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“A fascinating and voluble book ... Cricket is much more ‘than a game for Mr James: it is a way of life.” Neville Cardus The Guardian ‘The West Indian scene, peopled with characters as colourful as its islands, and home of some of the most exciting personalities ever produced by cricket, isthe first love of one of its distinguished sons, C.L.R. James. In this enlightening book, he writes not only about ticket, but indulges entertainingly in philosophising about many aspects of life ~ sociology, the culture of ancient Greece, politics and art. But his love of cricket runs through the book like a golden thread. There are clear and tender pictures of C.L.R. James's family, Ait with a Dickensian humour and vividness: there are endearing character sketches ofthe old West Indian cticketers: Geonge John, ‘Pigey’ Piggott, Old Cons, Sir Leatie Constantines father, and Victor Pascall, Learie’s delightful uncle: and besides these profiles there are masterly full-length portraits of the cricketeis he most admired, @ Cone thay Sal Pl IN UR ONLY son 0-o9-127781~7 Wl 8009112771 4 BUSES HEE 4 eo C.L.R. JAMES C.L. R. JAMES Beyond a Boundary seencnsaacidl — Foreword by Mike Brearley Stanley Paul Lenson Syey Asad Johnetors Seley Pat and Co tat - iptincof tao Cetary Gre 8 andor Contry Aust Py Ld 20 Ae Ss toe ao, Sey, NSW 262 andor Cazary New Zend Lined 19 ashe PO Box 40-086 lel. Akin 1 Cera Hchon Sout Aes Py) Lad PO Box 57, Bes 2 South en it pba 19 opines 86 Pap io 969 epee 1976, 18, 9851950 CLR jmest963 “The ight fC LR, Js eed author afte moka en seedy C.J sacra wit th Copy, Desig ad Pats, 988 ied an board a Get Bein Bie Ld, Gale an King’s Lino To Leave Constantine and W.G. Grae far both of whom ths book hopes o right grave ‘vrongs, and, in so doing, extend our too limited ‘conceptions of history and ofthe ne ars, To there two names Ladd that of Frank Wore, who has made idea and aspirations into reality CONTENTS A WINDOW TO THE WORLD “The Window ‘Against the Current Old Schooleie ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE ‘The Light andthe Dark Patient Merit "Three Generations ‘The Most Unkindest Cut ONE MAN IN HIS TIME Prince and Pauper ‘Magpaniriy in Polis ‘Wherefore Ate These Things Hid? TO INTERPOSE A LITTLE EASE ‘George Headley: Nasctue Non Fit 8 Ps ” Baus tos 10 no 3 4 5 6 ” W.G.: PRE-EMINENT VICTORIAN ‘What Do Men Live By? Prolegomena to W.G. ws. Deine ofthe West THE ART AND PRACTIC PART wae Ar “The Welfie State of Mind Vox POPULE “The Proof ofthe Pudding ‘Alma Mater: Lares and Peaster plague and Apoheois Idee 17 9 184 90 i | ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS “The author is grateful forthe we of passages from the {allowing books. Don Bradnar by Philip Lindy (Phoenix Ho) Mare Tay Joh Ao hens Ho) nd ‘Crdeters by Clyde Walcott (Hodder and Sogn ty” te PREFACE “This book is neitber cricket ceminisences nor antobio- Gey. Te pwes the goestion What do they brow of BE obo en cicket brow? To answer involves ideas at wel as fats “The sutbiograpicl framework shows the ideas more cor lea in the sequence that they developed in ration t2 ‘he events, he facts andthe penonaltis which prompted {hear If the ideas originate in the West nds it was only ‘pr ingland and in English fe and hsory that Cas able 13 tn them down and test them. To establish his own Benny, Caltan, afer three centuis, mest himel€ pone eos Cc never ew. London Foreword by Mike Brearley ‘Wha par does spor, ad in parcel ihe, play in Scien? A cae canbe made for » humble, a minimal, even » damaging role. Sport appeals 10 Tienes which are liable to depen nto mere crowds, sometines mobs “They canbe crudely aggresive and ungenerous “Cricket can be redaced to stanicrscorer and averages—aumbers.0n seorasheet The rule of dhe ame are span it may be fle hat he inva is subordinated co dhe seguirrent ofthe tum. Prhap ii for such reams that ro many sportsmen age conformist and vaimaginav. "Always the gate hinges around winning and losing: aesthetics ae second ay 0 suecen An elegant cover dere can each the boundaty or be topped ‘bout an elegans parde-dea no further queon ares. Whether Mio “bees Mondtin ian aademic isa, ke comparing Richards os abuse with, 9 Chappel; bor wieter Engand beat Aurtalia, whether Lilee