the correct box.

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Let’s Review

Day Night

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Great job!
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