bowls out Boycot isthe sf of cricket, ‘Sport the cate consider, reduces people eter than enlarges cham: it fosters ngrestion, or at ere channle i elaively hares ways ei peripheral and wasteful. Sich» cae for she prosscution has recopizableFestures, though 1 woul subinit thrive a carcuce in which he lear sracive gules ofthe face ae tastes forthe whale ‘Beyond « Boundary seeped defence aang uch a view. Fede, cis more dan 4 defense. The book makes 10 odes chims. Just as Soest found gly of eonrpting the youth of Athens, proposes as his pent hare shouldbe daed athe at's expense fo the est of his day, so. LR. James Aknand hacrcke, ffm being apologised fo, should take is place aan tt nota bastard or a por elason bu fll member of she comimaniy "He arguen moreover tht nll hav, fom snobbery and ignorance ovsisently undervalued sport not only ftom an are poit of view but to hstorally and sovislogeal. One of bis erample is W. G. Grae. He Sraer the imporance cricket and other sports ad in the lives of the Victorians. He argues tht Grace cepreseated pre-Vistoran guar in a exiog-—cicherhich speed uniquly othe mass, He comment Snr crerety ofa ae of WG. and of any reference ro Bis by socal Fstorans. OF Grace! J undead handed he writes ‘Nee ince he ay oth Ohi champions of Gea at he ing ed ‘och end oh the Oi me iar eer px, or Ne ih rach en, hag ceed omen seepage enantio po EE cere SE dom noc aradgo ar The not of thy ibn a tan of Wrst ey es srege eine ore etn ee ny i eel ao wet om ne ik soe fg tht Fede pera oe neon tee or He a a ceed no boman psy a ring ES Staaf eons CLR James i concert to place riches on & map of aman cin. Placing neces i ster dpleying the rlion of he hing ia question t0 caer ge a careogeag: cannot show the laction ofc See Ciccone then. Silay, James. cy fr Iowa of other sansa ie Hence his posing se question: "What do they teow of cickes who ony cricket know?” ny cis nox the suhoe says, an auobograpy, bat i ses scttiopaialy wih vivid count frie’ ple non evn’ i: arotlonrenhy yal ine ear the Young boy imbibed isk rom his sont house jus “Tiida; ow be Teyond the boundary of Tunapura Cricket Groords eeegaciad by Arhus Jones cut fascntd by the Tena peveen Mashew Bondman the grcefal batsman and Mashew sa eager ner dowel how nis weet boy was capable of andre orev geawry om silo playin ame frickin which Se mthikable wo do anything dshones; how, as tl, be rad ae eccys how hi fire arcs, publihe in he same eon of the aa rine, were aye on Cobden’ math’ which Cambridge Best Faeyr rans) and on “The gove as a instrument of reform “Caickein the W etnies wa ela instrament of sor and of wre pobcctciieracton, James el f cob vie in Tied eck, ‘with dhe sub sh ra of bow, He deeibes the stupue so win aspen Te a black captain forthe nso side, wbich ead ollmest re esto of Frank Worl i 1960, He wodersan well be impact dhe in Rn ini, desing the arc pride f Laie Comsatiog ‘bide, Shannon {ar yo bad jined un he er once a the subo, We esl hve yy ice ip a esl he St ls per td wer tna a fea a pie 90) lt Ihave been 2 surprise so C. L. R. James. a bates Gar hy nl ori "eal rai the Hee ee eres ain on ee ee ie Sails de hewn Se ee monly ahhaens sponded Syne Cen en aoe ee coun crore Reprise Sa Sama (ech diver in acomplee ens ech eas plc a lie ERR SoU ar gui of cbs seme {Sabu oi ane Hep by eS cee ee eset since mee He Spc bagel eo = eel ore tccrae cana ceaar seat ae ee a nn epi toe a Serna aN ga ac aero Fe ttre nae il od ee ove eke rn pre [ee lps age arog meinen See a ioe opis kop Fe a a i Jp oman cnetote thle omtanm abe ol inal a ip vonroneee rep repeier a enanaeaie “of the world? ™ nan Sr asi det ine exe fare hgh Fee en ie ie shar ye eal aie er et are ca one ele sl JESSE TUS verses ce ee a tsa dce on ra rors ACUI ie Seah aoa sh shower ig aetna ayes penne than we ever intgined, wer to make te parade aim tht she actully ase human ‘CL. . Jas brings to this book hie sls a novel, etc and soci ‘Wstoran, Asa Mars, he able ive du weight tthe oc factors inthe tmergence of erick’ individuals at + moras, he writs in the radon of {Repu conservatives of ericke' olen forming values od hance. This ‘ange of qualen, unique the ricer weer, means that Beyoud «Boundary fase wide and deeper questions, and follows them srough more percept Frey and thoroughly than any ccke Book 1 know, without ay los in descriptive pore and evocation of character. Th thre the book ia lnc of cricket ertere and, mote tha da, 2 ‘ascinating contibcion to setts and soc history. A WINDOW TO THE WORLD 1 The Window bout 3000 inhabits, saad eight miles along the rond from Port of Spain, the capil city of Trinidad. Like all towns and villages om the island, e posted a recreation ground. Recreation meant Crike, fr in thove days, except for infrequent athletic spots meeting, ‘ick was the only game. Our house was superbly sitmated, early tehind he wicket. A ge tree on one side and another house onthe other Timited the view of the ground, bur an umpire could have stood atthe bedroom window. iy sending ona chara sl boy of sx eould watch pactice crery afternoon and inatches on Satardaps—with matting one pitch could and ofen did serve for boc practice and matches, From the Er alo he could mount on tothe window-sil ands seth a groping hand forthe books onthe top ofthe wardrobe, Thus eel he pattern of ‘my life was set. The trafic on the road was heavy, there was no fence ‘betwen the front yard and che sree. T was an adventurons lle boy and sory grandmother and my two aunt, with whom I lived for hal the ‘eas the rainy seston, preferred men the backyard orin the house where they could keep an eye on me. When I tired of playing inthe yard 1 perched myself on the chair by the window. I doo if for some yews 1 [Knew what [wat looking tin dea Buc this watching from the window shaped one of my aonges erly impresions of personality in society. His name was Matthew Bondman and belived next door us. B Tse at the beginning of this century was a small town of Beyond a Boundary He was & young man atedy when I fet cemember him, medium Incight and ler and an awl character, He was generally dey. He would fot work. Hiscyes were fire, his angaage was violent and his voice was oud, Tis ips curled back naturally and he intensified it by an aost perpetoal sac, My grandmother and my aunts detested him. He would ‘fn without ame val: up the main tex barefooted, with is planks ‘ndhe grounds my grandmother would seport. He did iofen and my (Grandmother must have seen iehndreds of nes, but she neve failed © ‘Bpor i, aif sh had suddenly sen the pasion walking down the sect bbaetooted, The whole Bondaan family, except forthe father, was on Stbtory Ie was from his mother that Mathew had inherited ot bvorbed his ie for language and invective. His ter Mace was quick bor bad, and despite all the citcualocutions, or pethaps becuse of them, ‘which my aunts employed, T knew it had something todo with ‘men’ But the two fares were linked. They rented from us, they had lived therefor long time, and thee ieegularity of ie exercised its fascination foe muy poritancal aunts, But that not why Tremember Mathew. For eeedovwll in fact vicious character, 38 be was, Matthew had one Tnving grace Mathew could bat. More than cat, Matthew, so crude ad gar in every aspect of his if, witha bat in his hand was all grace Adal, When he practised on an afternoon with the local lab people Fayed to watch and walked away when he vas finshed. He bad one pstculatsroke that he played by going doven low on one knee. Keay Bove been slash rough the covers o + sweep to leg, But, wharever ft foes whenever Matthew sk down and madeit, along. ow ‘Ah came [ow many a spectator, and may owm litle soul thrilled with recognition and delight ‘Matthew's career didnot last long. He would not practise regal, ‘ne wold not pay bit subscription to che lub. They persevered with iz, Felping him outwith fannel and white shoes for matches. [remember Reza the Indian, watching him practise one day and shaking his head twit deep regret how coulda man who coal bat ike that s0 waste his lene Matthew dropped out early, Bot he vas my first acauainance ‘Sih she ge Brtanniws.afine atsman, and the impact that he makes on {IT around him, nomcrcketers and cickecers alike, The conrat beeween, ‘Machow’spiable existence a an individual nd the attade peopl bad towards hi filled may growing mind and bas occupied me to this day. ‘ame into personal contact with Mathew. His brother was my playmate 4 The Window snd yen we got in Mathews way he gtd and shouted at sin most ferihing amex, My sont wore wncompeembng in their judgments SFhm tad yr my ganimoor® ofepeted ved "Good for Soding expo fly cick” id nose ight me, How could an ‘Bait pla rice tone in any sense for Mathews sbonizable way SEL Paralny ws my grander and my aunts were notin 33 stay apport oles ofthe game Ny cond lidar was no fron bt ke, andthe maker of i yas Arh Joc He wats brownish Negro, a mediamsied man, ‘rio waled with quick sopsand active shoulders He hada par of rete, rosie eye ted quickly and even ammcted line, He wore 2 "ir cln at wen beng, ond he wed oct How be wed oct Tie watched counsy cick for wesks nendandseen whole Tex matches ‘without eng one Cac as Jocs edt sak, and for yeas when ee fw one | murmured to myeele ‘Arar Joes” The cow was Sfating foe Ua ny window was waking, abd 500m | began © Flay seiouly (learnt tha Arar was wating frie too. When de Ext down ouside theo (nd now, eink, even when was ‘igh ous fed msl a hiss, up went is bs nd he broght {down nou the balls woodsan pos Bs axe 0 bee. don't temunber hi asing the ball move ine ie ew pat pint or between fein and thed slp the crowd bar ot in anode Shout and Jone Iie cap oped beesn the wicks. "Te yrs pased |asin ny ene tachoo, playing rice, reading vice, ldlang Tinker, Bake snd Shelly, when one dey Tame Sere following aboot rst cickee f the cghcethcenty: ety tn Bean i he ge of he atid, the serledcomponie ofthe look, the peng ihtang ‘ofthe eye, the rapid glances of the bat, were lca. Men's hes throbbed within them thir chee tore ple and ed. Michal Angelo shoul bave painted hin” ‘Thi wailing enough began ong “Balham was great in vey it, ba hi elie glory wat the ex es he sod, wh no an Hed is, he aul war as own ‘omelet uo ake Hw seed to am on ping fe 5 Beyond Boundary nest sel, He took the ball, at Burke did che Howse of Commons, Fe rind and water—not a moment too son or le. Beldham cll ‘By tase I ad sen many fine caters, on of them, W. St Hil ae ie day nrpased. But the page brought back Jones and meee tire my mind and anchored hi here fo ood ad Spottt Michelangelo, Burke. Grck history bd already itodsced aa eeklland the Prichenon; fom engravings and reproductions 1 Shey begun ale longwowhip of Michelangelo; and Bork, begun sa eey eae bad ply become for mete mow exiing mer SER sgh knew ley long pages fhm by Bear. Thee ee eae ofa this war Wiliam Beda and cof pase aie Hecrnich 1noted ine that the phase,‘ ithe Hote $i eetucen wind and wot, had Ben wed by Burke Bisel bout A Towbend in che etch on Ameren aon, "Tac mater war fc fom nied. Some ine ner ead x complicated deren ofthe mechanism andtming of he eat by CB. Fry, his sere it ears mow dul woke to maner and dat een in sereg evi quem exponents hee wete prods when it would ot aa censor in sevice’, abe pad ie Bs, he aed, wit mot ee tran absohely eur ok and one sew benef ‘ai by tuomen who oer coal bal be led batsmen sal rae rad this ek an overwhelming sue of jufiaion. Child TG ra Thad noe been wrong abou Jones, Basan oF no, he sont Jose brani nataral car. However, 1d aie dat eee animark in my ctkexng ie was a ncoke—and meses thar one gle stoke ‘Oana ne niny day Iwas confined tomy window, TanspansC-C. seas tng ad Jot ws in ses fon ca oy in msl ery TEES aati on hwo and eaing away, Bute wick was sree the iar were canny. The fide boundary atone end wat UG, Tag yur saya barbed vie nce which sepa he ground Pee cenation Down came skort bal up wen Jones and shed see eee the usa shot, sodden ance and acter sost no ‘Sibson om my window Tw oes lingo 22 See walk sy. He al been caught by point standing w PRP She barked wit ould por se fom my window and 1 6 ‘The Window Sales abed elt dre ne dec Se le eee ae Feat eee epee pepe ee ere encase ae acters eae wee ee ome es cae ot eee eens Se ears eee et ee ieee ts cme pee Thy ny ae = Pe ee ere eres he ey rt Serer pd el ener serra ee pe ihe oe speck mg Serer penta ey wih ee eae ee eRe erp ra tenet peepee ene ann or lycra ie) ‘predestination, including the postion of the hows in ffont of the re- elena sins a cit ee ale, we ce pense es tree al tg te Doreen ie terme cerita set i of he ger Eom i ae eto eae ane eee pene pmc gel el a ee ft peered ed Soe pains egress oat oe en eee ee eee seu en eel ae ore ee ee eee ee ee ee eee ioe ee ee scr Si mening drm ot mabe te ” Beyod a Bowdary his family the underwear of the women

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